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The concept of professional self-determination. Prerequisites and difficulties of professional self-determination of students Professional self-determination

The process of choosing a future profession by a child is called professional self-determination. It is realized when a person begins to analyze his own personal qualities and preferences. Already acquired skills and opportunities are taken into account. Potential occupations are being assessed different criteria. Professional self-determination is closely connected with the self-determination of a person as a person and his life position.

Professional self-determination - the child's choice of his future profession

Main Factors

In psychology, professional self-determination is characterized as a selective attitude of a person to the choice of a specific profession and career goal. The basis is a conscious decision in favor of a certain type of activity, taking into account one's own characteristics, capabilities, and preferences.

There are 2 types of factors - external and internal. External motivational factors include the following.

  1. Alien recommendations. These are tips from relatives, parents, high school students, adult friends.
  2. Examples from the environment. When choosing, a person takes into account the experience of other people. Possible imitation of authoritative personalities. The prestige of the profession plays an important role.
  3. stereotypical thinking. These are statements and norms usually imposed by society. They tell a person how to behave correctly, according to what criteria to choose a profession. Due to the presence of stereotypes, in the future a person may be disappointed in his decision, because reality may not correspond to the imposed image.

The main internal factor is a personal assessment of the labor process. The person considers whether there will be a career opportunity or other prospects in the activity in question. Analyzes the attractiveness, prestige, labor intensity of the work process. He studies information about what kind of activity the chosen specialty implies: varied or routine.

The second internal reason is working conditions. The need for frequent business trips, the location of potential working buildings are considered. Special attention is paid to the possible work schedule. It is especially important for some individuals to know whether they will be sitting in the office from 9 am to 6 pm or will have a free or flexible schedule.

The last internal factor is the analysis of the possibility of participating in social activities. It is important for a person to understand whether he will have to constantly work or whether it will be easy to combine rest and work. Thinks about how quickly he can achieve material well-being and financial independence.

Types of self-definition

According to various guidelines, 3 types of self-determination are distinguished: professional, life, personal. Initially, they exist as separate components of human life. Over time, their bonds grow stronger. This is due to the immersion of the individual in the specialty. And then the personal growth of a person begins to depend directly on professional self-determination. Each type has certain features.

Professional area

Professional self-determination is characterized by formalization. The specialty is determined by a diploma of higher education, qualifications and work experience - recommendation sheets or entries in the work book. Another feature - the necessary conditions for comfortable work.

life path

Life self-determination has its own characteristics.

  1. Globality. Perception and search for the way of life that is characteristic of a particular socio-cultural group. This is the financial situation, social status, prestige, authority, etc.
  2. Dependence on stereotypes. Certain beliefs about the social culture in which the individual resides are imposed. Because of this, he often cannot realize his full potential.
  3. Dependence on various factors. They have an economic, social, environmental character and determine the standard of human life.

personal development

Personal self-determination is informal. It is confirmed by certificates of completion of various courses. Personally, a person grows only when he is in a difficult situation. At times of stress, they appear best qualities sometimes hidden potential. This has a positive effect on the formation of personality.

In addition to this typology, there are many others. The most correct and relevant is the classification of professional self-determination by N. Smirnov.

  1. Slave position. Usually this is a person without ambition, who is not interested in career growth and salary increases. It is important for him to satisfy his minimum needs. Usually such people live in poverty and literally survive.
  2. consumer position. Such a person is only interested in her personal benefit in everything that she does. It can only be stimulated financially. From public works, subbotniks, programs to help those in need are usually refused. For every offer from partners or colleagues, he answers: “What will I get for this?”
  3. Employee position. A person does not even think about working independently, and not for someone else. Afraid to take risks, loves stability and comfort. But he is a great worker.
  4. The position of the servant of the idea. Such a person works for an idea, not a material reward. Constantly looking for an opportunity to help others, to become useful to society.
  5. The position of the individual. In this case, for the individual, the priority is personal growth, not a career. Strives for self-development, tries to become the best version of himself. He does not imitate anyone, he always behaves naturally, not feignedly.

E. Fromm identifies another type of self-determination and calls it market. This person knows how to sell himself more profitably, and actively uses his skill.

Regardless of the type of person, it must be remembered that the main psychology of professional self-determination is freedom of choice.

Do not put pressure on a person to change his position. He made this choice consciously, so he can change it on his own if necessary.

Types of self-determination

Stages of formation

Professional self-determination of a person is a process that lasts a lifetime. A person chooses a profession, begins to work in his specialty. But sometimes it bothers or stops liking for certain reasons. Then the person decides to change profession. There are even pensioners who want to change something. Therefore, self-determination is a process unlimited in time.

IN preschool age(up to 6-7 years old) the child does not yet have his own opinion as such. His behavior is influenced by those around him. Usually the kid only imitates the elders.

Opportunities and skills are developed through visiting creative circles, sports sections and developing clubs. Now there are children's centers where children play different role-playing games. Particularly popular is the "World of Professions", where the baby can try himself as an employee in a certain area.

Professional self-determination occurs when the child is invited to carry out certain labor activities: caring for a plant or animal, cleaning the premises. This is aimed at developing children's interest in the work of adults.

in preschool and childhood kids are guided by the professions of relatives and friends. Another support is the motivation of the child to achieve high academic success. So he formed the first ideas about the future profession.

Little kids don't have their own opinion

Teenage stage

In psychology, professional self-determination in adolescence is defined as one of the most important stages. The child is already more concrete than at preschool age, aware of his capabilities, skills. Divides work activities into those that he likes and those performed under pressure.

Other features of the formation of self-determination in adolescence:

  • a moral attitude to different types of labor is laid;
  • a certain opinion is formed about various types of professions under the influence of external and internal factors;
  • there is selectivity in specialties;
  • the image of the future profession is not clearly formed.

There is a certain gender division of professions into male and female. Boys are guided by specialties where endurance, strength, courage are important. This is due to the desire to become financially independent. The reason is the image of a “real man” created by various media. With the help of heavy physical work guys are trying to assert themselves and express themselves.

Girls prefer professions that value not only physical work, but the intellectual and creative components. Most teenagers aged 10 to 15 years old want to become pop stars, manicurists, dancers, musicians, models, TV presenters.

Youth stage

At the age of 16-23, young people are on the verge of choosing between academic and labor types activities. This is a critical period when high school students are forced to leave the secondary school. Then professional self-determination manifests itself.

A teenager needs to make a choice: start working or continue studying at a university or a higher professional institution. Psychologists say that the second option is preferred by those who have not yet decided on their future profession.

The main characteristics of self-determination in adolescence:

  • romantic dreams of a profession disappear;
  • a person learns to realistically assess the situation and seriously thinks about choosing a future profession;
  • The choice of specialty is influenced by adults.

After the decision is made, training in the specialty begins. Some teenagers on this stage are disappointed and regret their choice. They may be trying to change the situation. For others, during training, confidence in the correctness of the choice is only strengthened.

Growing up stage

This category includes people who have already completed their educational activities and started working. Already have experience and place of work. Social and professional activity is manifested. Self-determination occurs when a person begins to analyze his activities at work and think about career growth(especially if it doesn't).

By the age of 30, the problem of professional self-determination becomes especially relevant. It is characterized as follows:

  • the chosen profession does not bring pleasure;
  • work activity does not meet expectations;
  • a person experiences psychological discomfort;
  • possible decline in productivity emotional burnout, depressive state;
  • the individual thinks about changing jobs and finding himself.

This stage lasts until retirement (up to 60-70 years). Is the most productive. During this time, a person tries to realize himself as a person, to realize his plans, to achieve the most important life goals.

