Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Economic analysis. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity

Analysis economic activity

socialist enterprises (economic analysis of the work of enterprises), a comprehensive study of the economic activity of enterprises and their associations in order to increase its efficiency. A. x. etc. - a necessary link in the management system of socialist enterprises. It substantiates the choice of the optimal solution at all stages of planning, design, construction and operation of enterprises, the creation of new product models and the improvement of existing ones, as well as in the sphere of circulation of a social product. It is carried out at different levels of management: within the enterprise (for its self-supporting divisions, workshops and workplaces), throughout the enterprise, and, finally, for associations of enterprises (trusts, auctions, firms, central administrations, ministries).

A. x. E. enterprises studies all aspects of economic activity: production, supply, sales, finance in their interaction and interdependence, the work of all functional services and internal divisions of the enterprise (or all enterprises included in the association). In order to ensure the complexity of the analysis and the reducibility of its results, a unified system of interrelated analytical indicators is being developed, based on all types of economic information - regulatory and planned data, technical documentation, operational, accounting, statistical accounting and reporting materials. With the help of a system of analytical indicators, the influence of factors of engineering, technology, labor organization, production and management, financial, credit and settlement relations on the efficiency of economic activity is determined. To ensure such a comprehensive analysis, employees of various engineering, technical and economic specialties are involved in it. The materials analyzed by them for individual sections or aspects of the work of the enterprise are then generalized by economists-analysts for the enterprise (or association) as a whole.

Manage analytical work (make plans, monitor their implementation, check and summarize the results): large enterprises- economic laboratories and bureaus of economic analysis, subordinate to the chief economist; on medium and small - a bureau or group of economic analysis in the planning department. Party, Komsomol and trade union organizations take an active part in analytical work. In scientific and technical societies there are public bureaus of economic analysis - OBEA, which are widely used at enterprises in all sectors of the national economy, in higher bodies and research institutions. Public forms of analytical work promote the active participation of workers, employees, engineers and technicians in the management of production, in the implementation of the principles of democratic centralism.

The subject of analysis is economic activity aimed at fulfilling the state plan and reflected in the system of indicators of the plan, accounting, reporting and other sources of information, and the level of its efficiency achieved by enterprises. The economy of enterprises and their associations is comprehensively studied from the standpoint of assessing the fulfillment of the plan and the validity of plan targets, the correspondence of economic activity to the economic policy of the CPSU and the national interests.

Improvement in methods for obtaining and processing economic information with the help of mathematical methods and computer technology makes it possible to carry out A. x. of the enterprise and its individual links according to a pre-selected range of indicators daily, and for some of them even during the working day. This, in turn, allows not only to quickly assess the results achieved, but also to predict the course of business operations for the coming days and weeks.

The method of analysis consists in a comprehensive, organically interconnected study, measurement and generalization of the influence of individual factors on the fulfillment of economic plans and on the dynamics of economic development. It is carried out by processing the indicators of the plan, accounting, reporting, and other sources of information with special economic, mathematical and statistical techniques and methods adapted to the subject of analysis. The most widely practiced are comparisons, grouping interacting factors according to different criteria, developing a system of interrelated analytical indicators, and eliminating the influence of individual factors using calculation formulas. To quantify the influence of individual factors, the balance method is used ( cm. Balance method in the analysis of economic activity) and method chain substitutions in various simplified versions of it (the method of differences in percentages or in absolute values). Further improvement of special methods of analysis is associated with a wider application of the methods of mathematical statistics and higher mathematics.

The interaction of various economic factors in the course of the production process, their often contradictory influence on the results of economic activity, are revealed by developing a system of analytical indicators and drawing up formulas in which the relationship between these indicators is expressed mathematically. With the help of formulas, the influence of individual aspects of economic activity on its results is determined by generalizing indicators. In industry, the volume of production and sales, labor productivity, capital productivity, the coefficient of useful use of material resources, cost, profit, turnover of working capital, profitability are used as generalizing indicators; in trade - turnover, distribution costs, profit, profitability, turnover; in other industries - the same and other indicators characteristic of these industries.

On a circle of studied questions A. x. e. is subdivided into a complete analysis of all economic activity and a thematic analysis of its individual aspects or indicators (for example, an analysis of material and technical supply, the use of fixed assets, cost and profitability, distribution costs, etc.). According to the applied comparisons A. x. can be based only on the data of the enterprise under study or on a comparison of data from a number of enterprises, as well as industry average indicators (the so-called comparative, in industry - inter-factory analysis). Depending on the information used and the time of conducting, there are: operational analysis of the work of the enterprise and its individual divisions based on daily economic information; analysis of the activities of individual enterprises for a longer period according to periodic reporting; analysis of the activities of the enterprises included in the association, according to the summary reports. In terms of content and direction, analysis can be general economic (financial and economic, statistical and economic) or technical and economic. General economic analysis is carried out on the basis of periodic reporting data and is aimed at studying generalizing cost indicators of economic activity. The influence of engineering, technology, and product quality factors on these indicators is considered in the general economic analysis, but is not disclosed in detail. The technical and economic analysis deepens the general economic analysis, helping to study and evaluate in detail the technical level of the enterprise and its impact on economic indicators.

There are several stages in the analytical work. First, a work plan is drawn up (usually for a year with a quarterly distribution), which indicates the purpose and program of the analysis, the timing, performers, sources of information, as well as ways to fill in the missing information. Forms of analytical tables and graphs are developed in advance. etc. are defined. technical means generalizations of the analysis materials. At the next stage, source materials are selected (obtaining information), their reliability is checked, and analytical processing is carried out.

The most responsible stage A. x. e. - clarification of the reasons that caused deviations from the plan and changes in generalizing indicators, and then a quantitative measurement of the influence of these reasons on the analyzed indicators. To find out the causes of deviations and changes in the analyzed indicators, the circle of interacting factors is determined and their grouping is carried out. Then the interrelation of factors is revealed and the influence of factors independent of the enterprise is separated (eliminated). On the basis of measuring the positive or negative impact of individual factors, unused opportunities for improving the analyzed indicators of economic activity are determined. These unused opportunities are considered as the reserves of the enterprise in this area of ​​its work. At the last, final stage, the results of the analysis are summarized; formulate conclusions and final estimates, produce a summary calculation of the reserves for improving the efficiency of the enterprise; make proposals for the mobilization of on-farm reserves, the elimination of identified shortcomings and the consolidation of achievements.

A. x. d. industrial enterprises. Purposes: to assess the implementation of the plan and the changes that have occurred in the analyzed period compared to the previous ones; identify factors that caused positive and negative deviations from the plan and changes compared to previous periods; find reserves for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and indicate ways to mobilize them. The analysis is preceded by checking the completeness and reliability of information, since the depth and validity of analytical conclusions and proposals depend on it.

Analysis of the organizational and technical level of the enterprise and its improvement (implementation of the plan for increasing production efficiency) begins with a study of the state of technology, technology, organization of production and management and assessment of the compliance of the organizational and technical level of the enterprise with the current level of development of science and technology. The state of engineering, technology, production organization and enterprise management is studied from the point of view of their impact on economic indicators: material consumption rates, waste sizes, labor intensity, labor productivity, cost, production cycle duration, capital productivity, profitability, etc. This section of the analysis is mainly dealt with in technical services industrial enterprises, branch research institutes, design bureaus. The quality and cost-effectiveness of the manufactured products are analyzed. This takes into account its various characteristics. The technical level of production is being studied - the mechanization and automation of production processes, the technical and energy armament of labor, the age composition of equipment, specific gravity new technology and the effectiveness of its implementation, the progressiveness of the technology used, the conformity of technology and technology with modern achievements of science. In conclusion, an assessment of the level of technology and technology from the standpoint of their cost-effectiveness is given. The organization of labor and production, the efficiency of enterprise management are also analyzed. To assess the level of organization of production, its specialization, flow rate, terms for mastering new types of products, reduction in the duration of the production cycle, as well as production maintenance costs are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the compliance of the state of the organization of labor and production with the requirements of the scientific organization of labor (NOT). When analyzing the organization of enterprise management, the number of service personnel for its individual groups, the degree of mechanization of accounting, planning and computing work, the use of modern means office equipment to improve the efficiency of information, the organization of supply and marketing and its impact on the size of inventories and residues of finished products.

Fulfillment of the plan for increasing production efficiency - the most important section of the technical industrial financial plan of the enterprise (See Technical industrial financial plan of the enterprise) - is checked on the basis of data on the actual economic efficiency of improving the design of products, equipment, technology and organization of production. At the same time, it is determined whether all the measures provided for by the plan have been completed; whether the planned deadlines for their implementation have been met; whether the actual savings and profits from the implementation of measures correspond to the planned ones. As a result, it turns out how these events influenced the results of economic activity.

An analysis of the availability of resources and their use is the next important section of A. x. e. industrial enterprises. It is carried out based on the grouping of resources according to three simple moments of the production process: labor resources, means of labor (fixed assets), objects of labor (material resources). The security of the enterprise for each of these three groups of resources and the degree of their useful use are determined. The actual indicators of the provision and use of resources are compared with the plan, with progressive standards, with data for previous years, as well as with indicators of other enterprises. Based on all these comparisons, an assessment of the use of resources is given and the influence of individual factors on production efficiency is clarified. Further, they find out the reserves for improving the work of the enterprise, subject to a more rational use of resources.

Availability and usage analysis labor resources begins with checking the compliance of the actual number of employees with the planned need for them. The composition of the personnel is being studied, for which groups and categories of workers deviations from the plan were made. Compliance with the production requirements of the composition of workers by profession and skill level is checked. The influence of the change in the number of engineering and technical workers on the strengthening of the design and technological services of the enterprise is considered. The movement of workers, the reasons for dismissal, the implementation of the plan for the organized recruitment of workers, for their training and advanced training are analyzed.

The most important issue in the analysis of the use of labor resources is the study of the factors that caused the deviation of labor productivity from the plan and its change in comparison with the previous period. First of all, the implementation of the plan is determined in % and the change in the average output per 1 worker, 1 worker and 1 main worker in %. Comparison of the degree of fulfillment of the plan or growth according to these indicators (in %) allows us to establish how the change in the ratio between workers and other categories of industrial and production personnel (in terms of the fulfillment of the plan in % or change in average annual output per 1 worker and 1 worker in %) and a change in the ratio between main and auxiliary workers (according to the same indicators per 1 worker and 1 main worker).

To identify the factors of changes in labor productivity and reserves for its further growth, a separate study is made of the use of working time (extensive factors) and the average hourly output, which depends on the labor intensity of production (intensive factors). A separate study of these two groups of factors is due to the fact that the use of working time depends mainly on the organization of labor and production, and the average hourly output depends on the general organizational and technical level of the enterprise, which determines the labor intensity of products and the qualifications of workers. Through analysis, they reveal the causes of all-day and intra-shift unscheduled losses of working time and outline measures to eliminate them. They determine the reserves for increasing output by improving the use of working time. Reserves for reducing labor intensity are revealed by analyzing the individual components of the total cost of working time for the production and management of the enterprise, namely: all the cost of piece time for the production of products in the main production (technological labor intensity), the time spent by auxiliary workers in the main workshops and for auxiliary production (the labor intensity of servicing production), as well as the time spent by other categories of industrial and production personnel - engineers, employees, junior service personnel (management labor intensity) for the entire volume of output .

For a more complete identification of the reserves for the growth of labor productivity, the dynamics of piece labor intensity over a number of years is studied, a comparative analysis of the labor intensity of individual products, individual parts and semi-finished products, and often individual processing operations at several related enterprises, or within the enterprise - at separate sites and workplaces. To assess the state of planning and rationing, the ratio of technically justified and experimental statistical norms is determined separately for the main and auxiliary shops, including production sites that slow down production growth.

The analysis also reveals the influence of the applied wage systems and, in particular, various forms of material incentives, which cause an increase in average earnings, on the level of labor productivity. Compliance with the ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and average earnings is checked, how this ratio affected the cost of production. Measures are being developed to eliminate the causes of unproductive wage payments.

The analysis of the use of labor resources ends with a summary calculation of the identified reserves for improving the use of working time and reducing the labor intensity of production. A possible increase in the volume of production and a decrease in the cost of production is determined, subject to the activation of these reserves.

An analysis of the availability of labor means (fixed assets) and their use makes it possible to establish whether the fixed assets of the enterprise were replenished in a timely manner and in sufficient volume, what is their technical condition and how the available equipment fleet is used: by the degree of its participation in production (the share of operating equipment in relation to the installed and to all cash); on the use of the calendar regime and planned fund of machine time (extensive factors affecting the return on assets) and on the use of power (intensive factors in the use of labor tools). The efficiency of the use of fixed assets is determined based on the rate of return on assets, i.e. the ratio of production to the average size of fixed assets production assets. For this calculation, production is usually measured in the most generalized value terms, and with further detailing of the analysis, also in physical and conditional meters. The use of natural and conditional meters makes it possible to identify the impact of assortment shifts in manufactured or sold products on changes in capital productivity in comparison with the plan and the previous period.

To characterize the use of individual groups of technologically homogeneous or related equipment, the planned and reported indicators of product removal for 1 machine-hour are compared, calculated on the basis of counting products in physical or conditional meters. The impact on the return on assets of a change in the share of the active part of fixed production assets - working machines and equipment in their total cost is revealed. To this end, they study the changes that have taken place in the structure of fixed production assets and compare the growth in capital productivity per 1 ruble of the cost of all these funds and 1 ruble of the cost of production equipment. Also determine the return on assets for 1 m 2 production area. For rate technical condition funds determine their depreciation (in% of the original cost) and the renewal coefficient and compare with the base period or with planned calculations.

Of particular importance is the analysis of the availability and use of production equipment. Check whether all planned equipment has been received and installed, what part of it is working. To assess the use of the machine time fund, the planned and actual shift ratios are compared. Next, the use of the operating time of the equipment is checked by the number of days worked and during the day. To fully characterize the use of the machine time fund, a balance of equipment use is drawn up.

The use of equipment capacity is checked by comparing the actual indicators of product removal per machine hour with the planned and indicators of previous periods, as well as related advanced enterprises. The growth of equipment capacity and the improvement of its use depend on the improvement of processing technology and the improvement of the skills of workers. Therefore, when analyzing the use of equipment capacity, data are drawn on the implementation of the plan of organizational and technical measures that provide for the mechanization and automation of auxiliary operations, an increase in processing speeds and chemical reactions, and other improvements. In the summary calculation of the reserves for increasing the return on assets, they are divided into reserves for improving the use of the machine time fund and reserves for increasing the productivity of equipment for 1 machine hour of work.

The availability of resources for objects of labor (material resources) and their use are studied in the same sequence as in the two groups of resources discussed above. They analyze the implementation of the logistics plan in terms of volume, assortment and delivery time, the state of inventories and their compliance with established standards. On this basis, a conclusion is made about the impact of the implementation of the logistics plan on the output of products in a given volume and assortment. The analysis of the implementation of the supply plan is supplemented by an assessment of the optimality of stocks, and Special attention pay attention to their completeness. The most important section of the analysis of material resources is the study of their use. If, according to the nature of production and consumption at a given enterprise, it is possible to calculate general indicators of the use of raw materials and materials in the form of coefficients for the output of products from raw materials or the average percentage of waste, then such coefficients are determined and then compared with similar indicators of the plan of advanced enterprises and in dynamics over several years. At enterprises where current records of deviations from established norms consumption of materials, you can systematically identify the causes of overspending or saving material resources. At enterprises where there is no such accounting, periodically compiled estimates, inventory data and sample surveys are used. The analysis of the use of material resources is completed by determining its impact on the volume, assortment and cost of production and developing measures to mobilize the identified reserves.

A particularly large place in A. x. e. industrial enterprises is occupied by the analysis of the implementation of the technical and industrial financial plan, which is carried out in the following sequence: analysis of production and sales of products; analysis of profit, profitability and cost; analysis financial condition.

The analysis of production and sales of products includes an assessment of the fulfillment of the plan in terms of the volume of gross, marketable and sold products, in terms of assortment and grade, as well as in terms of the volume of useful work of the enterprise based on cost and natural indicators. To analyze the composition of products, it is grouped according to various criteria, for example, into appropriate and not corresponding to the production profile, material-intensive and labor-intensive, new and comparable to last year, products that are in high demand and have limited sales, profitable, unprofitable, unprofitable, etc. Consideration of the composition of products and the fulfillment of the plan for individual groups allows us to give a versatile assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise from the point of view of its compliance with national economic interests. In the same way, the fulfillment of the plan for the assortment and the factors that influenced the fulfillment of the plan for the production and sale of products are determined, and their relative influence is measured. This part of the analysis aims to reveal the reserves for increasing the volume of output and sales. When analyzing profit, profitability and cost, special attention is paid to studying the reasons for the deviation of the profitability indicator from the plan and from the level of the previous period. Find out and separately determine the influence of individual factors on the deviation from the plan of the amount of profit, the size of fixed assets and working capital. At the same time, the goal is to consolidate and strengthen the positive impact of some factors and eliminate the negative impact of others. Since profitability increases as a result of an increase in the volume of production and sales, as well as an increase in capital productivity and a decrease in cost, the analysis of profit and profitability is also organically linked to the analysis of cost. It includes an assessment of the implementation of the plan at cost, the study of the reasons for its change and the identification of reserves for its further reduction. For this purpose, the production costs are analyzed by elements and calculation items. When analyzing costs, they separately consider the costs of materials, wages, maintenance and production management, and other costs. Separate types of costs are studied in more or less detail, depending on their share in the formation of the cost of production. As a result, a summary calculation of the identified reserves to reduce costs and increase profits is made. These reserves are usually divided into 2 groups: the elimination of losses and unproductive expenses (including unjustified overexpenditures against planned and estimated appointments) and the improvement of the use of fixed assets, material, labor and financial resources based on an increase in the organizational and technical level of the enterprise compared to the planned one.

Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise covers the formation and use of certain types of financial resources, their placement in different types material assets, solvency assessment and financial stability enterprises, the rate of turnover of funds. An analysis of the financial condition is carried out mainly according to the balance sheet (See Balance Sheet), therefore it is often called balance analysis. In the process of analysis, they find out: the solvency of the enterprise and its customers, the availability of own working capital in accordance with the planned need for them, the safety of funds, the reasons for changing their amount during the analyzed period; fulfillment of the profit and profitability plan; the state of inventories of inventory items and sources of their formation; placement of own, borrowed, attracted and special sources of funds in asset items; security of loans and their effectiveness; settlement relations with debtors and creditors; turnover of working capital; formation and use of economic incentive funds; they also check the safety of their own working capital, whether they are diverted from turnover into costs, which should be made from special sources of financing. Separately, they analyze the attraction and use of long-term and short-term loans, their direction for their intended purpose, security and repayment of loans on time. They find out the impact of lending on improving the organizational and technical level of the enterprise, expanding production, accelerating the turnover of funds, reducing costs, increasing profits. They also analyze the implementation of the plan for the accumulation of special sources of funds (for example, the depreciation fund, the material incentive fund, and other economic incentive funds), as well as their use for their intended purpose. When analyzing the state of settlements, they find out the reasons and terms for the formation of receivables and payables, leading to an unscheduled redistribution of working capital between enterprises. Since the main reason for the formation of accounts payable is the slowdown in the turnover of working capital, the state of stocks of inventory items is studied in detail in the context of individual balance sheet items and for individual types and varieties of material resources. Determine the reasons for the deviation of the actual turnover of funds from the planned and in the previous period. Calculate the amount of funds released from circulation due to the acceleration of turnover or additionally attracted into circulation due to a slowdown in turnover. They complete the analysis of the financial condition with the development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of all sources of funds, accelerate the turnover of working capital and ensure the timely fulfillment of all financial obligations of the enterprise to creditors, the State Bank and the state budget.

S. B. Barngolts.

A. x. e. contractors construction organizations and construction sites. It aims to study the results of the work of a contracting construction, installation or specialized organization and construction for a certain period of time and evaluate them. The main objects of analysis: the implementation of the plan for commissioning production facilities and other construction projects, capital investments, contract work, labor productivity and industrialization of construction, the cost of construction and installation works, profitability and financial condition of the construction organization.

Fulfillment of the plan for commissioning production facilities and other construction facilities is the main indicator in assessing the production and economic activities of a general construction organization acting as a general contractor, installation and specialized organizations (subcontractors), as well as a developer. Therefore, the study of the work of contractors and construction sites begins with an analysis of the implementation of the plan. Check compliance with the established deadlines for the commissioning of individual facilities or their complexes. At facilities whose commissioning has not come or is delayed, the implementation of the contract work plan is being studied. At the same time, they check whether funds are being scattered over many launch and back-up facilities and whether the completion of work at launch facilities is delayed. They check how the pace of work ensures the timely commissioning of each of them. The level of implementation of the plan for individual objects is compared with overall performance plan by this organization and establish an advance or lag in the production of work for each. Overfulfillment of the work plan at the estimated cost does not yet indicate that the commissioning of the planned objects has been ensured. Often, the amount of construction and installation work in the contract work program for individual facilities is not determined accurately enough, so the completion of work is studied according to the established stages of construction and certain types of work (for example, sanitary, thermal insulation, etc.). For this purpose, the information of the network schedule for the construction of the facility is effectively used.

When evaluating the implementation of the housing construction program, it is established whether the residential buildings provided for by the plan, the total living area, the number of apartments have been put into operation, and the implementation of the plan is determined by the estimated cost of construction and installation works for residential construction projects.

Analysis of the implementation of the contract work program as a whole in a general construction organization (acting as a general contractor in construction) covers work performed both on its own and by specialized and installation organizations involved as subcontractors. In this case, first of all, they study the degree of implementation of the contract work program (including work carried out by subcontractors), and then the implementation of the construction and installation work plan directly by the general contractor. The latter is necessary when analyzing the cost of production, the number of workers, the salary fund, and other indicators of the financial and economic activities of a construction organization, since the salary fund and labor limits, the task of increasing labor productivity and reducing costs, as well as the necessary financial resources are allocated by construction organizations in accordance with the established plan of work performed on their own.

When analyzing the implementation of the contract work program, the general construction organization establishes the implementation of the plan for general contracts with individual developers, as well as for the industry as a whole (ministries, departments). This plan is the main one for the organization, its implementation ensures the timely commissioning of the facilities under construction provided for by the state plan. When analyzing the implementation of the contract work program by a specialized or installation organization, the implementation of the plan under subcontract agreements with the general contractor is studied accordingly. The overfulfillment of the plan for facilities built with special funds outside the state capital investment plan, in excess of the sources available for this, cannot be regarded as a positive phenomenon. Due to non-centralized sources, capital work can be carried out within the allocated material funds. The plan can be overfulfilled only if additional local material and other resources are found. It is not allowed to perform work on objects not provided for in the plan of state capital investments, at the expense of material and other resources allocated for objects provided for by the state plan.

After analyzing the implementation of the program of contract work in areas, customers and facilities, it is established whether the program has been completed by performers. A general construction organization is a general contractor, responsible for the work of subcontractors involved by it. Therefore, it is important not only to determine the degree of implementation of the plan by each executor, but also to establish the fault of which executing organization did not complete the construction and installation plan for a particular customer, construction site, facility, etc., if such cases occurred.

When analyzing the factors affecting the implementation of the plan for commissioning the production facilities of construction facilities and the program of contract work, they check the availability of workers to the organization, the fulfillment of the task for increasing labor productivity, the implementation of the plan for the development of new equipment and mechanization of work, etc. They study material and technical support, check the timeliness of receipt of design and estimate documentation, technological equipment to be installed. Labor factors in construction, they are analyzed in the same way as in industry.

The analysis of the implementation of the mechanization plan and the use of construction machines is primarily aimed at opening up the available reserves for expanding mechanization. construction works. When analyzing the mechanization of construction, they study the use of construction machines, establish the fulfillment of the plan either by output per unit of machine power (excavators, dredgers, bulldozers, cranes, etc.), or by the number of machine shifts worked (compressors, forklifts, etc.). Along with this, the size and causes of downtime (whole-shift, intra-shift, etc.) are clarified. It is important to identify the provision of a construction organization with materials, structures, parts, design and technical documentation in terms of its receipt and completeness, the timeliness and completeness of the provision by customers of the necessary technological equipment to be installed in buildings and structures under construction; are there sufficient to carry out the work construction sites, especially when reconstructing and expanding an existing enterprise.

Analysis of the cost of construction and installation works determines the implementation of the specified cost reduction not only for the organization as a whole, but also for certain types of work, by cost items, as well as to identify the reasons affecting the implementation of this task, and reserves for further reduction in the cost of work. To this end, they study the implementation of the plan of organizational and technical measures that provide for savings in material and monetary costs. First, they check the compliance of the total amount of savings calculated in the plan with the specified reduction in the cost of work on state plan. Then they consider the level of implementation of the plan for individual organizational and technical measures, as well as the amount of savings received from these activities for individual cost items for construction and installation work. At the same time, reserves for further reducing the cost of work are identified. Analyzing the reasons that affect the cost of construction and installation works, it is advisable to first find out how the salary fund of the construction organization as a whole is spent. By comparing the actually spent payroll fund with the planned one, recalculated for % of the implementation of the construction and installation work plan, it is possible to establish whether the cost of work for this cost element has increased or decreased.

When analyzing the procurement cost building materials in the supply office or in the construction department (if it directly conducts procurement), they compare the actual costs per unit of certain types of materials, and then for the entire quantity harvested, with their estimated cost, and if planned and estimated prices are available, with the cost at these prices. When analyzing the consumption of materials, check the implementation provided by the plan organizational and technical measures to reduce consumption or replace scarce and expensive materials with local, cheaper ones, and determine the effectiveness of these measures.

An analysis of the financial condition of a construction organization usually begins with checking the fulfillment of the profit plan and its use. The so-called. non-operating losses, since the reasons for the deviation of actual profit from the plan for construction and installation work are identified in the analysis of the cost. The content of the analysis of the financial condition of contracting construction organizations in terms of the issues studied is basically the same as that of industrial enterprises.

When analyzing the economic activity of a builder (construction site), they study the implementation of the plan for commissioning production facilities and other construction projects, the plan for capital investments and commissioning fixed assets, the concentration of capital investments and the state of construction in progress, the provision of construction with design estimates, equipment to be installed, and some materials. When analyzing the financial condition of a construction site, they study the correspondence of the received financing to the volume of capital investments actually made, the use of working capital, bank loans, and the implementation of the plan for mobilizing internal resources.

The indicators of commissioning of production capacities by contractors and developers differ significantly. The contractor is responsible for creating production facilities and handing them over to the developer for a comprehensive testing of equipment and the start of production, and the developer is responsible for putting the objects he has accepted into operation, for the production and development of design capacities on time. Feature A. x. e. developer - study of the plan for commissioning fixed assets at an estimated, and not at inventory cost, included in the fixed assets of the relevant enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as the study of the volume of construction in progress, which in many cases is formed as a result of the dispersion of funds allocated for capital construction. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the economic efficiency of capital investments in the construction of industrial or other enterprises. A comprehensive examination of the technical and economic indicators of an object under construction and their comparison with the indicators of other projects or existing enterprises make it possible to identify reserves for saving capital investments, raising the level of production, and reducing production costs.

S. P. Timofeev.

A. x. d. socialist s.-x. enterprises. A comprehensive study of the economic activity of state farms, collective farms, and other agricultural enterprises. enterprises (breeding plants, fruit nurseries, experimental stations, educational farms, etc.) aims to increase its efficiency.

With A. x. e. They pay special attention to the analysis of the fulfillment by state and collective farms of plans for the sale of products to the state. The fulfillment of plans is analyzed by comparing the quantity of products sold by its individual types with those established according to the plan. The objects of analysis are: the economic efficiency of the use of land and equipment, the implementation of the plan for the sale of products to the state, labor productivity, the cost of production, profitability of production, financial condition.

Since the main and main means of production in agriculture is land, the analysis begins with an assessment of the use of land assigned to a state farm or collective farm. First of all, by comparing the amount of arable land (arable land, fallows, fallows) with the amount of land under crops and pure fallows, the degree of use of arable land is established; by comparing the area of ​​natural hayfields assigned to the farm, with the number of harvested hectares, the level of use of natural hayfields is determined. Then they study the implementation of the plan for sown areas, yields, gross output and evaluate the economic efficiency of land use. Gross agricultural output consists of agricultural products (plant growing) and livestock products. The value of gross crop production produced per 1 ha or 100 ha arable land, characterizes the economic efficiency of the use of arable land. The cost of products received on average per 1 ha natural hayfields, characterizes the economic efficiency of the use of meadows.

When analyzing the development of animal husbandry, the first thing to be studied is the fulfillment of the plan for increasing the number of livestock and its productivity. Particular attention is paid to the creation of a forage base. The economic efficiency of animal husbandry is characterized by the cost of products produced in animal husbandry per 1 ha s.-x. land. The exception is farms specializing in livestock fattening. In addition to feed of their own production, they consume purchased feed. Therefore, when analyzing the use of land, as well as when analyzing the gross livestock output of these farms, the cost of consumed purchased feed is excluded from the value of gross output. The differences in natural conditions for keeping and raising animals in different zones of the country are also taken into account. The growth of livestock on a particular state farm or collective farm is compared with the average data of enterprises in their district, region, or neighboring farms, and not with farms located in other zones and other conditions.

The provision of animals with feed is analyzed separately in the stall and pasture periods of livestock keeping. The plan for the need for feed in the analysis is specified depending on the actual availability of livestock. When considering the forage base, it is established to what extent the structure of sown areas corresponds to the objectives of the development of animal husbandry and what measures are being taken to improve meadows and pastures. The correctness of the consumption of feed is determined using natural and cost meters. Analyze the provision of animals with premises. The damage to the farm is caused both by the lack of premises for animals and the presence of unused space.

Many state farms and collective farms of the USSR, along with plant growing and animal husbandry, are engaged in the processing of their products, manufacture various kinds of products necessary to satisfy their needs, and in a number of cases to sell them. The predominant part of the state farms and many collective farms have repair shops, are engaged in peat extraction, logging, etc. Here, A. x. carry out similarly A. x. e. industrial enterprise.

Important stage A. x. e. - analysis of the use of technology. Analysis of the use of trailed agricultural inventory - plows, seeders, cultivators, etc., as well as grain cleaning machines, are carried out by comparing the number of works performed by them with technical capabilities (this takes into account the seasonality of production and planned agrotechnical terms of work).

When analyzing the results of economic activity of page - x. enterprises take into account the large volume of work in progress and the fact that in agriculture a significant part of the output (seeds, feed) is consumed within the economy.

In A. x. etc. pay great attention to labor productivity and production costs. The most important factor determining the cost price of page - x. products in crop production, - yield per 1 ha sowing crops and the amount of costs for their production. In case of non-fulfillment of the plan for any indicators, the reasons are clarified and their impact on the cost is established. By comparing actual costs with planned standards, overspending or savings by 1 ha sowing. In animal husbandry, the main factors that determine the cost of production are the productivity of animals and the level production costs. The productivity of animals largely depends on the breed composition of animals, the availability of food, buildings, and the level of mechanization of labor-intensive processes. To identify the real reasons for the deviation of actual costs from planned ones, a technical and economic analysis of the results of measures taken in the reporting period is carried out and their effectiveness is established. When analyzing production costs item by item, special attention is paid to the cost of feed and the correctness of spending the wage fund. An itemized analysis of production costs shows whether the economy is being managed.

Conditions of page - x. production in different divisions (teams, farms, production sites, departments, as well as service and auxiliary industries) are different and depend mainly on soil fertility, location, crop rotation, etc. Therefore, along with the characteristics of the cost of crop production and animal husbandry as a whole for the economy, they analyze the work of on-farm divisions.

The final stage A. x. d. - definition financial results in the economy as a whole, which are decisively influenced by the profit from the sale of products. Financial results are also affected by non-operating profits and losses, for example, write-downs of inventories and goods, write-offs of receivables, etc. When analyzing profitability, they reveal the impact on it of markups on prices for excess sales of wheat and rye, changes against the plan in the volume and structure of sales, in particular, the impact of changes in the share of cereals, vegetables and industrial crops, as well as the main types of livestock products.

The analysis of the financial condition of a state farm has basically the same content and is carried out by the same methods as the analysis of industrial enterprises. In state farms that have been transferred to full self-financing, special attention is paid to the distribution of profits, the formation of funds for capital investments, and the use of funds earmarked for material incentives and social and cultural events.

The experience of many state and collective farms shows that periodic analysis of production and financial activity helps to better fulfill plans and make fuller use of reserves.

T. S. Mityushkin.

A. x. e. transport enterprises and organizations. A. x. on railway, water, road and air transport aims to evaluate the results of their work from the standpoint of maximum satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population. They analyze the implementation of the transportation plan and loading and unloading operations in terms of the total volume of transportation of goods and passengers in ton and passenger kilometers, the total length of runs, taking into account the ratio of loaded and empty runs, the degree of use of the carrying capacity of vehicles, loading and unloading. Since the volume of traffic is predetermined by loading, the implementation of the plan by the railway department. in terms of operational ton-kilometers depends on the acceptance of loaded wagons from other sections and on the departure of vehicles loaded at the stations of a given section of the road. The impact on the implementation of the plan for operational ton-kilometers of deviations in the volume of loading, the length of the loaded flight and the dynamics of the load is calculated. Failure to fulfill the loading plan is often caused by shortcomings in the use of the time fund and the carrying capacity of vehicles. The fulfillment of the plan in terms of the volume and composition of transportation also depends on how the clientele fulfills the plan for presenting goods for shipment. Separately, the influence of the use of rolling stock on the size of the runs of trains and locomotives is analyzed.

In water transport, the duration of navigation has a great influence on the implementation of the transportation plan. This impact is measured by multiplying the number of days of lengthening or shortening of the navigation period compared to the plan by the average planned volume of traffic per day. The volume of traffic by month, especially in water transport, fluctuates considerably under the influence of seasonality and other factors. The study of the reasons for the unevenness of transportation, the elimination of the influence of factors that do not depend on the operation of transport, and the development of measures to increase the uniformity of transportation are important tasks of analysis. It is carried out both for the total volume of traffic and for the most important goods transported by individual modes of transport. As a result of the analysis of transportation and loading and unloading operations, the possibilities of eliminating oncoming traffic, reducing the average radius of transportation, improving the use of time and the power of vehicles are clarified.

The level of their prime cost and the profitability of the operation of transport depend on how the plan for the volume and composition of transportation is carried out. Cost of transportation per 10 t-km and 10 passenger-kilometers are compared with the plan and determine the savings or cost overruns for the entire volume of traffic performed. Then the actual costs of the cost elements are compared with the plan, recalculated for the amount of work performed in t-km. With such a recalculation, the costs are grouped into dependent and independent of the volume of transportation. Only dependent expenses are recalculated and expenses that do not depend on the amount established by the plan are added to them. Dependent costs are distributed by type of transportation. Appropriate calculations determine the impact on the average cost of transportation changes: the structure of transportation, the volume of traffic and the level of costs compared to planned norms.

