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The government has come up with a way to distinguish Russian goods from imported ones. Practical advice - what should I pay attention to? Business awaits clarification

, Roskomnadzor , Ministry for the North Caucasus .

Among those who previously published their plans are the Federal Treasury, the Federal Property Management Agency, the Federal Bailiff Service, Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Agency for State Reserves, Rostrud and others.

According to the form of the schedule and recommended indicators recommended by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, already in 2017 the share of domestic fixed assets in the central offices of state bodies should be at least 30% and at least 20% - in their territorial bodies, and in 2018 - at least 50% and 40 % respectively.

For a basic set of applications for working with text, tables, presentations, etc. similar indicators for 2017 are set for operating systems - at least 50% and 20%, for 2018 - at least 80% and 50%, respectively.

A source close to one of the departments calls the published plans-schedules, rather, "an answer for the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications" and believes that they often have little to do with real plans.

Russian software developers, however, are seeing a real rise in demand for their products. Aleksey Smirnov, CEO of Basalt SPO OS developer, in a conversation with TAdviser noted that the situation with the transition to domestic operating systems has noticeably changed since the second half of 2017: if earlier government customers often tried to find various reasons not to use domestic products, now they are meaningfully looking for where it is possible to replace imported operating systems without losses.

There are a lot of tests, demonstrations of the OS on the stand, he says. This trend was reflected in the real sales of "Basalt SPO", says Smirnov.

As examples of projects, the CEO of Basalt SPO cited the use of the FTS OS for the FGIS "Resstr ZAGS" - on servers in the data center and workplaces in registry offices, on servers of the new generation passport system, in the State Duma. The Moscow region acquires a large amount of fixed assets, there are projects in Tyumen and other regions.

Aleksey Smirnov noted that there had been deliveries before, but now they have become systematic. This, according to Smirnov, is facilitated by changes in the law on the ban on the admission of imported software, which since January began to apply not only to the purchase of licenses, but also to the rental of software, cloud subscriptions, the purchase of equipment with pre-installed software, etc. Favors a more active transition and the fact that whole complexes of application programs for OS based on Linux are already being formed to solve various problems.

The CEO of "Basalt SPO" believes that the more active transition of government agencies to domestic operating systems based on Linux is hindered by the features of state information systems. Many of them were originally developed for users with Windows OS and Internet Explorer browser, and, it turns out, by replacing the OS and office software with domestic ones, officials cannot fully work with such state information resources. Such a problem, for example, existed with the public procurement system.

Medvedev approved the requirements for Russian office software

In March 2017, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a law that establishes additional requirements for domestic office software included in the Russian software register. Office software, in particular, includes: operating system, communication software, office suite, mail applications, organizer, viewers, Internet browser, presentation editor, spreadsheet editor, text editor, file managers, legal reference system, electronic document management systems and anti-virus protection.

Requirements are established for the composition, functional characteristics and maintenance software. The draft resolution specifies the requirements for office software as a whole and for its individual components, as well as for input/output data formats.

Among general requirements to office software:

  • Russian-language interface;
  • the ability to authenticate and identify users in the ESIA (if the program has an identification function);
  • no requirement to install additional software (additional software modules, fonts) that has restrictions on its free distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of operating systems;
  • for a user's web access to office software, it should be possible to use Internet browsers of at least 3 different copyright holders, while information about one of which is included in the register of Russian software.

On the user's workstation, office programs must be able to work under at least 2 different operating systems included in the register of Russian software, and Microsoft Windows OS (version 7 and higher). For server hardware - running at least 2 operating systems, information about which is included in the registry, and Microsoft Windows Server OS (version 2008 and higher).

From the requirements for the office suite in part text editor, spreadsheet editor and presentation editor - the possibility of joint work on an electronic document by a group of users, including recording changes in an electronic document in real time.

Electronic document viewers must support bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, OOXML, docx, doc, pptx, rtf, txt, pdf, xls, xlsx, odt, ods, odp, avi, mpeg, mp3 formats . To create new electronic text documents, presentations, tables, office software must support, among other things, the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010), Office Open XML (OOXML, PPTX) and PDF.

Within 3 months from the date of issuance of the resolution, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications must approve the procedure and methodology for confirming the compliance of software with the established requirements, and within 6 months - provide confirmation that the office software already included in the register complies with them.

In addition to the requirements for office software, the registry entry is supplemented with information about the compliance or non-compliance of the software included in the specified registry with the established additional requirements that determine the composition, architecture, and functions of domestic office software required to replace imported analogues.