Occupational fatigue can show up after the age of 30

Retirement period

Comes after 60-70 years. Most people do not have time to fully realize their professional and psychological potential. There comes a period of despondency, degradation, increased feelings of anxiety. If a person does not have time to achieve their goals, disappointment may appear, which will provoke depression.

The pensioner realizes that everything he has been working towards all his life has disappeared. His professional quality and skills are no longer needed. He begins to consider himself unnecessary, confused, useless.

Man again faces the problem of self-determination. But she no longer touches professional activity, but vital. It manifests itself in socially useful and social life.

Main problems

The first problem is the difficulty in choosing a future profession. Occurs in high school students. The main manifestation is complete confusion. Adolescents undergo many special tests to determine the most suitable specialty, they can use the services of a school or other child psychologist.

Children are tormented by such thoughts:

  • "Where can I be realized";
  • “In what area my skills may be needed”;
  • "What happens if I make the wrong choice";
  • “What activities bring me pleasure”;
  • “What abilities do I see, and what do others point to,” etc.

There is a process of introspection. Complicate the choice of abrupt and rapid changes in the outside world. The current profession may become unnecessary in 5-7 years, when the child graduates. Therefore, he needs to take this factor into account as well.

The problem of self-determination in adults is disappointment in their work. This is due to the presence of certain stereotypes about the future profession, the provisions of which differ significantly from reality. Therefore, a person has several options for getting out of the situation:

  • change jobs;
  • change specialty to another, but in a related field;
  • change the profession to a radically new one in a completely different field;
  • stay at the current place of work, but engage in retraining and personal growth.

Particularly hard to endure labor activity pensioners. Some of them lose the meaning of life. But there are those who are happy about the end of their careers and decide to start implementing their long-planned plans. Such pensioners travel, try to master new skills. With retirement, life takes on new meaning.


Professional self-determination of an individual is a process that is accompanied by the choice of a profession and the search for oneself in various spheres of life. It develops under the influence of external and internal factors.

Allocate life, professional and personal self-determination. There are about 5 types of human positions in relation to work. Self-determination goes through a person's entire life, including preschool, adolescence, youth, adulthood and retirement periods. Each of them has its own difficulties, the timely overcoming of which will make life interesting and colorful.

Vocational education, which performs the functions of vocational training, is identified with the concept of "special education", involves 2 ways of obtaining it - self-education or training in educational institutions vocational education. . The success of vocational education determines such an important psychological moment as "readiness" (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

The choice of a profession, carried out by a person as a result of an analysis of internal resources and by correlating them with the requirements of the profession, is the basis of a person's self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions in life. The choice of a profession in psychological terms is a two-dimensional phenomenon:

1) the subject of choice, that is, the one who chooses;

2) the object of choice is what is being chosen.

The subject and object of choice determine the ambiguity of the choice of profession. This is due to the many characteristics that they possess.

Choosing a profession is not a one-time act. Choosing a profession consists of a number of stages that merge into one process. Moreover, the duration of the stages depends on:

external conditions;

Individual characteristics of the subject of choice of profession.

Professional self-determination is a process that covers the entire period of a person's professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.

The emergence of professional self-determination covers senior school age, but it is preceded by the following stages:

The primary choice of a profession (typical for students of primary school age):

Undifferentiated ideas about the world of professions, a situational idea of ​​​​the internal resources necessary for this kind of profession, the instability of professional intentions;

Stage of professional self-determination (senior school age):

The emergence and formation of professional intentions and the initial orientation in various fields labor;

· Professional education:

It is carried out after receiving school education for the development of the chosen profession;

· Professional adaptation:

The formation of an individual style of activity, the predominance of the system of production and social relations;

Self-realization in work:

Fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the expectations associated with professional work.

Thus, professional self-determination permeates the entire life path of a person.

Prerequisites for professional self-determination:

· Professional self-determination from the standpoint of the principles of determinism and activity. Professional self-determination is an essential aspect public process personality development. Identification of the features of the manifestation of the principle of determinism in the process of self-determination involves the analysis of two systems. On the one hand, this is a personality as a most complex self-regulatory system, on the other hand, a system of social orientation of young people in resolving the issue of a conscious choice of a profession. . This system includes the purposeful influence of the school, family, public organizations, literature, art on the motives for choosing a profession. Such a set of vocational guidance tools is designed to provide a solution to the problems of professional education and counseling of students, the awakening of professional interest and inclinations, direct assistance in finding employment and overcoming the difficulties of the stage of professional adaptation. Career Guidance System provides a wide range of opportunities professional development personality, from it the personality “draws” the motives and goals of its activity.

The human need for self-determination is in itself pointless. A.N. Leontiev noted that "...before its first satisfaction, the need" does not know "its subject, since it has not yet been discovered ...".

The relationship of the individual and the external system of career guidance influences arises only in the process of activity. Activity as a form of interconnection between the subject and objects forms the condition of mental reflection and acts as a mechanism for determining the impact on the personality.

In the process of constant communication with the outside world, a person acts as an active side of interaction. Therefore, the psychological manifestation of the principle of determinism can be understood only within the framework of the problem of the relationship between external and internal conditions in the determination of activity. In terms of analyzing the driving forces of activity, it is necessary to proceed from the relationship and opposition of internal and external.

The process of professional self-determination is conditioned by the emergence and expansion of the activity of the subject, which realizes its connection with career guidance factors. Self-determination is woven into this activity as its component.

Personal prerequisites for self-determination.

Structural elements of personality, as the closest psychological prerequisites for professional self-determination, are different in the nature of their functions. The totality of the most important personal prerequisites for self-determination can be reduced to two main groups:

1) personality traits that provide the opportunity to successfully solve the problem of choosing a profession, but do not directly participate in the activation of this process. This group includes strong-willed character traits, as well as such a trait as diligence. This should also include the presence of some work and life experience, the level of general life maturity of a person.

2) This group of psychological prerequisites for self-determination is formed by various components of the personality orientation, which dynamize the process of professional self-determination and determine the selectivity of the response. This includes the need for professional self-determination, the person's educational and professional interests and inclinations, beliefs and attitudes, values ​​and ideals, and ideas about life values.

The components of the second group, due to their connection with cognitive needs, have the function of conditioning a field of activity that is attractive to a person.

"Eight corners of career choice".

According to E.A. Klimov, there are 8 corners of the situation of choosing a profession. After all, a high school student takes into account information not only about the features of various professions, but also a lot of other information.

1) Position of senior family members.

Of course, the care of the elders about the future profession of their child is understandable; they are responsible for how his life unfolds.

Very often, parents give the child complete freedom of choice, thereby demanding independence, responsibility, and initiative from him. It happens that parents do not agree with the choice of the child, offering to reconsider their plans and make a different choice, believing that he is still small. The correct choice of a profession is often hampered by the attitudes of parents who want their children to compensate for their shortcomings in the future, in activities in which they could not fully express themselves. It seems to them that it is their son or daughter who will be able to prove himself, since, unlike their parents, “there is a higher springboard from which they will plunge into the world of the profession ...

Observations show that in most cases, children agree with the choice of their parents, counting on their parents' help in entering any educational institution. At the same time, children, of course, forget that they will have to work in this specialty, and not their parents.

One can only speculate about the conflict-free way out of such circumstances.

2) The position of comrades, girlfriends (peers).

The friendly relations of high school students are already very strong and their influence on the choice of profession is not excluded, since the attention of their peers to their professional future is also increasing. It is the position of the micro group that can become decisive in professional self-determination.

3) The position of teachers, school teachers, class teacher.

Each teacher, observing the student's behavior only in educational activities, all the time "penetrates the idea behind the facade of the external manifestations of a person, makes a kind of diagnosis regarding the interests, inclinations, thoughts, character, abilities, readiness of the student." The teacher knows a lot of information that is unknown even to the student himself.

