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See what "Gasoline" is in other dictionaries. What is octane number

Before you learn how to make 76 gasoline from 92, you need to understand that it is better to find a gas station that sells 76 or 80 gasoline. If it is impossible to purchase 76 fuel, you can modify the internal combustion engine for a lower octane number of gasoline. This is usually done by increasing the internal volume of the combustion chamber, for example, by using spacers under the cylinder head (if we are talking about a car) or by installing a bushing under the spark plug if we are talking about a gasoline tool.

The use of gasoline with a higher octane number in the engine is highly not recommended, because can lead to burnout of valves and incorrect temperature conditions (the engine heats up more). But using gasoline “diluted” to a reduced octane number is also unsafe, but more on that below.

How to lower the octane number of gasoline

So, to lower the octane number of gasoline, you can use kerosene, the octane number of which is 45, this number means faster combustion of the fuel mixture and a slower ignition delay. If we add kerosene to gasoline, we slow down the combustion of the fuel, which actually means a lower octane number.

But diluting gasoline to lower the octane number will lead to dirtier combustion, which in turn will inevitably lead to increased contamination of the spark plug and piston system (carbon deposits), as well as increased temperature regime ICE.

Kerosene should not be taken for kerosene stoves, it is too dirty and there will be a lot of soot. Ideally, you need to take fuel for light aircraft.

How to make 76 gasoline from 92

So, we decided that we will dilute 92 gasoline with kerosene. The calculator below will help you calculate exactly how much gasoline and kerosene need to be mixed to obtain the required amount of 76 gasoline.

Gasoline is the most common fuel for most types of transport

Detailed information about the composition, receipt, storage and use of gasoline

Gasoline - definition

Gasoline is the main type of fuel for internal combustion engines, obtained as a result of the distillation of black gold and its further chemical purification. Chemical composition consists of hydrocarbons with high temperature boiling. Currently, it is widely used not only as a fuel, but also as a solvent for varnishes and paints used in construction work.

In the 1990s. oil workers paid little attention to the domestic market, so the country saw great amount small companies with several gas stations. However, since 2000, the interest of oil industry workers in the domestic fuel market began to seriously grow. This was caused by both an increase in oil production and increased (25-35%) profitability retail fuel. Large oil organizations control oil refining almost 100%, and this has long been divided between them. Now the oil workers are systematically ousting smaller competitors.

Gasoline is practically the best-selling USA commodity, it accounts for half of the total consumption of all petroleum products in the country. This is a very extensive market with many distributors and even more retailers, which contributes to strong price competition. To try on price New York exchanges to Russian realities, you need to remember that 1 = 3.785 liters. Add 65 cents to the stock quote (attributable to ) and divide by 3.8 to get an approximate price liters of gasoline at gas stations in New York.

Quite roughly, all low-quality gasoline can be divided into three main types:

1. Obtained by mixing high-octane gasoline with low-octane gasoline or even with surrogates - this is the most common and, if you like, even traditional way falsification. Thus, under the guise of AI-95 gasoline, you can easily buy gasoline with an octane number of 92 or less.

2.Produced with violations of production technology. Basically, such gasoline has violations of the fractional and chemical composition.

So, in particular, it may contain a high content of aromatic compounds, for example, benzene.

3. Manufactured using various standard and non-standard anti-knock additives or high-octane additives, sometimes very exotic and causing more harm than good. Such gasolines are produced according to various specifications, but acquirer is never informed about the presence of such components in gasoline. The need for their use is very doubtful and is more similar to legalized falsification. Detection of type 1 counterfeiting is a standard task and comes down to measuring the octane number (ON).

Gasoline (Petrol) is

Such falsification is immediately detected when standard gasoline tests are carried out and, we must pay tribute to Gosstandart, it fights such fans of diluting gasoline quite harshly and successfully. In any case, in large cities this type of falsification is now quite rare.

Detecting type 2 adulteration is much more difficult and is only possible by analyzing the fractional and chemical composition of gasoline. And while the fractional composition is periodically controlled by Gosstandart, the chemical composition in our country is practically absent. The reason is simple - there are no devices. But the most difficult problems arise when identifying type 3 falsification. This view in Lately is becoming increasingly widespread and, what is especially unpleasant, such falsification can cause the greatest harm to the vehicles and ecology.

