Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Mission and goals of the company: definition, features of activities and implementation. Theoretical foundations of the internal and external environment The main problems and goals of the enterprise

In the process of work, the management of the enterprise takes various solutions. They relate, in particular, to the range of products, the markets they are supposed to enter with it, the issues of strengthening their positions in competition, choosing the optimal technology, materials, etc. Activities that are aimed at solving these problems are called the business policy of the enterprise.

The firm's goal system

As you know, any enterprise is created for profit. However, this is not the only desire of the owner of the company. In addition to the desire to earn income, there must be strategic goals firms. These include:

  1. Conquest or retention of the most extensive sales sector for your product.
  2. Improving the quality of products.
  3. Achieving a leading position in the field of technological support.
  4. Maximum use of financial, raw materials and labor resources.
  5. Increasing the profitability of operations.
  6. Achieve maximum possible employment.

Task Implementation Plan

The main goals of the company are achieved in stages. The work plan of the enterprise includes the following stages:

Mission Statement

The company must clearly represent the tasks that will be solved in the course of work. The goals of the company's activity should correspond to the goods (services) supplied to consumers, existing technologies. This takes into account the influence of external factors. The mission statement should contain a description of the company's culture, a characteristic of the working atmosphere.

Mission Importance

Individual leaders do not worry about its selection and formulation. If you ask some of them what the firms are about, the answer will be obvious - to maximize profits. Meanwhile, the choice of making profit as the mission of the enterprise is unsuccessful. important for any company. However, its receipt is an exclusively internal task of the enterprise. The firm is, in its essence, an open structure. It can only survive if it satisfies specific external needs. To make a profit, a company needs to analyze the state of the environment in which it operates. That is why the company's goals are determined by external factors. To select an appropriate mission, management needs to answer 2 questions: "Who are the company's customers?" and "What customer needs is the company able to meet?". Any entity that uses the benefits created by the firm will act as a consumer.


The need to formulate the goals of the company has been recognized for a long time. G. Ford, creating the enterprise, chose as a mission to provide cheap transport to people. Making profit is a rather narrow goal of the firm. Its choice limits the manager's ability to consider acceptable alternatives in the decision-making process. This, in turn, can lead to key factors being ignored. Accordingly, subsequent decisions may contribute to a decrease in performance.

Difficulty of choice

Many non-profit structures have a fairly large client base. In this regard, it is quite difficult for them to formulate their mission. In this case, you can pay attention to the institutions under the Government. Thus, it is believed that the Ministry of Commerce provides assistance to entities involved in the field of implementation. In practice, in addition to solving the tasks of supporting entrepreneurship, this institution should also meet the needs of the public and the Government itself. Despite the difficulties, a non-profit organization needs to formulate an appropriate mission for itself, taking into account the needs of clients. Leaders of small companies should clearly represent the goals of the company in the market. Here the danger lies in choosing too difficult a mission. For example, a giant like IBM not only can, but should strive to meet the needs of a large information community. However, a newcomer to the industry will be limited to providing software or hardware to process a small amount of data.


They are in line with the purpose of the firm. The tasks are to achieve the indicators that are planned for a specific period. Their volume will be determined taking into account the interests of the owner of the company, the amount of capital, external and internal factors. The owner of the enterprise has the right to set tasks for the personnel. It doesn't matter what his status is. It can be a private individual, a shareholder or a government agency.

Task List

It may include various items, depending on the specifics of the enterprise. The tasks of the company include:

As you can see, making a profit is included in the list of tasks of the enterprise, not goals. This once again proves that income generation cannot be a key area of ​​work.

Formation of the company's goal

It is carried out in accordance with a number of principles. The goals of the firm should:

  1. Be realistic and achievable.
  2. Be clear and unambiguous.
  3. Have specific deadlines.
  4. Motivate work in the right direction.
  5. focused on a specific effect.
  6. Be available for correction and verification.

Any enterprise in the development of its business policy performs an analysis of the environment. During it, critical important elements that can affect the company's ability to implement tasks and achieve planned goals.

