Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Interpretation of the hexagram 5. Associative reading of the hexagram. “If you no longer like the world, and you can’t change it, leave the world to your own karma and succeed,” Boris Akunin. Not saying goodbye

The first mention of divination according to the Book of Changes dates back to 672 BC. But to this day, in any Chinese family, interpretations of i-ching are used in various everyday situations. The basis of divination is the tossing of three coins. If two or three coins lay heads up, then the questioner draws a solid line on paper. If tails - then intermittent. So, for the fortuneteller, hexagamma 5 fell out. This means that the waiting time has come.

Translated from Chinese, "Xu" (that's what this hexagram is called) means "the need to wait." Other meanings of the symbol are caring, waiting, slowness, doubt, concentration, the need to have patience. It's like waiting out the rain. It is the rain and the sign indicating the stop that hexagram 5 depicts. There are classical and modern interpretations of the hexagram. Moreover, any of them should be perceived not only logically, but also connect sensory perception, taking into account what associations the interpretation evokes personally for someone who refers to the Book of Changes. This is her secret, that for different people the same text will have a completely different meaning and the intended scenario. If you follow the recommendations received, you can find the best way to solve the problem.

The meaning of the i-ching of the hexagram advises the fortuneteller to wait for the right moment for active action for which there is no place yet. Very soon the time will come when you need to gather all your strength and plunge into the full-flowing river of life, start implementing your plans. Assertiveness and hasty actions now can only do harm. At the moment, it is necessary to carefully carry out current affairs and duties, think through and evaluate everything planned, and study the situation. If you do this properly, help and support will come even faster. This time can be devoted to communicating with friends, sharing food and drink with them, which just corresponds to the spirit of this period, full of good rest, peace, tranquility and harmony. After some time, a certain person will appear - he will provide such help that you could not count on before. Perhaps a sudden improvement in the financial situation and the emergence of feelings for a person older than a fortuneteller. Interpretation advises not to show this interest too much. The Chinese hexagram recommends patience: waiting can lead to fame and grandiose deeds. In general, the situation is favorable for the fortuneteller.

How to apply this interpretation to a particular situation in life? For example, in business, when a project is just being born, it is necessary to attract investments for its implementation. The obsession with the idea and the upcoming prospects from its implementation do not give rest day or night. But doubts also have a place in life. In order to somehow clarify the situation, a person turns to the Book of Changes with the question "Is the idea destined to be realized?", And he gets hexagram 5. How can its interpretation be compared with events in life? First of all, the hexagram advises to wait, take your time and do planning, act prudently, but without leaving your goal.

Help will come - you just have to wait: the more serious the conceived case, the longer the wait will be. And only after that will the time come for decisive action that will lead to glory and grandiose deeds. It is worth double-checking everything a thousand times, even if an offer for financing is received immediately. There are a lot of scammers in this environment, and if the offer comes from some reputable company, it is not yet a fact that this is really the case. You can also prevent communication with fraudsters and possible material losses.

This will be the prudence that the Chinese hexagram advises to show. The grander the idea, the more likely it is that even loved ones will not provide support and will interfere with the implementation of plans. After all, the time spent thinking about ideas and searching for information could be devoted to your family. They are absolutely sure of the correctness of their actions when they demand attention to themselves to the detriment of even grandiose, but so far unlikely plans. Here it is worth showing perseverance and determination, as the interpretation advises. See the goal in front of you and make efforts, despite all the obstacles. What doesn't kill makes us stronger. Time will pass, and the investor will provide his assistance, the money will come, and the work will require maximum concentration of forces. In the meantime, you should devote time to current affairs - albeit not so grandiose, but still necessary. The situation is favorable and this should be used.

