Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Holland's complete test. What are the modern tests for determining the professional inclinations of an adult? So an excellent career guidance test from D. Goland

Theoretical basis questionnaire professional self-determination serves as the theory of professional choice, developed by the American professor J. Holland. Its essence is that success in professional activity depends on the correspondence between the type of personality and the type of professional environment. A person's behavior is determined not only by his personal characteristics, but also by the environment in which he is active. People strive to find a professional environment that is characteristic of their type, which would allow them to fully reveal their abilities and express their value orientations.

The methodology of professional self-determination by J. Holland allows you to correlate inclinations, abilities, intelligence with various professions for best choice professions.

Test instructions:
“From each pair of professions, choose the one that is most attractive to you.”

Interpretation of test results
Each profession listed in the questionnaire corresponds to one of the six personality types. The highest score indicates the dominant type. In their pure form, these professional types are rare - usually you can only talk about the predominant type of personality. When choosing a profession, you must take into account your professional type. If the profession does not match your personality type, the job will be given to you at the cost of significant mental stress.

Description of professional types:

The realistic type of personality is characterized by emotional stability, orientation to the present. Representatives of this type are engaged in specific objects and their practical use: things, tools, machines. They prefer activities that require motor skills, dexterity, and concreteness.

Professions - mechanic, electrician, engineer, sailor, driver, etc.

The intellectual type is focused on mental work. He is analytical, rational, independent, original. Theoretical and, to some extent, aesthetic values ​​predominate. He prefers thinking about a problem to engaging in the implementation of solutions associated with it. He enjoys solving problems that require abstract thinking.

Professions are primarily scientific - mathematician, physicist, astronomer, etc.

The social type sets itself such goals and objectives that allow them to establish close contact with the surrounding social environment. Possesses social skills and needs social contacts. They strive to teach and educate. Humane. Able to adapt to almost any environment. They try to stay away from intellectual problems. They are active and solve problems, relying mainly on emotions, feelings and ability to communicate.

Professions - doctor, teacher, psychologist, Social worker etc.

The office (conventional) type prefers clearly structured activities. From his environment, he chooses goals, objectives and values ​​that stem from customs and are conditioned by the state of society. He is characterized by seriousness, perseverance, conservatism, diligence. Accordingly, his approach to problems is stereotypical, practical and concrete.

Professions - typing, accounting, programming, etc.

The enterprising type chooses goals, values ​​and tasks that allow him to show energy, enthusiasm, impulsiveness, dominance, and realize his love of adventure. He does not like activities associated with manual labor, as well as requiring perseverance, great concentration and intellectual effort. Prefers leadership roles in which he can satisfy his needs for dominance and recognition. Active, enterprising.

Professions - director, journalist, administrator, entrepreneur, etc.

The artistic type withdraws from clearly structured problems and activities that involve great physical strength. In communication with others, they rely on their immediate sensations, emotions, intuition and imagination. He has a complex outlook on life, flexibility, independence of judgment. Characterized by non-sociality, originality.

Professions - playing music, painting, literary creativity, photography, theater, etc.

The test is based on the theory of professional choice by the American professor J. Holland (Holland). In his opinion, success in professional activity directly depends on the correspondence between the type of professional environment and the type of personality, and human behavior is determined not only by personal characteristics, but by his environment. Accordingly, people strive to find such a professional environment that is most suitable for the existing type of personality. Questionnaire professional preferences J. Holland, as conceived by the author, allows you to correlate inclinations and abilities with various professions in order to choose the most suitable one.

Based on interests and value orientations, Holland identifies six professionally oriented personality types:

Realistic personality type- is aimed at creating material things, servicing technical devices and technological processes.

Intellectual personality type - all professions that somehow involve mental work, analytical skills, rationalism and originality of thinking.

Social personality type - professions related to interaction with the social environment: training, education, treatment, service, counseling.

Office (Conventional) personality type - processing and systematization of information in the form of text, numbers, formulas, documentation.

Entrepreneurial personality type active professions with the need to constantly make independent decisions, risk and lack of uniformity and monotony. Often require a lot of energy, organizational skills and developed communication skills.

Artistic personality type original, independent of public opinion people with an unusual outlook on life. They are distinguished by increased emotionality and sensitivity, they prefer professions from the world of arts: literature, theater, cinema, fine arts.

In its pure form, professional types are quite rare and usually only the predominant ones can be diagnosed.

The test for the profession of J. Holland is suitable for both schoolchildren and adults.

This version of Holland's career guidance test is an interpretation and adaptation of the American version by psychologist-professional consultant G.V. Rezapkina.

Instructions for the Holland questionnaire

You will be offered 30 pairs of different professions, in each of which you need to choose one that suits you best. Try not to think long over the answers, mark the profession that seemed more interesting at first sight.

Test time: about 5 minutes.

Result test will be available immediately after answering all questions and is a description of the most suitable personality types according to the author's classification with the proposed professions and links to their detailed description in

As the Head of Marketing, I repeatedly gave this questionnaire to new professionals who wanted to work as marketing analysts. Benefit for me: ideal in terms of choosing really ANALYSTS + those to whom this work is close and suitable. Benefits for the applicant: people left with a clear vision of where they would send their resume tomorrow - they could already roughly see new prospects for themselves, so that the work would be both monetary and pleasant))).

