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Rendez-Vous employees were poisoned in the dining room, located in the office center. Rendez-Vous employees were poisoned in the dining room, located in the office center Yasny proezd, house 26 building 4

Latest reviews

Valentina Kosarenko

Excellent shop, I've always liked it. A very large selection of high-quality and beautiful shoes, excellent brands, smart sellers, in general, everything you need from a store of this class.


My story is this ... I bought a lot of shoes from them. The latest shoes are brown lacquer inside blue leather. My socks were very stained after the first trip to work. I went for their expertise (Clear passage), they didn’t return the money, walk in white socks, it’s in dark shoes. It’s normal ... you feel like a complete idiot, the shoes cost 13 thousand.


Attention! Shopping center "Gagarinsky" Bought Italian ankle boots there last Friday night. The discounted price is more than 15,000. At home, I found a marriage (the cape is carved differently). On Saturday morning I called the store and warned. They have problems with the exchange. So I said I'll be back. Arrived Tuesday with a check. The first thing the woman at the checkout said was that we don't accept used ones. This despite the fact that I did not wear them for a single day! There were just a few specks on the sole, which were still at the time of purchase. They called a man from the warehouse. It turned out that the shoes were not worn. The money was returned. But! None of the sellers even apologized! I felt guilty before them. Arrogant looks down, full of contempt. Like it's my fault that I bought the marriage. The worst thing is that when filling out the return form, the seller (a young impudent girl) - in an orderly tone, ordered me to indicate the reason for the return - the model did not fit, but not a word about marriage. So, these shoes will be put up for sale again. I haven't seen such rude salespeople in a long time.

Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

I was looking for New Balance sneakers and found a rendez-vouz store on the Internet, it turned out that there is a store in Chelyabinsk, I decided to come and see these sneakers with my own eyes (try them on, then order from the original site)). Immediately when I picked it up, it became clear that it was a FAKE, not bad, but a FAKE, but the seller began to doubtfully convince that this was the ORIGINAL, and the price tag was almost the same as on the official New Balance website. It turns out that the office PUTs a FAKE AT THE PRICE OF THE ORIGINAL (well, a little cheaper), the real price of such shoes is 1500 rubles. and no more, but they sell for 7900!


After reading reviews about the Randevu store, I decided to conduct my own little investigation. Trust but check. And not in vain. For example, I take the same Officine Creative shoe model from the Rendezvous store website and from the English store website (mrporter). Photos from all angles. And now the most interesting thing - find 10 differences. :) 1. Price! At Rendezvous, the cost is 23,790 rubles, on a foreign site - $ 680 (or 42,000 rubles). 2. Outsole! (prevention on the heel) 3. Insole (instead of gold embossing - usual) 4. Strap (on the back of the boot) Photos are attached! So, dear ones, the lazy one pays twice or if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. It is not worth saving, because the original shoes will serve you for a long time and your nerves will not suffer. Enjoy the shopping.


I have been buying and sometimes repairing shoes in Rendezvous for a long time. But the latest renovation really pissed me off. I bought shoes, there were metal fittings on the toe. I rarely wore them, no more than 10 times, so this accessories fell off. I really liked the shoes, so I didn’t take them in (now I’m very sorry), the repair is free, so I handed them in for repair and it started. They repaired my shoes for 3 months (including changing the prevention, I did not ask for this, because the shoes had a prevention and they were in excellent condition). On New Year I put on these shoes and they began to fall apart. After the holidays, I took them and wrote a claim to return the money for damaged shoes - I was refused. I had to listen to a lot of "flattering" things addressed to me from the receiver 00070 Dementieva N. G. There were times - they repaired shoes perfectly, but now they can only change the heels. If you do not want to be in such a situation, I suggest doing the following: 1. If the shoes are little worn and you notice a marriage (within 2 years) - take it for examination. 2. When you give the repair to change the heels - read what type of work they indicated on the receipt (it is beneficial for them to perform more repair work), then it will be difficult to prove that the shoes are little worn. If these recommendations help you, I will be very glad, you need to teach negligent businessmen.

