Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Kuzmenko Mikhail Mikhailovich. Information about experience in social activities

Has a higher education medical education- specialty pediatrician, as well as higher economic and legal education. Doctor of Medical Sciences, academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, has the highest qualification category in the specialty “Social hygiene and healthcare organization”.

Labor activity:
Member of the industry trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation since 1960. In trade union work since 1971, he worked his way up from an instructor to the secretary of the Central Committee of the trade union of medical workers. He stood at the origins of the creation of the Russian Industrial Trade Union. In January 1990, the medical community, placing high trust in him, elected M.M. Kuzmenko chairman of the Russian Republican Committee of the trade union of medical workers, then chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union of healthcare workers of the RSFSR (June 1990), chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation (1992) and since 1995 to date - Chairman of the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation.
Thanks to his inexhaustible energy and professionalism, Mikhail Mikhailovich enjoys authority in various ministries and departments social sphere, trade union organizations in Russia, international industry trade unions and their associations.
He actively participates in the life of society and the state. Thus, Mikhail Mikhailovich is a participant in the constitutional meeting on the development of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, an expert of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, an expert of the standing commission of the General Council of the FNPR on rule-making and protection of trade union rights, President of the International Confederation of Trade Unions of Health Workers, Vice-President of the Public Service International, Titular member of the World Executive Council PSI, Titular Member Executive Committee European Trade Union Federation Public Association, President of the Association of Trade Unions of Non-Production Sector Workers of the Russian Federation, member of the executive committees of the All-Union Communist Party and the FNPR, member of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations. As part of the permanent commission of the General Council of the FNPR, he took part in the development of additions and changes to Labor Code RF. Mikhail Mikhailovich is also on the board of directors of the Bank of Trade Union Solidarity and Social Investment "Solidarity", Russian Fund trade union property, is a member of the board of the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.
The medical community and the state highly appreciate the activities of M.M. Kuzmenko and his contribution to the development of science and healthcare. He is one of the initiators of the revival of the Pirogov Congresses of Doctors, which allowed them to independently solve the most important professional problems; is the author of more than a hundred articles in various media in Russia and the CIS countries, two monographs devoted to healthcare issues in a market economy and management in healthcare.

Awards and titles:
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, anniversary medal "For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin", medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", gold medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" healthcare", an honorary silver badge of the All-Union Communist Party "For services to the trade union movement", badges "Excellence in healthcare", "Excellence in the sanatorium-resort complex of trade unions of Russia", "Veteran of the Trade Union", "For active work in trade unions", various Certificates of Honor, gratitude and other awards.

Chairman of the Professional Union of Health Workers Russian Federation

Kuzmenko Mikhail Mikhailovich - Chairman of the Trade Union of Healthcare Workers of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Born in Moscow on October 15, 1942. Has higher medical, as well as higher economic and legal education.

In the healthcare system - about 50 years. Member of the Industry Trade Union - since 1960. At the end of the 80s he was at the origins of the creation of the Russian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers. In June 1990 he was elected its chairman.

He is a member of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, a member of the Government Commission on the Protection of Citizens' Health, a member of the Board of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a member Certification Commission Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member of the Board of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, member of the General Council and Executive Committee of the FNPR, member of the standing commission of the General Council of the FNPR on social guarantees, Chairman of the Certification Commission for certification for the qualification category of medical and pharmaceutical workers health organizations of the FNPR, President of the Association of Trade Unions of Non-Production Workers of the Russian Federation, the International Confederation of Trade Unions of Health Workers, member of the Council and Executive Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, Vice-President of the Public Service International (PSI), the European Federation of Public Service Trade Unions (EPSU), titular member of the World Executive Committee of the PSI and the Executive Committee of the EPSU, member of the Board of JSC ROFOPRIM, member of the Board of the Sanatorium and Resort Association FNPR Profkurort LLC, member of the Board of the Bank JSP Solidarnost.

He has state awards: the Order of Friendship, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and has also been awarded a large number of government and trade union awards.