The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications tried to develop requirements for Russian office software. It turned out weak

The requirements for the composition of the software say that it should include an editor for text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, software Email, mail applications, communication software, file manager, organizers, viewers and operating systems.

Among the general requirements for office software - it must ensure joint work on an electronic document by a group of users with the ability to record changes in real time, the document says.

If a user accesses office software using Internet browser tools, it must provide the ability to use Internet browsers of at least three different copyright holders.

Office software must support work with DBMS included in the register of Russian software.

The requirements for operating systems indicate that for an automated workplace, office software must support work on at least two different operating systems of the Linux family and Microsoft Windows operating systems (version 7 and higher). Server hardware requires support for at least two Linux family operating systems, and for subscriber devices, support for Android OS, Apple iOS and Tizen OS.

Communication software must provide for the creation, viewing, editing, copying, printing of information and transmission using communication channels and local computer networks of electronic documents, electronic messages, including text messages, images, sound and video files. It has requirements to support message delivery, the ability to turn off message notifications, search by messages, etc.

A large list of requirements is contained in mail applications. It spells out the features of the interaction between the server and client software and functionality. Among the requirements are also the implementation of means for anti-virus scanning of electronic messages and electronic documents and mechanisms for encrypting information and electronic signatures.

The requirements for viewers indicate that they must provide the ability to view electronic documents, including those saved in bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, OOXML, docx, doc, rtf, txt, pdf, xls, xlsx, odf, avi, mpeg. The presentation editor must support the Open Document Format and the electronic Microsoft presentations(pptx), and the creation of new spreadsheet electronic documents should be possible, including in the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010), Office Open XML (OOXML, XLSX).

It is worth noting that in the document the authors confuse formats as such and file format extensions: they oppose OOXML and xlsx, although the former includes the latter. The document mentions ISO standard 29500 as a project, although it was approved back in 2008.

The Association "Domestic Software" reported to TAdviser that the organization does not yet have a position on this document. It was sent to the members of the ARPP and they are collecting responses, on the basis of which the association will later form its position.

Advisor CEO Alexey Smirnov, the free software developer of Basalt SPO, told TAdviser that he had sent his comments on the preliminary version of the document. Some of them were taken into account in whole or in part. For example, the wording of the requirements for the formats of supported documents has been corrected, but this list still needs to be worked on, it is clearly raw and duplicated many times in the document, the expert believes.

Among those not taken into account is a comment on the requirement for the possibility of co-editing electronic document in real time. Alexey Smirnov is not sure that this requirement will meet the security requirements and is sure that it is definitely not applicable to all software at once, as it is set in the current version of the document.

Also, the expert is perplexed by the requirement for newly purchased office software to be sure to work under Windows: “Now the justification for buying Windows is only compatibility with application software, but compatibility of application software with Linux is already included in the requirements,” Smirnov argues. In addition, the “two versions of Linux” supported by the project are, for example, RedHat and SuSE, so there must be compatibility with the OS from the registry, he is sure. Smirnov proposes in this paragraph to confine ourselves to the requirement of compatibility with any OS from the register of domestic software.

From the OS requirements for workstations, it follows that Windows 7 is required to allow it to run all programs built to run under Windows 10, points to another flaw in Smirnov's document. He believes that this is unlikely to be feasible.

Among other remarks of Alexey Smirnov - why many software classes important for office work, for example, videoconferencing and ERP, "dropped out". The objection that they are server-based, he considers irrelevant, since mail and instant messenger are also not limited to client software.

Alexey Smirnov also raised the question of how these requirements are to be applied: by whom and when will their implementation be verified for specific programs? In addition, some points of the document, in his opinion, can be understood as additional requirements for all programs of the corresponding classes when they are entered into the register. However, the register is used not only by the feds, and the question arises, what should the regions, municipalities and state corporations do then.

The legal status of the document is also unclear, the adviser to the general director of Basalt SPO points out in his comments. It actually contains an additional restriction on public procurement. This means that it must be tied to 44-FZ, otherwise the state customer will have problems with the law, he believes.

Earlier, in July 2016, a government decree was issued, according to which by the end of 2018 federal government agencies must switch to Russian office software. The development of requirements for its composition and functional characteristics was entrusted to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, and the deadline was set for October 2016.

At the end of September 2016, a meeting of the working group of the Council for Regional Informatization, the working body of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, was held, at which the participants discussed the functional requirements for domestic office software for government agencies. By this time, the department sent to the federal authorities executive power inquiry about the software used and the requirements for it. Industry representatives also sent their proposals to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on functional requirements for office software. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications noted that the draft government decree on additional requirements for office software was developed taking into account the analysis of the information received from government agencies and industry representatives.

