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Scenarios matinee 2 junior autumn. Scenario of the autumn holiday "Golden Autumn", (2nd junior group). Performing the dance of little ducklings

Today I looked at the holiday in every house,
Because autumn wanders outside the window.
Looked into the autumn holiday kindergarten,
To please both adults and children.

HOST: Guys, I invite you to the autumn forest! But the way there is far, and so that our legs do not get tired, let's go by train!
The children stand up like a "train", the leader is in front. To the music, everyone stomps around the hall.

HOST: Here we come...
In autumn we go to the forest
Leaves fall like rain
rustling underfoot,
And fly, fly, fly!
There are many leaves in the forest: both yellow and red - very beautiful! And who decorated our forest? This sorceress Autumn tried!

A knock on the door and autumn appears to the music.


I am golden autumn for a holiday, autumn leaves came to you

Brought to all the children

Gathered leaves in the forest

I gave it to our guys.

Come on, take the leaves

Have fun dancing with them.

Dance with autumn leaves.
(Children sit on chairs).

Leading: Children, hear - the leaves rustle, the twigs crunch ... Who is in a hurry to us?
And here comes the bunny
He ran through the forest
Collected mushrooms.

hello bunny
Hare: Hello, now there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest and I decided to collect them for my hares.

Leading: But there are very few mushrooms in his basket. Let's help the hedgehog and get him full basket mushrooms. Look how many there are in the field.

Game "Collect mushrooms"
(The host gives the basket to the bunny).
Leading: Here, bunny, our children have collected a full basket of mushrooms for you.

Bunny: Thank you

Leading: Stay on our holiday and see how our children know how to have fun poems, read.


Autumn colors gold

Groves and forests

Heard farewell


Scarlet and yellow

The wind rips the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air

A motley round dance.

Leading: Autumn dear, sit down.

Have fun with us.

Children will sing a song

Poems will be read about you.

The song "Autumn, dear rustles" sounds


Rain, rain came to us

Puddles on the paths.

How can we walk now

We'll get our feet wet!


Autumn along the path

I got my feet wet

Picked up the leaves

She swirled in the dance.


yellow leaf, red leaf,

The leaves are painted.

Here is brown, green,

The leaves are dry.


The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are plucked from the branches,

Yellow leaves are flying

Right under the feet of the guys.

Autumn: Thank you very much for poetry

Leading: Autumn has rested, and now play with us, our children love to play.

The game "Sun and rain"

(Children on high chairs)

Leading: Autumn, what did you hide under your handkerchief?

Autumn: We raise the handkerchief
What do we find out under it now!
What is this?
(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)
And in the basket ... Apples!

Leading: Children, Autumn gives us this basket of apples.
Sweet Autumn is generous and beautiful.
Let's say autumn together ..
Children: Thank you!

Autumn: I had a lot of fun!
I loved all the guys.
What to do? Waiting for business!
Goodbye friends!
(Autumn leaves).

Leading: On this, our magical journey is over and we go by train to the group.

