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How to make money for the new year. How to make money for the New Year: ideas. Additional income. New Year's recruitment agency, or Earnings on mediation

* Calculations use average data for Russia

New Year and preparation for it is the time when people completely turn off the economy mode. In this compilation, we have collected 25 real business ideas for the New Year.

The New Year is approaching, which means that the pre-holiday fuss will soon take over all the cities. People begin New Year's preparations: they buy gifts, decorate their houses, plan their holidays. How to take advantage of this and turn holidays into good income? On the eve of the New Year, we have collected 25 real New Year's business ideas that require minimal investment.

Is it worth it to start a New Year's business? The answer is “yes” for several reasons. As a rule, a New Year's business is a quick start and a quick payback period. Secondly, this is the “golden time”, when the most impulsive and thoughtless purchases are made. The pre-New Year fuss completely turns off the “saving mode” for people - they are ready to spend a lot, and entrepreneurs are ready to earn a lot. Thirdly, absolutely everyone is preparing for the New Year holidays: both individuals and companies. And this is just a gigantic audience reach.

1. New Year's handmade: toys, postcards, candles, pillows

Investments - up to 100,000 rubles

New Year's mood is primarily created by decorations. People try to surround themselves with beautiful, themed things that create a holiday atmosphere. They are also used as a gift, so New Year's handmade is always in great demand.

The essence of the handmade business is the manufacture of original jewelry and festive decor for retail. Handicrafts stand out against the background of the same type of Chinese goods that fill the shelves in stores. They conquer buyers with their individuality, sincerity and quality. Therefore, if you are engaged in needlework, you can turn your skills into money.

The theme provides a huge flight of fancy. Here are just a few of the ideas:

Festive covers for furniture;

Skirts for the foot of the Christmas tree;

Christmas socks;

New Year's wreaths;

New Year's candles;

Cushion covers or shaped pillows,

Christmas decorations (wooden, knitted, made of fur, beads, with photographs or images on request, etc.),

Fairy lights,


The costs of this business are associated with the purchase of materials for products and the rental of a trading place. To save on rent, you can start selling via the Internet. Thanks to social networks, you can advertise and sell your products at minimal cost. Remember that the engine of trade in in social networks- picture. Therefore, try to create attractive photos of your products. Participation in New Year's fairs and exhibitions can give a good effect.

The success of an undertaking depends on the idea itself, the quality of work and an adequate cost for the product. The sale price must include the cost of production costs for materials and payment for manual work.

2. Business for dog owners: sledding, husky for New Year's photo shoot

Investments - from 5000 rubles

Do you have a dog that doesn't work but eats a lot? Thanks to these ideas, your pet will be able to take part in replenishing the family budget.

The first way to earn money is to organize dog sledding along a certain route, walks outside the city or through the forest. Such entertainment can also be held in crowded places: in parks, recreation centers, etc. Have you seen many dog ​​sleds for the New Year holidays? Competition in the market for such services is low, the idea is not beaten and people will like it, so we can expect high demand. For full equipment, investments of up to 100 thousand rubles will be required, which will be spent on the purchase of sleds and special equipment for animals.

On average, one lap with a distance of 500 meters can cost up to 1000 rubles. If it is profitable to think over the route and correctly approach advertising, you can recoup the investment in less than a month.

To organize such a business, it is necessary to select suitable locations and discuss this with the owners of the place. The owners of country clubs and recreation centers will certainly be interested in such a curious "attraction" that can attract visitors to open on their territory.

The idea is ideal for dog breeders and owners of huskies, huskies, malamutes. In general, for those who have several dogs that will be in harness. To organize such a business, you need to be confident in the dogs themselves - their training, character and behavior.

But what about those who have only one dog? You can organize photo sessions in which your pet will be in the lead role. Today, New Year's photo shoots are very popular - people arrange personal or family shoots. And dogs fit perfectly into the New Year's atmosphere, because they are able to noticeably enliven the frame and cheer up during a photo shoot. In addition, many companies arrange New Year's shooting for promotional materials. So finding people willing to take pictures with your adorable pet is not a problem. The main thing is that the dog itself should be set up for shooting and not be capricious.

The cost of this service may vary. It all depends on the city, time of shooting and breed. Huskies, Labradors and Samoyeds are the most popular for photo shoots. The average cost of one photo shoot with a zoo model, as they are commonly called, is 1,500 rubles. At the same time, the costs are minimal: you will need to bring a dog to a photo session and, possibly, purchase a couple of interesting props - for example, a beautiful collar or a blanket. To organize such a business, you should negotiate with photo studios, photographers or independently promote the service on the Internet.

3. Creative gift sets

Investments - from 20,000 rubles

By implementing this business idea, you seem to be protesting against banal New Year's gifts. Let the things that are customary to give for the New Year remain the same - but you can make the presentation itself original. As an option - creative gift boxes. Individually selected accessories in original design can win over their customers. For example, instead of a banal set of teas, you can offer to collect a whole tea box "For tea parties", which will include a couple of handmade mugs, several delicious teas, and sweets - for example, gingerbread cookies with personalized congratulations. At the same time, no one offers you to master all areas of needlework. You can simply find suppliers with whom you will cooperate. Your task is to find interesting things, collect them in a set and arrange them in an original way. You can offer your customers several options for boxes in advance. Come up with original titles, take pictures of sets for example and provide sets for different budgets.

Before the New Year holidays, many people simply do not have time to choose gifts for a long time and scrupulously, paying attention to every little thing. It will be much more convenient for them to go to the web page, choose the set they like and pay for the order. Business can be designed in the format of one-page sites (landing page) or in social networks. The specified amount of costs will be spent on the production of example sets, the creation of a landing page or the promotion of goods on social networks.

4. Renting a house or apartment for the New Year holidays

Investments - from 10,000 rubles

The service of renting a room for celebrating the New Year is very popular. Large companies of all ages, wanting to hold an event in a comfortable environment, often choose country houses and spacious studio apartments for this. Every year this service is gaining popularity. After all, to spend holidays in a private house means getting rid of the annoying hustle and bustle of the city, changing the boring environment and having a good rest.

The essence of the business is to organize daily rent of apartments, country houses and cottages for the New Year holidays. There are two ways to implement this idea: to offer your own property for rent or to carry out intermediary services.

If you have free housing or a country cottage, you can get a considerable income from renting it out to companies. The cost of such services on holidays increases by 3-4 times the regular price. This means that in a large city the service will cost about 2,000 rubles per person, that is, 25-30 thousand per day for a house. The price tag for apartments, of course, is less. Usually accommodation is rented for at least two days. From this it turns out that the average earnings per order will be approximately 50-60 thousand rubles. But prices also depend on other parameters. For example, by providing guests with additional services - a bathhouse, a barbecue area, karaoke, etc., you can significantly raise the price tag.

It is necessary to search for potential customers from the beginning of December. You can offer services by posting ads on various resources and posting leaflets on bulletin boards. It is also important to remember that when renting out your own property, you need to correctly draw up a lease agreement and prescribe all the conditions in it in order to avoid losses. Offering the services of an intermediary, you can ask for at least 20% of each transaction.

5. Rent of New Year's costumes or decor

Investments - up to 100,000 rubles

Let's continue with the topic of rent. This holiday, like Birthday, also happens only once a year. Therefore, people prefer not to buy many things, but to rent them. When else would a person need a Santa Claus costume or a set of street garlands to decorate a house?

Therefore, why not organize a business based on the offer to rent New Year's costumes and decor items for the holidays? On New Year's days, both adults and children want to find themselves in a fabulous atmosphere that carnival costumes or decor can easily create.

Such a project is in demand due to the growing popularity of thematic corporate parties and New Year's events. And do not forget about the classics of the genre - New Year's matinees.

