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I'm tired of everything and have no more strength. Now what should you do if you’re tired of everything? Give up the Internet and mobile phone

Life is becoming boring and uninteresting, are you tired of everything? What to do if you experience similar sensations? Take action, otherwise depression may develop. And this is a serious mental illness, the process of its treatment is quite long. In some cases, the patient is hospitalized.

What to do when depression tries to overcome you:

  1. Contact a qualified professional. He will be able to prescribe medication if needed. In addition, you will need to undergo a course of psychotherapy.
  2. The patient needs the support of loved ones and relatives.
  3. A person who is depressed needs positive emotions.

To prevent mild apathy from leading to the disease described above, you need to act quickly.

Stupid thoughts, unnecessary arguments, everything is boring. What to do to make the world sparkle with bright colors?

  1. Stop arguing with your neighbors, this will not lead to anything good, you will only get on your nerves once again.
  2. Don't just blame anyone.
  3. Stop drinking and smoking out of grief. It will be great if you say goodbye to these bad habits forever.

Stop doing something that disgusts you, and do it with a smile. If you don't like your job, then find another one, one that will only bring you

Anxiety, fear, everything is boring. What to do if you are overcome by anxiety?

Stop being afraid that people will look at you differently or think poorly of you. Feel that you are a god who makes your own decisions and lives by your own principles. Believe that everything you plan will work out. From now on, you are not a victim, but a hero.

Bad memories, negative thoughts, destructive emotions... That's it, I'm tired of it! More positive! Stop thinking about the bad, because everything is good, and it will be even better. Communicating with people who like to complain about their terrible lives will not lead to anything good, but will only further fuel your frustration. Find yourself optimistic friends who can find the good in everything, even the bad.

See, read books about victories and success in life, listen to pleasant music.

Enjoy the little things

Learn to enjoy the little things: a child’s smile, a funny animal, etc. Remember all the good things that happened to you before.

What to do to restore harmony and balance of the soul? You may be missing fresh air and sunlight.

Due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, a person’s mood worsens and apathy appears. To avoid such problems, you need to spend more time in the sun. Daytime walks in the park or embankment, with a dog - everything has a positive effect on a person.

Always keep the windows open to fill the room with fresh air.

Life has lost its colors, are you tired of everything? What to do to bring happiness back?

Make plans for the future. What do you want: to go to the sea this summer or visit some country? Think about the future and try with all your might to achieve your plans. If it didn’t work out the first time, it will definitely work out the second time!

I think many people have had a situation in their lives when they were stupidly tired of everything: tired of friends, tired of relationships with a girl (boyfriend), tired of a wife who constantly nags for no reason, tired of a husband worse than a bitter radish. Some people are annoyed by the low salary, the job, and the boss. Some people are completely tired of everything.

What do you do when you're tired of everything?

So you say that you are tired of everything. You are tired, you want to drop everything and go wherever your eyes look. What kind of feeling does it feel when you're tired of everything? What all? A job that’s disgusting to even think about, family, children, responsibilities, responsibilities. It seems that all this is important, and you understand what is important. But in your soul there is a feeling that life is not yours, but someone else’s. You are living for someone else. And you don’t know what to do when you’re tired of everything. Or rather, you know, you heard something, but you don’t understand how to act.

No matter how tired they may be, men are often afraid of turning out to be failures in life, losers and traitors. Some women are ashamed to even think that they can leave their children with their husbands and go at least to rest. Not to mention realizing yourself. “And my husband won’t understand. Why these problems, scandals, misunderstandings? It’s all on me...”

And everyone takes another step, and another, and another, just so that this wheel continues to spin and nothing bad happens. And everything is so bad, it can’t get any worse, it can’t get any worse. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman, in the dead end of life we ​​all feel the same way - we’re tired of everything, we’re tired of everything, we have no strength...

