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What does a submarine float on? How is a military submarine built? Water fire extinguishing system

Silent "predators" sea ​​depths always terrified the enemy, both in wartime and in peacetime. There are countless myths associated with submarines, which, however, is not surprising, given that they are created in conditions of special secrecy. An excursion into the device of nuclear submarines is offered to your attention in this feature.

The submarine's submersion and ascent system includes ballast and auxiliary tanks, as well as connecting pipelines and fittings. The main element here is the tanks of the main ballast, due to the filling of which with water the main reserve of buoyancy of the submarine is repaid. All tanks are included in the bow, stern and middle group. They can be filled and purged one after the other or at the same time.

The submarine has trim tanks necessary to compensate for the longitudinal displacement of cargo. The ballast between the trim tanks is blown with compressed air or pumped using special pumps. Trim - this is the name of the technique, the purpose of which is to "balance" the submerged submarine.

Nuclear submarines are divided into generations. The first (50s) is characterized by relatively high noise and imperfection of hydroacoustic systems. The second generation was built in the 60s and 70s: the shape of the hull was optimized to increase speed. The boats of the third are larger, they also have equipment for electronic warfare. The fourth-generation nuclear submarines are characterized by an unprecedentedly low noise level and advanced electronics. The appearance of the fifth generation boats is being worked out today.

An important component of any submarine is the air system. Diving, ascent, removal of waste - all this is done with compressed air. The latter is stored under high pressure on board the submarine: this way it takes up less space and allows you to accumulate more energy. High pressure air is in special cylinders: as a rule, a senior mechanic monitors its quantity. Compressed air is replenished during ascent. This is a long and laborious procedure that requires special attention. In order for the crew of the boat to have something to breathe, air regeneration units are placed on board the submarine, allowing oxygen to be obtained from sea water.

The nuclear boat has a nuclear power plant (where, in fact, the name came from). Nowadays, many countries also operate diesel-electric submarines (submarines). The level of autonomy of nuclear submarines is much higher, and they can perform a wider range of tasks. The Americans and the British have generally stopped using non-nuclear submarines, while the Russian submarine fleet has a mixed composition. In general, only five countries have nuclear submarines. In addition to the United States and the Russian Federation, the “club of the elite” includes France, England and China. Other maritime powers use diesel-electric submarines.

The future of the Russian submarine fleet is connected with two new nuclear submarines. It's about about multi-purpose boats of project 885 "Ash" and strategic missile submarines 955 "Borey". Project 885 boats will be built by eight units, and the number of Boreys will reach seven. The Russian submarine fleet will not be comparable to the American one (the US will have dozens of new submarines), but it will occupy the second line of the world ranking.

Russian and American boats differ in their architecture. The United States makes its nuclear submarines single-hulled (the hull both resists pressure and has a streamlined shape), and Russia makes it double-hulled: in this case, there is an internal rough strong hull and an external streamlined light one. On the nuclear submarines of project 949A Antey, which included the infamous Kursk, the distance between the hulls is 3.5 m. It is believed that double-hulled boats are more tenacious, while single-hulled boats, other things being equal, have less weight. In single-hull boats, the main ballast tanks, which provide ascent and immersion, are located inside a strong hull, and in double-hull boats - inside a light outer one. Each domestic submarine must survive if any compartment is completely flooded with water - this is one of the main requirements for submarines.

In general, there is a trend towards the transition to single-hull nuclear submarines, since the latest steel from which the hulls are made american boats, allows you to withstand enormous loads at depth and provides the submarine with a high level of survivability. In particular, we are talking about high-strength steel grade HY-80/100 with a yield strength of 56-84 kgf/mm. Obviously, even more advanced materials will be used in the future.

There are also boats with a mixed hull (when the light hull overlaps the main one only partially) and multihulls (several strong hulls inside the light). The latter include domestic underwater missile cruiser Project 941 is the largest nuclear submarine in the world. Inside her lightweight hull are five rugged hulls, two of which are primary. For the manufacture of durable hulls, titanium alloys were used, and for lightweight ones, steel. It is covered with a non-resonant anti-radar soundproof rubber coating weighing 800 tons. This coating alone weighs more than the American nuclear submarine NR-1. Project 941 is truly a gigantic submarine. Its length is 172, and its width is 23 m. 160 people are serving on board.

You can see how different nuclear submarines are and how different their "maintenance" is. Now let's take a closer look at several domestic submarines: boats of project 971, 949A and 955. All of these are powerful and modern submarines serving in the Russian fleet. The boats belong to three different types of nuclear submarines that we talked about above:

Nuclear submarines are divided by purpose:

· SSBN (Strategic Missile Submarine Cruiser). As part of the nuclear triad, these submarines carry ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The main targets of such ships are enemy military bases and cities. The SSBN includes the new Russian nuclear submarine 955 Borey. In America, this type of submarine is called SSBN (Ship Submarine Ballistic Nuclear): this includes the most powerful of these submarines, the Ohio-class boat. To accommodate the entire deadly arsenal on board, SSBNs are designed to meet the requirements of a large internal volume. Their length often exceeds 170 m - this is noticeably longer than the length of multi-purpose submarines.

LARK K-186 "Omsk" pr.949A OSCAR-II with open covers of the launchers of the Granit missile system. The boats of the project in the Navy have the unofficial name "Baton" - for the shape of the hull and the impressive size.

· PLAT (Nuclear torpedo submarine). Such boats are also called multipurpose. Their purpose: the destruction of ships, other submarines, tactical targets on the ground and the collection of intelligence. They are smaller than SSBNs and have best speed and mobility. PATs can use torpedoes or precision cruise missiles. These nuclear submarines include the American "Los Angeles" or the Soviet / Russian MPLATRK project 971 "Pike-B".

Submarine project 941 "Shark"

· SSGN (Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles). This is the smallest group of modern nuclear submarines. This includes the Russian 949A "Antey" and some American "Ohio" converted into carriers of cruise missiles. The concept of SSGN has something in common with multi-purpose nuclear submarines. Submarines of the SSGN type, however, are larger - they are large floating underwater platforms with high-precision weapons. In the Soviet / Russian fleet, these boats are also called "aircraft carrier killers".

British Navy Submarine Upholder (Ally)

Submarines float effortlessly on the surface of the water. But unlike all other ships, they can sink to the bottom of the ocean and, in some cases, swim in its depths for months. The whole secret is that the submarine has a unique two-hull design.

Between its outer and inner hulls are special compartments, or ballast tanks, which can be filled with sea water. At the same time, the total weight of the submarine increases and, accordingly, its buoyancy decreases, that is, the ability to stay on the surface. The boat moves forward due to the operation of the propeller, and horizontal rudders, called hydroplanes, help it dive.

The inner steel hull of the submarine is designed to withstand the enormous pressure of the water, which increases with depth. When submerged, the trim tanks located along the keel help to keep the ship stable. If you need to surface, then the submarine is freed from water, or, as they say, ballast tanks are blown out. Navigational aids such as periscopes, radar (radar), sonar (sonar) and satellite communications systems help the submarine to navigate the desired course.

In the image above, the 2,455-ton, 232-foot-long British attack submarine, shown in section, can move at 20 miles per hour. While the boat is at the surface, its diesel engines generate electricity. This energy is stored in rechargeable batteries and then consumed in scuba diving. Nuclear submarines use nuclear fuel to turn water into superheated steam to run her steam turbines.

How does a submarine sink and float?

When a submarine is on the surface, it is said to be in a state of positive buoyancy. Then her ballast tanks are mostly filled with air (near picture on the right). When submerged (middle picture on the right), the ship becomes negatively buoyant as the air from the ballast tanks escapes through the outlet valves and the tanks are filled with water through the intake ports. In order to move at a certain depth while submerged, submarines use a balancing technique where compressed air is injected into ballast tanks and water intake ports remain open. In this case, the desired state of neutral buoyancy sets in. To ascend (far right), compressed air stored on board pushes water out of the ballast tanks.