To start, you should purchase various New Year's costumes for children and adults in advance. It is recommended to study interests and preferences in advance target audience to choose the right costumes. The rental price should include the subsequent dry cleaning and the price of a possible repair. You can offer your product via the Internet or at a rented outlet.

In addition to New Year's costumes, you can rent New Year's decor: street garlands for decorating houses, ready-made artificial Christmas trees decorated with unusual toys, dancing New Year's figures or garland figures.

6. Snowboard, snowmobile and ski rental

Investments - from 300,000 rubles

For the New Year holidays, the rental point is very current business. Offer people a ride on snowmobiles or skis after long feasts - great idea!

The essence of the business is the acquisition of equipment and equipment for winter views sports, as well as the organization of a paid rental point. The bulk of the funds invested will be spent on the purchase of equipment. After the necessary equipment has been purchased, you can tackle an equally important process - choosing a location for a rental office. Country bases and rest houses, city parks will be an excellent option. The organization will also need a small space to store inventory and accommodate staff.

The profitability of such services depends on a good location and high-quality advertising. With the right approach, you can count on a business profitability of 50%. The average income per month can be from 70 thousand rubles. And if you do business without attracting staff, you can earn even more.

7. Corporate decoration of offices, shop windows and community centers

Investments - up to 100,000 rubles

By the New Year holidays, the need for the right atmosphere arises in many organizations, offices, shopping centers and shops. Every year, design services are gaining popularity due to the desire of many companies to stand out from the competition with their corporate decor.

The essence of the business is the development of individual art projects to create interior decor in the New Year theme. This idea is ideal for designers, artists and just creative people, which have decorating abilities.

You can offer your services to restaurants, shopping centers, various offices, shops. It is also likely that your offer will be of interest to private individuals. After all, getting a ready-made concept for New Year's decoration means creating a special, festive atmosphere in your home. The profitability of such a business depends entirely on the ability to sell their services and the speed of work on the order. It can easily be more than 100% of the cost of materials.

Ready-made ideas for your business

8. Sale of hot drinks on the street

Investments - from 25,000 rubles

Folk festivals are held on a grand scale and not only in cozy rooms, but also on the streets: in parks, squares, New Year's fairs, skating rinks, etc. It is in such crowded places that you can equip outlet where hot drinks will be offered. Small tents or vans offering coffee, tea, cocoa in convenient plastic cups are in demand. You can sell not only hot drinks, but also sweets for tea. For example, buns or gingerbread.

To open such a business, you need to rent a van equipped with everything you need. Care should be taken to find a place for future trading and do it in advance in order to choose the most profitable location.

You can also organize this business in the original format and sell drinks from a special portable backpack on the go. The cost of a thermal backpack with everything necessary equipment is approximately 22-25 thousand rubles. The daily turnover during the New Year holidays can be up to 30 thousand rubles. And this means that it is quite possible to pay back the business in one day.

9. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

Investments - from 10,000 rubles

Trite? hackneyed? Well, let. For many years, the invitation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the house has been one of the most popular New Year's entertainment. Artists are invited home to please the child, and to New Year's corporate parties as part of entertainment program.

It will take a minimum - to purchase bright costumes for the main New Year's characters and write an original script with congratulations. Good costumes cost from 5 thousand rubles each. But you can find more budget options that will cost only 1.5-2 thousand rubles. It is also desirable to have your own transport, so that it is convenient to get to the customer with all the props. Advertising: posts on social networks, ads on various resources, leaflets, etc.

The minimum cost of inviting Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to your home is 1000 rubles. Depending on the region and program, the cost may be higher. And in new year's eve for such services, you can assign a double tariff. Having your own car, you can make at least 10 orders per day. That is, for a week of New Year's holidays it is really possible to earn 70-100 thousand rubles.

10. Christmas tree rental

Investments - from 25,000 rubles

What is the New Year without a Christmas tree? Every home should have a Christmas tree - real or artificial, as you like. Realizing the high demand for this New Year's symbol, many entrepreneurs are selling it. But there are not so many who offer Christmas trees for rent. At the same time, there is a positive experience of renting not only artificial, but also live Christmas trees.

The essence of the idea is to provide artificial Christmas trees for rent with additional services (transportation, decoration and subsequent dismantling of the Christmas tree). There are at least three reasons why you should choose this business. Firstly, artificial Christmas trees are in demand in offices, schools, administrative institutions. Many people choose artificial trees because they are easier to use. Secondly, there are not many entrepreneurs on the market offering this type of service. Thirdly, the idea will be appreciated by buyers who do not have time for New Year's chores. And the service "Christmas tree for rent with transportation, installation, decoration and subsequent removal" can solve their problem.

To start, you need to purchase several Christmas trees of different sizes. In order to save money, you can buy goods in bulk or second-hand. The cost of a tree up to 2 m high is 2-3 thousand rubles. If you buy Christmas trees "from hand", you can save half of these funds. You can also buy Christmas decorations. It is on these two items of expenditure that cash investments will go. In addition, you will need transport and storage space for inventory - this issue is easily solved if you have a personal car and a garage. Unassembled artificial Christmas trees do not take up much space, so storing them is not difficult.

In Moscow, such a comprehensive service costs about 20,000 rubles (5,000 rubles for a Christmas tree, and 15,000 rubles for decoration and transportation). In the regions, of course, the price tag will be much lower.

But not only artificial Christmas trees are provided for rent. Recently, an unusual business idea has appeared for renting live fir trees. Live Christmas tree rental service launched American startup The Living Christmas Company. The idea is implemented as follows: the company has its own land plot where spruces are grown. Clients turn to the company, choose their favorite Christmas tree. Then specialists with roots dig up the tree, place it in a special pot and deliver the entire structure to customers at home. The Christmas tree goes to the disposal of customers during the New Year holidays. After that, experts take the tree and plant it again in open ground. Such services exist not only in the USA, but have already been tested in Russia, although in our country the service is not yet so developed. Therefore, you have a great chance to succeed by implementing a new idea.

11. Service "Sober driver for the New Year"

Investments - 0 rubles

Everyone knows what a rush taxi services experience during the New Year holidays. And for some reason, there are always sorely lacking cars these days. Therefore, for the New Year holidays, you can earn extra money as a taxi driver and are guaranteed to receive orders. This work will be especially profitable on New Year's Eve. To realize this idea, it is enough to have your own car and be ready to exchange a festive evening for working hours.

There is no claim to originality with this idea. But what if you provide services not on your own car, but on the customer's car? This service will be required if, for example, a person arrives at a restaurant by car. In order not to leave his car in the parking lot, the car owner will prefer to use the “sober driver” service, which will take him home. For this, a "sober driver" does not even need his own transport - a driver's license is enough.

12. New Year's quest

Investments - from 40,000 rubles

Quests are a relatively new, but already very popular type of business in Russia. People love this type of entertainment, and on holidays it is in special demand.

But what if you come up with a real New Year's quest? At the same time, it is not necessary to equip a complex location and pay for the rental of premises. After all, the quest can be moving. This will be an excellent entertainment option for corporate parties, home parties or children's parties (depending on the scenario). You can come up with a universal quest that will be of interest to both adults and children. Or provide two versions of the same scenario - simpler and more complex. It all depends on your creativity.

You can come up with a script for the quest on your own or order a ready-made one from professionals. The development of one small scenario will cost about 25,000 rubles. Another 10,000 rubles will be required to purchase all the necessary equipment. You will also need your own car to transport equipment and actors.

The estimated cost of such a quest is from 5000 rubles per trip. Prices depend on the complexity of the organization of the quest, its duration and rental time. It can be implemented thanks to logical riddles and does not require additional equipment. But maybe you organize a whole transportable quest room, the installation of which takes at least an hour. The options may be different and depend on how much money you are willing to invest in the business. But one thing is for sure - quests remain a popular entertainment where you can make good money.

