Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Business without competition in a year. For the countryside. Construction and renovation firms: income without borders

Hello dear readers. Today we’ll talk about business in the crisis of 2019 and share a small selection current business ideas in unstable times of crisis. If you have your own ideas, we are waiting for them in the comments below the article.

What to open a business in a crisis

This is probably the main question for everyone who wants to make money during the crisis. Let's see what successful entrepreneurs have to say about it.

Founder and owner of Tinkoff Bank.

According to Oleg Tinkov, Special attention in times of crisis should be given to the medical field and everything connected with it. With a reasonable approach, start-ups that are focused on the production of dietary supplements can be profitable, medicines, equipment for clinics and pharmacy chains. Little competition and growing demand create ideal conditions for private medical institutions and the hospital sector.

In the absence of large initial investments, Oleg Tinkov advises to pay attention to the promising market for the development of applications for gadgets and online consulting. The businessman rightly believes that Russia is noticeably behind many world developments in the field of medicine and care for them by 15–20 years, and there are a lot of opportunities for copying for newcomers.

A good income in the future can be provided by investments in medical development and R&D. The only problem is the high cost and long payback period of such business projects, and in Russia they are not used to doing this.

Founder and owner of companies such as Dymovskoye Sausage Production, Suzdal Ceramics, Respublika (a chain of bookstores) and Rubezh (cafes and restaurants).

The owner of a network of well-known companies believes that in these crisis conditions it is better to start business projects related to import substitution. Analysis will give you a hint trading market And customs statistics for the last few year s. It may be some types of food, the demand for which has been stable. He believes that the crisis has not changed either people or officials.

Vadim Dymov is convinced that it is possible to reach financial peaks by opening new projects in agriculture. As an option, he proposes to use state land shares for Far East to grow soybeans that can be exported to China. A risky but simple business can bring significant profits.

The businessman does not rule out success when opening startups in the field of machine-building logistics and components for assembling units. He claims that there are absolutely free niches for the development of medium and small businesses in small towns away from Moscow. Why not open a carpentry shop to produce excellent domestic furniture? Suddenly? But it is very pleasant to create and use your own, to raise your own brand.

Founder and owner of the network of pizzerias "Dodo Pizza".

According to Fedor Ovchinnikov, the time of crisis is a period that is favorable for opening almost any business. After all, this crisis simply forms a new one from the usual coordinate system, and life continues to go on as usual. Only the rules of the game change, and it becomes important not “what”, but “how” to act in the new conditions.

Fedor Ovchinnikov is confident that Mercedes will be in demand even during the crisis. The main thing is to find an optimal and competitive business model in order to win in modern conditions.

Fedor Ovchinnikov suffered a major setback early in his financial career. His first book-selling project turned out to be unprofitable and a failure, but only helped the businessman develop new strategy. Now the entrepreneur treats the beginning of each of his business as if there is a severe crisis in the yard. He immediately asks himself a reasonable question: “What will happen to his business project when everything goes bad, even if at this stage everything is fine?” He rightly believes that it is in this difficult and new time that a healthy and strong business can be formed in the country.

Founder and owner of the Expedition company.

According to entrepreneur Alexander Kravtsov, now is a great time for any new undertakings. Here it is important to invest your soul in a business project and maintain good spirits. If you do not hide and do not retreat, then everything can turn out to be an excellent and profitable business.

Alexander Kravtsov believes that there are no crises. Now there are a lot of markets that are losing money. But there are many enterprises that are simply overwhelmed with stable orders. For example, the only Russian company for the manufacture of backpacks is loaded at full capacity.

The businessman believes that interesting and relevant topics for a new business are food and tourism development.

It is better to become more active in those financial niches where foreign investments have left. But he recommends being more careful with fixed items of expenditure. Serious changes are taking place in the market in favor of the employer: many active and qualified specialists are being released who can be useful for new projects.

Alexander Kravtsov believes that a businessman in a crisis should become a cynic: do not pay high rents, do not pay inflated premiums and do not invest in dubious projects.

TOP - 15 business ideas in a crisis

Below we have collected 15 small business ideas in a crisis. This is not all that can be discovered in an unstable economic situation, so we will try to supplement the article. Including your ideas, which you leave in the comments!

Also useful information you can learn from the article about .

Business idea number 1 - Opening an online store

Upfront costs- from 200 000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed idea is the development and organization of an online store, the sale of goods through the site, its delivery to customers using courier service or regular mail. The relevance of such a project is confirmed by numerous economic analysis market. The service is more and more in demand among buyers of the middle age category, and the monthly growth of the market speaks of its prospects.

When planning to open an online store for women's or children's clothing, the owner faces the following costs:

  • expenses for the development and technical support of the smooth operation of the site;
  • wage administrator, courier;
  • if necessary, rent a warehouse;
  • transportation costs for the purchase of goods.

The rent for the premises of a stationary store is replaced by the content of the site, the purchase of software, advertising costs.

The average percentage of profitability of knitwear and clothing stores is at the level of 20-25%. With investments in the purchase of goods of more than 200,000 rubles, the monthly net profit can be from 40,000 rubles. By actively promoting an online store, analyzing the assortment and costs, you can pay back such a project in 4-6 months.

Business idea number 2 - Opening a street fast food

Estimated cost of the project- 275,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the opening of a small outlet for the manufacture and sale of a certain type of snacks and drinks to the consumer. Unlike the usual shawarma and hot dogs, the project proposes to develop a range based on sandwiches with nutritious and tasty fillings, classic or closed sandwiches. The relevance of the idea lies in the constant demand for the products of the system fast food. During the crisis, people are less likely to go out to restaurants and are increasingly opting for quick and inexpensive street food.

It is better to open such a stationary point in places with a large flow of people: near metro stations or stops, malls, higher educational institutions. Main costs:

  • rent of a place of trade;
  • purchase of a stall, tent or trailer;
  • purchase of thermal and refrigerating showcases, equipment for work.

If we base the calculation of the approximate income on a daily turnover in the region of 8,000 rubles, then we can talk about an average monthly revenue of 240,000 rubles. With a profitability of 30% set in the price, such street fast food will pay for itself in 5 months. You can increase the influx of customers by adding dishes with non-standard ingredients, offers for vegetarians or healthy food connoisseurs who have difficulty finding a decent catering outlet.

Business idea number 3 - Opening a pancake cafe on wheels

Initial investment- 400,000 rubles.

The business idea is based on the equipment of a pancake baking point, the organization of the production of special fillings, and the sale of this original fast food to the buyer. There are quite a few companies on the market offering a delicious product, so the competition in the sector is high. By relying on non-standard products for fillings, beautiful serving, excellent taste, you can get a stable profit and regular customers.

To organize the process, it is better to choose a mobile point that can be moved when changing the place of trade, transported to participate in events and public holidays. Its equipment will become the main cost item for opening a pancake cafe.

Successful development of production is possible in the case of:

  • a wide range of interesting fillings;
  • staff professionalism;
  • correct choice of location.

In most of these enterprises, the markup level is 80-100%, which fully covers communal payments, all costs and gives a stable profit. We can talk about full self-sufficiency only after a few months due to the initially low cost of this product, a lot of competition.

