Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

After the birth of her son Mark Alexander, Shaforost left her career in an international company and opened The Marc bakery. The great power of visualization. We act like "as if ... Don't act like you

Current page: 5 (total book has 36 pages)

For several years he silently loved his classmate, but he never explained this topic to her, he never tried to kiss her. In general, he did nothing, although such cases were presented. He danced with her at institute evenings, accompanied her home, and even visited her several times. But he only spoke learning topics. Both he and she were excellent students. One day she came to his house. His parents left for a few days. They were alone. But again he talked all the time about the strength of materials. She married someone else two weeks later. In general, he prepared the ground for his opponent. With him, she was excited, and since he did not go further, they had to complete what they had begun.

So: learn not only to win, but also to use the results of this victory.

93. Look where you lost, and not where it is light. But first you need to find the place where you lost it.

Inspired by an old famous anecdote.

Under the lantern, a man crawls on all fours and looks for something.

- What are you doing? – the passer-by is interested.

- Where did you lose them?

“There,” the seeker says, and points to a place in the darkness.

- Why are you looking here?

So it's light here, but it's dark there!

So many of my wards are looking for where it is light. That is, they blame their communication partners. And indeed, everything is clear there - they offend him. But he does not want to look into the dark cellars of his personality, where the keys of his happiness lie. He cannot understand in any way that it is he who provokes his communication partners to a bad attitude towards himself because he has lost or never had the qualities necessary for a happy life.

So: look where you lost, and not where it is light. But first you need to find the place where you lost it.

94. Do not try to get rid of failures. Better dilute them with success.

The result is just the right amount of peppered food.

So: do not try to get rid of failures. Better dilute them with success.

95. Do not trust secrets to the enemy, so that he does not harm you. Do not trust a secret to a friend, so as not to harm him.

96. Rather than follow fashion, it is better to become a trendsetter.

Each of us is created in one copy. Any fashion is an imitation of some pattern. Why should I look up to someone? Better let that someone look up to me. Yesterday I changed fashion for a hairstyle - I cut my hair.

So: rather than follow fashion, it is better to become a trendsetter.

97. If you don’t know what to do, it’s better not to do anything.

Better to do nothing than to do wrong. It is better to stand than to move in the opposite direction.

The aphorism matured when I watched how an unlucky mother tried to pull a cherry stone out of her baby's nose with tweezers, which drove it even deeper. If she hadn't done anything, maybe at night, when the swelling of the tissues decreases, the bone would fall out by itself. It also has a direct bearing on the upbringing of children.

So: if you don't know what to do, it's better to do nothing.

98. Whoever is not happy with himself will not be happy with other people.

99. If you are not at the peak of happiness, then you will slide into a hole.

Therefore, do not stand on the slope: either climb up or go down (but better up).

100. Try physical exercises to prolong the childhood of your body, and study - the childhood of the soul.

101. Choose a job that suits your abilities.

Then it is easier for you to become yourself, develop your strength and be satisfied with your life.

Here is what A. Schopenhauer wrote about this: “Actually, there is no other pleasure than to use your own forces and feel them, and the greatest pain is the perception of a lack of strength where they are needed.

Therefore, let each one, for his own well-being, examine what powers he has and what powers he does not have: let him then develop his predominant powers to the highest degree and use them powerfully; let him follow the path where his powers are suitable, and let him avoid the path where powers are required, which he possesses in an insignificant degree.

So: choose a job that suits your abilities.

102. Remember that cheese, after you have had enough of it, has not lost its qualities, although you have lost interest in it at the moment.

For those who are dissatisfied with their loved ones, their existing position and property, and before breaking up with their wife, quitting their job, moving to another apartment or another city, I advise you to read this aphorism.

For prevention, I suggest starting the day with prayer, even if you do not believe in God. It is very short: “Oh my God! Thank you for allowing me to wake up alive and unharmed!” After that, take an inventory of your property and situation: they were not fired from work, the children are alive, there is an apartment, clothes, furniture, a summer house, a car, etc. And only after that move on to what is missing. It will turn out that, as Seneca said, “we have everything we need, we sweat from excess”, and indeed often not so much is missing - a little intelligence and common sense. But there's nothing you can do about it. The mind has this property - the more you have it, the more you miss it. But its acquisition does not require additional investments, except for your own desire.

If you start with what is missing, then you will become like an old woman with a broken trough, who remained dissatisfied even when she became queen.

So: remember that cheese, after you have had enough of it, has not lost its qualities, although you have lost interest in it at the moment.

