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Proposals for the organization of small-scale production. The best business ideas for organizing small industries. How to choose a business idea: what to look for before starting your own business ⚠

Manufacture and marketing of own products is a profitable, but long-term direction. Business ideas for production are distinguished by large investments, complex organization, but great prospects in terms of profit and turnover. Today, there are more than a dozen great ideas for a manufacturing business. For those who are not used to trifles and are confident in themselves, we have prepared 42 options for launching an ideal production project.

Is it worth it to start production?

Starting a new business has specific goals. For some entrepreneurs, this is a quick turnover, others want to make money on the introduction of a new product, for others, success is associated with brand recognition. But everyone is convinced that a business should bring a stable profit, regardless of the chosen area and type of entrepreneurial activity.

Manufacturing is one of the toughest areas of business. To succeed in it, you need:

  • be ready to study the important subtleties of the chosen direction;
  • know to the smallest detail every stage of the production cycle;
  • have a decent initial capital;
  • look forward to the long term.

If you dream of high-speed turnover, fast money, choose trading. Production is suitable for those who are ready for a long and painstaking journey from creating quality products to brand popularity in the market. To achieve prosperity, the entrepreneur will have to stock up on diligence and patience.

This big business that will generate income. And if you have momentum, but no brilliant idea to start, we have analyzed and selected the best manufacturing business ideas for you.

Manufacture of Hi-tech beds

General consumption products are of interest to a wide target audience. Such goods include furniture, so it is profitable to produce it. Average characteristics of a mini-furniture production specializing in the manufacture of Hi-tech beds:

  • Starting capital - 1,200,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 9 months.
  • Profitability - 39% (reaches 300%!)
  • Net profit - 530,000 rubles.

Strict features and style, clear geometric shapes, no curls, bright spots and other uselessness, maximum comfort and functionality - this is only part of the characteristics of Hi-tech style beds. A fairly affordable price will be a bonus to the benefits - from 8,000 rubles, so this furniture is used good demand On the market.

The advantage of organizing the production of stylish beds will be a relatively small initial investment. The costs will be used to purchase equipment, raw materials, and repair the premises. The lion's share of monthly expenses is eaten up by renting a room (an average of 50,000 rubles), so at first, many entrepreneurs open this one.

Over time, when production becomes large-scale, they rent a large area for manufacturing facility. The payback of the project is less than 1 year, and if you start manufacturing designer high-tech beds to order, you will be able to recoup the investment much faster.

Production of ceramic tiles

People are renovating regardless of economic difficulties, so the business in the building materials industry is stable. The main thing is to enter the market correctly and interest the consumer in quality products. Ceramic tiles are in great demand, they are used in almost every type of repair work. In addition, the process of making tiles is easy to master, so this is a great business idea.

Project Summary:

  • The return on investment period is 16 months.
  • Profitability - 20%
  • Net profit - 240,000 rubles.

Ceramic tiles have many varieties, so it is better to decide on the assortment at the start, before purchasing a production line. Equipment is the biggest expense item. To start a production business, you need to rent a workshop, preferably near large suppliers, in order to reduce logistics costs.

In order for production to develop successfully and bring in a good income, it is important to develop an effective marketing and advertising campaign. We must not forget that the construction business depends on the season. In summer, there is more excitement, so in winter you can start updating the product range.

Production of plastic windows

Today window business quite large-scale, there are many offers on the market. You can enter it in different ways, it all depends on the idea. If you open a small workshop, you can start with small investments, large investments will be needed when organizing your own factory. In view of the specificity of the business, experts recommend starting small and gradually increasing momentum.

Short description:

  • Initial investment - from 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 7 months.
  • Profitability - 19%;
  • Net profit - 180,000 rubles.

An entrepreneur who decides to open a window manufacturing business must take into account the seasonal demand for products. It starts in April and continues until the beginning of autumn. The concept of work is also important - you can limit yourself to the manufacturing process, or offer Additional services to install windows, to develop a dealer network.

Before opening, you will need to take care of obtaining permits, certificates, licenses. The problem can be the selection of personnel - these should be experienced craftsmen, because the quality of products is one of the criteria that affects success. A stable sales market is of decisive importance. Small producers eventually have regular customers. You can increase sales volumes if you participate in exhibitions, present product samples in stores, and hold promotions.

Drywall production

Constantly growing demand stimulates the opening of the drywall production. Inexpensive and environmentally friendly material is often used for construction and renovation. Unfortunately, Russian drywall in terms of sales often loses to foreign ones, therefore, it is correct to consider not only domestic, but also foreign companies. For small businesses, the opening of a mini-factory is of interest.

Forecast in numbers:

  • Starting capital - 8,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5-2 years
  • Profitability - 60%
  • Net profit - 950,000 rubles.

Calculations refer to production with a production rate of 200 drywall sheets per day. The cost of such equipment is from 5,000,000 rubles, installation and delivery - 500,000 rubles. Such a line will require a large heated room (the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees) - at least 600 square meters. m. with all communications.

The turnover and profit of the enterprise depend on the speed of sales, so you should take care of the implementation in advance. These can be wholesale depots, hardware stores, individual entrepreneurs who sell drywall in small retail outlets, in the markets.

Making nails

Continuing the theme construction business, consider the manufacture of nails. The production is associated with low risks, small requirements for the organization, the premises for the production of nails. By the way, this is a great idea for a garage production business. For stamping, you can purchase a used production line, its cost is 250,000 rubles. One person is enough to serve it, so at first you can save on staff salaries.

What an entrepreneur can expect:

  • Initial investment (including new equipment) - 900,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 9 months.
  • Profitability - 14%
  • Net profit - 100,000 rubles.

The raw material for nails is steel wire. It is purchased in large reels, there are no problems with raw materials, there are many suppliers who are ready to work on mutually beneficial terms. The manufacturing process is simple and fully automated. It is enough for the operator to follow the process, fill the wire in time and carry out regular cleaning of the equipment. Sales of finished products are carried out by weight, most often by tons. Nails are bought by large wholesalers, hardware stores, and small entrepreneurs.

Curd production

Sweet curd-butter mass in chocolate icing is very popular among adults and children, so the idea of ​​​​opening a cheese production business can be considered one of the most highly profitable. With relatively low start-up costs, the company makes a huge profit (large manufacturers raise $4 million monthly).

Indicative figures for a mini-factory with an average productivity (2000-4000 pieces per hour):

  • Initial capital - from 3,600,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 50%
  • Net profit - 600,000 rubles.

A classic production line will need an area of ​​at least 130 sq. m. The room must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, it is important to equip it with refrigeration equipment. The food industry is a big responsibility, the entrepreneur is waiting for the close control of supervisory authorities. Three employees are enough to service such a line.

When deciding on a pricing policy, it is important to determine what kind of curds will be? From natural ingredients, but expensive and tasty, or with milk fat substitute and with average taste, but attractive in price. You can buy raw materials from dairy producers or from farmers. You can reduce costs by organizing your own dairy farm for making curds.

Manufacturing of phone cases

Today, only babies do not have phones, the rest of the population, from grandmothers to business people, have mobile communications. This is an expensive technique, so it must be protected from scratches, dirt, bumps. The cover can become not only protection, but also decorate the phone, make it original.

The production of cases is a simple and inexpensive business. It can be of 2 types - you can sew covers yourself or print images on blanks. Expected business performance:

  • Initial capital - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 5 months.
  • Profitability - 55%
  • Net profit - from 25,000 rubles.

Organization production process is to purchase equipment and raw materials. You can work in a small room (10-12 sq. M). For this, it is not necessary to specifically rent a room, this is a suitable idea for "home" production. The cost of the cover is 50-120 rubles, and the retail price is 150-550 rubles.

For business to bring good profit, it is important to take care of the sales market. You can sell accessories to wholesalers who sell gadgets through social networks, your own website, but this will require additional investments(from 50,000 rubles).

Production of insulation for walls

The production of thermal insulation materials is a great business idea for men in the manufacturing industry. Insulation is used for walls, floors, roofs. The cost of 1 square. m - 500 rubles, and the price for the consumer increases to 3000 rubles. Given the great demand and wide scope, it is very profitable to engage in the manufacture of insulation.

Project Summary:

  • Initial capital - from 40,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 40%
  • Net profit - 5,000,000 rubles.

The manufacture of insulation is a complex technological process that requires full automation. For this, stackers and loaders will be required for the production line. Aspiring entrepreneurs start starting an insulation production business with a low or medium capacity line. The expansion is planned after the sales channels are debugged.

Profit depends on the volume of sales, therefore it is worthwhile to analyze the niche, study the level of competition and the needs of customers at the start of the enterprise. Finished products can be offered to private builders, large wholesalers, specialized stores. Ideally, if the entrepreneur has regular customers who will regularly need large batches of insulation.

Therefore, it is worth preparing interesting commercial offers local contractors.

Production of dumplings

In the rhythm of life modern man there is practically no time left for cooking homemade food, so semi-finished products, as a type of fast tasty and high-calorie food, make up the majority of the diet. Pelmeni occupy a leading position due to the ease of preparation and relative cheapness. The dumpling business is well developed, but this does not prevent you from finding your place in a profitable segment.

Conditions and potential project performance indicators:

  • Starting investments - from 700,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 9 months.
  • Profitability - 21%
  • Net profit - 120,000 rubles.

Part of the funds is directed to the formation of fixed assets (purchase of equipment, inventory), the other part is formed in the form of a reserve until the company reaches payback. In most cases, dumplings are prepared according to the classic recipe and sold frozen by weight. The dumpling business is not subject to seasonality. A decline is observed during fasting, so the assortment can be expanded with lean dumplings and meat filling can be replaced with vegetables.

The risks for dumpling enterprises are in the fight against competitors in relation to the cost of production. Customer loyalty can be earned with quality products, but for beginners, this can be a problem. Close quality control is essential at every stage of the manufacturing process. The reputation and financial success of the company depends on it.

