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Who can participate in construction tenders. Algorithm for participation in tenders: where to start. Features of holding tenders in various industries

Participation in tenders can bring good income. However, most companies do not dare to take this step because they do not know how to carry out this procedure correctly. This article was written specifically to cover all the important points that are associated with the tender market. After reading this article to the end, you can significantly increase your knowledge in the field of tenders.

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The participation of companies implies compliance with certain rules that will be regulated by the terms of the tender. Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate uncooperation. Despite all the difficulties that are associated with tenders, they should not be ignored. Having concluded a profitable contract, you can earn good money.

It should be noted that the scope of tenders is quite wide. They can be used both in industrial automotive industry and in conventional areas. small business that provide services or goods.

In order to participate in the tender, it is not enough to have an offer from the customer. You need to clearly understand how to participate in tenders in order to prove yourself from the best side.

Tender classification

  • open;
  • closed;
  • two-stage;

Each of the above types has its own characteristics and rules of conduct. Let's explain each in detail.


An open tender is a procedure by which the contracting authority invites everyone to take part in the tender. Potential bidders can learn about the tender from advertising campaigns and special sites.

Most often, tender documentation is sent free of charge or set such a price to cover all the costs that arose during its creation. Such documentation usually includes conditions and rules that must be followed throughout the tender.

In most cases, this type of tender is used to place an order for state procurements. What can not be said about ordinary companies. Direction, which does not provide for such activities.

An open tender makes it possible to receive an order for a very favorable conditions. However, an unlimited number of participants can register in it, which in turn increases the burden on the attendants.

You can order tender services in specialized companies or do it yourself.


A closed tender is held among a limited number of participants who have received an invitation to participate.

The organizing company recruits participants according to the following criteria:

  • good reputation;
  • high rating;
  • image;

To increase the attractiveness of your company, you need to have good self-promotion. This is what big companies do. Increasingly, we notice them on TV screens or other media.

Participants in such a tender will never know about each other before the official start of the tender. This condition makes it possible to exclude collusion between companies. To conduct such a tender does not need to spend a lot of time and effort. And the list of participants, in most cases, does not exceed 5 companies.

two stage

Most often, a two-stage tender is called a specialized tender with a limited number of participants. A two-stage tender differs from a closed tender in that it has an unlimited number of bidders. In order to participate in such a tender, it is necessary to comply with certain rules that govern the rules for conducting this tender.

A two-stage tender is carried out in several stages. However, it should be noted that in this case, such a tender will take more time.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The organizing company is preparing test, which determines the strength of the company. Based on the solution of this task, the participating company prepares an offer.
  2. At the final stage, a decision is agreed upon.

However, such a tender is divided into several components:

  • tender "prices" in which participants report prices, terms, quality, etc.
  • tender "open brief", in which the customer indicates an approximate vision of the project, and the participants offer a creative solution;

Who can take part?

The main conditions for participation in tenders are quite simple. Both companies and individual entrepreneurs can participate in tenders. Domestic and foreign companies can participate in the auction. It should be noted that in order to participate in the tender, you must have a pre-specified list of documents.

How to participate (step by step guide)?

To participate in the tender, you need to know what is needed for this.

We offer step-by-step instructions, following which will help you to participate in the tender:

  1. In the first step, you need to collect required list documents that apply to bid.
  2. After the application has been submitted, you confirm your participation, agree to the terms and conditions and undertake to comply until the end of the competition.
  3. If something doesn't suit you, then you can withdraw your application or make changes, but only strictly after the deadline set by the organizer.
  4. At this stage, the special tender commission has the right to extend the deadline for accepting bids. If the conditions of the event change, the participants receive a written notification.
  5. If the list is completed or the application deadline has expired, then the official consideration of applications begins, which requires deep study.

Sample Application

We indicate that the application consists of two parts. The first part describes the agreement on the conditions by which the tender procedure is regulated, as well as the provision of the necessary information about the product.

The second part provides information about the participant, which includes the presence of:

  • details;
  • certificates;
  • permissions;
  • licenses;

It should be noted that the application can be submitted both electronically and in writing. If the documentation is filled out correctly, it will be accepted from you.


The tender is regulated by a strict sequence of necessary actions that must be followed for any such event.