You feel that something needs to change. But what can a person who finds himself in a whirlwind of circumstances change? Family, children, debts, obligations, circumstances, work that feeds. Where can you find something better now? How you want to live happily, breathe deeply, enjoy the new day! As they say, I would be glad to go to heaven, but debts don’t let me in. And how tired of all this, Lord!

When untying a knot, or even more so a ball of knots, carefully pick out a thread so as not to tighten it completely and irrevocably. Our problems are also sometimes tied into knots. Different qualities and desires tear a person apart, unrealized abilities are pulled into an even deeper knot. All this can be unraveled with the help of the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Why does everything get boring

If you have desires, then you are still alive. Psyche modern man- a complex knot of properties and desires. Sometimes a person himself does not understand why he wants to find a new one, prestigious job, and fall in love, and travel, and at the same time - I don’t want to do anything. Nothing can be changed.

If you know what properties and desires you are made of, you can put everything in its place.

The desire for success and the desire for change are characteristic of the skin vector. He is focused on the future, he needs to get, save, increase, get more, rise, get a high social status.

When a skin person gets tired of everything, when there is not enough change, he becomes irritable, secretive, and breaks down for any reason. Like air, he needs adventures, new difficulties, peaks, overcoming which he will experience incredible pleasure and a surge of strength. Routine, everyday life, the same obligations push you - it’s time to take out your backpack and go in search of adventure. It doesn’t have to be climbing Everest or rafting down a mountain river. For some, a left move is enough, for others, they decide it’s time to get a divorce and breathe freely. Someone is leaving work.

A leather worker is the easiest person to change his life. He doesn't cling to the past. The owner of the skin vector intuitively understands faster than others what to do if everything is boring. And more often than not, he simply does it, at least rearranging the furniture in the house.

I want a holiday!

Imaginative intelligence, a huge range of emotions and the most important and only desire is to love. It is impossible for the owner of the visual vector to live without emotions, feelings, passions, and bright colors. He is bored when there is monotony and routine around him.

When the viewer gets bored with everything, he throws hysterics and scandals. He needs to somehow feel the emotions, the uplift, albeit with negative fuel.

This is easy to fix. It is enough to change the environment, landscape, scenery. Having enjoyed new emotions and impressions, the owner of the visual vector feels a surge of strength and vitality. Although all this is not for long, because the real implementation of the visual vector is not in relaxation and a change of scenery, but in more serious and important matters.

The viewer receives true pleasure when he is not focused on his own experiences, but worries about someone else. Compassion and empathy are what gives him a sense of meaningfulness in life. Less effective, but also working options are stage, creativity.

And everything would be fine, but several vectors can be present simultaneously in the human psyche. And if two extroverted vectors, skin and visual, strive for change, the anal vector, being in bad conditions, will not allow a person to realize his dreams and plans for the future.

Resentment, bad experience - procrastination, stupor

The inability to quickly adapt is a property of an inflexible, rigid psyche. Such a psyche is always accompanied by an analytical mind and a huge memory, capable of retaining everything! Absolutely everything and forever! These properties are given to the owner of the anal vector so that quality remains in the world. The quality of work, thoughts, ideas, the quality of any action, the quality of information transfer.

For a rigid psyche responsible for quality, change is stress. The mind, capable of generalizing, and the memory, recording everything without exception, become accumulators of grievances and bad experiences. And this is already a serious problem that limits life. The consequence of this is life preserved in the same place. Stress experienced in childhood causes procrastination.

Procrastination, which holds any impulse to action like an anchor, leaves a person in the same place. No matter how good a plan a person makes, its implementation will be postponed until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, until better times. “I don’t believe in anyone or anything, everyone around me is a bastard... Nothing will work out anyway... I’ll do it tomorrow (after the holidays, next year)...”. The person becomes incapable of anything. Just lie on the couch and criticize everyone.

It happens that desires in the skin vector still push a person off the couch. A person changes his job, his environment, it seems to him that now he will definitely raise his status, begin to grow, start new relationships - change his life. But grievances do not allow skin logic to work in multitasking mode, keeping a person in a stupor before new tasks.