Sausage production

According to statistics, sausage is gaining momentum, an eight percent increase is observed annually. Sausage is a common meat delicacy, it is bought for the festive and everyday table. Despite the fullness of the market, the sausage business is a highly profitable and quickly payback enterprise, but it has many nuances and complexities, like any food production business.

Project characteristics:

  • Initial investment - 950,000 rubles
  • Payback - 2-4 months
  • Profitability - 30%
  • Net profit - 300,000 rubles

To open a sausage production business, you need to decide in which price segment the entrepreneur is going to work. Experts advise choosing an average cost so that neither product quality nor consumer interest suffers. For a small production, you will need to rent a room, the minimum area is 50 square meters. m., such a workshop is capable of producing 200 kg of sausage in an eight-hour shift.

Sales volumes and financial efficiency of the enterprise depend on the quality of products, so it is important to take care of high-quality raw materials and strict adherence to manufacturing technology. But to make a delicious sausage is still half the battle, it is important to establish sales. It can be grocery stores, wholesale depots, stalls, catering establishments.

Sugar production

The sugar industry is a profitable business idea for production that requires large capital investments. This major industry which is resistant to economic fluctuations. Sugar refers to one-component products, for the manufacture of which only one type of raw material is needed. This reduces costs without reducing consumption.

The initial investment depends on the purchase price of the equipment and the productivity of the enterprise:

  • capacity 10 tons per day - $ 20,000
  • 15 tons - $100,000
  • for 50 tons - $ 200,000

Indicators sugar business(minimum):

  • Starting capital - 6,000,000
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 25%
  • Net profit - 800,000 rubles

Sugar can be obtained from sugar beet or "Cuban" sugar (an unrefined raw material made from sugar cane). To operate at full capacity, the line must operate around the clock for 3-4 months, after which it is repaired and launched again.

In addition to the production line, packaging equipment will be needed. The easiest option is to pack sugar in bags, but the buyer is attracted by beautiful packaging, so marketers recommend that the product be presented to the consumer correctly. The original presentation and promotion of your own brand will ensure product recognition and high turnover.

Production of crackers and chips

We continue our review of the best business ideas for production in the food industry. A great attraction for entrepreneurs is the production of a favorite snack for teenagers and young people - chips and crackers. The process of manufacturing products is simple, besides, you can enter this business with a small investment.

Financial characteristics:

  • Starting investment - 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback - from 6 months.
  • Profitability - 35%
  • Net income - 100,000 rubles.

Most of the investment funds will be spent on the purchase of equipment, the rest of the money will be spent on renting premises, remuneration of employees, and for working expenses. It is advisable to stock up on them for the first six months, until production "gets on its feet."

In order for the economic efficiency of making crackers and chips to be at its best, you need to start by drawing up a detailed one. Assessing competition, it is worth paying attention to the coverage of the regional market. Despite the wide range of products, there is no oversaturation in this niche. The main competitors are large federal manufacturers and foreign brands, therefore, with the right organization, the production of crackers and chips is a fairly profitable area.

toilet paper production

In recent years, the market for hygiene products has been developing dynamically.

Today, only the lazy do not open a toilet paper business. Producers are pleased with the choice of consumers - the majority prefers more expensive 2- or 3-layer paper, rather than cheap single-layer paper. Experts are sure that a small manufacturer that does not focus on quality is unlikely to survive competition with industry giants. Therefore, if you decide to increase capital in the manufacture of toilet paper, you need to take the matter seriously.

Investments and prospects:

  • Starting capital - 4,200,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 14%
  • Net profit - 270,000 rubles.

To start manufacturing, you need to register a business, rent a room for a production workshop (from 100 sq. M). To equip it, automatic or semi-automatic equipment is suitable:

  • winding machine;
  • sleeve;
  • cutting;
  • packaging.

The next step is to hire staff: a technologist, a storekeeper, an accountant and a driver, if the delivery of products is planned. When establishing distribution channels, remember that your buyer is a wholesaler. He does not need to be surprised with bright packaging, it is better to prepare a couple of interesting commercial offers.

Soap production

Entrepreneurs who want to eliminate seasonality in business should take a closer look at own production soap. Sales of this product do not depend on the season, there is always a stable demand. In addition, the market cannot be called saturated, so there are development prospects.

General indicators of soap:

  • Initial capital - 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 40%
  • Net profit - 150,000 rubles.

The figures are given for the enterprise, " home production"You can start with 5000 rubles. In addition, if you do not have enough experience and desire to develop yourself, you can take advantage of the franchising offer.

If you decide to open your own soap making business, you will need a space of at least 60 square meters. m. The equipment includes a special mixer, a mill with runners, an apparatus for stamping, cutting, a refrigeration system, a transport belt, a return unit.

If the soap will contain natural ingredients, you need to take care of proper packaging. To preserve the aroma, ordinary polyethylene or paper will not work, the first packaging layer for such products is cellophane, the second is craft paper. You can sell soap through shops, pharmacies, wholesale depots.

Manufacture of wearing apparel

The production of demanded goods is always associated with decent profits and fierce competition. Clothing can be attributed to the number of goods that are urgently needed in everyday life. Of course, during the economic crisis, consumers can limit themselves to a minimum and increase the service life, but it is impossible to completely abandon the purchase of clothing.

Indicators for a clothing manufacturing business idea:

  • Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 9 months
  • Profitability - 35%
  • Net profit - 250,000 rubles.

In the clothing industry, there are 2 types of business development strategy: create and promote your own brand or be a contractor and focus on tailoring large orders. The first option is more interesting and promising, but then you need to start looking for a talented designer and a competent marketer.

In order for the clothing industry to be profitable, you will have to keep up with the global trends in the fashion world, which follow each other at lightning speed. In the light industry sector, success awaits enterprises that sew up-to-date clothing models with minimal financial losses.

Making ketchup

The tomato sauce business idea is cost effective even in small batch production. Ketchup is very popular, half of the population of Russia consumes it constantly. The organization of production is associated with some difficulties. Obtaining permits, issuing certificates, compliance sanitary norms, constant inspections of supervisory authorities.

Financial assessment of the business:

  • Starting investments - 5,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.2 months
  • Profitability - 30%
  • Net profit - 400,000 rubles.

Main part start-up capital will go to the purchase of equipment and raw materials for the first month of work. Manufacturing technology includes several stages, including independent production tomato paste. Many start-up entrepreneurs save on equipment by excluding the stage of pasta production by purchasing it from other manufacturers.

The recipe for ketchup must meet certain standards, so it is determined by technologists. The assortment is selected based on the preferences of customers. To do this, you need to analyze consumer demand. Sales are also affected by the packaging of tomato sauce - bottled ketchup is bought more often than in soft packaging.

Production of soft toys

Manufacturing business soft toys does not limit the freedom of the entrepreneur to the established framework, has great potential for rapid growth and development. "Toy" production with well-established distribution channels can become a gold mine. Toys are very popular. They are bought not only for small children, but also as a gift, to decorate the interior.

What do they promise economic indicators business in the toy industry:

  • Initial capital - 400,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 5 months
  • Profitability - 50%
  • Net profit - 80,000 rubles.

Starting investment may differ from the figures presented. It all depends on the scale of the planned production. If these are large quantities of goods, industrial sewing and embroidery machines, stuffing equipment, and ironing machines will be needed. In the absence of a large initial capital, most operations are carried out manually. For good economic performance, it is important to think over the range of soft toys. Heroes of favorite animated films, collector's items with a "twist" are very popular.

pasta production

Making pasta, as a business idea for organizing production, attracts entrepreneurs with its simplicity technological process, small initial investments and quick payback. Pasta has long been a popular side dish. If earlier they were classified as junk food, today there is a fashion for pasta even among those who are losing weight.

Financial characteristics of pasta:

  • Starting capital - 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 30%
  • Net income - 120,000 rubles.

Pasta is in good demand regardless of the price segment. Most often they buy products at an average price, but, as a rule, the products of any manufacturer find their buyer. But in order not to be left out of demand, it is important to maintain a balance of "price-quality".

To have excellent financial performance, bet on the production of pasta of medium and inferior quality. Expensive products buyers prefer to buy from foreign manufacturers. To organize production, you will need a fairly spacious room - from 300 sq. m, the third part is intended for the accumulation and storage of products. An additional advantage of the pasta business is that there is no need to look for the end consumer. Macaroni sell wholesale companies, shops, restaurants, catering companies.

Mineral water production

The business idea for the production of water at first glance seems simple. Endless raw material base and lack of technological process. Moreover, the basis for drinking water can become ordinary tap water. Many brands thoroughly clean it, bottle it and sell it to the end user. WITH mineral water more difficult, it is "extracted" from a well, most often from one's own. It is ideal if an entrepreneur can organize production near a valuable source.

Economic indicators:

  • Starting investments - 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 12 months
  • Profitability - 29%
  • Net profit - 670,000 rubles

As a rule, there are no difficulties with organizing, opening production and purchasing equipment from entrepreneurs. In the first place is the issue of marketing finished products. The market is saturated with similar products, so the start is becoming increasingly difficult for new players. This fact must be taken into account in the business plan, working capital must be pledged for the first 6 months, which will be spent on the formation of the company. To interest the buyer, you will need to conduct regular advertising campaigns and PR-promotion.

brick making

The production of a universal building material is available to every budding entrepreneur. Small investment and full automation of labor with optimal payback periods makes the "brick" business profitable and promising.

Minimum calculations for the project:

  • Initial investment - 350,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1 year
  • Profitability - 30%
  • Net profit - 30,000 rubles.

Financial figures may vary significantly. The economic efficiency is affected by the capacity of the purchased equipment and the workload of the brick mini-factory. The main problem for an entrepreneur who decided to open a brick production business is sales.

The cost of a brick reaches an average of 40% of its final price. But logistics has a great influence on the profit of the enterprise, so production should be located close to the main customers. In addition to the cost of shipping products, you should take into account damage to it during transportation, loading and unloading. In addition, the shops should be close to raw materials sources, this will increase the profitability of the business.

