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How to politely turn down an employer before an interview. How to correctly and politely refuse an employer after a job interview and how to write a sample letter. Written refusal to work

How to turn down applicants and why employers don't do it

It is unpleasant to receive rejection and it is equally difficult to say no.

It's even harder to explain why "no".

This applies to any area of ​​business and human relations.

Recruitment and search for an employee is a junction of business interests and relationships, when it is not easy to refuse and receive refusals.

Therefore, for those who refuse and receive refusals, I believe this material will be of interest.

When Candidates Should Expect a Response or Rejection

You should count on rejection if you have spent time on the interview.

It doesn't matter if it was a Skype interview or you met in person, spending time, gas and money to get to where the employer or recruiter decided to look at you.

Even if the employer preferred other candidates, it is common courtesy to thank the person who took the time to enter the competition for the time spent traveling and/or interviewing.

It is logical to expect an answer in this case.

If your participation in the competition for a vacant position was limited to three mouse clicks when sending a resume, then it is hardly worth reproaching the employer for the absence of a negative answer.

Although there are many other reasons why an applicant who has responded to a vacancy does not receive an invitation to an interview or a refusal on a resume.

Why the applicant is not denied on the resume

Firstly, the recruiter spends only 10 seconds on the initial review of the resume.

It is unlikely that he will be ready to spend the same amount of time sending a “rejected” message.

Secondly, to understand whether the applicant is interesting, sometimes it is not possible immediately, but only after all the responses have been viewed - everything is known in comparison.

Thirdly, the formal compliance of the applicant with the stated requirements makes the refusal unreasonable.

Fourthly, sometimes the resume sent as a response does not meet the requirements of the employer so much that the refusal becomes meaningless.

Why Candidates Get Rejected on Resumes

If the applicant does not meet the requirements stated in the job description, the answer is obvious - the recruiter took no time to refuse.

If the applicant who received a refusal meets the requirements stated in the job description, then it is useless to guess.

There can be an unlimited number of reasons - from the applicant's non-compliance with the requirements not stated in the job description, like, to careless handling of the "refuse" button.

The latter version seems very plausible after someone is sent a refusal in response to a response, and then invited for an interview, having found a resume in the database of the same site.

8 ways to turn down an applicant

In fact, it is not difficult to refuse an applicant.

In most cases, you can limit yourself to one polite phrase.

"Hello, ****! I'm sorry (I have to upset you), but so far we (our management / our client / employer) have settled on other candidates.

Thank you for your interest in our company and vacancies and the time spent on the interview.

Good luck!"

There are many ways to convey such a message to the addressee.

Method 1 - phone call

It's easy and fast, but emotionally difficult.

There is little pleasure in communicating a refusal to someone who waits and hopes.

Method 2 - email message

Quickly, easily and efficiently, it is enough to send a ready-made message to a new addressee, indicating his name in the message.

Method 3 - SMS message that can be sent both from the phone and using a computer, for example, through Agent

The best way to communicate information to job seekers who do not use email.

Method 4 - a message from your personal account on the job search website

It is convenient, but a refusal in the form of a standard refusal message, set by default, is perceived as formal, but no one interferes with the standard text on their own.

Method 5 - "call back"

At the end of the interview, the applicant may be told: “We plan to make a decision regarding your candidacy no later than Wednesday of next week. You can find out about him by contacting me after this date."

Method 6 - "hour X".

The applicant is told: “We will consider your candidacy within three days. If we decide to invite you for an interview with the manager, we will contact you no later than the end of the current week. If there is no call or letter from us, it will mean that we have settled on other candidates.

Method 7 - "refusal with" face saving ".

It's no secret that an employer's 40-70% hire or reject decision has nothing to do with a job seeker's ability to do the job they wanted.

This topic requires a separate discussion, but it cannot be ignored in relation to the refusal, since, firstly, the applicant may ask the question “why was he refused?”, Secondly, the applicant who spent several hours meeting with the employer has the right to more than a monosyllabic refusal.

Lying, of course, is not good, but it may be worth it, since it is often impossible to explain the motives for the decision of the leader, who “liked” another candidate more.