I suggest that you take a career guidance test yourself for free and without registration!

So an excellent career guidance test from D. Goland

This is an opportunity to quickly understand your real professional areas, to understand what you are more and less inclined to. The career guidance test from D. Goland is suitable for schoolchildren, and adult specialists, and grannies, and business women, and housewives - everyone!

A table containing occupation pairs will be provided below. From each pair, you need to choose one that you like more. Your ability to do this work does not matter, just indicate what you like, without getting hung up on the fundamental possibility of such work.

Write down 42 answers on paper: a number and a letter.

but b
1 technical engineer control engineer
2 knitter sanitary doctor
3 Cook compositor
4 photographer head shop
5 draftsman designer
6 philosopher psychiatrist
7 chemical scientist accountant
8 scientific journal editor advocate
9 linguist fiction translator
10 pediatrician statistician
11 organizer of educational work trade union chairman
12 sports doctor feuilletonist
13 notary supplier
14 perforator cartoonist
15 political figure Writer
16 gardener meteorologist
17 driver nurse
18 Electrical Engineer secretary-typist
19 painter metal artist
20 biologist chief physician
21 cameraman producer
22 hydrologist auditor
23 zoologist livestock specialist
24 mathematician architect
25 IDN worker accountant
26 teacher policeman
27 educator ceramics artist
28 economist department head
29 corrector critic
30 supply manager director
31 radio engineer nuclear physicist
32 plumber compositor
33 agronomist chairman of the agricultural cooperative
34 fashion cutter decorator
35 archaeologist expert
36 museum worker consultant
37 scientist actor
38 speech therapist stenographer
39 doctor diplomat
40 Chief Accountant director
41 poet psychologist
42 archivist sculptor

Now the key to the career guidance test:

Psychologist D. Holland developed this questionnaire in order to be able to understand what type of profession you are predisposed to. In total, he identified 6 types: Realistic, Intellectual, Social, Conventional, Enterprising, Artistic. Types should be thought of as just certain definitions - they are neither bad nor good.

Now take another piece of paper and compare the results with the key. It is convenient to write the names of the types in a column, and to the right of them with chopsticks to mark the coincidence of the result. Then count the marks next to each type. Usually there is 1 dominant type, that is, the one with the most points + 1-2 additional types. It is recommended to consider the result as a combination of the main and additional types.

Here is the key to the career guidance test:

  • realistic type
    1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, 21a, 31a, 32a, 33a, 34a.
  • Intelligent Type:
    1b, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 16b, 20a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 31b, 35a, 36a, 37a.
  • Social type:
    2b, 6b, 10a, 11a, 12a, 17b, 20b, 25a, 26a, 27a, 36b, 38a, 39a, 41b.
  • Conventional type:
    3b, 7b, 10b, 13a, 14a, 18b, 22b, 25b, 28a, 29a, 32b, 38b, 40a, 42a.
  • Enterprising type:
    4b, 8b, 11b, 13b, 15a, 23b, 28b, 30a, 33b, 35b, 37b, 39b, 40b.
  • Artistic Type:
    5b, 9b, 12b, 14b, 15b, 19b, 21b, 24a, 27b, 29b, 30b, 34b, 41a, 42b.

How to decipher the result of the career guidance test:

Types of professional orientation of the individual
Types Psychological characteristics, personality traits, abilities Orientation, focus, preferences Professional environment Specific professions
R Activity, aggressiveness, efficiency, perseverance, rationality, practical thinking, developed motor skills, spatial imagination, technical abilities Concrete result, present, things, objects and their practical use, activities that require physical development, dexterity, lack of communication orientation Technique, Agriculture, warfare. Solving specific problems that require mobility, motor skills, physical strength. Social skills are needed to a minimum and are associated with the reception - transmission of limited information. mechanic, electrician, engineer, farmer, livestock specialist, agronomist, gardener, car mechanic, driver, etc.
AND Analytical mind, independence and originality of judgments, harmonious development of linguistic and mathematical abilities, criticality, curiosity, a penchant for fantasy, intense inner life, low physical activity Ideas, theoretical values, mental work, solving intellectual creative problems that require abstract thinking, lack of focus on communication in activities, informational nature of communication The science. Solving problems that require abstract thinking and creativity. Interpersonal relationships play a minor role, although it is necessary to be able to communicate and perceive complex ideas. physicist, astronomer, botanist, programmer, etc.
FROM The ability to communicate, humanity, the ability to empathize, activity, dependence on others and public opinion, adaptation, solving problems based on emotions and feelings, the predominance of language abilities People, communication, establishing contacts with others, the desire to teach, educate, avoid intellectual problems Education, healthcare, social Security, service, sport. Situations and problems associated with the ability to understand people's behavior, requiring constant personal communication, the ability to convince. doctor, teacher, psychologist, etc.
TO Ability to process numerical information, stereotyped approach to problems, conservative character, subservience, dependence, following customs, conformity, diligence, the prevalence of mathematical abilities Order, clearly scheduled activities, work according to instructions, given algorithms, avoidance of uncertain situations, social activity and physical stress, acceptance of a leadership position Economics, communications, calculations, accounting, office work. Activities requiring the ability to process routine information and numerical data accountant, financier, economist, office worker, etc.
P Energy, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, enterprise, aggressiveness, willingness to take risks, optimism, self-confidence, the predominance of language abilities, developed organizational skills Leadership, recognition, leadership, power, personal status, avoidance of activities that require perseverance, hard work, motor skills and concentration, interest in economics and politics Solving unclear problems, communicating with representatives of various types in various situations that require the ability to understand the motives of other people's behavior and eloquence businessman, marketer, manager, director, manager, journalist, reporter, diplomat, lawyer, politician, etc.
BUT Imagination and intuition, emotionally complex outlook on life, independence, flexibility and originality of thinking, developed motor abilities and perception Emotions and feelings, self-expression, creative pursuits, avoidance of activities that require physical strength, regulated working hours, following rules and traditions Fine arts, music, literature. Solving problems that require artistic taste and imagination musician, artist, photographer, actor, director, designer, etc.

