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What does show room mean? Advertising is an effective engine of trade. Analysis of the benefits of a business idea

As a rule, for all girls, buying clothes is tantamount to taking a “miracle pill” for bad mood or troubles. And also, this is a great way to just have fun and relieve stress from the whirlwinds of everyday life. Do not forget: every woman is a unique creation, in which, in addition to femininity and style, there is another desire - the pursuit of savings. Therefore, girls are looking for stores where they can buy good, high-quality, inexpensive things. It is these motives that push the fair sex to visit the show room. Show room is great option find what you need!

Showroom women's clothing is a store that sells original or designer items, but their difference from designer luxury branded models is only in price.

Why are these stores so popular? How to open a show room? What subtleties are involved in opening such an establishment? All these questions often concern those who want to open their own successful business, but does not know how this can be realized. All these issues will be analyzed below.

The space, which may also be called a studio or a store, displays for sale designer items whose work is unknown or little known to the public. At the same time, the quality of tailoring of things, as well as the material used for them, allows you to make a statement and arouse the interest of the buyer. A good influx of customers into show rooms, and as a result - subsequent recognition of clothing by the general public - allow young designers to become famous. Later, when fame comes, these designers will be able to open boutiques with their name, charging high prices for things. alternative designer things there may simply be exclusive items from China or the USA.

Today, stars, as well as famous personalities, decide to open their own studio. To do this, they first advertise products through social networks (groups) where there are millions of subscribers. The question “how to open a show room” is easily solved and ordinary people. First you need to decide what category of products will be sold.

What might a showroom look like? There are many options. This:

  1. A studio room in which samples of goods from one or different manufacturers are presented for wholesale purchase.
  2. A studio space where a little-known designer offers ready-made or made-to-order exclusive clothing.
  3. A room where an assortment of goods from different manufacturers for retail trade is collected.

The third option is the most popular in Russia, let’s consider it in detail .

How to open your own fashion show room from scratch - step by step steps

The first step is to register the activity. It is divided into several stages:

  • documents are collected - this is a TIN, an identity card with its copies, an application for registration and taxation is written, the state duty is paid;
  • OKVED code is selected;
  • An application to open an activity is being prepared for the tax authorities.

Second action - technical part. Consists of the following stages:

  1. They are looking for a convenient location for the studio that they are going to open.
  2. All equipment is purchased.
  3. Suppliers are selected.
  4. Studio workers are selected (if necessary).
  5. Advertising is being carried out.

Selection of premises and equipment for the studio

You won’t be able to see a large influx of customers when opening a business right away, since you first need to open a store, after which you need to form an audience of customers. An exception may be a rented boutique inside a supermarket. In our case, friends and acquaintances will know that you are going to open a salon. social networks.

Note. A show room is a profitable business, but when opening such a store, you need to think about the premises. The best option a studio apartment could be suitable for such a business, small room or a small house. Today, after reading advertisements for rental housing, you can find different options. The worst option may be a room in your own apartment dedicated to business.

Renovation and design should give the room a certain style. It is better to use light, calm tones, hang lamps (lanterns), and also, of course, paintings.

At a professional level, you need to think about the combination of walls and floors. Since the clients of the salon will be demanding people with refined taste, it is necessary to understand that the effective design of the salon will encourage the client to visit it again, as well as recommend it to their friends. Those who are planning to open a women's clothing showroom need to remember this.

The presence of comfortable, and most importantly, beautiful furniture is one of the main points of setting up a show room. Before opening, you need to install coffee tables with armchairs selected in style, display cases - hangers, comfortable fitting rooms with mirrors.

A calm melody and a delicate scent will add a pleasant atmosphere to the studio. An important factor is the ideal cleanliness of the room.

What, how, where to sell?

Regarding the assortment, several issues must be resolved:

  1. Where to buy things.
  2. Variety of assortment.
  3. How to hang and arrange goods.

Where to buy products

Since a show room is a business that is associated with the purchase of things, you need to first search for suppliers.

Today there are several options for purchasing goods at wholesale and retail prices.