The rules for holding a tender include 7 stages, with the help of which the procedure for conducting a tender is normalized:

  1. Formation of a list of necessary requirements that must be observed by bidders. As well as making a decision on holding a tender.
  2. Invitation to participate.
  3. Participant selection. Depending on the type of tender, the selection of participants will be made before a strictly established deadline.
  4. clarification of the positions of the parties.
  5. Collection and presentation of ready-made proposals.
  6. Final selection of the best proposals.
  7. Announcement of winners.

If you are going to participate in tenders, then you need to know the following list of important points regarding tendering:

  1. Knowledge of Federal Law No. 94 will help determine the terms and conditions that the customer should have taken into account when drawing up the tender regulations.
  2. Choose one. The Russian government has established five existing trading floors.
  3. Get a unique digital signature. Such a signature gives the document legal value.
  4. Pass the necessary accreditation on the selected trading platform.
  5. Conducting auctions. Usually, the period of one procedure should not exceed two days.
  6. If you win the tender, then you need to sign a contract.

Preparation of documents

Preparation of documents must be carried out in accordance with the established list of required papers for participation in the tender, which were determined by the customer.

To participate in the tender, you need to prepare the following list of certified copies of the following documents:

  1. Registration certificate.
  2. A document that confirms that you are a taxpayer.
  3. A bank statement stating your financial stability.
  4. Help from tax office, which confirms the absence of debt to the state.
  5. balance sheet for the previous year.
  6. Certificates that confirm the standard quality of the goods.

The development of the tender system has been observed in Russia since the end of the last century. The concept of tender is equivalent to the concept of competition. Its meaning is in the search for a contractor for state orders precisely on a competitive basis. The entire regulation of this system is spelled out in With the winner and sometimes a contract is concluded for any work, services or supply of goods. Today we will talk about what you need to participate in tenders.

What are tenders

Such competitions can be open and closed, held in one or two stages. In addition, there are varieties of specialized closed tenders, single and requests for quotations.

What gives participation in competitions? The winner is given the opportunity to receive a profitable large order, and if it is a start-up company, to declare itself on the market. Many are scared away by the rather complicated participation procedure, but everyone is quite capable of understanding it. Of course, beginners often need help, a practical guide that explains what needs to be done and in what sequence. Have you decided to take part in tenders? Step by step instructions will come in handy.

Why is it beneficial

Information about where and what tenders are planned to be held is constantly available on specialized websites and in the media. When the competition is announced, the tender commission begins to consider the applications of applicants.

Small and medium-sized businesses are not characterized by activity in bidding for government orders - there are many apparent difficulties. This does not take into account that the lion's share of municipal budgets today is distributed, as a rule, through tenders.

State orders support business no less effectively than benefits and subsidies. In addition, the law obliges customers of the municipal and public sector to transfer at least 10% of the volume of work and deliveries of goods per year to entrepreneurs.

Electronic auctions

Unfortunately, only large companies are seriously involved in tracking promising tenders, and all because of the need to maintain a special service for this.

The state order is placed in different ways - in the form of a request for quotations, purchases from sole supplier(executor) or by bidding. The last method is the most common.

Now most orders from the state are placed on electronic auctions, their share is more than half of all conducted auctions. Such events are recognized as an effective means of combating corruption due to the anonymity of the participants, great competition and the availability (as they say, transparency) of all information.

Participation in tenders: step-by-step instructions for beginner businessmen

Let's look at what participation in an electronic auction is.

First of all, a suitable auction should be "calculated". To do this, you need to carefully read all notices of such events, regularly going to the official website for this, which has the status of an all-Russian and publishes announcements of future auctions 7-20 days before a certain date, which is the last day for submitting applications. You must indicate your desire to take part in the selected tender during this period - later your application will not be accepted for consideration.

Officially, there are five federal sites for electronic trading, on any of which you will find a search form for auctions of interest and a register of all tenders. Also, summary information is easy to obtain on the official website of the Russian Federation, which is dedicated to placing orders.

What do you need to participate in tenders

Next, you should get an electronic digital signature (abbreviated EDS). It is bought in one of the special certification centers accredited on the electronic site of your choice. The process of receiving it will take several business days (2 or 3). Signature gives legal status electronic document and fixes the financial responsibility of the participant.

