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Presentation on physical education on the topic “Safety in physical education lessons” download for free. Safety precautions presentation for a physical education lesson on the topic Presentation of safety precautions for outdoor games

Introductory briefing on safety measures for students in the subject “Physical Education”. I. General requirements security. The student must: - pass medical checkup and practice in the medical group to which he belongs due to health reasons; - have a neat sports uniform (pants, T-shirt, T-shirt, tracksuit, tights, clean shoes - sneakers, sneakers), appropriate to the weather conditions and the topic of the lesson; - leave the locker room at the first request of the teacher; - after illness, provide the teacher with a doctor’s certificate; - be present at the lesson if the doctor releases you from classes after illness; - treat sports equipment and equipment with care and use it for its intended purpose; - have short-cut nails; - know and follow the safety instructions.

Safety requirements before starting classes. The student must: - change clothes in the locker room, put on sports uniform and shoes; - remove items that pose a danger to other students (earrings, watches, bracelets, etc.); - remove sharp and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the supplies and equipment necessary for the lesson; - with the permission of the teacher, go to the place where the lesson is being held; - at the teacher’s command, get into formation for a general formation.

III. Safety requirements during classes. The student must: - listen carefully and clearly carry out the teacher’s tasks; - take sports equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; - while moving, look ahead, keep sufficient interval and distance, avoid collisions; - perform exercises with serviceable equipment and engage in serviceable equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; - while moving, look ahead, keep sufficient interval and distance, avoid collisions; - perform exercises with serviceable equipment and exercise on serviceable equipment

Students are not allowed to: - leave the location of the lesson without the permission of the teacher; - push, place steps in formation and movement; - climb onto basketball trusses, hang on hoops; - chew chewing gum; - interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises; - perform exercises with wet palms; - abruptly change the direction of your movement.

IV. Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations. The student must: - if injured or deteriorating in health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; - with the help of a teacher, provide first aid to the injured person medical care, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call him " ambulance"; - if a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; - by order of the teacher, notify the administration educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.

V. Safety requirements at the end of classes. The student must - under the guidance of the teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage areas; - leave the location of the lesson in an orderly manner; - change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; - wash your hands with soap.

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Presentation on the topic “Safety” Teacher: Shamaeva Galina Ivanovna

Lessons on physical culture always associated with an increased risk of injury. This places high demands on physical education teachers and students to implement safety precautions. The teacher, as well as each student, must strictly adhere to the established rules.

The management of the educational institution is obliged to ensure that the gym, outdoor sports ground, as well as sports equipment and any additional equipment used in lessons comply with safety standards. If the physical education teacher found a discrepancy between any objects related to classes, established standards, he must immediately notify the school management and stop using them in lessons until the danger is eliminated.

During physical education classes, students are likely to be exposed to the following factors: injuries from a fall on a hard surface or ground, injuries from being in the throwing sector, injuries due to poor warm-up, injuries from a collision and violation of the rules sports games or handling sports equipment. To minimize risks, it is necessary to adhere to safety precautions.

Only students who have undergone technical instruction are allowed to participate in physical education classes. safe behavior; Only students who have the appropriate level of clearance from a medical institution and have provided the teacher with a document participate in physical education lessons;

Students who have a full or partial exemption from physical education classes must be present in class. After illness, students are required to provide the teacher with a certificate from a medical institution;

Students for physical education classes are required to have clean sports shoes and sports uniforms, which must correspond to the location of the classes. If the lesson is held outdoors, sportswear and shoes must correspond to the current weather conditions;

It is prohibited to chew chewing gum or eat food during physical education classes; After physical activity, students should not drink cold water to avoid colds.

Students must change clothes in a room specially designated for this purpose - the locker room. Boys and girls must change clothes in separate rooms. The student must wear sportswear and shoes to class.

Before the lesson, you must take off and remove from your pockets all items that may pose a danger during physical education - bracelets, rings, watches, etc.;

Having heard the command, students must get into formation to begin the physical education lesson.

It is necessary to listen carefully and strictly follow the teacher’s safety instructions in physical education lessons; You can perform exercises and take sports equipment only after the appropriate permission from the teacher;

When performing a short-distance group run, run only on your own path;

During the race, to minimize the risk of falling and colliding after crossing the finish line, the student should not stop abruptly; You cannot perform jumps on loose, slippery or uneven ground, and you cannot land after jumping on your hands;

During exercises, follow the appropriate safety rules: maintain distance, avoid unauthorized falls, collisions, and so on; Students are prohibited from unauthorizedly changing the trajectory of movement, making dangerous movements or throwing objects, performing exercises on the uneven bars and horizontal bar with wet palms, playing around and interfering with the lesson;

If your health worsens or you are injured, the student must immediately stop physical exercise and inform the teacher about it.

If necessary and with the permission of the teacher, students remove sports equipment;

Students, after the permission of the physical education teacher, leave the place of sports activities in an organized and calm manner and go to the locker room; Students change into school clothes and shoes; Schoolchildren wash their hands and wash themselves well with soap and water.