I-ching hexagrams will give an answer to any questions - whether they concern business sphere or love. It often happens in life that a woman cannot find her happiness in any way, which in her understanding means family life. Time runs, but a native person does not meet in any way on the path of life. How to apply the interpretation of hexagram 5 for this situation? The waiting period can be devoted to yourself, self-education, communication with friends, find a new hobby, relax and enjoy life. Harmony, harmony with oneself, positive attitude will help to blossom both externally and soul. A new passion for dancing, yoga or something else will expand the circle of acquaintances, and after a while the one and only beloved will meet. Life will shine with new colors, because more than one example has proved that there is a place for happiness at any age.

Signs according to the Chinese book of changes almost always contain many theoretical information and useful life experience.

The interpretation of hexagram 5 is associated with the human ability to self-educate and wait on the way to the goal in the face of the appearance of inadequate people. The symbolism of Xu refers to restraint and planning without much hope for guaranteed success because it is not yet the time to compete or lead.

Hexagram 5. Xu. The need for waiting.


The owner of the truth - the original accomplishment. Resilience is a blessing. Favorable is the crossing of the great river.

Xu's image consists of 2 trigrams. The lower one is an inner Creativity that did not manifest itself because of the clouds. These same clouds and fog (and in a general sense, all external environment) manifest themselves on the upper trigram of Water. The symbol suggests that the internal creative forces, combined with courage, allow you to resolutely move into the abyss of the environment.

The meaning of hexagram 5 refers to the parable of Myn-Chzy, which tells about a man from the lot of the Sun. His shoots on the site did not grow, and he began to pull them out of the ground, but in the end everything dried up. We are talking about the most vigorous activity in preparation for something.

The need to wait before going on a big voyage is perceived in the Yijing book in a rather original way. Man thus prepares the causes for the future, in which the truth will appear by itself. It is the result that is important here - the emergence of an opportunity to carry out an important task for the whole society.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Initial nine. An image of waiting in a meadow with current opportunities. The hexagram says that the time has not yet come and plans should be postponed. Yao also says that partners can get in trouble, so they don't always follow through on requests.
  • Nine number 2. A daring gossip has been launched, but it will not interfere with luck. You should not interfere in the troubles of friends. However, dedication from a pure heart will be rewarded by the absence of obstacles to the goal. Litigation on this stage not desirable.
  • Third nine. Waiting position in the mud when the enemy is close. The opposition of fate in this situation is associated with the carelessness of a person. Yao requires self-care, otherwise poverty and love breakups are likely.
  • Sixth fourth. The Yijing or Book of Changes in this Yao's interpretation mentions waiting in the blood. You need to get out of the hole, but do not resort to violent actions. Fate itself can choose a further course, if you calm down. The position indicates the need for surgery for the patient.
  • Fifth nine. This is the expectation during the meal. Success is guaranteed only by perseverance. There are chances for recovery and liberation from all ailments.
  • Top six. Time to fall into the hole. If you entertain three unexpected guests, success may come. To move forward, you need to be careful. One of the guests will become a teacher. Good luck awaits after 3 years of hard work.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. The first feature speaks of a person's desire for knowledge. Once the process is started, due expectation is required for the success of the results. First you need to assimilate what is already known to those who have been before. Therefore, books and teaching experience are useful. This is a preliminary stage of knowledge, which is absolutely necessary. Don't be in too much of a hurry here. The multidimensional perception of the hexagram suggests that the requirement to wait is constancy, and it bears fruit. You can not blame yourself or others for being slow in this regard. It is worth refraining from fighting your own mistakes and superfluous views, but you can be true to your goal and deeds. Judgment will not follow.
  2. At this stage, the intellectual assimilation of known information is no longer enough. It is required to personally go out to the world and make contact with it. Such communication is both passive - in a contemplative aspect - and active - in moral work. Here one must overcome all doubts and overcome everything that is inert and inert in oneself, everything that hinders new cognition. In such an expectation, internal disputes between ossified experience and fresh impulse may come into play. True waiting leads to ultimate happiness. If the first feature symbolized waiting on the outskirts, then this one is on the sandy coast. Try also to cope with those who try to drag you into conflict at this stage.
  3. The next stage of waiting for the assimilation of knowledge is associated with the transformation of knowledge into something natural and involuntary. This is the waiting stage near the river, namely in the silt. The Yijing book connects the interpretation of this trait with the power of darkness and inertia. It is at this stage of expectation that they must be overcome to the fullest. You need to see the onset of these obstacles in advance: it is advisable to show cunning and appear weak so that the plans of robbers and enemies are revealed.
  4. If the crisis of the previous stage ends favorably, the emergence of new form expectations. This is no longer a passive position, but creative activity with an internal surge of strength. In the process of learning, you need to protect knowledge and win it back from others in order to carry information into the future. The calmness of such an expectation is nothing more than an illusion, since in reality a bloody battle is taking place. Enemies have revealed their cards, so you need to show your capabilities. If successful, you can get out of the cave of darkness and ignorance to a new clear world.
  5. When the battle is won, the individual moves on to the next level of waiting. It is distinguished by the absence of a boundary between negative and positive. Man has already conquered everything and achieved everything. In the process of cognition, such a result is expressed by a generalized old knowledge and a meaningful new act. This is a period of calm, so no special activity is needed, it is better to spend time on a feast. Just do not lose focus on the path to happiness. Everyone who comes into a person's life at this stage should receive proper care and support. One must be a spiritually generous and benevolent host.
  6. The Chinese Book of Changes says that the meaning of the extreme line indicates the final development of knowledge. Now a person not only knows, but also knows a lot, so nothing limits him. The cave no longer frightens and darkens life. The individual now has access to the heights of knowledge of the environment, so it is not scary to dive into the depths of the world. Return to complete the biography and creative young forces in the face of 3 important guests. They require respect and attention, then the final success will be ensured.