Business idea number 4 - Bakery and confectionery

Approximate investment amount- 1,000,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that people will always want to eat, in connection with this, opening a business in the field of catering during a crisis period becomes relevant, even when not everything is in order with the economy in the country. Small firms that combine the functions of a bakery and a store are gaining popularity in large cities. An interesting assortment and a pleasant homely atmosphere can attract buyers with different incomes. The essence of this idea is the design and opening of a fully equipped enterprise that is engaged in baking and selling bakery and confectionery products to the consumer.

To accommodate a bakery and pastry shop, it is necessary to carefully select a place with good traffic. Ideally, if there is a shopping center, bus stop or office block nearby. The project can be developed in two directions:

  • a simple bakery and confectionery with a sales area;
  • a bakery with a small cafeteria for visitors.

The first option is more economical in terms of investment and requires less time to organize. With a good location, a bakery can serve 300 - 800 visitors a day, each of which will make a purchase in the amount of 200 - 400 rubles. The approximate profitability of a small enterprise without a cafeteria is 20%. With such volumes of trade, the costs of opening a bakery and confectionery will pay off in less than 10-12 months.

Business Idea #5 – Opening an Outsourcing Company

Minimum investment- 550,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the creation of an outsourcing company that provides various services to third parties for a fee. As the main specialization, you can choose accounting or legal support business, solving financial or IT issues, creating an external call center to work with orders. The market for such outsourcing firms is just emerging, making the business project relevant. During a crisis, many companies reduce staff and it is more profitable for them to outsource tasks.

To organize and start work, it is necessary to solve two specific tasks:

  • rent of a convenient office space in the central part of the city;
  • attracting real professionals in the chosen field to the staff.

In addition to the initial costs of renting and decorating an office, it is necessary to invest part of the funds in advertising and maintenance of life in the first months of formation. Work with clients is carried out on the basis of a special contract. The cost of services is calculated individually for each working situation. Much attention must be paid to the quality and completeness of the work. This will help in attracting regular customers and increase the level of profitability of the outsourcing company.

Business Idea #6 - Opening a Canteen

Minimum investment- 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the opening of a small catering establishment in the format of a city canteen. Her services will be in demand among people with different incomes: students, pensioners, business travelers. Such budget canteens have a stable demand and show low competition even in large cities.

After choosing the format of work, you should decide on the room. It must fully comply with certain technical requirements. The best option would be to rent a former catering establishment or a spacious hall near the station, universities, shopping malls.

The main cost items can be:

  • refurbishment of the premises for visitors;
  • purchase of kitchen and commercial equipment;
  • training and maintenance of the team.

It is considered optimal to accommodate up to 50 visitors at the same time. Workload varies depending on the time of the working day. The average indicator is a patency of 50-60% with a check for 200-300 rubles. The daily income of a canteen with such a volume starts from 25,000 rubles. Taking into account all the overhead costs and the cost of renting a room, such a “delicious” business project can pay off in a year of stable operation.

Business idea number 7 - Business in the production of frame houses

Minimum investment- 500,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the development and implementation of a business idea for the construction of turnkey frame houses. The acquisition of small wooden houses is in demand among the middle class, which seeks to move closer to nature outside the city. Construction work from foundation to turnkey delivery does not exceed several months. The affordable amount of material costs makes frame houses a good investment.

To implement the project, it will be necessary to open several offices in different districts, which will accept orders and conclude contracts for the sale of finished objects. At the first stage, the main investments will be:

  • training and salaries of construction teams;
  • maintenance of staff in the office;
  • advertising expenses;
  • purchase of the necessary tool kits.

The level of profitability is calculated based on the cost of materials spent on the object. On average, one meter of living space costs 30-40 thousand rubles. It can be sold at a price of 70 thousand rubles, having received a net profit after the sale of a cottage or townhouse in the amount of up to 2 million rubles. Such a business can become profitable and bring a stable income, paying off after two completed projects.

Business idea number 8 - Opening an economy class hairdresser

The amount of capital investments- over 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is the opening of a small hairdressing salon that provides a full range of necessary services at affordable prices. Such a project will be relevant in large and medium-sized cities due to the constant demand of the population different ages and prosperity. By providing quality service at affordable prices for most customers, you can make a project with a stable income.

The bulk of the costs are for the purchase of specialized furniture, working equipment and cosmetics, the design and equipment of a hairdressing salon. Good traffic is ensured by its opening in a residential densely populated area next to a bus stop, shopping centers. For additional profit, you can:

  • to use the transfer of workplaces for rent instead of hired personnel;
  • invite representatives of related professions to sublease to increase the flow of customers (manicurists, make-up artists).

With an average check for a service of 250 rubles and servicing at least 16 visitors per shift, the payback period of investments is planned to be up to 18 months. Expanding the list of services, holding promotions and self-promotion will help improve the result, guaranteeing a profitability of 29%.

Business idea number 9 - Opening a pharmacy

Upfront costs- from 500 000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the wholesale purchase of a wide range of medicines and the organization of a stationary pharmacy for the retail sale of these medicines to the population. Given the high demand for this type of product, even with the existing level of competition, the project can be a very profitable financial idea.

A good and stable profit in this line of business depends on the pricing policy, the choice of the most stable suppliers and location. A small pharmacy operating as a discounter will be in stable demand among the population of the residential area. Its opening is optimal near metro stations, transport stops or grocery supermarkets.

To implement the project, you will need:

  • specially converted non-residential premises;
  • personnel with appropriate education;
  • conclusion of contracts with trusted suppliers.

The profitability of a pharmacy is directly proportional to the turnover of medicines. Given the peculiarities of the legislation, entrepreneurs set high mark-ups for some groups of drugs. Additional income comes from the sale of medical equipment, hygiene items, baby food.

Business idea number 10 - Opening a children's commission store

Estimated investments- 300,000 rubles.

The general essence of the idea - organization small shop to accept goods for sale from customers for the purpose of subsequent resale, taking into account a certain commission to the seller. This area of ​​activity is growing rapidly. Quality baby products are in high demand, especially with financial austerity in many young families.

The main amount of expenses falls on the rent of a small room, its repair and equipment. commercial equipment, furniture and stands. The project does not require the purchase of items in wholesale warehouses, but an important component is constant advertising to attract potential buyers and sellers.

It is better to open a store in a densely populated area, near grocery supermarkets or children's clinics. small investment will require:

  • colorful design of the facade;
  • the content of the site or groups in social networks;
  • staff salaries.

For such a project, economists consider a good profitability level of 12-15%. With a daily turnover of 15,000 rubles, the monthly net profit minus all expenses can be 30,000 rubles. Savings can be achieved by making such an enterprise a family business and not hiring outside employees.

Business Idea #11 – Opening Training Courses

The relevance of this idea lies in the fact that parents will not save on children even during an economic downturn. Private schools for learning foreign languages ​​or preparing children for the Unified State Examination may not be affordable for some parents during a crisis, but budgetary private courses (individual or as part of a small group) are quite real.