There is not much free space on the submarine. In the top picture, the sailors are eating in the wardroom. In the upper right corner - an American submarine in surface navigation. To the right of the photograph is a cramped cockpit where submariners sleep.

Clean air underwater

On most modern submarines, fresh water is made from sea water. And fresh air supplies are also made on board - decomposing fresh water using electrolysis and releasing oxygen from it. When the submarine cruises near the surface, it uses snorkels covered with caps - devices exposed above the water, it takes in fresh air and throws out exhaust air. In this position, above the conning tower, the boats are in the air, in addition to snorkels, a periscope, a radio antenna and other superstructure elements. The air quality on the submarine is monitored daily to ensure the correct oxygen content. All air passes through a scrubber, or scrubber, to remove contaminants. The exhaust gases exit through a separate pipeline.

Atomic Submarine project 949A (code "Antey") was created on the basis of project 949 by inserting an additional compartment (fifth) in order to accommodate new equipment, for ease of layout. Appearance its very remarkable - leaving the strong hull cylindrical throughout, and placing the launchers on the sides, between the strong and light hulls, the designers got a very “broad-shouldered” boat, which resembles a loaf in photographs from bow angles. On the prototype - project 661 in the area of ​​​​missile silos, the body in cross section had the shape of a "eight".

Brief characteristics project 949 ("Granite", the first two hulls): surface displacement - 12500 tons, full underwater - 22500 tons, dimensions - 144 x 18 x 9.2 m, surface speed - 16 knots, underwater - 32 knots, power - 98000 l .With. Crew - 94 people.

The main characteristics of the modernized project 949A are as follows: surface displacement - 14820 tons, full surface displacement - 15100 tons, underwater - 19254 tons, full underwater (taking into account the volume of the light hull) - 25650 tons, which is only 1000 tons less than that of surface heavy nuclear cruisers type "Kirov"! The buoyancy margin is 29.9%, the boat retains surface (not underwater) buoyancy when one compartment is flooded. Full length - 154.8 m, width - exactly 18 m, draft in the cruising position with the bow - 9.1 m, amidships - 9.3 m and stern - 9.5 m, height from the keel to the top of the cabin fence - 18, 3 m. The length of the light hull is 151.8 m. The width of the boat along the aft horizontal rudders is 22 m, along the NGR (in the extended position) - 24 m.

The robust hull of the boat, 122 m long, is divided into 10 compartments, has a variable diameter, is designed for a maximum immersion depth of 600 meters, more than which the hull collapses (the thickness of the strong walls made of AK-33 steel turned out to be from 45 to 68 mm), the working depth is 480 m. The end bulkheads of the pressure hull are cast, spherical, the bow radius is 8 m, the aft radius is 6.5 m. mm. Thus, the boat is divided into three compartments - shelters for accidents at depths up to 400 meters: when part of the strong hull is flooded, people in this case have a chance to escape either in the first compartment, or in the second or third, or in the aft compartments. In the event of the Kursk accident, this is exactly what happened - moreover, the bulkhead of the aft compartment-shelter withstood the brunt of the explosion! The remaining bulkheads inside the rescue zones are designed for 10 atmospheres (for a depth of not more than 100 meters).

FIRST COMPARTMENT: divided by platforms into three tiers. Below, in the hold, there is a high-pressure air compressor (HPA) EKSA-25, fans and in a special enclosure - a bow battery (112 elements of product 440). Above them is a gas-tight flooring, designed for a pressure of 0.1 atm. On the second deck, there are equipment racks for the SJSC Skat-3 (main volume), an air-foam fire extinguishing station (VPL) and volumetric chemical fire extinguishing (VOX), ladders.

Here, along the sides, there are access hatches to special boules (strong enclosures overboard), in which the drives of the bow horizontal rudders are located. Between the second deck and the torpedo compartment there is a platform designed for 5 atmospheres, in fact it is like a horizontal bulkhead for a depth of 50 meters! As you can see, an ordinary fire cannot spread from the interdeck volume either up or down, and the design is thought out so that even with a hypothetical explosion of hydrogen in the battery, the torpedo compartment is not affected.

There are only 6 (six) torpedo tubes. Of these, two are 650 mm (lower internal, although they are sometimes claimed to be external) and four are 533 mm (two on top, two on the edges). Automated torpedo- missile system"Leningrad-949" consists of TA, PUTS "Grinda", a torpedo-loading device (with a hatch in the bow bulkhead of a strong hull, 800 mm in diameter), UBZ and three-tier racks with torpedoes and missiles. Last moment, taking into account the explosion of ammunition on the Kursk, is of particular interest. So, according to the project, in the torpedo compartment in the absence of torpedoes, only 28 (twenty eight) rocket-torpedoes of types 83-R (10), rockets 84-R (8), 10 (ten) rocket-torpedoes 86-R (6 ) and missiles 88-R (4). In the torpedo version, 18 USET-80 and 10 type 65-76A are loaded, a total of 28 pieces of ammunition, of which, naturally, six are in torpedo tubes. In a mixed version, the project can accept 16 (or 12) USET-80 torpedoes, two (or 6) 86-R rocket-torpedoes and ten 83-R. Reception and setting of mines are not provided. TA No. 5 and 6 (650 mm) can serve as emergency exits.

Torpedo tubes and torpedoes themselves are solid structures - torpedoes can be fired at depths up to 480 meters at speeds from 13 knots (type 65-76A) to 18 knots (USET-80), and protection against involuntary explosion on torpedoes for more than 100 years of their use has been brought to perfection: now they have systems that do not allow homing to a firing boat (the torpedo in this case self-floods), in addition, torpedoes fall during loading, they sleep on them, they drain alcohol, etc. and yet, they do not explode. There were cases when boats at full speed, hitting underwater obstacles, crushed their bows, and torpedo tubes, and the torpedoes that were in them - and nothing, came to the bases. On the other hand, there was a case of an explosion of ammunition in Polyarny, on January 11, 1962, during a fire in the bow compartment of a B-37 diesel submarine. The boat just tore off two bow compartments ...

The fast loader allows you to change the ammunition in torpedo tubes in 5 minutes. Torpedo type 65-76A (code "Kit") was put into service in 1976, anti-ship, long-range, low-water hydrogen peroxide (fuel-kerosene), caliber 650 mm, length - 11 m, speed 50 knots, cruising range 50 km. The mass of the torpedo is 4650 kg, the weight of the explosive is 530 kg. There is an option with a nuclear warhead (without homing), but under the agreement in 1989, such torpedoes were removed from service. For the same reason, there are no VA-111 Shkval missiles in the arsenal.

The USET-80 torpedo has been in service since 1980, universal, electric, homing, caliber 533 mm, search speed - 18 knots, maximum - 50 knots, cruising range 15 km. Torpedo weight - 1800 kg, length - 7.8 m, explosive weight - 290 kg. According to the project, it has silver-zinc batteries, but the Kursk had an experimental torpedo with a cheaper power plant. It would be useful to note that these torpedoes have significantly better characteristics than foreign ones, and the 65-76A has no analogues at all.

Rocket-torpedo 83-R "Waterfall" (URPK-6) has a caliber of 533 mm, a length of 8.2 m, a firing range of 50 km, a small-sized torpedo UMGT-1 is installed as a warhead. 86-R "Wind" (URPK-7) is about the same, only its caliber is 650 mm, the firing range is 110 km, the launch depth is twice as large, and the USET-80 torpedo is used as a warhead. The 84-R and 88-R complexes are a modification of the Vodopad and Veter rocket-torpedoes, where a nuclear depth bomb is installed as a warhead. Obviously, there were no tactical nuclear warheads on the Kursk for the reason indicated above.

The solid-propellant missiles of these complexes are launched from under the water, corrected by the onboard inertial system, according to the data previously established by the CICS, at a given point the torpedo (or depth charge) is separated, splashed down on a parachute, after which the parachute is fired, the bomb sinks to a certain depth (about 200 m) and explodes there, and the torpedo starts searching and homing on the target.