Elena Fedina

For many years I was a buyer of Randevu stores. But in Lately I am more and more disappointed with the quality of shoes and the quality of service. We bought boots in AFIMALL city on 01/13/3015. I bought boots for my daughter. After trying it on at home, it turned out that the size did not fit. Brought the boots back to the store. The store said that they walked down the street in these boots, the dirt was ingrained, the sole had to be looked at before buying. I have no words. No more foot in this store.


I ordered men's dino bigioni shoes, order 943650 in the online store, I wanted to make a gift for the new year! And what was my surprise when, upon careful examination, I realized that these were two completely different shoes! Right from one pair, and left from the other! Well, my dears, this is already Branded lawlessness, it personally didn’t even occur to me that this was even possible! And the amount is 5800! It's not 58 rubles! Or already indicate that the shoes are different, will you take it? I myself am an entrepreneur and will never sell such a product to my customers! And if I have a product at a discount with a marriage, then I clearly stipulate and show the marriage! I don't want to get slapped in the face! It looks like you don't respect your customers! I bought shoes from you several times, but now I won’t myself and will tell everyone that you are a sharashka office! Shame on you.


I have known this store for a long time, I often bought shoes there, but recently the attitude towards it has deteriorated sharply. The fact is that they have some kind of crazy limit on failures through an online store. Based on their logic, I should (!) buy shoes from them, even if they didn’t suit me, and then return them. Otherwise, I accumulate a large number of failures and they block me in the online store. What kind of nonsense? If they bring me shoes from the window, shabby and with faded fur, why should I NOT refuse them? Or is the size wrong for me? This is the first time I've encountered such a situation. Those support excused themselves by the fact that due to "technical capabilities", they cannot remove the blocking of the card. Seriously? Because of the technical possibilities? Well, then I will try to do everything so that everyone else knows about my problem and makes their purchases more carefully. :)

Alexander Mitroshin

I bought boots from them, they looked beautiful, for six and a half thousand. After a couple of weeks of wearing, rather gentle, since I mostly move by car - the soles peeled off. The examination said that, like, they have nothing to do with it. :)) Draw conclusions, gentlemen - the desk is so-so. And it seems to implement bullshit, it looks nice, but in fact ... My legs will no longer be in this network. I wish them not to survive the crisis.


I buy all my shoes exclusively in Randevu stores. I want to note that I buy only expensive brands: Casadei, Michel Vivien, Marc Jacobs. I often made purchases in a store on Tverskaya, but now I don’t even think about going there! Once again, having arrived for a purchase and choosing boots, I asked the seller to bring my 37 size. The seller, making a "knowledgeable" facial expression, said that she would now bring me size 39. To my clarification that I have size 37, she quite seriously said that boots with fur and 39 would suit me! After my objection, she brought me two pairs at once: one - 37, others - 39 sizes. What was it??? Who works??? As a result, boots of size 37 fit me naturally, but being in an angry state, I bought these boots already in another store the next day. The next time I tried to buy Casadei shoes in the same store. A clerk of dubious appearance in worn-out plastic slippers, watching the fitting process, told me that these shoes are very comfortable and she is glad that she bought them. I note that I didn’t ask her opinion at all and, frankly, such a “personal example” made me leave the store. In the end, I bought these shoes, but again in a different store. The other day I bought Casadei sneakers, but I didn’t waste time and nerves on a trip to the store on Tverskaya. For shopping, I went to Metropolis. And what do you think?! When I tried on sneakers, the saleswoman told me that I would not regret buying them, because she wears them and is very pleased. What nonsense??? Who tells these Tajiks that " personal experience" will force customers to buy expensive shoes???! Who works??? What kind of approach??? Annoying!

Please note that you can only return money to the same card with which the goods were paid!

Returning an item is as easy as ordering! you can return new product during 30 calendar days excluding the day of purchase. In other cases stipulated by law, the period may be extended. Hosiery, as well as shoe care products, cannot be exchanged or returned.

Products purchased at Rendez-Vous outlets can be returned to any offline store.


