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What should an ambulance driver do? Job description of the driver of the car. Driver Qualification Requirements

Of course, there is no universal guide to action for the driving profession. This is understandable because, for example, the duties of an ambulance driver will be fundamentally different from the duties of an “office” driver.

In this article, we will describe in detail what categories of prescriptions generally exist for the driving profession and give brief information on what kind of labor responsibility they impose on the employee (although the job description is similar to the standard one described).

Job description of the driver of a company car

The official vehicle is the property of the organization (for example, the chief director), the following obligations of the driver are associated with this:

  • Timeliness and speed of delivery of the machine;
  • Keeping the car clean (including the interior) and in good condition;
  • Smooth and accurate car driving.

The duties of this position include timely refueling of vehicles and the implementation of timely maintenance.

Forwarder driver job description

This document prescribes the maintenance of vehicles in good technical condition. The obligations of the freight forwarder include receiving goods from warehouses and checking its compliance with the documentation, checking the integrity of the packaging, monitoring and controlling the loading and unloading of goods into the car, monitoring the safety of goods, filling out waybills, maintaining a report of mileage and fuel consumption, and fulfilling individual instructions of the head.

Bus driver job description

The job description of the school bus driver determines the observance of the bus schedule, approves the mandatory check of the technical condition of the transport before leaving, the installation of identification marks "Transportation of children", the maintenance of the bus in sanitary order and cleanliness, the provision of the bus on demand.

Job description of a truck driver

This document prescribes timely refueling of the car with fuel, each time before leaving, checking the full filling of the waybill, eliminating malfunctions that occurred during operation, compliance with the rules traffic. In case of serious breakdowns, you should read the article about the duties of a mechanic.

Chauffeur's Guide to Transportation dangerous goods, additionally prescribes the prohibition of avoiding the route agreed with the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, exceeding the established speed. There are individual provisions in case of any incident or breakdown, which can be read in the document by clicking on the link below.

Typical driver job description

This document prescribes to work with various mechanisms of the car (depending on the specifics of the transport operation), refuel the vehicle with fuel, lubricants, coolant, supply vehicles for unloading, loading, etc.

Forklift driver job description

This document prescribes the uninterrupted operation of load handling mechanisms and loader attachments, monitor the safety of raw materials and products during such work, monitor timely maintenance, keep clean places used for repair and parking of loaders.

Ambulance driver job description

This document prescribes to follow the instructions of the paramedic. Also, his duties include maintaining the proper technical condition of the car, cleanliness in the cabin, ensuring fast and timely departure of the ambulance. medical care, assistance in loading, unloading, escorting victims, assisting medical workers in escorting mental patients, maintaining the safety of property and securing on-board medical devices.

Administration driver job description

This document prescribes obedience to the instructions of the head of administration, ensuring the timely delivery of the car, maintaining cleanliness in the cabin and body, carrying out the necessary maintenance and repair, turning on the alarm whenever you leave the car, ensuring a neat, correct and smooth ride.

Job description - a document that describes all the duties of an ambulance driver, rights and responsibilities and simplifies the relationship between employees and employers. It is possible to do without it, since it is not mandatory under the Labor Code. Nevertheless, the presence of a detailed, well-written job description helps to optimize the workflow and eliminates controversial issues as much as possible.

General provisions

Ambulance driver job description 2020 starts with general provisions. It includes the following items:

  • Appointment to the position of an ambulance driver and removal from it occurs with the help of the order of the general director;
  • The ambulance driver also reports to either the director or the head of the department or subdivision;
  • In his absence, he is replaced by another employee;
  • The employee must have a driver's license of at least category B and have at least 2 years of driving experience.

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Maintain employee records


For an ambulance driver, the main requirements are:

  • category B and C rights;
  • driving experience from 3 years;
  • special training (ideally a secondary medical education, but this is not a prerequisite). If you have a special education, you do not need to have experience.

In the future it is planned tosecondary medical education obligatory item, in addition to a driver's license and driving experience.

When working as an ambulance driver, you need to study the following information:

  • traffic rules: including all the fines that are due for their violation;
  • ambulance arrangement: its specifications, principles of its operation and components, methods of their maintenance;
  • operating rules: how to properly care for and maintain the machine in a consistently good condition for operation;
  • data on malfunctions: why they occur, how and in what ways to determine this, what the consequences may be, repair;
  • maintenance: basic information on how this is done.