This will “save face” of your company and help the applicant survive the rejection without resentment at the subjectivity of the employer and thoughts about “what did I do (a) wrong” and “why did I not come (walk)”.

Any explanation will do, where the justification for the refusal is an external reason that has nothing to do with the knowledge, skills and work experience of the applicant.

That is, the circumstances were such that the decision was made in favor of another candidate.

Here are some examples of such explanations:

“We have decided to hire an employee who previously worked in a similar role for our competitor.”

“We have made the decision to hire a candidate who was recommended to us by our partners.”

“Management made a decision to move an employee already working in the company to this position”

Method 8 - refusal during the interview.

Sometimes, when during the interview it turns out that the experience, knowledge and skills of the applicant obviously do not meet the requirements specified in the job description, you should immediately say so.

“The specified requirements are mandatory, so we are unlikely to be able to make you an offer. I'm sorry you wasted your time..."

If the reason for the refusal is not obvious, then it is better to refrain from the refusal.

There are many ways to refuse, but in most cases, employers do not bother using them.

Let's try to figure out why.

Why Applicants Are Not Rejected

Reason 1. Not accepted

By this one can understand anything, including the fact that, according to established practice, no one believes in the veracity of the phrase “We will contact you (even if the result is negative)” - neither those who pronounce it, nor those to whom it is said.

It doesn't even occur to most employers that applicants should be turned down, so those who do are surprising.

Although, of course, a positive attitude and respect for such a rare employer is also guaranteed.

Reason 2. There is no time and / or the company is allowed not to refuse applicants if there is another job

A recruiter can be seriously busy, and management evaluates the quality of work by the number of hired employees, not sent refusals.

Therefore, rejection of applicants, as a rule, is at the last place in the list of priority tasks.

Maybe the company's management thinks that refusals have a positive effect on the image of the employer, but it is unlikely that this work is required from the recruiter and calculates the labor costs for this work.

Reason 3. Unable to explain the reason for the refusal

The criterion "like" will always be the main one when choosing an employee.

Sometimes recruiters prefer not to answer the applicant, avoiding the question “Why was I rejected?”

Reason 4. “I want to see someone else” or long consideration of candidates for a vacant position

It happens that the employer is not ready to make an offer to the applicant, but he is also not ready to refuse - suddenly you won’t be able to find anyone better.

The state of uncertainty drags on for such a long time that a refusal in a month and a half will look strange.

Therefore, no one thinks about giving up.

Reason 5. It is not known who should refuse

Recruiters sent the applicant to the client, who then makes the decision himself.

Considering that one side wants to receive money for the order, and the other wants the final candidate for money, such insignificant details as who, how and when will give an answer to rejected applicants are almost never discussed.

The employer believes that he paid money for the final candidate, and the rest does not concern him, the recruiter does not go into the details of the decision

Reason 6 Waiting for the job of the candidate who was offered.

The situation when an applicant who has received and accepted an offer never appears at a new employer is not uncommon.

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Many applicants, when looking for a new job, do not know how to refuse an employer after an interview politely and correctly. In fact, not agreeing to accept a job offer is perfectly legitimate for a number of reasons. How to explain to a failed employer the loss of interest in his company and comply with all the rules business ethics- we tell below.

When looking for a new job in modern conditions, specialists send their resumes simultaneously to several organizations. With this approach, it often becomes necessary to refuse the proposed position.

However, not everyone knows how to politely refuse the offered vacancy and comply with the requirements business etiquette. Meanwhile, this is a very important skill that is directly related to the qualifications and professionalism of a person.

A polite and tactful refusal will characterize you as a good specialist who has the skills business communication in full. Remember that the world is filled information technology, very cramped. You will speak rudely with a representative of one organization, he will share his opinion about you with representatives of other companies, and you will gain a reputation as a rude person.

To avoid embarrassing situations and not spoil your own image in the business environment, let's take a closer look at how to politely refuse an employer and explain the reasons for the loss of interest in work, while observing all the rules of professional etiquette.

The ability to politely refuse an employer is a very important skill that is directly related to the qualifications and professionalism of a person.

