Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Ecological education in the Russian language lessons, educational and methodological manual on the Russian language on the topic. Why is a swan called a "mute"

"Development of reading speed" - Methodology. Reading consonants. Boys. Line of sight. Syllabary table. Development of reading speed. Gentle reading mode. Visual dictation. Reading lessons. The process of developing reading skills. Experiments. Articulation gymnastics. Using the Schulte table. Reading skill. Common Mistakes. Proper teaching of reading skills.

"Creativity in Literature" - Conditions for the development of creativity. Development creativity. Works. Life skills. Creative thinking. Socialization. Introduction to literature. Students learn to retell. Yes, there is a fire, people are scary, but go ahead. Acceptance of lesson integration.

"Reading speed" - In grades 4, 5 - reduced to 30-40%. Most strong influence Reading speed has an effect on academic performance. If in the 3rd grade students do not read well, then in the 4th grade their performance falls. Growing in 4th grade. Expanding the field of view. Through the word. (you can "chain") Rulers in the fields. So the only option is three.

"Productive Reading" - Development of flexible reading. Modern educational tools. Verification work. Work with text before reading. Learning reading. Types of lessons. Fairy tale. Training for the development of reading skills. Notebook by literary reading. Primer. Compare the excerpt. Modern methods memory development. Viktor Dragunsky.

"Anticipation in Literature" - Teaching Technology. Results of technology application. The dog Sharik from Prostokvashino was engaged in photo hunting. Technology of teaching children to receive anticipation. Check yourself in the text. Anticipation is used during reading warm-ups. Search for hidden questions and answers to them. A hunter was going hunting, he saw someone in the bushes.

"Development of Reading Technique" - Read. Compose and read words quickly. Booth. Read with changing words. Letter rain. Read the syllables. Find the "secret" of reading. Read the words. A gun. Read and find the words. Words. Compose and read words. Each consonant has its place. Artist's mistake. Determine the final consonant. Add double consonants.

Total in the topic 23 presentations

What to do when meeting with swans and whether all birds need to be "rescued" in winter - these and other questions are answered by the press service of the Kaliningrad Zoo.

Over the past two weeks, the Kaliningrad Zoo has received about 50 calls from residents of Kaliningrad, on the eve of winter, worried about the fate of swans living on city lakes. Similar the situation repeats itself from year to year, so the press service staff collected the most frequently asked questions and tried to answer them.

Why didn't the swans fly away with their relatives?

"Decreased migratory instinct". This is the scientific name for the reluctance of birds to fly to warmer climes with the onset of cold weather. Scientists see several reasons for this behavior. Firstly, winters in the Kaliningrad region are getting warmer every year. Water bodies do not freeze and swans constantly have access to their main food - algae. Secondly, swans attract great amount well-meaning people who feed them. Naturally, the birds get used to the person and absolutely do not want to part with the "bread places" on the city lakes.
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! By feeding the swans, a person does them a disservice. Birds continue to wait for the "breadwinners" even with the onset of severe frosts, however, they, as a rule, prefer not to go outside once again. The baited birds suffer, but they cannot immediately orient themselves and fly away to unfrozen water bodies. As a result, some get sick and even die.

What do swans eat in winter?

The main food of waterfowl is algae. And while the reservoir is not frozen, the swans have access to food. With the onset of severe frosts, many swans move to the non-freezing sea coast, where they feed safely until spring.

What can you feed the swans in winter?

Ideally, it is better not to feed the swans at all (see point 1). But if we feed, then it must be done in such a way as not to harm the birds.

1. Swans categorically cannot be fed with black bread! It causes fermentation in the stomach and, as a result, gastrointestinal upset, weakening, illness. White bread is acceptable in the absence of other food, but in extremely limited quantities!

2. It is absolutely impossible to feed swans with moldy or sour bread! For birds, as well as for people, a spoiled product is deadly.

3. In cold weather, swans can be fed with raw or lightly boiled chopped vegetables: cabbage, carrots, potatoes, as well as steamed rice or millet. However, in severe frost, all this food freezes to ice. In this case, a grain mixture of wheat, oats and barley or a special compound feed for birds that does not contain salt is suitable as feed.
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! The swan's digestive system is designed in such a way that it must necessarily drink food. Therefore, food should be thrown into the water or onto the shore at the very edge of the water. Worst case, ice.