Scenario of the autumn matinee in the second junior group
Children enter the hall to the music one after another. They stand in a circle.
Today I looked at the holiday in every house,
Because autumn wanders outside the window.
I looked at the autumn holiday in kindergarten,
To please both adults and children.
Look, children, how beautiful it is in our hall! All around the leaves - both yellow and red.
Children read poetry
Song "Autumn"
(Autumn enters with a basket.)
I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for a holiday,
autumn leaves
I brought it to all the kids.
You wave the leaves
Dance with them!
Dance of autumn leaves
How many golden leaves!
I'll pick them up soon!
(Autumn walks between the children and looks behind the leaves.)
Oh, yes, these are our children hiding!
How the wind blows
Fly away, leaf!
(Autumn blows, the children run away and sit on the chairs.)
Autumn: Well done, guys!
Autumn, honey, sit down,
Have fun with us!
Children will sing songs
And the poems will be read to you.
Autumn: With pleasure!
Children read poetry
Host: I hear the leaves rustle ...
I hear the branches crunch...
Who is coming to us?
Who sings a song there?
Fox enters the hall (adult, sings: Fox: I walk through the forest and sing a song,
La - la ... - I sing a song,
Lisa: Oh! Yes, there are kids running around! Hello! Children greet.
Fox: Oh, how autumn has come,
Dressed up all the trees.
Bright leaves hang on the aspen,
On the mountain ash, bright berries are burning.
The fox boastfully shows everyone present her bright outfit.
Well, I dressed up - look at me.
I put on a red dress on an autumn day for a reason.
Come out, kids, play with Lisonka - the sun is shining brightly, we will dance!
The game "Sun and rain" is being played.
Children dance to cheerful music.
Fox: It's been raining heavily, friends, everyone is running to me here .. Presenter
Autumn walks along the path.
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light
Lost somewhere summer
And we, Autumn, know the song about the rain!
Song "Rain"
Fox: For a long time I walked through the forest,
I collected cones in a basket.
Knew a meeting for the kids -
I invite you to play.
2 children, 2 baskets, scattered cones, who is more.
They count - collect 1-2-3! (1-2 times).
Lisa: They played a lot of fun, sang songs loudly.
I will tell you from the bottom of my heart that you are all very good!
But it's time to say goodbye to us, goodbye, kids!
The sun came out again
The children began to dance in the clearing!
Dance "Stukolka"
Guys, do you want to play with me in a very interesting game"Collecting bumps"?
While I was visiting you,
Here is the scarf I found.
colorful, painted,
Unusual, difficult!
We raise the handkerchief
What do we find out under it now!
What is this?
You are fun to play with
Songs to sing and dance!
I thank you for everything
And I give you a gift.
Here's a treat for you guys for such fun!
Thank you, dear Autumn! For your generosity, for autumn gifts!
Autumn: We had a lot of fun, I fell in love with all the guys, But it's time for us to say goodbye, What to do, things are waiting.
Goodbye, kids, it's time for me to go to my forest!
Host: So our holiday is over. I hope you liked it! And now we invite our guests to become a circle with their children, and, having made a “lap of honor” to the music, go to the group.

Children with leaves in their hands enter the hall to a cheerful autumn song, stand in a semicircle in front of the audience


Autumn walks so quietly
And cut off the leaves
Under the feet of passers-by
Throws a handful.

The rain is knocking on the window
And afraid to go.
Song about autumn
It pours and flows.

Children sing a song about autumn

presenter The leaves were flooded with sunshine
Leaves soaked in the sun
Poured, weighed down
And flew in the wind...

Children perform a dance with leaves and sit on chairs

presenter In one wonderful autumn forest there lived a little curious fox. She was born in the spring, and when autumn came, everything around seemed unusual and surprising to Chanterelle.

Chanterelle (older child or adult) enters the hall to the music

Chanterelle Hello, I'm Foxy.

presenter Hello fox. Welcome to our holiday.

Chanterelle Holiday? That's great! Have you noticed how everything around has changed: the leaves on the trees were green, and now? ..

presenter What, guys, have the leaves become? (answers) That's right, multi-colored: yellow, brown and even red.

Chanterelle The sun began to play hide and seek more often: it hides behind a cloud, and you won’t find it ... And when there are a lot of clouds, they begin to splash! (rain sounds) Oh, just like now. Let's have fun together in the rain.

presenter Guys, hold hands, stand in a circle.

Children perform a round dance "Droplets"

presenter Here the rain is over.

Chanterelle Yes, but only after it there were puddles ...

presenter It's not a problem! Guys, put on your boots, let's go through the puddles!

Held musical game"New boots"

presenter It's fun to play with our guys, isn't it, Chanterelle?

Chanterelle Yes, now you can only play with the guys ...

presenter What are you talking about, fox?! And what about the rest of the animals?

Chanterelle Yes, just the rest of the animals turned into real greedy.

presenter Can't be!

Chanterelle Honestly. Here, for example, my girlfriend Squirrel ... (xylophone sound) Oh, it looks like she's coming here...

To the music, Squirrel (an older child or adult) enters the hall with two baskets (cones and mushrooms in one, the other is empty)

Squirrel Hello, friends!

presenter hello squirrel

Squirrel What are you doing here?