103. Have a good opinion of yourself and rely only on yourself, then others will help you.

Schopenhauer attached particular importance to this:

“Your own value must be recognized in the depths of your soul if you want to remove the deceit of life. For the feeling of one's worthlessness is a deadly gorgon. This is not only the greatest, but also the only spiritual suffering; all other spiritual sufferings can be not only healed, but immediately and completely suppressed by a confident consciousness of one's own worth. Whoever is fully confident in it can calmly endure sufferings that otherwise would drive him to complete despair - he can rely on himself without joy and friends. And so powerful is that consolation which is born in us from a living conviction of our own worth, that it must be preferred to all the blessings of the world. On the contrary, in the consciousness of one's own insignificance, nothing in the world can console; it can only be masked by deceit and trickery, or drowned out by the hustle and bustle of life, but both will not last long.”

Reading these lines, I suddenly understood why men suffer so much from sexual failures and what kind of men they are. So, failed men suffer greatly from sexual failures, that is, those who, despite often visible successes, have not managed to develop their leading abilities, and their only pride, their only achievement was their suddenly gone sexual power.

I also have clinical evidence. Patients with impotence, I forced to develop their spiritual and physical abilities. If they succeeded, then their true, that is, unconscious, self-esteem increased, they were fond of an interesting business, and sexually became even more wealthy than before the breakdowns.

So: have a good opinion of yourself and rely only on yourself, then others will help you.

104. It is better to make a mistake by making your own decision than to succeed on someone else's advice.

A very important, from my point of view, rule that few people adhere to. Doing it leads to the fact that you take responsibility for yourself and eventually gain the necessary experience and gradually begin to make fewer and fewer mistakes. In addition, in case of success, you can rejoice that this success is completely yours. Failure to comply with this rule leads to the fact that in case of failure, you do not analyze the situation, but blame the adviser, and in case of success, you are obliged to someone.

So: it is better to make a mistake by making your own decision than to succeed on someone else's advice.

105. It is better to grow up than to rise on tiptoe.

When you grow tall, you will be left alone, but you will not squat, and you will not have to stand on tiptoe. Bad both squatting and tiptoeing.

So: than to rise on tiptoe, it is better to grow up.

106. Performing a selfless deed, say thank you to the one for whom you did it, for accepting it.

After all, if he had not accepted it, then you could never feel like a benefactor. And in general, feel indebted to him for the rest of your life. Maybe it will stop you from doing selfless things. After all, by committing a disinterested act, you voluntarily or involuntarily try to put the recipient in a position dependent on yourself.

So: when doing a selfless act, say thank you to the one for whom you did it, for accepting it.

107. When accepting disinterested help, do not consider that you are dependent on the giver.

You, accepting disinterested help, made him a benefactor. You did more for him than he did for you. His help may disappear or be in vain or unnecessary, or even harm you, and the fact that he became a benefactor thanks to you is something eternal.

So: accepting disinterested help, do not consider that you are dependent on the giver.

108. Work either for free or for a large fee, but always at full strength.

This thought came to me after a conversation with one of my students. Here is what he told me:

“I noticed that I get more satisfaction from a free reception than for a small fee. Then I realized why this is happening. When I receive for free, I know how much I am giving to a person. After all, I appreciate my work very highly. When I receive a small reward, I feel disappointed: as if my work is worth so little.

And you should work at full strength so as not to get out of shape. I understood this after a conversation with one athlete. After he was expelled from the team, the next day I saw him train even more intensively. He explained to me: “But how! After all, if I stop training, I won’t be able to get anywhere, they won’t take me to any team. And when justice is restored, I won’t even be accepted into my team just because I lost my form. ”

So: work either for free or for a large fee, but always with full force.

109. The rule is that we are all exceptions.

After all, each of us is created in a single copy. And if you try to live according to generally accepted rules, then you destroy yourself. Try to live by the rules by which you were created by mother nature. These are the rules you need to understand, and we can help with this. If you start to live by this rule, you will stop imitating and equaling someone. You will have the opportunity to be yourself.

So: the rule is that we are all exceptions.

110. Do not associate with scoundrels and do not associate with those who associate with scoundrels.

I formulated this rule after the following incident, which happened to one of my wards.