It is also important to take into account valid documents and follow them:

  • provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • acts of the company: mainly, this is the charter;
  • orders and orders of superiors;
  • provisions of the job description.

There are specific knowledge that the NSR driver must possess. Medical education he does not need to have, but minimal first aid skills are needed.

In particular, these are:

  • rules for the use of medical equipment and instruments;
  • safety precautions when using them;
  • psychology of professional communication;
  • basic knowledge of disaster medicine;
  • sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the medical salon.

If necessary, the ambulance driver must be able to prepare equipment and tools for use, assist with the application of tourniquets and dressings, and ensure that all hygiene standards are observed, since sterility in medicine is an indisputable condition.

Equally important will be the ability to correctly choose the route to get to the patient as quickly as possible, and the willingness to help paramedics in carrying, loading and unloading patients.


The ambulance driver must follow a series of official duties. Their list is quite extensive and includes the following points:

  • make sure that the car is in good condition;
  • control the safety of the car, which implies constant supervision, the presence of an alarm and its use, blocking doors during trips;
  • driving in compliance with traffic rules and maximum care so that there is no threat to the life and health of the team and patients, and the machine itself remains in good working order;
  • keep an eye on her technical condition, and if possible, independently troubleshoot;
  • carry out maintenance at the right time in the service salon;
  • keep the interior clean and take care of the car parts;
  • put the car in a guarded parking lot or garage every day after work;
  • Before traveling, draw up a detailed itinerary. The job description of the ambulance driver also suggests that the route must be coordinated with the management;
  • then mark the route in the waybill, not forgetting various technical details: mileage, fuel consumption;
  • exclude the use of alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances in the workplace;
  • Carry out specific tasks assigned by management as needed.

This list can be supplemented by the fact that a person working in such a position must be prepared for an irregular work schedule, difficult patients and lack of time, as well as have unlimited reserves of patience and endurance.

That is why the job description of an ambulance driver will help not only the authorities in the selection of candidates, but also applicants to understand how ready they are for such hard work.


With a large list of duties, knowledge and level of responsibility, the rights of the driver of the SMP are significantly less. These include:

  • obtaining any information necessary for the performance of duties;
  • requirement from the brigade to fulfill all traffic rules;
  • making a proposal to the management on improving the workflow and increasing the level of safety during the operation of the vehicle;
  • requirement to comply with minimum suitable conditions in the process of work;
  • making decisions within their competence and their implementation.


The ambulance driver is responsible for a number of issues:

  • in case of failure to perform official duties, as well as when they are performed poorly or insufficiently professionally;
  • with a careless attitude to orders, orders, instructions, if it concerns any confidential information, including trade secrets;
  • in case of violation of labor regulations and labor discipline, violations of safety regulations, including fire safety.


The job description is the most important document used to regulate the work process. You can download a sample above.

The main requirements are still specific skills - the ability to provide first aid and use medical equipment. It is also worth considering that if information about rights and responsibilities can be unified, then the section with duties should be approached as strictly as possible. The more clearly they are written, the less the likelihood of problems and the higher the degree of work optimization.

The list of jobs, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles must be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, but has not yet been established, however, it cannot be denied that the work of an ambulance driver is most directly related to driving a vehicle and, therefore, part-time driver is not allowed in the same position. By order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2004 No. 15, the Regulations on the peculiarities of the working hours and rest periods of drivers were approved. Paragraph 7 of the said Regulation establishes that the normal working hours of drivers may not exceed 40 hours per week, and the normal duration of daily work (shift) may not exceed 8 hours.

Ambulance driver - profession close-up

Know the main streets of the settlement, and when working in the countryside, the location of settlements in the served area, the location of medical institutions. Be able to correctly choose the route, taking into account the traffic situation and traffic intensity.

  • It is good to know the device, as well as be able to carry out simple car repairs.
  • Possess first aid skills.

Some of these skills overlap with other driver specializations, while others are unique to this one. Let's dwell on them in more detail. Contradiction of speed and safety Driving skill is the most important skill that an ambulance driver must possess.
The patient's chances of a positive outcome often depend on the speed of his delivery to the medical facility.

Overtime work of ambulance drivers

The driver's knowledge of the basics of providing medical care is laid down in the qualification requirements of the relevant Regulations. Character traits A typical list of important character traits that a professional ambulance driver possesses:

  • The composure necessary in the event of extreme traffic situations.
  • Endurance associated with heavy physical exertion when repairing a car or carrying a patient.
  • Consistency, a character trait that allows you to resolve conflict situations with aggressive road users.