Preparations have begun for cleaning up imported office software and operating systems in government agencies

On August 29, 2016 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications sent the letter (the copy is at the disposal of TAdviser) to federal state bodies and off-budget funds with the request to provide data on use of office software in their activity.

An analysis of this information should be carried out as part of the implementation of the plan for the transition of federal government agencies and extra-budgetary funds to the use of domestic office software in 2016-2018.

This letter was sent by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to state bodies instead of a similar document, which earlier, at the end of July, was sent out by Deputy Minister of Communications Alexei Sokolov. The new letter expanded the list of classes of foreign office software, about which government agencies are required to provide information: now it also includes operating systems, anti-virus software and information security software, reference and legal systems.

The full list of used office software, about which you need to provide information, now looks like this:

  • Presentation Editors
  • Table editors
  • Text editors
  • Diagram editors, flowcharts
  • Reference legal systems
  • Communicators / messengers (including mobile)
  • Email server and client software
  • Organizers/Planners
  • Document viewers
  • Media editors
  • Antivirus and security software information security

In an earlier version of the letter, the list included:

  • File managers
  • Communication software
  • Office packages
  • Mail Applications
  • Organizers
  • Document viewers
  • Browsers
  • Media editors
  • Presentation Editors
  • Table editors
  • Text editors

As before, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is also interested in the 20 most frequently launched foreign products for the period from the beginning of 2011 to the end of 2015.

Separately, the department asks to list the requirements for office software from departmental automated information systems. Apparently, this has replaced the question of “whether there is a “hard” binding to the use of certain office applications” by departmental information systems, which was contained in the July letter to government agencies.

Officials are asked to provide information on the use of software not only in their central offices, but also in territorial divisions, subordinate agencies, federal state unitary enterprises, etc. It is also required to provide information about the actual and forecast costs for these products in federal government agencies and their subordinate institutions.

Additionally, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications asks federal government agencies and extra-budgetary funds to inform about their readiness to participate in the implementation of a pilot project for the transition to the use of domestic office software, which is planned to be carried out in 2016-2017.

Information must be sent to the Ministry of Communications before October 1, 2016. Based on the analysis, the need for office software for the period 2016-2018 should be determined.

Approval of the plan for the transition of government agencies to Russian office software

On July 26, 2016 the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev approved the plan of transition of federal state bodies and the state off-budget funds to use of the domestic office software in 2017-2018. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications together with interested government agencies will ensure its implementation.

According to the relevant government decree, until October 1, 2016, government agencies must provide the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications with information on the use of office software, and by March 1, 2017 - approve the schedules for the transition to the use of domestic office software in 2017-2018.

The transition must be carried out using software included in the unified register of domestic software.

From January to May 2017, in accordance with the plan, a pilot project should be implemented to transfer to domestic office software, including that provided under the cloud model, at least two federal executive authorities, at least three territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service and one subordinate her state institution, as well as at least one state non-budgetary fund.

After that, from May 2017 to December 2018, government agencies and non-budgetary funds must switch to domestic office software.

The plan also includes the development of proposals by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for the implementation of mechanisms providing for the transfer of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2020, bodies local government, state companies and joint-stock companies with state participation, state treasury and budget institutions, to use domestic office software.

Full text of the order

1. Approve the attached plan for the transition in 2016-2018 of federal executive bodies and state off-budget funds to the use of domestic office software.

2. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, together with the interested federal executive authorities and state extra-budgetary funds, ensure the implementation of the plan specified in clause 1 of this order.

3. Federal executive authorities, state off-budget funds:

  • before October 1, 2016, submit to the Ministry of Communications of Russia information on the use of office software in the manner and to the extent determined by the Ministry of Communications of Russia;
  • before March 1, 2017, to approve the plans-schedules for the transition in 2017-2018 to the use of domestic office software;
  • ensure the transition to the use of domestic office software in accordance with the approved schedules.

4. Federal executive authorities and state non-budgetary funds to carry out the transition to the use of domestic office software:

  • using the software included in single register Russian programs for electronic computers and databases;
  • in the case of providing domestic office software using "cloud" technology - using an infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form.

5. Recommend to the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, state corporations and companies, joint-stock companies with state participation provide for the implementation of measures for the transition to the use of domestic office software.