“My student Z. did meanness to me, and more than once. It's his own fault, he broke the rule: "Tear after the first time." In the end, after the third villainy, I broke with him completely. One of my best and favorite students, Y., worked with him. I continued to communicate with Y., although I did not approve of his friendship and cooperation with this bastard and predicted that Z. would do him great meanness. A friend of mine once asked me for advice. His daughter began attending a group led by Z. and Y. A friend came to me to consult whether his daughter should continue classes, because he noticed in her undesirable, from his point of view, changes. I drew a picture and said that if she communicates with U, then this is not bad, if with Z., then she is in big trouble. As I found out a little later, by the time of the consultation, Y had already broken with Z. In general, I did not help my friend. When I found out what nasty things Z. did Y., I formulated this rule. Y. remarked to me: “If you had raised the question “either I or Z.”, then I would have broken with him. After all, he has already acted dishonestly with me more than once. ” And I was once again convinced that if you act in your own interests and according to your convictions, then you benefit not only yourself, but also others, and I developed a new rule.

So: do not associate with scoundrels and do not associate with those who associate with scoundrels.

111. Don't wait for your time to come to where you are. Your time has already come. Only it is in a different place. So go where your time is.

112. Do not become a part of the whole, do not want someone to become your part.

113. Are you dissatisfied with your job? Why don't you quit? The answer will be your program of your actions.

Especially productive are the answers where your own shortcomings: “I don’t know how to do anything else”, “I don’t have such a high qualification to be accepted to another institution”, “I can’t conduct business negotiations”, etc. Learn to do all this. Many who followed this advice noted that after they had worked all this out, they lost both the need and the desire to quit.

So: are you dissatisfied with your job? Why don't you quit? The answer will be your program of your actions.

114. If you don't want to get depressed, don't do anything to be loved. You can't even move a finger for this.

The reverse is also true: if you want to get depressed, try to be loved.

115. If you want to be free, do what needs to be done.

What needs to be done? What is natural. And what is natural? Those actions are natural, which correspond to the laws of nature and, therefore, contribute to your development.

So: if you want to be free, do what needs to be done.

116. When you have planned something, behave as if you have already achieved it, but be prepared for the fact that you will not achieve it.

If I am confident that I will achieve what I am achieving, then I feel good all the time while I am achieving it. If you are not sure of success, then do not start business.

If it becomes clear that I have not achieved this, then I will be a little ahead and start looking for a way to achieve my goal. But often by the time I fail to achieve something, it turns out that I already need it. Very often this happens when solving problems of personal life. Many women turned to me with a request to return their dissolute husbands to the bosom of the family. When this happened, most wives refused to accept them.

So: when you have planned something, behave as if you have already achieved it, but be prepared for the fact that you will not achieve it.

117. Use all your possibilities, but do not try to go beyond them.

Many, if not all, of my wards remind me of the owner of a huge castle, which he did not inhabit. Often he doesn't even know he has one. Instead of settling comfortably in this castle, he breaks a very strong outer stone wall, makes an extension of reeds, suffers from bad weather, but does not think to go into the luxurious rooms of his possession. At best, he just lives in a closet. These are doctors who should be artists. These are accountants who should be outerwear designers. These are engineers who should be chefs. These are shoemakers who should be philosophers. And instead of becoming good artists, good outerwear designers, good cooks, they become bad doctors, bad accountants, bad engineers, bad shoemakers and become miserable.

So: use all your possibilities, but do not try to go beyond them.

118. Both in work and in love one can give oneself, but one cannot belong.

119. Understand what you want and you will know what you must.

121. If you understand what is going on in the souls of successful people, you will stop envying them.

122. Other people's thoughts should lie in the foundation of your building, and not on its roof.

123. Be sincere. And you will be attractive.

The aphorism was inspired by the thoughts of A. Schopenhauer, who pointed out that children, like animals, are entertaining because they are sincere. Empty people, putting on a mask of generally accepted standards of behavior, hide even the little good and real that they have. Wearing a mask takes all the strength, and what is valuable that they still have gradually withers away or at least does not develop.

For those who care about how they look in the eyes of others (hysterical natures), I recommend reading the following thought by Schopenhauer:

“One is more concerned with the impression he makes on others; the other - more by the impression that others make on him: the first has a subjective mood; the second - objective; the former is greater in its existence, a mere representation; the second is more representative.”

So: be sincere. And you will be attractive.

124. It is better to think that you accidentally possessed a lost good than to lose it by law.

125. Appreciate what you have, not what you don't have.

126. If you want to get smarter, lose weight.

Fat people did not like the aphorism. But in vain!

When a person loses weight, this loss is mainly due to adipose tissue. The proportion of the brain in the body is increasing. But in children, the proportion of the brain compared to the weight of the whole body is larger, although the mass of the brain is less. And although their thinking is not developed, they do not commit stupid acts.