The first option is online stores. Typically, such stores most often sell Chinese items, which can be used to make a 100% increase. If you don’t have an accurate idea of ​​the quality of goods in different stores, you will have to make several purchases from different suppliers to understand which store is better to give preference to.

Note. Chinese things can have different quality. Today, many Russian stores sell high-quality goods from China that are reasonably priced. However, it is important to remember that wealthy clients are unlikely to visit such a clothing showroom.

The second option is American sites. Many American websites offer discount items from popular brands. Of course, the models will be last year’s, but the brand, quality, and price will attract a respectable buyer.

The third option is outlets. This concept refers to retail outlets that sell last year’s goods, discounted by 70%. The purchase of such goods must be carried out independently, thoughtfully, selecting the necessary products.

The fifth option is sewing factories. Garment factories carry out tailoring according to catalogs, but can also work according to requests, which can be sent remotely. Their products have good quality, but the main thing is affordable wholesale prices. The only negative is that the manufacturer sets its own minimum cash wholesale price, which allows you to purchase goods.

Variety of assortment

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In this article we have revealed the most current ways to obtain starting capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

The most ideal option that anyone who has decided to open a women's clothing showroom can use is a variety of items with a matching accessory.

So, when buying a blouse, the client should be able to choose a skirt or trousers to match it. And at the same time, a scarf, beads, a handbag, shoes. Among such a variety, the client finds several things, which means he will no longer look for things in other stores. The owner receives a large profit from the amount of goods sold.

Note. The store’s assortment must constantly change, as fashion makes its own adjustments. Unfashionable things will not be in demand.

How to display goods correctly

Even the simplest, most inconspicuous wardrobe items can attract the client's attention. To do this, you need to make sure that it is clean and ironed. Most should hang in a visible place on hangers.

The buyer must have good access to the product, to touch it, to examine it well.

You need to ensure that the goods are always beautifully laid out. It is better to display new arrivals on mannequins at the entrance.

Recruiting staff for a show room is an important nuance that should not be neglected

Answering the question “how to open a show room clothes“- a counter question arises: “who will work there”?

The owner of the show room can easily work alone. But he will succeed only if he is well versed in fashion trends. He must also have certain design knowledge, know the rules for combining colors, fabrics, and shapes. It’s great if he knows how to combine even incongruous things. Self-confidence and the ability to serve clients beautifully (to choose clothes that will hide all the flaws of the figure and highlight the advantages) will allow such a person to boldly open a show room and work there alone.

Attention! How to start your own business by opening a show room, if the key problem for the store owner is lack of taste in clothes? There is a way out here too - you just need to find a partner who knows this business from “a” to “z”. As a rule, a designer can easily cope with this role.

Advertising is an effective engine of trade

Opening your studio should begin with its presentation. This event must be significant. This means that interested, wealthy people are invited to the opening of the show room, they are served at the highest level, in order to gain respect. Later, they will tell their acquaintances or friends about you.

Development of my client base can be carried out on social networks, among various forums, inviting people to buy their things. In groups on your page, you need to post information about the product, its new arrivals, and discounts. For advertising, you can use SMS mailing, or send mailings by e-mail. This will also help the business become stronger.

What does a business plan for opening a showroom look like?

An approximate calculation of the costs that anyone who wants to open their own clothing showroom will face consists of several points:

  • to legalize trade you will need 5 thousand rubles, of which the state duty will be 800 rubles;
  • the starting purchase is approximately 100 thousand;
  • renting a room for one month is about 40 thousand rubles (by the way, this is an important point that is often forgotten);
  • repair work (if necessary) will amount to 100 thousand, this amount may be less, its size will depend on the condition of the rented area;
  • purchasing furniture costs about 50 thousand rubles.

In the case where the purchase of goods will be carried out independently, the costs must include the cost of travel, as well as hotel accommodation - this is 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, to launch your studio, you need initial capital. This is about 400 thousand rubles.

Business profitability

Considering that a wealthy client spends 15–45 thousand in one month to expand his wardrobe, plus five new clients on recommendation, the income of the show room will be quite a decent amount.