In the cost of transportation water transport the largest share is spent on maintaining the fleet. Overexpenditure or savings on them largely depend on the length of the inter-navigation period and on the rational use of ship crews for ship repair during this period.

Comparison of the cost of transportation by different modes of transport makes it possible to choose the most economical way to transport certain types of goods. In general, the content and methods of analysis of the cost of transportation are very close to the analysis of the cost of industrial products.

An important section of the analysis is the study of transportation revenues and the assessment of the fulfillment of the profit plan. When analyzing the implementation of the plan for income from transportation, they find out the impact of changes in the volume of traffic, as well as their structure by type of cargo. The average income rate for certain types of cargo is affected by the ratio of high and low speed transportation, as well as the use of exceptional tariffs and surcharges for the transportation of long cargo, for transportation in the autumn period, etc. The average income rate for the entire volume of transportation is also affected by the composition of the goods transported, for which different income rates are set. The analysis identifies and measures the impact of all these factors on the implementation of the traffic revenue plan. Ultimately, the fulfillment of the profit plan and the impact on it of the volume of transportation, their cost, changes in the average income rate, received and paid fines, penalties and other unplanned profits and losses of transport are determined. Otherwise, the analysis of profit and profitability is carried out in the same manner as in industrial enterprises.

Analysis of the financial condition of enterprises and economic organizations transport is aimed at assessing the security of their own working capital, the effectiveness of their use, checking their safety, completeness of attraction and security of loans from the State Bank. A special feature is the great attention paid to the study of the state of settlements between economic units and higher organizations, and mainly to the correctness and timeliness of payments for transportation. The sequence of consideration of individual issues and methods for calculating indicators of financial condition are almost the same as the analysis of the financial condition of industrial enterprises.

Lit.: Weizman N.R., Counting analysis. Basic methods for analyzing the activities of an industrial enterprise according to accounting data, M.-L., 1934, 7th ed., M., 1949; Tatur S. K., Analysis of economic activity, M., 1934; Afanasiev A., Analysis of the report of an industrial enterprise, M.-L., 1938; Barngolts S. B., Sukharev A. M., Economic analysis of the work of industrial enterprises, M., 1954; Poklad II, Economic analysis of the production and financial activities of industrial enterprises, M., 1956; Course of analysis of economic activity, author. team, ed. M. I. Bakanona and S. K. Tatura, M., 1959, 2nd ed., M., 1967: Economic analysis of the work of enterprises, author. team led by A. Sh. Margulis, parts 1-2, M., 1960 - 61: Proceedings of the 1st All-Union Conference "Organization and methods of economic analysis of the work of enterprises", M., 1963; Rubinov M.Z., Savichev P.I., Analysis of the work of an industrial enterprise, L., 1964: Dyachkov M.F., Accounting and analysis of economic activity in construction, M., 1966; Mityushkin T. S., Analysis of the economic activity of socialist agricultural enterprises, M., 1966; Bleshenkov A., Analysis of the economic activity of state farms and collective farms, M., 1966: Economic analysis of the activities of industrial enterprises, author. team, ed. V. I. Pereslegina, M., 1967. See also lit. at Art. Technical and economic analysis of economic activity Economic dictionary

  • . Economic analysis- This is the study of the economy and economic activity of enterprises. The development of economic science led to the allocation of economic analysis in an independent industry

    The main goal of economic analysis is the study of objectively operating economic laws for the purpose of conscious use in practical activities: in determining the most rational ways of development, optimal rates and proportions, and maximizing the efficiency of production. Each science has its own subject of study, which it studies by its own methods. The subject of economic analysis of enterprises is the economic activity of enterprises, which is reflected in various sources of information.

    The difference in the economic functions performed by enterprises and organizations also determines the difference in the objects of economic analysis. So, in industry, the production and sale of products, the use of material, labor and financial resources, the costs of production and marketing of products, profit and profitability of work, the relationship of the enterprise with its employees and various parts of the national economy, with the state budget, etc. are studied. In construction, capital investments, commissioning of completed facilities, cost, use of construction mechanisms, materials, labor resources, profitability and profitability and other indicators are considered.

    Thus, the objects of analysis are separate areas and economic processes that make up the totality of the economic activity of enterprises. All objects of analysis must be numeric, which is reflected in the reporting figures. The content of the indicators expresses the economic essence of the studied, and the numerical - their specific meanings.

    quantitative and quality characteristics individual performance indicators of enterprises are linked. A change in the quantitative characteristic of an indicator will certainly cause a change in the qualitative one. This applies to both a separate link and the activities of the enterprise as a whole. In turn, a change in the qualitative content of economic processes causes changes in their quantitative side. Thus, an increase in volume leads to a decrease in cost. The growth of labor productivity contributes to an increase in production of products.

    The indicators used for analysis are taken directly from accounting and reporting data. They reflect the volume and quality of the enterprise as a whole and individual links in particular, which makes it possible to determine the economic efficiency of the work and the existing intra-economic reserves for its increase. From the point of view of use, indicators are divided into general and special, quantitative and qualitative, absolute and relative.

    General indicators include indicators used in the analysis of the activities of enterprises in all sectors of the national economy (industry, agriculture, trade, construction). Such are the case, profitability, labor productivity, wage fund, indicators of financial activity, etc. The indicators that characterize the activities of individual industries are also considered general. For example, in industry, this is the volume of production and sales of products, the cost of production, in agriculture - the use of land, the volume of production and sales of products, its co-production, the productivity of fields, the productivity of animals, etc.

    Special indicators include indicators specific to individual industries, agriculture and trade, for example, grade, reliability and durability of calorie content and ash content of coal, moisture content of peat in industry. In agriculture, special indicators are used in the analysis of the activities of specialized farms, in trade - in the analysis of the activities of wholesale and retail organizations, public catering enterprises,

    Quantitative indicators characterize the size of the objects analyzed, the changes that occur in this case, qualitative indicators reflect the essential features of individual objects and business processes, as well as the entire activity of the enterprise. Quantitative indicators, for example, include indicators characterizing the volume of production, turnover, the size of the sown area, the number of workers, etc., and qualitative ones - sobivartis in production, profitability, labor productivity, productivity, etc.

    Absolute indicators are expressed in monetary, physical and labor measurements (tons, meters, hours), and relative - in percentages, coefficients and indices

    The analysis also clarifies the issues of providing enterprises with raw materials and energy resources, the availability of labor resources, the need economic development areas, opportunities and conditions for the sale of products thin.

    The main task of the economic analysis of existing enterprises is an objective assessment of the performance of both enterprises as a whole and their structural divisions, control in order to identify and eliminate shortcomings, search for on-farm reserves and ways to use them.

    Economic analysis is of the greatest importance; it is carried out in factories, plants, state farms, collective farms, trade enterprises, in construction, that is, where the processes of material production directly take place.

    . Economic analysis of economic activity, which is carried out directly by the enterprise, in addition to observing these fundamental provisions, should cover all links and factors of work, be carried out regularly, systematically and, finally, be operational, and its data should be practically used in managing the economy.

    Thus, the main purpose of the analysis is to identify economic reserves and develop measures for their maximum use. Under such reserves should be understood the possibility of the greatest increase in the efficiency of enterprises through the use of scientific and practical achievements. Economic reserves can be classified as on-farm and national economic. To on-farm reserves lie, which are manifested and can be used only in this economy. National economic reserves include reserves, the use of which ensures an increase in the efficiency of production not only of a given enterprise, but of the entire industry and the national economy as a whole (for example, improving specialization and better use of equipment and production capacities, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, tools, electricity).

    Economic analysis is necessary as a basis for qualified management of the activity of the economy, improvement of the organization of production, scientific organization of labor, and as a criterion for correctly evaluating the results and activities of enterprises. The analysis of economic activity imposes certain requirements on the organization of accounting and the content of reporting. Its content, tasks and methods are determined by the way social production under which it is carried out.

    In the conditions of capitalist production relations, where there is a commercial secret, internal and external analysis is carried out. Internal analysis is carried out in order to identify opportunities to reduce individual production costs. It is limited to the circle of interest of this entrepreneur. The materials of such an analysis are used by a narrow circle proxies and is a trade secret. External analysis is based on the small number of indicators published on the performance of enterprises.

    Economic analysis is effective only when it is based on a deep knowledge of the economy of an enterprise or a sector of the national economy, it is analyzed

    For example, when analyzing the performance of output, one should study the composition, qualifications and use of personnel, the productivity of their labor, the use of equipment, the availability of material resources, the interaction of communication with other enterprises and organizations, the financial condition, that is, to study all the specific conditions on which the volume of production depends.

    Investigating the cost of production, one should reveal and measure the specific factors that led to its formation (organization of labor, the use of material, labor and financial resources, organization in production, etc.). Only a comprehensive and organically interconnected study of the processes of economic activity of enterprises will provide a correct, objective assessment of the results of their work, will allow to reveal the factors influencing the results, find out the reasons for their occurrence, identify on-farm reserves and develop real proposals for their use.

    Economic analysis should be carried out taking into account the real conditions in which the enterprise operates

    When analyzing the activities of an individual enterprise, the issues studied should be detailed using the example of workshops. The analysis of the activities of a shop or section should be based on a study of the results of the work of individual teams and workers. When analyzing the economic activity of an enterprise, it is important not only to identify and study the factors that determined the level of economic activity achieved by the enterprise, the relationship and debt dependency of these factors, but also to quantify the impact of each of them. The quantitative characterization of individual factors makes the analysis accurate, and its conclusions justified.

    It is necessary to investigate not only the quantitative side of the studied and phenomena of economic life, but also their qualitative content. Only under such conditions can a justified and correct opposition be made. For example, an analysis of the cost of production showed that the company has overfulfilled the task of reducing the cost of producing a particular product. A correct assessment of the quantitative indicator in this case can be given only by revealing the relevant factors. They may depend on the quality of the work of the enterprise (reduction of consumption rates of materials, reduction of defects, increase in output, etc.) and not depend on its work (price changes). Only the disclosure of the influence of individual factors will provide an objective assessment of the results of the enterprise's work at the cost of production and the establishment of reserves for its further reduction. Woman.

    Activity modern enterprise multifaceted, and the results of its work depend on many factors. In economic research, a factor is understood as the conditions necessary for the implementation of economic processes, as well as the reasons that affect the results of these processes. Each factor influencing certain results of the enterprise's activity consists of numerous reasons, which, in turn, also act as independent factors, with a certain degree of influence on the results of the enterprise's activity. The more detailed the composition of the causes affecting the economic activity of the enterprise is studied, the deeper the analysis is, the more fully the on-farm reserves are revealed, the assessment of the quality of the enterprise's work is objective. The factors used in research can be classified according to various criteria. Since the results of activities are formed under the influence of numerous and diverse factors, they often act interrelatedly, and the negative impact of at least one of them can negate the positive effect of all others. From this point of view, factors are divided into primary and secondary. The main ones include those that make a decisive impact on the results of work when certain conditions, all other factors belong to the secondary ones.

    According to the impact on the results of economic activity, the factors are divided into complex and simple. Complex - these are those that combine a complex of reasons, simple - those consisting of one reason and are not divided into separate parts. By the time of action, permanent and temporary factors are distinguished - those that operate continuously in the course of the entire activity of the enterprise (for example, labor productivity), temporary - those that operate at this enterprise for a certain period (for example, the development of equipment, a new type of product being introduced).

    In order to correctly assess the quality of the economy, the factors are divided into objective, i.e. those that do not depend on the economy itself (for example, price changes), and subjective - those that depend on the work. From households.

    When carrying out analytical work, it should be borne in mind that many factors operate throughout the entire national economy, and some - only in certain sectors. There are factors that act only on this particular premise. PERSONS or in many enterprises. Therefore, it is advisable to divide them into general and specific. An example of the general ones can be labor productivity, the number of employees, and the specific ones are the heating system of the greenhouse economy, the remoteness of the enterprise from the railway station.

    The influence of individual factors on the performance of the enterprise can be represented in a specific numerical expression. At the same time, there are a number of factors whose influence on the activities of enterprises cannot be directly measured. Therefore, as far as possible to determine the size of influence, they are divided into those that can be measured and those that cannot be directly measured. The first group includes the influence of the product structure on the volume of production and sales, labor productivity, cost and profit. To the second - the provision of the enterprise with housing, children's institutions, the level of general education and special training of personnel.

    Summarizing the results of the analysis, it is necessary to single out typical facts from the whole mass of facts, to select the main economic results of economic activity. When formulating conclusions based on the results of the analysis, it should be taken into account. Uvat that some factors can affect all aspects of economic activity simultaneously and in parallel or in different directions with other factors, while others act autonomously.

    The quality of generalizations and conclusions, as well as proposals based on the results of the analysis, depends on how the factors are disclosed, the reasons for their occurrence, as well as their interrelations and interdependence are established, and how correctly their impact on the results of economic activity is assessed. The solution is based on calculations, knowledge of the real capabilities of the enterprise, the ability to determine the prospects for activity using economic analysis.

    Economic analysis is not satisfied with general reasoning, vague assessments. It is only useful and fulfills its purpose when it contains precise characteristics, conclusions and suggestions.

    Thus, the method of economic analysis is a complex, organically interrelated study of the activities of the economy with the aim of objectively assessing its results, identifying and mobilizing the inner master. Arsky reserves, ensuring maximum efficiency in the use of labor, material and financial resources.

    To solve the problems of a deep and comprehensive study of the activities of the economy, a number of methods are used based on the requirements of the method of economic analysis. The main ones are comparison, average values, groupings, relative values, balance linking of indicators, correlation, linear programming.

    Comparison can be carried out both for the complex and for individual indicators. In order for the results of the comparison to provide correct conclusions that objectively reflect the essence of the processes studied by the business, it is necessary to ensure the equality of the indicators, i.e. their homogeneity and uniformity. The most common ways to bring indicators to a comparable form are:

    neutralization of the price factor;

    neutralization of the quantitative factor, which is achieved by recalculating the qualitative indicators that are compared;

    bringing to a homogeneous structure the content of indicators that are compared;

    the identity of the time periods for which the comparison is made (by the number of working days, shifts, hours and days)

    When comparing indicators, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the methods of their calculations that took place

    Average values. When analyzing the activities of an enterprise for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month), sometimes it becomes necessary to determine the state of affairs in general for the analyzed period. Meanwhile, in the reporting of the enterprise for a number of indicators, data are provided only at the end of the reporting period. In such cases, averages for the entire analyzed period are calculated. So, for example, a survey is carried out to calculate the average balances of working capital, production assets, in total.

    Calculations of average values ​​are especially necessary in the study of mass and phenomena that take place in the activities of enterprises: the average output of a worker, the average length of the working day, the average wage, etc. Arithmetic and average chronological values ​​are used in the analysis. The use of average values ​​makes it possible to obtain a generalized characteristic of each individual feature and their entire set. When using them in the analysis, one should take into account economic content indicators. Being effective for determining the generalized characteristics of the phenomena under study, they, at the same time. Nivelle more or less significant deviations in the work of individual enterprises or their divisions and thus to a certain extent veil the true state of affairs. Therefore, the analysis should not be limited to one summary indicators, but it is necessary to disclose them, where necessary, in separate components. For example, the average production quotas for the plant have been exceeded, but meanwhile there is a part of the workers who have not fulfilled the quotas. In such cases, when analyzing the fulfillment of production standards, along with data on average performance, it is also necessary to provide specific data on the fulfillment of the norms of individual groups of workers.

    In order for the average values ​​to reliably reflect the essence of the phenomena under study, it is necessary to correctly substantiate their grouping according to certain criteria.

    The grouping method is widely used in the analysis, in particular, when analyzing the activities of a business association, the enterprises included in it are grouped according to the degree of implementation of the plan for new indicators, according to the level of power supply, and according to the level of productivity.

    Relative values. Absolute values ​​do not always allow a sufficiently correct assessment of the results achieved by an enterprise in one or another aspect of its activities. Therefore, relative values ​​are widely used in the analysis. They contribute to the disclosure of the qualitative content of the absolute value. Relative values ​​are used in the form of percentages, coefficients.

    Percentages are used to determine the changes that have occurred over the analyzed period, determine the structure of the studied, the level of overhead costs, etc. Considering that the absolute value of each percentage varies significantly from year to year, in many cases it will be advisable to use percentages in combination with absolute values.

    Coefficients are used to determine two quantities that are related. They are used, for example, to determine the shifts, the degree of capacity utilization, the conversion of tractor work performed into hectares of soft arable land.

    The analysis also often resorts to the use of indices. The index series, in which one value is taken as a base, and the others as a percentage of it, makes it possible to trace the path of development of a certain economic phenomenon. The series, in which the indicators are presented as a percentage of the previous one, provides a definition of the rate of change of the studied phenomena. Indices are used in studying the dynamics of product growth, labor productivity, and and іn.

    Balance linking indicators. This technique is used primarily to check the completeness and correctness of determining the influence of various factors on the magnitude of deviations of certain phenomena, such as: changes in the volume of production and sales of products, cost and profit, wage fund, etc. The absence of this equality indicates an incomplete detection or error in calculating the size of the influence of individual factors. In cases where the calculation of the size of the influence of one of the factors is associated with labor-intensive calculations, in the practice of analytical work, the so-called balance method is used, taking the difference between the total amount of deviations in the phenomenon of zagalom and the size of the impact calculated for other reasons as the magnitude of the influence of this factor.