External factors

They are consumers, suppliers, population and government agencies. The state of the external environment has a direct impact on the efficiency of the company. For example, consumer demand will affect production volumes. The higher it is, the greater the number of products produced. The external environment includes the work and general areas. The first consists of elements with which the enterprise has direct contact. For each company, the working environment may be more or less the same, depending on the general direction of business policy and industry affiliation. Consumers, competitors, suppliers form the immediate environment. Everything else belongs to the general environment. It is formed from political, social, technological, economic factors. The general environment affects the company's strategy, the choice of development directions. At the same time, the enterprise takes into account the impact of the working environment on its capabilities.

Internal factors

They are personnel, production facilities, financial and information resources. The result of the interaction of these factors is expressed in finished products (services provided, work performed). The internal environment includes departments, elements, services directly involved in production activities. Changing the composition of these components affects the direction of the enterprise. Together, internal and external factors form the organizational environment of the company.


To implement the tasks at the enterprise, a strategy is formulated. It includes various means or ways to achieve goals. The development of a set of alternative options is carried out based on the results complex analysis the work of the enterprise, competitors, customer needs. is an integral element. The development of tasks can be carried out for different periods. They can be short term or long term. The strategy must be flexible. This is especially true in modern conditions. When setting goals, the enterprise should soberly assess its resources and capabilities. Companies often take on more than they can handle. As a result, not only the reputation of the enterprise suffers. Ill-considered steps that do not correspond to the specifics and capabilities of the target company often lead to large debts to counterparties, bankruptcy. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to approach the choice of your mission with full responsibility.


The transition of the country to a market economy, access to the world level requires enterprises to increase production efficiency, competitiveness of products based on the implementation of achievements scientific and technological progress, effective forms of management and modern methods personnel management.

In order to successfully manage an enterprise, it is necessary to clearly understand the main mechanisms and patterns by which economic activity companies to pay attention to. In other words, it is necessary to have a sufficiently high level of competence in matters of enterprise economics.

The main objective of the enterprise in all cases is to generate income through the sale of manufactured products (work performed, services rendered) to consumers. Based on the income received, social and economic needs are satisfied labor collective and owners of the means of production.

For the successful functioning of the enterprise, an analysis must be organized economic indicators activities of the enterprise and planning its production and economic activities.

This course work discusses the main economic categories and indicators that can be used to evaluate the activities of the enterprise from various angles and the calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise's activities was made on the basis of the proposed data.

Methodological basis for implementation term paper are study guides and materials of the periodical press on the economics of the enterprise enterprise, research of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of development of the efficiency of enterprises.

The concept of the enterprise, the goals and objectives of its activities

Before proceeding to the consideration of the essence of the enterprise, it is necessary to give a definition of the term "enterprise".

An enterprise is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective, capable of using the means of production at its disposal to produce the products (perform work, provide services) of the appropriate purpose, profile and range that consumers need (perform work, provide services).

The enterprise as an object of study is a separate production and economic unit that has the rights legal entity engaged in the production and sale of products, the performance of work, the provision of services.

The main task of the enterprise is economic activity aimed at making a profit to satisfy the interests of the owner of the enterprise.

The enterprise is the primary link in economic system states. The company produces goods, performs work, provides services; jobs are created that provide employment for the able-bodied population and consumer demand. The enterprise is the main taxpayer, replenishes the revenue side of the state and local budgets.

In the system of the national economy, the enterprise is the main link, which is determined by the following circumstances:

1. Enterprises manufacture products, perform work, services that constitute material basis life of both the individual and society as a whole. The standard of living of people and the well-being of the state depend on what products an enterprise produces, what costs it incurs for its manufacture.

2. An enterprise is a form of organizing the life of each person and society as a whole. Here the employee, realizing his creative potential, contributes to social production. Here he receives remuneration for his work, financially providing himself and his family members.

3. The enterprise acts as the main subject of production relations that develop in the process of production and sale of products between various participants.

