Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The organization's revenue from the wholesale of goods. Accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale trade. Fuels and lubricants and oil products - wholesale under license

Revenue from the sale of products represents the income from its sale. How it is calculated and reflected in accounting, we will tell in our consultation.

How to calculate the proceeds from the sale of products?

The question of how the proceeds from the sale of products is calculated should not cause difficulties. After all, the cost of products sold is an essential element of any sales contract, and when making one-time transactions without a contract, the proceeds are in any case reflected in the primary accounting documents that the seller issues to the buyer. First of all we are talking about the bill of lading.

For revenue from the sale of products (B), the formula can be represented as follows:

B \u003d C * K,

where C is the price of a particular type of product (including VAT);

K is the quantity of this type of product.

If an organization sells several types of products, then the total revenue is determined by adding the revenue for all types of products sold. This means that to answer the question of how to find the proceeds from the sale of products, the formula can be represented as follows:

V \u003d C 1 * K 1 + C 2 * K 2 + ... + C N * K N,

where B is the total revenue for all types of products sold;

P N - the price of the N-th type of product (with VAT);

K N - the number of the N-th type of products sold.

Accounting for revenue from the sale of products (works, services)

Revenue in accounting is usually reflected in the following entry ():

Debit of account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” - Credit of account 90 “Sales”, subaccount “Revenue”

In retail, account 62 is often not used, and account 90 directly corresponds to the cash account. Money:

Debit account 50 "Cashier" - Credit account 90

Thus, from the point of view of accounting, revenue is the credit turnover of account 90 from the debit of accounts 62, 50. In this case, we are talking about revenue that includes VAT. But it must be remembered that in the profit and loss statement line 2110 “Revenue” indicates net revenue, that is, income from the sale of products (goods, works and services), reduced by VAT calculated from the sale (paragraph 23 of PBU 4/ 99, Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n).

Recall that if the products (works, services) sold are subject to VAT, it is necessary to make a tax calculation entry (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Debit of account 90, subaccount "VAT" - Credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees", subaccount "VAT"

Of course, the postings associated with the recognition of revenue in the accounting of the organization are not limited to entries for reflecting income and accruing VAT. It is also necessary, in particular, to show the write-off of the cost of goods (works, services) sold:

Debit of account 90, subaccount "Cost" - Credit of accounts 41 "Goods", 43 " Finished products”, 20 “Main production”, etc.

Trade organizations also reflect the write-off of expenses associated with the sale (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Debit of account 90, sub-account "Sale costs" - Credit of account 44 "Sale costs"

And at the end of the month, it is necessary to identify the financial result from the sale of products (works, services), i.e. make an accounting entry:

Debit of account 90, sub-account "Profit / loss from sales" - Credit of account 99 "Profit and loss" - if at the end of the month a profit was received from ordinary activities

Debit of account 99 - Credit of account 90, sub-account "Profit / loss from sales" - at a loss.


The essence and composition of income from the sale of goods in wholesale trade. The income of the organization, aimed at covering expenses, is the basis for increasing profits and, accordingly, the property of the owner. In accounting, income is recognized as an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of cash and other assets and (or) the repayment of liabilities, leading to an increase in the organization's funds. Income from the types of activities specified in the charter or declared by the organization in the inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties represents net proceeds from the sale of goods, works and services. Incomes and expenses by types of activities in accounting are reflected simultaneously.

The costs of wholesale trade, as a type of activity, include the cost of sales (purchase value goods sold) and expenses for the sale of goods, including the costs of managing the organization.

An integral element of income from activities that provides economic benefits to the organization and in the sphere of circulation is gross profit. The pricing procedure for goods reveals the economic essence of gross income in trade, which is an integral element of the retail (sales) price. The gross profit of trading organizations is the difference between income and expenses for trading activities - between the sale and purchase value of goods (without value added tax).

Depending on the type of prices and the procedure for their formation, the gross profit of wholesale trade includes:

By composition: wholesale allowances, wholesale and trade discounts, differences between the formed selling and purchase prices, contract and purchase prices;

By the time of formation: income accrued upon receipt of goods - wholesale and trade discounts; income accrued from the sale of goods - wholesale allowances; the difference between the formed selling and purchase price, contract and purchase price;

According to the completeness of ownership of the wholesale trade organization - distributed income: wholesale markup and wholesale discount distributed among all wholesale intermediaries; trade discount distributed between the wholesale and retail link; indivisible income - the difference between the formed selling and purchase price, contract and purchase price of goods.