    The method of balance linking is also used to check the correctness of displaying two groups of interrelated and balanced economic indicators, the results of which should be identical.

    the methods used in the analysis are chain substitutions, absolute and relative differences. The method of chain substitutions is used in cases where deviations in the phenomenon being studied are influenced by two or more factors, and when it is necessary to measure the influence of each of them. To do this, in addition to the existing indicators, auxiliary indicators are calculated, calculated by changing one of the indicators and leaving the others unchanged.

    Correlation. This technique is used in economic analysis in cases where the phenomena under study are interrelated, but this connection does not have the character of a functional dependence. For example, the value of the cost of managing an enterprise is certainly related to the volume of production, but the exact proportions between the growth in production volume and the increase in management costs cannot be determined.

    The correlation technique allows one to calculate the strength of the relationship between individual factors that act in different directions, and thus find favorable relationships between them. The degree of dependence between individual h factors is expressed by the correlation coefficient; this method can be effectively applied in the analysis of the work of business associations.

    Linear programming. The use of mathematical methods and, in particular, linear programming, in economic analysis provides an opportunity to choose the best option when solving a number of issues related to the activities of an enterprise. In the previous economic analysis, this technique could be used to develop proposals for the volume of sales of products, profits, and the efficient use of fixed and working capital of the enterprise. In the subsequent analysis, the linear programming approach will provide the possibility of a complete accounting of on-farm reserves and their maximum use. When carrying out analytical work, it is important to choose the right methods of analysis for studying individual aspects of activity, and for this it is necessary first to have a deep knowledge of the economics of the enterprise.

    The analysis begins with checking the implementation of the plan for gross and marketable output

    The composition of gross output includes products produced by all departments of the enterprise, except for that part of it consumed for production needs (the so-called intra-factory turnover). Thus, gross output consists of finished products completely finished by processing at a given enterprise, plus an increase (or minus a decrease) in the remains of work in progress, semi-finished products, tools and fixtures of own manufacture.

    The current procedure provides for a certain difference in determining the volume of gross output of enterprises various industries National economy

    The change in the balance of work in progress is taken into account when determining the value of gross output at enterprises with a long production process, as well as in cases where production fluctuates significantly. These features should be taken into account when checking the output of gross output, since it is an indicator that characterizes the volume of industrial production of individual enterprises, economic associations and the entire national economy in the whole economy.

    The composition of marketable products includes only fully finished and complete products made both from purchased raw materials and from raw materials of the customer (minus the cost of these raw materials) in the services performed by the enterprise and work on the overhaul of its equipment. Marketable output determines the volume of products produced by the enterprise, which can be used either for production needs or to meet the needs of the population.

    Gross output is the initial indicator for calculating labor productivity, determining the degree of use of production capacities. Data on the size of this product must be available when checking the historical wages, setting standards for production stocks, etc. Marketable products are the initial base for calculating such indicators as the cost of production, the implementation of the total.

    Evaluation of the production of products can be carried out in measurements. The main one is monetary (value), it provides an opportunity to express in a single indicator the result of the enterprise's work on the production of its products and the comparison of indicators both within one and between different farms.

    To compare data in the reporting, gross output is shown not only in current, but also in constant prices.

    Marketable products are valued both in the current wholesale prices of the enterprise and in wholesale market prices. However, for the production of monetary terms do not disclose the amount of work performed directly by the enterprise, since the cost of gross and marketable output, in addition to the labor costs of this enterprise, also includes the costs of previously embodied labor (raw materials, materials, etc.). Therefore, for a correct assessment of the degree of implementation of the production program, along with the monetary measurement, natural, conditionally natural, labor measurements, as well as the standard cost of processing, are used.

    Natural measurements (pieces, meters, tons) are widely used in accounting for the production of certain types of products. At enterprises producing homogeneous products, they can also be used to assess the ki of the production of products as a whole.

    Conditionally natural indicators (reduced units) are used when a certain product is taken as a unit, and for all the rest, conversion factors are set in comparison with those taken as a unit. Thus, the output of tractors of various brands is calculated in terms of conventional 15-horsepower tractors, the production of railcars is calculated in terms of two-axle railcars, and so on.

    Labor measurements (standard hours, wage production workers) are used to objectively assess the volume of work of a given enterprise

    An analysis of the implementation of the production program according to annual, quarterly plans provides an opportunity to evaluate the work of the enterprise according to the existing reserves for increasing output. The results of such an analysis are valuable for the further work of the enterprise. They are also necessary for higher organizations to improve the management of subordinate enterprises, financial institutions and banks in the implementation of their control fu fu toshchcho.

    The data of the analysis carried out after the reporting period, of course, cannot be useful for quickly identifying shortcomings in daily work and taking prompt measures to eliminate them immediately in order to ensure the maximum level of production in the current period. These tasks are solved during the daily operational analysis of the implementation of the production program. The wider the range of issues covered by operational analysis, the deeper the leaders of the enterprise and individual links can delve into the course of work and specifically manage all areas of the enterprise's activities.

    When developing a range of indicators of operational analysis and using its results, it is necessary to determine which of them are needed by the leaders of the lower levels (teams, shifts, sections), workshops and services, and which to the management of the enterprise. Such a distinction makes it possible to provide the necessary materials to the leaders of those links that are competent to make decisions on this particular issue.

    Enterprises operating on a network schedule can use data on deviations from the schedule for operational analysis

    The current operational analysis of the implementation of the production program has to cover at least the following main issues:

    the course of production;

    security labor force all sections and the completeness of the use of working time;

    fulfillment of tasks in terms of labor productivity and production standards;

    use of working time, equipment, its capacity, application of advanced working methods, etc.;

    the course of logistics and the state of inventories;

    completeness and timeliness of providing all areas with the necessary basic and auxiliary materials, tools, various devices, as well as the use of materials

    The process of processing materials includes bringing indicators into a comparable form, simplifying digital data and compiling analytical calculations and tables.

    Bringing to a comparison of the type is necessary due to the fact that in the reporting tables, many indicators are calculated in different estimates, based on a different quantitative basis and reflect a different structure. It is especially important to bring the data to a comparable form when analyzing the performance indicators of two or more enterprises.

    The main ways to simplify digital data are rounding and summation. The rounding of numbers is that instead of expressing individual values ​​in lower digits, they are taken in units of higher p digits. Summation in the union of homogeneous terms in group indicators. The simplification of materials should be carried out in such a way that it does not affect the quality of the conclusions based on the results of the analysis.

    An important and time-consuming process of processing materials is the preparation of analytical calculations and tables. In this process, all methods of economic analysis are widely used.

    Analytical calculations and tables should provide a correct assessment of the state of affairs in a particular area of ​​the enterprise, establish and quantify the influence of individual factors on the performance indicators studied. Thus, as a result of the analysis, it is possible to separate the essential from the non-essential, to determine the positive and the negative, to identify the existing on-farm reserves and the ways of their use. The installation of analytical tables is carried out taking into account the use of the data contained in them, not only for the analytical work itself, but also as illustrative material for the alignment of the results of the analysis.

    In our time, the independence of enterprises, their economic and legal responsibility is increasing. The importance of the financial stability of business entities is sharply increasing. All this significantly increases the role of the analysis of their financial condition: the availability, placement and use of funds.

    The results of such an analysis are needed primarily by owners, as well as creditors, investors, suppliers, managers and tax authorities.

    Content and main target goal financial analysis- assessment of the financial condition and identification of the possibility of improving the efficiency of the functioning of the economic entity (enterprise, firm, company, etc.) with the help of rational financial policy. The financial condition of an entity is a characteristic of its financial competitiveness (ie solvency, creditworthiness), the use of financial resources and capital, the fulfillment of obligations to the state and other business entities.

    In the traditional sense, financial analysis is a method of assessing and forecasting the financial condition of an enterprise based on its financial statements. It is customary to distinguish two types of financial analysis of memory - internal and external. Internal analysis is carried out by employees of the enterprise ( financial managers). External analysis can be carried out by analysts who are outsiders to the enterprise (for example, auditors).

    Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise pursues several tasks: determination of the financial position; identification of changes in the financial condition in the spatio-temporal context, identification of the main factors, we click on changes in the financial condition; forecast of the main trends in financial condition.

    Achieving this goal is carried out using various methods and techniques. Exist various classifications methods of financial analysis. The practice of financial analysis has developed the basic rules, or methodology for analyzing financial reports. Among them are the main ones:

    periodic analysis - comparison of each reporting position with the previous period;

    structural analysis - determination of the structure of the final financial indicators, with the identification of the impact of each reporting position on the result as a whole;

    trend analysis - comparison of each reporting position with the position of previous periods and the definition of a trend - the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator. With the help of the trend, a prospective forecast and analysis is carried out;

    analysis of relative indicators (coefficients) - calculation of relations between individual positions of the report or positions of different reporting forms for individual indicators of the enterprise, determination of the relationship of indicators;

    comparative analysis - can be classified as an on-farm analysis of summary reporting indicators for individual indicators of a company, divisions, workshops, and as an inter-farm analysis of indicators for a given company with competitors' indicators, with average industry and average economic data.

    In a market economy, the financial statements of business entities are becoming the main means of communication and the most important element information support financial analysis. Any property management company is interested in obtaining additional sources of financing. You can find them on the credit market by objectively informing about your financial and economic activities, that is, mainly for an additional fee. Assistance in the provision of financial statements. As far as the financial results reveal the current and prospective financial condition of the enterprise, the probability of obtaining additional sources of financing - loans is so high.

    The main requirement for the information presented in the reporting is that it be objective, i.e. so that this information can be used by the bank to make informed business decisions about granting a loan. To do this, financial information must meet certain criteria:

    information must be provided in full, which provides the possibility of prospective and retrospective analysis;

    the reliability of the information is determined. ITS accuracy and truthfulness, verifiability and documented validity;

    information is considered true if it does not contain errors and biased assessments, and also does not falsify the events of economic life;

    financial reporting does not focus on the satisfaction of the interests of one group of users or the bias of general reporting to the detriment of others, that is, neutral;

    openness and understandability, because users should understand the content of the reporting relatively easily;

    the possibility of comparisons, with the permission of the owners, data on the activities of the enterprise with similar information on the activities of other firms

    During the formation of reporting information, it is necessary to adhere to certain restrictions on the information included in the reporting:

    the optimal ratio of expenses and income, i.е. the costs of reporting should be reasonably related to the possible income received by the enterprise from the provision of these data to interested stakeholders

    the principle of caution (conservatism) - implies that reporting documents should not allow overestimation of assets and profits and underestimation of liabilities;

    confidentiality requires that reporting information does not contain data that could harm the competitive position of the enterprise

    By the way, the users of information are different, the goals are competitive or diametrically opposed. Classification of users of financial statements can be performed different ways, however, as a rule, they are divided into three enlarged groups: users external to a particular enterprise, the enterprises themselves (more precisely, management personnel), and the accounting department itself.

    The accounting statements of an enterprise or organization, with the exception of the statements of budgetary organizations, consist of a balance sheet; income statement; annexes to them provided for by normative acts; an auditor's report confirming the reliability of financial statements, if they are subject to mandatory audit; explanatory note.

    An explanatory note to the annual financial statements should contain significant information about enterprises, organizations, their financial condition, the possibility of comparing data for the reporting period and the previous year, etc.

    There are various methods of financial analysis. The detailing of the procedural side of the methodology of financial analysis depends on the goals set, as well as various factors of information, time, methodological and technical support. The logic of analytical work assumes its organization in the form of a two-module structure: express analysis of the financial condition; detailed financial analysis.

    The purpose of the express analysis of the financial condition is a clear and simple assessment of the financial well-being and dynamics of the development of a business entity. It is advisable to perform express analysis in three stages: preparatory stage, preliminary review of financial statements, economic study and analysis of statements.

    The purpose of the first stage is to make a decision on the advisability of analyzing financial statements and make sure that they are ready for analysis; the currency of the point is checked. NSO and all subtotals.

    The purpose of the second stage is to get acquainted with explanatory note to balance. This is necessary in order to assess the working conditions in the reporting period, to determine the trends in the main performance indicators, as well as bone changes in the property and financial condition of the economic entity.

    The third stage is the main one in express analysis, its purpose is a generalized assessment of the results of economic activity and financial condition. Express analysis may end with a conclusion about the feasibility of ab for the need for a deeper and more detailed analysis of financial results and financial condition.

    The purpose of a detailed analysis of the financial condition is to form a more detailed description of the property and financial condition of the enterprise and the results of its activities in the reporting period and the possibilities for solving the subject's development in the future. It concretizes, supplements and expands individual express analysis procedures. At the same time, the degree of detail depends on the desire of the analyst.

    To this end, we can offer such a program for in-depth analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise:

    A preliminary review of the economic and financial situation, which includes a description of the general direction of financial and economic activity and the identification of reporting items for negative characteristics.

    Assessment and analysis of the economic potential of a business entity: assessment of property status; analytics; structural analysis of the balance sheet, analysis of qualitative changes, assessment of the financial condition, assessment of liquidity; ots zinc financial strength.

    Evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, evaluation of the main activity, analysis of profitability - profitability

    By the way, the analysis of the subject's profitability is characterized by absolute and relative indicators. The absolute rate of return is the amount of profit, or income

    The relative indicator is the level of profitability. The amount of profitability is measured by the level of profitability. The level of profitability of entities associated with the production of products (goods, works, services) is determined by the percentage of profit from the sale of products to the cost of production.

    In the process of analysis, dynamic changes in the volume of net profit, the level of profitability and the factors that determine them are studied

    In market conditions, when the economic activity of an enterprise and its development is carried out at the expense of self-financing, and in case of insufficiency of own financial resources - at the expense of borrowed funds, an important analytical characteristic is the financial stability of enterprises.

    . Financial stability- this is a certain state of the company's accounts, guaranteeing its constant solvency. As a result of the implementation of any business transaction, the financial condition of the enterprise may either remain unchanged, or improve, or worsen. The flow of business transactions performed daily is, as it were, "an instigator of a certain state of financial stability, the reason for the transition from one type of stability to another. Knowing the limiting boundaries of changes in sources of funds to cover capital investment in fixed assets or production reserves allows generating such flows of business transactions that lead to an improvement in the finance of the mass state of the enterprise, to increase its stability.

    The task of financial stability analysis is to assess the size and structure of assets and liabilities. This is necessary to answer the question of how independent the organization is from a financial point of view, whether the level of this independence is growing or decreasing, and whether the state of assets and liabilities meets the objectives of its financial and economic activities.

    In practice, various methods of financial stability analysis are used. Let's analyze the financial stability of the enterprise using absolute indicators

    A general indicator of financial stability is the surplus or shortage of sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs, which is determined as the difference between the value of sources of funds and the value of reserves and costs

    Thus, such an enterprise is considered financially stable, which at its own expense covers the costs invested in assets (fixed assets, intangible assets, working capital), does not allow non-violation of receivables and payables and pays on time for its obligations to creditors. The main thing in the activity of enterprises is their financial condition. Therefore, opening ivayuchy financial stability, it should be done and the placement of the assets of the enterprise; dynamics and structure of sources of financial resources; availability of own working capital; accounts payable have debts; availability and structure of working capital; accounts receivable; solvency.

    The creditworthiness of an enterprise is understood as the presence of the prerequisites for obtaining a loan and the ability to repay it on time. The creditworthiness of the borrower is characterized by its current financial condition and prospects for change, the ability, if necessary, to mobilize funds from different countries.

    A number of indicators are used in the analysis of creditworthiness. The most important of these are the rate of return on invested capital and liquidity. The rate of return on invested capital is determined from the amount of profit to the total amount of liabilities on the balance sheet. The liquidity of a business entity is its ability to pay for its obligations. It is determined by the ratio of debt and liquid funds. The threshold of profitability is such a proceeds from the sale at which the company no longer has losses, but still does not have a profit. Having crossed the threshold of profitability, the firm has an additional amount of gross profit from each subsequent unit of goods. Then the difference between the achieved actual sales proceeds and the profitability threshold is the margin financial strength and which characterizes the efficient use of capital. The task of analyzing the liquidity of the balance sheet arises in connection with the need to assess the creditworthiness of the enterprise, that is, its ability to pay off all its obligations in a timely and complete manner.

    Balance sheet liquidity is defined as the extent to which an organization's liabilities are covered by its assets, the maturity of which is equal to the maturity of the liabilities. From the liquidity of the balance sheet, one should cut off the liquidity of assets, which is defined as the reciprocal of the time required to turn them into cash. The shorter the time for which this type of assets turned into money, the higher their liquidity.

    It is clear that the use of capital must be efficient. Under the efficiency of capital use understand the amount of profit attributable to one hryvnia of invested capital. Capital Efficiency - set. Leksne is a concept that includes the use of working capital, fixed assets and intangible assets. Therefore, the analysis of capital efficiency is carried out according to its individual components:

    1) the efficiency of the use of working capital is characterized, first of all, by their turnover. The turnover of funds is understood as the duration of their passage through individual stages of production and their return to the turnover of working capital is calculated by the duration of one turnover in days or the number of revolutions for the reporting period;

    2) the efficiency of the use of capital in general. Capital as a whole is the sum of fixed assets and working capital. The efficiency of the use of capital is best measured by its return on investment. The level of return on capital is measured by the percentage of balance sheet profit to the amount of capital.