I have a habit of writing down thoughts on paper, which I have at hand as soon as I have them. So, when I began to rewrite this aphorism into a computer, I noticed that I had written down: “If you want to lose weight, be smarter.” It seems to me that this thought is even deeper. Many people try to lose weight, but few people try to get wiser. For some reason, most people are happy with their minds. But if they had grown wiser, then, I think, they would have found a way to lose weight. I think I found a way to invent aphorisms: swap words. By the way, when a person gets smarter, he thinks more creatively, that is, he produces his own thoughts, and does not pronounce other people's. And at such moments, endorphins are released into the blood, which, as you know, reduce appetite. In addition, when you have wised up, everything has become clear to you, you accept reality more calmly. And it is known that when the soul is anxious, the appetite increases dramatically.

So: if you want to lose weight - smarter.

127. If you want to always be fashionable, become a trendsetter.

What is fashion? By and large, this is an imitation of others. After all, trying to be like another, you destroy yourself in the worst case, distort - in the best. And why should you look up to another - better look up to yourself! Then you will always be dressed in fashion, cut your hair, you will have the most fashionable furniture and the most fashionable car. If people need to look up to someone, then it’s better to look up to you. Three days ago I changed the fashion for a hairstyle - I cut my hair, and a week ago - the fashion for shoes - I put on other shoes. The best fashion is when you do, wear, eat, etc. what you like. Don't worry - you won't be left alone. Whatever you do, whatever you wear, whatever you eat, some will like it and some won't. So isn't it better to do what you like. At least one person (you) will be happy. And if we must take care of our neighbor, then who is closest to us? Are we not ourselves? Don't we deserve to be taken care of? And why should we make it difficult for others to take care of ourselves. Wouldn't it be better to take care of ourselves and thereby relieve those we love? After all, we want to be loved by ourselves! So why do we try to appear before those whose love we count on, some other, and not what we are. If they love us not for who we are, but for who we appear to be, do they love us? When we deceive others, we end up deceiving ourselves! By the way, are your friends really so helpless that they can't take care of themselves?

Stop reading and try to answer these questions. Perhaps you will understand the reasons for your misfortunes? Maybe it's because you are trying to follow fashion (I mean not only fashion for clothes, but also fashion for food, thoughts, actions, medicines, etc.) After all, if you are not a trendsetter, then all this is for you fits only approx. After all, you are created in one copy.

So: if you want to always be fashionable, become a trendsetter.

128. If you have become what you wanted to become, then you are happy. If the answer is no, ask yourself another question: “What do I need to do to make this happen?” The answer will be a program of action.

129. Feeling offended - think about whether you have what you were accused of.

130. You should write in such a way that it is impossible to take notes.

This thought occurred to me when I was reading one of Aristotle's works on rhetoric. It had about 17 pages. The work seemed very interesting to me. I decided to outline it, but as a result I just rewrote it.

We help build family and love relationships. Our wards write letters to their partners, which sometimes reach 20 pages in volume. After editing, one and a half remains. And then we dictate one page (see the section "Amortization letters").

So: you should write in such a way that it is impossible to outline.

131. Work for yourself.

When you work for someone else, you don't have time for yourself. When you work for yourself, you don't have time to work for someone else. And why would you work for someone or live for someone. If this is a worthy person, then he will not accept this sacrifice. He can take care of himself too. And if unworthy, then is it worth it to devote your life to him.

So: work for yourself.

132. You stop drinking, you become a man.

Reminder for the drinker and alcoholic. Man differs from animals in intelligence. First of all, alcohol knocks off the mind and, therefore, at the time of intoxication, a person cannot be considered a person. A woman, if she has sexual relations with a drunk, is engaged in sodomy. (Sodomy, or bestiality, is a type of sexual perversion in which the sexual object is not a person of the opposite sex, but some animal.)

I advise women not to have sexual relations with their partner until he sobers up, and a man to vow not to approach his sexual partner in a state of intoxication. Firstly, if she is a real woman, then she will refuse you, and if something works out, then it will no longer be sex, but rape, And if she does not refuse, then after sobering up you will lose respect for her, because a woman who is unworthy of respect has sex with animals.

So: stop drinking, you will become a man.