Chanterelle We're having fun in the rain!

Squirrel Can I come with you too?

presenter Certainly. Let's play the game "Sun and Rain"!

The game "Sun and Rain"

presenter Squirrel, tell me, what did you do today?

Squirrel Well, of course ... I collected cones and mushrooms, I scored a whole basket.

Chanterelle Here, please, what I said ... Well, isn't it a greedy one? Why do you need so much food? If you eat that much, you will become as fat as a bear.

presenter Oh, Chanterelle, don't you know why Squirrel is stocking up?

Chanterelle Don't know…

presenter Guys, why does Squirrel need so many cones and mushrooms? (children's answers) Right to eat them in winter.

Chanterelle Then why haven't you done this before?

Squirrel Yes, autumn has arrived!

Chanterelle How did it come? Who stepped on? Is she big?

presenter Very.

Chanterelle How is the bear?

Squirrel More.

Chanterelle Is it like a moose? I didn't see any more moose.

Squirrel Much, much more.

Chanterelle(trembling) Ah-ah-ah ... I'm afraid we urgently need to hide somewhere. Suddenly she will come to me ...

presenter No, silly, you don't have to hide anywhere. Autumn is such a season, it is very kind, and helps the animals prepare for winter.

Chanterelle Is it true? How do animals prepare for winter?

presenter And now we'll show you how. Squirrel, can you lend us your cones and mushrooms?

Squirrel Yes, but I didn’t have time to arrange them in baskets ...

presenter Let's help you guys, right? (the presenter scatters the contents of the basket)

So, the girls will collect cones in this basket. (gives the basket to Chanterelle), and the boys will collect mushrooms in this basket (gives a basket to Belochka)

To cheerful music, children collect supplies in baskets.

presenter Here you go, Squirrel, hold on.

Squirrel Thank you guys for helping me get ready for winter.

Chanterelle And they helped me to know what autumn is.

Squirrel Let's go, fox . It is time.

Fox and Squirrel Goodbye, guys!

To the cheerful music, the heroes leave the hall.

presenter We had fun with Chanterelle and Squirrel, right, guys? And now it's time for us to return to the group.

Sounds of musical accompaniment, the children leave the hall.

"How the children were looking for autumn."

The scenario of the autumn holiday in the younger group.

Children enter the hall to the music y.

Leading: Hello guests, hello children!

An unusual day today in the world!

Today I looked at the holiday in every house,

Because autumn wanders outside the window.

Child: What a beautiful Autumn, what a golden carpet!

And visit today, guys, The autumn holiday has come to us!

Child: The wind sweeps the yellow leaves in the garden - It happens only once a year in autumn.

Child: The leaves from the branches fly around, then swirl in a crowd. This Golden Autumn pleases us with beauty!

Child: Autumn, autumn outside the window, the rain walks along the paths Leaves fall, rustle ... All children: How good are you Autumn!

Song: "Autumn"

Leading: Children, let's find autumn.

But who will help us in this?

Oh! Someone is rustling leaves, someone is in a hurry to us here?

Bunny comes out to the music.

Bunny: Hello guys! I rode through the forest, here I met Autumn.

Leading: Bunny, hello. Tell us, please, where can we find the beautiful autumn? And we will dance with you.

Bunny: Okay, I love to dance.

Dance: Bunnies.

Bunny: How I liked the dance. Thanks guys.

And to find autumn, you have to go through the forest. Put on your boots and boldly stomp through the autumn puddles.

And my autumn leaves will help you.

The bunny runs away, scattering the leaves, the children collect them.

Leading: Oh, I hear that someone is in a hurry to us.

Let's hide behind the leaves!

Game: "Autumn leaves".