Extended interpretation of the sign

The decoding of the Xu symbol suggests that it is time for a person to be patient and wait for the sake of moving forward. The best activities for this period of life are the accumulation of strength, rest and the development of plans. However, one should not relax too much and lose vigilance, otherwise troubles will be taken by surprise.

It is also useful during this period to study the situation and the circumstances of the situation. You need to understand what is required in the future, and wait for the right happy moment for activity.

The sign also predicts fresh acquaintances. Hexagram 5, the extended interpretation of which is based on caution, advises taking the support of new people slowly, and then all affairs, love and friendship will be on top. It is also useful to establish a connection with the spirits.

In such conditions, there is no need to save time: do all the usual things and evaluate events as before. According to the book of fate, you should just drink and eat with other people, and this will already give the necessary harmony. But it is not worth insisting on your individual principles: only spiritual peace will ensure glory.

The symbol ensures success on long journeys if a person is attentive to other people's opinions and does not stop caring about people. Life at this stage is preparing unexpected changes of communication to loneliness, but this is a good time for reflection.

This hexagram 5, Xu, Waiting advises not to be afraid to make yourself look stupid or inexperienced. Learn about the world around you as much as possible by any means. On the contrary, it is even good that strong personalities will not be interested in you without perceiving you as a serious competitor. In this way, you save strength for future victory. However, you don't have to be cruel to win, so be kind and forgiving.