    It is appropriate in this case to recall self-financing, which means financing from its own sources - depreciation and profits. The efficiency of self-financing and its level depend on the proportion of own sources. However, not every enterprise can fully provide itself with its own financial resources and therefore widely uses credit as an element that complements self-financing.

    In the conditions of market relations, an important role is played by the determination of product profitability indicators, which characterize the level of profitability (loss) of its production. Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and performance of the enterprise. They characterize the relative profitability of the enterprise, measured as a percentage of the cost of funds or capital from different x positions.

    Profitability indicators are the most important characteristics of the actual environment for the formation of profits and income of enterprises. For this reason, they are mandatory elements of a comparative analysis and assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise. When analyzing production, profitability indicators are used as an instrument of investment policy and pricing. The main profitability indicators can be grouped into the following groups:

    profitability of products, sales (indicators for evaluating management effectiveness);

    profitability of production assets;

    profitability of investments of the enterprise (profitability of economic activity)

    The profitability of products shows how much profit falls on a unit of sold products. The growth of this indicator is a consequence of rising prices at constant costs for the production of sold products (works, services) or a decrease in production costs at constant prices, that is, an increase in demand for the company's products, as well as a faster rise in prices than costs.

    The product profitability indicator includes the following indicators:

    profitability of all sold products - represents the ratio of profit from the sale of products to total sales (excluding VAT);

    total profitability - equal to the ratio of balance sheet profit to sales of products (excluding VAT);

    profitability of sales in terms of net profit - the ratio of net profit to sales (excluding VAT);

    profitability of certain types of products - the ratio of profit from the sale of this type of product to its selling price

    Indicators of financial results characterize the absolute efficiency of the management of the enterprise. The most important among them are profit indicators, which, in the conditions of transition to a market economy, form the basis of the economic development of the enterprise. Profit growth creates financial base for self-financing, expanded production, solving the problems of social and material needs of the labor collective. At the expense of profit, a part of the enterprise's obligations to the budget, banks and other enterprises and organizations is also fulfilled. Thus, profit indicators are the most important for assessing the production and financial activities of the enterprise. They characterize the degree of his business activity and financial well-being.

    The final financial result of the enterprise can be defined as the balance sheet profit or loss, which is the sum of the result from the sale of products (works, services); result from other p implementation; balance of income and expenses from non-operating operations.

    The content of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is a deep and comprehensive study of economic information about the functioning of the analyzed business entity in order to make optimal management decisions to ensure the implementation production programs enterprises, assessing the level of their implementation, identifying weaknesses and on-farm reserves.

    The analysis should be a comprehensive study of the effect of external and internal, market and production factors on the quantity and quality of products manufactured by the enterprise, the financial performance of the enterprise and indicate possible prospects for the development of further production activities of the enterprise in the selected area of ​​management.

    The main direction of the analysis: from a complex complex - to its constituent elements, from the result - to conclusions about how such a result was achieved and what it will lead to in the future. The scheme of analysis should be built on the principle of "from the general to the particular". First, a description is given of the most general, key characteristics of the analyzed object or phenomenon, and only then proceed to the analysis of individual particulars.

    The success of the analysis is determined by various factors. First, before starting to perform any analytical procedures, it is necessary to draw up a fairly clear analysis program, including the development of models of analytical tables, algorithms for calculating the main indicators and the sources of information and regulatory support required for their calculation and comparative assessment.

    Secondly, when carrying out analytical procedures, the performance of an enterprise is always compared with something. Comparisons can be made with the previous period, with the plan and with industry averages. Any deviations from the normative or planned values ​​of indicators, even if they are positive, should be carefully analyzed. The meaning of such an analysis is, on the one hand, to identify the main factors that caused the recorded deviations from the given benchmarks, and on the other hand, to once again check the validity of the adopted planning system, and, if necessary, make changes to it.

    Thirdly, the completeness and integrity of any analysis that has an economic focus is largely determined by the validity of the set of criteria used. As a rule, this set includes qualitative and quantitative assessments, and its basis is usually calculated indicators that have a clear interpretation and, if possible, some guidelines (limits, standards, trends). When selecting indicators, it is necessary to formulate the logic of their association into a given set in order to make the role of each of them visible, and not create the impression that some aspect has remained uncovered or, on the contrary, does not fit into the scheme under consideration. In other words, the set of indicators, which in this case is quite possible to interpret as a system, must have some inner core, some basis that explains the logic of its construction.

    Fourth, when performing analysis, one should not unnecessarily chase after the accuracy of estimates; as a rule, the greatest value is the identification of trends and patterns.

    The main purpose of the analysis is to increase the efficiency of the functioning of economic entities and to search for reserves for such an increase. To achieve this goal, the following is carried out: evaluation of the results of work for the past periods; development of operational control procedures for production activities; development of preventive measures negative phenomena in the activities of the enterprise and in its financial results; revealing reserves to improve performance; development of sound plans and standards.

    In the process of achieving the main goal of the analysis, the following tasks are solved:

    Determination of basic indicators for the development of production plans and programs for the coming period;

    Increasing the scientific and economic validity of plans and standards;

    Objective and comprehensive study of the implementation of established plans and compliance with standards for the quantity, structure and quality of products, works and services;

    Determining the economic efficiency of the use of material, labor and financial resources;

    Forecasting business results;

    Preparation of analytical materials for the selection of optimal management decisions related to the adjustment of current activities and the development of strategic plans.

    In specific conditions, other local goals can be set, which will determine the content of the procedures for analyzing financial and economic activities. Thus, the general content of analytical procedures can be determined both by the specifics of the enterprise and by the type of analysis chosen.

    Statement and clarification of specific tasks of analysis;

    Establishment of causal relationships;

    Definition of indicators and methods for their evaluation;

    Identification and evaluation of factors affecting the results, selection of the most significant ones;

    Development of ways to eliminate the influence of negative factors and stimulate positive ones.

    The analysis of financial and economic activities should be carried out, guided by certain principles (Table 6).

    Table 6

    Basic principles for analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise


    The analysis is based on specific data, its results receive a specific quantitative expression


    A comprehensive study of an economic phenomenon or process with the aim of its objective assessment


    The study of economic phenomena in relation to each other, and not in isolation


    Analysis should be carried out continuously at predetermined intervals and not on a case-by-case basis.


    Critical and impartial study of economic phenomena, development of sound conclusions


    Suitability of the analysis results for practical use, to improve the performance of production activities


    The costs associated with the analysis should be significantly less than the economic effect that will be obtained as a result of its implementation.


    The data and results of the analysis should be easily comparable with each other, and with regular analytical procedures, the continuity of the results should be observed.


    Analysis should be guided by evidence-based methods and procedures

    The financial and economic activity of an enterprise can be represented as a continuous process of attracting various kinds of resources, combining them in the production process to obtain some financial result. Based on this, we can distinguish three enlarged areas of application of the analysis: resources, manufacturing process, financial results. Any of these objects can be, firstly, detailed and, secondly, subjected to various types of analytical processing.

    The method of analysis of financial and economic activity as a way of knowing an economic entity consists of a series of sequential actions (stages, stages):

    Observation of the subject, measurement and calculation of absolute and relative indicators, bringing them into a comparable form, etc.;

    Systematization and comparison, grouping and detailing of factors, study of their influence on the performance of the subject;

    Generalization - construction of final and forecast tables, preparation of conclusions and recommendations for making managerial decisions.

    Method of analysis of financial and economic activities is a system of epistemological categories, scientific tools and regulatory principles for studying the processes of functioning of economic entities.

    There are various classifications of methods and techniques for analyzing the financial and economic activities of an economic entity. All classifications are based on different features. One of the most informative is the division of techniques and methods according to the degree of their formalizability, i.e. by whether and to what extent it is possible to describe this method with the help of some formalized (primarily mathematical) procedures. Following this logic, all analytical methods can be divided into informal and formalized. The classification of methods and techniques of analysis is shown in fig. 13.

    Rice. 13. Classification of methods and techniques used in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

    informal methods(probably, it is more correct to call them difficult to formalize) are based on the description of procedures at the logical level, without the help of strict analytical dependencies. The experience and intuition of the analyst play a large role in the application of these methods. Formalized Methods(sometimes they are also called mathematical) are based on predefined strict dependencies and rules. Not all of them are equal in terms of the complexity of the mathematical apparatus used, the possibility of implementation in practice and the degree of prevalence in the work of analytical services at enterprises and special consulting firms.

    Development of a system of indicators. An analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is very often in its form an analysis of indicators, i.e. characteristics of the economic activity of the economic unit. The term "scorecard" is widely used in economic research. The analyst, in accordance with certain criteria, selects indicators, forms a system from them, and analyzes it. The complexity of the analysis requires the use of entire systems, rather than individual indicators.

    Compared to individual indicators or some set of them, the system is a qualitatively new formation and is always more significant than the sum of its individual parts, since in addition to information about the parts, it carries certain information about the new that appears as a result of their interaction, i.e. information about the development of the system as a whole.

    The construction of a detailed system of indicators that characterize any process or phenomenon is based on a clear understanding of two points: what is the system and what basic requirements it must meet. Under scorecard, characterizing a certain economic entity or phenomenon, is understood as a set of interrelated values ​​that comprehensively reflect the state and development of this entity or phenomenon.

    comparison method. Comparison is an action by which the similarity and difference between the phenomena of objective reality are established. This method solves the following main tasks:

    Identification of causal relationships between phenomena;

    Conducting evidence or rebuttals;

    Classification and systematization of phenomena.

    The comparison can be qualitative ("it was warmer yesterday") or quantitative ("20 is always more than 10").

    The comparison procedure in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise includes several stages: the choice of objects to be compared; selection of the type of comparison (dynamic, spatial, in relation to planned values); the choice of comparison scales and the degree of significance of differences; the choice of the number of features by which the comparison should be made; the choice of the type of features, as well as the definition of criteria for their materiality and insignificance; choice of base of comparison.

    Method for constructing analytical tables. The construction of analytical tables is one of the most important methods for analyzing financial and economic activities. An analytical table is a form of the most rational, visual and systematized presentation of the initial data, the simplest algorithms for their processing and the results obtained. It is a combination of horizontal rows and vertical graphs (columns, columns). A table skeleton that has a text portion but no numeric data is called a table layout.

    Analytical tables are used at all stages of the analysis of financial and economic activities.

    Thus, the tables used in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise are used to systematize the initial data, conduct analytical calculations and formalize the results of the analysis.

    Receiving details. Detailing is one of the most common methods of analysis in many fields of science, including the analysis of the financial and economic activities of economic entities. When combined with other techniques, detailing makes it possible to comprehensively evaluate the phenomena under study and reveal the causes of the situation. Depending on the complexity of the phenomenon, the indicators describing it are broken down by time, by the place of business transactions, by centers of responsibility or by components (terms or factors).

    Analysis of indicators, detailed by chronological periods, reveals the dynamics and rhythm of the flow of economic phenomena. Detailing by time allows you to set the periods (months, days) in which the best or worst results fall.

    The decomposition of data by the place of business transactions allows you to identify the most and least efficient divisions of the enterprise, as well as regions that are the best or, conversely, unsuccessful for the sale of products.

    Method of expert assessments. Delphi Method generalization of expert assessments concerning the prospects for the development of a particular economic entity. The peculiarity of the method is a consistent, individual anonymous survey of experts. Such a technique excludes the direct contact of experts among themselves and, consequently, the group influence that arises during joint work and consists in adapting to the opinion of the majority.

    Analysis using the Delphi method is carried out in several stages, the results are processed by statistical methods. The prevailing opinions of experts are revealed, their points of view are converging. All experts are introduced to the arguments of those whose judgments are strongly out of the mainstream. After that, all experts can change their minds, and the procedure is repeated.

    Morphological analysis - expert method a systematic review of all possible options for the development of individual elements of the system under study, built on complete and strict classifications of objects and phenomena, their properties and parameters. It is used in forecasting complex processes when scenarios are written by different groups of experts and compared with each other to obtain a comprehensive picture of future development.

    Method of situational analysis and forecasting. This method is based on models designed to study functional or rigidly determined relationships, when each value of a factor attribute corresponds to a well-defined non-random value of the resultant attribute. As an example, we can cite the dependencies implemented within the framework of the well-known model factor analysis Dupont firm. Using this model and substituting into it the forecast values ​​of various factors, for example, sales proceeds, asset turnover, the degree of financial dependence, etc., it is possible to calculate the forecast value of one of the main performance indicators - the profitability ratio equity.

    balance method. This method is used when studying the ratio of two groups of interrelated indicators, the results of which should be equal to each other. It owes its name to the balance sheet, which was one of the first historical examples linking a large number of economic indicators with two equal totals. The use of the method is especially widespread in the analysis of the correct placement and use of economic assets and sources of their formation. The balance linking technique is also used in the study of functional additive relationships, in particular, in the analysis of the commodity balance, as well as to verify the completeness and correctness of the calculations made in factor analysis: the total change in the effective indicator should be equal to the sum of changes due to individual factors.

    Factor analysis based on rigidly determined models. In economic research, a factor is understood as the conditions necessary for carrying out a given economic process, as well as the reason, the driving force of this process, which determines its nature or one of the main features. The results of economic activity are influenced by many factors that are interconnected, dependent and conditional.

    Methods of chain substitutions and arithmetic differences. The method of chain substitutions is also called the method of sequential (gradual) isolation of factors. This method is designed to measure the impact of a change in factor characteristics on a change in the effective indicator when studying functional dependencies. The validity of the method was substantiated by K. Marx when studying the effect on the relative price work force three factors: duration, productive power and intensity of labor. He proposed to sequentially consider each factor as a variable, fixing all the others, and so on in turn.

    integral method. The advantages of the integral method should be recognized as the complete decomposition of the factors and the absence of the need to establish the order of the factors.

    The method also has significant drawbacks. These include the significant complexity of calculations even using the above formulas, as well as the existence of a fundamental contradiction between the mathematical basis of the method and the nature of economic phenomena. The fact is that most of the phenomena and quantities in the economy are of a discrete nature, so it is pointless to consider infinitesimal increments, as required by the application of the integral method.

    Forecasting based on proportional dependencies. The basis of this method is the thesis that it is possible to identify a certain indicator that is the most important from the standpoint of the characteristics of the company's activities, which, thanks to this property, could be used as a baseline for determining the forecast values ​​of other indicators in the sense that they are "tied" to the baseline indicator using the simplest proportional dependencies. As a base indicator, either sales proceeds or the cost of sold (manufactured) products are most often used. The validity of this choice is quite easily explained from the standpoint of logic and, moreover, finds confirmation in the study of the dynamics and relationships of other indicators that describe certain aspects of the company's activities.

    The method is based on the assumption that: a) the values ​​of most balance sheet and income statement items change in direct proportion to sales volume; b) the levels of proportionally changing balance sheet items that have developed in the company and the ratios between them are optimal (meaning that, for example, the level of inventories at the time of analysis and forecasting is optimal).

    Method of averages. In any set of economic phenomena or subjects, there are differences between the individual units of this set. Simultaneously with these differences, there is something in common that unites the totality and allows us to attribute all the subjects and phenomena under consideration to one class. For example, all workers of the same shop, performing the same work, perform it in different ways, with different productivity. However, despite some individual differences, it is possible to determine the average output, or average productivity, per worker in the shop. It is possible to average the profitability of an enterprise over several consecutive quarters, obtaining the value of the average profitability, and so on.

    The role of averages, therefore, is to generalize, i.e. replacing the set of individual values ​​of a feature with an average value characterizing the entire set of phenomena. The average value generalizes qualitatively homogeneous values ​​of a trait and, therefore, is a typical characteristic of a trait in a given population. For example, the average turnover per worker is a typical characteristic of a city's trading network.

    Of course, the average value is not fixed once and for all: the average output per employee of a normally functioning enterprise is constantly growing. The average cost per unit of output tends to fall as output increases. Thus, not only the average values ​​themselves, but also the trends in their change can be considered as indicators of the position of the enterprise in the market and the success of its financial and economic activities in this industry.

    Data grouping method. Grouping is the division of a data set into groups in order to study its structure or relationships between components. In the grouping process, the units of a population are distributed among groups in accordance with the following principle: the difference between units assigned to the same group should be less than the difference between units assigned to different groups. The most important question when conducting this kind of research - the choice of the grouping interval.

    The basic rule for grouping is the following: there should be no empty or sparsely filled intervals.

    In the analysis of financial and economic activity, two types of groupings are mainly used: structural and analytical.

    Structural groupings are designed to study the structure and composition of the population, the shifts occurring in it relative to the selected variable feature. Analytical groupings are designed to study the relationship between two or more indicators that characterize the studied population. One of the indicators is considered as effective, and the rest - as factorial. Analytical grouping can be used to calculate the strength of the relationship between factors.

    Elementary Methods for Processing Calculated Data. When studying the totality of values ​​of the studied quantities, in addition to the averages, other characteristics are also used. When analyzing large data arrays, two aspects are usually of interest: first, the quantities that characterize a series of values ​​as a whole, i.e. characteristics of the community, and secondly, the quantities that describe the differences between the members of the population, i.e. characteristics of spread (variation) of values.

    In addition, the following values ​​are used as indicators of generality: the middle of the interval, the mode, and the median.

    The following quantities are most often used as indicators of the range and intensity of the variation of indicators: the range of variation, the average linear deviation, the standard deviation, the variance and the coefficient of variation.

    Index Method. Index it is a statistical indicator representing the ratio of two states of a feature. With the help of indices, comparisons are made with the plan, in dynamics, in space. The index is called simple(synonyms: particular, individual), if the feature under study is taken without taking into account its connection with other features of the phenomena being studied. A simple index looks like

    where P1 and P0 are the compared feature states.