To summarize: what are the subtleties and features of the show room?

The key problem with showrooms is the misunderstanding of this business.

Some believe that a show room is an exhibition of things for the purpose of wholesale purchases, others associate it with the work of fashion designers, and others believe that a show room is a store in a shopping center or somewhere in a house on a crowded street. By the way, if you want to open a regular clothing store, read the useful material in this article:

The second and quite common problem of this business is the quality and manufacturer of the goods. Thus, it is not uncommon for Chinese copies to be passed off as branded originals. Wealthy people who understand quality quickly detect deception, and low-income buyers do not spend a large sum on expanding their wardrobe. Therefore, in this situation, the showroom owner risks losing his business.

Hence the conclusion: things intended for wealthy buyers must meet their needs.

If the business is going well, the number of showroom clients is gradually increasing, then you should not limit yourself to what you have achieved. The owners of the studio have every chance to create a large store.

Considering this type business, it becomes clear: a show room is an activity that is guaranteed to bring profit. But the income that a fashion show room will bring will be good only if the business is run by a person who has a sense of fashion and has an “entrepreneurial spirit.” Risk is not always a noble cause, so before investing money you need to “measure seven times and then cut.”

Hello, dear readers of the blog. The idea of ​​creating showrooms originated in Europe.

Over the course of several years, it has gained popularity among manufacturers and sellers of branded items.

Today the vast majority entrepreneurs open their own showrooms around the world. What is it? What is its benefit for business development?

What is Show Room

The word showroom is formed by combining two English words: show - demonstration, demonstration, exhibition, room - room, room, apartment.

That is, literally translated, a show room is a room for display.

Showrooms are very popular in Europe and the post-Soviet space. Small comfortable rooms are used as a platform for the presentation of various products. The purpose of such establishments is to visually present branded products to potential buyers and facilitate the conclusion of profitable business deals with sales agents.

Show Room allows an entrepreneur to get the following advantages:

  1. Increase demand for a product or service
  2. Advertise an unknown brand or young designer
  3. Gain a foothold in the market
  4. Promptly familiarize the buyer with new products
  5. Sell ​​goods at tax-free cost

You can open a showroom even with a small start-up capital, which is why many little-known designers who are just beginning to make a name for themselves in the fashion industry market have their own showrooms.

How is a showroom different from a store?

The Show Room, in a sense, performs the functions of a regular store, but has the following peculiarities:

  1. Cozy, almost homely atmosphere
  2. Narrow specialization by type of product
  3. Emphasis on exclusivity
  4. Individual approach to the client
  5. Availability of consultants

The goal of the showroom is to provide increased comfort for customers and maximize the sales of the offered product.

For this purpose, the show room is equipped with comfortable fitting rooms, demonstration stands, and sometimes small podiums. Visitors are invited to sit in soft comfortable chair, have a cup coffee or tea, familiarize yourself in detail with the product catalog and samples of items on the stands.

In some halls, in addition to sales consultants, there are fashion models, which, at the request of the client, can demonstrate any of the clothing models presented at the stand. A children's corner can also be set up in the display room to entertain little guests while their parents are busy shopping.

By visiting such an establishment, the buyer receives a lot useful information, positive emotions, and most importantly, purchases exclusive branded items on favorable terms.

Types of showrooms

Depending on the methods of organization, showrooms are of the following types:

  1. Small a shop-atelier, which presents original products of one manufacturer (he is also the owner of the store)
  2. Fashionable salon or studio for showing new collections from a group of designers
  3. Demo a hall with a podium, organized at a fashion store or garment factory, with a permanent staff

Showrooms are of open and closed type. In the first case, they are available to everyone, in the second, they are intended for a narrow circle of visitors.

A closed show room is a kind of small fashion boutique, which is organized in someone’s apartment or in another place with limited access. They learn about the existence of such an institution from friends. You can get into it by appointment.

