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Pavel Lyulin. Pavel Lyulin: “Thanks to the “one-stop service”, synergy is achieved, due to which it is possible to save resources. Western companies will someday return

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research development

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# study


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Pavel Lyulin, General Director of SVN, about why a “one-stop service” is needed, the difficulties of its implementation in Russia, the lack of personnel and work algorithms.

Pavel, today we would like to discuss something relatively new for Russian market phenomenon as a "one-stop service". What is it all about and why unite all services under one control?

There is a historically established familiar Soviet school: Chief Engineer who is responsible for all engineering systems; boss economic department responsible for cleaning, disinfection, deratization; head of security at the facility. As a rule, this different people who communicate with each other infrequently and report directly to the CEO. A lot of effort goes into rallying them into one team, although they have completely different goals. For example, it is important for the head of security to ensure perimeter control, and the goals of anti-terror do not always coincide with the goals of fire safety, for which the chief engineer is responsible.

With the advent of shopping centers of a new format, for example, IKEA, European and American schools “came” to us. They brought a new model in which there is a certain operation manager - a manager who is responsible for all operational activities: cleaning, security, Maintenance, transport management, guest service. Such companies have standards, their own corporate university, where employees are trained. Many Russian companies also switched to this system.

Thanks to the "one-stop service", firstly, synergy is achieved, due to which it is possible to save resources. For example, instead of three highly specialized specialists, take one more universal operational manager who can administer all three areas. Secondly, operation services are taken out to a third-party company, for outsourcing, and the customer can concentrate on his main function - making a profit. Shopping and business centers are engaged in leasing premises, factories are engaged in production, and they give non-core activities to third-party companies. Due to the fact that it's all in the same hands, they will be able to receive general reports, which plays a big role for accounting.

The third benefit is improved coordination between different operating functions. For example, how is safe evacuation from shopping centers, business centers ensured? On the one hand, this is a fire alarm, a warning system and evacuation management, on the other hand, employees must take people out and ensure perimeter control. The chief engineer is responsible for the security systems, but he is not responsible for the employees of the corresponding service. The head of this service cannot be responsible for how the alarm system works, whether there will be an evacuation notification, whether the doors have opened, whether the elevators have gone down. The CEO is in charge general management, commerce and administration, it is difficult for him to coordinate these areas. And due to the fact that it's all united "under one umbrella", you can avoid problems associated with tasks that are on the border of areas of responsibility.

The benefits are obvious. But how developed is this in Russia today? That is, how often do they use the services of such a service, and if rarely, what prevents its implementation?

In my opinion, 30-40% of operators, property owners already use this approach. But there are some limitations. So, many companies want to keep control of the security function for themselves, because these are the “eyes and ears”, the owners want to be the first to report everything to them.

- Taking a bite of the pie?

Yes, but at the same time they take on some of the responsibility. I understand and accept it. The second point is the shortage of personnel. It is difficult to find a universal operational manager: he must either be raised in the company, or trained, or poached from somewhere else. But it is still difficult to enter the labor market and hire a ready-made specialist.

- Still, what do you think - is it better to train people in a company or take them from outside, in a specialized organization?
- If the company has money, specialists can be poached, but it will cost more. There are other options. For example, a company has 8-10 objects, it is possible to make an internship center based on 1-2 of them. SVN employees pass compulsory education before starting work on site. And the higher the class of the object, the more serious preparation is required. But there are also atypical cases. For example, our central Class A facility is Lotte Plaza. Most facility managers complete an internship there before moving on to other facilities.

Unfortunately, we do not have universities where such specialists are trained, but there are many seminars, advanced training courses where a person can come to improve his level. You can send it from the company. For example, if there is a chief engineer who is ready to develop, works for the future, then the company can offer him such training.

- Do you think it would be better if companies still train such specialists themselves?

I think that this will be fine, although it will not solve the problem in its entirety. I myself am from a higher school, I teach, a doctor of sciences. But there are a number of problems with education due to the rather conservative education system in Russia. For example, in the St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, it took a very long time to introduce the specialty of innovation, although it was a market request.

Why is everything happening so slowly? There are no personnel who will teach?

I would not say that there are no frames. There are young specialists, scientists who want to do this, but the issue, as usual, comes down to finances. Few people can afford to work only at a university - this is a story more about enthusiasm. When choosing between business and teaching, most people go into business, but there are exceptions: there was a time in my life when I taught on weekend evenings. Maybe this should be put on a commercial basis, but there is not enough dialogue with universities and institutes. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

I think the complexity can still be of this kind: if a person goes completely into teaching, he stops practicing in business ...

I am in favor of involving people from business in the educational process. This, of course, happens, but more often not at state sites, but at commercial ones - in the form of seminars, advanced training courses. I myself now teach a number of disciplines at the Yaroslavl Academy of Industrial Management, at the Developer School, at advanced training courses, but they don’t come from universities: there are accomplished specialists who want to expand their functionality. And I would like them to be also university teachers, so that they can then pass on the knowledge they have gained to students.

Let's pretend that Management Company wants to implement a “one stop shop” service, but she has never done this. What tasks will be paramount?

First, the search and training of employees. Secondly, it is necessary to design a scheme of relations between them: algorithms, connections. For example, if repairs are being carried out in the tenant's premises, it is necessary to turn off the fire alarm for the period of dusty work; make sure that security monitors violations; make sure that the cleaning service comes after that so that other tenants do not suffer. Several services are involved, but the output should be one application from the tenant who carries out these works. And in order to automate the system, there are a number of computer systems, server software, ready-made solutions in order not to do it all by hand, not to make paperwork. All this can be controlled through a browser, computer, application on the phone, so that everything is transparent, fast, convenient and does not require additional resources.

- Implementation of this kind of service is expensive for the company?

Most of the time it takes to set up for specific tasks, i.e. algorithms need to be programmed. At the current facility, it takes 2-3 months. When it comes to money, it all depends on what you choose. You can find generally free solutions, or you can buy a boxed version - there are a lot of offers on the market.

- You said that now 30-40% of companies use the “one-stop service”. What are the prospects?

I think that their number will not grow, but, most likely, it will also decrease. Several strong Western companies left the market and were replaced by Russian ones. And some of them adopt the experience, some do not. I do not think that any surge should be expected in the near future - everything will remain at the same level. Western players are leaving, but this will be leveled.

Will Western companies ever return?

Hard to tell. In fact, Western investors are leaving, but Asian investors are coming in - China, for example. I do not think that Europeans will come to us again in the next 5-10 years - most likely, there will be a slow outflow. Not because everything is bad here, but because “there” is still better.

Thanks, I think we cleared things up a bit. Now I would like to ask a few abstract questions. You recently took a position CEO SVN with which we congratulate you. I would like to know what priority tasks you set for yourself, what are you planning to do? How do you see the prospects for the development of the company?

I have two main directions: maintaining the current pool of objects that are of interest to the company and bring profit, and focusing on shopping and business centers. And now a new interesting segment has appeared - the agricultural sector, processing food production, work with non-core assets.

- If we return to the main directions - what is closer to you? Trade or offices?

For ten years I worked with large shopping centers. Despite the fact that they are very demanding, volatile, and have low margins. To get the same object in a trade or office center, in the industrial sector, you need to spend a different amount of time. With a shopping center, this is the most difficult, plus the result will not always be predictable, but the trading direction, nevertheless, is closer to me.

Many consultants complain that there has been a reduction in the number of major shopping facilities not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. What do you think is waiting for large shopping centers, will they be replaced by district employees?

Large objects are more profitable, because unit costs are lower: there are fixed costs for operation, security, documentation development, etc., which are distributed per square meter of leasable area. Service cost 1 sq. m in a large shopping center is approximately 20-30% lower than that of a district manager, due to this you can make a big profit. On the other hand, there are not so many large shopping centers in Europe and, as a rule, they are not located in the city center. People prefer to go to small ones - close to home or work. In Russia, there are still few district workers, in my opinion, but they will develop, because. require less investment - both for construction and reconstruction. And they are more convenient for the visitor.

- Well, how can I say... The Russian mentality still keeps the tradition of family trips to MEGA for the weekend.

Yes, there is usually cheaper and more choice. Many at one time said that Aviapark, for example, would not be promoted. Yes, there are still questions about its revenue side, but nevertheless it is already filled with tenants, there big traffic. So I don't think big shopping centers"wither away". Both large and regional facilities have a future, and they do not compete with each other.

I have been working in commercial real estate for over 15 years. Held senior positions in companies such as ADG Group, ECE Rusland, Stockmann, IKEA. In 2018, he was appointed CEO of SVN Management Company.
Among the implemented projects, we can single out the MEGA shopping and entertainment center (St. Petersburg), the Stockmann Nevsky Center shopping and entertainment center (St. Petersburg), GoodZone MTRK (Moscow), Vremena Goda Galleries (Moscow), AURA shopping and entertainment center (Yaroslavl, Surgut), Central baby store at the Lubyanka.
I was directly involved in all stages life cycle objects: built, commissioned, launched, managed.
Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I am the author of books, textbooks, articles on real estate management, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Property Management (GAPM, Yaroslavl).

Professional skills

Operational management of the facility, technical operation, organization of cleaning, safety and security, Fire safety and interaction with regulatory authorities.

Member of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Lyulin, Pavel Borisovich (Leningrad, RSFSR) - scientist, doctor of economic sciences, associate professor of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, State Academy of Industrial Management named after N.P. Pastukhov.

He began his scientific activity at the St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in 2004. Research work " Modern methods cost management", carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor Asaul A.N., was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation according to the results of an open competition for the best scientific work in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in higher educational institutions Russian Federation. In 2008 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Formation of a mechanism for managing commercial real estate objects”. At the moment, the area of ​​scientific interests is real estate management, management efficiency assessment, real estate operation, living systems, cost management.

Since 2004 he has been teaching at SPbGASU the disciplines: “Real Estate Economics”, “Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity”, “Finance and Credit” as an Associate Professor. In the course of work, he prepared several teaching aids for higher education, which are widely used. In 2012, within the framework of the research theme of the university "Development of the theory and methodology of training and education of specialists for the investment and construction complex of Russia in the system of higher, postgraduate and additional education» took part in the development of a system of interactive testing and testing of students' knowledge. The system offers interactive learning for students, using an Internet resource for testing, checking the quality of knowledge. Since 2015 teaches at the State Academy of Industrial Management named after N.P. Pastukhov at the Department of Economics and Property Management.

Since 2009, he has been studying living systems in relation to economic organizations. In the field of living systems, works were published in leading scientific journals of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, St. economic society Russia]. Scientific activity in this direction is carried out within the framework of the RFBR grant NK-698P for conducting exploratory research work in the direction of "Economic Sciences".

In the study, the investment and construction complex is considered as one of the levels of living systems. Thus, both the complex itself and the companies that make up it are living systems, which means they are subject to the same laws as similar entities. The results of the study were presented to the general scientific community at the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Research, development and application high technology in industry”, as well as at several local conferences.

In 2015 Lyulin P.B. defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics. as a direction scientific work the application of the methodology of the theory of living systems for the study of ISC was chosen.

Scientific publications:


1. Management of the subjects of the investment and construction complex within the framework of a living system: monograph / P. B. Lyulin. ‒ St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2013. ‒ 240 p. (16 p.l.).

2. Management of commercial real estate objects: monograph / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin. ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2008. ‒ 144 p. (8.5 p.l. / 4.5 p.l.).

1. Lyulin, P.B. The evolution of systems science [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Basic Research. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 5. M.: Publishing house "Academy of natural sciences". ‒ S. 151‒156. (0.3 p. l.).

2. Lyulin, P.B. Evaluation of the development of a regional ISC using the method of expert assessments [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of civil engineers. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 1 (42). ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU. ‒ P. 168‒172. (0.2 p. l.).

3. Lyulin, P.B. Principles of modeling the investment and construction complex [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 2 (43). ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU. ‒ S. 182‒187. (0.3 p. l.).

5. Lyulin, P.B. Development of a decision-making algorithm in order to regulate the investment and construction complex [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Contemporary Issues science and education. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 3. ‒ M.: Publishing House "Academy of Natural Sciences". ‒ S. 356. (0.3 p. l.).

6. Lyulin, P.B. Evaluation of the effectiveness of managing the subject of a regional ISC [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of the TOGU. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 4 (35). ‒ S. 199‒208. (0.5 p. l.).

7. Lyulin, P.B. Management of changes in the subject of the regional investment and construction complex based on the concept of living systems / P. B. Lyulin [Text] // Construction Economics. ‒ No. 3 (27). ‒ M.IDPO GASIS NRU HSE. ‒ 2014. ‒ P. 3‒12. (0.4 p. l.).

8. Lyulin, P.B. Features of the formation and implementation of solutions in the concept of a living system [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Fundamental research. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 6 (part 7). ‒ M.: Publishing House "Academy of Natural Sciences". ‒ S. 1458‒1463. (0.4 p. l.).

9. Lyulin, P.B. Classification of interactions between the subjects of the investment and construction complex as an open living system [Text] /P.B. Lyulin // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. ‒ 2013. ‒ V.168 (No. 1/2013). ‒ S. 199‒212. (0.4 p. l.).

10. Lyulin, P.B. Methodology of managing the subject of the investment and construction complex within the framework of the concept of a living system [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Russian Journal of Economics and Management. ‒ 2013. ‒ No. 02 (88). (0.3 p. l.).

11. Lyulin, P.B. Investment and construction complex - living system[Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Economic revival of Russia. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 1 (31). ‒ St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV. ‒ P. 94–102. (0.4 p. l.).

12. Lyulin, P.B. Management based on living systems [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of civil engineers. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 2 (31). ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU. ‒ S. 288‒294. (0.6 p. l.)

13. Lyulin, P.B. Applied aspects of autopoietic theory [Text] /P.B. Lyulin // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. ‒ 2012. ‒ T.157. ‒ S. 141‒157. (0.6 p. l.).

14. Lyulin, P.B. Modeling of the investment and construction complex as a living system [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Fundamental research. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 11. ‒ M.: Publishing House "Academy of Natural Sciences". S. 1544‒1549. (0.3 p. l.).

15. Lyulin, P.B. Properties of ISC subjects as living systems [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of civil engineers. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 6 (35). ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU. ‒ S. 248‒254. (0.4 p. l.).

16. Lyulin, P.B. Principles of professional management of commercial real estate [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Economic revival of Russia in the XXI century: materials of the Russian scientific and practical. conf.: scientific. tr. Free Economic Society of Russia. - T. 69. - M.; St. Petersburg: VEO, 2006. - S. 233–236 (0.2 p. l.).

17. Lyulin, P.B. Model of the organization - the subject of the investment and construction complex as a living system. Structure, interactions, implementation of the control function [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. ‒ 2013. ‒ No. 3. ‒ SPb.: SPbGASU. ‒ S. 175‒181. (0.3 p. l. / 0.15 p. l.).

18. Lyulin, P.B. Principles of research of the investment and construction complex as an open living system [Text] / A. N. Asaul, V. A. Koshcheev, P. B. Lyulin // Fundamental research. ‒ 2013. ‒ No. 6. ‒ M.: Publishing House "Academy of Natural Sciences". ‒ P. 120‒126. (0.2 p. l. / 0.1 p. l.).

19. Lyulin, P.B. Recommendations for the implementation of the management model of a business entity as a living system at different stages of the life cycle [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin // Russian Journal of Economics and Management. ‒ 2013. ‒ No. 05 (91). (0.4 p. l. / 0.2 p. l.).

20. Lyulin, P.B. Classification of interactions between business entities in construction as an open living system [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin // Bulletin of civil engineers. ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU. 2013. ‒ No. 6. ‒ P. 177‒183. (0.4 p. l. / 0.2 p. l.).

21. Lyulin, P.B. Modeling of living systems [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin // Economic revival of Russia. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 2 (32). (0.4 p. l. / 0.2 p. l.).

22. Lyulin, P.B. Development of ideas about systems [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin // Economic revival of Russia. ‒ 2011. ‒ No. 4(30). ‒ St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV. ‒ P. 62‒68. (0.2 p. l. / 0.1 p. l.)

Other publications

23. Lyulin, P.B. Organizational culture subject of the investment and construction complex [Text] // Periodical journal scientific papers"FAN-SCIENCE". ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 11 (26). - Bugulma. ‒ P. 13‒21. (0.5 p. l.).

24. Lyulin, P.B. Approaches to the definition of the investment and construction complex [Text] // Economics and management: analysis of trends and development prospects: Sat. Materials VII International. scientific-practical. conf.: at 2 pm - Part 1 / under general. ed. S. S. Chernova. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Ural Institute stock market, 2013. - P. 165‒173. (0.5 p. l.).

25. Lyulin, P.B. "Live" management [Text] / P. B. Lyulin // First International. congress of young scientists (postgraduates, doctoral students) and students dedicated to the 180th anniversary of SPbGASU "Actual problems of modern construction". ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012. ‒ P.70. (0.2 p. l.).

26. Lyulin, P.B. Fruitful cooperation [Text] / Lyulin P.B.// international magazine Brand Power. ‒ 2011. ‒ No. 1(4), June. ‒ P. 43. (0.2 p. l.).

27. Lyulin, P.B. General theory living systems in management [Text] / Lyulin P.B.// On the way to revival: economics, society, business: scientific. tr. Russian scientific and practical. conf. - St. Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2010. - S. 112-121. (0.4 p. l.).

28. Lyulin, P.B. Analysis of the investment and construction complex as an autopoietic system [Text] / Lyulin P.B.// On the way to revival: theory and practice of management in the context of Russia's transition to an innovative development path: scientific. tr. Russian scientific and practical. conf. - St. Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2010. - S. 217-226. (0.4 p. l.).

29. Lyulin, P.B. Classification of interactions between subjects of the investment and construction complex [Text] / Lyulin P.B. / / Actual problems of modern construction: 63rd Intern. sci.-tech. conf. young scientists: at 3 hours - Part 3. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2010. (0.1 p. l.).

30. Lyulin, P.B. Investment and construction complex - a living system [Text] / Lyulin P.B. / / High technologies, research, industry. v.1.-Sb. Proceedings of the IX International scientific and practical. conf. Research, development and application of high technologies in industry. ‒ St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Politekhn. un-ta, 2010. - C. 41-46. (0.2 p. l.).

31. Lyulin, P.B. Management of commercial real estate [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Exclusive marketing. ‒ 2009. ‒ No. 2(71). ‒ M.: Agency BCI Marketing, 2009. ‒ P. 3‒51. (10 p. l.).

32. Lyulin, P.B. The need to form a mechanism for managing the subjects of the investment and construction complex as a living system [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Economic revival of Russia. - 2009. - No. 4 (22). - P. 35 - 41. (0.4 p. l.)

33. Lyulin, P.B. The concept of managing a living system at the level of organization and society [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // On the way to revival: theory and practice of management in the conditions of Russia's transition to an innovative development path: scientific. tr. Russian scientific and practical. conf. - St. Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2009. - S. 121-132. (0.3 p. l.).

34. Lyulin, P.B. Characteristics affecting the profitability of commercial real estate [Text] /P.B. Lyulin // Modern economic and social development: problems and prospects. Scientists and specialists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2008: Sat. scientific Art. ‒ St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2008. (0.4 pp.).

35. Lyulin, P.B. Professional management of real estate objects on the example of cost management [Text] /P.B. Lyulin // Economic problems and organizational solutions to improve investment and construction activities: Sat. scientific tr. ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2008. (0.4 pp.).

36. Lyulin, P.B. Realization of management of commercial real estate objects [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Reports of the 65th scientific. conf. professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students. ‒ Part 4. ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2008. ‒ 220 p. (0.4 p. l.).

37. Lyulin, P.B. Financing of real estate objects [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Scientific session of the SUAI: Sat. scientific tr. ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGUAP, 2008. (0.2 pp.).

38. Lyulin, P.B. The relationship of cost indicators and investment attractiveness of commercial real estate [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Economic problems and organizational solutions to improve investment and construction activities: Sat. scientific tr. ‒ St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2008. (0.4 pp.).

39. Lyulin, P.B. Organization of the security service at the commercial real estate object [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // On the way to revival: development prospects Russian economy: scientific tr. Russian scientific and practical. conf. - V.2. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2006. - S. 348-354. (0.4 p. l.).

40. Lyulin, P.B. Administrative building management [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Economic problems and organizational solutions to improve investment and construction activities: Sat. scientific tr. - Issue. 3, v. 1. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2005. - S. 209–216. (0.4 p. l.).

41. Lyulin, P.B. Financial management real estate object [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Modern economic and social development: problems and prospects. Scientists and specialists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2005: Sat. scientific tr. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2005. - S. 221–225. (0.4 p. l.).

42. Lyulin, P.B. Determination of planning and settlement prices for operation [Text] / P.B. Lyulin // Economic problems and organizational solutions to improve investment and construction activities: Sat. scientific tr. - Issue. 1. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2004. - S. 138-146. (0.5 p. l.).

43. Lyulin, P.B. Systems concept development [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin // International journal of experimental education. ‒ 2014. ‒ No. 2. ‒ P. 94‒97. (0.3 p. l.).

44. Lyulin, P.B. Mathematical modeling of the interactions of an organization as a living system [Text] / A. N. Asaul, P. B. Lyulin, O. A. Malafeev // Bulletin of the Khmelnitsky National University. Economic sciences. - 2013. - No. 6; v.1. – P. 7‒12. (0.3 p. l. / 0.15 p. l.).