Xu's pictogram pauses love relationships. No need to look for a soul mate too actively. If fate prepares the appearance in public place, do not boast in front of your future partner, but be modest and tactful. A quarrel may happen in already established families, but the help of knowledgeable people will have a positive effect.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • Open gates. An image of a positively tuned sky that opens doors.
  • Round moon. A symbol of future career success.
  • Monk Registrar. The personification of the future boss. You will be guided by a very well-deserved person.
  • A daredevil grabbing a dragon's tail. The desire of the individual to reach the heights with the help of a noble master.
  • Grave. Designation of the number 12 as a lucky number.
  • The central image in the book of changes is the sky overcast with clouds. There are more and more clouds, but no showers.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. A full study of the symbol says that success comes only to sincere people.
  2. The August hexagram is especially good for winter or spring.
  3. It's the perfect time to cross the big river.
  4. Show resilience - go to happiness
  5. The water in the upper trigram evaporates. She turns into clouds in the sky.
  6. The peasant needs to wait for the clouds to become rain.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • Politics requires patience and perseverance. You also need to trust people and negotiate in order to achieve a good position. Success in work is possible in the near future.
  • Businesses experience short-term profit losses. But in the future, there is an increase in finance. A competent position in this area is love for one's work, moderate demands and contacts with partners.
  • Life in the family is surrounded by a thirst for intellectual communication. Relations are closely connected with the bohemian sphere, so the number of trips to cinemas, restaurants, bars is increasing. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not cross the fine lines.
  • Interpersonal communication is just great. The hexagram says that a fortuneteller is the real soul of the company. You can try yourself in a peacekeeping role or as a diplomat.
  • Health can be shaken with the wrong lifestyle. Possible metabolic disorders and occupational diseases.

The interpretation of hexagram 5 is associated with the image of a hidden being. Under any circumstances, even when the colors are thickening, it is important to be able to wait and not lose vigilance. Only a gradual movement forward, taking into account all the specifics of the situation, will help achieve global goals.

Wait and gather your strength, you will need it very soon - when spring comes, the snow will melt and the flowers will bloom again. Too hasty actions now can only bring harm.

Be patient a little more, about two months, until a certain person appears who will help you in a way that you do not expect.

If you are now decisively and energetically engaged in planning further actions, then help and support will come even faster. Your financial situation will suddenly improve. You may feel attracted to someone older than you. Try not to show too much interest in him.

Your desire will be fulfilled if you act purposefully and prudently enough.

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with special force that the need for planning and endurance comes forward, i.e. "the need to wait." And regarding self-education, one of the types of education in general, Myn-tzu cites the following parable:

“It is necessary [all the time] to work [on oneself], but not [to count on] immediate success. Let the consciousness not forget about this matter, and do not "help growth." You don't have to be like one of the Sung people who was depressed that his seedlings were not growing and began to pull them out. Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: “How tired I am today! I helped the seedlings grow." His son ran to look at the seedlings, but they were already withered. Few people in the world don't "help" grow like that."

However, what is meant here is not the passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is “creativity”, which is still concentrated inside and does not yet manifest itself outside, for it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is external world- water).

If each event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare them correct implementation. Speaking the truth now, its realization can be left to the future when it will manifest itself. Therefore, at this stage, “possession” is essential, and then its “brilliance”, its evidence will develop by itself.

With such a distribution of activities, the very “need to wait” acquires a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, the opportunity to undertake a large and serious business - to cross the great river - across the entire stream. human life in order to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection.

This image finds support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the internal forces of creativity, courage and clarity in front of the dangerous watery abyss of the environment - and resolutely move into it. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows:

The need to wait. Have the truth. Then its brilliance will develop, and steadfastness will be fortunate. Favorable ford across the great river.

Each person has the ability to new acts of knowledge. But so far, as long as they exist only quite latently, the process of new knowledge has not yet begun, and it is still inappropriate to speak of any need to wait. There is nothing else to look forward to. But as soon as the process of cognition is put into action, it is immediately necessary to reckon with the regularity of the rhythm in which it proceeds, for the success and effectiveness of its development. The very first stages in the process of new cognition consist in the thorough assimilation of what was already known to the predecessors.

So here in question not yet about personal knowledge, but about the study of what can be gleaned from books or from the teacher's tradition. Of course, this should in no way replace the genuine independent act of cognition, for this is only a threshold, a suburb of cognition. However, this is an absolutely necessary step. Not only can it not be avoided, but even haste and impatience at this stage can only have a detrimental effect on the entire process. On the contrary, in this Necessity to wait, constancy in the activity of assimilation of what is already known brings the most beneficent fruits.