133. Find an element of praise in the fight and calm down.

Since they scold me, it means that I am a significant figure, which means that I can do something that I have not done yet. Listen to what you are scolded for, and you will find out what hopes people have for you. This is how my ward calmed down when he began to use this rule. “For example, the head of the department scolds me for the fact that I still haven’t defended my doctoral dissertation, haven’t completed the textbook, haven’t organized a methodological center in the region, the publisher - because I write little, my wife - because I don’t do enough have sex with her. Consequently, the manager does not doubt my scientific potential, the publisher does not doubt my writing skills, and my wife does not doubt my sexual abilities. I think that this contributed to the fact that in the end I defended my doctoral dissertation, completed the textbook, organized the center and began to have sex with my wife more often, to my great pleasure.

So: find an element of praise in the battle and calm down.

134. Wish you were treated the way a good milkmaid treats her cash cow, or the way a car fanatic treats his car.

135. Do not bow before inclinations, but satisfy their just demands.

136. Be a leader for yourself.

137. If I am afraid to break up with someone when circumstances require it, I am a zero who does not want to become a unit.

138. True creativity is possible on top of a mountain of knowledge created by others, otherwise it will turn into the invention of the wheel or the discovery of America, in general, into creativity for oneself.

139. Try to know a person, not his horoscope.

140. If you want to become kinder, achieve success.

141. If you learn to endure your neighbors, it will become easier to endure yourself.

142. Marry one but fruitful idea. Fertilize her with your inspiration, and she will give you a lot of new ideas that will all be different, but to some extent similar to both mom and dad. But they will all be your children.

143. If you want to experience a feeling of joy at least sometimes, never expect anything good from anyone or anything.

145. If you do not fulfill the LAWS, then it is better when you do not know them. Then retribution for you comes AFTER, and also BEFORE.

146. One should be afraid to break the LAWS. But that's the only thing to be afraid of.

147. Love and act only to the best of your ability, but constantly increase your ability.

148. Treat misfortune with gratitude as good.

One of my wards, having become acquainted with this aphorism, became grateful to the girls who left him, the officials who did not approve the gold medal, the head of the department, who did not let him go to graduate school, and the leaders who did not let him into administrative positions. True, he understood this 20 years later, when he found out that these girls turned out to be rather vile women, the absence of a medal tempered him when entering a university, non-admission to graduate school protected him from a very unprestigious specialty, and denial of access to an administrative position turned him into a prominent researcher and writer.

So: treat misfortune with gratitude as good.

149. Go with the flow, for as the ancients said, when you see that circumstances do not favor you, then you do not resist them, but leave them to their natural course, because whoever goes against circumstances becomes their slave, and whoever submits to them becomes their slave. mister.

150. When a person is pursued by diseases, he must carefully examine his actions.

If he did not find anything reprehensible in his actions, then he must think that he has stopped in his growth and development. And this is the worst sin. You are deceiving yourself and God.

We have developed a technique of talking with our body, which signals us with painful symptoms about our wrong behavior. You just need to list all your actions and intentions. As soon as you hit the target, the body will immediately give a signal in the form of a weakening of the symptom that bothers you. Or in general you will feel a general relief or enlightenment, and sometimes something like blissful peace.

Here is an example of such a conversation. One of my wards, who, with the help of work on himself, became a prosperous person both in professionally as well as in the personal. After a few years, he realized that the institution in which he worked did not have the conditions for his personal growth. There was simply no equipment necessary for it, and it was not possible to purchase it. He should have retired from there. But he worked there for many years. Actually, all my life. He didn't work anywhere else. Colleagues treated him great and asked him to wait a bit and be patient. He was invited to other places. Almost four years passed like that. Then he developed extrasystoles (interruptions in the heart rhythm). He treated them relatively calmly and continued to work. The number of extrasystoles became more and more. In order to somehow drown out his longing for the impossibility of continuing research, he began to study a lot community service, loaded himself with other unnecessary things. But the number of extrasystoles became more and more. Three years later, he turned to me for help. I suggested that he go over everything he had done and everything he intended to do but didn't do as soon as he mentioned his intention to quit his job. The number of extrasystoles became noticeably smaller. But he decided to be patient. Their number immediately increased. After several days of hesitation, he announced his decision. He immediately felt better. Agreements followed. He started having doubts again. It got worse again. But as soon as he made up his mind and took the statement, his extrasystoles immediately stopped. He continued to be persuaded to stay, but he was adamant. He realized that in such conditions he would no longer be able to work. In the end, he was calculated. Elsewhere he managed to do everything he had planned. The extrasystoles stopped, which surprised the general practitioners whom he consulted. One of them said that he hoped for their reduction, but he did not expect this. For three years now, there have been no extrasystoles, although earlier their number reached 13 thousand per day.

So: when a person is pursued by diseases, he should carefully examine his actions.