There are no restrictions in terms of assortment, but most often the following products are offered in showrooms:

  1. Cloth
  2. Shoes
  3. Accessories
  4. Cosmetics
  5. Perfumery
  6. Dishes
  7. Furniture items

Such establishments may be oriented for individual buyers or sales agents. In establishments of the first type, visitors are offered products for retail sale. In the wholesale version, you can order a large batch of goods for subsequent sale in retail outlets.

Showrooms can offer customers ready-made items or demonstrate product samples. In establishments of the second type, the client has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the collection, place an order and receive the finished product after some time.

How to open and promote a Show Room

To successfully open your own showroom, three conditions are required:

  1. Start-up capital
  2. Extensive connections in the fashion world
  3. Comfortable room with a favorable location

Before opening your own display room, you need to decide on the product profile and develop a business plan. The showroom should be organized in several stages:

  1. Select a room
  2. Organize the interior
  3. Decide on suppliers
  4. Find personnel
  5. Create an advertising strategy

Special attention should be paid to the legal side of the issue - registering as individual entrepreneur or organize a limited liability company.

Many entrepreneurs start work opening a show room at home. This allows you to significantly save on renting or purchasing a special room.

With absence With a large starting capital, it is convenient to open a franchise business. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the supplier company on permanent cooperation. With this option, the goods will be delivered to the showroom owner at a significant discount. However, a prerequisite is the deduction of part of the profit to the supplier.

To promote the show room, the owners create specialized online stores, electronic product catalogs, and use online advertising. This approach allows you to find buyers in remote regions and expand your circle regular customers, get quick profits.

Show Room is profitable and promising

Organizing a showroom is a progressive solution that allows you to achieve business profitability of up to 300% with minimal starting investments. The main conditions for success are a clear assessment of possible risks and a competent business strategy.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages

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I use it to earn money

What is a showroom? This is a word that came to us from in English, literally translated as screening room. But figuring out what can be called a showroom and what can’t was not so easy.

In Europe, where showrooms came to Russia, they are created specifically for buyers (wholesale buyers). They are created in factories and production facilities, and they contain samples of things from the factory or manufacturer, collections of which can be ordered. Such showrooms can be direct from the factory or from the distributor (that company that buys things from the manufacturer and then resells them to small wholesalers). What does such showrooms have to do with both ready-made items and only samples of them. How easy it is to get into such showrooms is determined by the popularity of a particular brand, for example, into showrooms famous brands there are queues and recording.

Showroom fashionable clothes Russian realities.

There are similar showrooms in Russia. For example, “Li-Lu”, which is a representative of many famous Italian brands.

But among the large Russian showrooms there is also a special specificity. So, in some of them, clothes can be purchased or rented not only by buyers, but also famous people. For example, the “New Berezka” showroom, which by its name is not by chance reminiscent of the old Soviet currency “Berezka”. A store for the elite.

The second version of showrooms, more common in Russia, is something like atelier stores. Here they sell items from small companies engaged in tailoring, start-ups. Most often, clothes are sewn and sold in such premises. There are also many similar showrooms, mainly fur and shoe stores, but in Russia there are more of those that deal with clothing. Designers of such showrooms often sew clothes to order. It’s not easy to find such shops, they don’t have bright signs, their addresses often change, but anyone can buy clothes from them. By the way, sometimes several designers unite and create a common showroom. So on the Internet you can find the “Ground-around” showroom, which sells clothes from young Russian fashion designers.

There is another option for a showroom. Namely, the showroom, which is located on. In such showrooms you can buy either designer items or fashion items brought, for example, from Italy, but at much more low prices than in boutiques. It is quite difficult to get into such showrooms; for this you really need to have certain connections and know the phone numbers of the sellers or designer.

But sometimes it also happens that small but completely ordinary clothing stores are called showrooms. They explain this by the fact that, for example, they are located in the very center of the city, but at the same time in a small alley and far from the main shops that shopping lovers visit. But, nevertheless, such use of the term showroom will not be correct. Indeed, in this case, it will be possible to call almost any clothing store a showroom.