Estimated investments depend on the scale of the business. You can purchase all the necessary interactive learning tools and organize training courses at home or rent an office space by the hour. The rest of the costs will go to advertising: in the social. networks, bulletin boards, newspapers, etc.

Business Idea #12 - Farm Products

During the crisis, many products in large supermarkets rise in price. During this period, the sale of farm products directly from the farmer becomes especially relevant. Having received everything Required documents you can organize a stationary point in the market or a mobile sale: milk, eggs, cottage cheese, pork, beef, poultry, etc.

Initial costs will depend on the scale of the business organization. You may need to purchase a special tank for transporting milk, rent trade pavilion or hire a salesperson and driver. In addition, you can develop an individual design for your company, including the cost of branded stickers on cars and products.

Business idea No. 13 - Shop "all at one price"

Estimated investments- 700,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that all the stores on the market in this area "rose" during the crisis. In pursuit of the best price, people are trying to save as much as possible by increasingly visiting stores with a fixed price. The assortment will depend on your preferences, ranging from inexpensive products to household items.

You can purchase a franchise or open a store on your own. In any case, the essence will be the same. The costs will go to:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • the first batch of goods;
  • hiring employees.

As in any business, do not forget about the good location of the outlet: a busy street, a walkable area.

As a supplier, you can consider the option of purchasing goods from China.

Business idea No. 14 - Manufacturing business or import substitution

Import substitution- a key moment in the organization of business during the economic downturn. In addition, the policy of the state is entirely directed in this direction. There are many grants and third-party investments in the organization of production in our country. For some, this may be new, but goods can be transported not only from China, but also to China! Many foodstuffs there have a high price, and if you properly organize the delivery, but you can talk about a promising business.

In addition, during a crisis, imported products rise in price due to currency fluctuations. In this regard, the demand for domestic goods with stable acceptable prices. This is the basis for organizing a manufacturing business.

This may also include agricultural products(honey, nuts, meat, milk, cheeses, etc.), textile production, conservation(fish, cereals, vegetables, etc.), fresh vegetables and fruits and much more.

Business idea number 15 - Beauty salon at home

Estimated investments - 30 000.

The popularization of masters who will come to your home and prepare for important events has gained its relevance precisely in a crisis. Beauty salons do not reduce prices for their services, but private hairdressers, makeup artists, manicure masters take where less money, besides, they do not have to share with the owner and pay rent.

All initial costs will go to the passage of special courses, the purchase of the necessary equipment and advertising. To prepare a portfolio, you can try your skills on close relatives, friends.


Now you know how to open a business in a crisis. These are not step by step instructions, just ideas. We will be happy to discuss with you in the comments the issues of small business in times of crisis and we are waiting for ideas from you that, in your opinion, can be started in Russia during the crisis.

And also take a look at the section -. There you will find even more collections of articles with business ideas.

Every novice businessman thinks about how best to optimize their income.

After all, no one will ever agree to waste their time and money on a project that is obviously unpromising.

What areas of business today are the most relevant and profitable, always remains on the agenda.

What you need to know before opening

Factors to know before starting your own business:

  1. Compose detailed plan expenses that will have to cover the initial cash investment.
  2. Take into account the possibility of competition. For example, the smaller the settlement, the less competition, but at the same time, the smaller the possible sales volume.
  3. Choose the type of business in which the entrepreneur is most well versed.

Before choosing the scope of future activity, it is worth highlighting the key factors that determine its profitability:

  • Time interval to return initially nested Money.
  • The chosen business area must necessarily be characterized by high demand from consumers.
  • Acceptable level of profitability. Profitability should increase in parallel with the volume of goods or services sold.
  • Low price threshold, at which the purchase of materials and raw materials contribute to increasing profitability.
  • Positive rate of return on assets.

Small businesses need minimum labor resources and cash. For example, you can gather friends and do cleaning of apartment premises, repairs. You can also open an inexpensive fast food, kiosk or bar.

Not so long ago, network marketing was in demand, operating on the principle of selling the goods or services produced directly to the consumer, bypassing intermediaries, which significantly reduced costs and increased profits.

A prime example network marketing is the space company Oriflame.

Most Profitable Small Business 2016

The vast majority of professional analysts agree that the most profitable and cost-effective type of business is construction, consumption and catering.

The most promising features are repair, installation and construction works. Profitability within such a business can reach 100 percent of the cost.

  1. Beauty and health. No less profitable business area at all times has been beauty services. Everyone wants to be not only healthy, but also beautiful. Today, the business of providing beauty services is in demand and highly paid. People of all financial abilities and ages will always spend money on maintaining their health and beauty. That is why massage parlors and hairdressers are so popular.
  2. Construction industry. As mentioned above, one of the most profitable types of business in Russia is construction and installation work. This is explained primarily by the growth of the real estate market and the coverage of a wide range of activities. One of the advantages of this type entrepreneurial activity is the minimum monetary threshold. For example, if the funds to open construction company is not enough, then you can form a team of professionals, and gradually expand the list of services it provides. If you have significant funds, you can safely build real estate.
  3. Trade in food products. Equally in demand and profitable is the satisfaction of the primary human needs - food. It is best to start trading in a residential area, in which there are no outlets capable of exerting any significant competitive impact. In the absence of large investment opportunities, you can open a small stall, gradually expanding the range and, as a result, sales. Having collected enough money, you can safely open a grocery store or a small restaurant. The most important thing in this business area is the right selection of suppliers.

More and more women are trying to realize themselves in entrepreneurial activity and they are doing it well. become successful. Where to start and what areas to choose?

Read about how to open your own cafe. How to choose a location and what documents you need to have.

If you have experience working with children and enjoy it, you can open a private kindergarten. iui l detailed information about the nuances of the business and how much you can earn.

Top 20 most promising areas

In the vast majority of cases, medium and small businesses form the basis of the entire economy of the state.

The reason for this is low costs and considerable profits.

True, in many respects the success of an entrepreneur depends on his preparedness and the area of ​​business in which he decided to act.

Let's highlight the top most profitable businesses:

  1. Private audit companies. The average rate of return is 16.5 percent.
  2. Manual therapists. Profitability at the level of 15.3 percent.
  3. Clinics (specialized). Profitability within 15 percent.
  4. Services of professional accountants. The average rate of return is 14.9 percent.
  5. Private dental clinics. Profitability within 14.7 percent.
  6. Tax calculations. Profitability up to 14.7 percent.
  7. Dentist-orthodontist. The services of these specialists provide a yield of 14.4 percent.
  8. The layer's services. The average rate of return fluctuates around 13.4 percent.
  9. Lending individuals. The average profitability is 13.3 percent.
  10. Financial management (private services). Yield up to 12.2 percent.
  11. Drilling of gas and oil wells. Profitability rate at the level of 12 percent.
  12. Spectacle Specialists. The yield level is within 11.5 percent.
  13. Rental of housing and unnecessary premises. The average profit margin is 11.3 percent.
  14. Valuation of real estate. Profitability in the region of 11.3 percent.
  15. Leasing storage rooms or small warehouses. Profit up to 11 percent.
  16. Insurance agencies. The rate of return is within 11 percent.
  17. credit intermediaries. Profit up to 10.7 percent.
  18. Consultants for investment projects. Profitability in the region of 10.7 percent.
  19. Audiologists speech therapists. The rate of return is within 10.6 percent.
  20. Services of a private therapist. Profit up to 10.4 percent.