Algorithm for refusing employment

The worst thing that a job seeker can do if he does not agree to accept a job offer is to avoid talking to the employer. Such behavior is unprofessional and can create a number of difficulties: for example, the employer will suspend the search for another candidate for this position, will bother you with further useless calls. There is no need to be afraid of an "unpleasant" conversation. Any refusal of the proposed vacancy can be made according to a simple algorithm:

  1. Thanks to the organization for the offer to take the position.
  2. Clear refusal of employment with a brief explanation of the reason.
  3. The wish to find a suitable qualified employee as soon as possible.

This is a universal scheme that will help build a lively and meaningful dialogue with a failed employer, and will also create a reputation for you as a competent specialist and just a polite person. Notify the organization that you are no longer interested in working with them as quickly as possible Value your time and the time of other people.

What are the grounds for refusal and whether they need to be explained to the employer

You can turn down a job after an interview for a variety of reasons. In principle, it is not necessary to explain to a failed employer why you decided to refuse the offered vacancy. But the correct and polite wording would be good tone. Consider the most common motives, as well as how to correctly formulate them in negotiations.

Low pay is a major reason to turn down a job offer.

If during the interview it turned out that the level wages does not meet the expectations of the applicant, he has every right to refuse such work. How to properly refuse in this case? It is better to say directly that this level of remuneration is unacceptable for you, as it does not correspond to your skill level.

Some employers, when posting a vacancy, indicate one salary, and during an interview they offer another, lower one. They expect that if a specialist is interested and is currently looking for a job, he will be embarrassed to refuse a vacancy due to a “small downgrade”. Surprisingly, in half of the cases, applicants, having heard about reduced wages, are really embarrassed to refuse, especially if before that the conversation was in a positive tone.

Fight such unnecessary modesty that prevents you from getting decent pay for your work. In addition, practice shows that in some cases, having met the refusal of the applicant due to low wages, employers meet them halfway and immediately offer to increase wages.

Fight such unnecessary modesty that prevents you from getting decent pay for your work.

Refusal due to employment in another organization

Another popular reason for a job seeker to refuse to work in one place is hiring in another with more favorable conditions. How to refuse a vacancy in such a situation? As in the previous case, it is better to tell the employer directly that you have found a better / higher paying option.

It is not necessary to tell where exactly you are getting a job, what salary is there and why this organization is better in your opinion, even if the representative of the failed employer insists on answers. Politely state that this is confidential information and you are not willing to share it.

Difficult working conditions or unfavorable workplace environment

The applicant may be interested in employment in the company. But sometimes, seeing the working conditions and workplace, understands that this option does not suit him. What to tell the employer? Politely formulate the idea that working in such conditions is unacceptable for you. For example, dust allergies, migraine attacks from equipment noise, etc. will prevent you.

Doubts about the integrity of the company

If, after the interview, the candidate suddenly finds out that the company has a dubious reputation, there are known cases of fraud, late or underpaid wages, it would be wiser to refuse to work for it. This is perhaps the only case when it is better not to tell the representative of the organization the true reasons.- to avoid high-pitched conversations and quarrels. Reply that you have found a more interesting job and say goodbye politely.

What not to do if you turn down a job offer

Whatever the reason for refusing a job after an interview, there are a few rules that are important to follow as part of business etiquette:

  1. You can not ignore the calls of the employer and his letters. Notify the organization in a timely manner of your negative decision.
  2. You can not be rude, rude or somehow blame the employer. Even if, in your opinion, the representative of the organization is wrong, for example, he offers you a salary lower than the one indicated in the job description, do not swear, remain a professional.
  3. Do not lie, do not distort the reasons for the refusal of the position. The representative of the organization has the right to know why the position has ceased to interest you. This may be useful for his future work.

Notify the organization in a timely manner of your negative decision.

Forms of Refusal of Employment

Above, we have analyzed the reasons why candidates refuse the job offer and what language is better to use in negotiations. Now we will consider in what form it is possible to carry out a refusal of a vacancy after an interview.