  • Dear Colleagues! No. 4(98), 2019
  • Dear Colleagues! No. 3(92-93), 2018
  • Mikhail Kuzmenko: “Issues of ensuring decent material remuneration for medical workers for their work remain among the priorities of the industry Trade Union” No. 2(91), 2018
  • Dear friends! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2018! No. 6(89), 2017
  • Mikhail Kuzmenko: “The focus of the Trade Union is the pressing problems of healthcare workers” No. 3 (86), 2017
  • Mikhail Kuzmenko: “Healthy social breathing and the pulse of the medical workforce and each employee have always been and will remain the most important criteria for the Trade Union” No. 2 (80), 2016

Date of Birth: 15.10.1942

Education (availability of an academic degree, academic title): 2nd Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov, specialty “Pediatrics” qualification, “Pediatrician”, 1967

Current place of work: 1995 - present Trade Union of Health Workers of the Russian Federation - Chairman

Scope of activity in the Public Council:

Experience Details social activities:

1990-current member of the General Council and Executive Committee of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

1993 - current member of the Board of the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund

1993 - present Vice-President, President of the Association of Trade Unions of Non-Production Sector Workers of the Russian Federation

1994 - present President of the International Confederation of Health Workers' Trade Unions

1994 - current member of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of CJSC ROFOPRIM

1995 - current member of the Management Board of LLC Sanatorium and Resort Association FNPR Profkurort

1997 - current member of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Bank of Trade Union Solidarity and Social Investment "Solidarity" (JSC)

2004 - current member of the Council and Executive Committee of the General Confederation of Trade Unions

2007 - present Vice President of Public Service International

2007 - present Vice-President of the European Federation of Public Service Trade Unions

2007 - present Titular member of the PSI World Executive Committee and the EPSU Executive Committee

Information on participation in expert and advisory bodies, working groups under government agencies and local governments:

1993 - current member of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations

2006 - current member of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

2012-current member of the Government Commission on Citizens' Health Protection

2012 - current member of the Board of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

2014-2016 member of the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Health

Scientific titles, degrees, awards, etc.: Doctor of Medical Sciences; highest qualification category majoring in “Social hygiene and healthcare organization”;

government awards: Order of Friendship, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation,” anniversary medal “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin", diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation, honorary title "Veteran of Labor"; departmental awards: diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, badge “Excellence in Health Care”, medal “For Services to National Health Care”, Gratitude of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation; trade union awards: various awards of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation, the General Confederation of Trade Unions, the Association of trade unions of non-production workers of the Russian Federation, the International Confederation of trade unions of healthcare workers


- Chairman of the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation.

Mikhail Mikhailovich has more than 40 years of work experience, including leadership positions in healthcare institutions.

Trade union activity since 1971

1971-1973 - instructor, deputy. head department production work And wages Central Committee of the Trade Union of Medical Workers;

1977-1980 - instructor, deputy. head department of production work and wages, head. organizational and instructor department of the Central Committee of the trade union of medical workers;

1982-1990 - head. department of production work and wages, secretary of the Central Committee of the trade union of medical workers;

since 1990 - Chairman of the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation.


Higher, graduated from the 2nd Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogova, specialty pediatrician. Has a second higher education in economics and law. Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Awards and titles:

  • State awards: medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree (2002), honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” (1995), Order of Friendship (2014);
  • Government awards: Certificate of honor Government of the Russian Federation (2012), Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation “For assistance provided in the preparation and conduct of the All-Russian competition” Russian organization high social efficiency"(2005, 2007);
  • Anniversary medals: “For valiant work. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin" (1970), "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997), commemorative medal "Patriot of Russia" (2011);
  • Russian Ministry of Health: medal “For services to domestic healthcare” (2002);
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia: badge “Excellence in Healthcare” (2012), Gratitude “For high professionalism and active participation in the work of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation” (2012);
  • Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of Russia: Gratitude “For great contribution to the development of compulsory health insurance” (2007);
  • Honorary titles: “Veteran of Labor”, “Veteran of the Trade Union of Healthcare Workers of the Russian Federation”;
  • Trade union awards:

Badges— All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions “For active work in trade unions”; FNPR: “Excellence in the sanatorium-resort complex of trade unions of Russia”, “For active work in trade unions”, “For services to the trade union movement of Russia”; All-Union Communist Party: honorary silver badge “For services to the trade union movement”, commemorative silver badge “20 years of the All-Union Communist Party”, honorary gold badge of the All-Union Communist Party “For services to the trade union movement”; Association of Trade Unions of Non-Production Sector Workers of the Russian Federation: honorary badge “Association”; Trade Union of Healthcare Workers of the Russian Federation: badge of the Trade Union, 1st degree; ROO of the Trade Union of Healthcare Workers in Moscow: honorary badge “20 years of the Trade Union of Healthcare Workers in Moscow”;

Medals - FNPR: “100 years of trade unions in Russia”; Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia: trade union gold medal of the CPA “Badge of Honor”;

Certificates of honor— All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, FNPR, representative of the FNPR in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, the All-Union Communist Party, ICPRZ, Central Committee of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, Trade Union of Health Workers of the Russian Federation;