How can I tell if birds need my help?

A bird needs human help if:

There are obvious signs of injury or damage,

The bird lies on the ice and its plumage is covered with a crust of ice or icicles.

In all other cases, the bird, most likely, does not need human help. Moreover, swans are able to safely endure temperatures up to -15 degrees. In this case, the bird spends all its energy on saving energy and maintaining heat. She chooses a safe place on the ice away from the shore, lies down and rests. The worst thing that can be done in this situation is to drive her out of her familiar place.
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! If a bird has a fishing line stuck in its beak, do not cut it! A weight or hook can be tied to the fishing line. If you cut the line, it will be impossible to pull it out. In this case, it is better to entrust the release of the bird to the veterinarians.

Can I "give" a swan to the zoo?

1. The Kaliningrad Zoo does not accept swans for two reasons: according to Art. 4 federal law"About the animal world" wild animals and birds are the property of the state. Extracting them from nature is possible only with the consent of the competent state authorities. authorities, such as Rosprirodnadzor.

2. The Kaliningrad Zoo does not have enough space and conditions to keep a large number of swans. Especially considering the fact that every year they try to “attach” 10 to 20 birds here.

Where to go for help if the bird is injured?

A number of public, municipal and private organizations operate in the Kaliningrad region, ready to provide advisory or organizational assistance to those who have found a wounded swan.

As part of developmental education, it is necessary to pay close attention to the development of students' written speech. This is facilitated by lessons in the development of speech of various types:

  1. Drawing up a story from a picture and writing sentences.
  2. Written answers to questions to the read text
  3. Drawing up stories from pictures and matching it with the author's text. Comparison of texts.
  4. Continued text.
  5. Drawing up a story from a picture and a finished plan.
  6. Drawing up a story based on a picture on a given topic.
  7. Working with deformed text on the picture.

Already in the 2nd grade (1-4), children learn to restore deformed texts with their continuation.

Here is an example of such a lesson.

Russian language lesson in 2nd grade.

Subject: The development of speech. Restoration of deformed text from pictures and its continuation.


  1. Learn to establish the sequence of parts in the text and continue it, taking into account the development of the action.
  2. Learn to use the red line when writing text.
  3. Develop communication skills when working in pairs, groups.
  4. Cultivate respect for nature, love for the Motherland.

During the classes

1. Accession.

I am glad to see you and our guests today at the lesson. We will talk about very important things in a person's life. About his attitude to what surrounds us.

2. Introduction to the topic. Work in a group, couples.

There are envelopes on the tables, phrases in them. Try to make a proposal out of them. And explain what you think it means.

1 option. Protecting the Motherland means protecting nature.

Option 2. Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

What proposal did you make?

What does it mean in your opinion?

Who else has an offer?

Guys, you explained everything correctly. These words about nature and the Motherland were spoken by the wonderful writer M.M. Prishvin.

A portrait is hung out and the words:

These words were addressed to the children by a man who loved nature, knew how to tell about it simply and fascinatingly.

3. Resource circle.

What does it mean to love nature?

How does love for nature manifest itself in a real person?

Generalization: It is important not to talk about love for nature, but to prove your attitude by actions. To do good.

Today we will learn about one of such good deeds.

4. Working with text and pictures.(T.G. Ramzaeva Russian Language Grade 2)

Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard.

The lake began to freeze. Swans could die.

In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing.

Consider pictures.

Who the pictures are about

Match each picture with sentences from the text.

1. Read the entire text

2. Determine which part belongs to each picture

3. Read the sentences for 1,2,3 picture

4. read the whole text

5. Title it

How can you continue the story?

Look again at picture 3.

How did the birds begin to live? What did Vasya do for them?

Look at the swans. Are they afraid of people? They are trusting.

They with Vasya.

Such care for the birds helped to cure the diseased wing. Was the recovery fast?

Could birds stay with people?

(Yes, but they )

(address to the words of M. Prishvin)

Was it a pity for Vasya to part with the birds?

What kind of people are Uncle Misha and Vasya?

What qualities do these people have?

5. Independent work.

Write down part 4 of the text. Use the key words on the board.