But EDS alone does not guarantee that you will take part in tenders. The step-by-step instruction contains, in addition to it, the concept of accreditation. That is, in order to participate in the auction held by a particular site, you must be accredited on it. Each of the five venues has its own accreditation. To do this, a special form is filled out on the website of the site along with an application for opening an account. A number of documents are attached. Which ones? We are talking about an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if you individual entrepreneur- on an extract from the USRIP), a power of attorney giving the right to participate in these auctions, a document on the appointment of a manager (decision or protocol) with the seal of the organization, a scan of a card with company details.

Further actions

The operator will consider the application within five days and give an answer on access or refusal (in the latter case, with explanations of the reasons). The number of retries is not regulated, but each application will require a five-day review period.

Having successfully passed the accreditation, you get at your disposal a "Personal Account", from which you will conduct all further actions.

The next mandatory step is to replenish your own account on the trading platform as a guarantee of participation in the auction. The amount is fixed - for small entrepreneurs it is usually 2% of the initial order amount (its maximum). In other cases we are talking about five percent. Money can be returned after the account is unlocked (at the end of the auction).


The participant can now apply. It must be approached very responsibly by drawing up it, having carefully studied all the documentation of the auction. The first part, anonymous, consists in confirming the consent of the participant to supply the desired product (service) with a detailed description of them. The second part contains detailed information about the participant with all supporting certificates and licenses attached.

In addition to the application of the established form, the application for participation in the tender must include the fullest possible amount of cost estimates, where the cost of materials or services is shown in tabular form, including VAT at the time of bidding, detailed breakdowns of additional costs (transport, design and survey, etc.) as well as taxes.

Things to Remember

The submitted application is automatically equated to an agreement to comply with all the conditions of the customer. If it is impossible to fulfill them, the contractor should withdraw the application. It is not accepted from the participant after the deadline set by the organizer of the auction. Refusal to participate in the tender (withdrawal of the application) is possible only before a certain date. The deadline for admission may be extended by the tender commission, about which applicants are notified.

When the deadline for filing applications has expired, the customer considers their first parts, the results of the consideration are drawn up in the form of a protocol, which the operator of the site must be informed of all participants within the prescribed period. This way you will know if you are eligible to bid or not.

A little about the process itself

What are the main points you need to know when planning participation in tenders? The step-by-step instruction says that in the bidding process itself, two concepts are the most important - the step of the auction and the time left until it ends. The first indicator is strictly fixed - it is 0.5% of the maximum initial price (as the law says). The transition to the next step is carried out with an interval of 10 minutes, during which the participant must decide - to offer more low price or not.

Bidders are prohibited from submitting bids with a price greater than or equal to that previously offered. Also under the prohibition of offers with a zero price. "In advance" to underestimate the price by more than one step (below the minimum by this moment suggestions) is also impossible.

Completion of the auction

If the last offered bid turned out to be the lowest (no better offers were received within ten minutes), then the auction is over. Protocol with results in automatic mode is formed almost instantly, each participant appears in it only under the assigned number.

Who exactly won the tender will be known only after the end of the auction. The customer will receive the second part of the winning application containing the details of the participant who won the tender. He will be sent a state contract, which in certain period must be verified with an electronic signature.

What's next?

In addition, the amount of the monetary security of the contract must be provided, which, by law, is up to 30% of the original maximum price. This is done in the form of a bank guarantee, or the funds are credited to the customer to a temporary account.

Experts believe that by participating in tenders, any company receives important advantages. And although the tender system in its current form is far from perfect, it gives a chance to start-up entrepreneurs to reach a major customer and improve their own status in the market.

The choice of tenders should be treated wisely, not trying to cover all offers. In case of failure, you should not be upset - after all, you have gained serious business experience.

What is typical for commercial bidding?

Unlike state tenders, commercial tenders are organized in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the rules for their conduct are established by the customer independently. In their conduct, the same principles on which state auctions are based are applied. But there are more competitive procedures - in the form of an open tender with or without a preliminary selection, a closed, two- and multi-stage tender, a request for prices, competitive negotiations, purchases from a single source, etc.

Thus, commercial tenders are mostly conducted in the same way as state tenders. The difference lies only in the strict regulation of the latter by the legislation. The form of private bidding is more free, and they are focused on the documentation of the customer companies themselves.

A single and universal law on which the organization of participation in tenders of this type is based does not exist due to the huge variety of individual business areas, each of which has its own specifics.