Greenhouse production

The current trend of eating organic products leads Russians to summer cottages, as a result of which there is a demand for greenhouse facilities and the interest of entrepreneurs in this industry. Greenhouses come in different sizes and purposes. The production of industrial-scale structures requires large investments and special knowledge. In addition, large orders are rare. We will consider the manufacture of country and farm buildings.

Characteristics of the greenhouse business:

  • Initial investment - 60,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1-2 months;
  • Profitability - 50%
  • Net profit (depending on the number of orders) - 12,000 rubles. from each greenhouse

Making a greenhouse is not particularly difficult. The structure consists of a frame, which is assembled from a galvanized iron profile. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to it, which are fastened together with a special sealed tape. At the customer's site, a foundation is poured, on which the greenhouse is strengthened. The cost of construction is 10,000-12,000 rubles, the client costs an average of 24,000 rubles. A full cycle with installation takes no more than 2 days.

chocolate production

The confectionery business is not particularly popular with start-up entrepreneurs. It’s all to blame for the start-up investments that are tangible for a beginner and the fear of close attention from the inspection bodies. In addition, chocolate cannot be attributed to essential products, which may not always provide a quick return on investment. But, after analyzing the economic indicators, it becomes clear that chocolate production can bring good income.

Project characteristics:

  • Starting investment - 10,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 200%
  • Net profit - 800,000 rubles.

The lion's share of investments will be required to equip the production line. The technological process of chocolate production is easy to master. It consists of two stages:

  1. Conching - thorough kneading of the components for several days. For example, elite varieties of chocolate are conched for 5 days. It is carried out gradually, with the alternate addition of ingredients.
  2. Formation - bars, bars, sweets are formed from the chocolate mass. On this stage stuffing, nuts appear in the products.

The production cycle of inexpensive chocolate is 3 days, after which it can be stored or sent to the buyer. As a rule, there are no problems with the sale of a chocolate product; both large wholesale bases and small traders are willing to buy it.

Shoe covers

Among entrepreneurs, the business idea for the production of shoe covers is not popular, many consider it unprofitable and low-income. But with the right approach and well-established distribution channels, the manufacture of shoe covers can bring excellent income. Today, shoe covers have become a mandatory attribute when visiting public places. In addition, it is a one-time product, so people will buy it constantly.

Project characteristics:

  • Initial capital - 1,350,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1 year
  • Profitability - 20%
  • Net profit - 200,000 rubles.

The cost of a pair of shoe covers is low, and the cost is almost zero. But to see significant financial results, it is necessary to establish their large-scale implementation. It is not so difficult to do this - you can sell in large and small wholesale, or at the same time engage in vending and put your devices in places that are attractive in terms of attendance.

The production line for the production of shoe covers does not require large investments, but vending machines work with packaged products. In most cases, this is a plastic capsule that you can buy or make yourself. The profitability of the sale of shoe covers with purchased packaging is almost zero, so the entrepreneur should think about making the packaging on his own.

Tire production

The automotive market has a constant tendency to expand, the number of cars is increasing every day. Opening car services, car washes, making accessories is profitable, but the production of components and spare parts scares off entrepreneurs, primarily by the need for multimillion-dollar investments.

The minimum investment for launching tire production is from 60,000,000 rubles. With the right business organization, investments will pay off in a few years. Don't expect big profits in the first year. Promoting your own brand takes time and a lot of effort.

Starting a tire manufacturing business is quite difficult. There is no shortage of tires on the market, but you will have to compete with famous foreign brands that have long won the trust of motorists. The main advantage of domestic producers is the absence of transport costs, therefore, with the same quality, the price can be much lower. But the problem is that the Russian consumer does not believe in the quality of Russian tires, so you will have to try hard to convince buyers of the opposite.

Making paper napkins

A profitable segment of the market for sanitary and hygienic products is the production of paper napkins. They are in great demand, are quickly consumed, and are a one-time use product. Despite the low cost of napkins, their production is recognized as profitable.

Project characteristics:

  • Initial investment - 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1 year
  • Profitability - 23%
  • Net profit - 70,000 rubles.

For the production of napkins, special equipment is required. The simplest machines are designed for the manufacture of plain napkins. The line capacity is 500 wipes per minute. The room for the workshop must be at least 150 sq. m, it is divided into 3 separate sections - the first for the preparation of raw materials, the second for the direct manufacture of products, the third - for packing napkins into packaging.

If you plan to produce colored napkins, you will have to purchase an additional module. Drawings on napkins are in demand not only for beautiful table setting, they are used for decoupage of furniture, frames and other surfaces, and the owners of restaurant establishments order batches of goods with their logo or advertising. This machine produces 200 colored napkins per minute. You can sell products to small and large wholesalers.

Production of disposable tableware

stable demand for disposable tableware makes business relevant and profitable in this industry. Affordable price, convenience, hygiene and practicality - all these are the advantages of a mandatory attribute at a picnic, cottage, office, summer cafe, pizzeria. The product range is varied. It can be spoons, forks, plates, knives, glasses. They can be made from polystyrene - such dishes are designed for chilled food and drinks, or from polypropylene - they can be used in a microwave oven.

Characteristics of a business idea for the production of disposable tableware:

  • Initial capital - 1,100,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 4 months
  • Profitability - 40%
  • Net profit - 450,000 rubles.

Almost all investment funds are spent on the purchase of a production line. The cost of equipment for the manufacture of disposable tableware is about 1,000,000 rubles. To accommodate the production workshop, you need to choose a room, its area must be at least 500 square meters. m. A license for the manufacture of dishes is not required, but permits will be required.

The main disadvantage of business is seasonality. In the spring-summer period, there is a rush among buyers, and in the winter months, demand drops sharply. An additional disadvantage is high competition. A novice entrepreneur needs to make considerable efforts to win the loyalty of customers.

Pallet production

Wooden pallets (pallets) are required at many enterprises, warehouses, wholesale depots, large stores. They are needed in large quantities and require periodic updating. As you know, the production of auxiliary products is often more profitable than the product itself, due to a simple technological process and one-component raw materials.

To open a business for the production of pallets on an industrial scale, you will need:

  • Starting capital - from 10,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2 years
  • Profitability - 19%
  • Net profit - 230,000 rubles.

Domestic wooden pallet business is in high demand. Foreign analogues It is problematic to import, they must undergo special control. This rule applies only to wood products, but plastic and metal pallets are more expensive and are not in demand in Russia. Russian pallets are not inferior in quality to foreign ones, if they are not handicraft.

The cost of pallets is within 230 rubles, and for sale the price is set at 270 rubles, the net profit will be 40 rubles. 700 pallets are produced per shift, and more than 18,000 pieces per month. If you establish sales, the monthly income with such productivity will be about 720,000 rubles.

Ice cream production

Aspiring entrepreneurs are often misled about the high profitability of an ice cream business idea. According to statistics, the delicious delicacy is not one of the most popular desserts in Russia. Despite belonging to the food industry, this business is seasonal - the peak of sales occurs during the hot months, and sales drop significantly in winter.

Project Summary:

  • Starting capital - 3,700,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1 year
  • Profitability - 45%
  • Net proceeds - 550,000 rubles.

To organize the production of ice cream, you will need to find a room of 200 square meters. m, coordinate the launch of production with the fire inspectorate, SES and other supervisory authorities. Equipment for the manufacture of one type of product costs about 3,000,000 rubles. To diversify the range, the production line will cost 2 times more.

If the budget is limited, you can buy equipment from hand. But if you can save on equipment, you definitely shouldn’t save on raw materials. Demand is determined by the quality of products. Do not forget about the beautiful packaging. It will allow you to stand out from the competition and make you want to buy a treat.

Marmalade production

In recent years, experts have noted a trend in business growth by confectionery, in particular with regard to marmalade. Buyers increasingly prefer a healthy delicacy, and in a different price segment. The marmalade market cannot be called saturated, so entrepreneurs have good prospects to take their rightful place in this niche.

Financial indicators of a business idea for the production of marmalade:

  • Starting investment - 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 4 months.
  • Profitability - 35%
  • Net profit - up to 700,000 rubles.

To organize the work process, it is necessary to rent a room of at least 250 sq. m. To serve the line, 6-8 people are enough, who will work in 2 shifts. The manufacturing technology is quite simple.

The cost of production depends on the quality of the ingredients (natural ones are more expensive) and the type of product (figures are more expensive than simple ones). The marmalade business is subject to seasonality, sales growth is observed in warm weather. But unlike chocolate and ice cream, it doesn't require special conditions storage and does not lose its presentable appearance in extreme heat.

Production of polymer pipes

Builders note that over the past decades, lightweight and durable plastic pipes have replaced metal products. They are used for water supply, sewerage, heating, for "warm" floor structures. The high demand for plastic is determined by their characteristics. They do not rust, do not rot, do not change the taste of water, and have a service life of up to 50 years. The competition in this segment is quite high, so manufacturers are concerned about expanding the range.

Financial characteristics of the project:

  • Initial capital - 8,500,000 rubles. (when buying used equipment)
  • Payback - 2 years
  • Profitability - 2-20%
  • Net profit - 350,000 rubles.

A pipe manufacturing business can be organized on an area of ​​40 sq. m., to service the line you will need to hire staff - 3 people for 1 shift. There are established requirements for the storage of finished products. They should be kept away from heaters and direct sunlight, stacked no more than 2 m when stored for 2 months, and up to 3 m if the storage period is less. Products can be transported by any type of transport in covered trains or bodies.

Juice production

The refreshing vitaminized drink is loved by adults and children, but despite this, manufacturers claim that sales are declining. Juice is not an essential product, moreover, some brands sell products in their own retail chains at lower prices. It is recommended to open a juice production business for entrepreneurs living in regions rich in fruit farms where the raw material has a lower cost.

Economic indicators of the project:

  • Starting investments - 5 600 000
  • Payback - 8 months.
  • Profitability - 13%
  • Net profit - 700,000 rubles.