Telephone conversation: basic rules

The most common option to report disagreement to start cooperation is a telephone conversation. It doesn't matter who the caller is - you or your employer - follow these rules:

  1. Be friendly, polite and confident. Clearly explain that you are rejecting the job.
  2. If you need to explain the reason - formulate it clearly and at the same time correctly. No need for lengthy explanations and comparisons with other companies - just the reason itself.
  3. If the employer's representative tries to persuade you, politely interrupt him, thank you for your interest in your candidacy, and repeat the refusal.
  4. Wish you success in your search for specialists and say goodbye.

Do not ignore the calls of failed employers, even if the reason for the refusal is the alleged bad faith of the firm. They also have the right to know that you have lost interest in working for them. Just 1-2 minutes of such a conversation in a business tone will add your professional experience and positively affect your reputation.

Written refusal to work

Consider a sample of how to write a refusal of a vacancy to an employer by mail, in a messenger or in in social networks. When the candidate and the employer have agreed on a similar way of communication during the interview, it is reasonable to direct the refusal in this way. Here is a typical email example:

"Good afternoon! Thank you for your offer to work for your organization as _______. Unfortunately, I have now received a better job offer, which I intend to accept. I wish you success in your search for a specialist for this position.

Personal meeting - which behavior is preferable

How to tell an employer that the job is not suitable during a personal conversation? Most often, the applicant already during the interview understands that he is not interested in the position. In this case, it is better to immediately clarify the situation, clarify problematic issues (for example, ask again the amount of wages) and refuse further discussion.

In any case, be friendly, benevolent and at the same time insist on your own. In a face-to-face meeting, this is the most difficult. It is not uncommon for employers to challenge arguments. For example, they say that “no one will offer you a higher salary in this area”, “in a few months, with good performance, you will receive a bonus”, etc. Do not succumb to such persuasion if you have firmly decided to refuse the vacancy.

Most often, the applicant already during the interview understands that he is not interested in the position.

Rejection before the interview: how not to waste time on useless meetings

When looking for a job, there is also a high probability of encountering irrelevant and uninteresting vacancies. Consider what the correct refusal of an interview looks like within the framework of telephone conversation or by email. It is easier to turn down a job before an interview than after.

When you receive a call with an offer of an irrelevant job, it is acceptable to briefly say that the proposed position or company is not interesting to you, the salary level is lower than expected, or you are already expected in another company. Usually this is enough to complete the dialogue.

How to cancel an interview e-mail? First, read the letter carefully. If this is a newsletter explicitly sent to many candidates, it is not necessary to respond to it. Addressing by name, by the way, is not a sign of a personal letter.

If this is a personal letter sent to you personally, but containing an invitation to an interview that is irrelevant to you, it is better to answer it. Use the standard wording: “Thank you for the invitation to the interview, but I inform you that this vacancy is not relevant for me.” It is not necessary to explain the reasons for refusal in this case.


The ability to refuse an uninteresting job offer testifies to the professionalism of a person. Complying with all the requirements of etiquette is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Be more confident in yourself and remember that a failed employer is not your boss, you have every right to refuse him. To explain or not to explain the reasons for disagreeing to take this or that position is also your personal choice.

Quite often, when looking for a job, job seekers are faced with the fact that several employers are ready to provide a position in one of the departments at once. In this case, a reasonable question arises about how to refuse an employer after an interview and at the same time not feel embarrassed.

Not everyone knows how to politely refuse an employer after an interview. There are several opt-out options:

  1. In personal communication. At the same time, you must express your gratitude for the opportunity and wish you good luck in finding a new employee. This option is suitable if you have been talking with a recruiter for a long time.
  2. Make a phone call. The principle of vacancy rejection is exactly the same as in the first variant. You must end the conversation with the person on a positive note.
  3. Deviation in writing. How to write a refusal to the employer after the interview you need to know. Let's start with the fact that the paper can be sent both by e-mail and brought to the office. In the process of writing, all phrases must be polite. Be sure to wish good luck and express your gratitude.

How to refuse an employer after an interview - an example:

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich!

I express my deep gratitude to you for choosing me and spending your time.

I was very pleased to meet such a wonderful leader, but, to my regret, I have to refuse you. The reason is that my superiors promoted me and I, after weighing all the pros and cons, decided to stay at my previous job. It was quite difficult for me to do this.

Thank you very much for your trust and respect.