The purpose of accounting for income from the sale of goods in wholesale trade is to ensure the completeness of their receipt, the correct reflection in accounting accounts, separate accounting of revenue at established rates of value added tax, separate accounting and accuracy of determining gross profit on goods sold by type, correctness and detection accuracy financial result from the sale of goods.

Accounting for trade allowances and discounts in wholesale trade. The procedure for the formation of selling prices for wholesale trade and the method of recognition of revenue from the sale of goods chosen in the accounting policy of the organization determine the accounting methodology and the procedure for applying the direct account method for calculating gross profit from the sale of goods.

Regardless of the moment of recognition of revenue in accounting on account 42 “Trade margin”, subaccount 1 “Trade markup (discount) for goods in wholesale warehouses”, wholesale and trade discounts for goods are taken into account, for which uniform selling and fixed retail prices are applied. By standard plan accounting accounts, all entries on this account are reflected only for the loan.

In wholesale trade, analytical accounting of wholesale and trade markups is carried out separately for warehouses (liability centers) and types of income. In the book-journal form of accounting in book No. K-39, entries are made on the basis of the summary data of memorial orders.

At the end of the month, the accountant makes a calculation of wholesale and trade discounts on the balance of goods at the end of the month and on goods sold for the month. In the calculation, first, discounts are determined for the range of balances of goods in the warehouse at the end of the month, refined on the basis of inventory lists or natural value accounting and the percentage of trade (wholesale) discounts set by suppliers, and summarize them. Then, using the balance method, according to account 42 “Trade margin”, realized trade (wholesale) discounts for the month are determined: the preliminary credit turnover for the month is added to the credit balance of trade (wholesale) discounts at the beginning of the month and the credit balance of trade (wholesale) discounts at the end of the month is subtracted .

The amount of realized trade (wholesale) discounts, wholesale allowances (differences) obtained by calculation is written off to account 90 "Implementation" by a reversal entry.

When accounting for revenue as goods are shipped, the income of a trading organization is reflected in the credit of account 90 "Sales", sub-account 1 "Sales of goods in wholesale trade". In the debit of this account, sold goods are written off at accounting (purchase) prices and reflect the value added tax accrued from the proceeds from the sale of goods. The proceeds from the sale of goods can be reflected in partial amounts for the elements of selling prices of wholesale trade: the cost of goods at discount (purchase) prices, the wholesale markup (the difference between the selling and contract prices of goods, the difference between the contract and purchase prices of goods) and value added tax in the price goods. This will allow you to get analytical data by type of income.

Correspondence of accounts for accounting for wholesale markups (differences), trade (wholesale) discounts in wholesale trade

Reflected wholesale and trade discounts for goods received, accounted for at a single selling (FR) prices, as well as their revaluation and posting of surpluses: 41-1 / 42-1

The wholesale markup and the difference between the formed selling and contract, contract and purchase cost of goods charged from buyers are reflected when accounting for revenue from payment of settlement documents: 45/42-1

At the end of the month, according to the calculation, written off:

realized wholesale markups, wholesale and trade discounts and differences in accounting for revenue at the time of payment of settlement documents 90-1 / 42-1 (reversal)

Accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale trade. Accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale trade is carried out on the matching account 90 "Sale", sub-account 1 "Sale of goods in wholesale trade". Within a month, the debit of the account reflects the cost of goods sold at the purchase or selling prices of wholesale trade; at the end of the month, it is brought to the purchase price by writing off the realized trade (wholesale) discounts, wholesale markups (differences) from account 42 “Trade margin”, subaccount 1 “Trade markup (discount) for goods in wholesale warehouses”, by credit - revenue from the sale of goods at selling prices of wholesale trade with value added tax. In the credit of the accounts, they also reflect wholesale allowances with value added tax on transit shipments and trading intermediary operations, revenue from the provision of services under consignment agreements in terms of commission with value added tax. To account for revenue from the sale of goods with fixed retail prices, returnable glassware for goods and commissions, separate analytical articles are distinguished.