The data are given for the production capacity of 8000 liters of juice for an eight-hour shift. To accommodate the workshop will need an area of ​​at least 200 square meters. m, warehouses for product storage. The juice production process is carried out in several stages, after which waste remains that can be sold farms for livestock feed. Juices are packed in Tetra Pak type carton packages, glass containers are less preferable. In it, products deteriorate faster, and additional weight increases the cost of the product through high costs for the delivery of juice.

Bed linen production

Sewing business is a great business idea for aspiring entrepreneurs. If the tailoring requires large investments, then the production of bed linen requires more modest investments. The manufacturing process is simple. Linen is sewn strictly in size, design skills are not needed here. The only thing you can experiment with is the colors and fabric.

Project characteristics:

  • Initial investment - 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 8 months
  • Profitability - 48%
  • Net profit - 375,000 rubles.

If the entrepreneur does not have a large start-up capital, it is possible to open a "home" business for tailoring bed linen. Sewing it is easy, so even without industrial equipment performance will be great. Gradually, you can expand, register your trademark and equip a garment factory. Bed linen is in good demand, according to statistics, there are more than 5 million households in the country and each has an average of 6 sets of linen. Therefore, there are practically no problems with the sale of quality goods.

Making milkshakes

An example of a small but profitable business is the production of milkshakes. Starting a business does not require large investments and special knowledge. It is enough to decide on the format of work, since most entrepreneurs are engaged not only in the manufacture, but also in the sale of a sweet drink.

Expected results:

  • Starting capital - 380,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2 months
  • Profitability - 50%
  • Net profit - from 200,000 rubles.

The milkshake business can hardly be called production; rather, it is the preparation of a drink to order. Most often, an entrepreneur organizes a cocktail bar in places with high pedestrian traffic. In summer - in parks, near large shopping and business centers, in winter they rent several square meters in a room with high traffic.

For the preparation of milkshakes, mixers and freezers are required, and for the storage of raw materials (milk, ice cream) - a refrigeration unit. To achieve business prosperity, it is necessary to stand out from competitors with a variety of tastes and original service.

spice making

Today, cooking is not complete without the addition of spices. Spices and seasonings add spice to food and improve taste. A spice production business can take several formats - prepare mixtures from purchased raw materials by mixing them or grow herbs yourself.

Project Summary:

  • Initial investment - 5,600,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1.5 years
  • Profitability - 34%
  • Net proceeds - 320,000 rubles.

The spice production business involves the purchase of an automated production line for grinding and mixing herbs, as well as packaging equipment. Before launching the enterprise, you will need to register your brand, under which the product will be presented on the consumer market. Spice recipes can be developed independently, successful companies keep them in strict confidence.

To reduce the cost of production, raw materials can be grown on your spicy farm. These are basil, dill, marjoram, cilantro, dill and other herbs. They are harvested by hand, dried and ground. You can sell products through wholesale depots, retail stores, supply spicy mixtures to catering establishments.

Production of lamps

The business idea for the production of lighting fixtures is a relevant and profitable direction. A small plant requires a solid investment, but with the right approach, the enterprise will pay off in the near future. To ensure the success of the project, it is not enough to manufacture simple fixtures, it is right to focus on modern technologies and diversify the range.

Expected economic efficiency:

  • Initial capital -5 200 000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1 year
  • Profitability - up to 100%
  • Net profit - 500,000 rubles.

To organize production, you will need a well-ventilated large room - about 3,000 square meters. m. The equipment should include all stages of production, 20 people are enough to service it. The personnel must be selected carefully, this is required by the high manufacturability of the process and the production of high-quality lamps.

Croissant production

The traditional breakfast of the French - delicious crispy buns with fillings, have gained great popularity in our country. It is not surprising that the business idea for the production of croissants is attractive to entrepreneurs - a crescent-shaped bakery product is loved by both adults and children.

Financial indicators:

  • Starting investment - 1,200,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 12 months.
  • Profitability - 25%
  • Net profit - 140,000 rubles.

Given the high demand for the product among urban residents, production should be located near metropolitan areas or large cities. The minimum floor space is 50 sq. m. Production can be manual or automatic. The use of an automatic line requires large one-time investments, but it allows you to further reduce the time spent on the production cycle and save on staff. In order to quickly promote a business, you need to sell 100 kg of products per day daily.

cinder block production

In the context of declining incomes of the population, a significant competitive advantage is provided by low prices. Cinder blocks belong to the lowest price segment compared to all types of building blocks. The line for the production of building material is characterized by low cost, raw materials are not in short supply and are available in any region. The cinder block business is profitable and for many entrepreneurs does not require much introduction.

Project characteristics:

  • Starting investments - 900,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2 months.
  • Profitability - 47%
  • Net profit - 520,000 rubles.

The process of manufacturing cinder blocks is simple, available with and without equipment. Manual labor is not very productive, so it is more profitable to purchase a semi-automatic line for production. It can be placed in an open area or indoors with a minimum area of ​​​​40 square meters. m. For a business to be profitable, it is important to establish uninterrupted distribution channels.

Production of plastic bags

For many years, the plastic bag business has not lost its attractiveness for entrepreneurs, providing numerous companies with a decent profit. There are several reasons for the popularity of this industry. First of all, this is an extremely high demand for packages, combined with a low price. In addition, production has a unique opportunity for growth, not only in the direction of increasing productivity, but also expanding the range, providing related services- Drawing logos, advertisements.

Project Summary:

  • Initial capital - 2,600,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1 year
  • Profitability - 15%
  • Net profit - 220,000 rubles.

In order for the business to have the expected financial performance, before opening, you should conduct a marketing research on the state of the market in your area, evaluate competitors and draw up a business plan. It is necessary even if you do not plan to take a loan from a bank. At first, you can produce simple T-shirt bags, then put them into production different kinds. You can supply products to large retail chains, pharmacy chains, small entrepreneurs.

Production of plastic bottles

Plastic containers are a convenient and economical type of packaging for pouring, protecting and transporting liquids. Bottles are used in large volumes by food and chemical manufacturers, and the business of producing bottles has been one of the most profitable for many years.

Production summary:

  • Initial investment - 3,900,000 rubles.
  • Payback - about 1 year
  • Profitability - up to 100%
  • Net proceeds - 370,000 rubles.

Building a business from scratch begins with renting a space of at least 40 sq. m and the purchase of automatic equipment that will produce 3,000 bottles per hour. Large volumes and their rapid implementation will ensure the rapid economic growth of the enterprise, and with the right conduct of business, it will lead the business to prosperity.

Production of ottomans

Frameless furniture "bean bag" is a fashionable attribute of a modern interior. It's about about ottomans, but rather about "bean bags" made of bright fabrics with loose filling inside. The target audience of such production are creative, often young, people who prefer bold decisions to conservative principles.

Indicators for the business for the production of ottomans:

  • Starting investments - 20,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 4 months.
  • Profitability - up to 200%
  • Net revenue - up to 800,000 rubles.

The size of the initial investment depends on what place the manufacturer wants to occupy in this niche. In the absence of initial capital, you can start “home production”, but given the low productivity, you won’t be able to earn much. Organization of business on a production scale, combined with competent promotion of products, guarantee high financial performance. It is noteworthy that the lion's share of sold products is accounted for by online sales, the rest is distribution through dealers and corporate orders.

Wallpaper making

The topic of repair is relevant at any time, and the repair and construction business is famous for its quick payback and high profitability. Wallpaper is the most common building material. But the organization of their production is "too tough" for not every entrepreneur; one can enter the wallpaper business only with large investments.

Project Summary:

  • Initial capital - from 60,000,000 rubles. (subject to the purchase of used equipment)
  • Payback - 2 years
  • Profitability - 35%
  • Net profit - 2,500,000 rubles.

To organize a wallpaper production business, you need to purchase special equipment, usually 2 production lines. The production workshop should be located on an area of ​​​​at least 1800 square meters. m with a total energy of 250 kW. The equipment consumes a large amount of electricity, which must be taken into account in the cost of production. The type of equipment should correspond to the future range of production. Sales should be considered in advance. According to marketing research, the main buyers are residents of economically developed regions of the country.

Laminate production

The manufacture of laminate is characterized by complex technology and the need for tangible investments. The second most popular type of flooring has long been a mass product, and its production is constantly being modernized. According to experts, by 2023 every third consumer will choose laminate.

Project indicators:

  • Starting capital - 35,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2 years
  • Profitability - 28%
  • Net profit - 1,500,000 rubles.

Equipment for the production of laminate is the most expensive part of organizing a business. To accommodate it, you will need a large room - at least 2500 square meters. m and at least 20 employees. The flooring market is highly competitive, so finding distribution channels can take a lot of time. To reduce risks, you need to develop your own dealer network and sell wallpapers under your own brand.

If you decide to go into a serious manufacturing business, we advise you to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. A good idea is 50% success. When choosing a direction, conduct a detailed market research, study the methods and results of competitors, consumer preferences, and, based on a detailed analysis, determine the field of activity.
  2. A prerequisite for the prosperity of a business in the future is the preparation of a business plan before launching a project.
  3. At the start of the opening of production, soberly assess your capabilities so that unjustified hopes do not cause disappointment in the future.
  4. Be patient and get ready to work hard, only purposeful and true to their idea entrepreneurs reach the top.


Of course, a manufacturing business has many undeniable advantages:

  • high profit margins, which will be several times higher than the income from the sales business;
  • lack of dependence on the supplier;
  • the ability to independently adjust the cost of goods;
  • tracking quality characteristics products at the stage of their manufacture;
  • relative independence from economic changes;
  • the ability to regulate the circulation of products.
  • [Total Votes: 6 Average: 5/5] (votes: 6, average 5 out of 5)

    Freelancer, creative and business

Business ideas - production: 7 indicators taken into account when choosing + possible directions depending on the scale and type of activity + essential goods + 3 options for activities.