Construction tenders

If your company's activities are related to the supply of machinery (excavators, cranes, bulldozers) or equipment, as well as the sale of construction land, you will need serious clients.

And this means that the company should take an active part in the relevant competitions. Surely you would like to conclude a long-term contract with a major customer. Then take part in tenders for construction. The principle here is the same: study the regulations for holding a suitable auction, form a package of documents consisting of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, photocopied and certified in the tax constituent documents (together with the charter) and an order to appoint a chief accountant, evidence of existing work experience along with copies of financial reports for the last period, as well as copies of passports of all official representatives supplier company and certificates of state registration of the enterprise. The one who will officially represent the interests of the company at the auction must be issued a power of attorney to participate in the tender.

Do not forget that the submitted application must have a financial security. If there is no available amount on the company's accounts, it has the right to use the tender credit.

Very often, in the newly created department of the company dealing with tenders, employees cannot immediately decide how to take part in tenders, where to start the search. Participation in tender projects is a rather specific activity and will require careful consideration of every nuance.

First steps

Participation in tenders begins with the selection of projects offered by different customers. Information about these projects is contained in several sources:

  • customer sites;
  • thematic Internet portals;
  • tender sites.

The collection and filtering of information about tenders can be handled by one of the specialists of the department. In the process, it is recommended to create your own database of order sources and companies in order to further speed up the search process. To simplify the task, experts advise using those sites where orders are collected that relate to a particular field of activity.

Before choosing a specific order, you should study in detail all the information that is attached to it. So, the application should include the following items:

  • company contact details;
  • essence of the project;
  • price;
  • term.

In addition to these data, the order must contain an additional document that contains detailed description all requirements, conditions, as well as . The project reviewer should be a specialist who has a legal education and knows the laws related to this species activities. Having at least basic knowledge, such an employee will be able to easily determine how high the level of the order is and whether the customer is a fraudster.

If this order is correctly executed and suitable for execution, you should contact the customer through one of the proposed channels. If an employee of the department does not know where to start tenders, it is recommended to call the customer and find out over the phone what the competition for the selected tender is, how serious the company is this company, and resolve other issues.


When establishing contacts, it is recommended not only to make a call to the customer, but also to hold a series of meetings. As a result, representatives of the company that conducts the tender will recognize such candidates, and the chance of choosing this particular contractor will increase. However, at the same time, you need to be not too intrusive and not constantly clarify the details of the transaction.

In addition, this communication will additional information about the customer. This is especially important if the enterprise is commercial. It is also recommended that you first study the requests of other tender organizers. Such information can be obtained from the media, official websites of companies or other sources.

Drawing up an application

As soon as the tender specialists select a specific project, the application should be processed. For this, they select Required documents and formatted accordingly. Anyone who does not know how to start a tender should first draw up a written application. Registration should be carried out very carefully, as a candidate may be denied participation in the tender due to the most minor errors and inaccuracies.

If the department does not have enough competent employees, you can contact the specialists of those firms that deal with the execution of all the papers necessary to participate in the tender. At the same time, experts advise existing employees tender department follow the work this specialist, and also consult with him in order to independently carry out such work in the future. The constant recourse to outside lawyers significantly increases financial costs.

Everything should be in moderation

There is no single answer to the question of how to start participating in tenders. However, the main rule is to exercise special care in the design of even the smallest details in the technical documentation.

Customers often pay attention not only to the characteristics of the contractor who submits the application, but also to how he designed it. This applies even to such trifles as:

  • handwriting,
  • ink color,
  • the quality of the binding and paper on which the application is made.

The finished package of documents should not be sent to the customer by mail, but a courier or a representative of your company should be allocated for this - this will also bring trust.

If the conditions of the competition allow, it is recommended to submit all technical information accompanied by graphic materials. You can also add a list of past customers to the document package. Having studied the activities of candidates for the executors of the tender project, the customer will know what benefits he can get by contacting a particular company.

How to start bidding: Video

IN Lately tenders are gaining more and more popularity. Their directions are different: office renovation, landscaping, purchase of consumables, etc. Tenders for beginners allow you to master the rules of saving and spend money profitably.

The word "tender" itself is borrowed from in English and means "competition", "bidding". That is, when there is one buyer of a service or product (customer) and several sellers (suppliers).

The tender is announced on specialized Internet resources. Legislatively, this term is not fixed, but in business life it is used constantly.