151. Firmness of spirit is necessary in misfortune, but even more so in happiness.

152. While you are studying, you are young, at least you feel young.

153. Engage in the affairs of youth, and you will feel young.

154. Remember that labor for the development of your soul is always labor for yourself.

155. Repent even when you have sinned against yourself.

157. Since you have been programmed in the image and likeness of God, then become godlike and remember all the time that you are not God, no matter how you are praised.

158. Do not try to make a strong impression, for, as Schopenhauer said, a strong impression can only be made on commoners and ignoramuses. The reason for this is their cowardice and misunderstanding of the essence of things.

159. Behave at home as if you were visiting, communicate with your wife as with a bride, and with subordinates as with a boss, with students as with teachers.

160. Do not cheat, and if you cheat, then do not get caught, and if you are caught, then do not confess, and if you confess, then confess to business contacts, but not sexual ones. As a last resort, refer to the fact that you were in a state of disturbed consciousness and do not remember anything.

161. Remember that the best light is the light of your own mind. It illuminates both outside and inside.

162. If you want to harm someone, praise him, and you will set your enemies against him.

163. If you want to live in peace, do not give a word that you will keep a secret. If you want to live in peace, refuse to keep a secret.

164. Think about who you are taking revenge on. Are you humiliating yourself with this?

165. Refuse revenge - and you will have a huge energy reserve.

166. It is necessary to strive for victory over those enemies who sit within yourself. These enemies are rules and principles that do not correspond to our nature or situation, but tyrannically control us and live at our expense, leaving us nothing but leftovers.

Magical energy of love. Secret magnets of Tikhonov's charm - Aiyyn Snezhan

great strength visualization. We act as if...

Begin with your Highest Thought of yourself. Imagine yourself as you would be if you lived this thought every day. Imagine what you would think, do and say and how you would react to what others do and say.

Neil Donald Walsh

…For the one who acquires the state of consciousness of a millionaire himself develops experience, knowledge and skills in order to repeat this process again and again. When someone becomes a millionaire, what matters is how he became, not what he has. What kind of personality do you need to become in order to get everything you want? "To have" comes from "to be".

Another important detail in gaining wealth is the power of visualization. When you dream, visualize yourself in another dimension, a small miracle happens. The virtual "I" is embodied in the real! You are a product of your ideas about yourself. Start behaving "as if" and you will truly become who you see yourself as.

Imagine such a situation. You go into a boutique and see a man there. He wears an immaculately pressed, tailored charcoal suit with a red plaid tie and matching handkerchief in his breast pocket. This man simply exudes unshakable self-confidence. What do you think of it? First of all, he is probably very wealthy. Why did you think so? Yes, because he behaves like a self-sufficient and self-confident person. You don’t even know where he works, where he lives, what his name is, how much money is in his wallet or on a plastic card, but you are sure of one thing - HE IS RICH.

In one of my favorite movies, Ghost with Demi Moore, I remember a funny plot. The unsurpassed Whoopi Goldberg in the city bank acted as if she were an aristocrat and heir to an oil magnate, and the bank employees perceived her as such!

As Alexandre Dumas said: "Pretend to respect yourself and you will be respected."

If you want to be a millionaire then act as if you are already a millionaire. If you dream of becoming a world class superstar, then act like you you are already a superstar. If your cherished desire is to become a famous author of international bestsellers, then act like you You are already a bestselling author.

I understand that, perhaps, you were insulted, humiliated, cursed at you as a child, as a result of which you developed an inferiority complex over the years. You feel like some kind of ugly duckling. But until you part with this "bouquet" of complexes, you will fail in all endeavors, whether it be love or money.

Why is this happening? Yes, because, my precious ones, your inflated needs do not correspond to your inner state. You do not have the energy that would attract monetary energy. Your internal state falls short of high-frequency desires and needs. Begin to tune in to the high-frequency wave of abundance, and fortune itself will rush to you. Remove mental blockages that interfere with the flow of abundance.

I know one wonderful woman, mother of three children. When we met her, she wage was below the subsistence level, she barely made ends meet. So, after our friendly conversation, Evgenia began to behave as if she was already a rich and self-sufficient woman. The day after our meeting, to be honest, she bought herself very expensive chic boots with very high heels, almost with her last money. Naturally, her gait has changed. When she walked down the street, the men would not let her pass.

Further more. Colleagues began to treat her in a completely different way. If earlier she was constantly sent shopping to the nearest kiosk, now this has stopped. Two months later she received a new high paying job. Evgenia no longer sits at home, she hired a nanny for her youngest child, she is always on the road ... Her state of “as if” has now become real. Praise and applause to this amazing woman!