No less profitable is the creation of small children's institutions. As a result of today's shortage of places in many public kindergartens, small development groups, children's clubs and private kindergartens are in great demand.

What type of business is the most profitable

One of the most relevant areas of small business in Russia is the provision of advertising services. Business owners are willing to pay a lot of money for a competent and creative marketing campaign.

In the realities of today's market economy - advertising is what is most relevant.

Small business example - own bakery

To begin with, you can limit yourself to the services of posting advertisements, creating various booklets and business cards, etc. Everything directly depends on the initial financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

There are other most profitable types of business. An equally relevant type of business, and at all times, is the sale of services and goods. daily demand. People will always need food, clothing and various entertainment services. True, it is worth remembering that the higher the popularity of the chosen business area, the higher the competition will be and, as a result, the more difficulties in increasing turnover.


If there is no desire to come up with something new and creative, you can always pay attention to the simplest areas of small business. In particular:

  • Growing products with their subsequent sale in markets or large retail chains;
  • Creation of exclusive dishes and drinks that can be sold through your own store on the Internet. Similar goods can also be delivered to various offices and restaurants as business lunches.

True, it is worth remembering that the simpler the chosen business, the less they bring profit. In order to determine for yourself the most appropriate type of business (in terms of profitability and profitability), and in the future to open your own successful business project, which is guaranteed to bring profit in a short period of time, you need to carefully consider and calculate everything.

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Only new and relevant small business ideas in 2016 that everyone can use. Borrowing ideas and inventing their own, Russian entrepreneurs earn from 100 thousand rubles. per month!


Peeping business ideas from competitors, creating the best solutions based on them - effective strategy capable of leading to success. This idea was expressed in an interview with Forbes magazine by Yevgeny Tsaplin, a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and CEO of JSC Telecom-Project. You can’t argue with a successful entrepreneur, and therefore we offer to the attention of aspiring entrepreneurs best business ideas 2016, which have been successfully implemented in Russia and really work.

Mountains, forests...

To start a franchise business, you will need 350 thousand rubles. and own freight transport (at first it can be rented). The advantage of working in the SDEC team is active cooperation with China, a potential leader in world trade via the Internet: 10 company offices operate in the border provinces of the DPRK.


Starting investments - from 250 to 450 thousand rubles. (quadcopter price). The business requires aircraft certification and pilots with airworthiness certificates. The average cost of a 3-minute video is 120 thousand rubles, of which 25% is the pilot's income. Among the clients of the High Level agency are Moskomsport, Porsche, the festival of colors Holi.

Coffee on wheels

The initial investment amounted to 2 million rubles. With this money, in 2014, entrepreneurs purchased a 25-year-old GMC van, converted it and designed it in a unique style. At first, they wanted to use the car as a catering point, but shopping centers were reluctant to make contact, and entrepreneurs moved into the catering industry. In 2016, the profit from the sale of coffee is 300 thousand rubles / month, and businessmen have repaid half of the loan taken to open their own business. Selling coffee from cars is a free niche in which you should try yourself!

New format car wash

The advantages of such a wash are obvious: minimum costs (it is enough to purchase employee uniforms, cleaning products, order advertising) and the ability to install service points in the busiest places (in parking lots, near shopping and office centers). Initial investments do not exceed 200 - 300 thousand rubles, the payback period, according to the owners, is 6 - 8 months.

Electronic Pleasures

You can locate a point of sale of electronic cigarettes anywhere: in a shopping center, street pavilion. It is important to choose a lively public place with high traffic. The best option is a pavilion in the lobby of a shopping center or cinema.

Earnings on virtual reality

The average cost of equipment is 300 - 400 thousand rubles. (it can also be bought from the hands). To this amount add the rent, as well as the cost of electricity. The size of the initial investment is not small, but the attraction will pay off in just 4-8 months. Another way to earn money virtual reality- rental of equipment for entertainment events, children's parties, etc.

Back to the roots

One of the most successful industrial enterprises is the St. Petersburg publishing house of bibliophile books. In St. Petersburg, the manual edition of second-hand books has been revived. The entire production process is manual. For printing, old letters, reglets, spats are used. Calligraphers create unique handwritten editions. Covers are made of genuine leather, copper, bronze, papyrus, etc. The term for the release of one book can reach 15 years, and the cost of such creations starts from 500 thousand rubles. Among the permanent clients of the publishing house Konstantin Ernst, Roman Abramovich, successful foreign entrepreneurs.

In 2016, various products of Russian craftsmen were in high demand among foreigners: knitted porcelain, tiles for stoves and fireplaces, crystal tableware and decor - all this is in demand abroad and brings owners manufacturing business revenue up to 100 million rubles. annually.

Speaking about general trends, in particular, 2017, it should be noted that most business ideas with minimum investment associated with making money on the Internet, hand-made or mini-production in a garage in the countryside.

The ongoing crisis has hit large and medium-sized market players hard, but small entrepreneurs remain virtually “unscathed” due to their business mobility.

In our list (the most complete of the existing ones in Runet) you will find a wide variety of options in the most various fields life and economy.

We intentionally did not describe every idea from A to Z, since this list is only a list of opportunities, and not a business plan for any project.

Learn more about a particular business model, you can find out in our separate articles, links to which will be placed below.

So, we offer you 70 relevant ideas for your own business, for the start of which you will need a minimum cash investment, as well as your experience.

Opportunities for earning in this segment today just huge, and they keep growing.

First of all, this is due to the stable growth mobile traffic and the number of Internet users around the world. Thousands of new online stores, publishers, blogs, etc. are emerging, which in turn creates excellent niches for small business.

1 YouTube channel - you can make videos about how to craft, cook, clean, catch or plant something. Anything. You won't believe how many people use YouTube every day - hundreds of millions. The more views, the more profit. It will come from clicks on contextual advertising, and if you become a very popular video blogger, then from direct customers.

2 Blogging - starting your own blog is now easy, fast and very cheap. Millions of people surf the internet looking for stories, guides, reviews, travel reports, and more. If you write a lot and interestingly, you will very quickly gain a permanent audience and a high attendance rate.

In this case, you will receive income from contextual advertising, as well as from placing banners of direct advertisers. You just need to learn how to be interesting about things you know or places you've been to and it will start making money.

3 Copywriting agency. Many webmasters, online stores and web portals need competent and qualified specialists who can proofread or edit an article, write a selling text using the NLP technique, prepare an ideal press release, etc. Demand for high-quality services in the field of creating and editing Russian and English content on this moment huge.

4 Freelancing a wide range- Freelancers used to be considered programmers, photographers, designers and others. Today, the situation has changed radically, as there is a great demand for ordinary services that can be ordered via the Internet. Large portals and entire exchanges have appeared where you can earn your first capital by doing what you are best at. Now anyone can call themselves a freelancer: an electrician, a teacher, a writer, even a lawyer and many others.