All children squat down and, raising a leaf, hide behind it. Bear: How much work has become! How many leaves have fallen! I'll hasten to sweep them - I'll put things in order! Here I’ll take a whisk - I’ll collect the leaves in a pile! The bear goes forward to the audience, at this time the children get up and quickly go to the middle of the carpet. 1 piece of music - waving leaves overhead; (Bear pretends to sweep the leaves into a pile, while saying m: I'll collect all the leaves! Wow, that's the order! Leading: But a cheerful breeze - its path is not close, not far. He flies around the world and inflates the leaves! 2nd part of music - the children run again to their places in a circle and squat down.Bear: What are you, the wind, really! All the leaves are gone! I’ll take the panicle again - I’ll collect the leaves again! 1 piece of music - everyone is standing waving a leaf over their heads - the Bear is sweeping.Bear: Oh, you mischievous, bright, painted leaves. So that they don’t dare to fly away, I owe you all ... Children: Catch! (everyone runs to the chairs and puts the leaves under the chairs.) Bear: Oh, and these are not leaves at all - these are kids: Girls and boys!

Let's dance with the leaves.

Dance: "Autumn Leaves"

Bear: How much fun you have here. And why did such little children come to the forest?

Leading: Mishka, help us. The guys and I can’t find Autumn, can you tell me where she lives?

Bear: Of course I will. Behind the birch at the edge, there is a beautiful hut (points to the house). Well, it's time for me friends! Goodbye kids!

Autumn appears to the music.

Leading: We will hurry to the hut and knock softly.

Autumn comes to the music.

Autumn: Hello guys!

On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

I'm glad to see you.

I am golden autumn

My bow to you, my friends,

Leading: Hello autumn, welcome to visit.

We have been waiting for you for so long, and with the guys we were looking for.

Autumn: Get into a round dance, autumn calls everyone to the children.

Round dance: "We'll go to the woods."

Autumn: How well you sing. Do you know how to dance?

Leading: Yes! Our guys can sing and dance. Here look.

Dance: "You have, I have».

Autumn: Well done boys! And while you were dancing, look in our hall, this is what a fungus has grown. And the fungus is not simple, it is magical, it is alive!

Well, everyone, come here and look in the basket.

The basket contains treats for children.

Autumn: Oh thanks kids

You made me happy.

And it's time for me to say goodbye

I'm leaving you for a year, friends.

Tatyana Gorbacheva
Scenario of the autumn matinee in the second junior group

Children with leaves to the music enter the hall.


looked in autumn holiday in kindergarten

To please adults and children today!

Dear guests! We kindly ask you

Mobile turn off now.

Let worries wait

You will not be here before them.

HOST 2: Better have fun with us,

Better go back to your childhood.

Clap and sing along

Holiday meet autumn!

Reading poetry.

KAMILA: What time of year?

The weather is gloomy

Leaves fall,

The birds are flying away.

The cloud covered the sun

This autumn has come!

ALIMZHAN: What time of year-

Is it raining?

It's simple autumn

In a hurry to kindergarten.

DIMA: Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

ALICE: It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Has come autumn.

HOST 1: Let's sing the song together,

Let's invite autumn!

SONG « Autumn - red fox» .

Included Autumn.

AUTUMN: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn you, Friends!

I gave the trees a festive outfit.

Look how the leaves burn with gold!

HOST 2: Autumn very beautifully painted the leaves in different colors. Let's play with leaves.

A GAME "COLLECT THE LEAVES" (3 children collect leaves of the same color in a basket).

HOST 1 A: We are very happy Autumn,

To meet you again!

Let's read the poems

Dear guest!

Reading poetry.

MAXIM F.: The yellow leaves are dancing,

From the branches they fall, they fly.

This golden fairy tale

are called "falling leaves"!

NASTYA: Autumn brightly dressed up

And she came to us for the holiday,

AND autumn gifts

I brought it to all the kids.

BEKSULTAN: All about autumn they say,

What a beauty she is!

Stay among the guys

You will like us!

HOST 2: Guys, do you hear? It looks like someone is coming towards us. This is a funny gnome! Let's play it and hide behind the leaves.

Children crouch, take a piece of paper and hide behind a piece of paper. Cheerful music sounds. Exit of the Gnome with a panicle.

DWARF: How much work has become,

How many leaves have fallen.

I hasten to sweep them

I'm tidying up!

Here I'll take a broom

I'll gather the leaves!

Cheerful music sounds, the children get up and run away from the gnome to their places.

DWARF: Oh, and these are not leaves at all!