    The index is called analytical(synonyms: general, aggregate), if the trait under study is taken not in isolation, but in connection with other traits. An analytical index always consists of two components: an indexed feature R(the one whose dynamics is being studied) and the weight attribute q. With the help of signs-weights, the dynamics of a complex economic phenomenon is measured, the individual elements of which are incommensurable. Simple and analytical indices complement each other

    Where q 0 or q 1 - weight sign.

    With the help of indices in the analysis of financial and economic activity, the following main tasks are solved:

    Evaluation of the change in the level of the phenomenon (or the relative change in the indicator);

    Identification of the role of individual factors in changing the effective feature;

    Evaluation of the impact of changes in the structure of the population on the dynamics.

    Correlation analysis. Correlation analysis is a method of establishing a relationship and measuring its tightness between observations that can be considered random and selected from a population distributed according to a multivariate normal law.

    A correlation is a statistical relationship in which different values ​​of one variable correspond to different mean values ​​of another. Correlations can arise in several ways. The most important of them is the causal dependence of the variation of the resultant attribute on the change in the factorial one. In addition, this kind of connection can be observed between two effects of the same cause. The main feature of correlation analysis should be recognized that it establishes only the fact of the existence of a relationship and the degree of its closeness, without revealing its causes.

    Regression analysis. Regression analysis is a method of establishing an analytical expression of a stochastic relationship between the studied features. The regression equation shows how, on average, changes at when changing any of xi, and looks like

    y= f(x1, x2, …, xn)

    Where y - dependent variable (it is always one);

    xi independent variable factors - there may be several of them.

    If there is only one independent variable, this is a simple regression analysis. If there are several P 2), then such an analysis is called multivariate.

    Regression analysis is used mainly for planning, as well as for developing regulatory framework.

    cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is one of the methods of multivariate analysis, designed for grouping (clustering) a population, the elements of which are characterized by many features. The values ​​of each of the features serve as the coordinates of each unit of the studied population in the multidimensional space of features. Each observation, characterized by the values ​​of several indicators, can be represented as a point in the space of these indicators, the values ​​of which are considered as coordinates in a multidimensional space.

    Analysis of variance . Analysis of variance is a statistical method that allows you to confirm or refute the hypothesis that two data samples belong to the same general population. With regard to the analysis of the activities of an enterprise, we can say that analysis of variance allows you to determine whether groups of different observations belong to the same set of data or not.

    Analysis of variance is often used in conjunction with grouping methods. The task of conducting it in these cases is to assess the significance of differences between groups. To do this, determine the group dispersions σ12 and σ 22, and then statistically Student's or Fisher's test is used to check the significance of differences between groups.

    Decision tree construction method. This method is included in the system of situational analysis methods and is used in cases where the predicted situation can be structured in such a way that key points are highlighted in which either a decision must be made with a certain probability (the role of an analyst or manager is active), or some event also occurs with a certain probability (the role of an analyst or manager is passive, but some circumstances independent of his actions are significant).

    Linear programming. The linear programming method, which is the most common in applied economic research due to its fairly clear interpretation, allows an economic entity to justify the best (by formal criteria) solution under more or less severe restrictions regarding the resources available to the enterprise. With the help of linear programming in the analysis of financial and economic activity, a number of problems are solved, primarily related to the activity planning process, which allows it to find optimal output parameters and ways to make the best use of available resources.

    Sensitivity analysis. Under conditions of uncertainty, it is never possible to determine in advance exactly what the actual values ​​of a given quantity will be after a certain time. However, for successful planning of production activities, it is necessary to provide for changes that may occur in future prices for raw materials and final products of the enterprise, for a possible decrease or increase in demand for goods produced by the enterprise. To do this, an analytical procedure called sensitivity analysis is performed. This method is often used in the analysis investment projects, as well as when predicting the value of the net profit of the enterprise.

    Sensitivity analysis is to determine what will happen if one or more factors change their value. It is practically impossible to perform the analysis of simultaneous changes in several factors manually; for this, a computer should be used. We will consider the sensitivity of net profit to a change in only one factor (for example, sales volume) with all the others unchanged.

    Methods of financial calculations. Financial calculations, based on the concept of the time value of money, are one of the cornerstones of financial analysis and are used in its various sections.

    Accretion and discount operations. The simplest type of financial transaction is a one-time loan of a certain amount PV with the condition that after some time t large amount will be refunded F.V. The effectiveness of such a transaction can be characterized in two ways: either with the help of an absolute indicator - growth (FVPV), or by calculating some relative indicator. Absolute indicators are most often not suitable for such an assessment due to their incompatibility in the spatio-temporal aspect. Therefore, they use a special coefficient - the rate. This indicator is calculated as the ratio of the increment of the initial amount to the base value, which, obviously, can be taken either PV, or F.V. Thus, the rate is calculated according to one of two formulas

    In financial calculations, the first indicator also has names: "interest rate", "percentage", "growth", "rate of interest", "rate of return", "yield"; and the second is "discount rate", "discount rate", "discount". It is obvious that both rates are interconnected, i.e., knowing one indicator, you can calculate another

    Both indicators can be expressed either in fractions of a unit or as a percentage. It's obvious that
    rt > dt, and the degree of discrepancy depends on the level of interest rates prevailing at a particular point in time. So if rt= 8%, dt= 7.4%, the discrepancy is relatively small; If
    rt= 80%, then dt= 44.4%, i.e. rates vary significantly.


    1.1 The concept of PCD analysis.

    1.2 Principles of PCD analysis.

    1.3 Types of PCD analysis.

    1.4 Method of PCD analysis.

    2.1 General overview of the economic and financial situation of the organization.

    2.1.1 Characteristics of the direction of financial and economic activities.

    2.1.2 Analysis of the state of "sick" reporting items. Analysis of the integrated compacted net balance. Assessing property dynamics. Evaluation of formalized indicators of property status.

    2.2.2 Assessment of the financial situation. Analysis of the firm's liquidity. Analysis of financial stability.

    2.2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the organization. Business analysis. Profitability analysis.

    2.3 Summary.





    With the transition of Russia to a market economy, the analysis of the financial and economic activities of enterprises is becoming increasingly important.

    In the conditions of competition and the desire of enterprises to maximize profits, the analysis of financial and economic activities is an integral function of management. This aspect of company management is becoming the most significant at the present time, since the practice of market functioning shows that without an analysis of financial and economic activity, an enterprise cannot function effectively.

    At present, this need seems to be recognized in Russia, although in developed countries Analysis has been a business norm for a very long time.

    This problem is well covered in the economic literature, especially in Lately. It is very positive that it is Russian economists who pay great attention to this, which determines the inclusion of Russian specifics in publications. Nevertheless, Western translated literature is also of great interest.

    This work is devoted to the analysis of financial and economic activities. This is a very broad topic with numerous aspects. Its breadth is due to the versatility of the economic life of the company.

    It is advisable to talk about the separation of the financial and economic aspects of the analysis. However, in my opinion, the integration of these aspects allows us to more fully characterize the activities of the company. In addition, these two aspects are closely related. In view of this, in this work, it was the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise that was carried out.

    The first part of the work is devoted to theoretical issues of the analysis of FCD, namely the essence of the analysis, its principles and types.

    A special place is given to the second, practical part. term paper, in which an analysis of the financial and economic activities of a really operating enterprise was carried out.

    Thus, this paper considers a range of issues related to the analysis of financial and economic activities in general and in part. practical application analytical procedures.

    § 1. general characteristics analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

    1.1 The concept of PCD analysis

    Effective use of economic resources and the potential of society is impossible without studying the essence of the processes and phenomena occurring in the economy.

    However, in view of the versatility and breadth of the economic life of society, the study of phenomena as a whole is extremely difficult. Significantly facilitate the study of economic processes allows the method of dividing the object of study into components - economic analysis.

    Thus, economic analysis is a way of knowing objects and phenomena of the economic environment, based on the division of the whole into its constituent parts and the study of them in all the variety of connections and dependencies.

    Economic analysis uses an abstract - logical method of studying economic phenomena, since here these phenomena are not of a material nature and their study is replaced by the power of abstraction, based on the analytical abilities of a person.

    The need for economic analysis arose objectively, in connection with the development of productive forces and production relations. At present, analysis occupies a significant place in the knowledge system of society and is widely used to study the patterns of economic development.

    There are general theoretical economic analysis, which studies economic processes and phenomena at the macro level, and specifically economic analysis at the micro level (analysis of economic activity, which is used to study the activities of economic entities).

    In view of the specifics of this work, in the future it will be considered the analysis of financial and economic activities at the micro level.

    1.2 Principles of PCD analysis

    An analytical study of the financial and economic activities of enterprises is based on certain principles.

    1. 1. state approach.

    When evaluating economic phenomena and processes, it is necessary to take into account their compliance with state economic, social, international policies and legislation.

    1. 2. scientific character.

    The analysis should be based on the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, taking into account the requirements of the economic laws of the development of production.

    1. 3. Complexity.

    The analysis requires a comprehensive study of causal relationships in the economy of the enterprise.

    1. 4. Systems approach.

    The analysis should be based on understanding the object of study as a complex dynamic system with a structure of elements.

    1. 5. objectivity and accuracy.

    The information used for the analysis must be reliable and objectively reflect reality, and analytical conclusions must be justified by precise calculations.

    1. 6. Effectiveness.

    The analysis must be effective, that is, actively influence the course of production and its results.

    1. 7. Planning.

    For the effectiveness of analytical activities, the analysis must be carried out systematically.

    1. 8. Efficiency.

    The effectiveness of the analysis greatly increases if it is carried out promptly and analytical information quickly affects the managerial decisions of managers.

    1. 9. Democracy.

    It involves participation in the analysis of a wide range of workers and, consequently, a more complete identification of on-farm reserves.

    1. 10. Efficiency.

    The analysis must be effective, i.e., the costs of its implementation must have a multiple effect.

    1.3 Types of PCD analysis

    The classification of business analysis is important for a correct understanding of its content and objectives and, therefore, for effective application in practice.

    The analysis of economic activity is a multifaceted and wide phenomenon. It is classified:

    by industry:

    • sectoral, the specificity of which takes into account the characteristics of individual sectors of the national economy (industry, Agriculture, transport, etc.)
    • intersectoral, which takes into account the interconnections and structure of economic sectors and is the methodological basis general analysis economic activity (AHD theory)

    according to time:

    • preliminary (prospective), - carried out before the implementation of business operations to justify management decisions
    • operational, carried out immediately after the completion of business transactions for the prompt identification of shortcomings in the process of financial and economic activity. Its purpose is to provide the function of management - regulation.
    • subsequent (retrospective, final), is carried out after the commission of economic acts. It is used to control the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

    in terms of space:

    • on-farm, studies the activities of an economic entity and its structural divisions
    • inter-farm, analyzes the interaction of the enterprise with contractors, competitors, etc. and allows you to identify best practices in the industry, reserves and shortcomings of the organization.

    by objects of management

    • technical - economic analysis, which studies the interaction of technological and economic processes and establishes their impact on the economic results of the enterprise.
    • financial and economic analysis, which pays special attention to the financial results of the enterprise, namely, the implementation financial plan, efficiency of use of own and borrowed capital, profitability indicators, etc.
    • socio-economic analysis, which studies the relationship of social and economic processes to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources, labor productivity, etc.
    • economic - statistical analysis is used to study mass social - economic phenomena.
    • economic - environmental analysis explores the interaction of environmental and economic processes for a more rational and careful use of environmental resources.
    • marketing analysis, which is used to study the external environment of the enterprise, raw materials and sales markets, etc.

    according to the method of studying objects:

    • comparative analysis, uses the method of comparing the results of financial and economic activities by periods of economic activity.
    • factor analysis is aimed at identifying the magnitude of the influence of factors on growth and the level of performance indicators.
    • diagnostic, aimed at identifying violations in the mechanism of the functioning of the organization by analyzing typical signs that are characteristic only for this violation.
    • marginal analysis is a method for evaluating and justifying the effectiveness of management decisions based on cause-and-effect relationships between sales volume, production cost and profit.
    • economic - mathematical analysis allows you to identify the most best option solving an economic problem with the help of mathematical modeling.
    • stochastic analysis is used to study stochastic dependencies between the studied phenomena and the processes of financial and economic activity of an enterprise.
    • functional - cost analysis is focused on optimizing the performance of functions that are performed at various stages life cycle products.

    by subjects of analysis:

    • internal analysis, which is carried out by special structural divisions of the enterprise for the needs of management.
    • external analysis, which is performed government bodies, banks, shareholders, investors, contractors, audit firms on the basis of financial and statistical reporting enterprises.
    • complex analysis, in which the activities of the organization are studied comprehensively.
    • thematic analysis, in which certain aspects of the activity are studied, which are of the greatest interest in this moment time.

    1.4 PCD analysis technique

    The methodology for analyzing financial and economic activities is a set of analytical procedures used to determine the financial and economic condition of an enterprise.

    Various experts in the field of analysis give different methods for determining the financial and economic condition of an enterprise. However, the basic principles and sequence of the procedural side of the analysis are almost the same with slight differences.

    It should be noted that the detailing of the procedural side of the methodology for analyzing financial and economic activity depends on the goals set and various factors of information, methodological, personnel and technical support, as well as the analyst's vision of the task. Therefore, we can definitely say that there is no generally accepted methodology for analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, however, in all significant aspects, the procedural aspects are similar.

    The information support of the analysis is important for a third-party analyst. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities", "An enterprise may not provide information containing a commercial secret." But, as a rule, to accept strategic decisions potential partners of the company, it is sufficient to conduct an express analysis of financial and economic activities. Even to conduct a detailed analysis of financial and economic activities, information that is a trade secret is often not required, but the depth of detail may be less. To conduct a general detailed analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, information is required according to the established forms of financial statements, namely:

    q form No. 1 Balance sheet

    q form No. 2 Profit and loss statement

    q form No. 3 Statement of capital flows

    q form No. 4 Movement report Money

    q form No. 5 Appendix to the balance sheet

    This information, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 1991 No. 35 "On the list of information that cannot be a trade secret" cannot be a trade secret.

    Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is carried out in three stages.

    At the first stage, a decision is made on the appropriateness of the analysis of financial statements and its readiness for reading is checked. The problem of the expediency of the analysis can be solved by familiarization with the audit report on these documents. If an unconditionally positive or conditionally positive audit opinion is drawn up on the company's financial statements, then the analysis is advisable and possible, since the reporting in all material aspects objectively reflects the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

    If, however, a negative audit report is drawn up on the company's financial statements, this means that the documents do not accurately reflect the financial and economic activities of the enterprise or have significant errors, which makes the analysis impossible and irrational.

    Checking the readiness of statements for reading is of a technical nature and is associated with a visual check of the availability of the necessary reporting forms, details and signatures on them, as well as the simplest accounting check of subtotals and balance sheet currency.

    The purpose of the second stage is to get acquainted with the explanatory note to the balance sheet, this is necessary in order to assess the conditions for the functioning of the enterprise in this reporting period and take into account the analysis of the factors whose impact led to changes in the property and financial position of the organization and which are reflected in the explanatory note.

    The third stage is the main one in the analysis of economic activity. The purpose of this stage is to evaluate the results of economic activity and the financial condition of an economic entity. It should be noted that the degree of detail of the analysis of financial and economic activities may vary depending on the goals set.

    At the beginning of the analysis, it is advisable to characterize the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, indicate industry affiliation and other distinguishing features.

    Then, an analysis is made of the state of “sick reporting items”, namely loss items (form No. 1 - lines 310, 320, 390, form No. 2 lines - 110, 140, 170), long-term and short-term bank loans and loans outstanding on time (form No. 5 lines 111, 121, 131, 141, 151) overdue receivables and payables (form No. 5 lines 211, 221, 231, 241) as well as overdue bills (form No. 5 line 265).

    If there are amounts under these items, it is necessary to study the reasons for their occurrence. It is very likely that only further analysis can provide exhaustive information in this case, and the final conclusions on this matter will be reflected in the summary.

    Analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise can be divided into three main components:

    • Assessment of the property status of the organization
    • Assessment of the financial position of the organization
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the organization.

    It should be noted that these components are closely interconnected and their differentiation is necessary only for a clearer separation and understanding of the conclusions on the analytical procedures for analyzing the financial and economic activities of the organization as a whole.

    Property assessment consists of the following components:

    q Analysis of the integrated skewed balance - net

    q Assessing property dynamics

    q Analysis of formalized indicators of property status

    Analysis of the integrated compacted balance sheet - net is based on the construction of a simplified balance sheet model, which integrates the absolute and relative (structural) indicators of items. This achieves the integration of "horizontal" and "vertical" analysis of the balance sheet, which, in my opinion, allows you to more fully trace the dynamics of the balance sheet items. Many experts propose to carry out "vertical" and "horizontal" analysis separately. However, some of them recognize the expediency of conducting such an integrated analysis of balance sheet items.

    At assessment of property dynamics the state of all property is traced as part of immobilized assets (balance sheet section I) and mobile assets (balance sheet section II - inventories, receivables, other current assets) at the beginning and end of the analyzed period, as well as the structure of their growth (decrease).

    Analysis of formalized indicators of property status consists in the calculation and analysis of the following main indicators:

    • The amount of economic assets at the disposal of the enterprise

    This indicator gives a generalized valuation of assets listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

    • Share of the active part of fixed assets

    The active part of fixed assets should be understood as machines, machine tools, equipment, vehicles and so on. The growth of this indicator is qualified as a positive trend.