Full text of the plan

Event Type of document confirming the execution of the event Responsible executor Implementation period Expected results
1 Conducting an analysis of domestic software included in the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, as well as the use of office software in the activities of federal executive authorities and state non-budgetary funds, including their territorial divisions, as well as in the activities of federal executive authorities federal government authorities unitary enterprises, state treasury and budgetary institutions, including taking into account the requirements for office software from departmental automated information systemsMinistry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, federal executive bodies, state off-budget fundsOctober 2016analysis of domestic software included in the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, as well as the use of office software, including taking into account the requirements of departmental automated information systems. The need for office software for the period 2016-2018 has been determined
2 Development of requirements for the composition and functional characteristics of office software, including those provided by "cloud" technology, for use by federal executive authorities and state non-budgetary fundsMinistry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, interested federal executive authorities, state off-budget fundsOctober 2016approved the requirements for the composition and functional characteristics of office software
3 Preparation of a financial and economic justification for the transition of federal executive bodies and state off-budget funds to the use of domestic office software for 2016-2018report to the Government of the Russian FederationMinistry of Communications of RussiaNovember 2016prepared a financial and economic justification for the transition to domestic office software
4 Development of rules for the provision of office software, including the "cloud" technologyact of the Government of the Russian FederationDecember 2016rules for the provision of office software, including those provided by "cloud" technology, have been defined
5 Preparation of proposals for the organization and implementation of a pilot project in 2016-2017 on the transition of federal executive authorities and state non-budgetary funds to the use of domestic office softwarereport to the Government of the Russian FederationMinistry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, interested federal executive authorities, interested state non-budgetary fundsOctober 2016the procedure and terms for the implementation of the pilot project were determined; federal executive bodies and state non-budgetary funds participating in the implementation of the pilot project have been identified
6 Determination of the procedure and methodology for confirming the compliance of domestic office software with the established requirements for the functional characteristics of office softwareMinistry of Communications of RussiaNovember 2016approved the procedure and methodology for confirming the compliance of domestic office software with the established requirements for the functional characteristics of office software
7 Creation of a software and hardware stand in order to confirm the compliance of domestic office software with the established requirements for the functional characteristics of office softwarereport to the Government of the Russian FederationMinistry of Communications of RussiaDecember 2016a stand was created to confirm the compliance of domestic office software with the established requirements for the functional characteristics of office software
8 Development of guidelines for the transition of federal executive bodies and state extra-budgetary funds to the use of domestic office software, including previously purchased office softwaredepartmental normative legal actMinistry of Communications of RussiaDecember 2016approved guidelines
9 Preparation of an infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form, and systems of federal and regional centers data processing, to provide federal executive authorities and state extra-budgetary funds with domestic office software, including using cloud technologyreport to the Government of the Russian FederationMinistry of Communications of RussiaDecember 2016the necessary infrastructure has been prepared; the technology of providing domestic office software using "cloud" technology has been worked out
10 Implementation of a pilot project for the transfer of at least 2 federal executive bodies, at least 3 territorial bodies of the Federal tax service and one state institution subordinate to it, and at least one state extra-budgetary fund for the use of domestic office software, including those provided using "cloud" technology, taking into account the requirements for office software from departmental automated information systemsreport to the Government of the Russian FederationThe Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, interested federal executive authorities and the state non-budgetary fundJanuary - May 2017implemented a pilot project on the use of domestic office software, including those provided by "cloud" technology
11 Development of proposals for the implementation of mechanisms providing for the transition by the end of 2020 of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state corporations and companies, state state and budgetary institutions, joint-stock companies with state participation to the use of domestic office softwarereport to the Government of the Russian FederationMinistry of Communications of RussiaMay 2017proposals were developed for the implementation of mechanisms providing for the transition by the end of 2020 of these authorities and organizations to the use of domestic office software; the stages of the transition and the list of regulatory legal acts, the adoption of which is necessary for the transition of these authorities and organizations to the use of domestic office software, are determined
12 Transition of federal executive authorities and state off-budget funds to the use of domestic office softwarereport to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russiafederal executive authorities, state off-budget fundsMay 2017 - December 2018implemented a mechanism for the transition of federal executive bodies and state non-budgetary funds to the use of domestic office software
13 Development of regulatory legal acts and guidelines that form the legal and methodological basis for the transition by the end of 2020 of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state corporations and companies, state public and budgetary institutions, joint-stock companies with state participation to the use of domestic office software ensurenormative legal acts, guidelinesMinistry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, interested federal executive authoritiesAugust 2017adopted regulatory legal acts and approved methodological recommendations
14 Preparation of an annual report on the progress of the transition of federal executive bodies and state non-budgetary funds to the use of domestic office softwarereport to the Government of the Russian FederationMinistry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, federal executive authorities, state off-budget fundsannually, until December 30 of the current yearmonitoring and control of the transition to the use of domestic office software is provided
15 Conducting methodological seminars on the transition to the use of domestic software
07 November 2014 20:01

A series of articles dedicated to the largest Russian companies has been completed. The main reason for writing this cycle was the desire to analyze and describe the largest representatives Russian economy and business, as well as try to assess the structure and development prospects of each large domestic company separately. I hope that the articles written by me will be able to help site visitors in analyzing and evaluating representatives Russian business. In this publication, to simplify the search for a company of interest, they will be sorted by industry structure.