Qualification requirements The applicant must meet the following qualification requirements:

  • Have a first or second class qualification.
  • Be trained in the provision of medical care and transportation of victims.

Data qualification requirements regulated by Order No. 100 of the Ministry of Health of March 26, 1999

We are hiring an ambulance driver


When driving a car, you need to find a “golden mean”, which will allow you to deliver the patient in a timely manner, without exposing him and himself to an unjustified risk of a traffic accident. Knowing the basics of extreme driving will be important. How to avoid road "traps" In this profession, the ability to correctly think over your route, quickly arrive at the address of the call is more important than even a taxi driver.

An experienced ambulance driver knows almost every street, every house in his hometown. By clearly visualizing their route, experienced drivers avoid all sorts of road “traps” in the form of traffic jams or road repairs. Beginners should study the city map in advance. Do it yourself The main fleet of ambulances in the Russian Federation are minibuses "Gazelle", "Sobol", as well as UAZ-3962.

Ambulance driver: duties and salary

What does the job description of an ambulance driver contain? A job description designed for an ambulance driver usually contains the following parts:

  1. General provisions. It describes the required level of qualification of the employee, his subordination, requirements for work experience.
  2. Responsibilities assigned to the driver (more on them will be discussed later).
  3. Driver's rights. Although the ambulance driver has all the rights that are provided labor law, in this section it makes sense to indicate only those that are characteristic of a particular organization or are not mentioned in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    In particular, this often includes the right to professional development and to appeal to management with complaints and suggestions.
  4. Driver responsibility.

How much does an ambulance driver earn


So how much does an ambulance driver earn? Does it given profession relevant today? What are the development prospects for this position? To answer these questions, it is necessary to consider in detail the specifics of work in this direction. Jobs and Responsibilities of an Ambulance Driver To become an ambulance driver, you do not need a higher medical or any other education. Enough secondary or secondary special education.

The main condition for employment is a driver's license with open category"IN". You can get a job as a student of the medical academy for this position and start gaining experience from the first courses of study. Each ambulance driver must be well versed in the traffic intersections of the city, be able to avoid traffic jams, and must also know all the service entrances to medical institutions.

How ambulance drivers work

Usually in this section we are talking on disciplinary (for violation of the legal orders of the management and failure to comply with the requirements of discipline), civil law (in terms of compensation for damage caused to the property of the enterprise or other employees), as well as administrative and criminal (for the commission of relevant misconduct or crimes). Qualification requirements for an ambulance driver A person who wants to drive an ambulance most often has the following requirements:

  • category B and C rights;
  • driving experience of at least 3 years;
  • special training in the field of emergency care or secondary medical education.

The latter is still rare, but in the future it is planned to replace professional drivers with nurses with a driver's license and driving experience.

How ambulance drivers should work

Each worker can go to annual leave, which is paid by the organization, and is 28 calendar days, where six additional days are provided. When an ambulance driver performs the duties of an orderly during the transportation of infectious patients, his vacation can be extended by 12 days, and in the process of transporting mentally ill people - 30 days. The state does not provide for early retirement for this category of workers.

In cities and regions of Russia Russian Federation the average salary of an ambulance driver in 2017 is 18,400 rubles. The most demanded region is the Tambov region, where the equivalent of queries on job search sites is 22.2%. Next comes the Moscow region with requests of 13.9%, and the third place is occupied by Krasnodar region – 11.1%.
of the Regulation, for drivers carrying out transportation for healthcare facilities, the duration of daily work (shift) can be increased to 12 hours if the total duration of driving during the period of daily work (shift) does not exceed 9 hours. In addition, in accordance with Art. . 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the written consent of the employee, he may be involved by the head of the institution in overtime work if necessary, perform (finish) the work begun, which, due to an unforeseen delay due to specifications could not be performed (completed) during the working hours established for the employee, if its non-fulfillment (non-completion) may endanger the life or health of people, as well as in the event of the non-appearance of the replacement employee, if the work does not allow a break. It should be borne in mind that, in accordance with Art.
The conditions regarding the length of service as a driver remain in force. Responsibilities of an ambulance driver The duties assigned to an ambulance driver typically include the following:

  • knowledge of traffic rules, car device, topography of the area, location of medical facilities;
  • driving a car during on-call trips;
  • maintenance of the car, refueling it with fuel and lubricants, execution of relevant documents;
  • ensuring the safety of medical equipment installed in the entrusted vehicle;
  • keeping the car interior clean, carrying out the necessary cleaning;
  • elimination of minor faults that do not require the intervention of qualified auto mechanics;
  • assistance to medical staff during the transportation of sick and injured, carrying equipment and medical manipulations (application of splints, tourniquets, etc.);

Often additional condition to the applicant is the availability professional experience from 3 years. ABOUT wages The amount of salary differs in different regions of the Russian Federation. Highest Income will receive an ambulance driver in Moscow (up to 45,000 rubles), Siberia and Far North(up to 35,000 rubles).