And at this stage, one cannot in any way blame a person for slowness, because it follows from constancy, from the very need to wait. It goes without saying that a personal struggle against erroneous and false views is unthinkable here. This is expressed in the text as follows:

Strong in the beginning. Waiting in the suburbs. Favors the constancy of activity. There will be no bullshit.

At the next, second stage, something more is required than a simple intellectual assimilation of what is already known. Here man must himself come out to the immediate given world and come into contact with it both passively, in contemplation, and actively, in the moral activity arising from cognition. Doubts here should already be overcome. But precisely because of this volitional effort towards new knowledge, everything that is inert and inert in a person is indignant and resists this impulse. Therefore, here, only on the shore, on the coastal sand of knowledge, the need to wait is characterized by the fact that there will be “small rumors”, a certain dispute between the impulse to new knowledge and the inertia of accumulated experience. But the true ability to wait and wait here, in the end, leads to happiness. The text says this:

Strong trait in second place. Waiting on the [coastal] sand. There will be small bumps. Ultimately, happiness.

For the final assimilation of new knowledge, it is necessary to wait until the acquired knowledge becomes as natural and involuntary as, for example, sensory perception. If the previous step can be likened to waiting on the shore, then here another step forward is taken, even closer to the river (which is symbolized by the upper trigram "water" - "river"). Here is waiting in the silt. Here everything is negative, all the forces of inertia and darkness appear in all their power. It is here that they must be overcome, but for this we must first warn about their onset. We find such a warning in the text:

Strong feature in third place. Waiting in the silt. The arrival of robbers is imminent.

further movement is expressed in a very special form of the need to wait. This is not a passive expectation, but a creative, active expectation, full of internal forces acquired at the previous steps. Here, in order to carry the acquired knowledge into the future, it is necessary to protect it and win it back from all opposing forces. In the seeming calm of waiting, in reality, such intense activity takes place that it can only be expressed in the form of a bloody battle. No longer on the coastal sand, not in the silt, one has to wait in the wings here: here is the expectation of blood. But only it makes it possible to get out of the dark cave of ignorance into an open and clearly perceived world. The text wraps this up in the following images:

Weak trait in fourth place. Expectation is in the blood. Exit from the cave.

Having won the battle of the previous stage, a person comes to that stage of expectation, at which the boundaries of positive and negative are erased. Everything has already been conquered, everything has already been achieved. Both previously obtained knowledge and the content of the new act of cognition are generalized. There comes a moment of calm, a moment when there is no need for activity, when a calm feast is possible, after which the time of waiting passes. All that is needed here is calm determination. Thanks to her alone, happiness is guaranteed. This is only possible thanks to what was positively acquired in the previous steps. The text says the following about this:

Strong trait in fifth place. Waiting for wine and dishes. Resilience is a blessing.

A complete new knowledge has been achieved. Moreover: it is finally mastered. This makes it possible not only to know, but also to be able. What used to be a personal limitation is no longer able to limit. What previously seemed like a dark cave from which it is necessary to escape into the light, no longer darkens. The man lived the right time to wait. He gained access to the heights of knowledge of the world, and thus he acquired the opportunity, without prejudice to himself, to descend into the gloomy depths of the world. And it is in them that the creative forces accumulated at the first three preparatory stages of expectation return to him. Their action reflects the nature of all this waiting time. They arrive like three leisurely guests. They must be treated with full respect, for ultimate success depends on them. These are the forces of youth that are given the opportunity to re-manifest in old age to create the consummation of the unity of a person's biography. The text expresses these thoughts in the imagery that is normal for our monument:

Above is a weak feature. You will enter the cave. There will be the arrival of three unhurried guests. Honor them, and in the end there will be happiness.