Constantly train your mind, accustom it to the state of wealth. From today, start acting like you own incredible wealth. Copy the demeanor of wealthy people, their hand movements, proud posture, royal walk, eating manners, intonation.

The Universe will support you, because in its eyes you have already become a rich person. Dream not just "I should at least have it" or "yes, that's enough for me" No, dream big!

The higher and further your goal is, the more likely it is to be achieved. After all, if you want a little, then you will achieve a little. Conversely, the more you want, the more you will achieve. Do not limit your bottomless imagination.

Remember Alice in the movie "Guest from the Future". What was she capable of, unlike her ordinary classmates? Alice did not allow the thought of losing. It seems to me that the director of the film wanted to convey to the viewer the idea that in the near future, thanks to the constant training of the mind, we will achieve brilliant results in all endeavors. Believe in fairy tales, believe in magic! If your adult consciousness is confused by the word "magic", replace it with " positive thinking', which is basically the same thing.

It is very important to visualize your dream in every detail. It's not enough just to want an apartment or Vacation home, you must clearly and clearly imagine the embodiment of your dreams. We know very well, my radiant ones, that guardian angels are always happy to help us, and therefore it is more beneficial for us to facilitate their work.

In order to speed up the process of achieving what you want as much as possible, you must clearly imagine the object of your dreams. If this is a car, then imagine its brand, color, interior upholstery, cost, etc. If this is a house, then which one: a classic Russian estate, a medieval castle, an English mansion, a Swiss chalet, or an Italian villa?

What happens at the time of rendering? Yes, you are creating the virtual world of your dreams. As Louise Hay said, the universe has no sense of humor, therefore, your desire enters the Universal information field at the speed of light and the Universe will gladly realize it!

Only your choice determines your fate. If you imagine something negative, forever afraid of the bad, then the Universe will understand that this is what you want. After all, your desire is sacred. You yourself, probably, can remember someone from those around you. These people were afraid of something, and it was with them that misfortune happened.

Never allow gloomy, threatening objects, some aggressive scenes, hostile people, and so on in your dreams. My friends, tune in only to the positive, only to the bright and divine, be extremely attentive in your desires and dreams. Choose elegant, high-quality, expensive, chic, kind, juicy and bright!

Do not think that you are unworthy of something, that you cannot achieve anything. We are all made from the same clay. If Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Bill Gates have gone from being poor and unknown to being the richest and most powerful, then so can you! We must believe in our unique opportunities to believe in miracles. After all, only then do miracles become the norm in your daily life.

“Self-respect is the most important determinant for any success or significant act in life”, Jean Landrum writes in her brilliant book Thirteen Women Who Changed the World.

There is no limit to perfection! After all, you are an omnipotent deity for whom there are no deterrents on the way to a country of abundance and prosperity. So, here and now, slowly, with the intonation of a multibillionaire, say the following words.

I am the heiress of all the luxury of the beauty of the Universe!

I am a mighty creation of the Lord!

All my cherished desires come true quickly and easily!

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27 strange fact: it is as if the brain can be stimulated with bioenergy, as Yeltsin did. Yeltsin, like Brezhnev, was decided to be supported with cell therapy when he became very ill, in the late 1990s. And already in 2002, he first appeared in public rejuvenated for years.

After the birth of her son Mark Alexander, Shaforost left her career in international company and opened The Marc bakery.

- Tell us about your son?

- So far, one inquisitive, happy and smart Mark, 4.5 years old. He was born in France, but American by passport and Soviet by blood.

– What does your company do and what role do you play in it?

– With the birth of my son, my world turned upside down: I left a successful corporate career and opened a small confectionery specializing in natural tasty and healthy cookies “The Marc bakery”. As a hostess, I do everything here: from inventing recipes and developing packaging to promoting a product.

– What is the most important thing for you in your work to achieve results?

– Do not get bored, do not give up, know all the details of the business in order to more effectively distribute responsibilities and assess risks. A team of like-minded people and a supply of money or 3 F's (Family, friends, fools).

– What lessons have you learned from your career, what do you need and do not need to do to achieve success?

- When you're young, even with an MBA, don't act like you're smarter than the boss. Do not be afraid to change industries, countries, areas of activity. It's important to get to know the people you'll be spending 16 hours a day with as best you can before signing on to a new project/job. You have to really want to achieve success for it to come. It is not necessary to evaluate colleagues as friends, this either leads to conflicts or too close relationships at work, and it will be difficult to criticize or demand more from them.

