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Agrotourism is rural tourism: types and forms, routes, reviews. How to organize green tourism Rural tourism in winter

If you are already quite tired of seaside resorts or financial difficulties are not allowed to go on holiday abroad, it’s time to think about an alternative option. Holidays in the countryside - not familiar with this leisure option? Today rural tourism is becoming increasingly popular, and this is not surprising. Why? We'll tell you.

Who is a holiday in the countryside suitable for?

Green, ecological, rural, agritourism - we will not be too meticulous in looking for differences and delimiting these types of recreation. What's the main thing? All this is a vacation in the countryside, away from the bustle of the city, with the opportunity to breathe fresh air, admire natural beauty, eat natural healthy food and take a break from the benefits of civilization.

Of course, if you have a grandmother with a house in the village, then the question of organizing such a vacation disappears.

But not everyone is ready to spend a vacation without the usual city comforts. And some simply cannot imagine themselves without the festive atmosphere of resorts, promenades along the embankment, a variety of entertainment and boat trips. Rural tourism is clearly not for them.

But if you:

  • tired of the city bustle and want privacy;
  • you feel nostalgic for your childhood days when you visited your grandmother during the holidays;
  • love nature and want to fully enjoy forest, meadow, and field landscapes;
  • you have small children who need to be healthier in the fresh air and natural products;

  • lover of fishing, picking mushrooms and berries;
  • If you are interested in village life, history and folklore - then a holiday in the village is right for you.

Benefits of a village holiday

Have you ever spent the night in a hayloft? Have you been drinking fresh milk lately? Can you tell a duck from a goose, but have you ever ridden a horse?

At dawn, walk barefoot through the dew to meet the sunrise on the banks of a river or lake, at lunchtime taste pies from the oven, and in the evening at a large table under an old apple tree to sing songs with your neighbors... Anyone who likes this simply must experience for themselves what What is a holiday in the countryside like?

As for the kids, Dr. Komarovsky, respected by many parents, claims that the best place for a child to relax and get healthy is in a village or countryside, where you can run barefoot in just panties, gobble up delicious food on both cheeks healthy food, get to know nature. This is how children’s immunity is strengthened in the summer.

Where to start getting acquainted with rural tourism?

Even if rural romance is your thing, it would be a good idea to start by going on vacation to the countryside for a few days.

There are several options:

  • visiting relatives;
  • rent a house in a remote village from some grandmother (but this is akin to extreme sports for those unaccustomed to the lack of amenities);
  • go to an agricultural complex, eco-village or green estate - there, in addition to rural exoticism, there are also the benefits of civilization plus a range of services and entertainment.

It is better to look for such options closer to your place of residence, so as not to spend money on travel. But if, after spending a few days in nature, you realized that you like holidays in the countryside, you can already plan a full-fledged vacation outside the city.

What type of holiday in the countryside should you choose?

Decide whether you need real rural exoticism (perhaps you are a collector of folklore or want to fully immerse yourself in the real atmosphere of village life) or whether you still need familiar amenities.

The mini-estates that invite you to relax in the countryside are, of course, not authentic; they are stylized to resemble peasant life, but they have everything that a city dweller is used to.

Plus a whole range of services:

  1. Boating.
  2. Fishing, hunting.
  3. Local cuisine.
  4. Horse rides.
  5. Collection of berries and mushrooms, medicinal herbs.
  6. Excursions to local attractions - visits to nature reserves, nature reserves, national parks, animal farms, walks along ecological trails.
  7. Master classes in pottery, weaving, and blacksmithing.
  8. Folklore holidays.

You can also learn how to milk a cow, care for a horse, mow hay, spin on a spinning wheel, pickle cucumbers and mushrooms in barrels, and work in the garden.

The cost of such a vacation depends on the level of comfort and range of services and entertainment. But sometimes it's not even about the price. Real relaxation is possible in a real village, where you can temporarily become a villager and understand how our ancestors lived and what the traditions of the people are.

But it is difficult for city dwellers, spoiled by comfort, to suddenly change their surroundings. Therefore, mini-estates (even stylized ones) are a more suitable option.