The lowest payment in Central Russia (up to 12,000 rubles). On average in the Russian Federation, an ambulance driver receives about 15,000 rubles. It is worth noting that its level seriously depends on the continuity of work experience in medical institutions. With a light stroke, an ambulance driver turns into ... As part of the healthcare modernization program, by 2020 it is planned to replace drivers with paramedic ambulance drivers. Job responsibilities will include the provision of medical assistance in pre-medical volume. This will require a secondary vocational education in medical business with the appropriate certificate.

  • 1 Work and duties of an ambulance driver
  • 2 Salary
    • 2.1 In cities and regions of Russia
  • 3 In Western countries

There is nothing more important and valuable human life. You can never predict how and at what time a person will become ill and need qualified medical care. The ambulance driver is responsible for how quickly the ambulance gets to the patient.
It is on him that hopes are pinned to overcome the city's endless traffic jams or suburban impassability. Such an employee must have excellent cartographic knowledge and the ability to skillfully drive the transport entrusted to him.

ambulance driver

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of an ambulance driver.

1.2. A person with a secondary education and a certificate for the right to drive a car of the corresponding category is appointed to the position of an ambulance driver. The driver is a member of the ambulance team and is an employee providing the driving of an ambulance of the "03" service.

1.3. Ambulance driver must know the purpose, device, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices, serviced vehicles; traffic rules and technical operation cars; causes, methods for detecting and eliminating faults that have arisen during the operation of the car; the procedure for maintenance and the rules for storing cars in garages and open parking lots; rules for the operation of batteries and car tires; break-in rules for new cars and after overhaul; the impact of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent traffic accidents; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of traffic accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of a serviced vehicle.

1.4. .The ambulance driver reports to the head of the garage, the garage mechanic, the garage dispatcher, while at the EMS station - the OSMP dispatcher. During the execution of the call, the driver of the ambulance team is directly subordinate to the doctor or paramedic of the ambulance team. He is guided in his work by their instructions and orders.

1.5. An ambulance driver is allowed to enter the line only in a serviceable, complete and clean car, if there is a waybill with a mark on the passage of pre-trip medical control.

1.6. Departure to the line is made from 8 hours 30 minutes. until 9:00 a.m. after handing over the car to the next driver in the shift. Earlier departures are allowed in cases of urgent need.

1.7. The driver of the ambulance is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the chief physician in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Duties of the driver

The driver must know and comply with:

2.1. This manual.

2.2. Rules of the road.

2.3. Rules of the internal labor schedule.

2.4. Rules for the technical operation of the vehicle

2.5. Orders and directives concerning his work.

2.6 Safety regulations and regulations fire safety.

2.7. Topography of the served area, location of NSR substations and healthcare facilities.

2.8. Rules for the use of garage equipment.

2.9. When working on the line, the driver must have with him: an identity card (passport), a driver's license, a vehicle registration certificate, a state technical inspection car, OSAGO policy, waybill with a mark of the pre-trip medical examination passed, the dispatcher about the time of departure, the mechanic about the technical condition of the car. The waybill must indicate the route along which the car is directed.

2.10. Upon arrival at work, at the set time (no later than 8 hours 30 minutes), go through a pre-trip medical examination and report to the dispatcher to mark the start time of work on the waybill.

2.11. Before leaving the line, take the car from the previous driver, check the availability of documents for the car (registration certificate, GTO coupon, OSAGO policy), the technical condition of the car in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road and the Rules for Technical Operation by contacting Special attention on the serviceability of the brake system, steering and signaling and lighting devices, put your signature on the waybill.

2.12. If a malfunction is detected that prevents leaving the line, and without being able to immediately eliminate it, immediately notify the dispatcher and mechanic about this.