The fact is that recently a lot of different additives and additives have appeared to gasoline, significantly changing its characteristics. Russian GOST does not provide for serious chemical analysis gasoline and, of course, all these numerous additives and additives cannot be detected during full standard tests. To detect all these substances, special instruments are needed, which Russian Federation no, and detecting these substances through conventional chemical analysis is quite labor-intensive and difficult. But in practice we get the following - if, for example, we add ethyl alcohol to gasoline, even in an amount several times higher than the permissible limit, then during standard tests this will not be detected and the gasoline will be recognized as meeting the standard. In the Russian Federation, as a rule, a fairly limited number of different additives and additives are used for gasoline that increase its octane number.

Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

PETROL- transparent, often colorless, lighter than water, flammable liquid, a product of petroleum refining. The main types of gasoline: aviation and automobile. The first one is lighter and contains significantly less impurities (resins, etc.). IN… … Concise Encyclopedia of Housekeeping

PETROL- GASOLINE, Benzinum, original title benzene, given by Mit scherlich in 1833. In modern times, benzene is called a mixture of hydrocarbons, the boiling point of which lies between 70 and 120 °. There are coal and oil, or petroleum... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Petrol- oil distillation product; a mixture of light hydrocarbons with a boiling point from 30 to 205 degrees C. Gasoline is used as fuel for carburetor engines and as a solvent. In English: Petrol See also: Fuel Paints and varnishes... ... Financial Dictionary Big Encyclopedic Dictionary More details

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Gasoline - it’s hard to remember something more familiar to a motorist. Every day, cars burn hundreds of thousands of liters of this fuel, but few car owners have seriously thought about how it is produced, the characteristics of the fuel composition and other aspects.

Some terminology

  1. Aromatic;
  2. Olefinic;
  3. Paraffin and others.

These hydrocarbons have flammable properties. The boiling point of the mixture varies from 33 to 250 °C, which depends on the additives used.

What is gasoline made from?

Gasoline production scheme

Fuel is produced at oil refineries. Myself manufacturing process very complex and is divided into several cycles.

Crude oil first enters the plant through pipelines, is pumped into huge tanks, and then settles. Next, oil washing begins - water is added to it, and then it is passed through electricity. As a result, salts settle to the bottom and walls of the tanks.

During subsequent atmospheric-vacuum distillation, the oil is heated and divided into several types. There are 2 stages of processing:

  1. Vacuum;
  2. Thermal.

Upon completion of the primary refining process, catalytic reforming begins, during which gasoline is further purified and fractions of 92-grade, 95-grade and 98-grade gasoline are extracted.


This process, also called recycling, includes 2 main stages:

  1. Cracking – purification of oil from sulfur impurities;
  2. Reforming is giving a substance an octane number.

Video: How gasoline is made from oil. Just something complicated

At the end of these stages, fuel quality control is carried out, which takes several hours.

It is noteworthy that domestic factories (in the majority) produce 240 liters of gasoline from 1 ton of oil. The rest comes from gas, fuel oil and aviation fuel.

What is octane number

This phrase is known to many people, but not everyone knows what exactly this term means and why it is so important.

Octane number is the ability of a fuel (including gasoline) to resist spontaneous combustion under pressure. In other words, its detonation resistance.

During engine operation, the piston compresses the fuel-air mixture (compression stroke). At this moment, when the finished mixture is under pressure, it may spontaneously ignite even before the spark plug has given a spark. People call this phenomenon in one word - . A characteristic feature detonation is noise in the engine - a metallic ringing.

Therefore, the higher the octane number, the higher the ability of the fuel to resist detonation.

Gasoline labeling

At gas stations you can find a variety of names, not excluding those that are most familiar to most motorists. Typically, gasoline is marked with the letters “A” and “AI”. Their decoding:

  1. “A” - this designation indicates that;
  2. “AI” - the letter “I” means the method by which the octane number was determined.

There are 2 ways to determine the octane number - research (AI) and motor (AM).

Research method - it is determined by testing the fuel on a single cylinder power plant, subject to a variable compression ratio, a crankshaft speed of 600 rpm, an ignition timing of 13° and an air (intake) temperature of 52 °C. These conditions are similar to light and medium loads.