  • To any convenient Rendez-Vous store in Russia. You can return goods delivered by your own courier service only the next day after the purchase. If the delivery was carried out by partner courier services(DHL, Boxberry, CDEK, PickPoint, DPD, Hermes, etc.), then you can return the goods already on the day of receipt, as soon as the product is displayed in the "Purchase History" in your Personal Account on the site.
  • To the return department at Moscow, st. DUBNINSKAYA, 75A. Please note that the address has changed since October 1, 2018.
  • By the address 127591, Moscow, st. DUBNINSKAYA, 75A , Rendezvous LLC. Please note that the address has changed since October 1, 2018. Issue a return in the "Purchase History" section in your Personal Account and send the goods via DPD or Russian Post. It is necessary to enclose the goods, a return application and a check in the parcel.

Please note that you can only return goods purchased in the territory of the Russian Federation using one of the listed methods. Goods purchased outside of the Russian Federation can only be returned to the store of purchase.


  1. In your personal account, in the "Purchase History" section, click the "Issue a return" button for the product that you decide to return.
  2. Fill in all fields and download the completed application. Your refund will be moved to the Purchase History | My returns.
  3. Print out the completed application and attach it to the box with the product.
  4. Send the goods in a way convenient for you.
  5. Track your return. If you sent a return via DPD or Russian Post, go to the "Purchase History | My returns" in your personal account and enter the track number of the shipment.


If you don't have personal account on the site or you want to fill out an application for the return of goods yourself, download it, fill it out and send it along with the goods in a way convenient for you.

Application for the return of goods(sample): DOWNLOAD PDF | DOWNLOAD JPG. The return method is suitable for unworn goods that have fully preserved their presentation.

Application for quality control of goods(sample): DOWNLOAD PDF | DOWNLOAD JPG. The return method is suitable for goods in which you found defects before or during use.


News, 16:22 20.07.2016

Rendez-Vous employees were poisoned in the dining room, located in office center

MOSCOW, July 20 - RAPSI. The Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow reported the registration of an acute intestinal infection among employees of the Rendez-Vous shoe store (LLC Randevu), who visited the canteen of LLC Vella on Yasny Prospekt.

As of July 20, 65 cases of the disease were registered, among the cases there were two employees of the canteen. 48 people were hospitalized in infectious diseases hospitals, all with moderate severity of the disease with positive dynamics against the background of ongoing treatment.

The metropolitan department of Rospotrebnadzor found that the owner office building(Yasny proezd, house 26, building 4) is ZAO Simons Trading. Premises in the building are leased by a group of companies (Randevu LLC, Sequoia LLC, Vella LLC). In total, 298 people work in the office building.

The canteen of LLC "Vella", where all the sick people ate, is located on the fourth floor, it provides meals for employees of all organizations of the office building. In the register of notifications of the start of implementation certain types entrepreneurial activity LLC "Vella" as an organization Catering not registered, in the statutory activities of this organization, the type of activity (organization of public catering) is absent, the department said in a statement.

When checking the canteen, gross violations of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations were established, which contributed to the emergence of a focus of a group disease. In particular, the flow was broken in the dining room technological process, food storage conditions were not observed, not presented accompanying documents confirming the quality and safety of food products. Also, violations of the rules for washing and disinfecting tableware were revealed, an insufficient amount of detergents and disinfectants was noted, and eight employees of the canteen did not have personal medical books.

Specialists of the department removed from sale and disposed of impersonal and expired food products and food raw materials with a total weight of 61.5 kg. “Given that these violations pose a threat to the health and life of citizens and have caused harm to the health of citizens, as a measure to ensure and suppress violations, the Office has drawn up a protocol on a temporary ban on the activities of the canteen of Vella LLC from July 18,” the message says. The premises of the dining room were sealed, the materials of the check were sent to the Babushkinsky District Court of Moscow, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office and the Prosecutor's Office of the North-East Administrative District of Moscow.

The Department of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow organized a complex of anti-epidemic measures with laboratory control of samples food products, water, washes from objects external environment, examination of canteen workers, patients and persons at risk of infection. Epidemiological investigation and anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak continue.

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