2.13. While working on the line, comply with the requirements of the Rules of the Road, be attentive to the situation and its changes. Conduct constant monitoring of the technical condition of the car, paying special attention to the serviceability of the brakes, steering, external lighting devices.

2.14. Provides immediate departure of the brigade to the call and the movement of the car along the shortest route.

In the event of a forced delay of the car while working with a passenger, the driver must notify the dispatcher. Ensures the safety of property, monitors the correct placement and fixing of on-board medical devices. . It is strictly forbidden to store in the cabin of the car any items other than approved standard equipment.

2.15. In the event of a vehicle malfunction on the line, inform the dispatcher about this, agree with him on the issue of further passenger service, and then take measures to eliminate the technical malfunction, while observing the safety requirements. If the problem cannot be corrected, call technical assistance, indicating the exact location.

2.16. In the event of an accident or an accident on the line, the driver is obliged to take the measures provided for by the traffic rules (section 2, clauses 2.5; 7.2) and immediately inform the dispatcher about the incident. When returning to the garage, provide the head of the garage with an explanation with a detailed statement of the circumstances of the incident on the form of the established form, and then file an accident or an accident in the prescribed manner.

2.17. Having finished work, issue a waybill at the OSMP dispatcher with the obligatory indication of the end time of work and return to the garage. Properly executed travel documents must be personally handed over to the garage dispatcher. It is mandatory for all drivers to immediately return to the garage at the end of passenger service.

2.18. Perform daily maintenance (EO) of the car, which includes: control aimed at ensuring traffic safety, as well as work to maintain a proper appearance, refueling, oil and coolant. Maintain special signaling devices (siren, flashing searchlight), searchlight, portable searchlight, emergency interior lighting, entrenching tool. Perform minor repairs to equipment (locks, handles, belts, straps, stretchers, etc.).

Note:Control and maintenance of cars before leaving the line is carried out by drivers at the expense of preparatory and final time.

2.19. During control checks on the line, at the first request of the controllers, stop the car and hand over the documents for verification. The driver must inform the dispatcher and the mechanic of the garage about all comments received on the line from traffic police officers, other departments and services authorized to control the operation of transport.

2.20. Directly participate in the maintenance and repair of the car.

2.21. The driver must be neat, attentive and polite.

3. The driver is prohibited

When working on the line:

3.1. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or when you are sick or tired.

3.2. Transfer control of the car to other persons.

3.3. Deviate from the route determined by the dispatcher or the responsible passenger.

3.4. Transport unauthorized persons in the car, use the car for personal and mercenary purposes.

3.5. Take a break from driving, interfere in the conversations of passengers, smoke while driving.

3.6. Leave the OSMP without the permission of the dispatcher.

3.7. Leave the car and documents in places that do not ensure their safety and complete safety.

3.8. Fulfill the requirements of passengers that are contrary to the Rules of the Road and these instructions.

When in the garage:

3.9. Remove any parts and devices from the car.

3.10. Install additional devices and instruments on the vehicle that are not provided by the manufacturer, make inscriptions, stick photographs and other foreign objects.

3.11. Do not use flammable products when washing the car and individual units.

3.12. To smoke, except for the places specially designated for this.

3.13. During the daytime, leave cars in the area of ​​prohibition signs and places where it will impede the movement of others Vehicle.

4. Rights

The driver of the car has the right:

4.1. make proposals to the management of the institution on the organization and conditions of its labor activity;

4.2. use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties;

4.3. undergo certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

4.4. improve your qualifications.

The driver of the car enjoys all labor rights in accordance with Labor Code RF.

5.Responsibility of the driver

The driver of the vehicle is responsible for:

5.1. timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him;

5.2. organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;

5.3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety;

5.4. maintenance of documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts;

5.5. promptly taking measures, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

5.6. For failure to comply with the requirements of the rules of this job description, the orders of the garage dispatcher, the driver is liable in accordance with applicable law.

5.7. In accordance with Article 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, drivers are liable in full for the damage caused through their fault to the enterprise in the following cases:

a) Intentional damage.

b) When the damage is caused by the criminal actions of the employee, established by a court verdict.

c) When the damage was caused not in the performance of labor duties.

d) When the damage is caused while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances.

e) Causing damage as a result of an administrative offense, if such is established by the relevant government agency

f) In other cases, the employee is liable within the limits of his average monthly earnings.