4) Personal professional plans.

In human behavior and life, ideas about the near and distant future play a very important role. A professional plan or image, a mental representation, its features depend on the mindset and character, experience of a person. It includes the main goal and goals for the future, ways and means to achieve them. But the plans are different in content and what they are depends on the person.

5) Ability.

The abilities and talents of a high school student must be considered not only in studies, but also in all other types of socially valuable activity. Since it is the ability that includes future professional suitability.

6) The level of claims for public recognition.

The realism of the claims of a high school student is the first step vocational training.

7) Awareness - important, undistorted information - an important factor in choosing a profession.

8) Inclinations are manifested and formed in Activity. Consciously engaging in different types of activities, a person can change his hobbies, and hence the direction. For a high school student, this is important, because pre-professional hobbies are the way to the future.

The peculiarity of the problems of professional choice is determined by the unstable situation in the country, the need to master new socio-economic experience. On the one hand, the new professions that have emerged in connection with the transition to a market economy do not yet have roots in the professional culture of our society. On the other hand, there is a painful process of breaking the stereotypes of traditional forms of professionalization, which are also undergoing changes in modern conditions.

It is also important that the image of the profession, as a cognitive and emotional condition, to a certain extent, changes the system of general guidelines in the public and individual consciousness of people. Previously, the ideal image of a professional was largely associated with the image of specific people and their professional "biography", their specific professional values. The uncertainty of value ideas about the profession itself shifts the guidelines for choosing the preferred, desired way of life with the help of the profession. The profession already acts as a means to achieve this way of life, and not as an essential part of the way of life itself.

All this leads to the fact that students are in a state of uncertainty, or make a dubious and primitive professional choice.

New theoretical understandings involve the development and use of adequate psychological methods, methodological blocks and, in general, technologies for individual and group work with high school students and adolescents that contribute to right choice professions.

Professional self-determination is a development process internal positions professional, that is, the motivation of professional activity, the attitude of a person to his future profession and to himself as a potential subject of professional activity. The internal position becomes the internal condition through which, according to S. L. Rubinshtein, external influences are refracted (in this case, vocational training).

A professional choice, in contrast to professional self-determination (according to E. I. Golovakha), is a decision that affects only the immediate life prospect of a student, which can be made both with and without taking into account long-term consequences decision and in the latter case, the choice of a profession as a fairly specific life plan will be mediated by distant life goals.

E. A. Klimov distinguishes two levels of self-determination: 1) gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness); 2) practical level (real changes in the social status of a person).

The essence of professional self-determination is the search and finding of personal meaning in the chosen, mastered and already performed labor activity, as well as finding meaning in the very process of self-determination.

Professional orientation is a system of emotional-value relations that sets the hierarchical structure of the dominant motives of the individual corresponding to their content and encourages the individual to assert them in professional activity (orientation towards the person, orientation towards oneself, orientation towards the object of activity).

Consider the specific components of professional orientation. Leading among them is the system of value orientations associated with a person's professional aspirations. Professional value orientations include the social significance and prestige of the profession, the content of professional work, opportunities for improvement and self-affirmation, the “instrumental” values ​​of the profession as a means of achieving other life benefits. It is obvious that in the process of professional development of the individual, these orientations undergo changes. Some values ​​lose their guiding function, others disappear, others appear for the first time at a certain stage of development. For example, at the beginning of independent development of professional activity, an orientation towards self-affirmation in work appears.

Attunement to a certain form of behavior, type of activity associated with the satisfaction of any need, is expressed by the term "psychological attitude". Psychologists note that the attitude manifests itself in the choice of a form of behavior, type of activity, regulates the ways of their implementation, and also performs a stabilizing function, maintaining a certain direction in changing situations, that is, it gives the professional development of a person a certain professional stability.

The next component of professional orientation is professional interests, expressing personal affection for a particular type of work that has emotional attractiveness for a person. Professional interests are understood as a dynamic complex of mental properties and states, manifested in selective emotional, cognitive and volitional activity aimed at the intended profession or professional activity. The intensity and stability of professional interests affect overcoming the difficulties of adaptation, the success of mastering and performing professionally significant activities.

The leading component of orientation is motives, i.e., a set of external or internal conditions that cause the activity of the individual and determine its orientation. The main functions of motives are motivation, direction and regulation of the behavior and activities of the individual.

The next component of professional orientation is the attitude of the individual to the profession. In the process of professional development of an individual, a dynamic system of relations is formed not only with professionally significant activities, conditions and methods for their implementation, forms of professional training, but also with members of professional groups and collectives. Relationships are expressed in satisfaction with the chosen profession, prospects for professional growth, career.

Thus, the structure of professional orientation includes professional value orientations, interests, attitudes, motives and relationships. In the process of professional development of the individual, these components change, form various combinations and relationships, which leads to the emergence of relatively stable orientation complexes.

The main structural components of a person's suitability for work are as follows:

1) civil qualities. In some professions, the lack of expression of precisely these qualities makes this person professionally unsuitable.

2) Attitude to work, to the profession, interests, inclinations to this area of ​​work.

3) General legal capacity. It consists of qualities that are needed not in one, but in very many types of activity: the breadth and depth of the mind, self-discipline, developed self-control, selfless initiative.

4) The only, private, special abilities, that is, qualities that are very necessary in any particular type of activity.

Skills, experience, training. This is also a component of professional suitability: if you learn, then you will be fit.

In the science and practice of vocational guidance, there have been many attempts to describe and classify professions:

1) on the subject of labor, on professional areas;

2) according to the requirements for the employee;

3) according to the degree of independence in work; by labor intensity.

When choosing a profession, it is better to focus on professions associated with the following psychological characteristics:

way of thinking;

Personality type;

Preferred way of interacting with people.

Almost any activity consists of various problem situations, and a person all the time has to solve various professional tasks:

Some people are better at making decisions in situations where it is required to choose one of several ready-made solutions;

Others - in situations where you need to offer something new;

The third is preferable not to think, but to act.

The interests of people are diverse, and according to the degree of expression of the interests of all people, they are divided into different types of personality.

Each personality type is used to describe a group of people who have certain personal and professional features. People of different types prefer some and reject other types of efficiency. Each personality type is best able to express itself in a certain professional environment. It is only necessary that the type of personality corresponds to the chosen profession.

Depending on the dominant interest, the following types are distinguished.

1. Realistic type - likes to deal with concrete things and their use. Willingly chooses the profession of a driver, veterinarian, farmer, policeman, radioman, cartographer.

2. Research type - quick-witted and observant, independent and original, has non-standard thinking and a creative approach to business (ecologist, futurist, philosopher, chemist, biologist).

3. Social type - active, sociable, emotional, sensitive (teacher, educator, psychologist, clergyman, social worker).

4. Conventional type - diligent, executive, disciplined, accurate (accountant, economist, assistant secretary, notary, cashier).

5. Entrepreneurial type - resourceful, agile, practical, energetic, enterprising, reckless (merchant, entrepreneur, politician, insurance agent, manager).

6. Artistic type - high emotional sensitivity, creative imagination, imaginative thinking, rich imagination (designer, artist, musician, actor).

E. A. Klimov developed a periodization of human development as a subject of labor.

In his periodization, E. A. Klimov identifies the main stages of the formation of the subject of labor, and in a sense, these are the stages of the formation of the subject of professional self-determination, since professional elections, and hence the problems of self-determination, are presented at all stages of life.