WITH Best wishes,
Ivanov A.P.

List of compelling reasons for rejection

How to refuse a job after an interview and what reason to give are questions that concern many people. So, if you have decided not to take the proposed position, you can explain this to the failed boss. Reasons for refusal may include:

  • you have already been offered an offer by another employer, while this one was considering whether your candidacy suits him. Nothing more needs to be added - this is a weighty argument;
  • you have no confidence that you will cope with the proposed responsibilities. The vacancy description did not specify in detail what exactly you have to do, and only at the interview did you find out all the details;
  • you are not satisfied with the salary. In this case, you can count on a better financial offer;
  • you are not satisfied with the conditions in which you have to work;
  • you are interested in another vacancy with better conditions.

How to properly refuse an employer after an interview, you now imagine. Of course, you should try to tell the truth. But it also happens that you can’t do without lying. For example, at the interview you realized that the company is engaged in illegal activities.

How not to quit your job

You now know how to refuse an employer a job after an interview. Now you need to familiarize yourself with what exactly should not be said:

  • you do not like the employees and the place of work;
  • you are not satisfied with the size of the salary, and you do not understand how people can work for such pennies.

Important! You do not need to transfer the refusal through third parties. This is your own business, and you yourself must gather your strength and refuse the employer. You will only make it worse if, for example, the manager finds out about your unwillingness to work from any employee.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that if you did not like how one of the employees looks outwardly, or if the office struck you with its poor condition, you should not shout about it at every corner. Even relatives and friends do not need to know about it.

The whole point here is that one of your acquaintances may turn out to be, for example, a relative of that same leader, and you, as a result, will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. Moreover, this state of affairs can lead to the fact that you will be denied in other firms, because the heads of the companies very often communicate with each other.


Now you know how to turn down a job after an interview. Do your best to make a strong case and still be a polite person. All the above recommendations will help you in this difficult task.

The most important points of refusal are tact, politeness and restraint. Don't forget about it! By following all the rules, you can not offend a person and at the same time correctly explain to him why you made such a decision.

Do not lie! Use lies only when absolutely necessary.

Many job seekers are interested in how to refuse an employer after an interview. Such a need arises when a person applied for employment to different companies and several of them agreed at once. The article will tell you how to behave so as not to look ignorant.

How to politely turn down a job

Many applicants hope that the company will call, and even then they will talk about the refusal. This option is not the best, because it is likely to look like an irresponsible candidate in the eyes of the employer.

You can notify that a vacancy has ceased to be of interest in different ways:

  • by phone;
  • in person;
  • in writing.

Whichever one is chosen, it is important to do so tactfully.

Failure pattern

In order for everything to go smoothly, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Sincerely express our gratitude to the company for the offer.
  2. Briefly and clearly justify the refusal.
  3. Express regret at having to resign.
  4. Wish you success in your search for candidates.

Recommendations will help you no longer worry about how to refuse an employer after an interview. The proposed scheme, if used correctly, will help to remain a decent and tactful person in the eyes of the company.

How to turn down a job offer

The plan of action described below is quite simple. The main thing is not to ignore the employer and notify him in time so that he continues to search for a suitable candidate.

The rules described below will help you figure out how to refuse an employer after an interview. An example of reasoned answers that will suit any employer is presented below.

We offer 7 important components that should be followed in a personal meeting:

  1. Express gratitude for the time spent. Undoubtedly, in this situation, resources were spent on studying the profiles of candidates and the most suitable ones were selected among them. Be sure to thank for this and answer all the questions that have arisen.
  2. Under no circumstances should managers be made to speculate about rejection. It is important for the company to know the real reason. Perhaps this will help the organization in the future to be more careful about possible candidates for a particular position.
  3. When describing the reason for rejection, it is important to be concise and honest. All of the parties to the interaction spent a lot of time, so it is imperative to say the reason.
  4. The explanation shouldn't take long. It is better to answer simply, to the point and admit that you have considered other options.
  5. Being polite is also worth it because if other options do not work, there is a chance to return to this company and be sure that they will be accepted here.
  6. Try to maintain a good relationship with your employer. It would not be superfluous to wish him all the best. The professional world is not that big. Perhaps in the near future you will have to meet at a conference or somewhere else. If you do not neglect this advice, then you can find useful connections.
  7. Relevant in this case is the strategy that is compared with a sandwich. It involves first delivering good news, then bad news, and then good news again. This behavior is very effective in dealing with people. It will allow you to appear before other people as a responsible and serious person who conducts business diplomatically.