Value added tax from the sale of goods in wholesale trade is charged at established rates of 18 and 10% of the amount of revenue; at an estimated rate of 15.25% of gross profit on goods sold,

Gross profit from the sale of goods in wholesale trade is determined by comparing the turnover on account 90 "Sale", sub-account 1 "Sale of goods in wholesale trade" after reflecting the accrued value added tax: the cost of goods sold is deducted from the credit turnover at purchase prices and value added tax on proceeds from the sale of goods.

According to the current legislation, consumer cooperation organizations are not payers of mandatory fees and deductions to the budget from gross profit. Part of the gross profit from the sale of goods in the prescribed amount, trade organizations can direct to replenish their own working capital and credited to the supplementary fund.

After writing off the expenses attributable to the goods sold, the credit and debit turnovers are compared on account 90 "Sale", sub-account 1 "Sale of goods in wholesale trade", comparing income and expenses for the wholesale sale of goods, which makes it possible to identify profit (loss) from the sale of goods in wholesale trade. After identifying and writing off the financial result from the sale of goods for the reporting month, account 90 "Sales" is closed. This account has no balance. Analytical accounting for this account is carried out in a typograph or book No. K-39 in the context of articles. In the register of analytical accounting, the turnover is displayed per month and on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year for each article. The latest data is used when filling out the Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2).

In the current conditions of the socio-economic development of Russia, an important factor in the further development of any organization (enterprise) is the flow of incoming funds that exceeds payments. The possibility of functioning of the enterprise, its competitiveness and financial condition ultimately depend on the presence or absence of income.

The most important factors of income growth are the increase in the volume of production and sales, the introduction of scientific and technical developments, and, consequently, the increase in labor productivity, cost reduction, and improvement in product quality. In the context of development entrepreneurial activity objective prerequisites for the real implementation of these factors are being created.

The main source of income for enterprises is the proceeds from the sale of products, namely that part of it that remains minus material, labor and monetary costs for the production and sale of products. Therefore, an important task of each business entity is to get more profit at the lowest cost by observing a strict regime of savings in spending funds and using them most efficiently.

Revenue from the sale of products is calculated at current prices. Under the conditions of a radical change in the management of the economy, the volume of proceeds from the sale of products becomes one of the most important indicators of economic entities.

This indicator creates interest labor collectives not so much in the growth of the quantitative volume of output, but in the increase in the volume of sold products (taking into account the decrease in the balance of unsold products). Therefore, products and goods must be produced that meet the requirements of consumers and are in great demand. To do this, it is necessary to study market conditions for managing and the possibility of introducing manufactured products to the market by expanding sales volumes and improving quality. With the development of entrepreneurship and competition, the responsibility of enterprises for the fulfillment of their obligations increases. Thus, the indicator of proceeds from the sale of products meets the requirements of commercial calculation and, in turn, contributes to the development of entrepreneurial activity.

The interest of enterprises in the production and sale of high-quality products that are in demand on the market is reflected in the amount of profit, which, other things being equal, is directly dependent on the volume of sales of these products.

Based on the Regulation on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services) included in the cost of products (works, services), on the procedure for the formation of financial results taken into account in the taxation of profits, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1992 No. No. 552 with subsequent amendments and additions, the proceeds from the sale of products at appropriate prices can be determined by various methods, depending on market conditions for managing, the presence or absence of contracts, ways to introduce goods to the market, etc.

The traditional method of determining the proceeds from the sale of products is that the sale is considered completed as the payment for the products and the receipt of money either to the organization's bank account or in cash to the cashier. Along with this, the proceeds from the sale can also be calculated as the products are shipped to the buyer and presentation of settlement documents to him. This or that method of determining the proceeds from the sale of products, depending on the contractual terms, forms of marketing of products and other economic problems, is established by the enterprise itself for a long period. Only in relations with the tax authority is the enterprise obliged to calculate the proceeds from the sale of the second method, i.e., on the shipment of products.

Proceeds from the sale of products is the main type of income from the main (production) activities. In addition to proceeds from the sale of products, as a result of activities, interest on issued commercial loans, advances from buyers, amounts for repayment of receivables and other receipts may be received. Along with the main activity, which is a source of income, the company is engaged in investment and financial activities, as a result of which the corresponding types of income are also formed. So, from investment activity incomes can come from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets; dividends, interest from long-term financial investments, from the repayment of previously issued loans and other types of income from investments. As a result financial activities proceeds from the issuance and sale of shares, bonds and other securities.