Each of us one day certainly thinks about our own business. The desire to work as much as we want and to receive according to our work is often stronger than fears and all sorts of concerns. So what to do? In which area is it more profitable to open a business? If you have previously dealt with clothing production or are connected with the fashion industry, then you will probably be interested in learning how to open a showroom. What is the essence of this business?

Legal and profitable

Show-room is nothing more than a room designed for displaying clothes. Typically, these demonstrations are aimed at large wholesalers. But very often it is more like a kind of boutique at home. At the same time, its owners very often do not legalize their activities, and they fall outside the field of view of the tax authorities.

However, we do not advise you to go this route. After all, this kind of business will still be identified one day, and its owner will receive a serious administrative fine. Therefore, we’d better tell you how to open a showroom legally.

But first, a few words about why this business is worth doing. The fact is that this niche in our country, according to expert research, is only partially occupied. And businessmen who want to expand widely in this field have every chance to take their rightful place in the market. In addition, showrooms are indeed becoming more and more popular in Russia every day.

This format miraculously allows you to very well present a fashionable collection of clothes or show clients the best examples of exclusive items so that they can subsequently order them. Experts in this area of ​​business are confident that with the tactical organization of business, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a reasonable investment of financial resources and receive a stable and decent income.

Show your imagination

And now to the specifics. Suppose you, after weighing all the pros and cons, decide to open your own showroom. What will you need for this? How to open a showroom with little money? First of all, you will need a good premises, of course, start-up capital and decorative elements. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

You can organize a showroom wherever space allows. For example, a very well-known personality in the world of furniture design, Luc Debuse, used the building of a former dairy factory for these purposes. It is interesting that he preserved the old architecture of the room, in which non-standard interior items looked very extravagant and created a very original atmosphere.

Therefore, do not think that you need to choose only pretentious places in the city center for presentations. Get creative. If you have good idea, then you can beat both the relatively cheap venue for the presentation and its interior.

Think things through in advance

It is very important to draw up a good showroom business plan before making any financial expenditures. When writing it, focus on the finances that you have available, or those cash, which you can attract for this cause from sponsors. What is a showroom without an exact plan of action? This is a complete business improvisation that is unlikely to lead you to financial well-being. Therefore, plan everything in advance.

Does size matter?

Really, what kind of premises should you count on? In fact, everything here depends on the turnover of the company itself, and, accordingly, on the finances that the organization is able to allocate for the presentation room. How to organize a showroom indoors? If the scale is small, then in this case you can put a stand for filing documents, several shelves and a small table with soft chairs.

It should be noted that a row of comfortable and comfortable chairs is an integral attribute of, perhaps, any showroom. It plays a significant role in successful negotiations with clients. It is unlikely that your customers will be inclined to do business with you if you sit them on hard chairs and spend more than one hour presenting the capabilities of your company. Be sure to consider maximum comfort for wholesale customers and partners.

How best to furnish the room?

By the way, such presentation rooms are needed not only by large tailoring studios, but also by almost any company. So, for example, if you sell auto parts or various oils and additives for cars, then in this case you will also need a showroom with special exhibition stands. The most important rule when installing internal equipment is functionality.

The presented products, on the one hand, must be presented in a favorable light, and on the other hand, the racks must be located very conveniently, so that, if necessary, you can always reach any shelf and get a better look at the company’s product. The client should be really comfortable and look at the product from the outside, and examine it in more detail, if necessary.

Eastern helpfulness

The real pros in the field of various presentations are the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. Great amount Various production facilities create strong competition among manufacturers in China, so companies fight for every client. Service in this country is at the highest level.

What is a showroom in Chinese? These are huge rooms that fascinate with their decoration, soffits and some unimaginable ceilings. Stands, racks, special stages - everything works to ensure that the client can appreciate the products presented.

Wherein Special attention given to visitors of presentation rooms. They offer cozy upholstered furniture, armchairs, comfortable chairs, light and cold drinks. Returning once again to the question of what a Chinese showroom is, we can say with confidence: these are spacious spaces, courteous staff, and huge stained glass windows. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers in Russia can yet boast of such showrooms. But the most important thing is that they have something to strive for.