6. The result of the lesson.

Read part 4 of the text.

And I would like to end our lesson with these words:

Don't stand by indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.

And if someone, someone will help
Your kindness, your smile
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,
What years you live not in vain!

As a keepsake, I give swans to children and guests. Children glue swans in a notebook and color them.

Subject: Creative continuation of the text - the story "Swans"

Grade 2


1. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of the text - narrative.

2. To form the ability to establish the sequence of events in the text - a narrative based on pictures.

3. To form the ability to correlate the content of pictures with parts of the text.

4. To form the ability to compose the final part of the text.

5. Develop logical thinking, memory, speech of students.

6. Contribute to the education of responsiveness, kindness to animals.



Today in the lesson we will write a story based on pictures. Consider pictures. What events did the artist describe?

Why did the swans stay on the lake? (one of them had a sore wing)

What text will come out of these pictures? Why?

Let's check if the computer agrees with you ...


Remove the strips from the envelope. What is written on them? (parts of text)

How many stripes are there? (4). Why? (4 parts)

Why is one bar empty? (you will need to add text). Put it aside for now, then we'll think about it together.

What task do we need to complete? (compose text)

Why can't the strips be placed in any order? (the sequence of events will be broken)

And what will help us to determine the sequence? (Pictures)

How will you set the order of the parts? (look at what is drawn in the 1st picture and find the text of the same content, look at the second picture and find the text, etc.)

Compose a text (on your desk).

Let's check. (By slides)

Read part 1.

Read part 2.

Read part 3.

Raise your hand, who's got the text right?

Who noticed the mistakes? Fix it.

Take an empty strip. Consider where to put it. (In the end). Why? (you need to come up with a continuation of the story)

Put an empty strip at the end.

What will this part of the text be called? (final)

What parts are already there? (introductory and main)

Guys, parts 3, and strips - 4! Why? (in the main part - 2 small parts).


In order to compose the final part, one must have a good understanding of the text that we have already compiled, i.e. what we already know in the text.

And to find out how you understood, I will ask questions. Answer them with sentences from the text.

Why didn't the swans fly away with everyone else, but stayed on the lake? (One of them had a sore wing)

What danger threatened them? (The lake began to freeze. Swans could die)

Read what saved them from death? (Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. The birds began to live in their yard).

Determine the topic of this story (“How the swans were saved” or “How the swans were helped”)

What can you call this story?

    Help swans (birds)

    How the birds (swans) were saved

    Rescue of swans (birds)

Write down your title.


Now think about what can be drawn in the last picture?

    Swans that swim on the lake again. What season will be shown? (spring)

    Many swans swim or two swans swim and a flock descends. And what time of year will be shown here? (spring)

    They fly away with their flock. Then what time of year will it be? (autumn)

And if we want to combine everything: what happened in the spring and what happened in the fall, then we need to draw 2 pictures, first a picture with spring, and then with autumn.

Let's review how you can make the final part. In it, you can say what happened in the spring and finish the text; you can immediately say what happened in the fall and finish the text; but one can say both, i.e. first say what happened in the spring, and then what happened in the fall.


? autumn

And now we need to make the final part. These words will help you compose mine variant of the final part. Read these words (out loud):

recovered (recovered)

set free


met their flock

flew away

together with family

Come up with the final part. How did you compose? (multiple answers):

    In the spring, the swans returned to the lake.

    In the spring, the swans were released into the wild, and they returned to the lake. Here they met their flock.

    In the spring, the swans met their flock on the lake.

    The sick swan recovered. In autumn, the birds flew away with their (native) flock.


Swans are flying

Wings make noise.

Bent over the water

They shake their heads.

Proud and straight

know how to hold on

And very silent

They sit down in place.


Let's get ready to write the final part of the text correctly.

Read the words. What task needs to be done? (insert vowels)

Show with a signal card which letter is missing in the words of column 1? Prove (check word).

Show which letter is missing in the remaining word?

I have highlighted letters in words whose spelling you do not know. Let's read (in chorus) how they are written.

departure o rovel (corrected)

o set free

V e rushed off

V stret and whether your flock

flew away

together e with native flock


If time permits:

Now you will write the text in a notebook and add its continuation. How many times will you start with the red line? (4) What will help you compose the final part? (keywords) Get to work.