Stock oil companies have always been of interest to investors. is the main item of Russian exports, accounting for about a third of all exports to monetary terms, and together with oil products, this share is almost 50%. In addition, prices for the third main component of exports significantly depend on the level of prices for oil and oil products. The largest representatives oil and gas industry Russia are such companies as:

  • leading Russian companies
  • extraction and transportation of oil and gas
  • credit and financial companies
  • telecommunications companies
  • companies in the engineering industry
  • energy industry companies
  • industry chemical industry
  • company consumer

Best of the month needs 25 votes

Best of all time need 50+ votes

The priority of Russian digital products over foreign ones for government agencies enshrined in law No. 188-FZ, adopted last year. Since January 1, 2016, a register of domestic software has been launched in Russia, with the help of which the choice of the services necessary for the authorities takes place. Currently, the list contains 1962 products according to such classifications as databases, operating systems, office applications, server software and others.

In the event that the development of Russian programmers is not suitable, the customer is obliged to publish the rationale for refusing to purchase.

The document applies to government officials, but since the spring of 2016, the government has started talking about transferring these rules to state corporations and companies with state participation. In July, the media even reported that First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov sent out a directive to enterprises, which refers to the need to opt for Russian software.

In a conversation with the press service of Rostelecom, Gazeta.Ru was told that the operator is interested in increasing the share of domestic software in its IT systems and gives preference to a Russian manufacturer, other things being equal - price, quality, reliability, service support.

“However, it is important for us that import substitution does not reduce the quality of software and does not increase the company's costs,” said Irina Zhabrova, head of the B2B/B2G segment promotion.

According to a representative of Rostelecom, the operator is already actively using domestic software. “We are trying to produce some local developments for BSS systems using alternative solutions, including those supported by communities. The most critical type of software for our business is OSS/BSS systems. Most of these systems in Rostelecom are built on Russian platforms (billing, line accounting systems), and small businesses often act as our partners in these implementations,” Zhabrova said.

Russian Railways told Gazeta.Ru that "a significant part of the company's IT landscape is formed by domestic solutions." "Technologies and algorithms used in automated control systems for the main technological processes Russian Railways are Russian developments.

Even in those cases where the underlying technological platforms of foreign production, such as SAP, are used, all the developments that are carried out on their basis are domestic, ”the company said.

In order to implement the import substitution policy, the company is considering the possibility of increasing the share of domestic software, in particular, the introduction of enterprise management systems (ERP systems) domestic production.

“In order to assess the prospects for cooperation with the largest domestic suppliers of this class of systems - Galaktika and 1C companies - research laboratories have been created. The decision to use new software will be made taking into account the evaluation of software performance and scalability, functional content and total cost ownership," the Russian Railways press service said.

Aeroflot and Sberbank declined to comment.

Toughening and punishment

In the spring, it was reported that such departments as the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Trade were proposing to introduce fines for refusal by government agencies to purchase Russian software. But this idea was later abandoned. So far, the law is advisory in nature.

At the end of March, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov during government meetings he told the President of Russia that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, together with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, would catch government customers by the hand, who “in the old fashioned way prefer to buy foreign software, despite the fact that similar Russian solutions have appeared.”

The position of the Minister, apparently, has not changed. So, at a joint venture with Rostelecom and the department information technologies(DIT) of the Moscow conference, held on Tuesday, September 27, Nikiforov noted that 2016 was relatively calm, but next year will not be the same.

According to the head of the Ministry of Communications, as part of the import substitution policy in 2017, more inspections by regulators will be initiated. Nikiforov called this crackdown and added that the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber would carefully check the implementation of legislation on the procurement of Russian software.

“We are for the purchase of mainly domestic software products with the money of Russian taxpayers and state-owned companies,” the Minister of Communications said.

Nikiforov noted that the transition to domestic software is a complex work. This includes the public procurement law, ministry projects, tax cuts for Russian developers, and the construction of technology parks.