Motor method - its determination is carried out on a similar installation, but other conditions are different. The air (intake) temperature is 149 °C, the crankshaft speed is 900 rpm, and the ignition timing is variable. This mode is similar to high loads - driving uphill, running the engine under load, etc.

Consequently, the number of AM is always lower than AI, and the difference in readings indicates the sensitivity of the fuel to the operation of the power unit in different modes. It is noteworthy that in some countries in the West, the octane number is defined as the average between the “AM” and “AI” values. In the Russian Federation, only a higher “AI” value is indicated, which can be seen at all gas stations.

Gasoline brands

The following designations are most often found at domestic gas stations:

  • Gasoline AI-98. Different Unlike AI-95, which is produced in accordance with GOST, the 98th is produced in accordance with TU 38.401-58-122-95, as well as TU 38.401-58-127-95. In the production of this brand of gasoline, the use of alkyl lead antiknock agents is prohibited. This high-octane gasoline is produced using a number of components - toluene, isopentane, isooctane and alkyl gasoline.
  • Extra AI-95 is gasoline of improved quality, which is achieved through the use of anti-knock additives. Produced from distillate raw materials, catalytic cracking gasoline, with the addition of isoparaffin elements (aromatic) and gas gasoline. There is no lead in the composition, which ensures high quality gasoline.
  • AI-95 - the main difference from Extra AI-95 is the concentration of lead, which is 30% higher;
  • AI-93 - divided into 2 categories: leaded and unleaded. Leaded fuel is produced on the basis of catalytic reformed gasoline (mild mode) with the addition of toluene and alkyl gasoline, as well as a butane-butylene fraction. Unleaded is produced from the same catalytic reforming gasoline (hard mode), with the addition of butane-butylene fraction, alkyl gasoline and isopentane;
  • AI-92 is the most common medium-quality gasoline on the market, containing anti-knock additives. Maximum density – 0.77 g/cmA-923. Can be either leaded or unleaded;
  • AI-91 – differs in the content of anti-knock additives. This is unleaded gasoline with an unstandardized density and a certain percentage of lead in the composition;
  • A-80 - the composition of this gasoline is similar to that of AI-92. Maximum density – 0.755g/cmA-803;
  • A-76 - usually used in agriculture. Leaded and unleaded A-76 with non-standardized density is produced. It contains additives of various types (anti-oxidation and anti-knock), straight-run gasoline, as well as final, pyrolysis and cracking (thermal and catalytic).

Video: AI-92 or AI-95? Acceleration to 100 km and fuel consumption on Mazda Demio (Ford Festiva Mini Wagon)

What kind of gasoline should I use?

Many people are looking for the answer to this question so as not to inadvertently harm the engine. In this case, everything is simple - the fuel requirements are indicated in the operating instructions for a particular vehicle, and are also duplicated on back side gas tank flap. If the manufacturer indicated AI-95 as the recommended fuel, then refuel with 92 only at your own peril and risk. However, it is worth remembering that both the octane number and the brand of fuel may be indicated in the manual and on the label.

Also in the manual can be written different types gasoline. For example:

  1. AI-92 – acceptable;
  2. AI-95 – recommended;
  3. AI-98 - to improve performance.

As you can see, you only need to fill the tank with fuel recommended by the car manufacturer. However, using gasoline with a higher octane number will not cause any harm to the engine. After all, the higher the octane number, the slower the combustion rate and the greater the efficiency of the fuel, which has a beneficial effect on engine performance, efficiency and other aspects. As a rule, the increase in power and efficiency reaches 7%. In addition, modern cars are equipped with ECUs that take into account the quality of the fuel and its octane number, adjusting the settings.

This means that AI-95 must be filled into the tank of a modern car with an atmospheric engine at a high-quality gas station. As a last resort, AI-92 is allowed. You can also focus on the compression ratio - if it is below 10 units, you can fill in AI-92. If higher - only 95th.

As for turbocharged engines, the recommended fuel for them is AI-98 or Extra AI-95, but not AI-92.

Is it possible to mix gasoline?

Many people ask this question. In general, nothing catastrophic will happen from mixing fuel with different octane numbers, but only if you mix the recommended gasoline with a higher octane number. For example, the 92 recommended for a car should be mixed with 95. However, there is no need to downgrade. It is also worth remembering that the density of gasoline with different octane numbers differs, so its mixing may not occur at all - fuel with a higher octane number will simply end up at the top of the tank, and with a lower one at the bottom.