5.8. For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory legal acts, the driver of the car can be brought in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the misconduct, to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

Government of St. Petersburg

In order to improve the work of mobile ambulance teams,

I order:

1. Approve and put into effect the "Rules for the work of field personnel on ambulances", agreed with State Inspectorate traffic safety in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

2. Extend the "Rules" specified in paragraph 1 of this order to drivers and medical personnel of emergency departments at district clinics and suburban ambulance stations.

3. To the chief physician of the St. Petersburg State Health Institution "City Ambulance Station" Boykov A.A., the heads of medical institutions, which include emergency medical departments, the director of the St. Petersburg State Health Institution "Ambulance and Emergency Vehicle Depot" G.K. Director of the State Institution "Sanitary Transport" Golubikhin Yu.A. familiarize medical personnel and all drivers employed at work in an ambulance with this order against signature.

4. To the chief physician of the SSSMP Boikov A.A. to ensure by the forces of the line control service constant monitoring of compliance with the "Rules for the work of field personnel on ambulances".

6. To impose control over the execution of this order on the first deputy chairman of the Committee Zholobov V.E.

Chairman of the Committee
Shcherbuk Yu.A.

Rules for the work of all field personnel on ambulances

order of the Committee for
government health
dated 13.04.2004 N 87-p

General provisions

Taking into account the peculiarities of the work of mobile ambulance teams, where the life and health of the patient depends on the coherence of the actions of medical personnel and drivers, put forward General requirements for doctors, paramedics, nurses, midwives, orderlies of the St. Petersburg State Health Institution "City Ambulance Station" and drivers of the St. Petersburg State Health Institution "Ambulance and Emergency Vehicle Depot" (hereinafter referred to as all field personnel).

These rules provide for the coordination of actions and duties of all members of the field team when working on ambulances.

Responsibilities of all field personnel

1. All field personnel must:

1.1. Arrive early to work, be ready to start work shift respond immediately to the call.

1.2. At the beginning of an urgent service task (following a call, delivering a sick or injured person to medical institution) within one minute, take a seat in the car, fasten your seat belts and turn on the flashing beacons, siren, radio communications. Switching off the means of communication is allowed only upon the arrival of the brigade at the substation.

1.3. Be extremely careful, observe the requirements of safety regulations when in a car.

1.4. Use the ambulance only for its intended purpose. Arrivals, stops for any personal purposes, admission to the car of unauthorized persons are strictly prohibited.

1.5. While at the substation, strictly observe the "Rules of internal labor regulations at the St.

1.6. Take care of medical equipment and an ambulance, have a neat appearance, be extremely attentive to the sick and those around them.

1.7. Continue to work beyond the time set by the schedule, upon receipt of a call at the end of the shift and in the event of an emergency, by order of the responsible doctor of the St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution.

1.8. Stop to provide assistance when meeting with an accident (sudden illness) on the street at the time of following a call, with a sick person or returning to a substation. The brigade leader is obliged to report to the dispatcher of the direction department of the central substation about the stop along the route and coordinate his subsequent actions with him.

2. All field personnel are strictly prohibited from:

2.1. Use fixed and portable radios and televisions while driving.

2.2. Leave the territory of the substation during duty.

Upon receipt of time for a meal, all field personnel take it in one place, agreed with the dispatcher of the referral department (canteen, cafe, substation), with the means of communication turned on.

2.3. Consume in work time alcoholic drinks, narcotic potent and psychotropic drugs.

2.4. Being at the substation during duty and in free time from work with signs of alcohol or other intoxication.

2.5. Smoking in the cockpit and saloon of an ambulance.

Smoking is allowed on the territory of the substation in a designated area.

Responsibilities of field medical personnel

The workplace of medical personnel is the salon of an ambulance.

3. The medical staff of the mobile brigade of the St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service is obliged to:

3.1. Arrive at work in advance, be ready to immediately go to the call by the beginning of the work shift.

3.2. Before the start of the work shift, check and receive against signature in the registers a medical bag, packing with narcotic drugs and personnel equipment.

3.3. Conduct an inspection of the driver before the start of duty (if this duty is not assigned to the paramedic for receiving and transmitting substation calls) with registration of the results of the inspection in a special journal. If the driver has signs of a disease state, signs of alcohol, drug or substance abuse, the medical staff is obliged to report the incident to the dispatcher on duty, the head of the substation and the senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation. In the future, act according to the instructions received from them.