The total volume of the compartment is 1157 m 3 . On combat readiness No. 1, there are 5 people in the compartment according to the schedule - in the stern, on the port side there is Staff only for the BC-3 commander (ammunition reloading control post), and on the starboard side, through the partition, a bulkhead door to the second compartment.

SECOND COMPARTMENT: has four decks. At the top is the main command post with an abundance of consoles: "Korund" on the starboard side - a rudder control post, GAS "Arfa", "Omnibus", "Grindy", "Molybdenum" consoles for controlling general ship systems, a control center console, a main air console, posts of watch officer and mechanical engineer. In the aft bulkhead

a hatch to the third compartment, next to it is the LOX station, the commander's camp cabin. With the GKP, it is possible to conduct surveillance through two periscopes - bow (commander's PZKE-11 "Swan") and stern (navigator's, "Signal-3"). Project 949A submarines are armed with the UNK-90-949A Symphony high-precision navigation system (on the first boats - Medveditsa), with a KPF-ZK receiver indicator and a KPI-7F direction finder, a navigation system for binding by sonar beacons-responders SNP-3 , echo sounders of the NEL-2 and NEL-5 types, the ADK-ZM (or ADK-4M) and AVK-73 space system, the GKU-1M gyrocompass, the KM-145-P2 magnetic compass, the Stellit and Scandium inertial systems, lags LKP-1 and "Samshit", closed on the Central Exhibition Complex "Struna". There is also a vestibule and a ladder that leads to the upper hatchway (or rather, to a pop-up rescue chamber).

The crew enters and exits through the VSK under normal conditions, in an emergency, its capacity is 107 people. This, in fact, is in itself an ultra-small durable submarine with little autonomy. It has NC, air, batteries, a radio transmitter, it can be ventilated with a manual drive. The pop-up chamber is attached to the coaming of the strong hull with its coaming using a cremal connector, while a waterproof lock (pre-chamber) is created between it and the ship. To separate the pop-up chamber, after placing the crew in it, it is necessary to close and batten down the lower wheelhouse hatch and the lower hatch of the VSK, manually release the stopper, deploy the cremal ring with pneumatics or manually, fill the pre-chamber with water, if necessary, supply air to the pneumatic pushers for the final separation of the VSK from the boat . According to the combat schedule, there are 30 people in the compartment.

At the aft bulkhead of the second compartment there is a ladder down to the second deck, which is occupied by the Struna Central Exhibition Complex (from several computers) and the MVU-132 Omnibus CICS. There are also air conditioners, microclimate devices and the main hatch into the third compartment.

On the third deck there is a gyro post and posts of the Granit complex. For the convenience of organizing the pre-launch preparation of missiles (after all, there are 24 of them) and the “unloading” of the TsVK, it was decided to divide the ship’s launcher system into circuits (3 volleys - 3 circuits). Such a triple duplication dramatically increased the flexibility and survivability of the system, reduced the time for preparing and entering data, and thus made it possible to fire at various targets simultaneously. Even with damage, failures and errors, one circuit will survive in any case, and the missiles will fly out and find who they need. Of course, there is also a manual input channel for the last resort. In general, there are eight different combat circuits on the boat.

On the fourth deck, near the bow bulkhead, there is a large gas-tight baffle for storage battery No. 2. Both batteries have a capacity of 10,500 ampere / hour at a 3-hour discharge, 15,000 a / h at 100 hours. Nearby is an air conditioner enclosure, a post of battery pits with devices for controlling the gas composition, ventilation mode, etc., provision for dry products, a fresh water tank. To provide the crew with fresh water, there are four desalination plants of the PS-2 type, with a capacity of 620 liters per hour. The total volume of the compartment is 1025 m 3 .

THIRD COMPARTMENT: radio electronic systems. It contains all the main retractable devices. Immediately behind the bow bulkhead is the Z-KR-01 antenna post shaft for receiving target designation from space system"Legend" or from an aircraft observation point. Behind him is an air shaft for the RCP - a device for operating a compressor under

water. Next is the Coral-B radar binding antenna, followed by the Radian radar of the MRCP-59 radar complex, the Anis VHF communication antenna, the Kora-Shtyr long-range communication antenna, the Zona radio intelligence antenna (direction finder) and in aft antenna of space communications "Synthesis" (all means of communication are combined into a single complex "Lightning"). In addition, the MTK-110 television system is connected, which allows certain conditions see underwater at depths of 50-60 meters. Naturally, in the hold there are tanks and hydraulic pumps that raise and lower all these retractable devices. The fluid used in the hydraulic system is completely non-flammable. A small nuance - the rise of retractable devices occurs on command from the CPU, but in a controlled situation they lower automatically, at a depth of 50 meters.

So, the diametral line of all decks of the third compartment resembles a forest: it is occupied by steel trunks of retractable devices. In addition, on the 1st deck on the left side there are radio communication cabins, on the right - a spare command post, which for efficiency has a hatch in the CPU of the second compartment. Next comes the cabin of hydroacoustics and the cabin of radio reconnaissance, at the aft bulkhead on the port side, the cabin of the radiometer operator. On the second deck, from the starboard side, there is a post of the watch compartment, behind it is the commander’s cabin, then a hatch into the 4th compartment, from the left side there is a Coral post with air conditioning, at the aft bulkhead of the third compartment there is a chemical service post and a LOH station. On combat alert, there are 24 people in the compartment.

Down the ladder you can get to the third deck, where communication posts are located on the port side, including a secret one, a latrine and a washbasin are arranged at the aft bulkhead of the compartment, and cabins (commander BCH-5, one cabin of officers and three midshipmen) are located in the free areas. ). On the fourth deck, as already mentioned, there are hydraulic systems, including autonomous ones, with their own tanks and drives, for opening external shields and lids of missile containers. The steering hydraulic system is also autonomous. The hold is occupied by drainage and drainage lines, a cooling system, the main drainage pump TsN-279 is also located there (there are also four drainage pumps of the TsN-294 type and two types of ENA-4). The total volume of the compartment is 956 m 3 .

FOURTH COMPARTMENT: residential, it can be accessed both from the third compartment (on the second deck), and through the entrance hatch, which goes up to the aft part of the wheelhouse (or, more correctly, the fencing of retractable devices). On the first deck, on the port side from bow to stern, there are quartermaster's and cooks' quarters, then a latrine with a washbasin, a medical isolation room, an outpatient clinic, sailors' and midshipmen's cabins. On the starboard side there is a ladder down, a secret part and then five cabins for midshipmen and sailors. According to the staff, there are 43 officers on the boat, 37 midshipmen, 5 foremen and 21 privates, that is, 106 people. Autonomy - 120 days. The maximum time spent under water (with a working nuclear power plant, but only with air regeneration, without ventilation) is 2880 hours.

On the second deck of the fourth compartment, to the right of the entrance hatch, there are ladders up and down, then there is a large and comfortable cabin-company of officers with a pantry and a sink, followed by two blocks of officer cabins along the corridor, at the aft bulkhead there is a post of the watch compartment and the LOH station. Freon-114V-2 (or freon) is the basis of the volumetric fire extinguishing chemical system in cramped compartments. Freons during extinguishing stop combustion, reducing the activity of oxygen, or even completely binding it. Pure freons are inert, do not conduct electricity, have an increased ability to extinguish, but are toxic, especially after combustion. The liquid is in the tank, in the event of a fire and a decision is made to use LOC from the central post, it is supplied with compressed air through pipelines through spray nozzles. In case of timely filing, fire extinguishing is guaranteed. The second system, VPL, extinguishes open fires with an air-foam mixture, but it cannot extinguish the fire of regeneration or two-component torpedo fuel. In total, there are 10 LOH stations and 2 IDPs on the boat.

Along the walls of the strong case are devices and installations for maintaining the microclimate in the missile silos where the Granit missiles are stored.