4. An enterprise is not only economic, but also social organization, since it is based on a person or a labor collective. In work, in the team, a sense of belonging to the affairs of society is realized, each employee of the enterprise develops as a person.

5. At enterprises, the interests of society, the owner, the collective and the employee are intertwined, their contradictions are developed and resolved.

6. The enterprise, carrying out production and economic activities, has an impact on the natural environment, determining the state of the human habitat.

Thus, it can be concluded that effective work enterprises is essential condition welfare and prosperity of the state.

At present, the status of the enterprise, the procedure for its creation and liquidation, the conditions for the formation and use of property, economic, economic and social activities, the relationship of the enterprise with the authorities government controlled and local government mainly governed by national legislation.

State authorities set the rules economic behavior enterprises through a system of laws and regulations governing and regulating their activities.

There are two main models for the functioning of business entities - directive and social market economy. The essence and features of the activities of enterprises in various conditions are as follows.

In a centralized, directive economic system, an enterprise is an economic entity that has the rights of a legal entity, which, on the basis of the use of property by the labor collective, produces and sells products, develops according to a plan, and works on the basis of economic accounting.

In a social market economy, an enterprise is an independent business entity that has the rights of a legal entity, whose activities are aimed at making a profit, are carried out at their own risk and under their property responsibility. There are three significant differences in these definitions.

The first is complete independence in a market economy and limited independence in a directive economy. The second is the purpose of the activity: profitable work in a market environment and production output - in a centralized system of public administration. The third is the property liability of the owners of the enterprise: in a social market economy - the risk of losing property and in a directive economy - covering losses through subsidies from the state budget.

The period of transformation of the administrative-command economic model into a social market system is called the transition economy.

In a transitional economy, an enterprise is affected by both market factors and directive methods of regulation, which has a negative impact on the efficiency of its work.

To study the production and economic activities of the enterprise, it is necessary to dwell on such concepts as the internal and external environment of the enterprise. The internal environment of the enterprise is people, means of production, information and money. The result of the interaction of the components of the internal environment is finished products(work performed, services rendered) (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Internal environment of the enterprise

The external environment, which directly determines the efficiency of the enterprise, is primarily consumers of products, suppliers of production components, as well as government bodies and the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. The external environment of the enterprise

The most important task of the enterprise in all cases is to generate income through the sale of manufactured products (work performed, services rendered) to consumers. Based on the income received, the social and economic needs of the labor collective and the owners of the means of production are satisfied.

Regardless of the form of ownership, the enterprise operates, as a rule, on the principles of full cost accounting, self-sufficiency and self-financing. It independently concludes contracts with consumers of products, including receiving state orders, and also concludes contracts and makes settlements with suppliers of the necessary production resources.

The main functions of the enterprise include:

production of products for industrial and personal consumption;

sale and delivery of products to the consumer;

after-sales service of products;

material and technical support of production at the enterprise;

management and organization of work of personnel at the enterprise;

comprehensive development and growth of production volumes at the enterprise;


payment of taxes, performance of mandatory and voluntary contributions and payments to the budget and other financial bodies;

compliance with applicable standards, regulations, state laws.

The functions of the enterprise are specified and refined depending on:

enterprise size;

industry affiliation;

degrees of specialization and cooperation;

availability of social infrastructure;

forms of ownership.

Enterprises differ in terms of production volume, organizational structure, degree of specialization, type of production processes and a number of other features.

Enterprises may consist of a number of structural units and structural divisions those performing certain stages of the production process (main workshops, sections) or preparing the conditions for the manufacture of products (auxiliary workshops). In a number of industries (coal, sugar, alcohol, etc.) the main manufacturing process not subdivided by department. Such enterprises have a non-workshop structure and are divided into sections. Most of them do not have a shop division and small enterprises.

Enterprises in a market economy can be classified according to various criteria.

According to the forms of ownership, enterprises are public and private. If there is a share of state and private property in the authorized capital of a business entity, then such an enterprise has a mixed form of ownership. Communal and republican are varieties of the state form of ownership. There is the property of public and religious organizations. Enterprises with such forms of ownership have the main goal not to make a profit and increase capital, but to perform the statutory functions of creative unions, confessions and other similar structures. In some legislative acts of the post-Soviet republics, there are such formulations of the ownership of an enterprise: collective, joint, shared, public, national. Such interpretations of ownership are highly controversial.