Acknowledgments- from the FNPR, the All-Union Communist Party of Russia, the Trade Union of Health Workers of the Russian Federation, the MOP "Education and Science", the Central Council of the Sports Society of Trade Unions "Russia" for their active participation in organizing and holding the VI Festival of Russian Sports Clubs, etc .;

Winner of the award named after. V.M. Yakovlev Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Mikhail Kuzmenko is a recognized leader of the Trade Union of Health Workers of Russia, who knows the problems of the industry "from the inside" through constant contacts with its workers for decades. Mikhail Mikhailovich knows how to defend the socio-economic interests of doctors in the Presidential Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and the Ministry of Health of Russia. At the initiative of Andrei Poltorak, editor-in-chief of Medical Newspaper, Mikhail Kuzmenko, chairman of the industry trade union, and Yury Shevchenko, former Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, 17 years have passed All-Russian competition"Best Doctor of the Year"

Mikhail Mikhailovich, your multifaceted life has contained so many events that it is time to write about meetings with interesting people, about those whom you helped, in whose fate you took part. I remember you told me when you worked as deputy chief physician at clinic No. 3 in Moscow and were Leonid Utesov’s attending physician. Which famous person have you crossed paths with in your life, who left a mark on your memory?

I have been very lucky in my life to meet amazing, strong-willed people - both in Kazakhstan as part of construction teams, and in Siberia, and in the Far East. I was very impressed by the courageous people when I was among the liquidators of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in Spitak after the earthquake, where we organized medical assistance. The people in our country are truly wonderful, showing the best human qualities in the most difficult life situations. Alexey Moskvichev, Evgeny Chazov, Boris Petrovsky, Vladimir Starodubov taught me a lot when discussing issues of healthcare development. And what is it worth to work together with Yulia Mikhailova, now the first deputy director of the Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health Care. I saw new approaches to the problems of the industry from former ministers Tatyana Dmitrieva and Tatyana Golikova, and even now from Veronika Skvortsova. This made it clear that it is not in vain that the trade union serves the interests of doctors, protecting their social and labor rights.

Every true physician views his profession as a calling and interest in it is considered a key value. You also chose medicine consciously, out of a desire to help people overcome diseases? Why did trade union work take over?
- Yes, I went into medicine deliberately. My parents passed away early, my mother was ill for a long time. Having seen enough of the suffering, I made a choice - the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. Naturally, he worked part-time as a nurse and on duty. You could say he went from a nurse to a manager medical institution, was the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the institute. I communicated a lot with the trade union and young people, and knew their needs very well. At that time there was such a movement as “Practical Help in Healthcare”. Then they gathered students and residents from universities into medical teams, and they went to the regions during the summer holidays to help doctors. Moreover, summer is always a vacation time, and polyclinics and hospitals lacked staff. I was also among such enthusiasts. Probably, this activity, the desire to lend a shoulder to a comrade, to help him with advice and deed, led me to the trade union path. The decision finally matured when he worked at the Morozov hospital, by the way, he was a good diagnostician. This was in 1971, so I’ve been defending the rights of doctors for 46 years now. Naturally, I had to study, graduate from the Faculty of Economics and Law, in order to understand all issues of building healthcare. There was a time when, having come to the collegium of the Ministry of Health, I was met with a dumb question: “Why is the trade union here?” What does he supposedly understand about medicine...

I had to prove by active participation in the discussion of pressing issues that the trade union is not just an opponent, but a constructive opponent in the dispute when it comes to the interests of doctors for a decent life, about the upcoming changes in the industry. Therefore, I defended my dissertation on health economics and wrote a monograph on this topic. Assessing my professional path from the heights of today, I do not regret at all that I chose it. When you see that you are needed, it gives you strength, and you again want to “fight” for the rights of doctors.

In what areas of trade union activity have you achieved specific results that benefit doctors, and what did it cost?

We constantly from high stands and in the trade union’s appeals to the country’s leadership noted the low level of wages as one of the significant factors influencing Negative influence on the balance of staffing in medical institutions. And this, in turn, causes a shortage of specialists, the unattractiveness of the profession for young doctors, as well as a decrease in the motivation of workers to perform effective and high-quality work.

On our initiative in federal law“On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation” establishes a norm on the participation of industry trade union organizations in the process of setting tariffs for services, which allows representatives of regional trade union organizations to decide, together with partners, issues of increasing the level of financing of wages. It was on our initiative in 2011-2012. For a significant category of workers, salaries were increased at the expense of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund as part of the implementation of regional healthcare modernization programs.

“By and large” it was the trade unions that managed to “reach out” to the country’s leadership to resolve the crisis situation in the field of workers’ compensation budgetary sphere, including healthcare. As a result, in the first decrees of the President of the country, signed in May 2012, and subsequent regulations The Government of the Russian Federation has provided measures for the preservation and material support of specialist personnel.