The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications believes that for a long time it was convenient for government agencies and companies to purchase programs and services from foreign organizations, since thanks to the large funds allocated for marketing, customers received additional bonuses. Among them, the minister named foreign trips and special attention.

"Now there is only general documents, which speak of the need to switch to domestic technologies, and plans should be targeted for a single ministry and state-owned company. This will allow us to take into account the specifics of each department and enterprise,” says Alexey Strelnikov, Head of the Industry Solutions Department of the Infrastructure Solutions Department of the Softline group of companies.

According to the expert, the transition to domestic software is hampered by the fact that consumers are accustomed to foreign technologies and it is very difficult to refuse investments that were made in these projects.

“The mechanism of fines is not always working. It is better if there are indicators that must be achieved, and the person responsible for the implementation of these indicators will be able to independently resolve internal issues, ”said Strelnikov.

The first victim of the FAS

So far, the FAS has managed to grab the hand of the Ministry of Construction, which in July summed up one of its electronic auctions. Geocapital became its winner, which did not suit the New Cloud Technologies company, which owns the My Office software package. The enterprise, whose products are recorded in the register of domestic software, complained to the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

The regulator considered that the justification of the Ministry of Construction on the impossibility of complying with the ban on foreign software was drawn up with violations. Among them is the lack of indication of the characteristics of software products from the register of domestic software, similar to the object of purchase.

The FAS also noted that the customer included Russian and foreign solutions in one purchase, while pointing out the impossibility of complying with the ban on purchasing foreign software products. This, in the opinion of the department, misleads the bidders.

Due to the fact that a contract was concluded as a result of the auction, the FAS decided not to issue an order to eliminate violations. However, she decided to transfer the materials of the case to the Office for Controlling the Placement of State Orders for initiating cases of administrative offenses.

“The FAS no longer had the right to cancel the auction, since at the time of the consideration of the case, the contract of the Ministry of Construction had already been concluded.

Cancellation of auctions is now possible only in court. It is for this reason that we decided to create a precedent and try to defend our interests as a domestic developer in court,” Gazeta.Ru was told in the legal department of New Cloud Technologies.

The company estimates its chances of winning as average. “Here it is more important to create a precedent, since so far on such issues there have been conditions for limited judicial practice", the company concluded.

The FAS failed to promptly respond to Gazeta.Ru's request.

Localization of production and import substitution: new business opportunities under sanctions

The weakening of the Russian economy, taking place against the backdrop of Western sanctions and falling world energy prices, has a negative impact on foreign trade, the volume of which has declined significantly over the past year. In the current situation, the desire of the Russian authorities to assist the development of internal industrial production appears to be expected and consistent.

A significant step in this direction was the adoption federal law“On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation” dated December 31, 2014 No. 488-FZ, which entered into force on June 30, 2015.

Who will be affected by the law?

The law applies to almost all sectors of Russian industry. Its effect extends to economic activity related to mining, manufacturing, providing electrical energy, gas and steam, air conditioning, water supply, sanitation, organization of collection and disposal of waste, as well as the elimination of pollution.

Support for a domestic manufacturer - what business opportunities open up?

The law provides for a set of measures aimed at supporting the industry. In particular, such measures include financial support, including subsidies from budgets of various levels, the conclusion of special investment contracts, etc. In turn, the subjects to which these measures will be applied are legal entities And individual entrepreneurs operating in the industrial sector on the territory of the Russian Federation, its continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone.

As a separate incentive measure, the principle of priority of industrial products manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation over foreign industrial products when making purchases to meet state and municipal needs and purchases has been established. certain types legal entities.

The procedure for applying incentive measures will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that for the application of the law in question, by-laws are required that develop its provisions. Some of them have already been adopted, including the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which establishes criteria for recognizing products manufactured in Russia, as well as having no analogues manufactured in Russia (hereinafter referred to as the “Resolution”). The legal framework for the conclusion of special investment contracts has been almost completely formed. The adoption of all regulatory documents necessary for the full implementation of the law, apparently, will be completed by the end of 2015.

Who is the domestic manufacturer?

Formally, neither the law nor the Decree uses the term “domestic producer”, but it is understood that if a person produces goods in Russia and the authorities agree that these goods are goods of Russian origin, then such person is a domestic producer and may be subject to incentive measures provided for by industrial policy legislation.