If you follow the tips described, this issue will no longer seem so complicated. After that, the employer will have a good impression of the applicant.

How to express a refusal in writing

No less often, applicants refuse a certain vacancy in writing. You can write to the hiring manager email.

"Dear _______________________!

I am very grateful that you chose me for the position of _________. I'm sorry, but I have already found a suitable vacancy in another organization, where I this moment absolutely satisfied. I refuse your offer. It was a pleasure to meet you and your staff.

Best wishes, ___________

Date_________ Signature____________________"

How Not to Do

It is useful to familiarize yourself with what not to do when talking with an employer. Below are some tips for this:

  1. In no case should you ignore the employer. He has the right to know the decision of the applicant in a timely manner.
  2. It is impossible to remain silent and not answer phone calls. Often job seekers do this because they are embarrassed to admit that they have found a more suitable position or place of work. Some do not know how to refuse an employer after a telephone interview, so they do not get in touch.

Ignoring the decision indicates the incorrectness and short-sightedness of the candidate. Applicant data is entered into the database of recruiting agencies. The likelihood that other employers will pay attention to such a candidate is extremely small.

After personal communication with company representatives, the information is stored in the database for a certain time. Often companies exchange data about applicants with each other, so it is useful to think over the conversation plan in advance.

How to explain rejection

Reasons to turn down a job offer great amount. Each one is different. It is important to correctly present information in order to leave an opinion about yourself as a respectable person and a competent candidate. The tips below contain reasons for leaving a position that employers will take positively. They will demonstrate how to politely turn down an employer after an interview while maintaining a good relationship.

  1. The inability to work overtime is the real reason for rejection. Any employer will take it adequately.
  2. If the salary level is significantly lower than what the candidate can agree to, then this will be a good reason.
  3. If there is no perspective career development, the applicant can refuse the offer without remorse.
  4. The proposed regime does not always suit applicants. Often, when looking for a job, this moment is the main one.
  5. Although it’s tactless to talk about it directly, it happens that at first glance you didn’t like the company itself or its leader. For this reason, many refuse the vacancy immediately after the interview, but you should not talk about it openly. It is better to say another more objective reason.

In this situation, the main thing is not to ignore the employer and inform about your decision in time.

How to turn down an offer from an employer

No matter in what form the applicant expresses the refusal, it is worth considering in advance how to refuse the employer after the interview. The expert advice below will help you do it competently and tactfully:

  1. Be as honest as possible when speaking. If this is an email, try to express your thoughts in such a way that when reading it, the employer feels that he is being treated with respect.
  2. During the dialogue, you need to be open. It is important to correctly justify the refusal of the vacancy.
  3. Completely refuse negativity during the conversation.
  4. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the applicant will tell the true reason for the refusal, for example, that it is inconvenient for him to get to work or that he is not satisfied with the salary.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the functionality, it is important to clearly and clearly explain what the applicant plans to do in a new job.
  6. Whatever the reason for the refusal, the employer has the right to know it so as not to take the decision made by the applicant personally.
  7. It is important to be honest and admit that you are considering multiple positions. Having warned the employer about this, then it will be easier to conduct a conversation.

If the applicant shows honesty and frankness during a personal conversation, the employer appreciates it very much. Even after the refusal, he will offer to take the position if further job searches are not successful.

You were offered a vacancy that did not interest you, and you need to refuse the employer, but are you embarrassed? This article will help you deal with that feeling and gain confidence. You will learn how to opt out of an interview by email, phone, or right after the interview. This knowledge will help you quickly and tactfully refuse an employer, and then switch your attention to finding a new job.

Cancellation by email

If you are a pro in your field, then competitors and active headhunters are very likely to know about you. Therefore, do not be surprised when you receive an invitation for an interview from another employer. Consider it or not - your choice. But if you do not plan to change jobs at the moment, it is good form to answer the letter. Also, the answer to such a letter will prove your loyalty to the company, and if this “duck” is a test of a real employer, then you will successfully pass it.