According to the forms of management, enterprises act as an open and closed joint-stock company, a company with limited liability, an additional liability company, a unitary enterprise, a leased enterprise, a cooperative, a general and limited partnership, and others. Features of the functioning of the leased enterprise are indicated in the lease agreement between the tenant and the lessor-owner. The cooperative provides for the participation in the joint work of the members of the cooperative. A partnership with full liability to third parties is rare. The most common forms of business are a joint-stock company (JSC) and a limited liability company or partnership (LLC). The procedure for the formation of property, distribution of profits and liability between the participants of the company is established in the charter. Compensation for damage to third parties in bankruptcy is carried out within the limits of equity. The sequence of satisfaction of creditors' claims is regulated by national legislation. The main difference between a joint-stock company and a limited liability company is that JSC authorized capital issues shares, issues them to their owners, maintains a register of shareholders, and in an LLC, the share contribution of owners is established as a percentage.

Enterprises are grouped by size as large, medium and small. Signs of attributing enterprises to one of the subgroups are indicated in legislative or by-laws. Small businesses with small numbers of employees, profits or sales have incentives compared to large ones in the form of tax incentives or other motivational mechanisms that contribute to the development and strengthening of small businesses.

According to the participation of foreign capital, enterprises are divided into joint, foreign and foreign. The joint venture is located on the territory of the country and has a share in the authorized capital owned by foreign investors. A foreign enterprise is represented by national capital exported from the state as a contribution to the authorized capital of an enterprise registered in another country. A foreign enterprise has one hundred percent of the authorized capital owned by legal or individuals other states.

On the basis of industry, enterprises belong to the sphere of material production - industry, construction, Agriculture, communication, transport; and non-material production - healthcare, education, trade, science, culture and others. In turn, each industry is divided into sub-sectors. For example, in industry, according to the characteristics of the nature of the raw material or the purpose of the finished product, coal industry, energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, light and food industries, production building materials. In mechanical engineering, machine tool building, automotive industry, tractor building, instrument making, etc. are distinguished. Industry classification can be enlarged and detailed. It is used to statistically characterize the structure of enterprises and their performance indicators.

By types of associations, enterprises are included in production, republican, regional, national or transnational companies. There are such varieties - concern, consortium, holding. The concern includes enterprises belonging to one (or several) industries. The consortium, in addition to enterprises, includes banking, financial, insurance structures. The holding is created by the owners to manage a controlling stake in subordinate enterprises. The financial-industrial group combines industrial and banking capital.

By types of splitting, subsidiaries, branches and other structures with a current account and a separate balance sheet or without them, with or without the right of a legal entity, are distinguished.

According to the purpose of their activities, enterprises are divided into commercial (focused on increasing profits and capital), non-commercial (performing other statutory tasks) or mixed.

1. The concept and essence of the organization, its external and internal goals.

2. Typology of organizations.

3. Life cycle of the organization.

4. Operating environment. The internal environment of the organization. People are like an internal variable. The external environment of the organization. Factors of indirect influence. Factors of direct influence.

5. Structure of the organization

The concept and essence of the organization, its external and internal goals

Organization- a consciously coordinated social formation with certain boundaries that functions on permanent basis to achieve common goals. Organization- an active, relatively independent element of the social system, through which the interests of the individual and society are refracted.

Organization- the formation of a group or individuals interacting with each other and working to achieve a specific goal.

The organization is characterized by the following signs:

- complexity, determining the degree of division of labor in the organization, the level of specialization, the number of levels of the hierarchy;

formalization- developed rules and procedures that determine the behavior of employees; (what can and cannot be done);

ratio of centralization and decentralization the levels at which decisions are made. The ratio of centralization and decentralization determines the type and nature of the organizational structure of management.