Taking into account the goal pursued by law to support import substitution, it should be expected that incentive measures will be associated with the localization of production in the territory of the Russian Federation. The basis for such an assumption is, in particular, the provisions of the Decree establishing the criteria for recognizing a product as an industrial product manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation. The proposed criteria provide for the localization of production to one degree or another. In turn, industrial products, in respect of which the project does not provide for special requirements, will be considered produced on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of the criteria determined by the Agreement of the Governments of the member states of the CIS countries dated November 20, 2009 "On the Rules for determining the country of origin of goods in the Commonwealth of Independent States ".

Also, industrial products manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation will be recognized as products manufactured under special investment contracts.

It should be noted that the Decree does not establish the procedure for confirming domestic production itself. It will be determined by the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

practical advice- what should I pay attention to?

Because it is not yet fully developed normative base to apply the law, we recommend that representatives of the business community carefully monitor the publication of draft documents that develop its provisions. Most likely, many of them will be submitted for public discussion, including within the framework of the regulatory impact assessment procedure.

In turn, when conditions are created for the "full-format" application of the law on industrial policy, perhaps the most pressing issues will be the recognition of industrial products manufactured in Russia and the application of incentive measures. For foreign investors, the issues of compliance of the measures applied in Russia with the requirements of the WTO may also become relevant.

Vladimir Chikin,

Partner, Customs Law and Foreign Trade, Goltsblat BLP

Vladislav Safonov,

Senior lawyer, Customs Law and Foreign Trade, Goltsblat BLP

The true attitude of Russians towards domestic producers

The domestic manufacturer is alive. The domestic producer will live.

The results of the IOM Anketologist survey show that 45% of Russians prefer domestic goods over foreign ones when buying, and 17%, on the contrary, are more loyal to foreign manufacturers. We note a rather interesting feature: a specific country producing a particular product is significant when buying it for 56% of respondents, and only 15% do not pay attention to this fact. Imported producers are not only being gradually squeezed out of the commodity markets, but also out of the minds of Russians.

In general, Russian manufacturers received positive assessments from 86% of respondents (22% are absolutely positive, another 64% are rather positive). Another significant and very positive indicator: 29% of respondents are completely sure that the domestic manufacturer will be able to provide the country with everything necessary in the near future, another 44% are confident enough in this.

Trust but check!

But the level of trust in products, depending on its manufacturer, varies quite significantly. 77% of respondents showed their trust in Russian goods (12% trust completely, another 65% have a partial level of trust). Foreign-made goods received 66% of Russians' confidence reviews, which already indicates a change in the main consumer preferences of the country's population.

The largest percentage of respondents (79%) showed their confidence in goods produced by Russian companies together with foreign partners as a quality standard. Least of all, Russians trust goods made by domestic companies, but under a certain foreign brand, a kind of mimic brand.

Preferences and wishes

According to the results of the survey, Russians most often try to buy domestic goods in such categories as food (84%), medicines (51%), soft drinks (50%), jewelry(42%) and hygiene items (39%). However, the volume of demand for Russian goods continues to grow. Therefore, respondents would like to see more domestic products in categories such as clothing (57%), medicines (56%), shoes (54%), food (52%) and Appliances (48%).

And the conclusion suggests itself: Russian consumers prefer to buy exactly the goods of domestic producers and have a positive attitude towards them.

Honey gingerbread and fly in the ointment...

The reasons for such a positive attitude, as shown by the survey, are as follows: a suitable price of goods for the wallet of an average Russian (75%), the use of natural raw materials and materials (71%), as well as a fairly acceptable workmanship (50%).

However, it is worth recognizing the fact that domestic producers are still far from the ideal.

14% of respondents noted that they have a negative attitude towards Russian companies. As a justification for their position, the respondents noted the following disadvantages: rather poor workmanship (90%), low product reliability (82%), its fragility (70%), overpriced (67%) and poor design (55%). Domestic producers can correct the situation by improving the quality of products (85%), using high-quality raw materials and materials (63%), expanding the range (60%) and reducing prices for finished products (57%).

The main associations that arise among respondents when mentioning the phrase "domestic manufacturer" are "our own, native", "natural, environmentally friendly", "inexpensive". However, such positive associations are also accompanied by negative ones: “low-quality”, “backward”, “ugly”. One significant trend was singled out: in the minds of Russians, a “domestic manufacturer” is strongly associated with agriculture and the production of food products, but the negative image associated with poor quality products of our automotive industry.

Made in Russia

Exactly half of the respondents (50%) expressed their readiness to buy products of domestic manufacturers at a higher price, but on the condition that it will not be inferior in quality to others. important parameters foreign counterparts. Russians are willing to pay a slightly higher price for a product if they are sure that it is produced in Russia in the following categories: food (55%), medicines (44%), clothing (33%), shoes (32%) and household technology (27%).