By the way, traveling to such places on holidays will be more expensive. In general, when you are ready for a holiday in the village, you should check in advance the prices, the offered living conditions, transport services and other nuances.

Where to go on vacation?

Rural tourism in both Russia and Ukraine is not yet as developed as, for example, in Europe. But there are already mini-estates in almost all regions. This type of holiday is very popular in Transcarpathia - the nature there is beautiful, the national color is bright, and the hosts are hospitable.

We are glad to welcome guests to the rural estates of Slobozhanshchina, Podolia, Kyiv region, Poltava region.

Lovers of Central Russian landscapes will also find suitable places to relax. Rural tourism is actively developing in the Belgorod region. And the rural estates of Karelia and Altai will captivate you with their amazingly beautiful landscapes.

The main thing is to want, to understand that a holiday in the countryside is something that will give you strength, health, give you new impressions and a sea of ​​emotions.

About rural tourism in the Lipetsk region - in this video:

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Agrotourism is a type of tourism that involves relaxing in the countryside, away from the bustle and noise of the city. Tourists are offered an alternation of difficult peasant labor and serene recreation in nature. Agritourism is not a synonym for downshifting, because downshifting is a renunciation of all the benefits of civilization, and agritourists can use all the necessary amenities (TV, telephone, Internet). Let's look at this popular trend in more detail in the article.

Advantages of agritourism

Retiring in silence in complete harmony with nature is the dream of any person who is tired of the fast pace of city life. You can at least temporarily forget about work, everyday responsibilities, public transport, traffic jams, crowds of people, queues.

Many agrotourists are attracted by the opportunity to come into contact with the life, culture, folklore and traditions of their country, which are still preserved in the villages.

In countries such as Spain and Italy, lovers of rural tourism are happy to help local residents engage in viticulture. And in Poland, agritourists take care of horses and participate in horseback riding. In Germany, farmers invite guests to play the role of shepherds.

The emergence and development of agritourism

Today, agritourism is a dynamically developing type of tourism. It originates in early XIX centuries, but has become popular only in the last 60 years.

The world's first agritourism association was even created in France. Ten years ago, a similar organization was created in Italy. Now in many European countries There are associations of agritourists.

Reasons for development

The reasons for the development of rural tourism are social and economic factors. For the economy, agritourism is important in terms of quality additional income and support for farmers who, with the development of large cities, have lost their attractiveness and, consequently, their income. Now, in this way, farmers have the opportunity to earn money.

Those tourists who refuse the idea of ​​spending their holidays in a hotel by the sea, but want an active and unconventional holiday, often choose rural tourism. Not everyone's vacation means the beach, shopping and noisy parties. Many people, tired of life in the metropolis, long to simply relax in nature in peace and quiet, breathe fresh air and eat natural products.

The essence of agritourism

Agrotourism is a holiday in the village, which involves the possibility of working in a vegetable garden or garden. Naturally, an agrotourist is not obliged to engage in peasant labor if he himself does not want to. But it is thanks to such activities that he will be able to feel complete unity with nature and escape from city worries and obsessions.

About the features of agritourism

In addition to rest and work, rural tourists are offered natural fresh products. Contrary to the incorrect prevailing opinion that an agrotourist should abandon the benefits of civilization and eat what he gathers himself, the agrotourist is offered a comfortable stay in a very good conditions, internet, local restaurants.

Agritourism in Russia

The direction has received the greatest development in European countries: Spain, Italy, Poland, Norway, Germany and Belarus.

In Russia, agritourism is still in its early stages of development. This is due to the fact that creating comfortable living conditions, creating agricultural estates and agricultural hotels, and restoring old buildings requires enormous costs. But despite this, in some regions of our country conditions have been created for agritourism. Those farms that are located near large, densely populated cities are in great demand.

Krymsky district Krasnodar region famous for its winery called "Valley of Lefkadia". A trip to Lefkadia is an excellent example of agritourism. This is a favorite place for Russian agrotourists. Here they can get acquainted with the intricacies of viticulture and winemaking, as well as treat themselves to artisanal cheese, hunt and fish. Tourists participate in a variety of themed activities, such as lavender picking. Lavender tours take place in the last month of summer.