    • Wear factor

    It characterizes the degree of depreciation of fixed assets as a percentage of the original cost. Its high value is an unfavorable factor. The addition of this indicator to 100% is suitability factor.

    • Refresh rate, - shows what part of the fixed assets available at the end of the period are new fixed assets.
    • Retirement rate, - shows what part of the fixed assets withdrew from the economic turnover for the reporting period due to dilapidation and other reasons.

    The assessment of the financial position consists of two main components:

    q Analysis of the firm's liquidity

    q Analysis of financial stability.

    Company liquidity analysis is an analytical procedure aimed at identifying the firm's ability to pay its obligations in full and on time.

    When analyzing liquidity, the following main indicators are calculated:

    At financial stability analysis the most important characteristic of the financial condition of an enterprise is studied - the stability of its activities in the long term. It is associated with general financial structure enterprises, the degree of its dependence on creditors and investors.

    To analyze the financial stability of an enterprise, it is necessary to calculate the following key indicators:

    • Equity concentration ratio. Characterizes the share of the owners of the enterprise in the total amount of funds advanced in its activities. The higher the value of this ratio, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external loans the enterprise. The recommended value for this indicator is 60%. In addition to this indicator up to 100% is concentration factor attracted (borrowed) capital.
    • Coefficient of financial dependence. It is the inverse of the equity concentration ratio. The growth of this indicator in dynamics means an increase in the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise. If its value is reduced to one (or 100%), this means that the owners fully finance their enterprise. Exceeding 100% shows the structural value of attracted funds.
    • Equity maneuverability ratio . Shows what part of equity is used to finance current activities, i.e. invested in working capital, and what part is capitalized. The value of this indicator can significantly vary depending on the capital structure and industry sector of the enterprise.
    • Coefficient of structure of long-term investments. The coefficient shows which part of fixed assets and other non-current assets is financed by external investors, and which part is financed by own funds.
    • The ratio of own and borrowed funds. This indicator gives the most general assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise and shows how many kopecks of borrowed funds invested in the assets of the enterprise account for 1 ruble of own funds. The growth of the indicator in dynamics indicates an increase in the dependence of the enterprise on external investors and creditors, i.e., a decrease in financial stability, and vice versa.

    Business activity analysis characterizes the results and efficiency of the current main production activity of the company. Generalizing indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the use of enterprise resources and the dynamism of its development include the following indicators:

    • Resource productivity (turnover ratio of advanced capital). It characterizes the volume of sold products per ruble of funds invested in the activities of the enterprise. The growth of the indicator in dynamics is considered as a favorable trend.
    • Coefficient of sustainability of economic growth. Shows the average pace at which an enterprise can develop in the future without changing the already established ratio between various sources of financing, capital productivity, production profitability, dividend policy, etc.

    Profitability analysis is essential part a general analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and allows you to answer the question of how profitable the company is and how efficiently it uses the invested capital. The main indicators of this block are return on advanced capital And profitability of own capital. The economic interpretation of these indicators is obvious - how many rubles of profit fall on one ruble of advanced (own) capital. Other similar indicators can also be calculated.

    § 2. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of ZAO Promsintez.

    2.1 General overview of the economic and financial situation of the organization.

    2.1.1 Characteristics of the direction of financial and economic activities.

    Society with limited liability Promsintez(Promsintes) was established on December 7, 1991 and re-registered in ZAO Promsintez November 20, 1992 by Order of the Administration of the city of Pyatigorsk No. 6146r.

    The Company has been assigned the following all-Russian classifiers:

    • According to OKONH 71211.63200.81200
    • According to KOPF 49
    • According to OKPO 22088662

    TIN 2663007854

    Legal address: Pyatigorsk, st. Pestova 22, tel. 79141.

    Settlement account 00746761 in CB Pyatigorsk 700161533

    BIC 040708733.

    CJSC Promsintez aims to make a profit by implementing the following types activities:

    Production of consumer goods

    Commissioning, construction and installation and design work

    Production and processing of agricultural products

    Manufacture of products for industrial purposes

    Commercial, trade, intermediary, trade and procurement activities

    Foreign economic activity

    Transport services

    All activities are carried out in accordance with applicable law. The company starts activities subject to licensing upon receipt of a license.

    During the period under review (1996), CJSC Promsintez was mainly engaged in the production of water treatment plants and commissioning work on their installation, as well as construction and installation work for their own needs.

    2.1.2 Analysis of the state of "sick" reporting items

    As a result of the analysis of the financial statements of Promsintez CJSC, namely, losses (form No. 1 - lines 310, 320, 390, form No. 2 lines - 110, 140, 170), long-term and short-term bank loans and loans outstanding on time (form No. 5 lines 111, 121, 131, 141, 151) overdue receivables and payables ( form No. 5 lines 211, 221, 231, 241) as well as overdue bills (form No. 5 line 265), the presence of amounts on these items was not found, which in general indicates the profitability of the enterprise, as well as its ability to normally pay off its creditors and receive money from debtors on time.

    It should be noted that the company fully used the profit of the reporting year (48988 thousand rubles). This is due to the fact that a significant share of the company's expenses is occupied by the costs of building a production workshop, own store and office.

    2.2 Analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise.

    2.2.1 Assessment of property status.

    The assessment of the property status of the organization should be carried out in three stages:

    • Analysis of the integrated compacted net balance
    • Analysis of property dynamics
    • Analysis of property indicators

    Table 1 Integrated compacted net balance


    Absolute indicators

    Relative (structural) indicators

    At the beginning, thousand rubles

    At the end, thousand rubles

    Absolute change, thousand rubles

    Relative change,%

    At the beginning, %

    Finally, %

    Change, %


    1. Non-current assets

    1.1 Intangible assets

    1.2 Fixed assets

    1.3 Construction in progress

    1.4 Long-term financial investments

    1.5 Other non-current assets

    Section 1 Total

    2. Current assets

    2.1 Stocks and costs, incl. VAT

    2.2 Accounts receivable

    2.3 Cash and cash equivalents

    2.4 Other current assets

    Section 2 total

    Total assets


    1. Equity

    1.1 Authorized and additional capital

    1.2 Funds and reserves

    Section 1 Total

    2. Raised capital

    2.1 Long-term liabilities

    Section 2 total

    Total liabilities

    As a result of the analysis of the condensed net balance, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    q Fixed assets decreased from 139437 thousand rubles. up to 107400 thousand rubles. (by 23%), which can be characterized as a negative trend

    q Construction in progress increased from 74896 thousand rubles. to 183,560 thousand rubles, which compensates for the decrease in fixed assets, since these facilities under construction (stamping shop, shop and office) will be included in fixed assets.

    Thus, non-current assets increased from 214333 thousand rubles. up to 327833 thousand rubles. (by 53%), which indicates an increase in production fixed assets in the future.

    Current assets increased from 46,095 thousand rubles. up to 114894 thousand rubles. which can be assessed as a favorable trend.

    Thus, the balance sheet increased from 260428 thousand rubles. up to 442,727 thousand rubles. which generally characterizes the increase in the production potential of CJSC Promsintez.

    Of particular note is the growth of the company's short-term liabilities (from 66,975 thousand rubles to 248,672 thousand rubles - by 271%), which can definitely be regarded as a negative trend.

    In general, the structural indicators of the balance sheet reflect the above dynamics - if, in the asset balance, the structure of items remained practically the same, then in the liabilities one can note a clear increase in the share of short-term liabilities (from 26% at the beginning of the analyzed period to 56% at the end) due to a corresponding decrease in the share of long-term liabilities, which is also a negative point. Assessing property dynamics

    Table 2. Assessing property dynamics


    Back to top



    thousand roubles.

    Immobilized assets

    Mobile assets, incl.

    Accounts receivable


    Other current assets

    Total property

    When assessing the dynamics of the property of CJSC Promsintez, the following results were revealed:

    q Immobilized assets increased from 214333 thousand rubles. up to 327833 thousand rubles. (by 53%)

    q Mobile assets increased from 46,095 thousand rubles. up to 114894 thousand rubles. (by 149%). The growth of mobile assets is due to the increase in inventories (from 45,604 to 114,631 thousand rubles - by 151%). It seems inappropriate to analyze the dynamics of receivables and cash, since these values ​​are rather small compared to the balance sheet. It can only be noted that a small amount of "fast" cash (on the account and at the cash desk), which may interfere with the normal procedure for settlements.

    The total amount of property increased from 260428 thousand rubles. up to 442,727 thousand rubles. (by 70%), which, ceteris paribus, positively characterizes the property position of CJSC Promsintez. Evaluation of formalized indicators of property status.

    For a more complete and qualitative analysis of the property status, it is advisable to calculate analytical indicators.

    Table 3 Summary of analytical indicators of the group of property status



    Norm. meaning

    Back to top




    1.6 Refresh rate

    1.7 Dropout rate


    The analysis of indicators of the group of property status allows us to draw the following conclusions:

    • The amount of economic assets at the disposal of the enterprise increased from 260428 thousand rubles. up to 442,727 thousand rubles. which can be assessed as a positive trend
    • The share of fixed assets in assets decreased (from 0.57 to 0.24), which indicates a decrease in the production potential of the organization
    • As part of fixed assets, a significant amount is occupied by their active part (almost 100%), which is a positive point
    • The depreciation coefficient of the active part of fixed assets decreased from 0.85 to 0.3. This dynamics can be assessed as very positive, as there was a significant renewal of fixed assets
    • The renewal rate was 0.88, and the retirement rate was 0.64, which indicates a favorable trend in the renewal of fixed assets.

    2.2.2 Assessment of the financial situation Analyzing the firm's liquidity

    To analyze the liquidity of Promsintez JSC, we calculate analytical indicators.

    Table 3 Summary of analytical indicators of the liquidity group



    Norm. meaning

    Back to top


    2.1 The amount of own working capital

    2.2 Maneuverability of own working capital

    2.3 Current ratio

    2.4 Quick liquidity ratio

    2.5 Absolute liquidity ratio

    2.6 Share of working capital in assets

    2.7 The share of own working capital in their total amount

    2.8 Share of inventories in current assets

    2.9 Share of own working capital in covering stocks

    2.10 Reserve coverage ratio

    An analysis of liquidity indicators allows us to conclude that the company is absolutely illiquid both at the beginning and at the end of the analyzed period.

    So the indicator of the value of own working capital amounted to -133,778 thousand rubles, which indicates that 133,778 thousand rubles. non-current assets are financed by short-term debt (other than current assets).

    The current liquidity ratio decreased from 0.69 to 0.46 (at the rate of 2), which indicates the extreme illiquidity of the company.

    There is no need to even talk about more stringent liquidity ratios.

    This condition is partly due to the high share of stocks in the structure of current assets (almost 100%). On the other hand, such dynamics takes place due to the high level of accounts payable.

    It should be noted that this state can be partly justified by the high level of liquidity of inventories and the fact that the organization seeks to keep its assets in inventories due to the possibility of inflation. Financial sustainability analysis

    To conduct an analysis of financial stability, it is necessary to calculate analytical indicators.

    Table 4 Summary of analytical indicators of the financial stability group



    Norm. meaning

    Back to top


    3.1 Equity concentration ratio

    3.2 Financial dependency ratio

    3.3 Equity flexibility ratio

    3.4 Debt concentration ratio


    3.5 Long-term investment structure ratio

    3.6 Long-term leverage ratio

    3.7 Debt structure ratio

    3.8 Debt to Equity Ratio


    After analyzing the financial stability of Promsintez JSC, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    • The equity concentration ratio decreased from 0.74 to 0.44 (the company's assets were financed by its own capital at the end of the year by 44%), which is a negative trend, as it reduces the company's financial stability.
    • Accordingly, the coefficient of financial dependence increased (from 1.35 to 2.28)
    • An increase in the debt capital concentration ratio (0.26 to 0.56) can be noted, which indicates a similar trend.
    • The company does not use long-term borrowed capital, which is a negative point, since financing activities through short-term debt is fraught with the risk of not returning funds to creditors on time. This is evidenced by the dynamics of indicators 3.5, 3.6, 3.7. (at the beginning and end of the analyzed period they are equal to zero).
    • The ratio of borrowed and own funds increased, which also indicates a decrease in the financial stability of the enterprise over the analyzed period.

    Thus, having studied the dynamics of the indicators of this group, we can conclude that the financial stability of Promsintez JSC is declining.

    2.2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the organization Business analysis

    Table 5 Summary of analytical indicators of the business group



    Norm. meaning

    Back to top


    4.1 Sales proceeds

    4.2 Net income

    4.3 Labor productivity

    4.4 Return on assets

    4.5 Turnover of funds in settlements (in turnover)

    4.6 Turnover of funds in settlements (in days)

    4.7 Inventory turnover (in turnovers)

    4.8 Inventory turnover (in days)

    4.9 Accounts payable turnover (in days)

    4.10 Operating cycle time

    4.11 Length of financial cycle

    4.12 Collection ratio of receivables

    4.13 Equity turnover

    4.14 Total capital turnover

    4.15 Sustainability Ratio of Economic Growth Cost-benefit analysis

    To analyze the profitability of Promsintez JSC, it is necessary to calculate the following analytical indicators.

    Table 6 Summary of analytical indicators of the profitability group



    Norm. meaning

    Back to top


    5.1 Net income

    5.2 Profitability of products

    5.3 Profitability of core business

    5.4 Return on total capital

    5.5 Return on equity

    5.6 Payback period of equity


    As a result of the profitability analysis, we can conclude that Promsintez JSC is profitable as a whole.

    This is evidenced by the dynamics of the following indicators:

    • Net profit increased from 23,038 thousand rubles. up to 31842 thousand rubles. (by 38%)
    • Product profitability remains at the level of 20%, which is an acceptable indicator.
    • The profitability of the main activity also has a normal value (25%).
    • Return on equity increased from 12% to 16%, which is a favorable trend.
    • Reflecting the dynamics of the previous indicators, the payback period for equity capital has decreased (from 8.4 years to 6 years).

    2.3 Summary


    In conclusion, the following should be noted.

    Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the company in a market economy is becoming increasingly important.

    Analysis is a management function aimed at finding out the real state of the functioning of the company. Depending on the goals set, the emphasis can be placed on various aspects of the organization's activities.

    The analysis of financial and economic activities is based on the analysis methodology, which determines the form of analytical research and analytical procedures. The detailing of the procedural side of the PCD analysis depends on the information support and the chosen areas of analysis.

    Analysis of financial and economic activities allows you to:

    • Assess the financial and economic condition of the company and its compliance with the goals.
    • Reveal the economic potential of the economic entity.
    • Determine the effectiveness of financial and economic activities.
    • Develop measures to improve the efficiency of production and management, and much more.

    Thus, the analysis of financial and economic activities is an integral part of enterprise management. It is an effective tool for influencing the economic life of the company, allows you to control current situation, determine development prospects and much more.

    The analysis of financial and economic activity begins to take an increasing place in management. Russian enterprises and it is obvious that its wider application will significantly increase the efficiency of production and ensure economic growth.


    Table 7 The system of indicators for assessing the financial and economic situation of the organization

    Name of indicator

    Calculation formula

    Reporting form

    Line numbers(s), count(r.)

    1.1 The amount of economic funds at the disposal of the organization

    Net balance result


    1.2 Share of fixed assets in assets

    Cost of fixed assets

    Net balance total


    1.3 Share of the active part of fixed assets

    The cost of the active part of fixed assets

    Cost of fixed assets

    1.4 Depreciation rate of fixed assets

    Depreciation of fixed assets

    Initial cost of fixed assets

    1.5 Depreciation coefficient of the active part of fixed assets

    Depreciation of the active part of fixed assets

    The initial cost of the active part of fixed assets


    1.6 Refresh rate

    The initial cost of fixed assets received for the period

    The initial cost of fixed assets at the end of the period

    Analysis of financial and economic activity plays an important role in increasing the economic efficiency of the organization, in its management, in strengthening its financial condition. It is an economic science that studies the economics of organizations, their activities in terms of assessing their work on the implementation of business plans, assessing their property and financial condition and in order to identify untapped reserves to improve the efficiency of organizations.

    Acceptance of justified, optimal ones is impossible without a preliminary comprehensive, in-depth economic analysis of the organization's activities.

    The results of the economic analysis carried out are used to establish reasonable planning targets. The indicators of business plans are set on the basis of actually achieved indicators, analyzed in terms of opportunities for their improvement. The same applies to regulation. The norms and standards are determined on the basis of the previously existing ones, analyzed from the point of view of the possibilities for their optimization. For example, the norms for the consumption of materials for the manufacture of products should be established taking into account the need to reduce them without compromising the quality and competitiveness of products. Consequently, the analysis of economic activity contributes to the establishment of reasonable values ​​of planned indicators and various standards.

    Economic analysis helps to increase the efficiency of organizations, the most rational and efficient use of fixed assets, material, labor and financial resources, the elimination of unnecessary costs and losses, and, consequently, the implementation of a savings regime. The immutable law of management is to achieve the greatest results at the lowest cost. The most important role in this is played by economic analysis, which makes it possible, by eliminating the causes of excessive costs, to minimize and, consequently, maximize the value obtained.

    The role of the analysis of economic activity in strengthening the financial condition of organizations is great. The analysis allows you to establish the presence or absence of financial difficulties in the organization, identify their causes and outline measures to eliminate these causes. The analysis also makes it possible to ascertain the degree of solvency and liquidity of the organization and predict the possible bankruptcy of the organization in the future. When analyzing the financial results of the organization's activities, the causes of losses are established, ways to eliminate these causes are outlined, the influence of individual factors on the amount of profit is studied, recommendations are made to maximize profits by using the identified reserves of its growth, and ways to use them are outlined.