13. New Year's catering

Investments - from 5000 rubles

Everyone loves New Year's Eve. But not everyone likes to stand at the stove on a holiday and cook a lot of dishes for the New Year's dinner. Therefore, the food delivery service will be in demand during the New Year holidays. After all, it is much easier for people to order food at home than to cook everything themselves. New Year's catering will help solve another problem - the choice of the New Year's menu. Hostesses often puzzle over how to surprise guests and what to cook for the New Year's table. Therefore, many will appreciate the ready-made holiday menus, which include many unusual, delicious dishes.

If you know how to cook deliciously, then you can offer customers cooking at their home. As additional species services will be serving, table decoration, development of an individual menu and so on. Setting up such a business is quite easy. To do this, it is enough to cook well and understand cooking, as well as place an ad for the provision of New Year's catering services.

14. Sale of pyrotechnics

Investments - from 100,000 rubles

Another classic New Year's attribute is fireworks. Everyone loves salutes, and during the New Year holidays they are actively bought. The sale of pyrotechnics is a very profitable business. However, this is a very serious business - fireworks can only be sold after obtaining permission to this type activities.

The business idea is to purchase small wholesale pyrotechnics for its retail sale to customers. In a highly competitive environment, this business will bring good profit with the correct formation of the assortment and prices.

The sale of pyrotechnics must begin with a permit. chief permit document for trade, the permission of the local Office of the State Fire Service - UGPS will serve. Such a document is issued to those persons whose outlet is located in a separate building or in mall Upstairs.

The most important stage is the search for suppliers and the purchase of goods. You can buy goods - fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers, etc. from China, but you should pay attention to the inscriptions on the packaging in order to avoid buying a cheap pirated fake.

For seasonal business it is recommended to purchase pyrotechnics of 1-3 classes, which do not require a special license. Among buyers, fireworks are most popular in the middle price category with simple control. The specified amount of investments will have to be spent on the purchase of goods and the lease of the outlet.

The amount of daily revenue can be 10,000 rubles per day. Thus, during the New Year holidays, revenue may exceed 300,000 rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

15. Making New Year's bouquets from sweets and tea

Investments - from 7000 rubles

Tea and sweets are a standard set for a New Year's gift, which everyone has had time to get bored with for a long time. But if you approach the design of such a presentation creatively, you can surprise your customers and even earn money on it. An unusual composition in the form of a Christmas wreath or Christmas tree decorated with sweets will be an interesting gift. From tea, sweets and "winter" plants (coniferous branches, cotton) you can get beautiful bouquets that you want to give to both loved ones and work colleagues.

The organization does not require large financial investments. It will be enough to make several such gifts for advertising. The main thing in this business is the ability to make interesting compositions from all materials. If you already have these skills, then you can safely start a business! And for those who want to master this skill, we advise you to attend special courses or study video tutorials that can now be easily found on the Internet. By the way, such edible compositions are created not only from sweets and tea. For example, having mastered the technique of carving, you can make original bouquets of fruits and vegetables.

You can offer your services by posting ads on websites, creating your own accounts on social networks or cooperating with employees of souvenir shops, confectioneries, etc.

The price of such delicious gifts can start from 500 rubles and reach 2-3 thousand rubles. At effective advertising You can expect to receive income in the amount of 50-70 thousand rubles.

16. Making knitted items with a New Year theme

Investments - from 5000 rubles

Cozy hand-knitted items in the New Year theme will be a great gift. Socks, mittens, scarves, sweaters and even pillow covers. Here it is up to you, the main thing is to approach the issue creatively. Let it be sets of New Year's sweaters "family-look" that will help the whole family to create single image for a festive dinner or photo shoot. Or offer personalized sweaters. And it can also be Christmas stockings and even knitted wreaths.

To realize the idea, you will need a small amount of material and advertising of your products. This is a great idea for both beginner needlewomen and those who want to diversify an existing business with relevant products. Additional income can be obtained by participating in various holiday fairs.

The price of products consists of the spent materials and working time, the payment of which reaches up to 100% of the cost of yarn. You can read about how to set the price for knitwear in this article.

17. Organization New Year corporate parties

Investments - from 50,000 rubles

In recent years, the organization of New Year's corporate parties is gaining popularity. Boring restaurant gatherings are a thing of the past. Today, a New Year's corporate party is a kind of team building format, a way for managers to encourage the work of employees and corporate culture, therefore, many companies take the issue of organizing such events with all seriousness.

The essence of the business is the organization of a turnkey New Year's event for the company and the holding of an entertainment program. The success of a business depends on organizational skills, creativity and a reasonable pricing policy. Budget options for an organization are especially in demand, when an entrepreneur can offer a decent entertainment program for a moderate fee.

The main costs are for the purchase of props and advertising services. However, the most important element this business is the job of the organizer. Both his creative abilities in creating the scenario of the program, and the ability to organize a holiday, find intermediaries, if necessary, etc. are important. You can offer your services on the classifieds site, through mailings with a business offer to email local companies, as well as owners of cafes and restaurants. It is desirable to have some kind of presentation of your work: photo reports, scripts, videos.

Profit will depend on the number of guests, the scale of the entertainment program and other factors. The minimum amount for organizing one such event can be 20,000 rubles. Customers should be looked for in advance, offering video or photo reports about their work, creating a website or a group in social networks. Cooperation with a certain restaurant will help to offer banquets with the organization of menus and show programs. The profit will vary depending on the number of guests and may be at least 20,000 rubles per event.

18. Letters to children from Santa Claus

Investments - from 7,000 rubles

Each parent strives to congratulate their child on the New Year in a special way in order to create a magical atmosphere and present a real fairy tale. Today, there are many options to originally please a child for the New Year. One of the most budget options is a personal letter to a child from Santa Claus. The idea appeared a long time ago, but is still in high demand.

Your task is to make individual congratulatory letters in special envelopes. This business will do for people with a developed imagination.

To open a business, you will need: a personal computer with Photoshop, a color printer, a scanner, as well as a variety of tools for writing letters. You can create several templates for letters of congratulations for children in advance different ages. A standard congratulatory set may include a letter, an envelope, a medal, a do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy, and more - each entrepreneur chooses what the proposal will be. The cost of a letter from Santa Claus varies from 150 to 400 rubles, depending on the content.

You can offer your services through social networks and ads on various Internet resources. Additional income can be obtained by cooperating with employees preschool institutions or toy stores. You can work with customers from any city, send such letters registered mail. With well-established production and painstaking work during the holidays, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.

19. Sewing New Year's costumes

Investments - from 5,000 rubles

If you know how to sew, you can make money on New Year's costumes. All you need in this business is a sewing machine and your sewing skills. If you already have equipment, then you can start a business without investment at all, or use this money to advertise your services.

To implement one of these ideas, you will need a small amount of improvised materials and advertising of your products. Sew a couple of original costumes to advertise your services. Try to come up with an unusual solution for standard images. You can look for ideas on various sites that sell carnival costumes, as well as on various sites with ideas like Pinterest or Etsy handmade goods. Enter the query "children xmas costume" - and get inspired!

How to set the price? Find out how much people are willing to pay for it. Ask your friends, explore various forums - the question of the budget for children's costumes is raised by mothers very often. According to surveys, mothers are ready to spend from 500 to 2000 rubles on a costume for a child. A small part of the respondents are willing to pay no more than 3,000 rubles. Form the price of your suits, focusing on this data. Of course, keep in mind that the budget may vary in different regions. Therefore, be sure to explore other offers: how much do costumes cost in stores? What quality are they and is there a large selection? How much do other seamstresses cost? Are there many such offers in your city?