1. The pregame stage (from birth to 3 years), when the perception functions are mastered. movement, speech, the simplest rules of conduct and moral assessments, which become the basis for further development and familiarization of a person with work;

2. The stage of the game (from 3 to 6-8 years), when the basic meanings of human activity are mastered. As well as acquaintance with specific professions (playing as a driver, doctor, teacher, etc.)

3. The stage of mastering educational activities (from 6-8 to 11-12 years old), when the functions of self-control, introspection, the ability to plan one's activities, etc. are intensively developed.

4. Stage of option (from 11-12 to 14-18 years). This is the stage of preparation for life, for work, conscious and responsible planning and choice of a professional path; accordingly, a person in a situation of professional self-determination is called an optant.

5. The adept stage is the vocational training that most high school graduates go through.

6. Adaptant stage is entry into the profession after completion of vocational training, lasting from several months to 2-3 years.

7. The internal stage is the entry into the profession as a full-fledged colleague, able to work consistently at a normal level.

8. The stage of the master, when one can say about the employee: the best among the normal, among the good, that is, the employee stands out noticeably against the general background.

10. Mentor stage - the highest level of work of any specialist.

The process of becoming a professional orientation can be divided into stages, the duration of which varies depending on social conditions and individual development abilities. The first stage is a children's game, during which the child assumes various professional roles and "loses" individual elements of the behavior associated with him. The second stage is a teenage fantasy, when a teenager sees himself in his dreams as a representative of a profession that is attractive to him. The third stage, which captures the entire adolescence and most of adolescence, is the preliminary choice of a profession. Activities are sorted and ranked according to the teenager's interests ("I like historical novels, should I become a historian"), then according to his abilities ("I'm good at math, should I do it"), and finally, in terms of his value system (“I want to help sick people, I will become a doctor”; “I want to earn a lot. What profession meets this requirement?”). The fourth stage is the practical decision-making, i.e. the actual choice of a profession, includes two main components: 1) determining the level of qualification of future work, the volume and duration of preparation for it, 2) choosing a specialty.

Kudryavtsev T.V. in his works describes 4 stages of professional development:

The first stage of the professional development of a person is associated with the emergence and formation of professional intentions under the influence of general development personality and initial orientation in various areas of work, in the world of work and the world of professions.

The psychological criterion for the success of passing through this stage is the choice of a profession or specialty corresponding to social needs and the needs of the individual himself.

The second stage is the period of vocational training and education, that is, targeted training for the chosen professional activity and mastering all the subtleties of professional skills.

The psychological criterion for the success of passing through this stage is the self-determination of the individual, that is, the formation of an attitude towards oneself as a subject of the chosen activity and professional orientation, which clearly reflects attitudes and the development of professionally significant qualities.

The third stage is an active entry into the professional environment, reflecting the transition of the student to a new type of activity - to professional work in its various forms in real production conditions, the performance of official duties, etc.

The psychological criterion for the success of passing through this stage is the active mastery of the profession in the conditions of a real labor process and industrial relations, finding oneself in the system of labor collectives.

The fourth stage involves the full or partial realization of professional aspirations and independent work.

The psychological criterion for the success of passing through this stage is the degree of mastery of the operational side of professional activity, the level of formation of professionally significant personality traits, attitudes towards work, a measure of skill and creativity.

Thus, professional self-determination is the process of developing the internal positions of a professional, that is, the motivation of professional activity, the attitude of a person to his future profession and to himself as a potential subject of professional activity.

1. 2. The problem of gender characteristics in psychology

Psychology began its movement along the path of gender studies by posing the problem of individual and gender differences.

The concept of "gender" as a social or socio-cultural gender came into existence in the late 60s and early 70s.

"Gender" in English means gender. In psychology, a socio-biological characteristic, with the help of which people define the concepts of "man" and "woman". Since "sex" is a biological category, social psychologists often refer to biologically determined gender differences as "sex differences".

The traditional system of differentiation of sex roles and related stereotypes of masculinity - femininity was distinguished by the following characteristic features:

1. male and female activities and personal qualities differed very sharply and seemed to be polar;

3. male and female functions were not just complementary, but also hierarchical - a woman was assigned a dependent, subordinate role, so that even the ideal image of a woman was constructed from the point of view of male interests.

Now all this division is not so significant, many social roles and occupations have ceased to be divided into male and female. Co-education, co-working, all of these have influenced the above stereotypes, and women can show the masculine type, and vice versa.

The general scheme, a map of the psychosexual development of a person, proposed by the outstanding American sexologist John Money, looks like this.

The initial link in this long process - the chromosomal or genetic sex (XX - female, XY - male) is created already at the moment of fertilization and determines the future genetic program for the differentiation of the organism along the male or female path. In the second and third months of pregnancy, the sex glands, the gonads of the embryo, differentiate. The initial germinal gonads are not yet differentiated by sex, but then a special H-Y antigen, characteristic only for male cells and making them histologically incompatible with the immune system of the female body, programs the transformation of the rudimentary gonads of the male fetus into testes, while in women the gonads automatically develop into ovaries. After that, starting from the third month of pregnancy, special cells of the male gonad (Leydig cells) begin to produce male sex hormones, androgens. The fetus acquires a certain hormonal sex.

Under the influence of sex hormones, already in the second and third months of pregnancy, the formation of internal and external genital organs, sexual anatomy begins. And from the fourth month of pregnancy, an extremely complex and important process of sexual differentiation of the nerve pathways, certain parts of the brain that control differences in the behavior and emotional reactions of men and women, begins.

At the birth of a child, on the basis of the structure of his external genitalia, authorized adults determine the civil sex of the newborn, after which the child begins to purposefully educate so that he corresponds to the ideas accepted in this society about how men and women should act. Based on these instilled rules and how his brain has been biologically programmed, the child forms ideas about his gender role identity and behaves and evaluates himself accordingly.

All these processes become more complicated in pre-adolescence and adolescence, due to puberty. Unreflexed children's ideas about their gender turn into adolescent gender identity, which becomes one of the central elements of self-consciousness. The sharply increasing secretion of sex hormones has a huge impact on all aspects of life. Secondary sexual characteristics change the bodily appearance of a teenager and make his self-image problematic. A teenager develops or manifests certain sexual orientations, erotic attraction to people of the opposite or own sex, as well as his own individual "love cards", sexual scenarios.

Both sexes are similar in many physiological characteristics: at the same age, boys and girls begin to sit, walk, their teeth erupt. They are also similar in many psychological characteristics, such as general vocabulary, intelligence, life satisfaction, self-esteem. But their differences attract attention and arouse interest. In men, puberty occurs two years later, the average man is 15% taller than the average woman, and males die an average of five years earlier. Women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, but three times more likely to commit suicide. They have a slightly better developed sense of smell. In addition, in childhood they are less prone to speech disorders and hyperactivity syndrome, and in adulthood - to antisocial actions.

Girls have better verbal abilities than boys, as a result of which they acquire language earlier. In addition, they show a small but consistent advantage over boys on tests of reading comprehension and fluency in childhood and adolescence.

Boys outperform girls on tests of visual/spatial ability, i.e., the ability to make inferences based on visual information. This advantage is insignificant, but noticeable for 4 years already and remains for the rest of my life.

Beginning in adolescence, boys show a slight but consistent advantage over girls in arithmetic tasks. Girls, on the other hand, were found to be superior to boys in computational skills. However, boys master a large number of decision-making strategies that enable them to outperform girls in areas such as difficult speech problems, geometry, and in the math section of the school assessment test. The advantage of men in solving problems is most obvious if we remember that among the people who have achieved the highest achievements in mathematics, the majority of men. Thus, sex differences in visual/spatial abilities and the decision-making strategies by which these abilities are exercised influence sex differences in arithmetic reasoning.