Tender procedure

The tender is carried out in three stages:

  • Preparation;
  • contact with partners;
  • final choice.


Contact with partners

There is a multifaceted assessment of the goods. As a result, some companies are eliminated, and several participants are selected for the final stage.

Final Choice

At this stage, the direct election of the company with which the customer will work takes place.

Types of tenders

All tenders are divided into two types: state and commercial.

State or municipal

The purchase of goods or services is carried out for state needs and for budgetary funds. In this regard, the tender procedure is carried out in strict accordance with Chapter 3.1 of the Federal Law No. 94, which regulates the placement of orders for the supply of goods, the provision of services and the performance of work for municipal and state needs.


In this case, the customer independently determines the terms and conditions of the auction. He can use both his own money and borrowed money.

Tender for beginners: step by step instructions for preparation

Let's consider in more detail how to participate in the tender for a beginner using the instructions:

  1. Explore the federal law № 94. Special attention focus on the supplier selection process. Here, an algorithm is prescribed that determines the terms and conditions that the customer must comply with.
  2. Select an e-platform. As a rule, the choice is limited to five electronic platforms, which were selected by the Russian government for electronic trading.
  3. Get an EDS, that is, a unique electronic digital signature. It allows you to assign legal force to the signed document. An EDS can be obtained within five working days at a certification center at a selected electronic platform.
  4. Install the necessary specialized equipment. You can install it yourself or seek help from specialists.
  5. Pass accreditation on the electronic trading platform (ETP). This procedure will take about five working days, you can go through it in the certification center.
  6. Conducting electronic trading. Their maximum duration is 48 hours. Here you should definitely determine the value to which all bidders are willing to bargain.
  7. Contract signing. The winning bidder is the participant who fully meets all the requirements, and at the same time offers more favorable conditions.
  1. Identify the most demanded and significant goods and services.
  2. Learn the tendering laws.
  3. Prepare money to participate in public procurement.
  4. Carefully study the documents of firms-customers.
  5. Prepare documents in accordance with all established requirements, without neglecting the little things.

Tender support

Tender support is a service aimed at ensuring the process of participation of an enterprise in a tender. the main objective tender support - to create all conditions (at the legal level) for the client-participant to win the tender.

Tender support is especially relevant if you:

  • do not have much experience or did not take part in state competitions at all;
  • do not want to take risks and act at random;
  • you don't want to misfire on a responsible tender.

Did you know that 90% of bidders are not allowed to bid due to flaws in the documentation or an incorrectly executed application? If you are not a professional, making a mistake in documents is easy. In this case, only tender support will help.

All about tenders for beginners: Video

Participation in tenders—need to maintain modern business to expand its capabilities, thanks to the most profitable form of trading. Like any competition, it has its own rules and conditions.

If you are a beginner and have decided to participate in the auction, then first you need to get acquainted with the main electronic trading platforms (hereinafter referred to as the ETP) that operate today.

Choosing an e-commerce platform

Determine ultimate goal participation:

  • receive a government order;
  • become a supplier of commercial organizations;
  • to acquire on favorable terms the property of bankrupt enterprises.

Accordingly, ETPs are divided into these groups of activities.

  • Accreditation at federal sites (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and established the procedure, as well as the conditions for the selection of ETP operators, in accordance with Federal Law No. 223), makes it possible for entrepreneurs to get a state order. Until 2017, there are 5 sites: Sberbank-AST, EETP, AGZRT, RTS-tender, ETP MICEX "State Purchases". In 2017, the Federal Law "On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs”, which will identify new operators of electronic trading platforms to meet municipal needs.
  • Participation in ETP tenders by OAO Gazprom, OAO NK Rosneft, Rosnano, OAO MTS, SC Rosatom, etc., makes it possible to become a supplier of commercial companies of the giants.
  • There are also accredited ETPs for holding auctions for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises, namely Sberbank-AST, SELT, uTender, Russian auction house etc.

How to participate in tenders?

Having chosen a suitable site and a tender that interests you, carefully study all the indicated requirements.

What do you need to participate?

  1. Workplace with Internet access.
  2. Install required software for participation in electronic auction. As a rule, it does not cause any particular difficulties, but it will require basic PC knowledge from you.
  3. Electronic digital signature(EDS), it enables the owner to participate in the auction for one year and is issued by specialized certification centers.
  4. Open a personal account to secure trades, the amount varies from 0.5% to 5% of the total contract amount. The amount is blocked by the operator, which will serve as confirmation of the guarantee tender security.
  5. Successfully pass accreditation.