The situation with New Year's costumes for adults is identical. No one is ready to spend more than 3,000 rubles on a carnival costume. Most will prefer a beautiful dress, complementing the image with some detail.

How much can you earn on this? The amount will be limited by your capabilities, since you will be fulfilling orders yourself. You cannot sell 100 suits if you are only physically able to make 10 suits in a month. Therefore, try to prepare something in advance in order to sell what is already ready. Or focus on small items that do not require much time.

Depending on the complexity, it takes from 2 to 10 hours of work to sew one suit. That is, in a month you can sew no more than 20-25 suits. The cost of tailoring a full suit is 1000-2500 rubles. This means that you can earn up to 60,000 rubles on costumes. You can charge an additional fee for the urgency of the order.

20. Gift wrapping

Attachments- from 20 000 rubles

On the eve of the New Year holidays, gift wrapping and decoration services are more popular than ever. Everyone strives to decorate gifts with a bright wrapper to give them a presentable look. Someone can handle it on their own, and many prefer to entrust it to professionals. Therefore, if you know how to carefully wrap gifts and have the makings of a designer, feel free to open a gift wrapping business. For this you will need:

    A place near the exit of the shopping center, where there are many people with purchases;

    The counter is yours workplace. You can stay on 1 sq.m.;

    Packaging materials: paper, bags, boxes, ribbons, bows, adhesive tape, etc.

    Quick and dexterous hands to wrap a gift beautifully in a few minutes. You can practice at home, watch training videos on the Internet, peep original ideas decor, for example, on the Pinterest website.

You can rent a retail outlet in a shopping center, but this will most likely take a lot of time. The second option is to offer cooperation to some store and accommodate on its territory. Don't be afraid to offer cooperation. Engage new sites. For example, offer your services to some institution. After all, it is convenient: to come to a cafe, hand over your gift for packaging and wait for your order over a cup of coffee. Become a member of the New Year's Fair - and provide your services there. As you can see, there are several options. The main thing is entrepreneurship and the desire to earn money. And you can earn a lot. Packing one gift costs 150-300 rubles. Moreover, you spend only 30-70 rubles on materials. This means that you will earn 100-220 rubles from each wrapped gift. And now some simple arithmetic:

    Number of orders per day: up to 30

    Number of working days: 30

    Average order amount: 250

    Monthly revenue - 30×30×250 = 225,000

    Cost: 60,000 rubles (materials, rent, additional expenses)

    Net profit: 165,000 rubles.

Net profit of 165 thousand rubles is, of course, an optimistic forecast. Firstly, on weekdays, revenue will be less, and on weekends - more. Although on New Year's Eve you can slightly raise the price of the service. Secondly, you can work not every day, but on weekends. Thirdly, you can choose the wrong place, which will also reduce the flow of customers. However, you will earn 50-70 thousand rubles for sure!

Ready-made ideas for your business

21. Cooking services at home on New Year's Eve

Attachments- 0 rubles

The New Year's table for most Russians is the main attribute of the holiday and the main entertainment. Therefore, everyone strives to think over the menu, decorate the table and feed all the guests. But not always people have time to stand at the stove for a day and cook meals. Even fewer people want to be distracted on the night of the celebration by serving guests and washing dishes after the feast.

So the services for preparing a complex festive dinner or serving a festive table are quite in demand. Of course, such interesting business more relevant for residents of large cities, but anywhere you can find your client and offer him the service for which he will be ready to pay.

This idea can bring a good income to novice cooks and talented housewives. A huge plus is that you can realize the idea without investments (the maximum that you need is overalls for the kitchen). You can earn on such a service thanks to 1-2 orders. What may be included in the service:

    home visit to the customer;

    purchase of products necessary for the New Year's dinner;

    preparation of festive dishes at the request of the customer;

    preparation of the festive menu;

    table setting, serving and cleaning assistance, which is available for an additional fee.

Payment for your work may depend on the complexity of the menu, the volume of required services or the number of guests at the New Year's holiday. You can earn by preparing meals for multiple orders and having them delivered by a specific time. Or you can take one big order with a full range of services: from menu development to cleaning the festive table - and earn 20-50 thousand rubles on New Year's Eve.

By the way, there is an easier option: to provide ready-made food kits with recipes. As a result, a person receives with delivery a developed menu for the New Year's table, a detailed recipe for each of the dishes and all the necessary ingredients purchased by you. On average, the simplest set of 5 dishes will cost 6,000 rubles. The price will vary depending on the ingredients of the dishes and the number of people for which the menu is calculated. There may be several such orders, but for delivery you will need a personal car.

Attachments- 5 000 rubles

An ordinary nanny, dressed as a Snow Maiden, can earn 2 times more on New Year's holidays. And, despite the cost, such a service is in demand. On the eve of the holidays there is not enough free time: a lot of work, household chores, corporate parties and so on. If there is no one to stay with the child, they will call a nanny. This is especially true on New Year's Eve, when one person can be both an animator and a nanny for children. While parents are celebrating the New Year, a nanny looks after the children. If you become a New Year's nanny who organizes a fabulous performance for children, they will certainly contact you and be ready to pay a lot of money.

Where to begin? You should get a health certificate. Then - buy a costume of the Snow Maiden. Total costs will amount to 4-5 thousand rubles. Place an ad about your services on various sites. Start preparing the script (if you plan to provide the service of holding a children's holiday).

How much to ask for such services? Babysitting services on New Year's Eve can cost 30-40 thousand rubles. It all depends on the city, the volume of services, the number of children and so on.

But not only children need a nanny. Many people leave the city for the New Year holidays and cannot take their pet on a trip. Pet hotel services are not the cheapest option. It is more profitable to entrust the pet... to a nanny. You need to look for clients and advertise your services on sites for animal lovers. Babysitting services for a cat cost - 300 rubles per day, for a dog - up to 600 rubles (depending on size). Plus, the owner must provide food for the animal for the duration of his absence.

Attachments- from 1,000 rubles

Holidays pass very cheerfully, but, unfortunately, quickly. And after exhausting preparations for the holidays, cleaning is waiting for everyone: wash dishes, vacuum, wash tablecloths, towels and napkins, collect garbage, etc. There is a lot to do. Therefore, such a service appeared: cleaning the premises after the holiday. Inviting a person to clean your house is much easier than spending a day cleaning. The cost of one such order is 1000-3000 rubles. Depending on the amount of work. The scheme of work is very simple: you receive a call by phone, discuss with the client what kind of cleaning is needed, agree on a price and go to the address.

Normal cleaning will take you 2-4 hours (it all depends on what you do). You can complete 2-3 orders per day. In total, earnings will be about 6 thousand rubles per working day. And cleaning is needed not only on January 1 or 2, but also later. For example, already at the end of the New Year holidays, when people come home after the holidays and plan to throw away the Christmas tree.

Attachments- 0 rubles

For many, a Christmas tree after the New Year holidays is a headache. We agree that decorating a Christmas tree is much more fun than removing toys from it and, spreading needles around the apartment, dragging the Christmas tree to the trash. To make this easier to take into account, there is a recycling service. Christmas trees. This is a comprehensive service that includes removing toys from the Christmas tree, taking them out of the apartment, and cleaning up the garbage left after. In addition, throwing the Christmas tree in the trash is irrational. Its wood can be used. For example, as spruce firewood for kindling stoves.

You can provide a comprehensive service or focus only on tree recycling. The scheme is as follows: an entrepreneur places an ad about the disposal of Christmas trees. From you - a tree, from him - export. As a result, you will receive an impressive supply of firewood, which can be sold among residents of private houses that are heated by wood-burning stoves.