Boys strive for independence: they assert their individuality by trying to separate themselves from their caregiver, usually their mother. For girls, interdependence is more acceptable: they acquire their own individuality in their social connections; group activities are more characteristic of boys' games. Games for girls take place in smaller groups. In these groups, there is less aggressiveness, more reciprocity, they often imitate adult relationships, and conversations are more confidential and intimate.

Gender differences in the expression of emotions are more pronounced than differences in the emotions themselves experienced by men and women. Women are more expressive, have more open facial expressions, smile more, gesticulate more, etc. These differences are usually explained on the basis of gender-specific norms and expectations.

So, the concept of "gender" in English means sex. In psychology, this is a socio-biological characteristic, with the help of which people define the concepts of “man” and “woman”.

1. 3. Features of the formation of professional self-determination of adolescents and young men

Adolescence is one of the most difficult, difficult for psychological analysis. This is due to the equal direction and multivariate development of the child at this age. The peculiarity of the social situation of development lies in the fact that this is a transitional age. A teenager is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. Such an intermediate position in society gives adolescents a sense of insecurity and instability.

The educational process has changed somewhat, new subjects and new teachers have appeared, but in general educational activity not significantly restructured, and ceased to perform a personality-forming function.

It must be borne in mind that the self-esteem of a teenager cannot but depend on external influences, no matter how original and independent he may strive to appear. The content of his ideals and current value judgments is largely determined by the moral norms of society that approve, condemn or prohibit this or that type of behavior, the assessments of others: adults and especially peers, comrades.

A teenager faces various difficulties and critical situations in his life. Their overcoming is usually carried out through an action, deed, transformative effort: intellectual, emotional, physical. However, sometimes in particularly difficult cases, a teenager, instead of an activity decision, resorts to protection from a psycho-traumatic circumstance, an experience. In other words, instead of overcoming the factor, the person adapts to it at the level of consciousness. Self-consciousness in this case represents more than a dozen methods of protection, for example, a method of repression from consciousness, forgetting an unpleasant fact, discrediting the victim of one’s misdeed, discrediting the goal, sublimation, when a person compensates for the impossibility of performing an attractive type of activity by performing an activity that is more accessible.

An important psychological neoplasm is the moral regulation of one's behavior, which manifests itself in a high susceptibility to the assimilation of the norms, values ​​and ways of behavior that exist in the world of adults.

The desire for emancipation, increased independence, an unsatisfied sense of adulthood, emotional instability initiate the need for communication with peers.

Adolescence ends at 14-15 years of age. This time falls on the ninth grade. Teenagers are faced with the question of what to do next: continue their education in school, enter a vocational school or get a job? Essentially, older teenagers need to professionally define themselves. Together with parents and teachers, he must understand his interests, inclinations and abilities, take into account the financial capabilities of the family, the demand in the region for various types of professions and ways to obtain them naturally, approximately, and sometimes forced professional self-determination. It should also be noted that an independent, competent and responsible choice of a profession, taking into account their individual psychological characteristics, is beyond the power of a teenager. Most adolescents would still like to continue their studies at school, but poor academic performance, deviant behavior and economic failure of the family force them to continue their lives outside the mainstream school.

A feature of the social situation in the development of early youth is that this is the age that completes childhood. All the most important tasks of this age are determined by the future: graduating from a general education school, choosing a form of vocational education and profession, employment, preparation for marriage.

Finding your place in the world becomes very relevant. The leading needs of this age are due to an uncertain, problematic situation. These are the needs for personal, social and professional self-determination. High school students solve important problems: who to be and what to be.

The leading activity in early youth should be educational and professional. This activity, which forms the basis for a psychologically sound and competent choice of a future profession. In order to become personality-forming and professionally oriented, the leading activity must be varied and differentiated. The selective attitude of high school students to academic subjects determines the need for variable learning.

A teacher can make a qualitative conclusion about the high level of development of a professional orientation if the student, firstly, is dominated by high spiritual motives for choosing a profession (interest in the content of work, awareness of the social significance of the chosen profession, etc.) and, secondly, in the range of professional interests is dominated by those that are satisfied in active-activity forms (classes in a circle, rationalization activities, participation in professional competitions, etc.).

At a low level of professional orientation, material motives for choosing a profession (salary, working conditions) or indirect motives external to this profession (parental coercion, location of the educational institution) predominate, and there is no interest in this activity or relatively passive interests predominate ( reading popular science literature in the specialty, good academic performance, etc.).

In early youth, the foundations of the worldview are laid: the formation of value orientations, deepening moral consciousness, the growth of social and cognitive interest in the most general principles universe, universal laws of development of nature and society. Central to this process is the question of the meaning of life and the construction of a life plan.

On the one hand, the life plan is the result of the generalization and consolidation of private goals that a person sets for himself, a consequence of the integration and hierarchization of his motives around a stable core of value orientations that subjugate private, transient aspirations. On the other hand, it is the result of concretization and differentiation of goals and motives. From the dream, where everything is possible, and the ideal as an abstract, sometimes obviously unattainable model, a more or less realistic plan of action aimed at reality is gradually formed.

Significant factors of professional self-determination are the age at which the choice of profession is made, the level of awareness of a young person and the level of his claims. Choosing a profession is a complex and lengthy process. The problem is not so much in its overall duration, but in the sequence of stages. There are two dangers here. The first is the delay and postponement of professional self-determination by high school students due to the lack of any expressed and stable interests. This delay is often combined with the general immaturity, infantilism of behavior and social orientations of the young man.

Although early and firm self-determination is usually considered a positive factor, it also has its costs. Teenage hobbies are often due to random factors. A teenager focuses only on the content and external prestige of the profession, not noticing its other aspects (for example, that a geologist should spend half his life on expeditions). In addition, the world of professions, like everything else, at this age often seems black and white: everything is good in a “good” profession, everything is bad in a “bad” one. The categorical choice and unwillingness to consider other options and possibilities often serve as a kind of psychological defense mechanism, a means to escape from painful doubts and hesitation. This may lead to disappointment in the future. In addition, early professionalization is often associated with unfavorable family conditions, poor academic performance and other negative factors that reduce the level of consciousness and voluntary choice.

The level of awareness of high school students both about their future profession and about themselves is very important. Our boys and girls know very little the range of professions from which they have to choose, and the specific features of each profession, which makes their choice largely random. The younger a person is at the moment of choosing a profession, the more likely it is that his choice is not independent and is made not on the basis of his own system of values, but on someone's prompt and on the basis of insufficient information.

There are also certain gender differences. The awareness of young men about various modern professions is higher, and the very differentiation of professional interests begins earlier for them and manifests itself differently than for girls. Young men evaluate their opportunities more critically and are more demanding about their future profession; girls in this respect are more passive and easier to put up with failures, attaching more importance to the arrangement of their personal, family life.

The choice of a profession reflects a certain level of personal claims, including an assessment of one's objective capabilities and an assessment of one's abilities. In addition, it is influenced by the level of requirements that the subject himself often does not realize for the profession. In 15 - 17-year-old boys and girls, the level of claims is often overestimated. This is normal and even beneficial, as it stimulates a young person to grow and overcome difficulties. It is much worse if the level of claims is underestimated, and the young man does not particularly strive for anything, he is content with what goes into his hands. But how to avoid injuries due to the first failures in life, for example, when trying to enter a university?

To some unqualified young people, it seems that an irreparable disaster has occurred; all their life plans collapsed, etc. But sociological research show that those who are seriously oriented towards continuing education show that those who are seriously oriented towards continuing education can implement, and implement their life plans a little later. However, not everyone adheres to the original orientations.