And now career growth does not seem so close: a person makes mistakes, forgets important details in work, stops when he needs to quickly navigate the situation. The skin vector is trying to pull it out, but it can’t do anything. Lack of ability to move, stupor and, as a result, lost prospects. Days for new job turn into hell. And then - again disappointment, despondency, daily emotional heaviness and... everything is boring to hell.

I wish I could be happy, let the past hold me

It's the same with relationships. The owner of the anal vector will reduce past grievances and unsuccessful relationships to a single denominator and will believe that “all women are …”, “all men are …”. What's the point of starting new relationships if everyone is an asshole out to deceive and exploit?

An anchor holding on the couch begins with resentment and bad experiences. Stupor. Inhibition of consciousness. When you understand that you need to come up with something now, solve some issue, do an important thing, but you can’t. Already slowed down, the psyche simply stands still. And no matter how much one consciously desires changes, no matter how much one says that everything is boring, it is not possible to consciously move this colossus.

The unconscious has much more power over us than it seems. Having realized and worked on this fact at Yuri Burlan’s “System-Vector Psychology” training, many get off the couch and start life anew. After all, the properties of the anal vector are very complex, but necessary for the development of humanity.

Quality and experience are the basis of progress. The ability to remember and convey everything important information, recorded in books and textbooks so that nothing is lost, makes it possible for the next generation not to reinvent the stone ax. The accumulated experience of the past makes it possible to move into the future.

It is very important to implement the properties of the anal vector as intended. And then it will not interfere with changing the direction of movement in time.

Tired of this whole life

Our whole life is a pursuit of pleasure. And you don't want anything. If only this pain, this unbearable heaviness would go away. Happiness is unknown to you. What is happiness? When the pain subsides, you feel light and strong. But is this happiness? No! Freedom from pain. Breath of air. Inhale. It feels like someone from above is holding you under water, sometimes letting you surface so that you don’t choke prematurely.

To be happy, you need to want this life too much, more than you can imagine. And you're fed up with her. People are happy, striving for something, welcoming a new day, some events are happening in their lives. And you come home from work, if you even have one, lie on the couch with your laptop, and feel a total dullness in your head. Like a shell-shocked person, you feel nothing but heaviness and pain. And how tired of all this, Lord!

What keeps you on the sofa, pressing all your best thoughts, dreams, plans, desires into it? You sit and can’t help yourself. Or you hide in the world of an online game. You understand that you are tired, that everything is boring and you can’t do this anymore, but you don’t move further than this thought.

Sometimes you lash out at your family, sometimes you throw everything you can get your hands on, and you only see hatred in your eyes. Hatred of all living things and everything that happens around you. How did it happen that you became a slave to circumstances, a sense of duty, responsibility? When did you stop being yourself? Who are you anyway? Do you know who you are?

When there is no point in changing anything

The anal vector by itself, without the sound one, can clog a person’s life if one does not understand its properties and finally realize one’s desires. In conjunction with the sound, the anal vector makes a person a double introvert. Sound desires are meaning, abstraction. The sound artist feels infinity, seeks the meaning of life on this earth.

People with abstract intelligence, giving birth to new ideas, new meanings, opening new horizons, are the most vulnerable in our earthly life. An unfulfilled desire to find the root cause of everything leads a person to depression, drugs, mental disorders, and suicide. It is impossible to interest him in a career, family, a cool car, a mansion and other earthly pleasures if he does not understand what it is all for.

And when a bad experience is added to the lack of meaning, a person completely stops acting.

And it turns out that there is a desire for change, but there is no sense in it. Why do all this if nothing will work out anyway, if no one will appreciate it, no one will notice, no one needs it, if we will all die anyway, if there is no point in anything. Egocentric, immersed in his thoughts, suffering from a lack of understanding of those around him, the sound artist is lost in this world and does not know where to go. He can lie on the sofa for days, turned to the wall, and think, think. He looks for answers within himself, he feels that there is an abyss there, but for some reason he cannot get to the bottom. He's just looking in the wrong place.