As it was written above, it is worth closely studying not only the dominant type, but also those that took the 2nd and 3rd place. J. Holland gave a diagram in the form of a hexagon, arranging the types in such a way that the neighboring ones complement and are most in harmony with each other.

There may be 2 options:

  • Your types lie on the same side of the diagram- choose professions according to the plate + based on conscious hobbies. For example, you succeeded, the main type is Artistic, and the additional Intellectual. And you also draw cool, you have good taste. Why not consider a profession, say, a web designer or a designer-constructor fashion clothes The photographer is also cool.
  • Your types lie on opposite sides of the diagram. The choice will be complicated by the fact that either you are a very versatile person, or there are no professional preferences that have taken shape yet. In this situation, you need to pass additional tests, as well as think deeply about your motivation, your talents, hobbies, and desires in life.

Your result:
1. Realistic: points
2. Intelligent: points
3. Social: points
4. Conventional: points
5. Enterprising: points
6. Artistic: points

The type with the highest score is dominant.

1. Realistic style personality is characterized by emotional stability, orientation to the present. Representatives of this type are engaged in specific objects and their practical use: things, tools, machines. They prefer activities that require motor skills, dexterity, and concreteness. People of a realistic type are more willing to do than talk, they are persistent and self-confident, they prefer clear and specific instructions in their work. They adhere to traditional values, therefore they are critical of new ideas.
Professions - mechanic, electrician, engineer, sailor, driver, etc.
2. Artistic type- people of this type are original, independent in decision-making, rarely guided by social norms and approval, have an unusual outlook on life, flexibility of thinking, emotional sensitivity. Relationships with people are built based on their feelings, emotions, imagination, intuition. They do not tolerate strict regulation, preferring a free work schedule. Often choose professions related to literature, theater, cinema, music, fine arts.
Professions - playing music, painting, literary creativity, photography, theater, etc.
3. Social type sets itself such goals and objectives that allow them to establish close contact with the surrounding social environment. Possesses social skills and needs social contacts. They strive to teach and educate. Humane. Able to adapt to almost any environment. They try to stay away from intellectual problems. They are active and solve problems, relying mainly on emotions, feelings and ability to communicate.
Professions - doctor, teacher, psychologist, social worker, etc.
4. Conventional type(office) prefers clearly structured activities. From his environment, he chooses goals, objectives and values ​​that stem from customs and are conditioned by the state of society. He is characterized by seriousness, perseverance, conservatism, diligence. Accordingly, his approach to problems is stereotypical, practical and concrete.
Professions - typing, accounting, programming, etc.
5. Enterprising type chooses goals, values ​​and tasks that allow him to show energy, enthusiasm, impulsiveness, dominance, to realize his love of adventure. He does not like activities associated with manual labor, as well as requiring perseverance, great concentration and intellectual effort. Prefers leadership roles in which he can satisfy his needs for dominance and recognition. Active, enterprising.
Professions - director, journalist, administrator, entrepreneur, etc.
6. Intelligent type mentally oriented. He is analytical, rational, independent, original. Theoretical and, to some extent, aesthetic values ​​predominate. He prefers thinking about a problem to engaging in the implementation of solutions associated with it. He enjoys solving problems that require abstract thinking. Work is able to captivate them so much that the line between working time and leisure is blurred. The world of ideas for them may be more important than communication with people. Material well-being for them is usually not in the first place.
Professions are primarily scientific - mathematician, physicist, astronomer, etc.
J. Holland's test / Eliseev O.P. Workshop on personality psychology - St. Petersburg, 2003. P.386-389.

For each match in the key, 1 point is awarded.

Processing the results of the Holland test.
It is necessary to normalize the results on scales. To do this, divide the number of points scored by the respondent on each scale by the number that is in brackets next to the name of the scale in the key (for example, for a realistic type it is 15) and multiply by 100%.
The dominant type of the subject is the type for which he scored the maximum number of points.