The older people are, the more their life paths branch out, and in parallel with this, life orientations change. Those who wanted to enter and entered the university, at first seem satisfied. But those who have chosen a profession not quite thought out often have difficulties in the future: one does not cope with their studies, the other is disappointed in the specialty, the third doubts the correctness of the choice of the university. Moreover, by the senior years, the number of students who are dissatisfied with their chosen specialty is not decreasing, but growing. This can be due to various reasons: the level of teaching at a particular university, the discovery of the shadow sides of the future profession that the student did not see, etc. Sometimes dissatisfaction is just a crisis point in development, which will pass when practical work. But at work young specialist face new challenges. One fails to cope with a high level of responsibility, the other, on the contrary, finds that job requirements significantly below the level of education received by him, etc.

And precisely, early youth acts as a period of making responsible decisions that determine his entire future life. In the process of professional self-determination of a young man and a girl, the formation of personality takes place.

So, the professional self-determination of the majority of older teenagers falls on the 9th grade. It should be noted that an independent, competent and responsible choice of a profession, taking into account their individual psychological characteristics, is beyond the power of a teenager. And the formation of the personality of older adolescents is effective if professional self-determination is viewed both as a mechanism for personality development and as a result of this development, the actual age needs of older adolescents, as well as the contradictions that arise during their implementation, are fully taken into account.

CHAPTER 2. Empirical study of the features of self-determination of high school students

2. 1. Organization and research methods

Professional orientation is aimed at assisting in choosing a profession in accordance with individual abilities, inclinations and characteristics of the individual, as well as the opportunities that society provides to a person. One of the important forms of career guidance is the professional diagnosis of abilities, inclinations and orientation of the individual using specially developed techniques.

The purpose of our work is to study gender differences in professional self-determination of high school students.

To achieve the goals and objectives we have developed a research program.

At the first stage of psychological and pedagogical research, we studied the literature, selected methods:

Method 1. Test of interests and inclinations (S. I. Vershinin)

This test determines the degree of expression of interests in each of the areas of professional activity: "man-man", "man-nature", "man-technology", "man-sign", "man-artistic image".

Method 2. "Motives for choosing a profession" (S. S. Grinshpun)

The purpose of this technique is to study the reasons for choosing a profession by schoolchildren, the structure of their motivational sphere.

Method 3. Map of interests.

The purpose of this technique is to determine the severity of students' interests in academic subjects.

2. 2. Analysis of the results of the study of gender characteristics of professional self-determination of high school students

The results of the test of interests and inclinations (according to S. I. Vershinin)

The distribution of subjects is presented in the form of a diagram

Diagram 1. Distribution of subjects with different types professions

The results of our study showed that the largest number of students chose a profession of the type "man - technology" preferred 32% of students. The object of labor of this type of profession is technical systems, machines, devices and installations, materials and energy.

20% chose professions such as "man - nature", this is due to the interest of students in the study of living organisms, plants, animals and biological processes.

20% of eighth-graders referred themselves to professions of the type “man – sign system”. The objects of their professions are conventional signs, numbers, codes, tables. Most professions of this type are associated with the processing of information and differ in the characteristics of the subject of labor. These are texts in native and foreign languages, numbers, formulas, tables, drawings, maps, diagrams and sound signals. Proofreaders, programmers, typists, statisticians, and economists work in this area. Students explain the choice of this type of profession by their interest in studying mathematics, physics, and computer science.

16% of students chose professions of the “man-to-man” type, where the object of labor is people, groups, and collectives. These students associate their choice with professions engaged in education and training, medical, household, information services and with the protection of society and the state.

The number of students who chose professions related to the relationship "man - artistic image" was 12%. The object of labor of this group of relations are artistic images, their roles, elements and features. Students are close to the professions associated with the creation, design, modeling of works of art, with the reproduction, manufacture of various products according to a sketch, sample, copying, reproduction of works of art in mass production.

A comparative analysis of the test results among boys and girls showed that among boys there are more students who consider themselves to be professions of the "man - technology" type (55% versus 14% among girls), since boys are more inclined towards technology and technology. A small number of young men who consider themselves to be professions of the “man-man” type (9%). These professions attract girls more (21%).

The results of the methodology "Motives for choosing a profession"

Analysis of the results (diagram 3) of the motives for choosing a profession among students in grade 8 made it possible to establish the following:

In 48% of the children of the test group, the motives for choosing a future profession are of a business nature;

24% of respondents motivate their choice of future profession with material well-being;

A small part (16%) of the subjects has a pronounced motive for the prestige of the profession; and only 12% of high school students are guided in choosing a profession by the possibility of realizing their creative potential.

Diagram 3. Motives for choosing a profession

Features of the distribution of motives for choosing a profession in two groups (girls and boys) are presented in the form of diagram 4.

scales: 1 - motives of the prestige of the profession; 2 - motives of material well-being; 3 - motives of a business nature; 4 - motives for creative realization in work.

Diagram 4. Distribution of motives for choosing a profession of the subjects of the two groups

Comparing the data obtained among girls and boys, we can draw the following conclusions:

Motives of a business nature take the first place (43% for girls and 55% for boys);

The results of the methodology "Map of Interests"

The results of our study revealed the following distribution of student profile choices (see Diagram 5):

The most popular among the subjects are economic (it was chosen by 35% of the subjects), natural sciences (25%) and medical profiles (22%). Students explain the choice of these profiles by the prestige of professions.

Profiles « Physical Culture, sport” and “Pedagogy” were chosen by 9% of the subjects each. According to students, the small choice of professions related to pedagogy is not explained by the prestige, material insecurity of teachers.

Profile "Informatics" for 16% of high school students, "Mathematics" for 9%.

Profiles "Technical, technological" and "Jurisprudence" 7% each; "Artistic and artistic", "Agricultural" 6% each

Students are little aware of the essence of the professions "Service and tourism", so the number of choices in this profile is insignificant - 3%.

There is no choice of profiles "Humanitarian and social" and "Linguistics and international communication".

Scales: 1 - economic profile, 2 - natural science, 3 - medical, 4 - physical education, sports, 5 - pedagogy, 6 - computer science, 7 - mathematical, 8 - technical, technological, 9 - jurisprudence, 10 - artistic and artistic, 11 - agricultural, 12 - service and tourism, 13 - humanitarian and social, 14 - linguistics and international communication.

A comparative analysis of the average test results (see Fig. 6) among boys and girls revealed differences between girls and boys in the following occupational profiles:

The profiles "Computer Science", "Technical, Technological", "Physical Culture and Sports", "Jurisprudence" are the most popular among young men. These indicators motivate the greater interest of young men the latest technologies and cybernetics, sports.

These values ​​also confirm the correctness of our assumption that professional interests differ between girls and boys.

The results of the study of professional self-determination of girls and boys allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

1 among boys there are more students who consider themselves to be professions of the type "man - technology" (55% versus 14% among girls), since young men are more inclined towards engineering and technology. A small number of young men who consider themselves to be professions of the “man-man” type (9%). These professions attract girls more (21%).

21% of girls have chosen professions of the "man - nature" type, where the object of labor is living organisms, plants, animals and biological processes (boys - 9%).

Small differences between girls and boys were found in the group of professions associated with the relationship "man - artistic image" (7% and 18%), in the group of professions of the type "person - sign system" (29% of girls and 9% of boys).

2. When choosing a profession, motives of a business nature come first (43% for girls and 55% for boys);

In second place, when choosing a profession, schoolchildren are guided by the possibility of obtaining material well-being (29% of girls and 18% of boys);

The motive of prestige is weakly manifested and it is distributed as follows: 21% for girls, 9% for boys;

The motive for creative realization when choosing a profession occupies a minimal position: among the first group of subjects (girls - 7%) and among boys (18%).