Attachments- from 3 000 rubles

After the New Year holidays, it's time for the reverse transformation. Illumination is removed, scenery is removed. For these purposes, it is sometimes advisable to hire specialists who dismantle the entire decor in a short time. Often the services of such firms are used by shopping centers, shops, owners of cottages.

Large financial investments for the implementation of this idea is not required. You need to buy the tools necessary for work, a minimum of materials and spend money on advertising your services.

The average price of dismantling is 400 rubles per linear meter. A regular order will cost an average of 2-3 thousand rubles. A professional is able to complete this work in 2-3 hours, while the financial costs will be minimal. If you fulfill up to 3 orders daily, you can earn about 60 thousand rubles during the week. To increase your earnings and the number of orders, it is recommended not only to dismantle the decor, but also to install it. Then the customers who ordered the installation of New Year's decor from you will contact you after for dismantling. You can immediately indicate the price for installation + dismantling, i.e. at the initial stage, agree on two services. This way you will be able to earn much more.

3372 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 330219 times.

Approaching new year holidays 2019, which means that people are already starting to think about gifts, home decorations and vacation planning. Turn the holiday fuss into good earnings possible with several current internet and business ideas.

First of all, you need to talk about positive aspects work like this:

  • investment pays off quickly;
  • easy to start;
  • you need to work no more than three months a year;
  • creative and positive activity;
  • high income, thanks to impulsive shopping during the New Year's rush.

Earnings on the Internet without investments before the holiday

Creating a script for New Year's Eve

This kind of activity will appeal to the owners of a rich imagination.

People like to spend New Year's Eve in an interesting and non-standard way. That is why many prefer to prepare in advance and buy already finished script holiday get-togethers. Do not forget about children's New Year's parties, scenarios are required everywhere for such events.

Large companies and small firms also need a good corporate organization. At the same time, everyone wants to stand out with something special. High quality script unusual ideas And interesting competitions will be in great demand. Script texts can also be offered on freelance exchanges (for example, this is how they earn on kwork).

New Year's screensaver for computer

For the New Year, many people like to place holiday screensavers and pictures on the desktop of their laptop, phone, tablet or other device. In order to create such illustrations, you must have drawing skills. Finished pictures are placed for sale in .

In addition, beautiful illustrations will be in demand in many electronic publications because they require unique images for each new article.

With attachments

New Year's wish website

This is a well-established business and the competition is already quite high, but still it is worth trying to create another New Year's site. The idea is that people go to this site and share their wishes for Christmas and New Year, as well as leave requests for gifts. Then you need to perform a simple repost on social networks, providing this list with gifts to your friends and acquaintances. If such a site turns out to be useful, then its work can be extended for other holidays (weddings, name days, etc.)

shopping site

A great idea to make money before the New Year for large cities with a large number of residents.

You need to make a review of beautiful, original, interesting things that you can buy as a gift for the New Year. To do this, you need to take a walk through the shops of the city, take pictures unusual goods, indicate its cost, location and address. If the idea is successful, then you can continue to work on order. Another a good option- make a review of the festive assortment in one store, agreeing with the management on the percentage of sales.

Selling goods from one-page sites

The meaning of making money is as follows: you need to look for products with high pre-New Year demand and sell them from your landing pages (one-page sites).

First you need to start looking for a suitable product, create a website, advertise it and start taking orders. It is important to consider that it is necessary to look for New Year's goods for the site a few months before the start of the holiday fuss.

New Year online store

On the eve of the New Year, people are in a real shopping rush: they want to buy gifts and pleasant things for all friends, relatives, acquaintances and colleagues. From November to December is the best time to start trading in an online store. The first lines of the rating of popular goods are occupied by children's toys (educational and ordinary) and costumes for matinees, as well as new Year decoration, souvenirs, small gifts and much more. Can do New Year's Eve street trading. But there are many nuances in this case (permission is required, weather conditions must be taken into account, you need to communicate personally with different buyers, etc.)


New Year's handmade: handmade cards, funny souvenirs, unusual candles, pillows filled with fragrant herbs, etc.

Investments in business - up to 100 thousand rubles.

Many people want to bring small joys into their lives that create a special festive mood. For this purpose, handmade is best suited.

The idea of ​​the business is to create unique things with your own hands for retail sale. Such souvenirs are not like Chinese goods and attract people with their unusualness. To implement the plan, you need to learn how to create original things with your own hands.

Can choose suitable topic and start implementing now:

  • unusual covers for home furniture and pillows;
  • New Year's socks for gifts;
  • wreath decorations;
  • beautiful candles;
  • Christmas tree garlands from photographs, toys, balls, stars;
  • handmade postcards and illustrations.

Most of all, children are waiting for congratulations from the most important wizard - Santa Claus. It's easy to do.

  1. Create a Christmas letter template.
  2. Come up with an original envelope.
  3. Print the finished message in the printing house.
  4. Advertise your service online.
  5. Notify nearby kindergartens, schools, toy stores, etc.

Production of New Year's calendars by individual order

Everyone knows that the sale of calendars is most relevant before the start of the New Year. Alternatively, one could propose the creation original design with the image of family, friends, pets or memorable events at the choice of the customer. You can embody the idea in flip, desktop, wall and pocket calendars.

To implement a business, you need:

  • skills in graphic editors;
  • creative thinking;
  • preparation of templates for quick placement of customer photos;
  • a good printing salon nearby or you can offer the customer an electronic version of the calendar;
  • advertising services in all social networks and on the Internet.

diaries are also in demand. This is a good opportunity to offer the customer individual option which will fully meet his requirements and wishes. Special attention you need to pay attention to the cover so that the diary is not only convenient, but also causes aesthetic delight in the customer.

Making knitted things with a New Year theme

Investments in business - at least 5 thousand rubles.

Many people love cozy knitted things since childhood. And mittens, socks, sweaters, hats, scarves, blankets with a New Year's theme will not leave anyone indifferent.

The most important thing is to fulfill the idea as creatively as possible. For example, tie the same things for all family members and a pet. You can take amateur pictures in such outfits at the festive table or organize a professional photo shoot.

Making New Year's bouquets from sweets and tea

Requires the skill of creating bouquets from various materials using candy. It can be a wreath arrangement with real or artificial coniferous branches, a small Christmas tree made of tinsel and sweets, a boutonniere with sweets, etc.

Such a present is well received by colleagues, children, family, and loved ones.

An edible bouquet is always relevant if it is made with high quality, fairly inexpensive and looks attractive.

For manufacturing you will need: several varieties of sweets, good tea and decoration materials (corrugated paper, glue gun, scissors, sparkles, etc.)

You can learn the art of creating bouquets without leaving your home. There is a large amount of video content on the Internet on this subject.

You can sell bouquets through:

  • thematic sites;
  • social network;
  • confectionery or handicraft shops.

The price of the product varies from 500 rubles. and above, taking into account the cost of consumables.

Income for holidays can be higher than 2-3 thousand rubles per day.

Creative gift sets

Investments in the idea - from 20 thousand rubles.

This is a kind of challenge to the traditional, already familiar, New Year's gifts. It's about about an unusual presentation. Even a small souvenir in the original design will look fresh and interesting. For example, you can make a "Set for tea lovers": two hand-made clay mugs, a package of high-quality tea and cookies with good wishes inside.

No special skills are required. You just need to come up with a variety of sets and find suppliers of goods. It is better to issue sets in different packages, perform high quality photos, come up with unique names, make several price categories for gifts and put them up for sale through websites, social pages or stores.

New Year's bouquets of fruits on the basis of a vegetable shop

Investments in the idea - from 5 thousand rubles.

You can create New Year's bouquets using various fruits and vegetables. Such a gift will decorate the festive table and is suitable for any event.