The third deck of the 4th compartment consists of two compartments: the bow is occupied by officer cabins with a small shower for personnel, a dining room for midshipmen and sailors, as well as a television center with a video recorder, an audio center and a broadcast console for cabins. Through a light vestibule there is a passage to the aft compartment of the compartment - a recreation area. Such zones are available only on two projects - 941 and 949 (on other boats in a truncated version), it was thanks to them that more than 80-day diving became possible. Firstly, there is a gym with exercise equipment, a Swedish wall, a bicycle ergometer, a photorium, opposite the gym - a steam room, a shower and a swimming pool (usually sea water is taken from a depth of at least 250 meters), quite roomy, which “bulges” onto the lower deck . Secondly, there is a large screen with interchangeable slides, which depicts nature and various scenes with sound design, on special shelves - plants that are cultivated in hydroponics, cages with canaries and aquariums, a slot machine, a TV, a breath of breeze can be imitated.

On the fourth deck, it’s not so fun, but there’s also enough of everything: devices for throwing garbage overboard (DOK) pass through the hold through a strong hull, next to the galley, next to it is a two-level refrigerated provision tank, and the rest of the free space is filled with URM carbon dioxide absorption devices, which can be found, although not in such quantities, in other compartments (there are 200-210 such cartridges on the boat, under certain conditions they burn and explode). Air regeneration and purification systems are also duplicated (Sorbent, Jute, Kizil and others), there are seven types of gas control devices with alarm systems, so that an explosion of oxygen or hydrogen is practically excluded. In the hold- various systems, pumps, lines, pipelines. On combat alert, there are 8 people in the compartment. The total volume of the compartment is 1487 m 3 .

FIFTH COMPARTMENT: auxiliary mechanisms. On the first deck there is an AEKS-7.5 high-pressure system compressor and nose ring fans, as well as an exhaust line (gas outlet) of a diesel generator. On the second deck, in the enclosure, there is an ASDG-800/1 diesel generator for 800 kW and switchboards. The total stock of diesel fuel - 43 tons, diesel oil - 4.5 tons. Here, on the starboard side, there is a passage and inter-compartment hatches. On the third deck there is a shore power board (AC 380 V, 50 Hz, 1500 kW, 220 V, 400 Hz, 50 kW and DC 175-320 V). In a special room, with a separate exit to the 4th compartment, there is a power plant control post, with control panels for the Onega and Hurricane power plants. On the fourth deck and in the hold, in addition to drying pumps and compressors, there is an electrolysis plant K-4 for oxygen production. On boats of the first generation, such an installation did not yet exist; regenerative cartridges were used, which, when combined with dirt and especially engine oil, ignited and served as sources of most fires.

An electrolysis plant splits water into oxygen and hydrogen. The second is removed overboard by a special compressor, and the first in a volume of about 250 liters per hour is fed into the compartments. The percentage in the air inside the boat should be 19-21%, and before the fire on the Komsomolets, 23% was allowed, that is, 2% higher than in the earth's atmosphere. At the lower limits, the crew will feel bad, if the content is higher, the risk of fire increases. If oxygen and hydrogen somehow combine in the air, an explosive explosive mixture is formed. Such explosions have happened, although they do not cause catastrophic destruction. According to the combat schedule, there are 11 people in the compartment. The total volume of the compartment is 616 m 3 .

FIFTH-BIS COMPARTMENT: also auxiliary mechanisms, a lot of equipment in them is duplicated. On the upper deck there are switchboards, a backup communication post (without own antennas), on the second deck there is a K-4 electrolysis plant, an ASDG-800/2 diesel generator in the enclosure, compressors, a DG shield, a DC electric welding network rectifier, a JIOX station, URM , in the aft vestibule-lock with shower. Such tambour-locks are designed to exit through them from the compartment with the resulting radioactivity. Here, in this case, the decontamination of personnel is organized, and water is supplied from all sides.

On the third deck there is a reversible converter and a small smoking room. On the fourth - pumps of the ship's general hydraulic system with communications and pipelines, as well as tanks. On combat alert, there are 4 people in the compartment. The total volume of the compartment is 628 m 3 .

SIXTH COMPARTMENT: reactor. It has two corridors - right and left sides, in which there are racks of the CPS system, shut-off fans and air conditioners. The right corridor has inter-compartment hatches from the bow and stern, as well as windows for inspecting hardware enclosures. From both corridors, you can go down the ladders to the pump rooms, which occupy the volume along the entire corridor, between them there are hardware enclosures, above which, in turn, are compressor rooms. The corridors of the right and left sides are connected by a transitional corridor passing across the compartment, under the elevated flooring of which there are fans of the middle ventilation ring. With their help, it is possible to purify the polluted air in the reactor compartment.

There are two tambour-locks (with sealed entrances) for servicing the reactors, in the compressor rooms there are duplicated evacuation pumps, make-up pumps, and steam sampling equipment.

Nuclear reactors of the OK-650M.01 type, on the latest OK-650.02 boats (bow-starboard, stern-port) are not only the most important part of the ship’s equipment, but also one of the most reliable, with a service life of the main equipment up to 50000 hours. The total stock of nuclear fuel is 115 kg, which, with 36% enrichment of uranium-235, is a colossal energy reserve of 1,140,000 MW, the campaign of the reactor cores is 60,000 hours. As is known, for a trouble-free shutdown of the process, it is necessary to dampen the core with neutron absorbers and ensure cooling of the internal cavity of the reactor and fuel elements. Even during the development of reactor protection systems, an indispensable condition was set for the drives of emergency protection and compensating grids (absorbers) to ensure their lowering "self-propelled" at a certain speed, even when the electric motors are de-energized. Self-braking links were excluded from the drives, and the grille was spring-loaded. With such a system, after a power outage, the reactor is automatically shut down even if the ship capsizes.

To prevent further overheating of the reactor in the event of an emergency shutdown of the pumps, it was necessary to provide natural circulation of the primary water, with its gradual cooling, to remove the residual heat from the fuel rods by means of batteryless cooling. Reducing the number of steam generator shells from four to two, as well as the use of straight tube elements instead of coils, in combination with a piping system, solved this problem. The sub-block space can be viewed using a special television system.

In general, no one needs to "jam" anything. According to the combat schedule, there are 5 people in the compartment. The total volume of the compartment is 641 m 3 .

SEVENTH COMPARTMENT: turbine, they enter it through the reactor compartment, fall into a niche, then go up the ladder to the first deck, which is a gas-tight flooring through which you can go down to the turbines through the vestibule-lock. Along the aisle, there is an emergency control panel for the power plant (on the port side near the aft bulkhead), a main switchboard with a main switchboard of a non-switchable load, and a LOX station. For the first time on these boats, static rectifiers were included in the electric power system, which made it possible to stop reversible converters in the main operating modes of the main power plant. At the same time, a standby mode was provided, which ensures the readiness of reversible converters for automatic start-up and load acceptance after a power loss from the main turbogenerators. This "find" helped to extend the life of many devices and, most importantly, to reduce the number of simultaneously noisy mechanisms.

The rest of the volume below the gas-tight flooring (designed for a pressure of 0.1 atm) is occupied by the GTZA "Sapphire" type OK-9DM starboard, with a capacity of 50,000 hp, as well as a steam jet refrigeration machine and an evaporator. In the same compartment there is a power plant with a capacity of 3200 kW from a turbogenerator. Starting from the stern, the unit includes a disengaging clutch, a gearbox, a forward turbine, a reverse turbine, an auxiliary motor clutch and the 475 hp PG-160 electric motor itself. Under diesel generators and a power plant, the boat can go at a speed of 5 knots 500 miles. Under the turbines at full power, surface speed is 15.4 knots (supercritical), underwater speed is 33.5 knots. With the antennas and devices extended, the boat should not develop a course of more than 9 knots, otherwise you can just bend them all. In addition, cavitation can begin at periscope depth around the propellers, so the number of revolutions is limited to 60. At a depth of 100 meters, for the same reasons, no more than 21 knots at 127 revolutions can be developed.

On combat alert, there are 9 people in the compartment. The total volume of the compartment is 1116 m 3 .