Russian gastronomic tours

A particularly popular type of agritourism is the gastronomic tour. These include tastings, master classes, and farm tours. There are several wonderful farms in Russia that are highly rated by agritourists.

One of them is “Bogdarnya”, which is located in the Vladimir region. It is a full-fledged complex: a hotel, restaurants, a store, stables and farms. Here they produce yogurt, cheeses (Gouda, Philadelphia, ricotta), and raise bulls using Dutch technologies.

The Zaoksky district of the Tula region has everything necessary for a healthy family holiday: farms, country hotels, old estates, village restaurants and workshops. “Mark and Lev” is the first locavore restaurant in Russia. Local food is eating only locally grown foods. It is recommended to combine a visit to the restaurant with excursions to estate museums, a bread baking master class, craft beer tasting, as well as fishing and horseback riding.

The Lukino farmstead is also located in the Tula region. They produce meat and poultry, grow vegetables, produce fermented milk products and canned food. The farm has a mini-hotel and a wonderful home restaurant.

In the Tver region, agrotourists prefer to visit the Pietro Mazzi cheese factory. There they make cheese, following ancient recipes, prepare Italian delicacies, engage in sheep breeding, conduct excursions for tourists, combining acquaintance with the farm and tastings. The farm has a store and an inn.

In Belarus

In Belarus, agritourism is an area that has gained popularity. There are about a thousand agricultural estates in this country! Belarusian rural tourism began its development in 2004.

The most popular Belarusian agricultural estate is “Komarovo”, located in the village of Komarovo. A park, a bathhouse, a pancake house invariably attract people. Tourists who leave reviews about agrotourism in the village of Komarovo are satisfied with the local nature, entertainment and service.

Features of agritourism in Spain

In European countries, revenues from this area significantly replenish the state treasury. Therefore, the authorities see sense in its development. In Spain, cozy farmhouses are ready to welcome visitors, and ancient estates have become rural hotels. Hospitable hosts offer guests food, accommodation, acquaintance with original local folklore and historical events, participation in various festivals and folk festivities. Villagers are happy to tell legends, fairy tales and beliefs, and conduct sightseeing tours.

In France

France is one of the first countries in the world to begin developing rural tourism. The result is impressive. Revenue from agritourism here amounts to billions of dollars.

In addition to accommodation and food, French farmers offer agritourists an interesting program, including such entertainment as fishing, excursions to wine cellars or a cheese factory, trips to nearby castles, and exciting horseback riding. Agritourists will definitely not be bored. A rich holiday and a lot of unforgettable impressions await them.

In this material:

Development of megacities, popularity healthy image life and tourism have given rise to the spread of a new tourist destination - rural tourism. This trend has long been popular in Europe, but in Russia it has only been developing over the last decade. High demand for this service has begun to emerge in the last few years. Rural tourism – great idea for business. A business plan for rural tourism will help an entrepreneur explore a niche and open his own business.

Description and benefits of business

Agritourism (rural tourism) is a young direction in tourism business, focused on visiting cultural, historical and natural landscape places.

The duration of the tour varies - from one-day mini-trips to long stays in rural areas.

Advantages of this business:

  1. Low competition. This segment of the tourism business is just developing in Russia; the market has not yet been developed.
  2. Low entry threshold. You don't need to buy a lot of expensive equipment. At the initial stage, you can even do without an office.
  3. Minimal risks. An entrepreneur risks only the time spent on implementing the idea and small investments.
  4. High profitability. Agritourism, like tourism in general, brings good income companies, after all the main task companies - organize a tour. When all processes are streamlined and automated, it does not require much effort.
  5. Opportunity to expand the business and the range of services provided. For example, you can not only organize tours, but also sell equipment, clothing and other tourist equipment.
  6. The opportunity to open such a business anywhere in Russia. Each region has its own characteristics that are interesting to tourists.
  7. Growing demand for the service.
  8. Fast payback.