3. Profiles "Computer science", "Technical, technological", "Physical culture and sports", "Jurisprudence" are the most popular among young men. These indicators motivate young people to be more interested in the latest technologies and cybernetics, sports.

The profiles "Artistic and artistic", "Pedagogical" were chosen by the girls.

These values ​​confirm the correctness of our assumption that professional interests differ between girls and boys.

Research allows us to make the following pedagogical recommendations for teachers and parents:

1. Career guidance should not be limited directly to the professional sphere, but should always focus on the most important life goals of young people.

2. In order to develop a coherent and realistic life perspective, boys and girls need to be introduced to concrete examples successful and unsuccessful life paths associated with the choice of a particular profession. It is especially important to know the future working conditions, which occupy one of the leading positions in the system of youthful requirements for a future profession.

3. Take into account that for girls, when choosing a profession, the size of the future is more important. wages and favorable working conditions. Working professions attract young people primarily by the opportunity to achieve independence and autonomy more quickly. For those who choose them, the future salary is sometimes less important than for those who choose high-skilled knowledge professions.

4. Regardless of the level of knowledge of schoolchildren, they need special career guidance information.

5. It is necessary to explain to high school students the direct dependence of future professional and life achievements on their readiness for dedication in work and independence in the realization of life goals.

6. In career guidance it is important to take into account not only the rational aspects associated with the definition of life goals and plans, but also the emotional characteristics of the individual.

7. With students of 9th and 11th grades, conduct systematic classes according to the modernized program training course on professional self-determination, the main goal of which is to form students' personal readiness for primary professional self-determination, namely, to choose the profile of education in high school, as well as to choose the types and level of education after graduating from basic school.

Kuznetsova I.V.

Center for Career Guidance and Psychological Support "Resource",


Professional self-determination is a continuous process that accompanies a person's entire professional life. It does not end with a single choice of profession. A person constantly rethinks his professional existence and clarifies his professional choice: changing jobs, types and areas of activity, defining specialization, planning activities, changing the way activities are performed, etc. It is impossible to professionally self-determine once in a lifetime. Professional self-determination is updated when solving various social and professional problems. Flexibility, constant refinement and adjustment of professional values, opportunities, positions, plans and prospects are the most important factors in the effectiveness of self-determination, especially in the context of constant change in the personality itself and significant socio-economic changes.

The key characteristic of professional self-determination is overcoming uncertainty at the personal-motivational level by defining and redefining one's own professional position. Professional self-determination is one of the mechanisms of personal professionalization, closely related to the formation of the subject of professional development. It performs a number of functions in the course of professional choice, formation and development of a person: career guidance, design, identification, organizational, control, regulatory, adaptive, compensatory.

Professional self-determination of a person can be considered as a process, as a state and as a result. From the side of the process, we can talk about certain stages, conditions and factors influencing the unfolding of the process of professional self-determination. From the side of the result, professional self-determination is characterized by neoplasms in various areas of personality: motivational, cognitive, behavioral, emotional, etc.: expanding ideas about oneself and the world (including professional), gaining experience in making choices, experience in professional trials, forming the image of "I" , forming an image of the desired future, etc. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the process of professional self-determination can be carried out according to the success of solving the problems of professional self-determination and the formation of neoplasms necessary for their implementation, which form the basis of the ability to professional self-determination. As a state, professional self-determination reflects how the cross-section of c can be continuously characterized by more or less high emotional saturation, awareness, wide or narrow (focused).

Professional self-determination is an activity process that includes solving the problems of professional self-determination. Its course is carried out in accordance with the system-genetic and system-functional principles: the same problem of self-determination appears differently at different ages and in the implementation of various functions.

The key tasks of professional self-determination are solved on the basis of self-knowledge, understanding (reflexive analysis) of real choices, social and professional trials and other mental and practical actions, designing and redesigning one's own professional future and professional path. An important role in the process of self-determination, along with rational ones (awareness, analysis, comparison, etc.), is played by non-rational components: feelings, experiences, habits, intuition.

Among the significant tasks of professional self-determination of high school students, which will be discussed in more detail in this publication, there are tasks related to making a decision on choosing a profession, developing ways and means of acquiring it, considering professional prospects, etc.

Professional self-determination occurs in a certain situation, which is a combination of subjective and objective factors of choice: socio-economic prospects, characteristics of the modern labor market and professions, the requirements they impose on an employee, possible ways acquisition of professions, etc., individual characteristics each person, subjective attitude to the situation of choice, established connections, traditions, etc.

Generalization of the results of a number of researchers, as well as understanding the practice of our own work, allowed us to develop a normative model of the process of professional self-determination of school graduates. It includes the formation of the image of "I" on the basis of self-knowledge and self-development; the formation of a generalized idea of ​​the labor market and the situation of choice based on analysis and synthesis, the formation of the image of the most attractive, "ideal" sphere of future professional activity based on the comparison and coordination of the image of "I" and a generalized idea of ​​the labor market and the situation of choice; development of alternative choices based on the concretization of the image of an attractive field of professional activity; decision making (preference for one of the options) based on weighting, limited acceptance, crowding out, and other mechanisms; development of a program, ways and means of implementing the chosen option.

The real process of professional self-determination is not always carried out in accordance with the normative model. It can be characterized by different latitude (more or fewer components); inconsistency (consistency of internal and external factors); degree of structure, mono-direction (there is an integration of one or a number of intentions); stability (preservation of value orientations regarding various types of activities), validity (the degree of completeness of accounting for external and internal factors). The arising contradictions, difficulties and mistakes refer to different stages and components of professional self-determination.

Organizational and managerial support of professional self-determination - career guidance - essentially depends on how the essence of this process is understood. If we put at the forefront the activity of the individual, when Rthe solution must be found by the chooser himself, then the teacher(or another person involved in supporting the process of professional self-determination)cannot and should not give ready-made recommendations. Just as you cannot breathe and live for another person, you cannot make fateful decisions for him. Even the most infantile young person can do it himself, relying on the help of a wise and understanding adult, since there are no absolutely right or wrong decisions, there are decisions that are acceptable and unacceptable from the point of view of a particular person in a particular situation. A specialist assisting a graduate can create conditions, activate the search process, accompany in the course of professional self-determination, helping to determine the “price” and ways of mastering the profession, possible success and job satisfaction in each case.

Thus, the creation of conditions for professional self-determination of high school students should, first of all, ensure the launch and implementation of an individual's activity for professional self-determination, the formation of means for building her professional career.

In domestic psychology in recent years, an increasing number of scientists associate the processes of professional self-determination with the choice of lifestyle, personal self-determination. Choosing a profession, a person plans a way of existence, correlating his future professional status with meaningful life values. In line with this approach, studies by K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M.R. Ginzburg, E.I. Golovakhi and others. The most consistent and versatile issues of professional self-determination of the subject are considered in the works of E.F. Zeera, E.A. Klimova, N.S. Pryazhnikov.
E.A. Klimov considers professional self-determination as one of the most important manifestations of a person's mental development, as a process of his inclusion in the professional community and, more broadly, in the social community. In the course of life, a person develops a certain attitude to various areas of work, an idea of ​​​​professions, one's capabilities is formed, preferences are distinguished in the socio-economic factors of labor assessment, and a range of possible choices is determined. The result of the semantic and motivational searches of a person is the implementation of socially significant activities aimed at the production of a socially valuable product.
The most important component of self-determination, according to E.A. Klimov, is the formation of professional self-awareness, in the structure of which the following are distinguished:
1. Awareness of one's belonging to a certain professional community ("we are engineers").
2. Assessment of one's compliance with professional standards and one's place in the community according to the system of social roles (beginner, one of the best specialists, etc.).
3. Knowledge of a person about the degree of his recognition in social group(“I am considered a good specialist”).
4. Knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses, ways of self-improvement, individual ways of successful action, about his individual style of activity.
5. An idea of ​​yourself and your work in the future.
E.A. Klimov identifies two levels of professional self-determination:
. gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-consciousness);
. practical (real changes in the social status of a person).
E.F. Zeer considers the problem of professional self-determination of a person in the context new industry applied psychology - psychology of professions. Professional self-determination is characterized by:
. selectivity of a person's attitude to the world of professions;
. making choices based on individual features person, the requirements of the profession and socio-economic conditions;
. constant self-determination of the subject throughout life;
. determination external events(graduation, change of residence, etc.);
. close connection with self-realization, the manifestation of the social maturity of the individual.
The tasks of professional self-determination are solved differently at each stage of professional development (Table 3).