Safety precautions are important element educational process, therefore, it must be taken seriously, first of all, by each of the teachers, carefully checking the condition of the equipment and monitoring the behavior of schoolchildren. CONCLUSION

Slide presentation

Slide text: Safety precautions in physical education lessons Performed by the physical education teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 11” Anna Vladimirovna Suneva, Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory

Slide text: Contents I. General safety requirements. 2. Safety requirements before starting classes. 3. Safety requirements during classes. Safety requirements during athletics. Safety requirements during outdoor games. 6. Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations. 7. Safety requirements at the end of classes.

Slide text: General safety requirements The student must: have a neat sports uniform (shorts, T-shirt, suit), clean sports shoes that prevent slipping, tightly fitting feet; go to the gym when the teacher calls; after illness, provide the teacher with a doctor’s certificate; in case of release from classes after illness, attend the lesson in sportswear; treat sports equipment with care and use it for its intended purpose; know and follow safety instructions.

Slide text: Safety requirements before starting classes Put on sportswear and shoes. Remove items that pose a danger (earrings, watches, bracelets, etc.). Remove sharp objects and mobile phones from the pockets of your sports uniform. At the teacher's command, stand in line.

Slide text: Safety requirements during classes The student must: listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher’s instructions; take sports equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; When moving, look ahead, maintain sufficient intervals and distances, and avoid collisions.

Slide text: Students are not allowed to: leave the lesson location without the teacher’s permission; pushing, tripping in formation and in motion; interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises; sharply change the direction of your movement; chew chewing gum.

Slide text: Safety requirements during athletics Running The student must: during a group start for short distances, run along his own track; while running, look at your track; after performing running exercises, run 5-10 m by inertia; return to the start at the side of the track.

Slide text: Running It is prohibited: * when starting a race, put on footrests; * detain opponents with hands; * in long-distance running, push and overtake comrades running in front.

Slide text: JUMPING The student must: perform jumps when the teacher gives permission; perform jumps one by one; After completing the jump, quickly return to your place on the right or left side of the runway. It is prohibited: * to perform jumps on uneven and slippery surfaces; * run across the runway while another student is performing an attempt; * land on your hands.

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Slide text: THROWING Before throwing, make sure that there is no one in the direction of the throw. When throwing in a group, stand on the left side of the thrower. When near the throwing area, make sure that the thrower is in your field of vision. After the throw, follow the projectile only with the permission of the teacher. When throwing at a target, foresee the danger when the projectile rebounds.

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Slide text: THROWING It is prohibited: * throwing a projectile in places not equipped for this; * produce arbitrary throwing; * pass the projectile to each other with a throw; * cross the throwing zone.

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Slide text: Safety requirements during outdoor games Playing games with catch-up Look in the direction of your movement. Avoid abrupt stops. It is forbidden: * to push in the back ahead of those running; * sharply change the direction of its movement.

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Slide text: Ball games The student must: measure the force of throwing the ball at the players. It is prohibited: * throwing the ball at the players' heads; * snatch the ball from the player who first took possession of it; * fall and lie on the floor, dodging the ball; * run onto the benches.

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Slide text: Relay races The student must: perform a relay race in his own lane; after passing the baton, stand at the end of your team; It is prohibited: * to start the relay race without a signal from the teacher; * break down during the relay race; * continue the relay race until the player in front passes the baton to you by touching his hand; * sit on the floor or climb on sports equipment.

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Slide text: Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations. The student must: if injured or feel unwell, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, call a doctor; If a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits in accordance with the evacuation plan.

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Slide text: Safety requirements at the end of classes. The student must: under the guidance of the teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage areas; leave the location of the lesson in an orderly manner; change clothes in the locker room; wash your hands with soap.

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Presentation - Safety in physical education lessons

Text of this presentation

Safety precautions in physical education lessons
Author: Natalia Valerievna Kolganova, physical education teacher, GBOU NOSH No. 615 of the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg
(a lesson on safety in a lesson for elementary school students)

The following are allowed to attend physical education lessons: Students who have completed safety instructions; 2. Students who have a doctor’s clearance (main and preparatory health groups).

Safety in a physical education lesson is knowing and following the rules!
In physical education lessons you need to know: Bell - start of lesson - formation in the gym. 2. Exit from the hall, only accompanied by a teacher.

Safety in a physical education lesson is knowing and following the rules!
It is prohibited: Chew chewing gum; enjoy mobile phone; Unauthorized taking of sports equipment from the gym.

Safety in a physical education lesson is knowing and following the rules!
Types of injuries
wounds, abrasions, cuts

Safety in a physical education lesson is knowing and following the rules!
Main causes of injuries:
Unsatisfactory preparation of training places, equipment, inventory; 2. Adverse weather conditions; 3. Shoes and clothing that are inappropriate for the weather and type of activity; 4. Lack of insurance and self-insurance;

5. Insufficient training and fixation of the load; 6. Neglect of warming up; 7. Low behavioral culture of students (failure to comply with discipline); 8. Lack of medical support and violation medical requirements.
Safety in a physical education lesson is knowing and following the rules!