If there is a reliable supplier of fruits, then you can earn good money during the New Year's days. To make bouquets, you need to be trained in special carving courses.

The acquired skills are best embodied in several ready-made bouquets, take high-quality photos and start selling:

  • in cafes and restaurants that are already provided with orders for celebrations;
  • among private clients to decorate the New Year's table;
  • heads of firms wishing to congratulate their employees.

Bouquets in the form of baskets, Christmas trees and wreath compositions are most in demand. A specialist during the day can create several bouquets at once. The price of the product depends on the components and is about 1500-4500 rubles.

Christmas costumes relevant for holding and participating in children's matinees. At such events, there is always a competition for the best costume, and each child wants to receive the main prize.

There are several ways to run this business:

  • invent and sew costumes on your own or find a suitable master;
  • make bulk purchases in online stores (you can use Ali Express), and sell at an inflated price;
  • offer costumes for rent;
  • sell costumes for pets.


Where to invest in 2019 to make a significant profit? Read about the most profitable options.

Sale of hot drinks on the street

Investments in business - at least 25 thousand rubles.

IN traditional places celebrations and fair festivities, you can place a bench (tent, van) with warming drinks. On cold days, tea, cocoa, coffee in disposable cups are in great demand. Along with drinks, it would be nice to offer customers various sweets (gingerbread, sweets, pies, buns, etc.)

The most convenient option is to rent a van: it’s not cold and everything is already inside. Place of trade should be found in advance to be in the center of events during the New Year holidays.

You can consider a portable option for distributing drinks from a special thermal backpack. The price of such a device is about 25 thousand rubles, and the income during the festivities is about 20-30 thousand rubles / day.

Make money on trees

What to sell before the New Year? Of course, the main attribute of the New Year holiday. You can make money off of this in different ways.

  1. Christmas market on the street. There are many competitors in this business and you will definitely need a permit to sell. The business is profitable, but troublesome.
  2. Organization of delivery of Christmas trees to addresses. The service includes: purchase of spruce, home delivery, installation.
  3. Rental of artificial Christmas trees. Eco-friendly approach with care for living trees. The Christmas tree is used only on holidays, so many people prefer to rent it. To implement the idea, you need to buy different samples of artificial fir trees and find a place to store them.
  4. Christmas tree with individual decoration. It is better to first find customers for this type of product, and then start creating a unique Christmas tree.

Organization of New Year's corporate parties for companies

Investments in the idea - from 50 thousand rubles.

Business is based on conducting corporate event for small businesses and large companies. You can organize such a vacation in the office, restaurant, cafe or recreation center.

Investments are needed only in carnival costumes and decorations for the room. It is better to rent costumes, then the costs will be reduced by about half.

It is convenient to advertise services via the Internet, cafes, restaurants, bases, etc. Start looking for customers as early as possible. It is recommended to make a group on social networks or a small website and post a video with photos there. It is better to work out several types of programs in advance for different teams and the number of participants.

The profitability of a business depends on the ability to organize good holiday for the right price. The profit from the event can be about 20,000 rubles.

Personal letters to children from Santa Claus

Investments in the idea - from 10 thousand rubles.

The business is based on congratulating children on the New Year in the form of special letters from Santa Claus. There are many worries in this matter, given the personalized appeal to each child, but it's worth it. Loving parents want to give their children real magic and willingly agree to the proposed service.

Work ahead of 2019 will require investments in a color printer High Quality, paper and print cartridges. You can decorate the letters with snowflakes and sparkles. A good imagination and creativity is very useful. You can make several letter templates with funny congratulations. It is important to consider different age groups.

You can try to negotiate cooperation with children's institutions and shops. It is convenient to send letters to different cities via mail.

The cost of an envelope with a letter is about 20 rubles (plus shipping), and you can sell it several times more expensive. Profit depends on attentiveness, perseverance and self-organization. In the New Year, earnings can reach 100 thousand rubles.

Gift wrapping

Wrapping packaging during the New Year holidays is especially popular. Many wish that the recipient of the gift did not immediately guess what exactly is inside. You can do the design yourself, but it is better to hire a specialist.

To implement the plan, you need:

  • a suitable location in or near the store;
  • wrapping paper, boxes, foil, ribbons, bows, stapler, adhesive tape, glue gun;
  • master classes on the Internet to learn this craft.

Useful videos

In these videos you will find different ideas to earn money for the New Year:


Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

Investments in business - at least 10 thousand rubles.

This is one of the most popular offers on New Year's days, despite the high competition and the banality of the idea.

Artists are needed for children's matinees, corporate parties and for congratulating children at home.

The most important thing in this business is quality costumes. They should not look too cheap and shabby. The price for them varies between 2-5 thousand rubles, and before the holidays it increases sharply. You can buy not only the image of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, but also others fairy tale characters. Compose an original script with the characters, include songs, poems, congratulations and gifts.

Your comfortable, roomy car will be very useful in order to quickly get to the customer with actors and props.

Services can be offered on the Internet, forums, websites, printed flyers, etc.

One trip will cost at least 1000 rubles, and in some cities it will be more expensive. The price can include the script, costumes and the number of actors. During the New Year holidays, it is realistic to earn about 50 - 100 thousand rubles.

Service "Sober driver for the New Year"

This business does not require investment.

In the New Year's bustle, sober drivers are in great demand. Having settled down as a taxi driver on holidays, you can get a large number of orders and make good money. Drivers are especially in demand on New Year's Eve.

For such work, you will need a personal car and free time. The idea is not new, but quite profitable.

There is another option for such earnings: to drive the customer from the restaurant to the house in his car. In this case, you can earn money without even owning your own car, it is enough to have a valid license and be sober.

About how to make money for the New Year (the ideas proposed in the article were invented and tested by users global network) instead of poisoning yourself with alcohol all night, this topic occupies the minds of more and more people every year. Judging by the comments left by the regulars of one of the thematic forums, for most people December 31 (including New Year's Eve) is not a holiday, but a well-paid working day.

Where to begin?

Among the many ideas for earning money, the most paying off are:

  • earnings that do not require special training: the sale of Christmas trees, toys, firecrackers, garlands and other holiday attributes;
  • earnings for experienced (and beginners) teachers and educators: looking after children whose parents celebrate the New Year outside the home;
  • additional income for actors and creative personalities: reincarnation as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other popular characters;
  • sale of alcoholic beverages on New Year's Eve to random passers-by;
  • additional income for a professional photographer.

Some of these possibilities deserve to be described in more detail.

"Order a gift from Santa Claus"

The author of this idea from the series "How to make money for the New Year with your own hands" suggests "rebooting" and slightly diversifying the New Year's mail business with new details. For example, not limited to creating content, by logging in to which you can order gifts by sending a letter to a mystical elder, but go even further: distribute colorfully designed envelopes with an enclosed “ official offer» place an order for Santa Claus.

It is difficult to find a child who will not be delighted to receive a beautifully designed package with a "personal" seal of Santa Claus, inside which is a form for ordering gifts. Parents (educators, teachers) can either download the text from the Internet or come up with their own version.

The author of this idea, having talked about it at one of the thematic forums, assures that he earned forty thousand rubles in this way during just one pre-holiday week. This category also includes the idea that a netizen prone to creative experiments came up with, seriously thinking about how to make money on gifts. For the New Year, as it turned out, not only twinkling garlands are in demand ...

Making decorative candles

How to make money for the New Year without being engaged in the manufacture of printed materials and without cutting through your hometown with a “fabulous” bag and staff in your hands? For example, to engage in the manufacture of decorative candles. To do this, you either need to prepare a special mixture with your own hands, or use ready-made candles and cinders, previously grated on a fine grater.