In Russia, only real daredevils are still aiming to start production. Although experienced entrepreneurs say that now is just the right time for this. In addition, there are many directions, the implementation of which does not require large investments.

Because of this, in the material we will consider the business ideas of production. Since the volume of one article does not allow us to analyze each idea in detail, we will briefly go through the most popular options.

How to decide on a business idea for organizing production?

Each person, having a certain amount of capital and an entrepreneurial streak, dreams of something that would bring him a good and stable income.

Over the past few years, the number of people employed in production in a particular industry has increased by almost 7%. The number of individuals whose business has been operating on the market for more than 3 years has increased by 5.3%.

This figure is considered a record for the entire period of research (since 2006). Of these, entrepreneurs who choose to achieve successful results current ideas business (production, for example, which is always in demand). Also, an obligatory component of the triumph is the ability to sell, since the income of the enterprise will depend on the number of sales.

So which option from the many presented to choose?

To decide on one or another idea for starting production, you should pay attention to:

The price mechanism is also important to consider, because the cost of producing any of the products must pay off and generate income.

Before finally choosing a business idea, determine for yourself what goals you are going to pursue. You need to figure out what scale your business model will acquire.

Determine target audience, i.e. Who will you be producing for? If you focus on the consumer with high incomes, you can choose a business idea that is designed to create high-end products. Otherwise, it is advisable to consider ideas related to the production of goods from the middle price or budget segment.

Think about where it is better to open an enterprise, what will be the sales region. If you want the organization of production to be not in vain, look for suitable trade niches.

For example, in large cities it is easier to sell products, on the one hand, because there are a large number of consumers. On the other hand, there is a barrier in the form of high competition. in the countryside or small town it is recommended to choose an unoccupied business area, be sure to study the needs of local residents in advance.

Business production ideas and popular destinations

Of great importance is the scope of activities and the area of ​​production in which the entrepreneur plans to engage.

It can be such business ideas: production in the industry Agriculture(forestry, livestock breeding, beekeeping, etc.), in the industrial field (processing of raw materials), defense (production of protective equipment).

We must not forget that there are still various areas of small business, which consist in the production of intangible goods.

These include:

  • the service sector, including banking;
  • spiritual and scientific production (discoveries, inventions, art).

You can consider business ideas regarding home production. It will be beneficial if it does not require expensive materials, and the process itself is not laborious.

Women may be interested in home business ideas such as jewelry, candles, handmade soap, knitting. For men, tile production, custom-made, glass engraving are suitable.

The business ideas of seasonal production deserve attention as a form of additional income.

Among them are:

  • production of mini-ponds, artificial reservoirs;
  • resort business;
  • production of holiday souvenirs, etc.

Recall that the type of production also affects the choice of an idea:

Ideas for business: production, what is cost-effective today?

If a novice entrepreneur wants to minimize risks, it is worth taking a closer look at the options that will be in demand in any political situation and economic environment.

These include:

No. 1. Food business: an idea for organizing the production of dumplings.

The production of dumplings is quite interesting idea for business. Despite the high competition and saturation of the market, a purposeful entrepreneur can still take his position.

In addition, the implementation of the idea for the production of dumplings will bring a good profit. It does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, because semi-finished products are bought and consumed all year round.

Even in such a business, the technology and production base are simple.

The products themselves can be produced for various consumer segments: budget, medium, premium. But almost half of the market is occupied by dumplings, which low- and middle-income citizens can afford to buy.

Depending on this classification and weight, prices for the packaging of frozen semi-finished products range from 40 to 550 rubles.

In the production of products, high-quality raw materials are used:

  • minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, pork and beef, turkey);
  • premium flour;
  • clean water, salt, spices.

To start the production of dumplings, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, obtain certificates of conformity, 2 OKP declarations. Appropriate permits are also required from the Fire Service, Rospotrebnadzor, SES.

You need to have at your disposal a room with an area of ​​​​200 square meters. m., it is allocated for the implementation of the technological process, storage of finished products and separately for personnel.

About 15 people work in a large workshop, and 4 people are enough for a small enterprise. Among them are directly employees, a technologist, an accountant, a sales manager, a storekeeper, a driver, laborers, etc.

Production proceeds in 5 stages:

We will not dwell on them in detail.

To run such a business, you need a set of equipment:

  • flour sifter,
  • dough mixer,
  • dough sheeter,
  • meat grinders,
  • grinders and more.

When buying, pay attention to the configuration, cost and power. Popular equipment is JGL-120, JGL-135 and analogues.

The most difficult task in implementing the idea for the production of dumplings is the sale of goods. Since there are many competitors on the market, you will have to have significant advantages, offer more acceptable prices, hold promotions, discounts.

Regarding financial indicators, one can observe something like this:

Starting investments will amount to about 2,622,000 rubles, and profit - from 319,422 rubles. With good sales, the cost of doing business will pay off within 8-12 months. Profitability - 12-20%.

No. 2. Small business ideas: production of wood concrete blocks.

From considering the business idea of ​​producing dumplings, let's move on to the manufacture of building materials. Let's give an example, since this direction is economically viable.

A business for the production and sale of wood blocks with a small budget can be opened first at home. Raw materials are relatively cheap, so the cost of production will be low.

Attractive this idea and low levels of competition. Arbolite blocks, especially during the construction season, are bought for insulation of load-bearing walls, sound insulation. This is an environmentally friendly product that has many advantages.

In order for production not to be unprofitable, it is necessary to buy good equipment, hire skilled workers, and follow all technological rules. Prices should correspond to quality, but there can be no question of a large margin.

With the right marketing and sales policies, the production of wood blocks in accordance with state standards and building codes, the business owner will be successful.

They produce blocks of two types (structural and heat-insulating type), of various sizes. The weight of one block can be from 16 to 60 kg. Only sufficiently durable products will bring profit to the enterprise.

For the production of building materials, at least 3 raw materials are used:

  • wood chips,
  • concrete,
  • various supplements.

The wood is taken dry or prepared for use on its own, after which the risk of fungus and rot is significantly reduced.

Sawdust or wood chips are purchased from logging companies. It is made from aspen, maple, ash, etc. Also used larch, straw, kenaf. It is desirable to use cement in the production of the highest brand, M400, for example. The exact proportions of the recipe are set by the technologist.

In a certain sequence, the technology is observed and quality control is organized:

The business idea for the production of wood concrete blocks cannot be realized without technical equipment:

  • wood cutting machines,
  • hammer mills,
  • wood chipper,
  • vibrating table,
  • kyubels,
  • vibropress and others.

Powerful equipment will allow you to achieve significant production volumes in a month - 300-500 square meters. m. More expensive, but convenient is the automatic line.

The premises for production should have a large area (from 400 sq. M). This is a working area, a place for warehousing and storage of products. On the territory it is necessary to comply with certain temperature regime– 15-20°С.

Separately, you should take care of the site for the procurement of raw materials. If you find suitable premises close to the sawmill, you can reduce the item of transport costs.

The staff usually consists of 3-5 people, depending on the automation of production.

Clients in the sale of finished products will be:

  • building bases and firms;
  • private traders;
  • contractor organizations;
  • large outlets etc.

It is better to find wholesale customers and conclude supply contracts with them. When advertising your business, an entrepreneur needs to use all available methods, including the Internet. If you organize a showroom to demonstrate product samples, you can increase your customer base.

Such small business ideas (production of building materials), as a rule, require large start-up investments. So it is with arbolite blocks.

No. 3. Sewing children's clothing is an idea for a business in the light industry.

Tailoring is a popular business idea, since the final results of production are necessary and accessible to the average population. Clothing production is considered a material-intensive industry and ranks second in terms of gross output in light industry.

Today, many people are interested in this idea, since there are tendencies towards the individual nature of the finished product. Now the production of tailoring is present in every economic region of Russia, but most of all it is in the Northwestern Federal District and the Central Federal District.

Therefore, in other districts where there is a lack of production volumes, you can open a small or medium-sized enterprise, an atelier.

This is interesting ! In the 20th century, there was no factory production, as such. Basically, products were made to order in city workshops or at home. Only 3% of all things were made by large factories.

For garment production characteristic:

  • most of the spending goes on consumables, and especially on raw materials;
  • shortage in the domestic raw material base, so there is a dependence on import supplies;
  • the use of predominantly female labor;
  • the possibility of creating unique products, personal collections;
  • a variety of forms of doing business;
  • a wide range of consumers, etc.

We want to draw your attention to such a business idea as. This is a win-win option if the products are of high quality and in accordance with the expectations of the customer.

Why children's? Statistics show that adults, under the influence of fashion trends, update their wardrobe relatively often, but even more often young parents do it for their children.

This state of affairs is due to the fact that children are constantly growing, wear out faster and render their outfits unusable. The demographic situation in the country is improving, and the government only contributes to this.

Consequently, the production of clothing for children is relevant and profitable. The business is promising. It can be started at minimal cost if you create a small atelier in your home.

It is worth noting that a variety of options for the assortment range opens up before the entrepreneur. You can engage in the production of pajamas, underwear, T-shirts, sew outerwear.

In addition, babies need rompers, socks, bodysuits, overalls, envelopes, caps, etc., boys and girls need school uniforms, blouses, skirts, blues, seasonal clothes.

Organizational aspects of the production of children's clothing

Entrepreneur during the marketing research it is necessary to find out what assortment the population of his region needs, and to focus on this. After market analysis, registration and certification, you will have to look for premises, purchase equipment, establish relationships with suppliers and purchase raw materials.

If you implement a business idea for sewing children's clothing, then you need to focus on urban centers, since its range is not as stable as, for example, work uniforms.

To implement the idea in the studio format, 30-40 sq. m, the sewing workshop occupies about 70 sq. m. The location should be thoughtful. It is better to open a business near kindergartens, schools, hospitals, shopping centers.

Having carried out repair work and equipped the premises with all the necessary engineering networks, it is time to apply to the relevant authorities for obtaining permits and approvals for doing business.