Petrol is a liquid hydrocarbon fuel, which is a mixture of paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic organic substances. These are the main components of gasoline that determine its properties. Gasoline may also contain compounds of sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen, the so-called impurities.

The main parameter of gasoline is octane number, which shows resistance to detonation. Moreover, this is not an indicator of the quality of gasoline, but the requirements that the fuel must satisfy in order to be compatible with a certain type of engine.

The octane number is determined by the research or motor method and is indicated by an alphanumeric combination. Fuels with different octane numbers have different specifications according to GOST.

AI-76 GOST, technical characteristics

Gasoline AI-76 in this moment not released. It corresponds to him today AI-80. AI-76 was used in carburetor engines and motor vehicles. This is a colorless hydrocarbon fuel of the second class with a boiling range of 33-205⁰С. AI-76 gasoline could be leaded or unleaded. Contained no acids, alkalis, mechanical impurities or water.

AI 80 GOST, technical characteristics

Gasoline brand AI-80 "Normal" refers to unleaded. It has a low sulfur content of up to 0.05%, lead - up to 0.15 g/l. Density of AI-80 – up to 0.755 g/cm3. The composition contains no metal-containing impurities. This is practically the same AI-76 fuel, but with slightly improved characteristics and anti-knock additives.

AI-92 GOST, technical characteristics

AI-92 fuel, "Regular"– until recently it was the most common in our country. Used in injection and carburetor piston engines with spark ignition technology. The properties of gasoline allow you to start the engine at temperatures from -35 to +60⁰С.

The boiling point of AI-92 is in the range of 33-205⁰С, the amount of lead is up to 0.1 g/cm3, sulfur is up to 0.05%, density is up to 780 kg/m3. There is no more than 5 mg of resins per 100 cm3 of fuel. 92 belongs to the EURO-4 gasoline group according to the European system, or environmental class 4. But well-refined 92nd can also be classified as class 5 gasoline. The environmental class of gasoline does not depend directly on the octane number.

AI-95 GOST, technical characteristics

AI-95 "Extra" characterized by improved qualities and a higher octane number, therefore it is widely used in high-speed engines modern cars. This brand contains a small amount of additives, is characterized by high resistance to detonation and increased vehicle dynamics. It is characterized by a low benzene content (up to 5%) and increased density - up to 0.780 g/cm3.

Used to increase octane number high octane gasoline components . They are aromatic or aliphatic mixtures of hydrocarbon composition. In base gasoline, such additives can range from 5 to 40%.

Previously, tetraethyl lead was used to increase the octane number. But at the same time, the fuel became toxic and acquired a reddish tint. Today, dangerous leaded gasoline is banned from production. According to technical regulations, only unleaded gasoline that does not contain lead is produced.

The main requirements of GOST for gasoline are regulated by the document 32513-2013 Motor fuels. The following characteristics are indicated there:

  • High energy and thermodynamic properties.
  • Reliable pumpability through the fuel system.
  • Minimum volatility.
  • Anti-corrosion qualities.
  • Consistency of physical, chemical and operational properties.
  • No toxicity.
  • Detonation resistance.

Gasoline can be produced according to technical specifications(THAT) while maintaining all the above qualities. Gasoline according to specifications It also has high characteristics in terms of traction and dynamic properties of the car.

Gasoline: hazard class

Gasoline is a flammable liquid that is hazardous to health due to aspiration, toxicity, and skin irritation. Extremely hazardous if swallowed or inhaled. According to the UN scale regulating transportation dangerous goods, gasoline has a hazard class of 3.

Gasoline production technology

The process of oil refining is aimed at producing gasoline and other petroleum products. All oil fractions have their own boiling point, so they are separated at different stages of processing:

  1. Vacuum distillation.
  2. Thermal cracking.
  3. Catalytic cracking.
  4. Alkylation.
  5. Polymerization.
  6. Reforming.
  7. Hydrocracking.
  8. Isomerization.

Excise taxes on gasoline components

Excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel are levied on entrepreneurs and organizations. At the same time, the calculation and payment mechanism requires each participant in the circulation of fuel products to calculate the payment independently and transfer this responsibility to the next counterparty. According to this scheme, excise taxes on gasoline are distributed.