In addition, you will need cotton threads or thin laces for the wick, thick-walled dishes for melting raw materials, stirring sticks and molds for future candles.

Wick weaving. The wick for wax candles, which is either crocheted or hand-braided, should not be too tight, except when making gel or paraffin candles is planned (then the wick is braided tightly so that soot does not form). Before laying the wick in the form, the inventor of this type of earnings advises to impregnate it with wax.

candle mold any container can be used, including specially made candle containers of various shapes, which are sold in the store. The main condition: finished, cooled products should be easily removed from the mold.

For making colored candles in most cases, multi-colored wax crayons are used. They are also ground on a grater and mixed with ready-made raw materials for candles. To “paint over” the flame, experienced manufacturers of such gifts advise adding multi-colored salt to the prepared candle mixture, and in order to finished products fragrant - cinnamon, coffee, vanillin or essential oil.

When all the components are introduced, the candle mixture is melted over a fire, trying not to bring it to a boil, after which it is poured into prepared forms, where the wick has already been laid.

The cooled products are removed from the molds by pulling the wick.

Transformation into a New Year's character

There were also such users for whom the topic is: “How to make money for the New Year?” (the ideas for earning money covered in this article are offered by visitors to thematic sites and forums) has become a permanent, albeit seasonal, source of income.

To bring the next idea to life, in addition to acting talent, you will need special “ammunition” or the availability of appropriate skills (such as the ability to cut, sew, and so on), or, in extreme cases, some financial resources that allow you to purchase the necessary costumes and symbols.

The field of activity of New Year's "artists" is difficult to put into any framework. They will be welcome guests both at corporate parties, and at children's matinees, and at "kvartiriki". However, the presence of special acting data for a person who once asked himself the question: “How to make money as Santa Claus for the New Year?” Is not needed if the desire to earn money turns out to be stronger than laziness.

As one of the options to diversify the performance (after all, this idea is also not new for a long time), the author of the post suggests putting rendering on stream additional services type: "Photo shoot with Santa Claus for memory."

Sale of New Year symbols, souvenirs and toys

The author of another idea, thinking about how to make money for the New Year, without worrying and not getting confused in the "beard", offers to resell Christmas tree decorations, figurines of the symbol of the year and other New Year's symbols, the popularity of which increases as the holiday approaches. All you need is to find an inexpensive supplier, so preparations for putting your plans into practice should begin a few weeks (or even months) before the holiday.

One of the options to earn the maximum, according to the author, may be the delivery of New Year's attributes directly to the customer's apartment or workplace. In this case, the key to a successful business will be a beautifully designed price list with photographs of the goods offered.

How to make money for the New Year without investment

As it turned out, this type of earnings is also real. For example:

  • Preparing a New Year's dinner from the customer's products and serving a festive table.
  • Earning as a landlord. Users of the Global Network, who decided to take this step, were amazed at the scale of demand for an apartment or cottage that was empty on December 31. True, the premises will have to be given into the wrong hands for at least the whole night.
  • Developing the theme: “How to make money for the New Year?”, Most of the users of the World Wide Web consider the festive decoration of offices and other working premises to be one of the most acceptable ways to make money without investment. As part of this service, the contractor may well require an advance payment (in order to purchase everything necessary) or decorate the premises exclusively with decorations provided by the customer.

Earnings on the sale of Christmas trees

There is nothing complicated in this, a trip out of town is not at all necessary. A person who does not know how to make money on Christmas trees before the New Year, but really wants to earn money, will just need to enter the phrase: “I will sell Christmas trees” in the search box of any browser, and then select one person from a long list of foresters and make a deal with him.

Sellers of Christmas trees will have to take care of the following documents:

  • consignment note;
  • tax invoice;
  • invoices (for non-cash payments).

In addition, a brand must be placed on the cut of each tree.

This type of income has its advantages and possible risks if the choice of the entrepreneur falls on the farm.

Advantage: Buying Christmas trees from a farmer will cost an entrepreneur approximately two times less than buying from a forester.

Risk: d documentation for cheap Christmas trees is unlikely to be provided, and the reseller will have to solve all the problems arising from this on their own.

In addition, the start of trading activities is impossible without a Certificate individual entrepreneur and coordinating the location of the outlet.

The point of sale must be equipped with an advertising sign, fenced off from the workplaces of other sellers and equipped with cleaning and fire fighting equipment. Also at the disposal of the seller of "forest beauties" should be devices that allow you to measure their height and illuminate in the dark.

Making money from snow removal

For a person who is seriously thinking about how to make money for the New Year, nothing is impossible. On the eve of this holiday, and then for several days after it, it is very difficult to find those who want to remove the snow. If an entrepreneur is not in the service of the city authorities, but is going to use snowplows, he will not be able to start this business without registering an IP.

The clients of such an employee can be both ordinary people and owners of enterprises, car parks, and so on ...

New Year's recruitment agency, or Earnings on mediation

There are always a lot of people who want to make money before the New Year, so an enthusiast who has taken on the duties of a coordinator is unlikely to be left without work: someone needs couriers to deliver holiday packages, someone is looking for attendants for a corporate holiday, someone needs an assistant who can inflate several hundred balloons... The task of an intermediary is to fix the emergence of demand in time, and then to form and send a group of workers to the right place.

Earnings on the disposal of Christmas trees

This type of earnings will be relevant for at least two weeks after the New Year. An entrepreneur who has taken on the responsibility of disposing of Christmas trees that are no longer needed can significantly increase their fees if they turn the depressing annual ritual into a noisy “Farewell to the Christmas tree holiday”. In families with small children, workers dressed as fairy-tale characters who came to return the Christmas tree to the forest will certainly become welcome guests.

Perhaps, - the author of the idea argues, - that the first customers will not be ready to pay a serious amount to the recyclers. By providing services at a minimal cost, entrepreneurs can give a discount to those who agree to become the first authors of positive reviews and participants in photo shoots for a future portfolio. And if the customers are satisfied, then, quite possibly, they will invite a brigade of utilizers next year as well.

How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays?

Don't know how to make money fast? Then you have come to the right place. If you wish to earn short term on his own business try yourself as a webmaster. All you need for this is a few hours a day. Read more about the offer in the article
And in this article, we will present some of the most promising ideas that will help you get quick money on the eve of the holidays. More business ideas can be found in the article:

How to quickly earn money before March 8?

For those who want to earn a lot and quickly, best time holidays can be counted. At this time, people are actively shopping. And one of the ideas of enrichment during the holidays is the sale of flowers on the eve of March 8th.
Idea number 1. Buy flowers (lilies of the valley or tulips) and hire a few students who will sell your flowers in different parts of the city. The pros of this idea are not only that you will have a lot of purchases. It has already become customary for buyers that the prices for flowers on the eve of the holidays are rising. And you, in turn, can make good money on it.

Making money on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is one of the most anticipated. And if on March 8 your buyers are men, then on New Year's Eve the number of potential buyers doubles. For this holiday, gifts are bought by all the solvent population of the country.
Idea number 2. Buy a large quantity in advance New Year's souvenirs, magnets, mugs and other little things. Small gifts for the New Year are a tradition. They are usually given to colleagues, distant relatives and random guests, and therefore they buy several pieces at once. In another case, you can sell more serious and expensive gifts.
Idea number 3. Do not forget that the second half of December is always full of corporate events. Try to make money by decorating halls, holding a festive evening or organizing it.

There are two ways to receive an order: offer them directly to customers or start cooperating with restaurants and cafes. In the first case, you will have to spend more time and effort on advertising your services. In the second case, advertising is not needed, but the profit from the cooperation of such a plan is much less.
Idea number 4. Try to create a product with your own hands. For this holiday, the creation is actual Christmas decorations. Only it is worth considering one nuance - it is better to use the cheapest materials. Since you always need a lot of toys, the final price of the entire set can turn out to be sky-high. Therefore, try to minimize their cost.