All cash flows in the three areas of the company's activities are interconnected and, as necessary, can flow from one area to the Russian economy at present, there is a movement of funds from all types of activities mainly to core activities. This is due to the unstable financial situation of enterprises in the this stage development market relations and therefore all types of income are concentrated mainly in the main de-From here, the lack of funds indicates the shortcomings of the investment sphere of enterprises.

So, the proceeds from the sale of products is the main type of income of an economic entity. The volume of proceeds from the sale of products and, accordingly, profits depends not only on the quantity and quality of manufactured and sold products, but also on the level of prices applied.

The problem of pricing occupies a key place in the system of market relations. The price liberalization carried out in Russia has led to a sharp reduction in the influence of the state on the process of price regulation. Since 1992, the pricing system has been reduced, in essence, to the use of free, i.e., market prices, the value of which is determined by supply and demand. State regulation prices are applied to a narrow range of goods produced by monopoly enterprises.

Both free and regulated prices can be wholesale (release) and retail. Consider their composition and structure.

Enterprise wholesale price includes full cost products and company profits. At wholesale prices of enterprises, products are sold to other enterprises or trade and marketing organizations.

The wholesale price of the industry includes the wholesale price of the enterprise, value added tax (VAT) and excises. At the wholesale price of the industry, products are sold outside the industry. If products are sold through sales organizations and wholesale trade depots, then a mark-up is included in the wholesale price of the industry to cover the costs and to generate profits for these organizations. It is advisable to set wholesale prices using free prices. The concept means to which point of product promotion the buyer is free from shipping costs.

So, at wholesale prices Free-to-station of departure, all shipping costs to the station of departure are included in the wholesale price, and all subsequent transport costs are borne by the buyer. Prices ex-station departure previously had the greatest distribution in material-intensive industries, and prices! Free station of destination - in industries served by a centralized distribution system for mass products, the cost of transportation of which was significant specific gravity in cost. However, the economic feasibility of franking wholesale prices in the context of the development of entrepreneurship should be determined not by the forms of supply and marketing, but by the impact on commercial activity enterprises of mutually beneficial relations between the producer and the consumer of products.

The retail price includes the wholesale price of the industry and the trade cape (discount). If wholesale prices are used mainly in on-farm turnover, then at retail prices, goods are sold to the final consumer - the population. The retail price structure is shown in fig. 6.1.

Thus, the level of free and regulated prices is the most important factor influencing the proceeds from the sale of products, and, consequently, the amount of profit.

Price is the most important factor that determines the volume of proceeds from the sale of products, and hence profits. Establishing the optimal price level, which ensures the profitability of all activities, is of key importance in the operation of the enterprise. When setting a price, two possible methods of its formation should be considered. This is the traditional so-called cost method and market.

The cost method of setting the price means that its level must cover all the costs of production and sale of products and ensure profit. This pricing method is Russian enterprises especially in the pre-reform period. The amount of costs for the planned output was taken into account, and a certain percentage of the allowance was added to ensure the profitable, cost-effective operation of the enterprise. This did not take into account: competitive demand for these products; the possibility of its implementation; the relationship between a given price and sales volume, between supply and demand.

The transition to market economic conditions predetermined a different approach to pricing. The price level began to depend

as much from the costs of the enterprise itself as from market principles implementation, on the requirements of buyers. Competition, sales volumes, the elasticity of demand for these products, and the break-even level began to be taken into account.

The influence of these market factors on the optimal price is determined using the technique of marginal analysis.

So, the amount of income of the company depends both on the amount of proceeds from the sale of products at established prices, and on the costs of production and sale of these products, which are considered below.

sale of goods from the warehouse of the wholesale organization (warehouse turnover);

sale of goods in transit (transit turnover).

When selling in transit, the wholesale organization may or may not take part in the settlements. When selling goods in transit with the participation of a wholesale organization in the settlements, the trade organization itself settles with the supplier and receives funds from the buyer. In the second case, the trade organization only organizes delivery to end customers, and payments for the goods are made between the supplier and the direct recipient of the goods.

Wholesale organizations work both under purchase and sale agreements and under supply agreements.