Tourist destinations

There are the following subtypes of such tourism:

  1. Agritourism. Tourists live on farms during the harvest period. Their food is what they gather from the ground and cook themselves. Usually, purchasing ready-made products and even individual ingredients in stores is excluded.
  2. Life in the village. Tourists simply live in the village for a while. There is demand for this direction all year round.
  3. Community ecotourism. Visit to one or more villages, a short stay in them. The emphasis is on communicating with local residents, studying their living conditions and traditions.
  4. Ethnographic tourism. Russia is a multinational country. In each region there are villages whose inhabitants represent separate ethnographic groups - Bulgarian, Swedish, Finnish, Kyrgyz and other villages. Their residents honor their traditions and live as in their homeland. Architecture, planning and general form Such villages differ from traditional Russian ones. Tourists like to visit such places and learn from their examples the rituals and traditions of other peoples.

Where to start a rural tourism business

The target audience

Target audience (TA) – tourists, travelers, residents of large cities of different ages.

Target audience segments:

  • travelers;
  • ecotourists;
  • cyclists;
  • motorcycle tourists;
  • backpackers;
  • residents of megacities;
  • athletes and amateurs active rest.

Age may vary for each segment. Most often these are people over 20 years old.

The most active and solvent audience is men and women from 20 to 45 years old.

It is possible to build tours for different segments of the target audience. For example, motorcycle tourists who love enduro bikes need a base outside the city from where they can go off-road. Travelers will be interested in culture and historical sights, and residents of megacities will be interested in rural life, farming and the opportunity to plunge into this atmosphere.

Market and competition analysis

The Russian tourism market is highly competitive. The main competitors are companies that offer classic tours in Russia and abroad.

However, such companies rarely offer rural tours. This market segment has not been developed, there is almost no competition.

List of services provided

The list of services may vary and depends on the business concept.

Organization options:

  1. Construction of a rural hotel for tourists.
  2. Organization of tours. Clients are accommodated in rented houses, farms or local hotels.

The list of expected services in your own village hotel depends on the target audience, location and seasonality. For example, motorcyclists can spend the night in a hotel and use it as their base; those who want to plunge into village life work in the garden, prepare their own food from products collected from the land, and manage the farm.

The length of stay at the base can vary from one day to several months. An individual approach to each client will create the necessary relaxation conditions for him.

Business development prospects

Rural tourism in Russia is not yet sufficiently developed. This direction is in demand among a small part of the population. However, the demand for the service is increasing every year. The most prudent travel agencies include such tours in their range of services.

In addition, in recent years, Russians have been traveling more and more. The number of motorcyclists, people traveling by bicycle and other means of transport is growing. Some of them prefer holidays within the country. Therefore, this business has all the prerequisites for development in Russia.

Organizational plan

Registration of business activities

The first thing you need to do is register your business. Registration entrepreneurial activity carried out in the Federal tax service(Federal Tax Service).

There are two options for legalizing a business - registering a legal entity or obtaining a status individual entrepreneur(IP).

The second option is the simplest and most popular. Small business It makes no sense to register a legal entity - it is long, expensive and more difficult than registering an individual entrepreneur.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you need:

  1. Choose OKVED codes. Using these codes, representatives of the Federal Tax Service will understand what type of business is being registered. It is recommended to select several codes at once, providing for possible options for expanding the business. In the future, this will save the entrepreneur from the difficulties associated with re-registration of documents.
  2. Decide on the taxation system. It is recommended to focus on the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system.
  3. Fill out an application in form P21001. The application template and instructions for registration are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Pay the state fee.

IMPORTANT! The application must indicate the address Email. The Federal Tax Service will send documents confirming registration to it. They are no longer sent by Russian Post, like any other transport mail.

When all this is done, you can apply for individual entrepreneur registration.

List of documents required for registration:

  • passport;
  • application (form P21001);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

If there is a catering establishment or store on the territory of the tourist base, additional permits will be required:

  • from the fire safety service;
  • from Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).

Selecting a location

An ordinary Russian village will not do. The place should be interesting for tourists.