Select number of hexagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 5

Xu. The need to wait

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with special force that the need for planning and restraint comes into play, i.e. "the need to wait." And regarding self-education - one of the types of education in general - Mencius cites the following parable: "It is necessary [all the time] to work [on oneself], but not [to count on] immediate success. “helps growth.” You don’t have to be like one man from the Sung who was depressed that his seedlings did not grow, and began to pull them out. Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: “How tired I am today! I helped the seedlings grow." His son ran to look at the seedlings, but they were already withered. Few people in the world do not "help" grow like that. However, this does not mean the passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is "creativity", which is still concentrated inside and does not yet manifest itself outside, because it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is the outer world - "water"). If each event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare their correct implementation. By creating truth now, its realization can be left to the future when it will manifest itself. Therefore, at this stage, the "possession of the truth" is essential, and then its "brilliance", its evidence will develop by itself. With such a distribution of activity, the very "need to wait" acquires a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, the opportunity to undertake a large and serious business - to cross the great river - through the entire stream of human life, in order to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection. . This image finds support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the inner forces of creativity, courage and clarity in front of the dangerous watery abyss of the environment - and resolutely move into it. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows:

The need to wait.
Have the truth. [Then] the brilliance of [her] will develop, and steadfastness will be fortunate.
Favorable ford across the great river.

1. Every person has the ability for new acts of cognition, and in each knowledge there is a seed for a further act of cognition. But so far, as long as they exist only quite latently, the process of new knowledge has not yet begun, and it is still inappropriate to speak of any need to wait. There is nothing else to look forward to. But as soon as the process of cognition is put into action, it is immediately necessary to reckon with the regularity of the rhythm in which it proceeds, for the success and effectiveness of its development. The very first stages in the process of new cognition consist in the thorough assimilation of what was already known to the predecessors. Therefore, here we are not talking about personal knowledge, but about the study of what can be gleaned from books or from the teacher's tradition. Of course, this should in no way replace the genuine independent act of cognition, for this is only a threshold, a suburb of cognition. However, this is an absolutely necessary step. Not only can it not be avoided, but even haste and impatience at this stage can only have a detrimental effect on the entire process. On the contrary, in this need to wait - constancy in the activity of assimilating what is already known brings the most beneficial results. And at this stage, one cannot in any way blame a person for slowness, because it follows from constancy, from the very need to wait. It goes without saying that a personal struggle against erroneous and false views is unthinkable here. This is expressed in the text as follows:

Strong in the beginning.
Waiting in the suburbs.
Favors the constancy of activity.
There will be no bullshit.

2. At the next, second stage, something more is required than a simple intellectual assimilation of what is already known. Here, a person must himself go out to the immediate given world and come into contact with it both passively - in contemplation, and actively - in moral activity arising from cognition. Doubts here should already be overcome. But precisely because of this volitional effort towards new knowledge, everything that is inert and inert in a person is indignant and resists this impulse. Therefore, here only, on the shore, on the coastal sand of knowledge, The need to wait is characterized by the fact that there will be small rumors, a certain dispute between the impulse to new knowledge and the inertia of accumulated experience. But the true ability to wait and wait here, in the end, leads to happiness. The text says this:

Strong trait in second [place],
Waiting on the [coastal] sand.
There will be small bumps.
Ultimately, happiness.

3. For the final assimilation of new knowledge, it is necessary to wait until the acquired knowledge becomes as natural and involuntary as, for example, sensory perception. If the previous step can be likened to waiting on the shore, then another step forward is taken here, even closer to the river (which is symbolized by the upper trigram: "water" - "river"). Here is waiting in silt. Here everything is negative, all the forces of inertia and darkness appear in all their power. It is here that they must be overcome, but for this we must first warn about their onset. We find such a warning in the text:

Strong trait in third [place].
Waiting in the silt.
The arrival of robbers is imminent.