The meaning of life and the ability to change this life, to get out of a hateful vicious circle arises when a person realizes his purpose in life, understands how this world works and by what laws it moves. This is only possible by focusing on the world around us, on the people around us.

“...I slept with my eyes open, my home, my work - nothing brings joy. Outwardly, formally, everything is fine. Several years flew by, as if in a dream, I don’t know what I did, I just ate, slept and breathed, I seemed numb, I couldn’t always express my state in words, I want to say it, but I’m silent, I want to do it, but I don’t do it, I don’t do anything. understood. I am at a dead end, there is no movement, I asked myself: what is the point? why am I like this? how to continue to live? what's happening? What does everyone want from me? Is this really all and there will be nothing more?..

...I'm still studying, I decided to go to the second level. There is something to learn, there is a need to move on, although in reality it’s just to continue. After the training, there are recognizable things about vectors, and about yourself, and about others that appear, and you just smile, that’s how it is. New thoughts appeared, a new angle, I had never thought from such a perspective, it was as if I had been turned 180 degrees...”

“...One day I came across a short video on the Internet, where they promised to short time get rid of bad conditions. It was Yuri Burlan. I honestly admit, to my now shame and regret, I didn’t believe it. I didn’t believe that I could be brought out of the state I was in. Well, who can help when you are having one-on-one conversations with God: “Lord, take me away from here! Do not want to live!"? When every day you wait for his mercy and hope not to wake up.

But now I already know this for sure, Yuri has no extra words and phrases! Each one is a bull's eye! The phrase “What is the unconscious silent about?” hung in my mind. Something stirred in my head. It was an extremely weak movement, but it was in the direction of LIFE. Although I had no idea about it yet...”

Now what should you do if you’re tired of everything?

First of all, stop and understand. If it seems that something needs to be changed, you don’t think so. The desire to have fun is natural. The desire to receive it for yourself - even more so. Especially if you have never had such pleasure.

And the longer you live and don’t get it, the more you think about it, the more you want, the more you suffer and can no longer think adequately about anything. Or, being disappointed, you no longer want anything. You don't even want life itself. You only suffer from not receiving your own happiness. It would be nice if you had everything, but it’s not enough for you, but how can you be happy when you never got what you want?

The main thing is to understand what exactly you want to get, and whether it is yours.

The squirrel in the wheel really thinks that if it stops, it will fall. But those who stopped and even fell out of the wheel turn out to be alive. Life has nothing against us. And she gave everything to each of us to make us happy. Every person has the necessary, important properties for realizing their desires and getting pleasure from it.

People themselves spoil the lives of themselves, their children, their children - their children, and so on. We pass on by inheritance an unfulfilled life and other delights of human misunderstanding of each other.

It's time to reclaim yourself

If you are tired of everything and nothing makes you happy in life, it’s time to stop and get out of the wheel. All hidden unconscious desires give signals that it is time for you to get to know yourself and discover your own happiness, hidden and suppressed inside. To do this, you need to unravel the tangle of causes and consequences of each bad condition. Open yourself up to yourself and other people.

Honestly, once and for all, tell yourself that you can’t live like this anymore and you need to do something. And what? Everything is already given, invested in you. All that remains is to find, realize and believe. It’s better to check in practice how it works.

Sometimes we feel so tired and mentally exhausted that we can hardly remember when we were truly happy. Plus, the autumn gray sky and rain make the situation worse. If you feel that the internal battery is low, then it’s time to get out of the “darkness” in which you find yourself. Why? Because this condition pushed you to search for a solution to the problem on the Internet and you had enough willpower to start reading this article. This means that you are fully motivated to regain your former energy. We advise you to start as soon as possible. Take note of a proven strategy that will help you emerge from the swamp of helplessness and apathy.