The fabric should be chosen natural and high quality in different colors:

If the production will be home, all the work will fall on the entrepreneur. To implement a business idea on a workshop scale, you will need to hire 6-9 people. Three of them are seamstresses.

The company also needs a designer, fashion designer, accountant, sales manager.

Before implementing the idea of ​​​​tailoring children's clothing, an entrepreneur must make financial calculations and reflect them in a business plan.

The average figures are:

Top 8 production business ideas.

How to develop your business? Real business projects.

Before plunging headlong into a particular business idea, it would be right to take into account such fundamental factors:

  1. The financial capabilities of the entrepreneur and the amount of capital investments, fixed costs necessary for organizing a business.
  2. Experience and knowledge of the industry.
  3. Consumer preferences regarding the products to be produced.
  4. The amount of tax deductions.
  5. The complexity of the process.
  6. Free niches.
  7. Exchange rate, cost of production.
  8. Business stability, its dependence on seasonality.
  9. Mobility of production, its prospects and long-term.

Business ideas of production are, together with the service sector, almost the most profitable direction. Each area has a lot of its own distinctive nuances. Therefore, first study them and choose the right approach. Knowing all the nuances and having the amount necessary for the initial investment, you will definitely reach a good income.

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Business ideas in production

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Small business ideas in production

A manufacturing business practically guarantees an entrepreneur high profits and a stable income. Even despite large investments, production has been and remains the most promising type of activity. In this section, you will find the most profitable manufacturing ideas for small businesses and find out what kind of home manufacturing business a beginner can start.

Article reading time 34 minutes

Opening a home mini production is attractive because it requires less investment and makes it possible to try out a business without initial registration. Many ideas can grow into a large, highly profitable business, so choosing the right product to make is essential.

From the article you will learn how to open a mini-production at home, get business tips and 60 ideas for implementation.


Home production: how to open?

So, regardless of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhome production you choose, I have compiled instructions for starting a business at home in the field of production:

1. Evaluate your production idea. Will the cost of the product after production and margin match the cost of the competitor's product? Are there enough outlets and how long will the product be in demand? What is the competition? Who are your clients? What value will your business bring to people?

2. Find quality raw material suppliers. The quality of your products will directly depend on the quality of raw materials. Find several suppliers and evaluate their raw materials.

3. We consider production costs. After the calculation, the amount of initial costs on paper will have to be doubled, as there will definitely be hidden problems that will require additional funds. But the profit must be divided by 2, since there will be a marriage, and with food, the goods may deteriorate at all. This is done for realism.

3.1. We are conducting a trial production test. If possible, conduct test production to assess product quality. Repeat as needed until the perfect product is created.
4. We write or order a business plan. It is necessary to sort out all business issues that may arise. If you create it yourself, download 3-5 business plans of your subject and analyze them in detail. Based on the information received, create your business plan.

5. We buy the necessary minimum of equipment. Everything you need for the first production. Used can be cheaper, but also be aware that an already used product can fail at any time and it does not have a guarantee.

6. We carry out test production and look for customers. If earlier you failed to create a product due to lack of equipment, now you need to conduct a test and create a product, and then sell it.

If there are doubts about the business, buy used equipment. If you don't open it, you can sell it again, otherwise it will be insurance in case the main new equipment fails and is sent for repair.

7. We register production. Production registration is a big job. there will be checks and everything will be checked, from the quality of raw materials to the fire safety of the premises.

7.1. Looking for staff. If workers are needed, then we are looking for them at the same time as registering a business.

8. We advertise production and products. Each manufacturer of certain products thinks about the sale of goods. When you create a product, you need to decide whether you are just making a “one of” product or creating a brand. Each product is promoted in its own way, and there is a big difference between a brand and a simple product. The brand is promoted more on the Internet and stands out with its packaging.

  • read the article Manipulation in advertising examples
  • read the article 50 business advertising ideas

The main ways of marketing products:

  • small and large wholesale;
  • retail from its points;
  • online sales
  • delivery of goods for sale.

9. We remove defects, we improve production. After all business processes are launched, it is necessary to establish production and work on product quality, look for new customers and improve the business as a whole.

10. We draw up a business development strategy. After a few months of production, we write a business development strategy. We develop such issues as improving production, additional products, fighting competition, finding sales outlets, and automating production.
Every industry has pitfalls. This instruction shows a lot of work, but when starting a business there will be a lot of small nuances that you will have to decide on your own. That is why we advise you to double the cost for your own precaution, and divide the profit in half for realism.

When creating a business, do not dream of great achievements. Business is a very complex thing. If you think about unrealistic profits, then the first problems will break you. Better get ready for monthly work. Preparedness for reality is what entrepreneurs often lack.

1. The production you choose must be in demand in the market, so start from the presence of customers.

2. The idea of ​​production should not be based on temporary demand or fashion, it should be relevant even after 5 years. Otherwise, there should be a quick self-sufficiency and subsequent big profits.

3. Take your time with registration, first create the first batch of products and sell it (if possible). Work on the quality of production.

4. Do not rush to scatter money, the first calculations are always wrong and money, as a rule, is required 2 times more, but divide the profit figure taken from the ceiling by 2 for realism.

5. Before registering a business, find a few regular future customers and arrange a partnership.

6. Look for hidden reserves - whether it's business advertising, additional production options.

7. Create your own packaging and your brand, if it is real in your production and you have capital for PR - in the future it will pay off many times over and increase recognition, and with it sales.

8. Be interested in the opinion of the client, do not lose the opportunity to work on order.

9. Show your production from the inside - shoot videos, take photos, take tours for clients, open days, etc. - all this increases the credibility of the business.

10. Constantly check the suppliers of raw materials for your production, especially if the business is in the food industry. The quality of your products directly depends on the quality of raw materials.

11. Analyze competitors and do 3 things:

- do what they already have, only better;

- learn from their mistakes

- try something that no one has tried before you.

12. Look for partners: produce bricks - partner with producers of foam blocks; windows - doors; things - clothing online stores.

13. Look for options for successful and continuous growth - new customers, scaling, more diverse advertising, combining ideas, entering the market of the country and beyond.

These tips will make it easier to start a small business in home production and will help in settling many issues.

Home production business ideas

Production of home products

1. Baking cookies

There are several options for creating a homemade cookie production: baking in small batches for your city, creating a large production and an original product. IN home business it is better to start with a small production of one kind of your cookies. Buy ovens, come up with your own cookie recipe and start working on the first batch. After successful production, proceed to the collection of documents, preparation of the premises and registration of the business.

2. Canning

Start a business without registration. The first year it is desirable to choose the right recipes to make the product tasty and reliable. In the second year, sell what you have prepared earlier, having gained the experience of the first sales, the first customers and honest reviews. And then start production.

3. Frozen vegetables and fruits

The main thing in the production of frozen fruits and vegetables is packaging and advertising. The quality of the product must be high in itself, but for big sales beautiful and conspicuous packaging and advertising is required. The best way ads - Instagram of fitonies in your region. The packaging is designed by professionals. Profit directly depends on these two things. Otherwise, with little capital, you can create a quality product and offer it to grocery stores.

The production of honey requires your indirect participation, but it is also important. In the extraction of honey, the terrain and weather conditions play a huge role. By organizing the business in a warm area in nature, the honey yield will be many times higher than in cold conditions.

For work, hives, families of bees and careful care for the whole process are necessary. Honey is sold from home, to stores, through advertising and live sales.

5. Alcoholic products

The production of alcohol should be divided into 2 categories - for sale among friends and full-fledged production in compliance with all standards. If you do not consider the first method profitable, produce alcohol and hold (advertise the appointed day in advance) free tasting. The people from the city will go to try their countryman's new beer for free after work at 8-9 pm. Here's to you free advertising and future clients.

Full-fledged production requires huge investments and a lot of permits. In any of the options you need equipment, the right composition, high quality product and business registration.

6. Sausage shop

Creating a sausage shop at home requires serious preparation, because in order to open such a production, it is necessary to collect a large number of permits. To open, you need to purchase equipment, find suppliers of high-quality raw materials, a formula for delicious sausages, workers, create and register your logo, and pass various tests to approve product quality. If a sausage shop opens at home, then the house should be private with large rooms and territory.

7. Pelmeni (semi-finished products)

25. Tailoring of children's festive costumes

Create your own production of children's costumes at home. In business, it is important to consider that production in China is cheaper and costumes, even imported from far away, can be cheaper in cost and not inferior in quality to yours. Considering this factor, sketch out sketches or download from the Internet, purchase equipment and materials and start production. The goods are sold to stores and through social networks, even in bulk to other cities.

  • read the article Do-it-yourself home business for women

26. Children's play equipment

The main thing in the creation of children's play equipment is the quality and strength of the structures. It is important that the equipment is collapsible, something like a designer, fastened to the thread and supplemented with other fasteners. In addition to the usual equipment - slides, ladders, exercise equipment - you can also come up with your own original designs. Sales are carried out in toy stores, and the goods are also offered to wholesale and retail online stores.

  • read the article Do-It-Yourself Home Business for Men

Production of wood products/furniture

27. Children's furniture

Start home production of children's furniture - cribs, tables, chairs, cabinets, walls and more. Make furniture accessible to everyone at a cost. To start you need: premises under workplace, tools, material, sketches and other additional inventory. It is not necessary to store the goods, try to immediately sell to furniture stores and through regular advertising. Also take orders.

28. Frameless furniture

For work, purchase fabrics and the necessary fillers, develop sketches and start production. You can sell it via the Internet and sell it either to furniture stores or by opening your own boutique in the city.

29. Making ax handles

For the production of ax handles, it is necessary to purchase special equipment, since manual work will be too slow. The equipment is installed in the garage. Billets are also bought, prepared for the dimensions of the machine and the process is started. Ax handles are implemented in all possible ways. Basically, these are sales to urban-type settlements, where wood-burning stove heating prevails.