If time is short:

Take a clean strip. Write on it the final part that you composed. Key words will help you.


Who has already written, read your text. Check if everything is clear from your final part.

Count how many sentences you got in the final part. Check to see if the dots are in the right place.

Check if the words are spelled correctly. To do this, compare the spelling of the words on the screen with the writing in your notebook.


(together with the entire text, only the conclusion, the teacher can read)


What did you learn in class? (restore the text - the narrative and make up its final part)

What caused the difficulty?

What did you like?

Thank you for the lesson.

Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard.

The lake began to freeze. Swans could die.

In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing.








Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard.

Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard.

The lake began to freeze. Swans could die.

The lake began to freeze. Swans could die.

In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing.

In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing.









Autumn is a mysterious time of the year, captivating with the beauty of crumbling leaves.

Gentle singing of birds and Magical Natural Landscapes .. How wonderful it is to walk slowly through the park on a quiet, sunny autumn day, tossing bright scatterings of leaves with your feet, wander through the forest, breathing in the fresh air and enjoy the unearthly beauty of nature of the wonderful and .. mysterious season .. Autumn..

Swan Lake in Autumn! Some of the most beautiful birds live on its water surface.
White Swans.. Lake.. Swans.. Autumn.. And silence is like in Paradise..

Autumn! It rings like a polished glass, thinner than Czech glass ...
It became colder at night, the heat flowed away somewhere .. The dew, hardening, turns silver ..
The water is clear as crystal..

The sky of Autumn, like a huge ceiling, casts a whitish light that does not give a shadow..
Since ancient times, people worshiped the Swans, revering them for their proud and impregnable appearance.
For many peoples of the Trans-Urals, Swans were totem animals ..

In autumn, Swans should be completely independent. Gold autumn at the pier .. White ships Autumn click .. A flock of Swans rushed my thought,
On the river only white wings gleam ..

Often quarrels and even fights arise because of the territory .. Thus, the Swans win for themselves the opportunity to feed themselves and feed their offspring ..

Swans go south in autumn.. At the beginning of their movements, they fly in pairs or single individuals.. Later, when the bulk of them fly, they gather in small groups of 10-12 individuals..

Swans, swans - White graces .. Summertime Hallucinations ...
Like crystal ice in Autumn... Farewell again.. Long-distance flight...

Flights take place at night.
During the day, the birds rest on the lakes and in the reeds.

The accumulation of swans in autumn on some lake is a rather rare phenomenon. Swans in autumn fly quickly, along the shortest and most direct path, not stopping to rest until they are exhausted ..

The first birds fly at the beginning of October. Most of them are from October 15 to November 20. After that, only individual birds fly.

Some birds in pairs, and sometimes several pairs, do not fly away in autumn ..
These Swans remain to live on lakes and in parks not far from people. In autumn, people living nearby try to feed such birds. In cities, houses are built for the remaining birds, in countryside let them live in barns.

Swans are very beautiful and graceful birds .. I don’t know how someone can raise their hand to this perfection? Those who feed them and help those birds that did not fly south in Autumn, but stayed with us for the winter, are doing the right thing.

Swans and Autumn! They have a very romantic story.. people have always bowed to this proud and faithful creature.. It’s a pity we don’t meet them in the wild anymore..

It’s certainly useful for everyone to know why there are so few Swans in cities where there are no more people already. It has become too dangerous. In autumn, it is in the ponds and lakes of city parks.

In autumn, Swans settle much further and often fly from place to place .. And before that, I remember a couple of Swans even in winter you could see ...

Lake.. Swans.. Autumn.. Colored round dance leaves..
They fly under the clouds
With the sunset burning down on them..
Threw his neck thin presenter
Back and call out to the others..

White Swan.. Pure Swan.. Your dreams are always silent.. Serene silvery.. You glide, giving birth to waves..

Silent depths under you .. Without a greeting, without an answer .. But you slide, drowning
In the abyss of air and light..

What a different autumn! Now gloomy, then clear .. Then bright .. Happy, then gray, dreary ..

Autumn is the time of wisdom.. Autumn leaves no one indifferent, forcing even the happiest people to think about the transience of our existence..