Find inspiration in the things around you

If you want to get your power back, you need to find your true passion. So, what will make you get out of apathy and find ways to overcome all difficulties? Close people who need you, a goal or a life's work will help you overcome the state of sadness and apathy. However, this is not always enough. Try to take a closer look at the things and rituals with which you surround yourself. Buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers, finally hang a picture on the wall, get a festive service and brew your favorite tea.

Treat yourself. Little things will help you get out of this emotional impasse. Identify your main passion and move in that direction without giving in to fears of failure. If you feel on the verge of complete exhaustion, mentally return to your inner “beacon” to awaken the desire to get up and move, even if you have no strength left and you need to literally pick yourself up piece by piece.

Start with health

If something hurts, deal with it. emotional stress even harder. We recommend cleansing the body of waste and toxins, improving metabolism and normalizing blood pressure. Help in solving these problems will help mineral water, which contain many macro- and microelements that are harmful to health.

Water with magnesium will help you calm down before bed, and light physical activity and a glass of active water will help you relieve stress throughout the working day. drinking water. It is also important not to forget about silicon - the element of life. It is necessary for balanced work and absorption of almost all macro- and microelements.

Identify your main opponent

To concentrate your efforts, directing the remaining energy directly to the goal, you need to know this goal in person. To start, focus on the most pressing problem you have. Step by step, you will gradually improve the situation on all fronts if you solve specific problems. Next, find and analyze the reason emotional burnout. To make things easier, we suggest conducting an audit of your emotions. Rank them from 1 to 10 according to ten main aspects:

  • family;
  • Love;
  • career;
  • Friends;
  • wealth;
  • health;
  • communication;
  • spiritual growth;
  • personal development;
  • rest.

This approach will allow you to find the “culprit” of emotional burnout. As you consider each aspect, ask yourself why it deserves this particular rating and answer this question in detail for yourself. Imagine what will happen if the rating of “two” or “three” is raised to “ten”.

How will your life change? Feel free to fantasize, imagine it as clearly as possible, compare it with the current state of affairs. As soon as you feel a strong loss of energy due to everyday worries and realize that you are completely exhausted, concentrate on the main point that most negatively affects your condition.

Remember that the main character of the story is you

You are the main character and are fully responsible for what happens, regardless of the circumstances. Most likely, you will not learn anything new, but we will still remind you once again that only you decide how and when to cope with the difficulties that arise.

Alas, no one but you can make your life easier. Someone else's opinion motivates us much less than our own determination - this is how the human psyche works. You can feel like a victim of circumstances, speaking out and listening to advice, but in order to mobilize the remaining strength you need to take risks and take full responsibility for your salvation.

Accept offered help

While heroically coping with difficulties, do not forget that you are a living person. After you pull yourself together and take action, look for support among loved ones, colleagues and friends. Contact specialists - trainers, coaches, psychotherapists and other doctors. Your depressed, exhausted state may be caused by physiological reasons - problems with immunity, low hemoglobin levels, frequent colds, lack of sleep and lack of proper rest.

To cope with a critical situation, you can and should seek help - there is nothing shameful in that. Voice specific requests and accept the help that is offered to you: moral support, skills and experience, material assistance - everything will come in handy to get out of the crisis.

Watch out for signs of impending apathy

Learn to recognize the very first signs to prevent the problem. Save energy, don’t waste it on any occasion. Don't forget to get plenty of rest, allow yourself to completely relax without any remorse. Concentrate your energy on what is important this moment. If you feel fatigue creeping in, switch to something you love - this way you can restore your motivation.