Professional self-determination is manifested in the emotionally colored attitude of the individual to his place in the world of professions. It is determined by socio-economic conditions, interpersonal relations in the team, age-related and professionally caused crises, but the leading role belongs to the activity of the individual, her responsibility for her own development. E.F. Zeer notes that professional self-determination is an important factor in the self-realization of an individual in a particular profession and culture in general.
H. S. Pryazhnikov proposed a model of professional self-determination of a person, which includes the following components:
1. Awareness of the value of socially useful labor and the need for professional training (the value-moral basis of self-determination).
2. Orientation in the socio-economic situation and forecasting the prestige of the chosen work.
3. General orientation in the world of professional work and identification of a professional goal-dream.
4. Definition of immediate professional goals as stages in achieving a distant goal.
5. Search for information about professions and specialties corresponding to professional educational institutions and places of employment.
6. The idea of ​​possible difficulties in achieving professional goals, of personal qualities that contribute to the implementation of the plans.
7. The presence of backup options in case of failure in the main option of self-determination.
8. The beginning of the practical implementation of a personal professional perspective, the constant adjustment of plans according to the principle feedback.
Professional self-determination, according to N.S. Pryazhnikov, implemented on next levels:
1. Self-determination in a specific labor function. The employee finds the meaning of his activity in the qualitative performance of individual tasks. labor functions or operations. The freedom of choice of human actions is limited.
2. Self-determination at a specific labor post. The labor post is characterized by limited work environment, including means of labor, professional rights and obligations. The performance of diverse functions increases the possibility of self-realization within the framework of the activities performed. The change of the labor post negatively affects the quality of work, causes dissatisfaction of the employee.
3. Self-determination at the level of a specific specialty. It involves the change of various labor posts, which expands the possibilities of self-realization of the individual. For example, a motor transport driver can easily drive any kind of car.
4. Self-determination in a particular profession. The employee performs related types of labor activity in several specialties.
5. Life self-determination. It is associated with the choice of lifestyle and, in addition to work, includes self-education, leisure, etc. The profession becomes a means of implementing a certain lifestyle.
6. Personal self-determination. It is characterized by finding an original image of the Self and its approval among the surrounding people. The man rises above the profession, social roles becomes the master of his own life. Surrounding people characterize the employee not just as a good specialist, but, above all, as a respected person and a unique personality.
7. Self-determination of personality in culture. There is a tendency of a person to “continue” himself in other people. It is characterized by a significant contribution of the individual to the development of culture, which allows us to talk about the social immortality of man.
Professional self-determination is an independent and conscious finding of the meanings of the work performed and all life activity in a specific cultural-historical (socio-economic) situation. This process is due to the manifestations of internal resources, forces, attitudes on the way of the professional development of the personality and its development. Professional self-determination of a person in the world of professions and on a professional path is a personal aspect of the formation of a professional. The problem of self-determination of the individual should be considered not only in the context of choosing a profession, but also in a broader sense, in connection with the issues of professional development of the individual.
The driving force behind self-determination of personality is contradiction. At the same time, external conditions can only become the cause of changes, which is generally consistent with the general scientific principle of S.L. Rubinstein. As noted by V.A. Ganzen and L.A. Golovey, the presence of contradictions between a person's potential and his interests, relationships, orientation (that is, between potencies and tendencies) acts as a necessary factor and driving force for the development of individuality. However, a person may encounter tendencies that are in irreconcilable contradiction with each other. They can be both socially determined (between the individual and socio-professional conditions), and localized in inner world when there is a discrepancy in the ideas of the individual about own capabilities with real actions and objective results in which they are embodied.
In the process of professional self-determination, contradictions may arise between:
. self-development and self-preservation in the profession;
. orientation to the result and the labor process;
. social and individual standards, labor standards;
. various types competence (special, social, personal, individual);
. the pace of development of the motivational and operational spheres of professional activity;
. striving for narrow specialization and the need for broad competence.
L.M. Mitina and O.V. Kuzmenkov define intrapersonal contradiction as a subjectively experienced mismatch of certain tendencies (assessments, claims, attitudes, etc.) in the self-consciousness of the individual, which interact and change each other in the process of development. Considering the psychological features of intrapersonal contradictions, the authors note that they arise between the I-acting and I-reflected.
The following functions of intrapersonal contradictions are singled out in the process of professional development of a personality. First, they signal the imminent mismatch of conflicting trends, performing an indicator function. Secondly, intrapersonal contradictions can stimulate the process of professional development of an individual if she has a pronounced need to actualize her own potentialities. Thirdly, they can hold back development by performing certain conditions braking function.
The ways and means of resolving contradictions can be different: the formation of an individual style of activity; lowering the level of claims; the emergence of new interests, relationships; development and improvement of human properties. An important condition realization of personal potential is the psychological maturity of a person, expressed in the ability to constructively resolve emerging contradictions, in the awareness of one's own potential and the presence active position in relation to their implementation and development in activities. The prerequisites for a constructive resolution of intrapersonal contradictions are the desire for relative independence from external influences, reflective skills, and the acceptance of the values ​​of a self-actualizing personality.
A constructive way of resolving contradictions creates conditions for the further development of the personality, contributes to its movement from the I-empirical with its inherent limited psychological characteristics to the I-creative, containing the full potential of the specialist.
An important feature self-determination is its appeal to the future. However, students of adolescence and youth, as a rule, have subjective difficulties in determining their life goals and prospects. Therefore, the task of psychological assistance at this stage of professional self-determination consists in mastering practically useful planning skills, correlating near and far prospects.
The prospect of future professional activity is a mental projection of a person's motivational sphere. It represents, to varying degrees, conscious hopes, plans, projects, aspirations, fears associated with a more or less distant future. A personal professional perspective is formed through the internalization of the parents' value attitudes, their expectations regarding their own child, through the assimilation of general cultural, social patterns, and finally, through the development of the entire motivational sphere. Formed in this way, a personal professional perspective acquires its own motivating force, exerting a powerful feedback on the development of a person's personality.
Professional self-determination of a person in the world of professions and on a professional path is a personal aspect of the formation of a professional. Professional self-determination is accompanied by the construction of a personal professional plan, the formation of internal readiness for a conscious and independent representation, adjustment and implementation of the prospects for one's development, readiness to consider oneself as a subject developing in time, and independently find personally significant meanings in a particular professional activity. A self-determining personality is a subject who has realized what he wants (his goals, life plans, ideals), what he is (his personal and physical properties), what he can (his capabilities, inclinations), what the team, society expect from him.
Activation of the formation process psychological readiness personality to professional self-determination is realized in the process of developing professional consultation. The main purpose of this type of professional consultation is the psychological preparation of the individual to determine their position, increasing their readiness to independently solve professionally conditioned problems.