- What do you love most about your job?

– Tangibility and concrete result. The opportunity to raise a son, and not give him into the hands of nannies.

– Did your work schedule and your attitude to work change after the birth of your child?

“Absolutely—I can no longer work as long as is expected of a vice president of a large company. Material component former life went into the third place.

- When you have an emergency at work, a lot of things to do at home, and your strength is running out, how do you relax, where do you get strength?

– A glass of good red wine, yoga with Anya L. at the NYM Yoga studio, a fleeting romance with a nice person, reading a book to Mark, TVRAIN.

– What services/gadgets/services help you successfully combine work and family in your daily life?

- Ipad - recently our electronic nanny was stolen from the car, it was difficult for me and Mark. Workingmama, The Village, Snob help us plan our cultural and entertainment program.

– What do you like to do on the weekend with the whole family and with the child most of all?

- Hiking in Gorky Park, friends' cottage, Muzeon, breakfast at Uilliam's, lunch at Tsvetnoy. Mark loves the playgrounds between the Arbat and Patriarch's Ponds, which gives me a couple of hours to read.

– What are your favorite children's places in the city?

- The Green School in Gorky Park, Shardam (but rarely, because it is very dark, stuffy and tasteless there, but interesting), Anderson for children's birthdays.

- What, in your opinion, children's place is not enough in your city?

- After NYC, we miss everything: music classes in a game format, game schools where children are busy for a couple of hours with everything from drawing / experiments to sports games, language courses within walking distance. Mark studies at P'tit CREF, so there are no problems with English and French, but we did not find Chinese. I didn’t find karate or aikido schools for children in our area, nor did I find a pool without Russian paperwork…

- Tell us about your best trip with a child?

We are accustomed to travel always and everywhere. We spend our summer at sea: last year in St. Jean Cap Ferrat and Provence (France). This year is California. I think that parents create the best trip themselves: it should be beautiful, tasty and interesting for them, and then there will be enough strength to entertain children. On any coast of the world, you can find children of similar age, get to know their parents, and then the children will borrow and learn from each other. In terms of convenience, of course, California and Florida are some of the best places - lots of theme parks, interesting playgrounds, classes, and willingness of people to help if something happens to a child, fast efficient police and health care, and no screaming or sullen faces.

- How do you plan your travels?

- I have never used travel agencies, in general, planning a vacation is not my best forte. At dinner with friends, several places pop up, and then it's a matter of tickets and finding the best hotel within the budget and exploring the children's services in the hotel. Tried ClubMed for the first time last winter with friends in Italy - in terms of skiing for toddlers and the freedom to ski all day for adults while the cubs are busy with the instructors - superb. This was the first purposeful planning and search for recreation according to clear criteria (age of children, transport accessibility, quality of skiing and food). Not everything was perfect, but we will look for the best next season.

Dale Breckenridge Carnegie is an American educator, psychologist, and writer. He stood at the origins of the creation of communication theory, translating scientific developments psychologists of that time practical area, having developed his own concept of conflict-free communication. Founded courses on self-improvement, skills effective communication, speeches and more...

Act like you're already happy and you'll actually be happier.

Be busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

Never try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will do yourself much more harm than they do. Do like General Eisenhower: never think for a minute about people you don't like.

In this world, there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love, not hoping for gratitude.

How many of you sawed sawdust at least once in your life? Of course, no one can cut sawdust. They are already drunk. The same with the past. When you start worrying about things that have already passed, you are in the business of sawing sawdust.

If you want to remake people - start with yourself - this is both more useful and safer.

The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes.

Three-quarters of the people you meet tomorrow crave sympathy. Manifest it and they will understand you!

Do not allow yourself to be upset by trifles that should be despised and forgotten. Remember that life is too short to waste it on trifles.

Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have. It depends entirely on what you think.

The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all.

If a person tries to use you for his own purposes, cross him out of your acquaintances.

“A smile costs nothing, but it is highly valued…”

Don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself.

Know how to take the position of another person and understand what HIM needs, and not you. Whoever manages to do this will have the whole world.

Three subjects are the most interesting in the world... Sex, property and religion. With the first we can create life, with the second we sustain it, and with the third we hope to continue it in another world.

“Every person is a full-blown fool for at least five minutes a day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding this limit."

You are not happy or unhappy because of what you have, or because of who you are, where you are, or what you do; your state is determined by what you think about all this.

It's human nature to blame anyone but yourself...

The expression you wear on your face is far more important than the clothes you put on.