5 Creation of a mobile application- suitable for those who already have programming skills. Demand for smartphone apps in 2017 is perhaps higher than ever. If earlier the lion's share of them was complex and high-budget software, now the golden time has come for small and convenient programs. There are two ways to earn money here. The first and simpler one is for developing the application and handing it over to the customer. The second (more difficult, but also profitable) is from online sales of applications in mobile markets (AppStore, PlayMarket, etc.).

6 Selling your photos to photo stocks- as the amount of content on the Internet is growing exponentially, there is a great demand for photographs on various topics that publishers need to design articles. if you have good camera and you know how to use it, you have a chance to make good money at your job. There are about a dozen large foreign photo stocks (online stores selling photos and pictures) that are constantly looking for new images.

7 Resale of goods from online auctions— eBay, Avito, OLX, Aukro, etc. The level of income in this business model is very dependent on your knowledge of the items you decide to resell. In the CIS, the online sale of things is not yet very developed, so the range of items, as well as the number of potential buyers, is lower than abroad.

8 affiliate marketing- it is also called affiliative (from the English "affiliate"). The essence of this business idea is that if you already have a website (preferably informational or overview), then you can place banners of a partner company on it (as a rule, these are large online stores, for example, Amazon) to promote its products or services. If a user goes from your site to a partner site and buys something there, then you get a commission of 4% to 15%. The most profitable niches for this are electronics, household appliances and e-books.


The general trend in the field food products and public catering is a clear trend towards greater naturalness and usefulness of food, as well as a factor of originality and mobility.

9 Author's pastries- if you know how to bake deliciously and you have an original idea, then this business idea will be the best for you. The best option there will be a choice of a very narrow niche, for example, author's eclairs, eco-cookies for children and adults, pies according to forgotten recipes, handmade sweets, etc. Do not chase volume, focus on quality and presentation.

10 Food delivery from supermarkets and restaurants. Relevant for big cities. Of the investments, you will need a website with the possibility of online prepayment, as well as a description of the full range of products of the most popular grocery and restaurant chains.

11 Unique sweets both in form and content. In terms of the first, this is the manufacture of sweets and cakes to order. As for the composition, now the use of exclusively natural ingredients is considered original. Such sweets sell well at food festivals and fairs.

12 Mobile eateries- we are not talking about those "booths" with shawarma that "migrate" from one metro station to another. In this business model, an event or event that brings together thousands of people plays a key role.

It can be a multi-day festival, a concert, a large fair, etc. At such events, there is always a demand for fast food and the like. The organizers of such events are almost always open to small businesses, and you can make good money.

Various services

This section includes diverse business ideas that may be of interest to a wide range of people who want to start their own business from scratch.

13 Interior designer, decorator- this is an option for people who have a gift for combining interior items, the colors of various elements, which is supported by knowledge of the rules of good taste when decorating rooms. the best advertising your business will have ready-made apartments, so it is advisable to establish cooperation with a company that deals with repairs.

14 Niche (narrow profile) consulting- is such a business idea that really requires minimal material investments, but requires a lot of knowledge from you. The key to success is to become the best consultant in a very narrow niche.

15 Repair of appliances - in every house it only becomes more. Accordingly, the demand for technical warranty service is growing every year. To get by in this case with small investments, you can start by renting a very small room (you can even in the basement).

16 Real estate agent- enough old idea, but you can implement it your own way and start to stand out from the crowd. For example, to specialize exclusively in commercial real estate or in a narrow target audience(for example, foreigners).

17 Writing and formatting a resume- sounds very simple, but at the moment there are already several recruiting agencies in the CIS that provide this service as an option. It is especially popular for applicants who wish to get a job abroad. The cost of such a service varies from 50 to 300 USD.

18 Sale of rare imported goods - refers to the resale of consumer goods for a narrow purpose, and not rare or antique items. For example, from China you can regularly order all kinds of inexpensive devices or devices that are either not available in our countries at all, or they are sold by a few people. The best place to buy such products is

19 Restoration of furniture and antiques– in our time, specialists who are ready to “breathe” new life in old objects, very few, but there are many things that need them. Therefore, if you know how to do this, then take a closer look at this business idea. You can start with advertising on Avito or OLX.

20 Author's driving courses - there are hundreds of people who want to improve their driving skills. Some want to learn extreme driving, others want to improve their driving skills on highways or in heavy traffic. Experience, an individual approach to the client and a flexible schedule of classes will be your trump cards.

B2B (business services)

Provision of various kinds of services in new small niches (sub-niches) that are not accepted large companies, is a very promising business idea that can be implemented with minimal investment.

As a rule, such services are based on understanding what your enterprise customer needs and knowing where to find it. Undoubtedly, strict requirements are imposed on such services in terms of their quality and qualifications of performers.

21 Research of foreign markets and consulting on these issues. First of all, this concerns the study of new promising directions for the export and import of goods. China, for example, does not count, since it has already been explored far and wide. However, much less is known about trade with countries such as India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Malaysia. If you have a working knowledge of these regions, you can make good money advising companies that are interested in them.

22 Search for highly specialized personnel. Beyond search good lawyers, accountants and sales managers, many companies have vacancies for which it is very difficult to find a qualified specialist. As a rule, this applies to rare technical, medical and interdisciplinary specialties, as well as top management.

23 Internet marketing and research. You have no idea how many online stores exist that do not track the interests and behavior of their potential customers, as well as such global parameters as market size, number of competitors, price fluctuations in a niche. If you can collect, systematize and arrange such information with high quality, you will definitely not have a lack of customers.

24 Project management is the management of a large project (as a rule, IT or the development of a business development strategy) or its part of a large foreign customer. Working in this business will require you to be fluent foreign language and excellent knowledge of the area in which the services will need to be provided. Very often, such a business is opened by former employees who worked on similar projects, gained knowledge, understood how it works and decided to open their own business.

25 Outsourcing is a search for subcontractors for a foreign customer who has taken on a major project (IT, advertising, production). Basically, the main criterion for finding outsourcers is good quality execution at a low price. That is why many European and American projects are partly made by guys from India, Pakistan, Eastern Europe. If you know and understand how this can be arranged, this business idea is for you.

26 Local Express delivery – with the growth of Internet commerce, the demand for prompt and inexpensive delivery is increasing. Major players in this market inflate prices, and the goods come only the next day. This business idea is based on services for the delivery of goods within one locality on the principle of "delivery on the day of order".

27 Remote IT Services. Large companies have their own IT departments or at least a system administrator. A small business is not ready to have a separate specialist on staff, the need for whose services may arise once a month. But, since hardware is not forever, sooner or later they need to tune hardware or software. Today, many of these problems can be solved remotely, which makes it possible to work even with foreign clients.

28 Remote Accounting- as in the case of IT services, such services will be of great interest to small businesses (mainly individual entrepreneurs). The need for regular reporting, keeping records in strict accordance with the law, as well as the inability to maintain a full-time accountant, force entrepreneurs to seek the help of remote accounting and audit specialists.