According to Article 454 Civil Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), under a sales contract, the seller undertakes to transfer the goods into the ownership of the buyer, and the buyer undertakes to accept this goods and pay a certain amount of money for it.

Under the supply contract, the supplier-seller is obliged, within the stipulated time, to transfer to the ownership of the other party - the buyer, the goods produced or purchased by him, intended for use in entrepreneurial activities or for other purposes not related to personal, family, household or other similar consumption.

In any contract concluded between the buyer and the seller, the moment of transfer of ownership of the goods from the seller to the buyer is determined. According to Article 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership of the purchaser of a thing (goods) under a contract arises from the moment of its (his) transfer, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

In Article 224 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, transfer is defined as the delivery of a thing to the acquirer, as well as delivery to the carrier for shipment to the acquirer or delivery to a communications organization for shipment to the acquirer. In other words, the goods are considered handed over to the buyer from the moment of its actual receipt in his possession.

Simultaneously with obtaining the right of ownership, the purchaser of the goods as a result of accidental loss or damage to goods due to unforeseen circumstances general rule civil law bears the corresponding losses.

By selling goods to customers, the trade organization receives income, which, in accordance with paragraph 5 of PBU 9/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n “On Approval of the Regulation on accounting“Income of the organization” RAS 9/99 (hereinafter RAS 9/99) is recognized as proceeds from the sale of goods.

The rules for the formation of sales proceeds in accounting are established by PBU 9/99. In accordance with the norms of this accounting standard, all organizations for accounting purposes recognize sales revenue as goods (works, services) are shipped and settlement documents are presented to the buyer for payment.

Moreover, in accordance with clause 12 of PBU 9/99, revenue is recognized in accounting under the following conditions:

the organization has the right to receive this proceeds (the right to proceeds follows from a specific agreement concluded between the seller and the buyer);

· the amount of revenue can be determined;

· the entity has confidence that as a result of a particular transaction there will be an increase in economic benefits (that is, the entity either received an asset in payment, or is confident that it will receive it).

ownership of the goods has passed from the organization to the buyer;

· the costs incurred (or to be incurred) by the trading organization in connection with this operation can be determined.

If the trading organization meets all of the above conditions, then the funds (or other assets) received by the trading organization in payment are recognized as revenue.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, then the funds or other assets received by the trade organization in payment are recognized as accounts payable.

As a rule, this provision is fixed in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

at the cost of each unit;

at the average cost

· at the cost price of the first in time acquisition of goods (FIFO method);

at the cost of the latest goods (LIFO method).

This rule follows from clause 16 PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2001 No. 44n “On approval of the Regulation on accounting “Accounting for inventories” PBU 5/01”, in addition, a similar write-off procedure is established in paragraph 58 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n “On approval of the regulation on accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Accounting Regulations).

For reference:

The method of writing off goods at the cost of each unit, as a rule, is used by the organization if the goods are subject to special accounting (precious stones, precious metals, radioactive substances, etc.) In wholesale trade, this method is used very rarely, mainly used production organizations if they have inventories on their balance sheet that cannot replace each other in the usual way or are subject to special accounting.


This method is based on the assumption that the goods are released to customers during the reporting period in the sequence of their purchase, that is, the goods first on sale should be valued at the cost of the first purchases. When applying this method, the evaluation of goods in the warehouse of the wholesale organization at the end of the reporting period is carried out at the cost of the latest purchases, and the cost of sales takes into account the cost of the earliest purchases.

Example 1

(In the example, the figures are given without VAT)

Organization LLC "Saturn", carries out wholesale deliveries of sugar. As of July 1, the organization's warehouse has 1,000 kg of sugar at a price of 14.20 rubles per kilogram. In July, Saturn LLC received sugar several times, namely:

In July Saturn LLC sold 2,250 kg of sugar.

For greater clarity, we summarize all the data in a table:

Number of units

Price per unit, rubles

Amount, rubles

Balance at the beginning of period

Received for the period, total


1st batch

2nd party

3rd party

Total including the balance at the beginning of the period

Sold for the period

Balance at the end of the period

Using this method the actual sugar sold will be:

1000 kg x 14.20 rubles + 50 kg x 14.10 rubles +1000 rubles x 14.25 rubles + 200 kg x 14.50 rubles = 14,200 rubles + 705 rubles + 14,250 rubles + 2,900 rubles = 32,055 rubles.