Every organization has a mission. Mission A stated statement as to why and for what reason an organization exists. The development of the mission is necessary to identify the main task of the company, to develop on its basis the goals and criteria for decision-making.

For the organization, the mission is the starting point for making planning decisions (determine why the company exists); gives clarity to the goal towards which the organization is moving (what is the difference between this company and those already operating in the market); helps to concentrate the efforts of employees to achieve the goal (consistency of interests of all persons in the organization); causes understanding and support of external participants of the organization, contributes to the creation of the corporate spirit of the organization.

In a generalized form, the mission is the definition of the offered products (services), the place and role of the organization in the market; organization goals; technology, basic attitudes and values, strengths, competitiveness, responsibility to partners and consumers, image and appearance. What the company is going to do, where to go, and what it wants to become, is the mission of the company.

Depending on the classification criteria are as follows goal groups:

1) establishment period: strategic, tactical; operational;

3) structural: marketing, innovation, personnel; production, financial, administrative;

4) environment: internal and external;

5) priority: special priority, priority, external;

6) measurability quantitative and qualitative;

7) repeatability: one-time and constantly recurring;

8) hierarchy: goals of the organization, units;

9) stage life cycle: design and creation of an object, growth of an object; object maturity; end of the life cycle of an object.

The mission does not change throughout the entire life cycle of the organization. The formation of a new mission leads to the formation of a new enterprise. Carrying out its mission, the company is moving towards achieving certain goals (survival, growth, profitability):

· external goals, taking into account the needs of the wider social community within which the organization operates, these are the goals, the achievement of which allows the organization to change the external environment;

· internal goals- the goals of the team itself, focusing on the satisfaction of its needs. They are formed either as a resultant or as a coinciding part of the individual goals of its participants, which greatly facilitates the management process, these are goals, the achievement of which allows the organization to develop itself.

Of course, the achievement of both goals is interconnected, i.e. it is impossible to try to achieve any internal goal without achieving an external one and vice versa.

3.2 Typology of organizations
Organizations, due to their extreme diversity, can be typologized, that is, they can be singled out and combined according to many characteristic features. Most common the following types typology: by the nature of the activity - public, economic, state, municipal; by field of activity - economic, political, military, social, children's; by industry - construction, mining, medical, sports; in relation to the authorities - governmental, municipal, independent; by nationality - national, foreign, joint; according to the degree of independence - head (maternal) and subsidiaries; by form of ownership - private, state, municipal, public, mixed; by organizational and legal form - state and municipal unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies, partnerships, cooperatives, public associations, institutions, associations; according to the degree of formalization - legal and non-legal entities; by the number of employees - large, medium and small; by duration of operation - permanent, temporary, seasonal; in relation to profit - commercial (profitable) and others; in relation to the budget - budgetary, financed from the budget and non-budgetary; by organizational structure - linear, functional, matrix. There may be other types of typology of organizations.

Organization life cycle

For description trends of change Life cycle models are the most commonly used in organizations. These models are based on the idea that an organization follows a path of three stages: birth, youth and maturity, and aging of the organization. The practical meaning of organization life cycle models lies in the detailed definition phases that make up each of the stages of the life of the organization:

Phase 1 - the birth of the organization. The definition of the main goal is characteristic; the main task is to enter the market; organization of work - the desire to maximize profits.

Phase 2 - childhood and adolescence. the main objective- short-term profits and accelerated growth, survival through tough management; the main task is to strengthen and capture a part of the market; organization of labor - profit planning, salary increase.

Phase 3 - maturity. The main goal is systematic, balanced growth and the formation of an individual image; leadership effect through delegation of authority; the main task is to grow in different directions, conquer the market, take into account various interests; organization of work - division and cooperation, premium for individual results.

Phase 4 - the aging of the organization. The main goal is to maintain the achieved results; in the field of leadership, the effect is achieved through coordination of actions; the main task is to ensure stability, a free regime of labor organization, and participation in profits.

Phase 5 - the revival of the organization. The main goal is to ensure survival in all functions; the main task- rejuvenation; in the field of labor organization - collective bonuses.