For the countryside

Let's make a reservation right away that the realities of our villages are such that in the village itself you are unlikely to be able to sell something. But! The village is an excellent platform for a range of business ideas. If the village is located near the city, then this is very, very good.

It is at the expense of urban residents that you will earn your first capital. So, most likely you have a house (dacha, garage) and a land plot there. Naturally, you need to make the most of these resources and here are some suggestions for you.

29 greenhouse cultivation- on the one hand, many people already know about this idea, but on the other hand, quite a few undertake to implement it. But in vain, because fresh vegetables and fruits grown in the village can be easily sold in a nearby city at a good price. You will receive the greatest profit in early spring. The range of what can be grown is very wide and you can find all the necessary information on specialized forums.

30 Raising chickens and quails- demand for meat poultry(and eggs) will always be. Even having a small plot, it will not be difficult for you to buy and maintain meat or egg-bearing breeds of chickens or quails. You will definitely need an additional refrigerator (for eggs), and a freezer for storing meat supplies.

31 Breeding fish - at first it may seem that this is an overly expensive idea, but, in fact, it is not at all. You can start artificially breeding fish even in small tanks with a volume of 2-3 cubic meters. The main thing here is to provide uninterrupted filtered water, proper nutrition and maintaining the right temperature regime. You will definitely not have problems with the sale of fish, since it is always in price because it is both tasty and healthy. For example, there is a site that is entirely devoted to the benefits of such a breed of fish as mackerel, a whole site of recipes. And he's very popular.

32 Homemade feed mixtures for animals. Small farmers have to buy feed from resellers with a double or triple mark-up. As a rule, in the village you can get a variety of cereals at a very low price. Knowing the composition of the compound feed (can be found on the Internet), as well as having even a small Soviet grain grinder and the appropriate ingredients, it is possible to produce from 20 to 100 kg of ready-made feed mixtures per day with minimal investment.

33 Manufacturing and assembly of furniture- you will need many different tools, as well as material, but you have a place where to do it. Ideally, such furniture is best made to order on a partial prepayment basis. In such conditions, you can both make furniture from solid wood, and assemble cabinet furniture from chipboard according to catalogs.

34 home preservation- in fact, it is an optional idea, that is, an additional option for what else can be sold to the "urban". As a rule, conservation made by hand at home by a skilled housewife has a number of advantages over factory counterparts. It is these advantages that should be voiced when selling. Jam and pickles are the most demanded in this segment.

35 Homemade bait mixes for fishing- as in the case above, it is rather a way extra income than a single business idea. It will not be difficult for you to find recipes for various dry baits for different types of fishing. At cost, a kilogram of your mixture will cost 3-4 times cheaper than branded counterparts. The first customers for your product can be found on specialized fishing forums.

Best of all, of course, if you can do everything that is listed above in this list. stable good earnings will help you move to a different level of the economy: with hired personnel, regular customers and even your own brand.


Caring for pets, especially thoroughbred ones, is always associated with certain costs for their owners. Here are some business ideas on how you can make money in this area.

36 Grooming. Have you noticed how many dogs of small (almost decorative) breeds have become? Yorkshire terriers, Shih Tzu, Chinese Crested, Havanese and many others need regular grooming. Believe me, their imposing owners will only “for” their shaggy “miracle” to be professionally cut. Plus, there are a number of cat breeds that are trimmed for the summer. Of course, such a business idea makes sense only in large cities.

37 Training. At the same time, guard dogs are also always in demand. Owners of shepherd dogs, standard schnauzers, cocker spaniels, rottweilers and others will be interested in the primary professional training of their pets. Naturally, you must have the proper experience and skill in handling such animals.

38 Breeding purebred cats or dogs. The business idea may not sound new, but if you start breeding rare, and not "pop" breeds of animals, you can make good money in the long run. Greater success here can only be achieved if there is relevant experience and knowledge in this area.

39 Eco-friendly cat scratching posts are a pressed solid cardboard of a certain ergonomic shape, which is most convenient for animals. As a rule, harmless corn glue is used in the production. In Europe, such scratching posts can already be found in every pet store, but for now they can only be found in large cities.


The largest section in this article. This segment is one of the most popular in 2017, and here you can find a lot of good business ideas with minimal investment.

The key factor will be whether you have certain skills and abilities in a particular craft. Believe me, a quality handmade product will always find its buyer.

40 Versatile outerwear for kids- many parents know that children's jackets and overalls are very expensive, and their range is very small. Moreover, as a rule, they are enough for a maximum of one season. As an alternative to factory-made clothes, there are already small ateliers that offer individual tailoring of children's overalls. If you know how to sew and model children's clothes, think maybe this business idea is worth paying special attention to.

41 Ceramic products- especially for products polymer clay. You will need a minimum of time and investment to start making various crafts. They will have a fairly low cost and you can easily sell them.

42 Handmade decorations will always be in demand. As with other handmade ideas, fantasy plays an important role here. Creative approach and high-quality execution will provide you with the first and regular customers. Feel free to post examples of your work on in social networks.

43 Knitting - but only if it's not banal scarves and socks. The core of this business idea is knitting something very original. For example, one Ukrainian craftswoman began to knit blankets from very large links. She came up with a very original product, which at the moment became very popular, especially in Europe.

44 Master classes (courses) modeling, knitting, sewing and other handicrafts. Again, this is very simple. If you know how to do it, there is a place for a group, there is a desire - spend, teach, have fun and money.

45 Handmade signboards. All more stores, salons and other small businesses refuse plastic signs. Appeared good demand on high-quality products made of wood, metal and other natural materials. your potential customers are shops in the mall, fast food restaurants, various beauty studios and others.

46 Tailoring of covers for furniture- a narrow, but rather low competitive niche. Such covers, for example, are very necessary for sofas and armchairs in families with children or pets. Everyone will agree that it is cheaper to order a cover that is easy to wash than to buy a new sofa.

47 Stained glass manufacturing. Another type of "garage" production, which can be implemented without significant investment. You can start with small stained-glass windows, which are often needed by private furniture makers. In the future, you will have orders for large canvases that will decorate someone's rich house.

48 Memorable children's souvenirs- absolutely any child will be pleased to have a small cup on the shelf for his success in sports or any hobby. This will be for him a source of pride and motivation for further development. Author's memorable gifts will be ordered by both ordinary parents and kindergartens, schools and sports clubs.

49 Mobile trading. IN Lately, especially in large cities, near shopping centers or at weekend fairs, you can increasingly find small portable "shops" of people who want to sell their crafts. This is a great opportunity not only to sell your product, but also to popularize your brand or product. As a rule, in such cases, the fee for the right to accommodate compactly is very small (from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles).

beauty and health

In this area, there have always been a large number of small and low competitive niches in which you can easily start a business with minimal investment.

50 yoga instructor is one of the most popular business ideas in 2017, especially among women. If you have knowledge in this area, you just have to find a cozy room for group classes. You can promote your services through Facebook.

51 Healthy nutrition consulting- another good idea, the emergence of which is dictated by the growing popularity healthy lifestyle life. For starters, it doesn’t hurt to start your own blog or Facebook page and share your experience. In the future, people will begin to contact you for advice on diet, child nutrition, and much more.