The balance of goods at the end of the period - (300 kg x 14.50 rubles) = 4,350 rubles.

End of example.

The LIFO method is based on the opposite assumption. Goods that are the first to go on sale should be valued at the cost of the most recent purchases. When applying this method, the valuation of goods in stock at the end of the reporting period is made at the cost of the earliest purchases, the cost of goods sold includes the cost of the latest purchases.

Consider using the LIFO method.

Example 2

Using the LIFO method, the actual cost of sugar sold would be:

500 kg x 14.50 rubles + 1000 kg x 14.25 rubles + 50 rubles x 14.10 rubles + 700 kg x 14.20 rubles = 7,250 rubles + 14,250 rubles + 705 rubles + 9,940 rubles = 32,145 rubles .

The balance of goods at the end of the period - (300 kg x 14.20 rubles) = 4,260 rubles.

End of example.

When writing off goods valued by a trade organization at an average cost, the latter is determined for each group of goods as a quotient of the division total cost groups of goods by their quantity, consisting, respectively, of the cost of goods and the quantity of the balance at the beginning of the month and of the goods received this month.

Example 3

Let's use the data of example 1.

Using the average cost method, the actual cost of sugar sold is:

(36,405 rubles: 2,550 kg) x 2,250 kg = 32,122 rubles.

The balance of goods at the end of the period is 300 kg at an average price for the amount (36,405 rubles - 32,122 rubles) = 4283 rubles.

End of example.

So, we have considered all possible methods of writing off goods for sale, which can be used by a trade organization that takes into account purchased goods at actual cost. From the above example, it can be seen that the use of the FIFO method will lead to an underestimation of the cost of goods sold, an overestimation of the value of the balance of goods at the end of the period and, accordingly, to an overestimation of the profit from the sale.

The use of the LIFO method by a trade organization will ensure a higher cost of goods sold, will lead to a decrease in the estimated cost of goods at the end of the reporting period. In other words, the use of the LIFO method will lead to a decrease in the profit from the sale of goods.

The average cost method will give intermediate values compared to FIFO, LIFO methods.

Comparing all the methods of estimating the cost of goods, the trade organization chooses on its own, the method that it considers the most appropriate for itself. At the same time, it is important successively apply the method chosen and fixed in the order on accounting policy.

If the trade organization keeps records of goods at discount prices, that is, using accounts and, then the goods are written off from account 41 “Goods” for sale at the discount price, and then, using a special calculation, the amount of deviations attributable to the goods sold is written off.


It should be noted that at present the mechanism for writing off deviations is not regulated by law. Previously, the method of writing off deviations in proportion to the cost of goods sold was used. It seems that this method is the most acceptable, since the accumulated amounts of deviations refer to all goods (including those in the warehouse) that are in this moment in the organization of trade, therefore, the attribution of the entire amount of deviations to the cost account at once is unlikely to correspond to the actual state of affairs. However, we repeat, today this moment is not provided for by accounting regulations, therefore, the method used should be described in sufficient detail and fixed in the accounting policy of the organization.

If the organization decides to write off deviations in proportion to the cost of goods sold, then for these purposes it must make a special calculation, which is carried out according to the following formula:

If the account balance at the beginning of the month was positive, then

D 16 - debit balance on the account at the beginning of the month;

DO 16 - Turnover on the debit of the account for the month;

D 41 - debit balance on the account at the beginning of the month;

DO 41 - turnover on the debit of the account for the month;

KO 41 - turnover on the credit of the account for the month.

If the account balance at the beginning of the month was in credit, then K 16 is used in the numerator of the specified formula - the credit balance on the account at the beginning of the month and KO 16 - the credit turnover on the account for the month.


The percentage of deviations is calculated regardless of what deviations are on the account at the end of the reporting period: debit or credit.

If at the end of the reporting period a debit balance was formed on the account, then the amount of deviations attributable to expenses is written off as follows:

Debit 44 "Sale costs" Credit. This entry, reflected in the accounting, indicates that during the reporting period in the trading organization there was an excess of the actual cost of goods over their accounting prices (overrun).

If at the end of the reporting period the balance of the account was credit, then the write-off of deviations will be reflected in the accounting:

Debit 44 “Sales costs” Credit 16 “Deviation in the value of material assets” - reversal, which indicates savings.