Requirements for choosing a location:

  1. There are historical, archeological and architectural monuments nearby.
  2. There is a forest, pond or other picturesque place that tourists love to visit.
  3. Lack of competition. If there is already a similar organization in the chosen area, you need to take into account the competition factor or figure out how to lure customers away from a competitor - for example, provide more profitable terms, make the stay of tourists more comfortable, advertise the establishment well.
  4. The place is easy to get to. If a person does not have his own car, it is convenient for him to get there by taxi or bus.
  5. In the selected village there is a convenient place to build a base or houses that can be rented and converted.

Arrangement of premises, equipment and inventory

A tourist base does not require creation special conditions. To maintain authenticity and make the tours closer to rural life, classic rural houses are selected.

They are settled in accordance with the traditions of the individual village. For example, if this is ethno-tourism, the interior design of the house corresponds to the everyday traditions of a certain people.

To furnish the houses you will need the following equipment and supplies:

  • beds;
  • cabinets;
  • mirrors;
  • tables, chairs;
  • kitchen equipment;
  • equipment for bathrooms.

Additionally - fishing boats, fishing equipment, tourist equipment. It can be rented for an additional fee.

If a large base of several houses is created, housing for tourists can be decorated in different styles.

A parking lot and leisure space for guests are being built in the adjacent area.

Formation of personnel

To organize a business you will need the following employees:

  • administrator;
  • tour organizer;
  • cook;
  • cleaning woman;
  • security guard;
  • accountant.

Marketing strategy and advertising

Marketing strategy includes:

  1. Website creation and promotion.
  2. Advertising on thematic websites. Owners of tourism websites will be happy to place advertisements on their site. Additionally, you can order advertising articles. Content marketing works effectively when it is presented correctly.
  3. Promotion in in social networks. For example, VKontakte has many thematic groups dedicated to tourism. With proper targeting, you can find the right audience.

Financial plan

Investments in the project

Investments at the start include (in rubles):

  • rental of houses – 50,000;
  • repairs – 150,000;
  • purchase of furniture – 200,000;
  • purchase of food products – 100,000;
  • purchase of other inventory – 150,000;
  • advertising at the start – 200,000;
  • state fee – 800.

Current expenses

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent – ​​50,000;
  • utilities - 40,000;
  • food products – 100,000;
  • employee salaries – 150,000;
  • advertising – 50,000;
  • taxes.

Farmstead revenue

The average bill for 1 day of a tourist’s stay at an agricultural estate is 1,500 rubles. To this amount is added the cost of food, transport rental, excursions and other additional services.

The estate is designed for a tourist group of 10 people. If there is demand for the service, monthly earnings will be 700 thousand rubles.

Calculating profits and assessing business performance

The business earns 700 thousand rubles per month. The costs of maintaining the farmstead and taxes are deducted from this amount.

Net monthly income – 300 thousand rubles. Taking into account the seasonality factor, the business will pay for itself in six months.

Rural tourism in Russia is just beginning, but there is already a growing demand for this service. This business is highly profitable and easy to organize. However, you should always consider the risks. To reduce organizational risks, it is recommended to order a business plan from professionals, which will take into account the specifics of the selected region and other important features.

Buy a business plan

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They say that you can only fully relax and recuperate in nature. This is especially true for residents of megacities: no matter how much you walk through Moscow parks and St. Petersburg nature reserves, you will not fully experience nature. Therefore, city dwellers should try rural tourism at least once: take a train, train or car and go in search of adventure in a real Russian village.

Rural tourism, also known as agrotourism, is not yet very developed in Russia. But some have already caught on to the trend and began to offer outdoor recreation, and they are ready to rent out both expensive, super-comfortable cottages and ordinary log huts in the outback to tourists. You can relax like a village in the Kaliningrad region and Tatarstan, in Altai (this region has always been of interest to esotericists who sought to spend time in the lap of untouched nature), in the Crimea, in the Vologda, Kostroma, Ryazan, Kaluga and Arkhangelsk regions. In addition, there is a wide selection of cottages and rural guest houses around big cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg. In the summer of 2017, there were about one and a half thousand such vacation spots in Russia.

What to do in the village?