52 Beauty salon at home- a common and well-known idea. This great option to start your small business on the way to opening a full-fledged hairdressing salon or salon. During this time, you will be able to develop an excellent base of regular customers.

53 Visiting make-up specialista good option for big cities, where every day there are all kinds of events and there is a need for the services of a stylist-make-up artist. From investments, you will need high-quality cosmetics, tools, Instagram accounts, and then a small site with many photos of your work.

54 Art tattoo studio. It is impossible not to notice that the number of people with permanent and temporary tattoos has increased significantly in recent years. Today it is possible to apply temporary tattoos and henna paintings, which are very popular among today's youth. Such a studio does not need a lot of space, but you will have to invest in good equipment and materials.

Entertainment and leisure

Despite the crisis, people try not to forget about entertainment. In the conditions of limited foreign tourism for citizens of the Russian Federation, the demand for domestic tourism, the organization of corporate parties and holidays, as well as various master classes, has significantly increased.

55 Aerial photography with a quadcopter is perhaps one of the most modern business ideas, which is rapidly gaining popularity around the world during 2016-2017. Investments are minimal - only the quadcopter (drone) itself. With it, you can shoot stunning panoramic videos that will appeal to honeymooners, organizers of mass events, etc. With this technique, you will leave far behind your competitors who are used to making banal videos.

56 Bike tours. The community of cyclists in the CIS has grown 16 (!) times over the past 10 years. There was a whole mass of people who are ready to break into a long bike trip. Such tours can be organized for the weekend (local areas) or for several days (travel abroad). Now your hobby can become a full-fledged small business.

57 Organization of trips. As with bike tours, this business idea will appeal to those who have been hiking all their lives. The most profitable will be long-term international routes, which far from poor people will be ready to decide on. Having such experience behind you, you can easily organize such group trips.

58 City tours. This idea is especially relevant for tourist hubs, where visitors are willing to pay good money for visiting local attractions and an interesting story about their history and origin. Investments in this case are minimal: you need to take special small courses and successfully pass the exam.

59 Master classes on tourism and survival. Another new business idea that will appeal to experienced amateurs extreme tourism. Many novice tourists know absolutely nothing about equipment, physical training, climate, flora and fauna in a particular area. Such master classes are in demand in big cities, where people of medium and higher incomes are preparing to go on hikes of high complexity.

60 Event management. Services for organizing holidays, concerts, festivals and other major events are also popular today. You have probably noticed how many street food festivals, marathons, and charity fundraisers have been held these days. Event managers and agencies are behind their successful organization.

61 Master classes in drawing and other creative crafts. If you are a creative person who has been doing this as a hobby for a long time, then it's time for you to make money from it. A large number of people strive to learn how to draw, sculpt, embroider, sing beautifully and much more.

62 Organization of children's holidays. Along with large "holidays" for adults, there is a need (demand) for organizing children's events. Birthdays, New Year's holidays, Promotions children's shops or salons - all this requires the development of a special program, the selection of costumes and performers. Provide all this to the customer "on a silver platter" and start earning.

63 Dance lessons for adults- this is still a good idea for those who have been dancing all their lives and decided to open their own business. You just need to find a good hall, come up with a specialization (Latin, ethnic or other dances) and advertise on the Internet.

64 shopping consultant- at first glance, this sounds frivolous, but, for example, several such consultants are already successfully working in Moscow. Thanks to your sense of style, knowledge of the latest fashion trends and other important news, you can become an indispensable assistant for wealthy women and even men.

Educational services

As in the old days, many people are eager to learn something new, develop and improve their skills. In the age of the internet

65 Cooking master classes. So far, only chefs have been doing this, and then only as a part-time job or for TV shows. However, if you have the skills and the ability to rent a kitchen, you can regularly conduct such practical exercises. Believe me, in large cities there is a demand for this.

66 Organization of seminars and conferences. Here we are talking exclusively about the idea of ​​organizing these events. Considering the huge number of seminars being held today, the demand for such services is extremely high.

67 Own training webinars. An excellent business idea, which is already used by thousands of trainers, experts and other professionals. This model is convenient because no one needs to go anywhere. Everything happens in the form of an online conference. You, as the organizer, only have to bear the small costs of using the service, which makes it possible to hold webinars.

68 Tutoring. This idea It is perceived by many as a side job, but in reality it is not. Here a lot depends on the level of income from classes, and it, in turn, depends on the field of knowledge and the audience with which you will work. The most profitable will be individual tutoring for top managers, specialists who are preparing to leave to work abroad, etc.

69 Own educational portal. Sounds big, but you have to start small. You must create unique training material for a specific niche of professionals. This material needs to be formatted in a variety of forms: articles, videos, infographics, etc. Ultimately, you will be able to build an entire course in your discipline and sell it successfully.

70 Coach for personal growth and motivation. This idea is viewed with skepticism by many. Largely due to the "bad" fame of some of these coaches, who are well PR, but teach little. If you are a very energetic person, you know how to light a fire in the hearts and heads of other people, then this path may be for you.

Clients (customers) are your everything!

So remember one of essential rules to start any business with minimal investment — people, your potential customers should know about your skills, your services or product.

You can be the world's best mechanic, trainer, artist or bake the most delicious pies, but if only you know about it, you will not earn money.

Believe me, with the advent of the first customers (provided that they are very pleased with you), the next customers will not be long in coming.

Our team sincerely wishes you success in your new business!

Write in the comments what ideas you liked. We will be grateful for your likes and reposts =)

Now you can earn quite a lot on your YouTube channel. If your content will be of interest to a large audience of people, then money can be earned without much difficulty.


All the business ideas proposed here are as old as the world. 90% of them are no longer relevant in terms of earnings, only you can stay afloat. The market is full of such offers. These are not ideas, but a list of projects that exist on the market.
The essence of an idea is its uniqueness, and there is nothing unique here.



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New Articles

Financial storms, crises and other economic hardships have a huge impact on small businesses, boosting demand in some markets and bringing down others. However, life goes on. If you are thinking about starting a business from scratch, you should pay attention to the latest research by economists in this area.

What did the research data show?

Several trends have been identified, including the growth of business prospects in the field of mobile applications, maintenance, and outsourcing. Based on the data collected, the top most promising ideas for small businesses for 2015-2016 were formed.

I would like to emphasize that we are talking specifically about small business with the possibility of starting from scratch or a small (minimum) start-up capital.

Mobile toys for children

Closes the most promising business ideas for 2015 - 2016 the idea of ​​creating mobile applications for children. It is no secret that almost every person, including children, has mobile phones, but there are no mobile applications aimed exclusively at a children's audience, there are no different age groups.

What exactly is needed to organize such a business? Yes, actually not much:

  • — specialized software;
  • - knowledge of child psychology (you can use your children or nephews, nieces as an assistant);
  • - a desire to work.

And regarding ideas, by and large, you can simply optimize ready-made ideas exclusively for children's audiences. As just an example, a video application that selects cartoons from YouTube of a certain theme (recently anime has been popular with my children).