Example 4

Saturn LLC, which sells wholesale Construction Materials, in January received a batch of paint - 200 cans, intended for sale, under a supply agreement. The accounting policy of Saturn LLC provides that the accounting of goods in the organization is carried out at accounting prices. The discount price of 1 can of paint is 120 rubles.

The costs associated with the purchase of this batch of paint from Saturn LLC amounted to:

The cost of paint, according to the contract of sale - 33,040 rubles (including VAT - 5,040 rubles).

The cost of intermediary services is 1,652 rubles (including VAT - 252 rubles).

At LLC Saturn, as of the beginning of the year, the balance of paint on account 41 “Goods” was 50,000 rubles, the amount of deviations credited to the debit account of account 16 “Deviation in the value of material assets” was 1,000 rubles.

The selling price of 1 can of paint is 188.80 rubles. In January, Saturn LLC sold 600 cans of paint.

Then, in the accounting of Saturn LLC, the procedure for reflecting these business transactions will be reflected as follows:

Account correspondence

Amount, rubles



Received paint from supplier

Reflected the amount of VAT on the purchased paint

Reflected the amount of transport costs associated with the delivery of paint

VAT included on transport costs

Goods accepted for accounting at discount prices (200 cans x 120 rubles)

Written off the deviation of the cost of paint for the reporting period.

Repaid the debt to the supplier and carrier

Accepted for VAT deduction on paid and registered paint

Shipped paint to buyers

Reflected the amount of VAT on turnover for the sale of paint

Reflected write-off of paint for sale at discount prices

Now the accountant of Saturn LLC must determine the deviation in the cost of the sold paint:

Algorithm for calculating the sum of deviations:

Name of indicator

Account price, rubles

Deviation, rubles

Actual cost

Balance at the beginning of period

Received for the reporting period

Total with remainder

% deviation for the reporting period

8.648% \u003d (6,400: 74,000) x 100%

Shkurova Yu.O. Accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale trade // International magazine social and human sciences. - 2016. - T. 8. No. 1. – S. 296-298.

accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale trade

Yu.O. Shkurova, student

Mordovian State University them. N.P. Ogaryova

(Russia, Saransk)

Annotation. This article reveals the concept of wholesale trade, its forms and primary documents drawn up during the implementation. The characteristics of accounting accounts used in the implementation in wholesale trade are also given, the criteria for and revenue knowledge and typical postings.

Keywords: wholesale, accounting, sales, revenue, costs, accounting bank accounts , contract, warehouse, transit.

Russian legislation defines I am no wholesale trade as a type of trading activity associated with the purchase and sale of goods for use in commercial d entrepreneurial activities or for other purposes not related to personal, with e main, home and other similar and using [6]. In other words, wholesale trade can mean any trade, other than retail, wheree goods usually, acquired ed for final consumption. As a kind of business wholesale then R govlya is based on the transfer of property rights T value for goods from seller to buyer e lu that in terms of taxation O zheniya is considered as the sale of goods. Article 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that, as a general rule, the transfer of ownership n ness arises from the moment of its transmission.The relationship between the seller and the O wholesale buyer are regulated on the basis of a contract of sale, oron the basis of an agreement about the bid .

As follows from Art. 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to O to the thief of purchase and sale, the seller undertakes to transfer the goods to the property of the buyer e la, and the buyer, in turn, undertakes to accept this product and pay for it about P a certain amount of money (price).

Supply contractis a type of contract of sale, therefore special but r are used we, reflecting the specifics of the contract p O rates, and in the absence of special rules apply general provisions about the contract of sale.

In wholesale trade, there are two basic forms wholesale Comrade and ditch:

warehouse turnover (realization of goodsov from the warehouse of the wholesale company);

transit turnover (realization of goods and the ditch in transit).

With warehouse form consignment of goods comes frommanufacturer to the warehouse P commissary organization, and then the distribution doestted retail.

At transit form products are delivered directly directly croup wholesale parties from proi s driver to the end consumer, bypassing the wholesale warehouse about wiki mediator.

The company acting as about the supplier, installs with the buyer, the terms of delivery of the goods with the help of d about talking. Primary documents for T razheniya operations for shipment and sales a tion v wholesale organizations are invoice and invoices, pl and tough requirements,bills of lading and other accompanying dock at the cops.