The first and most important thing is to walk. In the Kaluga region you will have fields and meadows at your disposal, in the Arkhangelsk region there will be impassable forests, and in the Altai there will be mountains. Most of the tourist houses are located near water bodies, so in summer you can swim and in winter you can go ice fishing. Don’t forget that nature far from big cities can be truly wild: in Kamchatka there is a danger of meeting bears, and in the forests Central Russia- wolves. By the way, some lovers of rural recreation are also fond of hunting. If you are one of them, then you should remember that in Russia hunting is allowed only in certain seasons and for some animals. The same rules apply to fishing, especially in the Astrakhan region, where poachers operate.

Features of Russian fishing

Fishing is almost a national sport in Russia. Or even national art. This is understandable: many bodies of water are literally teeming with delicious fish. There are dozens of types of fishing: with a net and spinning rod, from the shore and from the water, in winter and summer, with a worm, with bread crumbs and even with pieces of meat. Each fisherman has his own secrets and secrets of skill. Therefore, when planning to go fishing, consult with fishermen you know: they will probably recommend a dozen places to you, and maybe even join you in company. Fishing places in Russia are divided into paid and free, so you need to plan in advance what kind of fish and where you are going to catch.

The most obvious option for “fish” tourism is the already mentioned Astrakhan region, famous for its sturgeon and black caviar. Catching these fish, however, is prohibited by law, but amateur fishermen can catch beluga, carp and stellate sturgeon. In the lower reaches of the Volga, you can inexpensively rent a house or cottage and hire a guide to fishing spots who will show you where and how to cast your fishing rods. And if you’re lucky, the hostess will be able to immediately turn the fish you catch into fish steaks, fish soup, cutlets, dumplings and fish pies.

Silent hunt

Another joy of a rural holiday is picking berries, fruits, vegetables and, of course, mushrooms. It is the Swedish professor who is led to pick mushrooms by Evgeniy Leonov’s hero in the famous film “Autumn Marathon.” However, you need to be careful when collecting forest resources: firstly, this cannot be done in the territories of parks and reserves, and secondly, you need to have a good understanding of mushrooms and berries - or call a knowledgeable person with you. You also need to cook collected mushrooms only according to proven recipes.

Animal care

This item may be of interest not only to adults, but also to children. Moreover, for some diseases, communication with animals is even specifically recommended - canistherapy (with dogs), hippotherapy (with horses). You and your children will have the opportunity not only to ride horses or dog sleds, but also to take care of animals. In the stables you will be allowed to clean the horses and give them food (and if you’re lucky, even bathe them), in the barns you will be able to feed and milk the cows. True, this can be dangerous, so milking should only be done with specialists.

From owners who keep animals, you can also buy the freshest chicken eggs, fresh milk, meat, vegetables and fruits for a small amount.

Enjoy Your Bath!

A mandatory Russian outdoor activity is a bathhouse. Is it possible to refuse a hot steam room with oak brooms, diving into a snowdrift and aromatic tea after? True, in order for the bathhouse to become entertainment and not an unpleasant memory, you must follow a number of rules: in order not to overheat, you need to cover your head, do not abuse lying on the top shelf and, most importantly, do not chase records and do not try to sit in the steam room the longest.

Many are convinced that going to the bathhouse should be accompanied by drinking alcohol. Preferably strong and bigger. Do not succumb to these provocations: drinking alcohol in a bathhouse is very harmful, it is better to take tea or fruit juice.

Cultural program

Don't forget that in Russia there are a lot of unusual places that are located far from big cities. So, in the Kaluga region it is worth visiting the village of Nikola-Lenivets. Since 2000, through the efforts of the artist Nikolai Polissky, the village where he used to vacation with friends has turned into an outpost contemporary art. Polissky and his friends installed several art objects made of wood and hay in the forests and on the banks of the Ugra River - “Bull”, “Hay Tower”, “Barn” and “Crib”. After the artists staged an artistic event to burn the tallest of the buildings, the Media Tower, their village began to attract tourists. Then “Arkhstoyanie” was created - an annual summer festival that attracts visitors from all over Russia. Recently, foreign artists and art connoisseurs have begun to join him, who come to Russia for the sake of “Archstoyanie”.