There is a period in every person’s life when you say to yourself: “I’m tired of everything, I don’t want anything, I’m tired of everything...”. The daily routine drags you deeper and deeper, everything quickly gets boring, regardless of whether it is work or household chores, or maybe even communication with others. This may be a temporary phenomenon, much worse if the motto “I’m tired of everything, I’m tired” is an incipient sign of depression. Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon, why everything is boring and what to do when you're tired of everything.
If you're tired of work...
If you are visited by one in the morning intrusive thought that you are tired of everything and work too, then most likely it’s all about professional activity. You come to the office and realize that you are tired of everything around you. Usually this state haunts us when we have worked too hard and simply forgotten what rest is. Or, if all your thoughts, deeds and time are taken up only by work, then sooner or later you will definitely get tired of it. Think about it, if you’re tired of everything at work, what should you do? That's right - rest!
Plan your free time. Don't have any free time from work? Then highlight it! By any means, even to the detriment of work, or take a vacation. Sign up for relaxation treatments, yoga, massage, plan meetings with friends, trips to the cinema and shopping, and try to completely disconnect from the work process. After some time, you will definitely miss the hustle and bustle of working days, your desk and office, of course, provided that you value your work and you are appreciated at it.
If you cannot specifically answer the question of what exactly is wrong in your life, if you are simply tired of everything, and you cannot find an objective reason for this, then a few simple but effective tips will help you.
Don't suppress yourself. Change your lifestyle, do what you always wanted, but for some reason you didn’t dare to do it.
Give vent to the negativity that sits inside you and suppresses you: engage in active team play, shoot at a shooting range, hit a punching bag, scream to your heart's content in a deserted place, in general, let off some steam.
Evaluate yourself from the outside. If the assessment is positive, then everything is not so bad and you just need a rest. And if the assessment is negative, think about how you can improve yourself. Improve yourself, sign up for courses, get another one higher education, lose weight, learn a language, etc.
Change your surroundings, relax, get away from the routine. Change your social circle, meet new people, or retire from society altogether.
Add more light to your daily life; most often, its lack is the cause of seasonal blues. Go to the solarium and replenish your body's supply of vitamin D.

Man is created this way - to want something more and achieve it with joyful fervour. Why does it happen that a person doesn’t want anything and languishes every day with the feeling of being tired of everything?

Another Groundhog Day. Dead tired since the morning, you can barely force yourself to move. A vicious circle without a hint of happiness. At work - useless shuffling of papers, at home - disgusting fuss, in my head - dead-end thoughts. How is everything!

This problem can befall a careerist, a housewife, or an unrecognized genius with enormous potential, because the reason for this condition is the same for everyone. When desires are not fulfilled, they hang like a stone around the neck, robbing a person of strength and pleasure from what is happening. This existence is depressing. We’ll tell you in this article how to fulfill your desires without mistakes and bring joy back into life.

Tired = don't want

A person is an additional desire, this is “I want more.” Once upon a time, our ancestor, driven by hunger, wanted more food, than he needed to satiate himself, he wanted an “extra” mammoth for tomorrow. This has forced us to evolve - from the stone ax to the latest food technology. Man is created this way - to want something more and achieve it with joyful fervour. Why does it happen that a person doesn’t want anything and languishes every day with the feeling of being tired of everything?

The problem is that the desire to achieve more exists when we are aware of our natural desires. But increasingly, false attitudes, bad experiences, and other people’s life guidelines lead us away from our own path. And it seemed like I wanted something, I strived, I tried, but it didn’t work out, and I gave up. You don’t need anything anymore, and it’s unclear what to do when you’re so tired of everything. But everything will become clear soon.

I want = I can

An innate vector set endows the human psyche with unconscious desires. They push us to strain in order to get the pleasure intended by nature itself. If these desires are realized, then the person enjoys every victory, like a child taking an independent step for the first time. He is bursting with energy and wants more. After all, after the action, a great reward for his efforts awaits him - joy, pleasure.

The fulfilled desire doubles: I wanted a Lada - I earned it, bought it, immediately wanted a Volga, and then a jeep. But it happens, I worked and worked, saved and saved, and the money was stolen - the car went to someone else. It hurts. If nothing leads to the desired goal for a long time, there comes a feeling that life is enough. So, instead of a machine, each vector has its own desire.

Everyone wants to live a happy life, but something gets in the way. The training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan explains that our desires are provided with all the necessary mental properties for their implementation. Discovering your real “I want” in the “garage” of the subconscious and creating a direct route to enjoying life - that’s what needs to be done.