First aid for injuries
Wounds, abrasions, cuts
Reasons: fall, faulty equipment, violation of discipline
Symptoms: pain, loss of skin integrity
First aid
Treatment of the wound
The wound should not be washed with water!
Do not apply non-sterile objects to the wound!
If there is a deep wound, urgently take the victim to medical institution!

First aid for injuries
Causes: cuts, falls, collisions while doing exercises
Symptoms: bleeding, dizziness, loss of consciousness, weakness
First aid
Raise the damaged part of the body, apply a tight bandage or tourniquet (in case of severe bleeding)
The tourniquet should be on the body for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours
Attach a note with the date and time the tourniquet was applied
Urgently transport the victim to a medical facility

First aid for injuries

Symptoms: sharp pain, swelling, bruising in the area of ​​injury, inability to move
First aid
Provide immobility and apply a splint
The splint must cover at least 2 joints above and below the fracture
It is necessary to place a soft pad under the tire
The victim should be urgently taken to a medical facility

First aid for injuries
Reasons: fall, strong impact
Symptoms: severe pain, joint swelling, inability to move a limb
First aid
Fixation of the injured limb, immobility
Dislocation is a persistent displacement of the ends of bones included in one joint.
If the upper limb is dislocated, the arm must be suspended on a scarf.
If a lower limb joint is dislocated, the victim must be placed on a stretcher and urgently taken to a medical facility

First aid for injuries
Reasons: fall, strong impact
Symptoms: pain, swelling, bruising, slight dysfunction
First aid
Cold should be applied to the injury site
The affected part of the body must be created in an elevated position
Ensure peace and stillness
Apply a tight bandage

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Safety precautions in physical education lessons Author: Natalia Valerievna Kolganova, physical education teacher of GBOU NOSH No. 615 of the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg (lesson on safety precautions in the lesson for primary school students)

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Safety in a physical education lesson means knowing and following the rules! The following are allowed to attend physical education lessons: Students who have completed safety instructions; 2. Students who have a doctor’s clearance (main and preparatory group health).

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Safety in a physical education lesson means knowing and following the rules! In physical education lessons you need to know: Bell - start of lesson - formation in the gym. 2. Exit from the hall only when accompanied by a teacher.

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Safety in a physical education lesson means knowing and following the rules! It is prohibited: Chew chewing gum; Use a mobile phone; Unauthorized taking of sports equipment from the gym.

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Safety in a physical education lesson means knowing and following the rules! Types of injuries: wounds, abrasions, cuts, bleeding, bruises, dislocations, fractures

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Safety in a physical education lesson means knowing and following the rules! The main causes of injuries: Unsatisfactory preparation of training places, equipment, inventory; 2. Adverse weather conditions; 3. Shoes and clothing inappropriate for the weather and type of activity; 4. Lack of insurance and self-insurance;

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5. Insufficient training and fixation of the load; 6. Neglect of warming up; 7. Low behavioral culture of students (failure to comply with discipline); 8. Lack of medical support and violation of medical requirements. Safety in a physical education lesson means knowing and following the rules!

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First aid for injuries Wounds, abrasions, cuts Causes: fall, faulty equipment, violation of discipline Symptoms: pain, violation of the integrity of the skin First aid Treatment of the wound Applying a bandage Attention! The wound should not be washed with water! Do not apply non-sterile objects to the wound! If there is a deep wound, urgently take the victim to a medical facility!

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First aid for injuries Bleeding Causes: cuts, falls, collisions during exercise Symptoms: bleeding, dizziness, loss of consciousness, weakness First Aid Raise the injured part of the body, apply a tight bandage or tourniquet (in case of severe bleeding) Attention! The tourniquet should be on the body for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours. Attach a note with the date and time of application of the tourniquet. Urgently take the victim to a medical facility.

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First aid for injuries Fractures Causes: fall, strong blow Symptoms: sharp pain, swelling, Bruising in the area of ​​injury, inability to move First aid Ensure immobility and apply a splint Attention! The splint must cover at least 2 joints above and below the fracture. A soft pad must be placed under the splint. The victim should be urgently taken to a medical facility.

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First aid for injuries Dislocations Causes: fall, strong blow Symptoms: severe pain, swelling of the joint, inability to move the limb First aid Fixation of the injured limb, immobility Attention! Dislocation is a persistent displacement of the ends of the bones included in one joint. If the upper limb is dislocated, the arm must be suspended on a scarf. If the joint of the lower limb is dislocated, the victim must be placed on a stretcher and urgently taken to a medical facility.

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First aid for injuries Bruises Causes: fall, strong blow Symptoms: pain, swelling, bruising, slight dysfunction First Aid Cold should be applied to the site of the bruise Attention! The affected part of the body must be placed in an elevated position. Ensure rest and immobility. Apply a tight bandage.