Advice! Before a newcomer participates in the auction, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Federal Law No. 94, which regulates the terms and requirements that the customer must comply with, as well as the supplier selection procedure.


Accreditation is valid and gives the opportunity to participate in the auction for 3 years.

We draw your attention to the fact that 3 months before the expiration of the accreditation period, participation in the auction becomes impossible. Renew in advance so as not to disrupt an important contract.

Step-by-step instructions can always be found in the relevant sections of the site where the ETP is located or by contacting technical support.

In order to certify your authority, you must:

  • fill out an electronic application form and attach scanned copies of constituent documents for legal entities or copies of all pages of the passport for private entrepreneurs;
  • attach extracts from the tax authorities;
  • a copy of the power of attorney to participate in the tender, confirming the authority of the person wishing to be accredited;
  • certify all EDS.

Having successfully passed accreditation, the client gets access to Personal Area from where it can directly participate in tenders.

Rules for participation in open auctions

Newcomers, participants, often ask themselves: can an individual entrepreneur participate in tenders? The legislation of the Russian Federation does not restrict the right to participate in the auction of individual entrepreneurs.

Please note that commercial enterprises Organizing tenders are free to independently formulate the conditions for participation.

Therefore, carefully study the requirements for ongoing auctions, if they do not contain such restrictions, then self employed entitled to apply.

Free tender - myth or reality

The electronic form of bidding excludes the possibility of direct communication between the customer and the supplier, respectively, the belief that the tender is held for previously completed work is incorrect.

If there are doubts about the fairness of a bid, carefully review the requested bidding documents to help determine whether or not a formal bid is in place.

There is a widespread myth that participation is exclusively large companies in open auction.

Individual entrepreneurs who produce high-quality products, provide competitive services or works, can participate free of charge in both commercial and state auctions. This will expand the prospects for business development and win the trust of potential customers in the future.

Speaking of free auctions, we mean the absence of corruption and fake results. Of course, the cost of guaranteeing participation will be required.

However, the amounts will depend on the desired contract, and certain expenses will require paperwork for participation, but all these are official costs of the company, which will more than pay off if they win.

Basic rules for preparing tender documentation for beginners

Plastic bag tender documentation is the primary document that will allow the customer to study you as a potential supplier. An important condition is the correct preparation of documents.

  • The application for participation contains a list of documents, keep in mind that the customer is not entitled to request documents not specified in Art. 51, Federal Law No. 44.
  • Be sure to number and stitch the documents, certifying them with the seal of the organization and the signature of authorized persons, which will indicate the authenticity of the documents provided.

According to Federal Law No. 44, private entrepreneurs have a number of advantages in procurement, but only where they are provided for by the terms of the auction.

  • It is mandatory for an individual entrepreneur to provide an extract from the USRIP, received no earlier than 6 months before the start of trading. A notarized copy is accepted.
  • Sole proprietors under liquidation are not allowed to participate in tenders.

It is also necessary to prepare Commercial offer with the price of goods, volumes, indicate the country of origin.

  • If the customer specified specific requirements for the quality of goods, document the fulfillment of the conditions, provide, for example, quality certificates.

If you are not confident in your abilities when drawing up documents, contact specialized institutions.

Well, if you plan long-term work in the field e-procurement, replenish the staff with an employee responsible for the preparation of tender documentation, followed by tracking and conducting open tenders.

  1. Calculate your financial possibilities, start with small contracts, fill your "bumps" before participating and fighting with large organizations.
  2. Avoid template applications that cannot highlight the advantages among competitors and make your company faceless and uninteresting to the customer.
  3. Select an employee in the company who will be responsible for conducting tenders.
  4. Contact experts at the initial stages for advice and training.
  5. Purchase software that will allow you to combine all available auctions from various ETPs, according to the established filters. This will significantly save time on searching for the necessary lots, and you will not miss an interesting order from the company.

If during the auction, you have any doubts or there are significant changes in the work, you can always write a letter of refusal to participate.

Do not worry - this is a common practice, it is also worth refusing if the invitation was received a few days before the start of trading. A well-executed business rejection letter will not cause personal insult to the customer and will not harm your reputation.