    The relationship of economic analysis (analysis of economic activity) with other sciences

    First of all, the analysis of financial and economic activities is associated with. Among all those used in the conduct, the most important place (more than 70 percent) is occupied by information provided accounting And . Accounting forms the main indicators of the organization's activities and its financial condition (liquidity, etc.).

    The analysis of economic activity is also associated with statistical accounting (). information provided by statistical accounting and reporting is used in the analysis of the organization's activities. In addition, economic analysis uses a number of statistical methods research.. Economic analysis is interconnected with the audit.

    auditors check the correctness and validity of the organization's business plans, which, along with accounting data, are an important source of information for economic analysis. Further, the auditors carry out a documentary check of the organization's activities, which is very important to ensure the reliability of the information used in the economic analysis. Auditors also analyze the profit, profitability and financial condition of the organization. Here audit comes into close interaction with economic analysis.

    The analysis of economic activity is also associated with intra-economic planning.

    The analysis of economic activity is closely connected with mathematics. When conducting research is widely used.

    Economic analysis is also closely connected with the economy of individual sectors of the national economy, as well as with the economy of individual industries (engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, etc.).

    The analysis of economic activity is also interconnected with such sciences as , . In the process of conducting economic analysis, it is necessary to take into account the formation and use of cash flows, the features of the functioning of both own and borrowed funds.

    Economic analysis is very closely related to the management of organizations. Strictly speaking, the analysis of the activities of organizations is carried out with the aim of implementing, on the basis of its results, the development and adoption of optimal management decisions that ensure an increase in the efficiency of the organization's activities. Thus, economic analysis contributes to the organization of the most rational and efficient management system.

    Along with the specific economic sciences listed, economic analysis is certainly associated with. The latter sets out the most important economic categories, which serves as a methodological basis for economic analysis.

    The objectives of the analysis of financial and economic activities

    In the process of conducting economic analysis, identifying an increase in the efficiency of organizations and ways of mobilization, that is, the use of identified reserves. These reserves are the basis for the development of organizational and technical measures that must be carried out to activate the identified reserves. The developed measures, being optimal management decisions, make it possible to effectively manage the activities of objects of analysis. Therefore, the analysis of the economic activity of organizations can be considered as one of the most important functions of management or, as the main method of substantiating decisions on the management of organizations. In the conditions of market relations in the economy, the analysis of economic activity is designed to ensure high profitability and competitiveness of organizations both in the short and in the longer term.

    The analysis of economic activity, which arose as an analysis of the balance sheet, as balance science, continues to consider the analysis of the financial condition of the organization according to the balance sheet as the main direction of research (using, of course, other sources of information). In the context of the transition to market relations in the economy, the role of analysis of the financial condition of the organization is significantly increasing, although, of course, the importance of analysis and other aspects of their work is not diminished.

    Methods of analysis of economic activity

    The method of analysis of economic activity includes a whole system of methods and techniques. enabling scientific research economic phenomena and processes that make up the economic activity of the organization. Moreover, any of the methods and techniques used in economic analysis can be called a method in the narrow sense of the word, as a synonym for the concepts of "method" and "reception". The analysis of economic activity also uses the methods and techniques characteristic of other sciences, especially statistics and mathematics.

    Analysis method is a set of methods and techniques that provide a systematic, comprehensive study of the influence of individual factors on changes in economic indicators and the identification of reserves for improving the activities of organizations.

    The method of analyzing economic activity as a way of studying the subject of this science is characterized by the following features:
    1. The use of tasks (taking into account their validity), as well as the standard values ​​of individual indicators as the main criterion for assessing the activities of organizations, and their financial condition;
    2. The transition from assessing the organization's activities based on the overall results of the implementation of business plans to detailing these results by spatial and temporal characteristics;
    3. calculation of the influence of individual factors on economic indicators (where possible);
    4. Comparison of indicators of this organization with indicators of other organizations;
    5. Integrated use of all available sources of economic information;
    6. Generalization of the results of the conducted economic analysis and a summary calculation of the identified reserves for improving the organization's activities.

    In the process of conducting the analysis of economic activity, a large number of special methods and techniques are used, in which the systemic, complex nature of the analysis is manifested. Systemic nature of economic analysis It manifests itself in the fact that all economic phenomena and processes that make up the activity of the organization are considered as certain aggregates consisting of separate components, interconnected and in general with the system, which is the economic activity of the organization. When conducting an analysis, the relationship between the individual components of these aggregates, as well as these parts and the aggregate as a whole, and finally, between individual aggregates and the activities of the organization as a whole, is studied. The latter is considered as a system, and all of its listed components are considered as subsystems of various levels. For example, an organization as a system includes a number of workshops, i.e. subsystems, which are aggregates consisting of individual production sites and jobs, that is, subsystems of the second and higher orders. Economic analysis studies the interconnections of the system and subsystems of various levels, as well as the latter among themselves.

    Analysis and evaluation of business performance

    Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the business, that is, to establish the degree of efficiency of the functioning of this enterprise.

    The main principle of economic efficiency is to achieve the greatest results at the lowest cost. If we elaborate on this situation, we can say that efficient operation enterprise takes place while minimizing the cost of manufacturing a unit of production in conditions of strict adherence to technology and production and ensuring High Quality And .

    The most general performance indicators are profitability, . There are private indicators that characterize the effectiveness of certain aspects of the functioning of the enterprise.

    These indicators include:
    • efficiency of use of production resources at the disposal of the organization:
      • fixed production assets (here the indicators are , );
      • (indicators - personnel profitability, );
      • (indicators - , profit per one ruble of material costs);
    • the effectiveness of the investment activity of the organization (indicators - the payback period of capital investments, profit per one ruble of capital investments);
    • efficient use of the organization's assets (indicators - turnover of current assets, profit per one ruble of the value of assets, including current and non-current assets, etc.);
    • efficiency of capital use (indicators - net profit per share, dividends per share, etc.)

    Actually achieved private performance indicators are compared with planned indicators, with data for previous reporting periods, as well as with indicators of other organizations.

    We present the initial data for analysis in the following table:

    Private performance indicators of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

    Indicators characterizing certain aspects of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise have improved. Thus, capital productivity, labor productivity and material productivity have increased, therefore, the use of all types of production resources at the disposal of the organization has improved. The payback period for capital investments has been reduced. The turnover of working capital accelerated due to the increase in the efficiency of their use. Finally, there is an increase in the amount of dividends paid to shareholders per share.

    All these changes, which took place compared with the previous period, indicate an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise.

    As a generalizing indicator of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, we use the level as the ratio of net profit to the sum of fixed and circulating production assets. This indicator combines a number of private performance indicators. Therefore, the change in the level of profitability reflects the dynamics of the efficiency of all aspects of the organization's activities. In our example, the level of profitability in the previous year was 21 percent, and in the reporting year 22.8%. Consequently, an increase in the level of profitability by 1.8 points indicates an increase in business efficiency, which is expressed in a comprehensive intensification of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

    The level of profitability can be considered as a generalizing, integral indicator of business performance. Profitability expresses a measure of profitability, the profitability of the enterprise. Profitability is a relative indicator; it is much smaller than absolute indicator profit, subject to the influence of inflationary processes and therefore more accurately shows the effectiveness of the organization. Profitability characterizes the profit received by the enterprise from each ruble of funds invested in the formation of assets. In addition to the considered profitability indicator, there are others that are covered in detail in the article “Profit and Profitability Analysis” of this site.

    The effectiveness of the functioning of the organization is influenced by a large number of factors of different levels. These factors are:
    • general economic factors. These include: trends and patterns of economic development, achievements of scientific and technological progress, tax, investment, depreciation policy of the state, etc.
    • natural and geographical factors: the location of the organization, the climatic features of the area, etc.
    • Regional factors: the economic potential of a given region, investment policy in this region, etc.
    • industry factors: the place of this industry in the national economic complex, market conditions in this industry, etc.
    • factors determined by the functioning of the analyzed organization - the degree of use of production resources, compliance with the regime of savings in the costs of production and sale of products, the rationality of the organization of supply and marketing activities, investment and pricing policy, the most complete identification and use of on-farm reserves, etc.

    It is very important to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the enterprise is to improve the use of production resources. Any of the indicators we have named, reflecting their use ( , ) is a synthetic, generalizing indicator, which is influenced by more detailed indicators (factors). In turn, each of these two factors is influenced by even more detailed factors. Consequently, any of the generalizing indicators of the use of production resources (for example, capital productivity) characterizes the effectiveness of their use only in general.

    In order to reveal the true effectiveness, it is necessary to carry out more detailed of these indicators.

    The main private indicators characterizing the efficiency of the enterprise should be considered the return on assets, labor productivity, material efficiency and turnover of working capital. At the same time, the latter indicator, in comparison with the previous ones, is more general, directly reaching such performance indicators as profitability, profitability, and profitability. The faster the turnover of working capital, the more efficiently the organization functions and the greater the amount of profit received and the higher the level of profitability.

    The acceleration of turnover characterizes the improvement of both the production and economic aspects of the organization's activities.

    So, the main indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the organization are profitability, profitability, profitability level.

    In addition, there is a system of private indicators that characterize the effectiveness of various aspects of the functioning of the organization. Among the private indicators, the most important is the turnover of working capital.

    A systematic approach to the analysis of financial and economic activities

    Systems approach to the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise suggests her study as a specific set, as unified system . The system approach also assumes that an enterprise or other analyzed object should include a system of various elements that are in certain relationships with each other, as well as with other systems. Consequently, the analysis of these elements that make up the system should be carried out taking into account both intrasystem and external relations.

    Thus, any system (in this case, the analyzed organization or another object of analysis) consists of a number of interconnected subsystems. At the same time, the same system, as an integral part, as a subsystem, is included in another system of a higher level, where the first system is interconnected and interacts with other subsystems. For example, the analyzed organization as a system includes a number of workshops and management services (subsystems). At the same time, this organization, as a subsystem, is part of some branch of the national economy or industry, i.e. systems of a higher level, where it interacts with other subsystems (other organizations included in this system), as well as with subsystems of other systems, i.e. with organizations in other industries. Thus, the analysis of the activities of individual structural divisions of the organization, as well as individual aspects of the latter's activity (supply and marketing, production, financial, investment, etc.) should not be carried out in isolation, but taking into account the relationships that exist in the analyzed system.

    Under these conditions, economic analysis must, of course, be systemic, complex and multifaceted.

    In the economic literature, the concepts of " system analysis" And " complex analysis". These categories are closely related. In many respects, systemic and complex analysis are synonymous concepts. However, there are also differences between them. System approach to economic analysis involves an interconnected consideration of the functioning of individual structural divisions of the organization, the organization as a whole, and their interaction with external environment, that is, with other systems. Along with this, a systematic approach means an interconnected consideration of various aspects of the activity of the analyzed organization (supply and marketing, production, financial, investment, socio-economic, economic-environmental, etc.). The systematic analysis is a broader concept compared to its complexity. Complexity includes the study of individual aspects of the organization's activities in their unity and interconnection. As a result, complex analysis should be considered as one of the fundamental parts of system analysis. The generality of the complexity and consistency of the analysis of financial and economic activities is reflected in the unity of the study of various aspects of the activities of a given organization, as well as in the interconnected study of the activities of the organization as a whole and its individual divisions, and, in addition, in the application of a common set of economic indicators, and, finally, in the integrated use of all types of information support for economic analysis.

    Stages of analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

    During the course of the systemic complex analysis financial and economic activities of the enterprise can be divided into the following stages. At the first stage the analyzed system should be divided into separate subsystems. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in each individual case, the main subsystems may be different, or the same, but having far from identical content. So, in an organization that manufactures industrial products, the most important subsystem will be its production activity, which is absent in trade organization. Organizations providing services to the population have a so-called production activity, which differs sharply in its essence from the production activity of industrial organizations.

    Thus, all the functions performed by this organization are performed through the activities of its individual subsystems, which are identified at the first stage of a systemic, comprehensive analysis.

    At the second stage a system of economic indicators is being developed, which reflects the functioning of both individual subsystems of a given organization, that is, the system, and the organization as a whole. At the same stage, criteria for evaluating the values ​​of these economic indicators are developed based on the use of their normative and critical values. And finally, at the third stage of the implementation of a systemic, integrated analysis, the relationships between the functioning of individual subsystems of a given organization and the organization as a whole are identified, the economic indicators that express these relationships are determined and are under their influence. So, for example, they analyze how the functioning of the department for labor and social issues of a given organization will affect the value of the cost of manufactured products, or how the investment activity of the organization affected the amount of its balance sheet profit.

    Systems approach to economic analysis enables the most complete and objective study of the functioning of this organization.

    At the same time, one should take into account the materiality, significance of each type of identified relationships, the share of their influence on the total value of the change in the economic indicator. Subject to this condition, a systematic approach to economic analysis provides opportunities for the development and implementation of optimal management decisions.

    When conducting a systematic, comprehensive analysis, it is necessary to take into account that economic and political factors are interrelated and have a joint impact on the activities of any organization and on its result. Political decisions taken by the legislative authorities must necessarily be in accordance with the legislative acts regulating the development of the economy. True, at the micro level, that is, at the level of individual organizations, it is very problematic to give a reasonable assessment of the influence of political factors on the performance of an organization, to measure their influence. As for the macro level, that is, the national economic aspect of the functioning of the economy, here it seems more realistic to indicate the influence of political factors.

    Along with the unity of economic and political factors, when conducting a system analysis, it is also necessary to take into account the interconnectedness of economic and social factors. At present, the achievement of the optimal level of economic indicators is largely determined by the implementation of measures to improve the socio-cultural level of the organization's employees and improve their quality of life. In the process of conducting the analysis, it is necessary to study the degree of implementation of plans for socio-economic indicators and their relationship with other indicators of the activities of organizations.

    When conducting a systematic, comprehensive economic analysis, one should also take into account unity of economic and environmental factors. In modern conditions of the activity of enterprises, the environmental side of this activity has become very important. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the costs of implementing environmental protection measures cannot be considered only from the standpoint of momentary benefits, since the biological damage caused to nature by the activities of metallurgical, chemical, food and other organizations may become irreversible, irreplaceable in the future. Therefore, in the process of analysis, it is necessary to check how the plans for the construction of treatment facilities, for the transition to waste-free production technologies, for beneficial use or implementation of planned returnable waste. It is also necessary to calculate the reasonable values ​​of damage caused to the natural environment by the activities of this organization and its individual structural divisions. The environmental activities of an organization and its subdivisions should be analyzed in conjunction with other aspects of its activities, with the implementation of plans and the dynamics of the main economic indicators. At the same time, cost savings for environmental protection measures, in cases where it is caused by incomplete implementation of plans for these measures, and not by more economical use of material, labor and financial resources, should be recognized as unjustified.

    Further, when conducting a systematic, comprehensive analysis, it is necessary to take into account that it is possible to obtain a holistic view of the organization's activities only as a result of studying all aspects of its activities (and the activities of its structural divisions), taking into account the relationships between them, as well as their interaction with the external environment. Thus, in carrying out the analysis, we split the integral concept - the activity of the organization - into separate constituent parts; then, in order to verify the objectivity of analytical calculations, we carry out an algebraic addition of the results of the analysis, that is, individual parts, which together should form a complete picture of the activities of this organization.

    The systemic and complex nature of the analysis of financial and economic activity is reflected in the fact that in the process of its implementation there is the creation and direct application of a certain system of economic indicators that characterize the activities of the enterprise, its individual aspects, the relationship between them.

    Finally, the systemic and complex nature of economic analysis finds its expression in the fact that in the process of its implementation there is a complex use of the entire set of information sources.


    So, the main content of the system approach in economic analysis is to study the influence of the entire system of factors on economic indicators based on the intra-economic and external relations of these factors and indicators. At the same time, the analyzed organization, that is, a certain system, is divided into a number of subsystems, which are separate structural units and individual aspects of the organization. In the course of the analysis, the complex use of the entire system of sources of economic information is carried out.

    Factors to improve the efficiency of the organization

    Classification of factors and reserves to improve the efficiency of the organization's economic activities

    The processes that make up the financial and economic activities of the enterprise are interconnected. In this case, the connection can be direct, direct, or indirect, mediated.

    The financial and economic activities of the enterprise, its effectiveness are reflected in certain. The latter can be generalized, that is, synthetic, as well as detailed, analytical.

    All indicators expressing the financial and economic activities of the organization are interconnected. Any indicator, a change in its value, is influenced by certain reasons, which are usually called factors. So, for example, the volume of sales (sales) is influenced by two main factors (they can be called factors of the first order): the volume of output of marketable products and the change during the reporting period of the balance of unsold products. In turn, the values ​​of these factors are influenced by second-order factors, that is, more detailed factors. For example, the volume of output is influenced by three main groups of factors: factors associated with the availability and use of labor resources, factors associated with the availability and use of fixed assets, factors associated with the availability and use of material resources.

    In the process of analyzing the activities of the organization, even more detailed factors of the third, fourth, and higher orders can be distinguished.

    Any economic indicator can be a factor influencing another, more general indicator. In this case, the first indicator is called the factor indicator.

    Studying the influence of individual factors on economic performance is called factor analysis. The main varieties of factor analysis are deterministic analysis and stochastic analysis.

    See further:, and reserves for increasing the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise