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What was the advertising in the USSR on television. The history of television advertising. The detective jumps up from the pouffe. The pouffe opens, the vacuum cleaner is shown in operation

We can talk about television as a mass media starting from the 30s of the XX century. Regular TV broadcasting began in the 1940s.

Experimental television free advertising appeared in the USA in the summer of 1939. The first advertisements on television were announcers. On July 1, 1941, the first commercial television advertisement for watches appeared on the American airwaves. In 1954, television in the United States takes first place as a means of national advertising.

In 1963, in the United States, television already overtakes the press as a source of information. In 1977, total TV advertising revenue exceeded $7.5 billion - 20% of all advertising in the United States.

First, give consumers the necessary information about the product. One of the main features. Good publicity contributes to the fact that the consumer begins to automatically associate certain needs with the proposed product, with the fact that this particular product or product optimally meets his needs. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly inform consumers about all changes and innovations in the product.

Secondly, to ensure sales, maintain and expand the achieved sales volume.

Another important function: the formation of the prestige of the enterprise

The buyer is ready to pay a high price for the goods if the company is known to him and enjoys a good reputation. The consumer wants to compare himself with a prestigious firm and its products. Behind famous brand the consumer is ready to pay more money than for the product of a firm that is not well-known or does not enjoy the most favorable reputation.

And as it was already revealed above, television advertising has the effect of solidity.

Features: Advertising on television is a very effective way of influencing a person. Thanks to the image, color and sound, television allows you to clearly show the potential consumer all the qualities and advantages of the product, and also makes it possible to better remember the product. Therefore television is more effective way conveying information to customers.

In addition, television covers different segments of the entire population. Television daily gathers a large audience. People spend a lot of time in front of the TV and may come into contact with the same advertising message several times, which greatly increases the attraction of attention to the product.

When creating a commercial, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the audience must be interested in the first few seconds. If an ad doesn't grab attention right away, then the consumer won't watch it anymore. A person first of all pays attention to the image and only then to the sound, therefore it is necessary that visually everything looks sharp, clear and beautiful. Advertising should be easily perceived by the audience, the more difficult it is, the faster the consumer's interest falls. Here it is necessary to appeal to the emotional consciousness of a person.

TV advertising can show how good it is to own this or that product, clearly demonstrate what success can be achieved with the help of the advertised service. Experts advise not to overload television advertising with words, it is more effective to create unique positive images. Moreover, it is desirable to build a plot around the person himself, and not the advertised product.

Television advertising is very useful for those companies that want to become more famous and make their product more popular. The very fact of the appearance of the video on television indicates that the company is already more or less wealthy, this causes respect and a serious attitude towards the organization. And after several releases of the commercial on the air, you can already count on the growth of your reputation and the emergence of more and more new consumers.

As you know, one of the features of Soviet television was the complete absence of advertising. Advertising in the Soviet society was perceived as a tool of the bourgeois society, which serves the interests of the profit of the capitalists. The first television commercial advertising corn in the USSR was released in 1964.

Despite the ideology, Western goods gradually won their place in the Union, and along with the advent of Soviet commercials, the first advertisements for the most famous world brands came to television.

Pepsi and Michael Jackson

The Soviet man was not spoiled by imported brands. The first Western consumer product that legally broke into the Soviet market was the Pepsi-Cola drink, now known to everyone and everyone.

On May 4, 1988, Pepsi-Cola was the first of Western companies posted a commercial on Soviet Central Television, although the drink itself was no longer a novelty in our country by that time. Pepsi was first brought to Moscow in 1959, when the American National Exhibition was held in Sokolniki. In 1972, a Soviet-American barter agreement was signed, according to which it was decided to import Pepsi-Cola to the USSR, and 2 years later the first enterprise for the production of this drink was opened in the USSR - Pepsi began to be bottled in Novorossiysk.

Coca Cola

Unlike the rest of the world, Coca-Cola came to the USSR a little later than Pepsi.

In 1980, Coca-Cola became the official drink of the Moscow Olympics.

When the administration President Reagan decided to boycott the Olympic Games in Moscow, the leadership of the Coca-Cola company did not support this boycott, saying that, since it is an intercontinental corporation, it is above political games. Therefore, in 1980, Coca-Cola and Fanta drinks became the official drinks of the Moscow Olympics. However, Coca-Cola did not receive advertising on Soviet TV.

Queue at McDonalds

The agreement on the opening of McDonald's restaurants in the USSR was signed in 1988. The first restaurant appeared in 1990 on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. It was located in the building where the Lira cafe used to be, a cult place for Moscow students. Here's how they announced the opening of a restaurant in the capital.

The opening of McDonald's caused an unprecedented stir. Hundreds of Soviet citizens were eager to try the legendary BigMac. They lined up in huge queues. The queues were so long that they even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

It has become prestigious for schoolchildren to eat at McDonald's. They brought "proof" to school - a package with the corporate letter M. This helped to dramatically increase their status in the class. The guys invited the girls to McDonald's on a date, and they gladly accepted the invitations.

For a long time I was convinced that the first television advertisement in the USSR appeared in new year's eve either in 1986 or 1987. It was timed to coincide with the anti-alcohol campaign led by Mikhal Sergeyich Gorbachev, and they advertised the effervescent cocktail “Evening”, bottled in champagne bottles and carbonated so much that it looked like champagne.

From time to time a bottle with this cocktail and it, foaming in a glass, appeared in between songs. Yes, and the host of this "Spark" herself noted that, they say, we are now becoming more open, and therefore we have advertising ... Something like that!

Now I tried in vain to find this program, and ... it did not work out. But I definitely didn’t dream about it, I couldn’t dream about it, because it was after this advertisement that I realized: the definition given by the Great Soviet Encyclopedia is very accurate.

The Evening cocktail, bottled in champagne bottles, had a disgusting taste (it was bitter), adults were uninteresting (well, who needs ersatz champagne?), For children and teenagers it was unreasonably expensive. Memory tells us that the only bottle bought for testing (the cork from which powerfully exploded into the ceiling) cost one ruble fifty kopecks ...

It turns out that she was on Soviet television after all. Probably, according to Mikoyan's testament:

"The task of Soviet advertising is to give people accurate information about the goods on sale, to help them formulate new requirements, to inculcate new tastes and demands, to stimulate the sale of new types of goods and to explain how they can be used by the consumer."

No, it's hard to argue with the fact that there was advertising in the USSR. Colorful posters urged to fly Aeroflot planes, try crabs (why advertise them, give me a crab and I'll eat it without any advertising), get used to eating black caviar and so on ...

The advertisement was catchy: “It was already dark, the square was illuminated by bright lanterns, colorful advertisements were burning on the roof of the Polytechnic Museum: “It’s time for everyone to try how tasty and tender crabs are”, “And I eat jam and jam”, “Do you need a present in the house? Buy the Don hall "- said personal translator Stalin.

But now they say: not on television. Like, she appeared there only after Perestroika.

It turns out that no, ladies, gentlemen and comrades.

Aged with the style of Soviet musical cinema, and surprisingly…atmospheric.

The country of four letters familiar from childhood has not existed for more than a quarter of a century. People born in the USSR and brought up in the spirit of cultural traditions that have been created for almost seven decades still remember her with nostalgia.

But the premiere of the first Soviet video for the general public, shown before the start of the film show, took place only in 1972. It was an advertisement for "Chocolate", filmed in Leningrad at the Non-Fiction Film Studio. The script for the 60-second promotional film was written by Nikita Mikhalkov. A year later, the only known Soviet erotic commercial called "Women's Underwear" was filmed there. This time, Viktor Petrov became the cameraman and director.

In advertising for the first time becomes part of a feature film. The film "The Romashkin Effect" can serve as such an example. An interesting and informative comedy about four comrades who came up with the idea to advertise kefir. In 1974, they put on a musical performance on the stage "Star of the Screen" with elements of Aeroflot advertising. And in the famous film of the past years "Dima Gorin's Career" there is a short story with an advertisement for a savings bank.

Such beloved actors as Mikhail Boyarsky or Oleg Basilashvili also became the heroes of commercials. Even Vladimir Vysotsky was so inspired by the advertisement that in 1975 he wrote and then performed a song called "Zodiac Signs", which he performed in a commercial with the same name.

The main purpose of advertising in the USSR was to show the viewer how to properly use consumer goods and win the trust of the citizens of this great country. rollers stressed high quality Soviet production. Soviet advertising, unlike modern advertising, did not entertain viewers, but directed Soviet citizens to the right way of life from the point of view of the state.

The history of the development of domestic and world television

Remark 1

Television is the greatest invention of the 20th century. But the prerequisites for its development come from the previous century.

In 1887, the German physicist Heinrich Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect. This is the release of electrons by a substance under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. A year later, the Russian scientist Alexander Stoletov clearly demonstrated this phenomenon by conducting a series of experiments.

In 1907, Russian physicist Boris Rosing theoretically substantiated the possibility of obtaining an image using a cathode ray tube. The picture was in the form of a single stationary point.

Television until the 40s of the 20th century was mechanical, then it was replaced by electronic devices. On the territory of the USSR, mechanical telesystems lasted a little longer.

Experiments with the use of electron beams for transmitting and receiving images over certain distances from the beginning of the 20s. The twentieth century was held by various countries: the USA, Japan, the USSR. It wasn't until 1933 that Russian-born American engineer Vladimir Zworykin invented the cathode tube, which is still the main part of most televisions today.

In 1936, the American research laboratory of V. Zworykin developed the first electronic television. Later, in 1939, televisions began to be mass-produced. This model, called the RCS TT-5, was a huge wooden box with a 5-inch screen with a radio tube. The first semiconductor-based television was released by Sony in 1960. After that, models based on microcircuits began to appear.

At present, the quality of broadcasting has greatly increased and has become digital. Flat-panel LCD and plasma TVs appeared. By the beginning of the 21st century, the methods and principles of television broadcasting had changed significantly. Cable and satellite television became widespread.

Stages of TV advertising development in Russia

  • advertisement of the USSR period;
  • advertising as art 1992-2000;
  • advertising - the engine of trade in 2000 to the present day.

The first television advertisement in the USSR appeared in 1964. It was an advertisement for corn, and it was more like a short film with musical elements. Advertising was not of a commercial nature, and due to the lack of any competition, it quickly disappeared from the TV screens. Constant advertising on television began to be broadcast only in the late 80s.

In 1984, the "First All-Union Review Competition of Advertising Films" took place, which had a significant impact on the growth of television advertising. In 1987, Soviet advertisers hold a second competition. These competitions made it possible to analyze the situation in the country and raise the level of Soviet advertising specialists. From that moment on, advertising on television has become not just the main means of information, but a tool for promoting goods and services.

Advertising on television was exclusively domestic goods (Volga car, etc.). The videos were a small interesting and sometimes humorous clip. The duration of the video reached 10 minutes. In newspapers, on the pages of the program guide, they even published the time of broadcasting this or that advertisement.

At the second stage, after perestroika, advertising becomes art. Manufacturers sought to promote their product by creating bright, colorful advertising. It was not just a video, but a whole director's decision (a series of commercials for Imperial Bank). Famous actors were filmed in advertising, and their phrases became winged.

At the end of the 1990s, the first social advertisement. These were videos of the "Russian Project" lasting 2-3 minutes. The topics were different: love and care for the country, parents, self-confidence, etc. Well-known artists were also involved in advertising.

The third stage in the development of advertising determined its engine of trade. Advertising in Russia began to focus on creating memorable images in the minds of consumers. The advertisements featured mainly branded goods to stand out from the others. The commercials contained graphics, cartoon characters, and product symbols. Over time, advertising on television becomes more qualitative, and attracted the attention of consumers (advertising for chewing gum "Rondo", tea "Princess Noori", "May tea", etc.).

History of television advertising in the United States

Remark 2

By 1951, nationwide broadcasting was possible in the United States. In the 1960s, almost 90% of American households had a television set. Advertising was broadcast as part of TV shows, which the advertisers themselves filmed. The TV channel provided only a studio and airtime. The format of TV programs was forgotten over time and grew into the famous "soap operas".

The 1980s saw the introduction of home video recorders that could record shows and scheduled broadcasts and skip commercials automatically. This had a negative effect on advertising. People didn't look anymore commercials, just winding them in the recording.

In the late 1990s, digital recorders (DVRs) with ad-winder functions began to be sold on the market. This angered advertisers and TV channel owners, who sued the manufacturers of DVR devices.

This explains the reason for the spread of product placement ( Hiden advertisment) in movies and TV shows. Advertisers were forced to use this method of promoting goods or services.