EIGHTH COMPARTMENT: turbine, mirror identical to the seventh (on alarm, 7 people serve). Turbines and other critical mechanisms have damping and isolation systems to reduce noise, titanium alloys are widely used to save weight, BPTUs are designed for shock loads corresponding to the parameters of the underwater nuclear explosion. The value of the safe radius for the project 949A with an atomic underwater explosion with a power of 10 kT in terms of the shock wave is 1100 m (for the pressure hull and main devices) and 1300 m (for the main power plant). The destruction radius is taken as 80% of the safe radius.

Propeller shafts with a diameter of 950 mm have a complex system of protection against jamming at great depths (during compression), back-out stern tube bushings, enter the solid hull through the mortars and transfer all their colossal force at full speed to the thrust bearings. Even with a very strong counter impact, it is unlikely that the shafts can move the Mitchel bearings without complete destruction of the bulkhead (and these bulkheads remained relatively intact). The total volume of the compartment is 1072 m 3 .

NINTH COMPARTMENT: auxiliary mechanisms, the smallest in volume (542 m 3), has only two decks. The first is occupied by pumps and hydraulic tanks of the steering system, a high-pressure air compressor, and an IDP stern station. There is also a water softening laboratory on the starboard side. In the forward part of the compartment along the DP there is a ladder for climbing into rescue Luke. In the stern there is a combat post for backup control of rudders from a local post in case of failure of the control system from the Korund CPU. In the volume between the first and second decks, with a slight collapse, two lines of propeller shafts pass, between them there is a VVD compressor of the EKSA-25 type (AEKS-7.5 on top). Available lathe. On the left side there is a latrine and a small shower room, in the hold there is a provision tank and hydraulic cylinders of steering machines for driving vertical rudders (there are only three of them), as well as small tanks. On combat alert, 3 people should be in the compartment. Of the life-saving devices on the boat, there are 6 inflatable rafts (each for 20 people), 120 gas masks and SSP sets, 53 IP-6 insulating gas masks (you can be under water in them) and others, such as RM-2, KZM, shoe covers, gloves and etc. In all compartments, in special sealed tanks, a six-day emergency supply of food is stored.

INTERCASE SPACE. Here, high-pressure air cylinders VVD-400 are mainly located, which allows the boat to float by blowing ballast tanks from a depth of less than 399 meters (deeper air simply cannot squeeze out water), the total air supply is 128 cubic meters. There are 25 ballast tanks in total, the time for an urgent dive from the periscope position is 2 minutes 15 seconds. When designing, the kingstonless system was adopted as a simpler one; the outer scuppers in the submerged position are closed with covers to reduce noise and improve streamlining. For emergency ascent from great depths, a system with powder generators installed in several tanks is used. All external structures have ice reinforcements.

There are 1400 different openings in the robust case, for the exit of water and air lines, input cables, above the reactor compartment there is a loading hatch with a diameter of 1 meter, slightly smaller hatches for reloading batteries.

In the forward part of the light hull, a significant volume is allocated for the hydroacoustic antenna of the Skat-3 SJSC MGK-540. The complex is designed for continuous illumination of the underwater situation and fixation of surface targets and consists of a large number of devices and stations: NOR-1 locator, mine detection station MG-519 "Arfa", station-emergency responder to the request of the search and rescue vessel MGS-30, navigation detector circular NOK-1, MG-512 ("Screw"), MG-518 (echoledometer "North"), MG-543. All these tools allow you to automatically detect, find and track all kinds of targets (up to 30 at the same time) in wide- and narrow-band direction finding modes in the high-frequency, sound and infrasound ranges. There is a towed low-frequency receiving antenna, which is released from the upper tube on the aft stabilizer (installed from the second hull), as well as receivers located on the sides of the light hull. The range of the HAK is up to 220 km. The main mode is passive, but there is the possibility of automated detection, measurement of distance, heading angle and distance to the target in active mode (by echo signal). A degaussing device is laid along the light body.

In a massive felling (fence) 29 meters long, there are, as already mentioned, shafts for retractable devices, a pop-up rescue chamber, as well as two exits; From the 12th corps, the installation of a durable container with Igla anti-aircraft missiles for self-defense against anti-submarine aircraft and other improvements begins. In the Navy, such boats are called 949AM. The light hull and especially the cabin have ice reinforcements to break through the ice hole in case of an ascent.

Behind the wheelhouse there are two pop-up antennas under the covers - "Zalom" (on the first two buildings - "Paravan") for receiving and transmitting radio signals and "Swallow" (on the first "Catfish"), designed to receive ultra-low-frequency signals under water and even under ice at depths up to 120 meters. Closer to the stern - emergency buoy B-600, which is given from the central post. At the same time, the "Paris" system manages to enter into the transmitter the coordinates of the recoil site of the buoy, which, after surfacing in free float, reports these coordinates on the air. Previously, when the diving depths of the boats were small, everything was simpler: the buoy was given on a cable with a cable, the lamp was blinking, the radio beacon worked, there was a telephone in the dry compartment of the buoy through which it was possible to negotiate with the compartments. I had to give up on this - what volume and weight do you need a buoy so that when it floats up, it lifts 600 meters of cable and cable!

In front of the aft stabilizer, above the emergency hatch, there is a landing ring for docking with autonomous vehicles that are available in the Navy PSS.

In the bow there is an anchor device with an AC-17 anchor (setting depth in the surface position up to 60 meters), a towing device (ABU), retractable mooring devices, spiers, bollards, bale strips, views are installed under the deck of the superstructure. There are "Epron" hatches with the letter "E.", under which there are valves connected to the boat medium-pressure air line, which allows blowing ballast tanks at shallow depths or supplying air to the compartments, as well as access to special lifting rods (device SHU- 400), designed for a force of 400 tons. A rigid handrail is stretched along the entire deck, to which they are fastened with special carabiners during deck work at sea.

About the screws, and in principle, about the entire aft end, it should be said specifically: even in the design process, we had to look for optimal contours of the stern, as a result, we chose a forked one. Although, according to calculations, the speed was reduced by 0.3 knots, but the uniformity of the oncoming flow to the propellers was ensured, which reduced noise by 20%. Moreover, by and large, each boat has its own feed. At first, low-noise five-blade propellers with moderate saber-shaped were used, on the 606th order, coaxial four-blade tandem-type propellers were installed, then they experimented with devices that straightened the water flow, as a result, they settled on seven-blade propellers with saber-shaped blades with a diameter of 4.8 m. We searched for a long time for the optimal " low-noise" form of water intakes for cooling devices in the turbine compartments and even shifted them. As a result, the measures taken have achieved a noise reduction of 15 decibels.

An important role in reducing physical fields is played by anti-radio and sonar (including non-resonant) hull coatings of the Fin and Pantsyr types.

The largest volume in the inter-hull space is occupied by mines and launchers SM-225 for Granit missiles. There are 24 of them in total, 12 on one side, according to the state, four missiles should be with nuclear warheads. The mines are located in a row, one by one, at an angle of 40 degrees. The launch is made from a depth of up to 50 meters, at a speed of up to 5 knots. First, external fairing shields are opened (toward the DP), then in the mines where the missiles are assigned for a salvo, the pressure is equalized with water, the covers open and, with an interval of 5 seconds, the "Granites" start from under the water. As you know, the placement of cruise missile installations outside the pressure hull increased the safety of the boat as a whole in each warhead of 900 kg of explosives, and if such an amount of explosives were detonated, there would simply be nothing left of the boat.

Principles of operation and device of a submarine considered together as they are closely related. The defining principle is the principle of scuba diving. Hence, the main requirements for submarines are:

  • withstand water pressure in a submerged position, that is, ensure the strength and water tightness of the hull.
  • provide controlled dive, ascent, and depth change.
  • have an optimal flow around
  • maintain performance (combat capability) throughout the entire range of operation in terms of physical, climatic and autonomy conditions.

Durability and water resistance

Ensuring strength is the most difficult task, and therefore the main attention is paid to it. In the case of a two-hull design, the water pressure (excess 1 kgf / cm² for every 10 m of depth) takes over rugged body, which is optimally shaped to resist pressure. Wrap is provided light body. In a number of cases, with a single-hull design, the pressure hull has a shape that simultaneously satisfies both the conditions of pressure resistance and the conditions of streamlining. For example, the hull of the Drzewiecki submarine, or the British midget submarine, had this shape. X-Craft .

Rugged body (PC)

The most important tactical characteristic of a submarine, the immersion depth, depends on how strong the hull is, what water pressure it can withstand. Depth determines the stealth and invulnerability of the boat, the greater the depth of immersion, the more difficult it is to detect the boat and the more difficult it is to hit it. Most important working depth is the maximum depth at which the boat can remain indefinitely without permanent deformation, and ultimate depth - the maximum depth to which the boat can still sink without destruction, albeit with residual deformations.

Of course, strength must be accompanied by water resistance. Otherwise, the boat, like any ship, simply will not be able to swim.

Before going out to sea or before a trip, during a test dive, the strength and tightness of the durable hull are checked on the submarine. Immediately before diving, air is pumped out of the boat with the help of a compressor (on diesel submarines - the main diesel engine) to create a vacuum. The command "listen in the compartments" is given. At the same time, the cut-off pressure is monitored. If a characteristic whistle is heard and/or the pressure is quickly restored to atmospheric pressure, the rugged housing is leaking. After immersion in the positional position, the command “look around in the compartments” is given, and the body and fittings are visually checked for leaks.

Light body (LC)

The contours of the light hull provide optimal flow around the design course. In a submerged position inside the light body there is water - inside and outside of it the pressure is the same and it does not need to be strong, hence its name. The light hull houses equipment that does not require isolation from outboard pressure: ballast and fuel (on diesel submarines) tanks, GAS antennas, steering gear thrusts.

Hull construction types

  • Single-hull: main ballast tanks (CB) are located inside the pressure hull. Light body only at the extremities. The elements of the set, like a surface ship, are inside a durable case. The advantages of this design: savings in size and weight, respectively, lower power requirements of the main mechanisms, better underwater maneuverability. Disadvantages: the vulnerability of a strong hull, a small margin of buoyancy, the need to make the CGB strong. Historically, the first submarines were single-hulled. Most American submarines are also single-hulled.
  • double-hull(TsGB inside the light case, the light case completely covers the strong one): for double-hull submarines, the set elements are usually located outside the strong case to save space inside. Advantages: increased reserve of buoyancy, more tenacious design. Disadvantages: an increase in size and weight, the complexity of ballast systems, less maneuverability, including when diving and ascent. Most Russian / Soviet boats were built according to this scheme. For them, the standard requirement is to ensure unsinkability in case of flooding of any compartment and the adjacent central hospital.
  • One and a half hull: (CGB inside the light body, the light body partially covers the strong one). Advantages of one and a half hull submarines: good maneuverability, reduced diving time with a sufficiently high survivability. Disadvantages: less buoyancy, the need to fit more systems in a rugged hull. Medium submarines of the times of the Second World War, for example, the German type VII, and the first post-war ones, for example, the Guppy type, USA, were distinguished by this design.


The superstructure forms an additional volume above the CGB and / or the upper deck of the submarine, for use on the surface. It is carried out light, in a submerged position it is filled with water. It can play the role of an additional chamber above the Central City Hospital, insuring the tank from emergency filling. It also has devices that do not require water tightness: mooring, anchor, emergency buoys. At the top of the tanks are ventilation valves(KV), under them - emergency flaps(AZ). Otherwise, they are called the first and second constipation of the CGB.

Strong felling

Mounted on top of a sturdy case. It is made waterproof. It is a gateway for access to the submarine through the main hatch, a rescue chamber, and often a combat post. It has upper And lower manhole. Periscope shafts are usually passed through it. A strong cabin provides additional unsinkability in the surface position - the upper hatch is high above the waterline, the danger of flooding the submarine with a wave is less, damage to the strong cabin does not violate the tightness of the strong hull. When operating under the periscope, cutting allows you to increase it departure- the height of the head above the body, - and thereby increase the periscope depth. Tactically, this is more profitable - an urgent dive from under the periscope is faster.

felling fence

When an urgent dive is required, use quick dive tank(Pulp and paper industry, sometimes called an urgent immersion tank). Its volume is not included in the estimated reserve of buoyancy, that is, having taken ballast into it, the boat becomes heavier than the surrounding water, which helps to “fall through” to the depth. After that, of course, the quick sink tank is immediately purged. It is housed in a rugged case and is durable.

In a combat situation (including in combat service and on a campaign), immediately after surfacing, the boat takes water into the pulp and paper industry, and compensates for its weight, blowing the main ballast is by keeping some overpressure in the CGB. Thus, the boat is in immediate readiness for an urgent dive.

Among the most important special tanks- the following.

Torpedo and missile replacement tanks

In order to maintain the total load after the release of torpedoes or missiles from the TA / mines, and to prevent spontaneous ascent, the water that has entered them (about a ton for each torpedo, tens of tons per missile) is not pumped overboard, but poured into specially designed tanks. This allows not to disturb the work with the Central City Hospital and to limit the volume of the surge tank.

If you try to compensate for the weight of torpedoes and missiles at the expense of the main ballast, it should be variable, that is, an air bubble should remain in the Central City Hospital, and it “walks” (moves) - the worst situation for trimming. At the same time, the submerged submarine practically loses control, in the words of one author, "behaves like a mad horse." To a lesser extent, this is also true for the surge tank. But most importantly, if you compensate for large loads with it, you will have to increase its volume, which means the amount of compressed air needed for blowing. And the supply of compressed air on a boat is the most valuable thing, it is always scarce and difficult to replenish.

Annular clearance tanks

Between the torpedo (rocket) and the wall of the torpedo tube (mine) there is always a gap, especially in the head and tail parts. Before firing, the outer cover of the torpedo tube (mine) must be opened. This can be done only by equalizing the pressure overboard and inside, that is, by filling the TA (mine) with water that communicates with the outboard. But if you let the water in directly from behind the side, the trim will be knocked down - right before the shot.

To avoid this, the water needed to fill the gap is stored in special annular gap tanks (CKZ). They are located near the TA or shafts, and are filled from the surge tank. After that, to equalize the pressure, it is enough to bypass the water from the CDC to the TA and open the outboard valve.

Energy and survivability

Filling and purging tanks, firing torpedoes or missiles, moving and ventilating require energy.

Accordingly, without energy, the boat cannot not only move, but retain the ability to “float and shoot” for any long time. That is, energy and survivability are two sides of the same process.

If with movement it is possible to choose solutions traditional for a ship - to use the energy of burned fuel (if there is enough oxygen for this), or the energy of splitting an atom, then other sources of energy are needed for actions that are characteristic only of a submarine. Even nuclear reactor, which gives an almost unlimited source of it, has the disadvantage that it produces it only at a certain pace, and changes the pace very reluctantly. Trying to get more power out of it is to risk the reaction getting out of control - a kind of nuclear mini-explosion.

So, we need some way to store energy, and quickly release it as needed. And compressed air has been the most the best way. Its only serious drawback is its limited supply. Air storage tanks are heavy, and the greater the pressure in them, the greater the weight. This puts a limit on stocks.

Air system

Compressed air is the second most important source of energy on a boat and, secondarily, provides a supply of oxygen. With its help, many evolutions are made - from diving and surfacing to removing waste from the boat.

For example, it is possible to deal with emergency flooding of compartments by supplying compressed air to them. Torpedoes and missiles are also fired with air - in fact, by blowing through the TA or mines.

The air system is subdivided into a high pressure air system (HPA) with a pressure of 200-400 kg / cm 2 (depending on the type of submarine), medium pressure air (HPA) with a pressure of 6-30 kg / cm 2 and low pressure air (HPA).

The VVD system is among them the main one. It is more profitable to store compressed air at high pressure - it takes up less space and accumulates more energy. Therefore, it is stored in high-pressure cylinders, and released into other subsystems through pressure reducers.