4. With a favorable outcome of the crisis expressed in the previous position, further movement is expressed in a very special form of the need to wait. This is not a passive expectation, but a creative, active expectation, full of internal forces acquired at the previous steps. Here, in order to carry the acquired knowledge into the future, it is necessary to protect it and win it back from all opposing forces. In the seeming calm of waiting, in reality, such intense activity takes place that it can only be expressed in the form of a bloody battle. No longer on the coastal sand, not in the silt, one has to wait in the wings here: here is the expectation of blood. But only it makes it possible to get out of the dark cave of ignorance into an open and clearly perceived world. The text wraps this up in the following images:

Weak trait in fourth [place],
Expectation is in the blood.
Exit from the cave.

5. Having won the battle of the previous stage, a person comes to that stage of expectation, at which the boundaries of positive and negative are erased. Everything has already been conquered, everything has been achieved. Both previously obtained knowledge and the content of the new act of cognition are generalized. There comes a moment of calm, a moment when there is no need for activity, when a calm feast is possible, after which the time of waiting passes. All that is needed here is calm determination. Thanks to her alone, happiness is guaranteed. This is only possible thanks to what was positively acquired in the previous steps. The text says the following about this:

Strong trait in the fifth [place].
Waiting for wine and food.
Resilience is a blessing.

6. A complete new knowledge has been achieved. Moreover: it is finally mastered. This makes it possible not only to know, but also to be able. What used to be a personal limitation is no longer able to limit. What previously seemed like a dark cave from which it is necessary to escape into the light, no longer darkens. The man lived the right time to wait. He gained access to the heights of knowledge of the world, and thus he acquired the opportunity, without prejudice to himself, to descend into the gloomy depths of the world. And it is in them that the creative forces accumulated at the first three preparatory stages of expectation return to him. Their action reflects the nature of all this waiting time. They arrive like three leisurely guests. They must be treated with full respect, for ultimate success depends on them. These are the forces of youth that are given the opportunity to re-manifest in old age to create the consummation of the unity of a person's biography. The text expresses these thoughts in the imagery that is normal for our monument:

Above is a weak feature.
You will enter the cave.
There will be the arrival of three unhurried guests.
Honor them - and, in the end, there will be happiness ...

Hexagram Xu sets before a person the task of accumulating resources that he could use to move forward more effectively. But at the same time, everything that he accumulates should not be just “warehousing”, but a reasonable planning of further actions that can lead him to happiness.

Hexagram Xu comes at a time when a person is on the verge of energy exhaustion, and he himself may not notice it, but, in fact, his strength is running out, which can eventually lead to a nervous breakdown or illness. So now you should stop and learn to wait. After all, the first sign that an individual is deprived of vitality is precisely the absence of the ability to wait.

Hexagram Xu says: you need to learn to wait, because now this is the most optimal way to accumulate the necessary resources in order to become a winner after a while, and not work further half-heartedly.

Proper expectation is the ability not to rush anywhere, the courage to stop and exhale. Only in this way can you start a new step - do not rush to waste your strength.

Waiting in this case should be combined with planning, with the ability to redistribute one's forces. To do this, you need to figure out what is most important in your life, what exactly you want to implement in the near future and start saving energy for this, and not for distracting whims.

Planning is the ability to cut off the unnecessary, leaving only what will really make you a happy person.

Now in no case should you rush, even if it seems to you that you have already prepared enough and planned everything, anyway, it’s worth waiting for some more time, since the situation symbolized by the Xu hexagram is just deceptive with such self-conceit and unwillingness to review everything carefully. You need to understand that now you will either rush forward powerfully and efficiently, or roll back again. The energy that you have been accumulating cannot be returned back, therefore, if you “open the floodgates”, you must clearly and clearly understand where the flow of vitality will pour, so as not to regret your haste later.

Also in terms of prediction, Xu hexagram can indicate the possibility of meeting an older person who can charm you. But do not rush to establish a relationship with him. It is likely that this is just a temptation of fate. You should first take a closer look at him and make sure of the purity of his thoughts. Otherwise, such a relationship can deprive you of energy that should have been spent on other plans. So be careful and prudent.