Waste business

One of the most dynamically developing industries in the world is the processing of household waste, in fact, multimillion-dollar profits are “extracted” from heaps of garbage today. True, when it comes to, they immediately talk about a high entry threshold ( start-up capital), except perhaps, waste paper collection. True, experts predict the growth of a completely new niche of small business for recyclables, namely the collection, recycling household appliances.

The problem of recycling old household appliances, although the word old is not entirely correct, often it is obsolete, will only grow, which allows you to do good business. On the one hand, a fee for the removal is taken from the owner, on the other hand, disassembly, sale constituent parts this technique brings good profits.

Training courses

Software development is moving by leaps and bounds, as a result of the race, a huge number of good highly specialized programs enter the market to solve a variety of problems. It can be noted that software complexes are able to solve a variety of tasks, from the banal (already) Photoshop for processing photos to completely professional planning interiors, designs. There remains one problem, an ordinary user cannot master the robot with these products on his own, well, or this requires a lot of time and patience. If there is demand, then there is a place to create a new business.

One of the trends, according to Western experts, will be the development of small business in the field of organizing training courses, seminars on highly specialized software products. This startup has two main points:

  • - purchase of the product itself;
  • — self-study and organization of courses.

Business is definitely without investments or with minimal, additional difficulties, especially with a strong desire, any product can be mastered, the main thing is to have a lot of time with patience, by the way, it is suitable for both megacities and.

Consulting in medicine

Despite the presence of the word "medicine", we are not talking about providing medical services and especially special education, but we are talking about related services. How aware are you of the number of hospitals in your city? About prices for dentistry for different specialists? Where is the best therapist or pediatric surgeon? And if you have a good diagnostician? I don't think most people have real answers. this information gathers according to acquaintances or on the recommendations of hospital workers. Such a channel of information may lead the client to a specialist, or perhaps drive him in circles, which actually makes it possible to create his own new, promising business for processing and “selling” information about the real state of affairs.

The essence of the business is simple - collecting information about doctors, reviews, addresses of clinics with narrow and good specialists, treatment rates, and also where, for what price, certain tests can be done.

Cafe on wheels

World globalization has an impact on all aspects of life, including nutrition, one of such manifestations has been the popularization of various cuisines. You will not surprise anyone with Japanese, French cuisine or the same. However, opening such cafes is a complex business that requires large investments and does not guarantee success. As an alternative, you can use a modernized version of a mobile cafe on wheels.

What is such a business?

Kitchen-equipped van with several plastic tables and chairs. The menu of such vans consists of fast food, but you can choose any direction, in fact, today such a van can make both sushi and hamburgers.

It is worth noting that according to statistics, 9 out of 10 new restaurants close during the year. Mobile cafes are far more successful, with only 2 out of 10 closing in the same time frame.


More and more multinational companies outsource the performance of certain tasks related to data processing, the development of individual components of business processes, and the creation of a positive image. This opens up the widest possibilities for creating small projects for the provision of individual services. Which direction to choose is a rhetorical question, the main thing is to recruit a team and go ahead. Most experts say that this direction of business ideas will be popular not only in 2015-2016, but throughout the next decade.

Consulting in the field of mobile applications

Mobile phones have become more toothbrushes, such a statement is not an allegory or fantasy, but a reality, at least as the data of the study confirm. On planet Earth, more people have a cell phone than people who have a toothbrush. With the growth in the number of users, the market for mobile applications is growing, creating your own business here today is characterized by low capital intensity, little competition, especially the provision of services to companies to control the use mobile phones employees plus security ().

Translation business

It has always been possible to earn money with the help of transfers, but today the market is growing at an especially fast pace, globalization is making itself felt. If a few years ago translators made money on business, today there is a huge demand for the content of translators, we are talking about the translation of information resources. Customers are most often ordinary network users looking for information abroad.

Employee control.

Internet availability and the emergence of high-speed mobile internet actualized the problem of control over the time spent by employees in the network. Recent studies in Western countries have shown that up to 50% of the working time, employees "sit" in social networks. Is it a lot or a little? If translated into numbers, then more than 70% of the wage fund is wasted. This phenomenon has created a demand for employee monitoring services. Demand creates supply and provides an opportunity to create a great new business from scratch.


Ordering a manicure or haircut at home was associated with two opposites. On the one hand, this is the pregarative of rich or regular customers (who usually do not want to be denied) or the very poor, where mobile brigades provide services to low-income pensioners.

In the West, the situation is different, the increase in average life expectancy and gradual aging, leads to an increase in demand for the provision of qualified, high-quality field haircuts. Of course, at home without the necessary equipment, it is extremely problematic to provide such services, moving beauty salons based on vans have become an alternative.

The business idea became popular in 2014, according to experts, it has great prospects in 2015-2016

vending machines

Business vending is far from new and is quite widespread in the provision of banking services, the sale of coffee, tea, but today the trends have changed a bit. A new direction of the vending business is gaining popularity - trade in food products for a healthy lifestyle. This business organizing it yourself is expensive, but there are a lot of franchising offers. Actually, it can be a good alternative for those who want to organize their business from scratch in 2015-2016.

Smartphone repair

The growth in the number of smartphones automatically generates a huge demand for their repair, especially given the systematic updates of both software equipment and Internet access capabilities. In the next 5 years, the idea may become the most promising among ideas for creating a small business from scratch.

Personal foreman

The crisis, devaluation plus other negative processes radically corrected many business processes, the construction market was no exception, where only large firms survived as a result of the economic storm. Most small construction firms curtailed their activities, as a result, with the small construction of a private house, a small shop or workshop, the issue of coordinating workers to hire them completely fell on the shoulders of the owner.

As a result, the profession of an independent superintendent, that is, a person involved in coordination, hiring workers, buying building materials and communicating with the owner, received a new life. The prospects of a business idea in 2015 - 2016 were rated by independent experts as high that it closes the top three best ideas small business startup.


Today, literally every company has its own web resources, most of them are trying to simultaneously launch their own online store or office. These are the new conditions of the game, but launching does not mean getting a return, often the banal reasons for poor or incomprehensible work of the resource itself interfere with successful promotion and actually making a profit. The question is how to find out how well the resource works from the point of view of users?

The answer is simple, attract specialized companies engaged in such an assessment, it was this business idea that became the second among the most best business ideas for small entrepreneurs for 2015-2016.

The organization of such a startup does not require large financial investments and has.


The crisis in the EU and the US did its job, most large, medium-sized companies began to save money, which led to the rapid development of a huge outsourcing market. Back in the early 2000s, no one even thought of giving accounting or legal issues to “strangers”, today this is a normal practice. With the development of negative processes, the outsourcing practice will only increase, which will allow the market to grow at a double-digit pace.

All this was appreciated by the experts, giving the first place in the list of the most promising business ideas for 2015-2016 to start-ups on outsourcing of various works.

Actually, we have considered the 15 most promising business ideas for small businesses for the next two years.

The most promising small business ideas for 2015-2016 - details http://website/luchshie-idei-2016-goda/. Learn how to earn on promising ideas with minimal investment

Upload date: 2015-06-02