Replenishment of VVD stocks is a long and energy-intensive operation. And of course, it requires access to atmospheric air. Considering that modern boats spend most of their time under water, and they also try not to linger at periscope depth, there are not so many opportunities for replenishment. Compressed air has to be literally rationed, and usually the senior mechanic (commander of the BS-5) personally monitors this. Excess carbon dioxide released during breathing is removed from the air in chemical air regeneration units (scrubbers) included in the ventilation and air recirculation system.

Nuclear submarines use autonomous oxygen generation plants for breathing, using electrolysis of outboard sea water. This system allows nuclear submarines for a long time (weeks) not to surface to replenish their air supply.

Some modern non-nuclear submarines in Sweden and Japan use an air-independent Stirling engine running on liquid oxygen, which is later used for breathing. Submarines equipped with this system can be continuously underwater for up to 20 days.


Movement, or the course of a submarine, is the main consumer of energy. Depending on how the surface and underwater movement is provided, all submarines can be divided into two large types: with a separate or with a single engine.

separate is called an engine that is used only for surface or only for underwater travel. United, respectively, is called an engine that is suitable for both modes.

Historically, the first engine of the submarine was a man. With his muscular strength, he set the boat in motion both on the surface and under water, that is, he was a single engine.

The search for more powerful and long-range engines was directly related to the development of technology in general. He went through the steam engine and various types of internal combustion engines to diesel. But they all have a common drawback - dependence on atmospheric air. Inevitably arises separateness, that is, the need for a second engine for underwater travel. An additional requirement for submarine engines is a low noise level. The quietness of the submarine in the sneaking mode is necessary to keep it invisible from the enemy when performing combat missions in close proximity to him.

Traditionally powered scuba the course was and remains an electric motor powered by a battery. It is air-independent, safe enough and acceptable in terms of weight and dimensions. However, there is a serious drawback here - the small capacity of the battery. Therefore, the supply of continuous underwater travel is limited. Moreover, it depends on the mode of use. A typical diesel-electric submarine needs to recharge the battery after every 300-350 miles of economic travel or every 20-30 miles of full speed. In other words, the boat can go without recharging for 3 or more days at a speed of 2-4 knots, or an hour and a half at a speed of more than 20 knots. Since the weight and volume of a diesel submarine is limited, the diesel and electric motors play several roles. A diesel can be an engine or a reciprocating compressor if it is driven by an electric motor. That, in turn, can be an electric generator when it is rotated by a diesel engine, or an engine when it works on a propeller.

The main problem of storage and transmission of electricity is the resistance of the EPS elements. Unlike ground-based units, resistance under conditions of high humidity and saturation with submarine equipment is a highly variable value. One of the constant tasks of the electrician team is to control the insulation and restore its resistance to the nominal value.

The second major problem is the condition of the batteries. As a result of a chemical reaction, heat is generated in them and hydrogen is released. If free hydrogen accumulates in a certain concentration (about 4%), it forms an explosive mixture with atmospheric oxygen, capable of exploding no worse than a depth bomb. An overheated battery in a cramped hold causes a very typical emergency for boats - a fire in the battery pit.

When sea water enters the battery, chlorine is released, which forms extremely toxic and explosive compounds. A mixture of hydrogen and chlorine explodes even from light. Considering that the probability of sea water entering the boat premises is always high, constant monitoring of the chlorine content and ventilation of the battery pits is required.

In a submerged position, for hydrogen binding, devices for flameless (catalytic) hydrogen afterburning - CFC, installed in the compartments of a submarine and a hydrogen afterburner built into the battery ventilation system, are used. Complete removal of hydrogen is possible only by venting the battery. Therefore, on a running boat, even in the base, a watch is kept in the central post and in the post of energy and survivability (PEZH). One of its tasks is to control the hydrogen content and vent the battery.

Fuel system

Diesel-electric, and to a lesser extent, nuclear submarines use diesel fuel - solarium. The volume of stored fuel can be up to 30% of displacement. Moreover, this is a variable margin, which means it represents a serious task when calculating the trim.

The solarium is quite easily separated from sea water by settling, while it practically does not mix, therefore, such a scheme is used. Fuel tanks are located at the bottom of the light hull. As fuel is consumed, it is replaced by sea water. Since the difference in densities of solarium and water is approximately 0.8 to 1.0, the order of consumption is observed, for example: the port side bow tank, then the right side stern tank, then the starboard bow tank, and so on, so that changes in trim are minimal.

On some 5th generation non-nuclear submarines, an air-independent Stirling engine running on liquid oxygen is installed as a drive, which is later used for breathing. The system allows you to achieve high stealth, the boat may not rise to the surface for up to 20 days.

Drainage system

As the name implies, it is designed to remove water from the submarine. It consists of pumps (pumps), pipelines and fittings. It has sump pumps for quick pumping of large amounts of water, and drainage pumps for its complete removal.

It is based on centrifugal pumps with high performance. Since their supply depends on the backpressure, and therefore falls with depth, there are also pumps, the supply of which does not depend on the backpressure - piston pumps. For example, on the submarine project 633, the productivity of drainage facilities on the surface is 250 m³/h, at a working depth of 60 m³/h.

fire fighting system

The submarine fire system consists of four types of subsystems. In fact, the boat has four independent extinguishing systems:

  1. Volumetric chemical fire extinguishing system (SHP);
  2. Air-foam fire extinguishing system (VPL);
  3. Water fire extinguishing system;
  4. Fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment (asbestos cloth, tarpaulin, etc.).

At the same time, unlike stationary, ground-based systems, water extinguishing is not the main one. On the contrary, the damage control manual (RBZH PL) aims to use primarily volumetric and air-foam systems. The reason for this is the high saturation of the submarine with equipment, which means a high probability of damage from water, short circuits, and the release of harmful gases.

In addition, there are fire prevention systems:

  • irrigation system for mines (containers) of missile weapons - on missile submarines;
  • irrigation system for ammunition stored on racks in submarine compartments;
  • irrigation system of inter-compartment bulkheads;

Volumetric chemical fire extinguishing system (VOX)

Boat volumetric chemical (LOH) system is designed to extinguish fires in submarine compartments (except for fires of gunpowder, explosives and two-component propellant). Interrupt based. chain reaction combustion with the participation of atmospheric oxygen with a freon-based extinguishing agent. Its main advantage is versatility. However, the supply of freon is limited, and therefore the use of LOH is recommended only in certain cases.

Air-foam fire extinguishing system (VPL)

Air-foam boat (VPL) system is designed to extinguish small local fires in compartments:

  • electrical equipment under voltage;
  • fuel, oil or other flammable liquids accumulated in the hold;
  • materials in the battery pit;
  • rags, wooden sheathing, heat-insulating materials.

Water fire extinguishing system

The system is designed to extinguish a fire in the superstructure of the submarine and the cabin fence, as well as fires of fuel spilled on the water near the submarine. In other words, it is not intended for extinguishing inside a strong submarine hull.

Fire extinguishers and fire equipment

Designed to extinguish fires of rags, wooden sheathing, electrical and heat-insulating materials and to ensure the actions of personnel when extinguishing a fire. In other words, they play a supporting role in cases where the use of centralized fire extinguishing systems is difficult or impossible.

I had a torpedo sergeant major on the Malyutka, weighing more than 120 kg. Once, when there was not enough water in the trim tanks, I trimmed, commanding: "Comrade midshipman, please go to the first compartment and sit there."

  • Ship charter of the Navy. Chapter 1. Fundamentals organization ship. Art. 22, 28-32. Combat schedules, combat instructions
  • Infantiev V. N. In places to stand, to dive! Scientific and artistic book. - L., 1977.
  • This is exactly how things were on the very first submarines, which turned out to be fatal for many of them - at the slightest uneven filling of the CGB when immersed, the submarines lost their longitudinal stability and fell to the depth with their bow or stern forward; the same thing happened on the move in a submerged position due to the free flow of water in the partially filled CGB, which forced the horizontal and rudders to constantly operate, as a result of which the boat moved along a kind of “sinusoid”. Only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the American designer of Irish origin, Holland, used U-shaped CGBs located on the sides of the solid body, which, when immersed in a positional position, are filled with water to the top, without a residual “bubble” of air, which deprived the water in them of the ability to overflow freely and thereby break the trim. This, to a decisive extent, made it possible to solve problems with the longitudinal alignment of submarines and the ability to maintain a given depth, thereby moving from individual experiments to the construction of real combat submarines.