And the kids! Girls and boys!

Decided to play a trick on the old grandfather?

Well, hello, mischief-makers!

There is a sound of thunder.

HOST 2: What's happened? What's happened?

Everything around has changed!

AUTUMN: cloud autumn came to us,

I want to ruin your holiday.

Cheerful music sounds. Cloud exit.

cloud: I am an evil cloud, a thundercloud!

I don't like to have fun.

We'll pour cold rain on you!

Everyone is bored! Fear me!

And do not sing and do not laugh!

Autumn I take the gold from you.

And I leave the cold rain for you ...

There is a sound of rain. The cloud takes with him Autumn.

HOST 1: Look at the paths,

Raindrops are falling from the sky.

Raindrops - girlfriends,

Hurry here to us

Your dance autumn

Show us.



HOST 2: Guys, what do we do now?

What is a holiday without gold autumn?

DWARF: I know what we need to do...

Beauty Autumn we'll find soon.

And my magic pipe will help us with this.

Come on, pipe, play, who will come to us, guess?

Mysterious music sounds. The gnome plays the flute. Girls come out - strawberries, read poetry.


ALICE: We are funny sisters,


ANEL: We grow and mature,

We expose our cheeks to the sun.

ANGELA: We are laughing girls

We are mischievous girlfriends,

ALBINA: Together we sit in the leaves

Let's look at the sun.

DANCE OF STRAWBERRY (After the dance they don't leave).

DWARF: You, strawberry sisters, give us an answer as soon as possible,

Where can we find our Autumn do you know or not?

STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY: No! No! No! Here is our answer (runs away).

DWARF: Come on, pipe, play, Help us look for autumn! (The gnome plays the pipe.) We meet our forest guest!

Squirrel exit.

SQUIRREL: I am a frisky squirrel, a laughter girl.

I'm not too lazy to work, I ride all day.

All the supplies in the pantry will come in handy for me in the winter.

I really need salted mushrooms for the winter!

HOST 2: The rain has passed, and under the stump

Mushrooms are growing fast!

Mushrooms come out.

MUSHROOM: Come on, my mushroom squad,

Come out and line up!

We will sing and dance.

Have fun, keep up!


DWARF: You jumped on the branches, tell me, but autumn did you see the gold one?

SQUIRREL: No! No! No! Here is the answer from the squirrel!

The squirrel sits on a chair.

DWARF: I play the pipe, and invite guests to us ...

The gnome plays the flute. Mysterious music sounds. The frogs come out.

frog: Kwa-kva, heavy rain pours in the morning,

It's raining all day long

Well, we are not too lazy to play.

Wake up mosquito

We dance until morning.

Hey, who wants to be a star?

Dance qua-qua and sing!

FROG DANCE. (They remain seated on the carpet.)

DWARF: What glorious, beautiful, elegant frogs! You grew up in a forest swamp

A Autumn did you see the gold one?

FROG: No! No! No! From frog you our answer. (Sit down)

DWARF: So we'll never find our Autumn. We need to come up with something else. Let's sing a song about rain. The cloud will hear, it will come to us for the holiday! AND autumn bring gold with you!


HOST 2: And now we will find out if the cloud heard us or not.

Cheerful music sounds. Cloud comes out with autumn. Everyone clap their hands. Cloud and Autumn pass through the hall.

cloud: Thank you, friends!

I heard my favorite song!

There is no cloud and no rain autumn.

AUTUMN: And without sunny days there is no autumn!

HOST 1: Once they came to us for a holiday

You must make friends!


AUTUMN: For reconciling us,

I want to thank you.

I have prepared gifts for fun kids!

Autumn hands a basket of apples, covered with leaves, to the host.

HOST 1: Thank you, Autumn.

We will distribute them later.

We'll give everyone an apple.

And we'll take the leaves

Into our we will assign the group

We will decorate the group

You Autumn, recall!

The gnome goes ahead and plays the pipe. Autumn and Cloud follow. They wave to the children and guests.

HOST 2: And it's time for us to say goodbye to everyone,

Go to group and treat yourself to gifts.

Cheerful music sounds. Children go to group.

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