30. Production of a log cabin of baths, baths of barrels

To create a business, you need a large area for the manufacture of a log cabin of baths and their storage. In case of a shortage of money, you can find the first customers who will purchase the material on their own. To get big profits, you need to create unusual log cabins and do it efficiently. Also create interior lining, wood inventory for baths - buckets, benches, tables and more. For the elite, cover every inch of wood with a special solution to prevent rot and mold.

  • read the article Home business idea: creating log cabins

31. Eurowood

Eurowood is created specifically for fireplaces. The point is to create the perfect firewood for the elite. In addition to smoothness and special shapes, packaging is also needed, and even a brand. For the production of eurofirewood, you need to use special machines. The product is sold via the Internet and rented to special stores.

32. Gazebos

Making gazebos is best done to order. To get started, practice and create several layouts for sale and portfolio, then launch advertising for your services. Advertising should reach summer residents and elite houses. Include manipulation techniques in advertising so that the client, having a gazebo, wishes to update it. To this business, you can add the manufacture of original street toilets and garden furniture.

33. Charcoal

Charcoal production takes place in outdoor conditions with special ovens, a territory for wood and a warehouse for ready-made charcoal. Bags are ordered from special factories. You can take an assistant for work, entrusting most of the physical work. Finished products sold in bulk and retail at the relevant points.

34. Wooden souvenirs

For the production of wooden souvenirs, it is necessary to purchase special machines and tools for work. Also, determine in advance what exactly you will produce in order to get as much profit as possible. Sketches and tutorials for production can be found on the Internet. The goods are rented to souvenir shops for sale or sold in bulk. This also includes the idea of ​​producing wooden utensils.

35. Furniture

In the production and sale of furniture large companies earn millions daily. Despite being busy, this market is still profitable. You can start with self-production at home and work to order. So the client can be satisfied, and the goods will not be stale. In addition, offer your finished works. Furniture can also be sold to furniture stores. For production, you need a tool, material, place, sketches and a working head.

  • Read the article Home Business Idea: Making Custom Furniture

36. Caskets, lotto, chess, backgammon, frames

If you know how to handle woodworking tools, then you can start producing various interesting items of unusual design. For example, you can create a chessboard where the figures will be heroes from films or books, unusual boxes and frames for icons or photographs. Certain goods can reach prices of up to several thousand, or even tens of thousands of rubles. Sales are carried out through regular advertising, via the Internet, and goods can also be handed over for sale.

Production of building goods

37. Brick

A business related to the construction industry will always be profitable. For the production of bricks, equipment is needed - furnaces, molds, as well as raw materials and workers. You can start with a small production and it will be profitable if there is no brick factory within a radius of several hundred kilometers. To open a production facility, a large area and suitable premises are required.

The manufacture of furnaces can be done by a welder. In general, production in the construction industry is more suitable for men. Serious experience is required for quality work. The business is organized in its own garage, a welding machine, carrying equipment for connection, material for furnaces are purchased. Sketches can be found online. Furnaces are brewed for home heating and baths. You can also work to order. In addition, you can do the manufacture of barbecues.

39. Garden tiles

To create tiles for the garden, you need an area and a room for work and storage. We buy equipment, molds. We buy a composition formula or create our own and start work. In order not to get lost among competitors, create original shapes and make tiles of certain several colors. The product is sold from home through advertising. The main thing in business is the selling price - do not exceed the market value of the tile.

40. Nails, screws

The production of nails, screws and other similar consumables requires premises and free space, machines, labor and compliance with all safety measures during work. The search for machines can be carried out via the Internet, sales are made to construction stores in large quantities. With a variety in production, you can open your own stall selling products, ahead of competitors at a low price.

41. Wooden windows

Now is the time plastic windows and almost everyone uses them. But there are also enough fans of wooden windows, besides, in the near future, it will be a great way to stand out from the rest. Production can be started in the garage. Buying essential tool and machines, purchase blanks and start production. Also work to order.

Door production can also be organized at home. To begin with, we determine what material you will create the door from - wood or metal. Each material requires its own tools and equipment. You can start with wooden doors. Diversity will make you stand out in the market.

43. Rubber crumb tracks

It will be impossible to make tracks from crumb rubber inside the house, but if there are other premises near the house, then it will be possible to place equipment there and engage in production. Buy ready-made raw materials or extract them yourself (in the second case, you will have to purchase additional equipment, hire workers, etc.), hire labor force and start production.

44. Production of colored gravel

The production of colored crushed stone is a profitable business, since raw materials are purchased in tons and sold in kilograms in bags. For production, a resistant dye, an improvised tool and a room for drying crushed stone are needed. It is advisable to hire a worker and loaders. Products are sold through advertising and wholesale sales to large hardware stores.

45. Making change houses

Change houses are actively used in the construction of buildings - they accommodate workers, security or a kitchen. They can be used by summer residents for their own purposes. Change houses can have a different size and design, it is desirable that they be collapsible as a designer for easy transportation. The selling price must be at least one and a half times higher than its cost.

46. ​​Artificial stone

Artificial stone is used for facing the foundation of private houses. The advantage of this stone is its low cost. For production, you will need a room, a properly selected mixture for stone, a mold, a container for the mixture. Stock up on pallets and prepare a place to dry the stone and store it.

Other home production

47. Incubators

If you understand electronics, you can start manufacturing your own incubators. For example, in demand there will be budget types incubators for a large number of eggs. You can make from old refrigerators or freezers. The buyer will only be happy to save on the incubator and buy a budget option at a price 2-3 times lower than the market price.

48. Production of demobilization/wedding albums

Production is in terms of creative work - album design. The process can be mastered by one person. The advantages of business in the absence of serious competition and the goods do not need to be stored or sold. All production works according to the order and prepayment from the client. The work is creative and suitable even for mothers on maternity leave. Create some portfolio work and advertise your services. Or you can create albums where customers will only have to paste their photos.

49. Antifreeze

For the production of anti-freeze, you will have to spend money first of all on a specialist who could select the necessary composition of the liquid. Next, we purchase all the necessary equipment, order liquid containers, register our logo of a manufacturing company and begin production itself. We offer the product to automotive stores at a wholesale price. We create a website and start working with partners.

50. Printed clothes

Printing patterns on clothes is no longer new business and the competition is very high. In order to create a profitable business, you need to break your head over new themes and designs. Business starts at home - purchased required printers, raw materials - clothes without a pattern of different colors and types, a design is created, which is subsequently printed on things. The goods are sold through an online store at retail, as well as in bulk to large stores in different cities.

51. Working with a 3D printer

You can produce different designs on a 3D printer. For example, not so long ago there was a fashion for creating figures of people. You can also create prostheses, print certain consumables, and more. But before you produce something, find customers for the product. As soon as you pick up a suitable idea (several is even better), start production. To work, you will need a comfortable room, a 3D printer, consumables, a computer and a program.

You can open the full advertising agency– develop advertising, design, brand and transfer the content to the source code – banner, Business Cards, pens, mugs, etc. Or you can only engage in production - accept finished developments and produce promotional products. The higher the quality of your production, the more solid customers and the more profit the business will bring.

Belt production can be done in the garage or allocate one room at home. For work, you will need special machines, material, working hands. Several dozen belts can be produced per day. The goods are rented to clothing stores in small wholesale lots.

54. Natural cosmetics

Girls can engage in the production of natural cosmetics. In this business, such components as product quality, advertising packaging and advertising campaign. Having created a quality product, register your business, give it an attractive name, and then run ads through your friends and on Instagram.

55. Production of hammocks

The market does not take hammocks seriously, so this business needs to be promoted as well. To do this, go the other way and create hammocks on stands for children. The cost and sale price will be cheaper than an adult hammock, moreover, many parents will be interested in a children's hammock as a gift. Advertise your product on bulletin boards and in social networks.

56. Breeding (in incubators)

In its own way, production is the maintenance of incubators and the breeding of certain birds. The process is known to everyone: we buy incubators, eggs (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and others different breeds) and are engaged in the production of poultry. Further, the younger generation is sold in bulk. Business needs large warm rooms.

57. Greenhouse production

Each owner of his personal plot wants to put up a greenhouse and grow his own pure product. Production has competition, so you either have to squeeze in or look for ways to stand out from the competition. Use light and practical materials in production. Experiment with the sizes and shapes of greenhouses.

Frankly, this business is already overcrowded and not highly profitable. One of the last options to create profitable business- its maximum promotion when creating a brand, for example, such as Dove. Another option is on the wave of "hype" - with the image of memes, events, new films and other things. In any case, not only quality is important, but also the promotion of production.

As in the case of soap, the production of candles should carry some kind of brand and “cling” the client, forcing them to make a purchase. Enough articles have been written about how to make soap. Let's talk about promotion. Promotion is the creation of a brand and the right advertising campaign. Look for originality, and after a specialist in business promotion on the Internet.

60. Postcards

It seems that the paper in the era of the Internet has exhausted itself? And you try to create now postcards with an echo of the past and skip the wave of advertising among the older generation (from 25 years old) and you will see that there is a demand. Do not forget about the large number of holidays. Your customers are wholesalers, and you will sell in bulk. A business needs a specialist in programs such as Photoshop, large printers and a small room.

Production can be started at home, this will save finances on rent. Any business in the field of production has growth with the right development and promotion. Choose an idea that you consider profitable and convenient for yourself, evaluate and start working on the quality of the product. As soon as you get a quality product, start the registration process. Do not forget that branded goods (brand) have a high cost and increase recognition.

Home production business ideas - click to enlarge the picture 🙂

In contact with

  • Modular pictures
  • Implementation of modular paintings
  • wooden pallets
  • Chipboard coffins
  • garden figures
  • Reinforced concrete rings
  • Polyurethane molds
  • Cakes to order
  • Houses - shelves
  • Pillows for pregnant women
  • Step by step opening plan
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions to open

We bring to your attention ten of the best mini-production business ideas that can be organized in a small workshop or garage. Most of the items below can be made by one or two people.