Composition and use of gasoline

Gasoline consists of hydrocarbons with a boiling point of 30-205⁰С and impurities of organic substances. The fractional composition determines the performance qualities of gasoline. The correct ratio of heavy and light fractions allows the fuel to evaporate well even in cold climates and prevent engine failure.

Classification of gasolines by composition:

  • straight-run,
  • gas,
  • pyrolysis,
  • cracked gasolines.

By destination area and uses of gasoline can be distinguished:

  • automobile (marking A),
  • aviation (marking B),
  • industrial gasoline (non-toxic and low-hazard),
  • technical gasoline (used as a solvent, for washing parts, etc.).

The use of gasoline by grade is determined by the vehicle manufacturer. They are the ones who indicate in the operating instructions which fuel is preferable to fill the car with. As a rule, the use of higher grade gasoline than indicated in the recommendation (for example, 95 instead of 92) has a good effect on the traction and dynamic properties of the car. But using a grade lower than recommended can lead to engine damage.

Gasoline is widely used in the production of chemical products for the production of ethylene. Here, oil fractions are used that boil away at temperatures up to 180⁰С. Gasolines used in petrochemicals are called Naphtha.

Gasoline: problems and prospects

The main problem with gasoline in our country today is the high cost of a liter of fuel, the growth of which is outpacing inflation. This is due to high excise taxes on gasoline, which amount to over 60% of the cost, and fluctuations in the oil market. The situation is already being widely discussed at the government level.

The main fuel producers today are the big three vertically integrated oil companies: Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazpromneft. They do it like wholesale sales gasoline and retail. In the future the situation will not change.

Owners of old domestic cars and motorcycles are in a difficult situation - fuel of the required brand can not be purchased everywhere.

The thaw came, I decided to refuel my motorcycle, but I couldn’t find 76 gasoline at any gas station,” Anatoly Popov, a pensioner from Kachkanar, the owner of Ural, is indignant. - They say this is due to the transition to gasoline more High Quality. But, before switching to it, it was necessary to give us the opportunity to completely drive out the old transport.

Fuel grades AI-76 and AI-80 were discontinued on December 31, 2010 - this ended the country’s transition to the Euro-3 environmental standard, which began four years ago. But some gas stations are still selling out gasoline stocks. An employee of one of the Kachkanar stations reported that they have no problems with AI-76 - they have more than six thousand liters in stock, and if necessary, they will bring more. You can only fill up with 80 liter gasoline in one place. As the gas station cashier assured, there are no problems with its supply yet.

It is very difficult to calculate the number of vehicles that run on old gasoline - this fact is not taken into account during technical inspection. It is only known that garden equipment, old domestic cars, and some motorcycles run on 76 and 80 gasoline.

City garbage trucks also operate on AI-80. Technical Director UGH vehicle fleet (city management department) Nikolai Krishtop says that if the fuel runs out, then all the equipment will have to be changed - the cars, many of which are more than 20 years old, will not be able to run on unsuitable gasoline.

Alexander Zudov, director of Potok (a company that collects and disposes of waste), believes that if gasoline runs out, no big tragedy will happen:

You can also refuel your cars with expensive fuel. Due to the higher price of gasoline and wear and tear on engines, only transportation costs will increase.

Using unsuitable gasoline, says former automotive teacher Alexander Tokmyaninov, will first lead to breakdown of the exhaust system, and then of the entire engine. You can delay this by setting the ignition a little earlier. To do this, you need to turn the distributor against the direction of its rotation. Early ignition will allow the gasoline to burn completely in the cylinder.

Also, according to him, it is possible to reduce the combustion chamber, but the milling procedure is complex and not possible on every engine.

All these measures are undesirable, but they will keep the engine in service a little longer,” noted Alexander Vasilyevich. - But, in any case, long-term operation on “non-original” gasoline will sooner or later lead to breakdown.

The Ural representative of the Russian Federation of Motorists, Sergei Semenov, believes that it is more profitable to scrap old cars than to “run around looking for the right fuel or change the engine design”:

I think the gasoline shortage will lead to the replacement of old cars with newer ones, which is good. In Europe, such gasoline has not been produced for decades,” he commented to KCH.

Konstantin Glebov