The growth of the organization is accompanied by periods of crisis, the duration of which depends on the security of the organization.

The peculiarity of the growth of the organization reflects the model of crises of the life cycle of the organization. According to this model, there are five phases of organizational growth. Each phase contains an evolutionary stage in the development of the organization, which is interrupted by management crises.

Any organization is considered in two dimensions, one of which forms the size of the organization, and the other - its age. Depending on the size of the organization and at certain stages of its life cycle, the following crises are distinguished.

1. Leadership crisis. As the organization grows, the initially formed informal ties in management between the co-owners are formalized and take the form of management. This process is painful, since some co-owners do not have the qualities of managers, and management begins to compete with the power of the owners - the leaders of the organization. There is a difficult change of leaders: from owners to executive directors.

2. The crisis of autonomy occurs in the process of differentiation and diversification of production as it grows. To resolve this crisis, top management needs to delegate some of the authority down.

3. Crisis of control. After decentralization is carried out, at some stage in the development of the organization, control over the units is lost, carried out from above.

4. The crisis of bureaucratization. The creation and development of headquarters subsequently leads to a confrontation between the headquarters and the line. The organization further becomes too unwieldy to be governed by formal programs and practice strict controls.


Purpose of the organization represents the end state or desired outcome that any company aspires to. The company always has one common goal, which all members of the workforce should strive to achieve.

The defining feature of the goals is that they must be realistically feasible and achievable, while being understandable to the team.

When planning, the company's management conducts the development of goals, informing their employee. In some companies, all members of the workforce may be involved in the development of tactical goals. The joint definition of goals is the main motive and coordinating force of the enterprise, because as a result of this process, each employee understands what he should strive for.

The goals and objectives of the organization may include winning and maintaining a share of a particular market, achieving more High Quality products, increasing the profitability of the company, achieving the maximum level of employment, etc.

Requirements for goals and objectives

The goals and objectives of the organization should be:

1.) Achievable (you can not overestimate the goal);

2.) Specific (determine the term);

3.) Address (identify the artist);

4.) Flexible (revised in accordance with changes in the internal and external environment);

5.) Consistent (if the company sets several goals, they must be consistent with each other).

The goals and objectives of the organization, set by management, are used in the process of establishing and evaluating the effectiveness of the company.

The goals and objectives of the organization set a general guideline for activities.

Tasks of the organization


Tasks of the organization are goals that must be achieved by a certain time within the periods for which it is calculated managerial decision. Organizational objectives are goals that are not tied to time.

Depending on the structure of the organization, each position is characterized by a number of tasks considered as a necessary contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise. At the same time, the tasks indicate the immediate goals of the company, which can be quantified.

The goals and objectives of the organization are mainly aimed at generating income from the production or sale of products.

The objectives of the organization may be to provide staff salary, generating income for the owners of the company, providing consumers with quality products in accordance with demand and contracts, protecting environment, preventing disruptions in the work of the company, etc.

  1. National public specifics,
  2. Features of the development of society that have developed historically,
  3. Geographical and natural conditions,
  4. Factors of the cultural environment, etc.

Goals and objectives of the organization

The goals and objectives of the organization can be determined by the interests of the owners, the situation within the company and the external environment, as well as the size of the company's capital.

The goals and objectives of the organization can be set both by the owners of the company and by managers and staff. When formulating and setting the goals and objectives of the organization, the owners rely on their own priorities, most often this is making a profit through production or sales.

The department formulating and concretizing the corresponding goals and objectives of the organization must take into account the real conditions for their implementation. Tasks and goals should be appropriate from the standpoint of the interest and profile of the organization; to achieve them, a sufficient amount of material and financial resources is required.

The main goal of most enterprises is to exceed the result over the costs incurred, that is, to maximize profits and a high level of profitability. To achieve this goal, enterprises perform a number of tasks: the production of high-quality products, the introduction of new technologies, the development of a strategy and tactics of behavior, ensuring competitiveness, caring for employees, etc.

Examples of problem solving