  • In continuation of publications about submarines that were previously in service with the Navy of the USSR and Russia, and converted into museums, we bring to your attention short review modern Russian submarines. In the first part, non-nuclear (diesel-electric) submarines will be considered.

    Currently in service Navy Russia has diesel-electric submarines of three main projects: 877 Halibut, 677 Lada and 636 Varshavyanka.

    All modern Russian diesel-electric submarines are built according to the scheme with full electric propulsion: the main engine is an electric motor powered by batteries, which are recharged on the surface or at periscope depth (when air enters through the RDP mine) from a diesel generator. A diesel generator compares favorably with diesel engines in smaller dimensions, which is achieved by increasing the shaft rotation speed and no need for reverse.

    Project 877 "Halibut"

    Project 877 submarines (code "Halibut", according to NATO classification - Kilo) - a series of Soviet and Russian submarines 1982-2000. The project was developed in the Central Design Bureau "Rubin", the general designer of the project Yu.N. Kormilitsin. The lead ship was built in 1979-1982. at the factory. Lenin Komsomol in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Subsequently, Project 877 ships were built at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard in Nizhny Novgorod and the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg.

    For the first time in the USSR, the hull of the boat was made in an "airship" form with an optimal length-to-width ratio in terms of streamlining (slightly more than 7:1). The chosen form allowed to increase the speed of the underwater course and reduce noise, due to the deterioration of seaworthiness in the surface position. The boat has a two-hull design traditional for the Soviet school of submarine shipbuilding. The light hull limits the developed bow end, in the upper part of which there are torpedo tubes, and the lower part is occupied by the developed main antenna of the Rubikon-M sonar system.

    The boats of the project received an automated weapon system. The armament included 6 533 mm torpedo tubes, up to 18 torpedoes or 24 mines. IN Soviet time the ships were equipped with the Strela-3 defensive air defense system, which could be used on the surface.

    Submarine B-227 "Vyborg" project 877 "Halibut"

    Submarine B-471 "Magnitogorsk" project 877 "Halibut"

    Longitudinal section of the submarine project 877 "Halibut":

    1 - main antenna SJSC "Rubicon-M"; 2 - 533 mm TA; 3 - first (bow or torpedo) compartment; 4 - anchor spire; 5 - bow hatch; 6 - spare torpedoes with a quick loader; 7 - bow horizontal rudder with a tilting mechanism and drives; 8 - living quarters; 9 - bow group AB; 10 - gyrocompass repeater; 11 - navigation bridge; 12 - attack periscope PK-8.5; 13 - anti-aircraft and navigation periscope PZNG-8M; 14 - PMU device RDP; 15 - strong felling; 16 - PMU antenna RLC "Cascade"; 17 - PMU antenna of the radio direction finder "Frame"; 18 - PMU antenna SORS MRP-25; 19 - container (fender) for storing air defense missile systems "Strela-ZM" MANPADS; 20 - second compartment; 21 - central post; 22 - third (residential) compartment; 23 - feed group AB; 24 - fourth (diesel generator) compartment; 25 - DG; 26 - cylinders of the VVD system; 27 - fifth (electromotive) compartment; 28 - GGED; 29 - emergency buoy; 30 - sixth (aft) compartment; 31 - aft hatch; 32 - GED economic progress; 33 - stern rudder drives; 34 - shaft line; 34 - aft vertical stabilizer.

    Tactical and technical data of the project 877 "Halibut":

    Project 677 "Lada" ("Cupid")

    Project 677 submarines (code "Lada") - a series of Russian diesel-electric submarines developed at the end of the 20th century at the Rubin Central Design Bureau, the general designer of the project Yu.N. Kormilitsin. The boats are intended for the destruction of enemy submarines, surface ships and vessels, the protection of naval bases, the sea coast and sea communications, and reconnaissance. The series is a development of the project 877 "Halibut". The low noise level was achieved due to the choice of a single-hull structural type, a reduction in the dimensions of the ship, the use of an all-mode main propulsion motor with permanent magnets, the installation of vibration-active equipment and the introduction of a new generation of anti-sonar coating technology. Project 677 submarines are being built at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg.

    The Project 677 submarine is made according to the so-called one and a half hull scheme. The axisymmetric strong case is made of AB-2 steel and has the same diameter almost along the entire length. The bow and stern ends are spherical. The hull is divided along the length into five watertight compartments by flat bulkheads, by means of platforms the hull is divided by height into three tiers. The light hull is given a streamlined shape, providing high hydrodynamic characteristics. The fencing of retractable devices has the same shape as that of boats of projects 877, at the same time, the stern plumage is cross-shaped, and the front horizontal rudders are placed on the fence, where they create minimal interference with the operation of the hydroacoustic complex.

    Compared to the Varshavyanka, the surface displacement has been reduced by almost 1.3 times - from 2,300 to 1,765 tons. Full submerged speed increased from 19-20 to 21 knots. The crew size was reduced from 52 to 35 submariners, while the autonomy remained unchanged - up to 45 days. Boats of the "Lada" type are distinguished by a very low noise level, a high level of automation and a relatively low price compared to foreign analogues: the German type 212, and the Franco-Spanish project "Scorpene", while possessing more powerful weapons.

    Submarine B-585 "St. Petersburg" project 677 "Lada"

    Longitudinal section of the submarine project 677 "Lada":

    1 - baffle of the main antenna of the SJC; 2 - nasal CGB; 3 - 533 mm TA; 4 - torpedo loading hatch; 5 - anchor; 6 - bow (torpedo) compartment; 7 - spare torpedoes with a quick loader; 8 - partition of auxiliary mechanisms; 9 - nasal AB; 10 - navigation bridge; 11 - strong felling; 12 - second (central post) compartment; 13 - central post; 14 - main command post; 15 - modular enclosure REV; 16 enclosure for auxiliary equipment and general ship systems (bilge pumps, pumps for the general ship hydraulic system, converters and air conditioners); 17 - third (residential and battery) compartment; 18 - wardroom and galley block; 19 - living quarters and a medical unit; 20 - stern AB; 21 - fourth (diesel generator) compartment; 22 - DG; 23 - partition of auxiliary mechanisms; 24 - fifth (electromotive) compartment; 25 - HED; 26 - fuel tank; 27 - stern rudder drives; 28 - shaft line; 29 - feed CGB; 30 - stern vertical stabilizers; 31 GPBA exit channel fairing.

    Tactical and technical data of the project 677 "Lada":

    * Amur-950" - export modification of project 677 "Lada" is equipped with four torpedo tubes and UVP for ten missiles, capable of firing a salvo of ten missiles in two minutes. Immersion depth - 250 meters. Crew - from 18 to 21 people. Autonomy - 30 days .

    Due to shortcomings power plant the planned serial construction of boats of this project in its original form was canceled, the project will be finalized.

    Project 636 "Varshavyanka"

    Submarines of project 636 (code "Varshavyanka", according to NATO classification - Improved Kilo) multi-purpose diesel-electric submarines - an improved version of the export submarine of project 877EKM. The project was also developed in the Central Design Bureau "Rubin", under the leadership of Yu.N. Kormilitsin.

    Submarines of the "Varshavyanka" type, which combines projects 877 and 636 and their modifications, are the main class of non-nuclear submarines produced in Russia. They are in service with both the Russian and a number of foreign fleets. The project, developed in the late 1970s, is considered very successful, so the construction of the series, with a number of improvements, continues into the 2010s.

    Submarine B-262 "Stary Oskol" project 636 "Varshavyanka"

    Tactical and technical data of the project 636 "Varshavyanka":

    To be continued.