At the same time, almost a third of all respondents (30%) are not at all ready to pay a higher price for a product, no matter which country produces it.

It should be noted that respondents consider Russian goods to be very common in terms of availability at various points of sale. This indicator allows you to assess: where exactly will consumers move for necessary goods. So 53% of respondents are sure that most of the domestic products are sold through the markets. Another 40% of respondents see ordinary Retail Stores. And 39% believe that products Russian manufacturers can be purchased at any point of sale regardless of her status.

In general, Russian products deserve positive reviews. 39% of respondents note that the quality of Russian goods is very good, but it still falls short of foreign analogues. 34% of respondents believe that the quality has remained at the same, rather average level, but in the absence of a foreign substitute product, this fact can be ignored. The most positively minded group (14%) is sure that domestic manufacturers have learned to produce goods more High Quality than foreign analogues entering our market. But the negatively inclined group of respondents (12%) believes that the quality of products Russian companies remained either at a fairly low level, or, as the most depressing scenario, became even worse.

Packaging is the face of the product

There are many ways to stimulate consumer demand for Russian goods. One option is to use the information on the packaging that this product was manufactured by a domestic manufacturer at a modern factory and using the latest technologies. According to the results of the survey, such information would significantly increase the likelihood of a purchase for 58% of respondents, and for another 27% - to an average degree. We also note the fact that consumers have developed identification of domestic goods, and the overall level of confidence in them has increased. Thus, 71% of respondents answered that they would most likely believe that the product was made in Russia if such a large inscription is present on its packaging. Another 20% said they would absolutely believe in such information provided. As a clarification, we note that 22% of respondents would purchase goods marked "Made in Russia" with a probability of 50%, 16% of respondents would do so with a probability of 90%, another 16% - with a value of 100%.

The image on the packaging, of course, increases the desire of the consumer to purchase the product. According to respondents, the most appropriate images for domestic goods are the GOST sign (57%), the flag of the country or other state symbols (47%), as well as the image of the Russian troika (14%). The remaining examples of images that are unofficial symbols of Russia scored a relatively small percentage of the votes: the Moscow Kremlin scored 13%, the bear as a symbol of the country and its wildlife - 13%, the birch as a symbol of the Russian soul and nature gained 11% of the votes, the matryoshka doll - 10%. The samovar as at home and comfort received 6%, the image of a girl in folk costume- 5%, a church or temple, ballet as a symbol of culture and a hockey player, personifying sports achievements, scored 4% of the votes, and the people's musical instrument balalaika - only 3%.

Also, the placement on the product label of a certain additional information according to the results of the study, it will increase confidence in domestic products to a large extent among 41% of respondents, to an average degree - by 35% of respondents, and slightly - by 18%. In order to increase the level of confidence on the packaging, according to the respondents, it is necessary to indicate the expiration date of the product (74%) as an integral attribute, a mark of quality or product certification (74%), the country that supplies raw materials and materials (68%), and also - the conclusion about the safety of the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of goods (63%).

In its current state, the label of domestic goods deserves the following assessments: according to the criterion of clarity of image and information, 47% of respondents gave a score of 3, and 31% give a mark of "good"; completeness about the product is rated mostly as satisfactory (49% of choices) or good (30%). But the readability of information on the package gets 3 points (41%) and 4 points (31%), respectively.

Domestic patriotic consumer

An increase in consumer demand for domestic goods can also be facilitated by a general rise in patriotism among the population. Thus, 41% of respondents indicated that they would buy more Russian products in the wake of increased patriotism, almost a fifth of the respondents (22%) would absolutely definitely begin to do this.

The approximate level of citizens who are patriotically inclined to varying degrees, according to the survey, is 89% (64% absolutely agree with the statement that “it is necessary to love your country, despite the difficulties and difficult conditions in which it is located”; another 25% partially agree with this statement). During the survey, a very interesting feature was highlighted: the level of patriotism among Russians depends very significantly on the income that citizens have. Thus, the largest number of respondents (56%), who absolutely agree with the above statement, assess their income at a moderate level, sufficient to buy food and some expensive purchases. However, the group of anti-patriotic citizens also consists mainly of people with a moderate (43%), as well as an average (37%) income sufficient to purchase durable goods. It should be noted that neither age nor field of activity, namely, income is an indicator not only of the attitude towards the domestic manufacturer and its goods, but also of the level of patriotism in general.

An online survey was conducted from September 24 to October 8 among 514 participants from 9 Federal Districts of the Russian Federation.