Modular pictures

Modular paintings are a fashion trend in decorating home and office interiors. This product is in good demand and is purchased both as a gift and simply for wall decoration (for example, for a family photo).

Technology for the production of modular paintings

Modular paintings are made from stretchers and fabric on which the image is applied. The production technology is not complicated and anyone can master it. Ready-made stretchers are purchased from private wood craftsmen (or purchased in stores), and the image is printed on fabric using a conventional plotter.

Implementation of modular paintings

Modular paintings are implemented through individual orders, specialized stores and hypermarkets, as well as in the format of live advertising (on busy streets). The retail price for modular paintings starts from 4 thousand rubles. Not a complicated business that is organized in a small workshop. Read more…

  • Business plan for the production of modular paintings (19 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

wooden pallets

wooden pallet- a highly demanded product in logistics. Almost every industrial and commercial enterprise that sells products in large quantities needs pallets, which greatly facilitate the loading and unloading of goods.

Pallet production technology

On a small "garage" scale, pallets are made by hand, using a pneumatic hammer. The main difficulty is to produce those very thin boards that form the frame of the product. For cutting such boards, special multi-saw frame machines are used (for example, RM-50). The average price is 500,000 rubles. The approximate cost of one wooden pallet is 120 rubles, while the retail one is at least 200 rubles. "Navar" from 80 rubles. from one pallet. The production of 100 pallets per day will bring about 8,000 rubles. How to quickly make a pallet:

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Wooden pallet production business plan (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Chipboard coffins

We can say a 100% option is the business idea of ​​​​producing coffins from chipboard (or other cheap materials). funeral services always in demand, regardless of the crisis. Expensive coffins may not go, but budget (economy) in a crisis will be bought up only in this way. Chipboard is used as the frame of an economy coffin, and sheathed with velvet or fabric. The cost of producing a unit of output is 2 - 3 thousand rubles. This option costs the customer 4-6 thousand rubles.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Coffin production business plan (18 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

garden figures

In the spring and summer, garden figures are in good demand for decorating household and summer cottages. The manufacturing technology of such products is extremely simple and comes down to pouring a pre-prepared mixture into a finished mold. After the figure dries, it remains only to paint it with a spray gun. The only difficulty in this case is to buy those very forms that are not cheap.

They make garden figures from gypsum (a cheaper option), concrete or polyresin. The most common sales methods are: deliveries to large construction and hypermarkets, as well as sales near highways with a large flow of cars. Manufacturing business profitability garden figures estimated at 35%. Read more…

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of plaster figures (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Reinforced concrete rings

A good idea for a small business is the production of reinforced concrete rings. This product is extremely in demand in the construction of wells, ventilation shafts and bridges. In view of the fact that the rings are quite heavy and their delivery is extremely expensive, there are not so many large manufacturers of these products. This means that there is no huge competition and pressure from federal players. This is one of the best goods for small production.

What appeals to this idea is a relatively inexpensive start and understandable technology. The minimum set of equipment, including a concrete mixer, a vibrating mold and a vibrating sieve, will cost about 150,000 rubles. This entire "line" can fit in an open area of ​​100 - 200 square meters. m. The main thing is to choose a flat horizontal surface. The main raw materials for the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings are: reinforcing cage, cement, crushed stone, sand and plasticizing additives. A sewer reinforced concrete ring with a diameter of 1 m at a cost of 800 - 1300 rubles. The minimum selling price is 2000 rubles. The margin is about 100%! Read more…

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of reinforced concrete rings (11 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Polyurethane molds

One of the most suitable ideas for mini home production is the production of silicone or polyurethane molds. Such forms are most often used for the production of decorative stone. The technology is quite simple, and from the equipment, only the “hands” of the master are mainly required. To begin with, a sample is bought, according to which the future matrix (form) will be produced. It is easier for everyone to copy samples from natural stone. The first thing they start with is to cut a sample of stone in a thin layer and stick it on a flat surface. Then formwork is created for pouring polyurethane. Joints are sealed. After the master model is ready, a release agent is applied to the surface of the model. Next, the polyurethane mixture is prepared. The most popular version is Ecarast RT 45A polyurethane. The resulting mixture is poured into the model and incubated for 4 - 5 hours. The form is ready!

The retail price of a silicone mold starts from 1800 rubles. Markup not less than 100%. You can (and should) sell these products online. So, according to Wordstat (Yandex statistics), the phrase “buy a mold for stone production” is searched for about 9,000 times a month! At the same time, there is practically no competition. How the silicone mold is made is clearly shown in the following video:

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Silicone mold production business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Cakes to order

A tried-and-true idea for mini-home production is to make custom cakes. The idea is the best for lovers of home baking.

With the advent of social networks, advertising such a business has become much easier. Colorful cakes, some of which cost more than 6000 rubles. (Moscow, St. Petersburg), are laid out in photo albums that are viewed by potential customers. Such cakes are most often ordered for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and corporate events. It should be taken into account that cake making order is seasonal. Most of the bookings are made in the spring, while in the summer there is silence, as people go on vacation. Profitability this business estimated at 70%.

Houses - shelves

It has recently become extremely fashionable to decorate children's rooms with shelving houses. This mini-furniture combines two useful functions at once. Firstly, this thing looks cool, and secondly, you can put toys, flowers, various trifles, etc. on it. At the same time, the house-shelf can not only be placed on the floor, but also hung on the wall. So it won't take up any space at all.

In general, the product is in high demand, it is ordered on the Internet and bought in furniture stores. Manufacture of houses - shelves - great option for a small family business that can actually be organized in a "garage environment".

Shelf house production technology

Materials for the house can be bought, so to speak, ready-made. That is, you take ready-made wardrobe shelves, horizontal shelves, 10x3 cm boards, wood glue, nails, etc., cut the boards to the required sizes and assemble the structure. If you fork out for machines and produce a cabinet-shelf yourself, then the income will be even higher, since material costs are reduced. A house measuring 600 * 400 mm will cost at least 3000 rubles. (prices can be viewed online). While the cost of material is no more than 1000 r. "Navar" consider yourself. The main condition for the success of such a business is the presence of good craftsmen. In principle, even beginners can assemble a house-shelf. In the following video, an ordinary housewife assembles a similar design:

Pillows for pregnant women

A pregnancy pillow is a specific product that is bought, as the name implies, only for a specific occasion. But that doesn't make it low cost. On the contrary, the markup on pillows for pregnant women is several times higher than on classic options. So, the price of an ordinary pillow made of artificial filler is on average 500 rubles, while for pregnant women it is at least 1100 rubles. At the same time, the material and filler are, in fact, the same.

Pillows for pregnant women differ from ordinary pillows in their unusual design, which can take the form of a horseshoe or bagel to support the head and abdomen. The main purpose of such pillows is to adapt to the human body as conveniently as possible and provide comfort during rest. For a small manufacturer this product It is interesting in that, unlike ordinary pillows, it is very often bought on the Internet. Therefore, sales are much less of a problem. Can make a small website, place ads on social networks, on Avito, etc. There are many options offline as well. For example, donate products to specialized stores for expectant mothers. The pillow production workshop can carry out a prefabricated function for the most part. That is, you buy bed covers made of TIK fabric or microfiber, cut the desired sizes, make covers from cotton, coarse calico, satin. As a filler, you can use holofiber or artificial swan down.

The article will teach you how to sell products over the Internet:

How to make money on Avito - tips and types of earnings.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Business plan for the production of pillows for pregnant women (11 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Metal stoves "potbelly stoves"

Demanded goods for private houses and baths are metal stoves. A variety of fireplaces, potbelly stoves are even installed in garages. Not infrequently, such furnaces require an individual approach (each client needs his own dimensions and gadgets). Therefore, in addition to generally accepted standards, it is possible to produce furnaces to order.

One person can build a small oven in a mini-workshop. From the materials you will need sheets of metal, pipes, and from the tools - a welding machine, a protective mask, a hammer, a set of electrodes and a grinder. Earnings from one part sold will largely depend on the high cost of the purchased material. Well, and the trade margin, respectively. So, the production of an elementary sauna stove can take 3,000 - 6,000 rubles, while it can be sold at a price of 10,000 rubles.

Step by step opening plan

  1. 1. Register an enterprise.
  2. Rent or buy premises for production.
  3. Purchase materials and equipment needed for production.
  4. Hire employees.
  5. Engage in the sale of manufactured products.

How much money can you make from small businesses

It all depends on the type of mini-business:

  1. If this is the production of modular paintings, then the sale of one painting is from 4,000 rubles.
  2. 2. The cost of production of 1 pallet is 120 rubles, and it can be sold for 200 rubles.
  3. The profitability of the production of coffins from chipboard is 100%.
  4. The profitability of gypsum garden figures is 35%.
  5. The production of a reinforced concrete ring will cost 800-1,300 rubles, it can be sold for 2,000 rubles.
  6. The margin for the production of polyurethane molds is 100%.
  7. Profitability of cakes to order -70%.
  8. The production of houses - shelves will cost 1,000 rubles, and they can be sold at a price of 3,000 rubles.
  9. The cost of pillows for pregnant women is 2 times higher than regular ones.
  10. 3,000-6,000 rubles will be spent on the production of a metal stove - a potbelly stove, and it can be sold for 10,000 rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business.

Again, it all depends on the type of mini-production. For some types of mini-business, you can not rent a room, but use your garage or a room in the private sector, and the production of custom-made cakes can be set up at home. For others, it is necessary to rent a production workshop. In some types of business it is necessary to use hired labor, and costs will increase accordingly. If you want to make good money and have initial capital to invest, check out course catalog who will help you understand the intricacies of investing and offer you ready-made solutions.

Which OKVED to indicate for the purpose of registration

OKVED 2 16.24 - production of wooden containers. OKVED 20.75 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products. OKVED 26.66 Manufacture of other products made of concrete, plaster, cement. OKVED 2 13.92 Manufacture of finished textile products, except clothing. OKVED 10.72.2 production of long-term storage cakes and pastries.