Your response should be neutral, business-like, and not suggest further correspondence.

Storytelling, or Company Stories as

For example:

“Thank you, (name), for your interest in my professional experience and given opportunity. I am not currently accepting job offers. Sincerely, (name)."

Please note that any reason why you do not consider the proposal that you indicate in the letter is a reason to continue negotiations with you and offer you Better conditions. Therefore, if you do not plan negotiations, do not go into details.

Read on the topic in the e-zine:

  • How to refuse to conclude an employment contract: 7 ready-made formulations
  • Vacation followed by dismissal: rules, exceptions, disputes

Refusing an interview when there is already an agreement

If you wish to cancel an interview after you have agreed on a place and time, please do so in advance. Resist the temptation to let everything take its course and just not go to the meeting. Even if you feel embarrassed to turn down a charming recruiter with a pleasant voice who invited you, consider that if you do not call, this nice person will lose even more time and, moreover, will be offended by such an attitude.

When you call, apologize, say the real reason for the refusal and thank you for your attention, you will show respect for the interlocutor, show knowledge of business etiquette and a positive attitude towards people. All this will add to your advantages and perhaps you will be offered a more interesting vacancy. In any case, you will know that you did the right thing and lowered as best you could. Negative consequences situations.

Rejection from an employer after an interview

Agree, you go to an interview with the hope of not only finding a job, but choosing the best option of the possible. And so you successfully passed the interview, met the future leader and he turned out to be just a darling. They gave you a lot of time and even gave you a tour of the office, showed you the workplace.

And now the moment has come when you need to make a decision and give an answer to the recruiter. And everything seems to be fine, but you listen to yourself, analyze the situation and understand -

“not mine, I don’t want to work here!”.

The decision has been made, but how to tactfully say about it? Or maybe just answer:

“Yes, okay, I’m leaving tomorrow!” and then just don't pick up the phone?

No! This is not your option. It is important for you not to harm your reputation, to be honest with yourself and others. Therefore, if you decide to refuse an employer, do it right.

Ways to turn down a job

First, choose the best way to refuse a job: in a personal conversation, by mail or by phone. If you have made a decision for interviews, and you are confident in yourself, tell your employer about your decision right away. So you quickly resolve the issue and can completely switch your attention to more important points.

If you were given time to think and are now waiting for a decision, then give your answer in the form and within the time frame that you initially agreed with the recruiter. At the same time, follow the same principles - show respect for the interviewer, do not fawn, speak calmly and confidently. You have already made a decision, the most important thing is over, now it remains only to finish it.

Risks and bonuses of competent refusal to the employer

To correctly refuse the employer, formulate the reason for the refusal. Most likely, the recruiter will ask about it himself, or point to it yourself.

Don't make up a reason, tell it like it is.

If you are a valuable candidate and the employer can eliminate the reasons why you are not interested in the vacancy, then perhaps they will make you a more interesting offer, and you will agree. At the same time, carefully analyze the situation again, do not succumb to manipulation, remember your goals.

Also, in a conversation with a recruiter, you can find out that they did not understand him correctly or that they did not explain everything to you. Clarify the points, maybe they will be significant, and you will change your mind. Or vice versa, once again make sure that your refusal is the right decision.

The case is not ruled out that they will answer you with a disgruntled voice, that "you let everyone down and betrayed." They made a bet on you, and now the recruiter will not receive his bonus for the closed vacancy, he will again have to work hard. Therefore, forgive him for dissatisfaction, treat with understanding.

At the same time, it is likely that you will be thanked for a frank and complete answer. After all, your information can help a recruiter. For example, he will be able to convince the employer to change the selection criteria or add bonuses, or he will understand how to better negotiate with this level of candidates. That is, with an honest and complete answer, you simplify the work of the interviewer. This thought helps many people overcome the awkwardness at the moment of rejection.

In any case, always be polite and thank the interlocutor at the end of the conversation, wish him good luck. And who knows, maybe next time he will offer you a job that you cannot refuse.

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