3.4. Report to the dispatcher about readiness for work. When submitting an ambulance that is not equipped and not issued in accordance with the agreement with the car depot: with a faulty speedometer, door locks, heating, radio communications and other defects (including in poor sanitary condition), the team leader reports to the dispatcher and the head of the substation for a solution the question of the possibility of operating this ambulance.

3.5. Make sure that the radio communication facilities are in good condition by giving a control signal to the central substation dispatcher, inform the substation dispatcher about the radio stations' operability and make a note in a special log.

3.6. At the beginning of an urgent service task (following a call, delivering a sick or injured person to a medical institution), take a seat in a car within one minute, fasten your seat belts and turn on radio communications.

3.7. Immediately report to the dispatcher to transfer the task to another team in case of impossibility of leaving (malfunction of the car, absence of team members, driver, etc.).

3.8. When following a call, stay in the cab of the car and help the driver in finding the shortest path to the place of the call.

3.9. In the case when, despite all the measures taken, the passage is difficult due to traffic jams, the senior in the brigade is obliged to report to the senior doctor on duty about the location of the brigade and the situation on the road. The senior doctor on duty is obliged to contact the traffic police on duty for help.

3.10. In the absence of a safe passage to the place of call, the medical staff is obliged to walk to the sick or injured person.

3.11. When delivering a sick or injured person to a medical institution, regardless of the patient's condition, be in the cabin next to him.

3.12. Be extremely attentive to patients and those around them, observe the rules of medical ethics and deontology.

3.13. The decision on the issue of accompanying the patient (injured) by his relative or acquaintance is made by the senior in the brigade medical worker. The number of accompanying persons is determined depending on the time of day, other objective reasons, but it should not be more than the number of seats provided for by the design of the car.

3.14. Instruct the driver to stop at the scene of the accident to provide assistance when meeting with an accident (sudden illness) on the street at the time of performing an urgent service assignment or returning to the substation. The brigade leader is obliged to report to the dispatcher of the direction department of the central substation about the situation along the route and coordinate his subsequent actions with him.

It is strictly forbidden for field medical personnel to distract the driver from driving, to demand from him in a categorical form to increase the speed of movement and other actions that contradict the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

Driver Responsibilities

The driver's workplace is the cabin of an ambulance.

4. A driver working on a car rented by the St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service is obliged to:

4.1. Arrive at the place of work in a technically sound, fuel-filled car and with a satisfactory sanitary condition of the car.

4.2. Before the start of duty, make a mark with the substation dispatcher about the time of arrival, the speedometer reading.

4.3. In the process of work, obey the senior medical worker in the brigade.

4.4. In the event that an ambulance gets into a traffic accident (RTA), act in accordance with the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation (SDA) (provide assistance to the victim, call the traffic police, traffic safety, etc.).

4.6. Strictly observe the internal labor regulations approved for substation employees, follow the instructions and orders of the substation administration and the responsible doctor on duty.

4.7. When performing an urgent service task (following a call, delivering a sick or injured person to a medical institution):

- turn on flashing beacons and a siren and act in accordance with clause 3.1 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation;

- deliver the brigade as close as possible to the place of the call;

- if necessary, assist medical personnel in organizing the transfer of stretcher patients;

- to carry out loading and unloading of the stretcher, to control the reliability of their fastening and the normal closing of the doors before starting to move.

4.8. If it is impossible to leave the territory of the substation or continue to move while performing the task due to a malfunction of the car, the driver (for other reasons) should immediately inform the substation dispatcher on duty (senior brigade) about this, inform them of the cause of the malfunction, the approximate time for their elimination on the spot, and if it is impossible to eliminate it on the spot, follow the instructions of the car depot management.

4.9. Refueling a car while on duty is to be carried out only with the permission of the dispatcher of the direction department of the central substation, mainly at night.

4.10. To be extremely attentive to medical personnel, patients and those around them, to have a neat appearance, to take care of the ambulance and the property of the St.

Drivers of ambulance vehicles are strictly prohibited from interfering with the performance of their duties by medical personnel and influencing the adoption of tactical decisions.

Responsibility of field personnel of the ambulance brigade

5. These Rules are mandatory for all field personnel of the ambulance team (doctor, paramedic, nurse, midwife, orderly, driver).

6. In case of non-fulfillment or violation of these Rules, the field staff of the ambulance team shall bear disciplinary and financial responsibility.

Deputy Chief
MOP GUVD for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region
Head of Department
Traffic police in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region Major General of militia
Bugrov S.I.

electronic text
IPS "Code"