Readers of MG probably know that for many years after the abolition of the United tariff scale one of the main demands of the Trade Union Central Committee was the formation of an effective state system wage guarantees. It is for these purposes that a position agreed upon with the Russian Ministry of Health has been reached on increasing the share of salaries in the wage structure.

With our active participation, the issues of labor standardization and regulation “moved forward” labor functions And labor actions workers as part of the formation of professional standards, mechanisms are being updated vocational training and accreditation of specialists. The solution to these and other issues is achieved through painstaking daily work with legislative and executive power both at the federal level and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in working groups, meetings " round tables”, parliamentary hearings, in the course of work on the formation of budgets at various levels.

I think the right step is to unite the trade unions of healthcare, education and cultural workers into an association, the president of which, by the way, my colleagues have been electing me for many years now. Our voice is actively heard both in the RTK and in the chambers of the Federal Assembly.

You can be said to be a healthcare soldier with an open visor, speaking out to protect the rights and interests of industry workers. But, according to colleagues, he is also a diplomat in negotiations with the “authorities.” When was it especially difficult to conduct a dialogue, perhaps resort to a compromise solution in order to subsequently achieve your goal?

The 90s were especially difficult, debt medical workers the salary reached six months or more. I had to directly contact the President of the country, first to B. Yeltsin, and then to V. Putin. When M. Zurabov became the Minister of Health and Social Development, everyone perked up and thought that the person in charge of the social block would treat our requests with understanding. But everything went awry, almost persecution began against trade union organizations that defended the rights of doctors to a decent salary, and the debt of several months did not fit into any framework at all.

Remember the strike from Far East to Kaliningrad in the early 90s, which lasted 28 days? At that time, only emergency personnel were actually working. Negotiations in the Government were very difficult. In the end, they got their way - they began to pay off debts, wages were significantly increased. It was a great victory for the trade union, which showed that our strength lies in organization and solidarity. As a result, an agreement was signed with the Government. “How will you stop the strike now? If you don’t, you will have to answer according to the law,” they told us in government circles. But we managed to convince workers to return to their jobs by sending telegrams to all regions. And one day everything stopped.

This is how we survived and became stronger. Now we have new forms of work - through sectoral and regional agreements and social partnership. At the same time, we understand that there is a serious attack on the rights of doctors. Through the so-called optimization. By laying off workers, wages increase. The remaining ones bear a huge burden. The problem of base salaries remains. We cannot allow them to differ significantly in the regions. And the state should not shirk responsibility for the industry that deals with the health of Russians. Today everyone understands that there is a shift towards paid medical services. But what about the law proclaimed free medical care for all? So the union has something to fight for. Yes, I agree that in negotiations with the authorities one must sometimes resort to a compromise solution in order to win more in the future, but one must be firm in defending one’s position.

You have reliable comrades in the Central Committee apparatus and, as a person with the best human qualities, you have many friends. Does it give you strength?

Yes, the apparatus of the trade union Central Committee is very efficient and united. Our support is local trade union leaders. These are 80 territories of the country where they are pursuing the same policy. That's why we manage to achieve our goals. I have established good contacts with many governors and ministers of health in the regions, which helps to decide social issues healthcare workers. Today, 3 million healthcare workers are members of the trade union, of which 30% are young people. She is given Special attention, since this is our shift. Commissions for working with youth have been created everywhere; 5% of trade union dues are allocated for this purpose.

As for friends, there are also enough of them who are ready to help in difficult times. I am very grateful to them for this.

The inexorable passage of time makes you think about the years you have lived and what you have done. Do you have any regrets? Still the same Mikhail Mikhailovich, as in the song: “Don’t be afraid to throw everything at stake, don’t be afraid to change your life...” Or is this the lot of the younger generation, your grandson Mikhail II?

My support, of course, is my family. This year we suffered a great sorrow - our daughter, the head of a large multidisciplinary clinical hospital, a candidate of medical sciences, passed away in the prime of her life. Left behind is grandson Misha, he is 16 years old, a tenth grader. He also dreams of being a doctor. And my wife Tatyana Nikolaevna and I strongly support him in this endeavor. So, no matter what, life goes on...

There is such a wise expression: it doesn’t matter how many days there are in your life, what matters is how much life is in your days. My wish for you is to serve doctors honestly as before.

And I want to express my deep gratitude to the Medical Newspaper, whose journalists and I have been actively advocating for the rights of doctors for many years, for a life worthy of their noble work in protecting the health of Russians.

The conversation was conducted by Galina PAPIRINA,
editor of the regional policy department of MG.
Photo by Alexander KHUDASOV.