The first destination is liberation from the captivity of ignorance of oneself. Go?

The desire for success in the confinement of the office

Alarm clock - shower - coffee - metro - mail - calls - lunch - calls - metro - shower - bed. Weekdays office worker do not shine with variety. For owners who are created to change and constantly change something, the absence of the novelty factor is torture.

If the work itself does not present any surprises, the skin acrobat will wither away from boredom throughout life. What to do if you are tired of everything in monotonous work?

Owners of the skin vector strive for constant movement; they are able to adapt new challenges every minute. It brings them pleasure. Athletes and dancers, businessmen, military men, engineers. Constantly looms in their lives new goal, giving no rest. Excitement, adrenaline, precise movement, accurate action in new conditions - this is a realized skin person.

If you're feeling bored at work, add something new to your daily work routine. Set the bar higher for yourself, new tasks awaken your skin's logical thinking. In addition, for achievements there is a material reward, so highly valued by leather workers. Work process organizers and good managers in any field are never bored. Change of events, new people, business trips and perspective career growth- this is what gives every person pleasure in work.

But it happens that a leather worker consciously strives for success and seems to be doing something for this, but he is invariably overtaken by failure. Yuri Burlan at the training “System-vector psychology” talks in detail about the reasons for the scenario of failure in the skin vector.

Tired of being under house arrest

Everything is dirty, torn, broken, unscrewed, scattered, spilled, crumbled, broken... Snot, bruises, chicken pox, hysterics. ! When will it be calm? When will it be clean if I cleaned it? If you stroke it, it means no one will remember...

Even the most caring, patient and created to be the best mother - a woman on maternity leave has a hard time. Her love for perfect cleanliness experiences enormous stress from constant stains, endless garbage and scribbles on the snow-white tablecloth.

It seems that there will be no order either in life or in the head. Not what it used to be. Everyone is thrown around, pulled in different directions, constantly pulled. And a person with an anal vector needs to be able to do everything slowly, with feeling, efficiently, and with order. And the constant time pressure with a small child is exhausting. Sometimes you just want to lock yourself in the bathroom and not come out for two hours until everything calms down.

Any life stage can be fun. This is only possible for those people who know themselves and can fill their unconscious aspirations in a timely manner, preventing life from setting their teeth on edge.

Trapped in your own thoughts

What if you're tired of everything? Not just any particular situation or person, but all of existence, including yourself? It is unbearable to suffer in this senseless mess. The Soviets are powerless. But awareness of your inner nature can lead you out of the most severe apathy.

He will never be full of material handouts from the Universe. He longed to know how everything worked. He tried to find, he read, thought, listened. Have not found. People became miserable and lonely. All that was left were my own thoughts. And there is not even a clue in them indicating that there is at least some meaning in life - where and why to go.

The power of sound desire to understand the laws of the universe is the greatest. It's impossible to ignore. Philosophers, physicists, programmers, musicians, writers tried to somehow fill it with abstractions. But this is not enough for today's sound industry. He wants to know the basics general principle, to comprehend the axis around which everything revolves, and the direction in which everything is going.

Unfulfilled sound desire looks disdainfully at the messengers scurrying through life for success and family well-being: “How are they not tired?” It nails a person to the margins of life with apathy and depression.

A sound artist can rise up and experience life with meaning, understand and begin to realize his great task by realizing the universal human unconscious. The tightness of your skull will no longer weigh you down when it becomes clear how to apply your powerful abstract intelligence to unified system"Human".

“Now depression has been replaced by a process of understanding, thinking, a process of creativity, concentration of thoughts and going out... into the world. Feeling the desires of other people is incomparable to anything. This is real happiness!”

“I can work calmly now. It’s not even calm, but I’m just rushing from work. I have so much desire and strength to work that I complete my monthly plan in half a month, and even faster. Now I can’t sit idle at work for a minute, I have to do and do. And that’s not all - one job is not enough for me, I wanted to find another additional job.”