In accounting for bobbed and n formation on the availability of goods and their movement e n is collected on account 41. Its application nie is typical for trading enterprises, supply n commercial, marketing orientation and catering organizations. Industrialenterprises use it enoughrarely, and only when b we need to take into account products, one hundred and the bridge of which is reimbursed by the buyers separately.

Accounting for goods on account 41 as part of the wholesale trade, implemented and With inclusive of purchase price. If commodity receipt is registered from and from use of sale prices, d O additionally open account 42, for the cat O rum reflect the value of the margin.

How has already been said original position of inventory items o stay on stock fixed on 41 accounts, oh however, this is not the end of the sale of goods a ends, and it is necessary to determine to at yes moving onfunds, describing the fact of the sale.

Regardless of the type of trade and direction v enterprise laziness the implementation process and eth score describes score 90. Its sub-accounts are designed to collect information about both the amount of revenue, and about led and rank VAT, cost goods sold and receipt overall financial result.

Account 90 in accountingis active-passive, I indicate on credit T sya sums that increase the body's income and tions, and are reflected in the debitspending results. It is here that the list is made a reduction of goods sold fromaccounts 41 and costs arr and scheniya - account 44.

The implementation of a particular household T The transaction is described by correspondence accounts. Buh galtersky wholesale accounting includes a fix ing facts of receipt, vnu T early movementcommodity- material assets and the final sale of the purchase a tel for subsequent resale.

The receipt of goods and materials is reflected in the following records:

D 41 K 60 — receipt of goods and materials;

D 19 K 60 - input VAT has been charged.

It is accompanied by an invoice in the form of TORG-12 and an invoice.

According to PBU 5/01, all direct expenses O dy associated with the purchase of goods and materials should be included in the cost th. K pr i our costs include shipping, there about women's duties, mediation, and n formation IT and consulting services at gee, non-refundable cash oh gi, insurance, etc. Such expenses are reflected in the posting: D 41 K 60.

After receiving the product it can be moved to the warehouse to other divisions of the company (or branches). At the same time, the costsfor delivery between departments, xr a and other similar costs are included in the costs of general h other types of activities. Opera data a tions are reflected in accounting by postings:

D 44 K 60 - services of third-party organizations are reflected;

D 19 K 60 - input VAT has been charged.

The sale of wholesale goods, as a rule, is carried out in large quantities e divided buyer.This operation is accompanied by the following postings:

D 62 K 90.1 — sale of goods and materials purchase but to the body;

D 90.3 K 68 - VAT is charged on sales;

D 90.2 K 41 - write-off of sold goods and materials at actual cost.

When selling goods, wholesale teaches income, which it reflects in the accountingand in the tax accounthere. Accounting for accounting income wholesale organizations a tion , As the others commercial firms, conduct in accordance with the norms of the Accounting Regulation "D O organization moves” PBU 9/99, approved n foot by Order of Mi n fin of Russia from May 6 1999 N 32n . By virtue of paragraph 5 of PBU 9/99, I will h from the sale of goods is recognized as income from common species activities of a wholesale trading company. Moreover, the reflection of revenue in accounting origin o dit with the simultaneous fulfillment by the seller of the conditions established by paragraph 12 of PBU 9/99, namely:

the wholesaler is entitled to receive this proceeds, e arising from a specific contract or d approved by another relevant b at once;

the amount of revenue can be determined e on;

there is confidence that the e As a result of a particular operation, there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the body and zations. Such confidence arises when organization received in cash a either the asset is missing or undefined relation to research institutes for obtaining an asset;

ownership of goods e went from seller to buyer;

expenses incurred or to be incurred in connection with this operation a tion, can be determined.

If, in relation to cash and other assets received by an organization in as payment, at least one of the listed conditions is not met, then in boo x halter accounting of a wholesaler and known creditorsth debt, not revenue.

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Yu.O. Shkurova, student

Mordovian state university N.P. Ogarev

(Russia, Saransk)

abstract. This article reveals the concept of wholesale trade, its forms and source doc u ments compiled during implementation.Also the characteristics of accounts that are used in the i m plementation for wholesale trade, the criteria for revenue recognition and a standard transa ction.

keywords: wholesale, accounting, sales, revenue, costs, account, contract, warehouse, tran s it.