How to make a profit at the beginning of summer?

In June, it's time for graduation from schoolchildren, and a little later - from students. And this means that in one period the demand for certain goods and services increases dramatically. So provide them!
Idea number 5. Design photo albums, hold photo shoots and celebrations themselves, decorate halls and write holiday scenarios. These services are the easiest to offer: print flyers, visit nearby schools, and hand out booklets to students and teachers.
Idea number 6. Another idea on how to make money fast is aimed at female graduates. If you know how to build nails, do a festive manicure, hairstyles, makeup, then it's time to start making money on it. Before the graduation, the lines to the salons are quite long, and not everyone manages to get there, so the likelihood of an influx of customers in your direction will be high.
Idea number 7. Dresses, jewelry, accessories, suits, ribbons - all of this will be needed by each of the graduates. Try to buy some of this and sell under the slogan "To Graduation".

Idea for any holiday

Idea number 8. If you have a car, be a taxi driver on a holiday. Whatever it is: graduations, Christmas or March 8 - on this day there is a great demand for taxi services.
Arrange in advance with any taxi company in your city about work for one day. In this case, you will be able to receive orders that come to the company's internal number. But then you will need to give part of the profits to the company with which you decide to cooperate. Otherwise, you can try to find clients on your own: park in a crowded place, advertise the service in newspapers or the Internet, offer a taxi to your friends.

Idea number 9. Not everyone can prepare holiday gifts on time, so before the holidays there is a need for the services of a “hired gift buyer”. It works like this: your customer asks you to find a gift for his friends and family members, paying for their purchase and your services.


As you can see, you can’t even catch a fish without difficulty ... In order to get quick money, you will need to make a lot of effort. Indeed, in the pre-holiday time, not only demand is growing, but competition is also becoming tougher. Therefore, it is important to calculate each step in advance. Good luck in your endeavors!

Where to make money: TOP 6 business ideas! Choose yours and earn a million!!!

There are seasonal types of business that give more revenue in a month or two than classic ones in a year. One of these options include business ideas for the New Year. We offer the TOP of the newest and interesting ideas for business by the new year 2019.


To begin with, we list the advantages that await you:
  • quick payback
  • easy start
  • work only 3 months a year
  • interesting and beautiful work
  • good earnings, since on the eve of the holidays, most purchases are made impulsively.

TOP 10 business ideas for the new year 2019

  1. Sale of fireworks
The essence of the idea is to buy pyrotechnics and sell it via the Internet or a stationary outlet. You can read more about this in the article. Such products are in high demand on the eve of the holidays and give a good profit in just a couple of months. At the same time, the competition here is rather big, so it is necessary to competently approach the choice of assortment and set adequate prices.

It is best to buy fireworks in the summer, when the cost is much lower. At the same time, it is better to give preference to models of the middle price category, easy to operate. Where to buy? You will find excellent offers from Chinese suppliers.

On the eve of the New Year, up to 50 packages of fireworks and even more can be sold daily. Net profit for December reaches 300 thousand rubles.
  1. New Year's confectionery
This option involves the implementation of New Year's baking: gingerbread, candy sets, pastries and cakes. You can sell both through a stationary point and via the Internet. Currently, advertising on Instagram is giving good results. In this case, you don’t even have to spend money on opening a store. It is enough to create an account, fill it with your products and promote it correctly.

Such products are in great demand on the eve of the holidays. New Year's confectionery they give in kindergartens and schools to children and teachers, at work to colleagues, and also as a souvenir to relatives and friends.

If you work at home, then the net profit per month will exceed 100,000 rubles, which is a very good amount, taking into account the minimum costs.

  1. Sale of garlands
To start a business, you need to find an intelligent supplier from China, and then sell these products in your city. It is impossible to imagine the New Year without multi-colored lights, therefore, in houses, shops, offices and other objects, the windows are decorated with festive illumination throughout December and January.

To work, you will need to find a place to store products, find small wholesale buyers and advertise.

You can sell not only small wholesale, but also retail. To do this, you should look for a small point in a shopping center or supermarket with good traffic.

  1. Ski, tubing, snowboard rental
With the onset of winter, the best fun for children and adults is sledding, tubing, skiing and snowboarding. At the same time, not everyone wants to buy equipment, because it is not cheap, and it will take up a lot of space in the apartment. Given these factors, various are very popular.

It is better to rent a place near winter recreation centers, as well as in places where a large number of fans of skiing gather - amusement parks, etc. The space may be quite small. Additionally, it is worth advertising so that as many people as possible know about you. Monthly earnings will be about 100,000 rubles.

  1. Sale of sweets
Sweets have always been the best present for the New Year. Therefore, on the eve of the holidays, store shelves are full of bright boxes of sweets. The essence of such a business idea for the New Year 2019 is the purchase of sweets in small wholesale lots, the purchase of packages and the packaging of sweets. From such a set, you can make a very pleasant surprise by putting a Christmas souvenir or a small toy in addition to sweets.
  1. Sale of Christmas goods from one-page sites
The idea is to search for New Year's products that are in high demand before the holidays with their subsequent sale through.

The scheme of work is simple:

- find a product

- take orders.

Pay attention to foreign sites, to the offers of Chinese suppliers. As a rule, they offer exactly what will be very popular with us on the eve of the holidays.

  1. Christmas baskets with sweets and champagne
The main point of the idea is to buy sweets and champagne and create a festive arrangement in the basket. Such products are very popular before the New Year, because a basket with sweets and sparkling wine can be presented to almost everyone. Such a surprise cheers up and creates a festive atmosphere.

How to implement?

  • through social groups
  • selling to grocery stores
  • cooperating with shops of sweets or alcohol.
One basket costs from 500 to 2000 rubles. Thus, in a month it is quite possible to earn from 5000 rubles and more!

  1. New Year's photo sessions
If you consider yourself completely a good photographer, you can offer to hold a photo shoot for everyone on the eve of the holidays. Great amount studios provide rental of New Year's zones. You just need to find clients.

This service is used very often for families. New Year's photo shoots. Often they hire a New Year's photographer and legal entities for corporate photo shoots.

You can also rent a room and decorate it yourself in the New Year's style. In this case, you will not have to pay for the rent of photo zones of third-party studios every time.

The cost of a photo session is approximately 1000 rubles per hour. Thus, you can earn up to 6,000 rubles per day.
  1. Santa Claus at home
This service has been in high demand for a long time. Parents invite Ded Moroz and Snegurochka to their children's home. Actors in costumes amuse the kids, dance with them and at the end give a long-awaited gift.

Due to the great competition, you will have to try to attract the attention of customers. You can do this thanks to:

  • original script
  • quality suits
  • good publicity
  • excellent customer service
  • work with every member of the family.
For a month of work as Santa Claus, you can earn more than for six months at another job.
  1. Sale of Christmas trees

Speaking about business ideas for the New Year 2019, one cannot help but recall the Christmas tree trade. After all, what is a holiday without a fluffy spruce or pine tree decorated with toys?

You can sell live or artificial spruces. At the same time, these are radically different types of business with a different approach. Artificial spruces are easier to trade, at the same time, nothing compares to the aroma of real live needles, which is why the overwhelming majority of buyers prefer it.

You should start preparing for this business long before the New Year. In December, you should already have everything ready to start: a place of purchase has been found, permits for trading in live spruces have been obtained, and a place of sale has been selected. In a couple of weeks of work, you can earn more than 100,000 rubles!

We have not listed all the options, but we have touched on the most popular and profitable ideas. If you want to make good money during the holidays, you need to start now. Good luck!
