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Scenario for school amateur performances. Amateur performance number from the class for the New Year Interesting amateur performance number

Amateur performance number for prom

Author Vedova Alexandra Vasilievna
Place of work: Zadorskaya secondary school, Sonkovsky district, Tver region
This amateur performance number can be used for any prom.

Monologue of a pessimistic school board “I’m tired of everything!”

I'm tired of everything! You're hanging here like a fool! And everyone strives to offend! If you get it dirty, you won’t be able to wash it off! Either they will rub me with paraffin, or they will write an indecent word. What about these buttons?
They put them into me - and I send them back, they send them back into me, and I send them back. I'm tired of everything!
Just take a break and relax! These here, 6th grade, nothing yet. They will always clean up after themselves.
And 9th grade! Here they go, it's begun! Dmitriev, as always, plays football with me like a rag, Kochuraeva and Zhuravlev are trying to throw an algebra textbook on my head. I'm tired of everything! Oh, Alexandra Vasilievna is coming! Oh oh oh! In a white jacket. She sat down. She blocked me all over. ABOUT! Writes a theorem! A homomorphic image of an automaton is isomorphic to a factor - an automaton by its nuclear congruence. Lord, does she even understand what she’s writing?
I'm tired of everything! Director! Darling! You have an application for a new board there. You petition, and I’ll bake somewhere on the side. So tired of everything!

Monologue of the optimist board “Life is beautiful!”

I love school, I just adore it! I won’t praise myself, but I’m so pretty – even, smooth, shiny. Not a board - yum! Yes, I can’t be different - there are so many eyes looking at me! They admire!
And they write like that – evenly, diligently, neatly! I love 6th grade! Tonechka will come and wash me all over, rub me with sugar so that I can write better. She hung flowers near me - it’s like a greenhouse! Not air - ozone! Life is Beautiful!
Some, of course, complain that they are offended, but I’m not one of those people, I won’t let myself be offended! There Kozorezov threw a rag at me twice. So I swung, fell off the nail - and boom! - right on his foot. So now he's avoiding me! No! Life is Beautiful!
As for the new board, Anatoly Alekseevich, please help! What if it turns out to be an American black boad? Do not you worry! We will not lose face!

Second miniature on prom

This miniature is a humorous story made up of sentences containing the names of graduates. Here I present a story with the names of my students, and you can make up your own story by analogy. This number is for a specific audience, so it is always a great success, you can imagine a lot, it always turns out fun and interesting. These are the last names of my last graduates
Second miniature for prom
Village Ryazanov lost among the swamps.
Grandfather's house Prokhorova was the last one in the village. He could be recognized immediately. On high Shestakova the Russian flag fluttered, a beautiful Tyulnova.
It rained all June, and this morning the sun was shining, and the grandfather, squinting his eyes, sat down on the rubble, made a rolled-up cigarette out of Makhrova as a drop fell on his head.
No way, Golubev?- thought the grandfather, but it started dripping again.
The third day it starts to rain Polivanov!- the grandfather got angry and just wanted to go home, when his wife appeared with a jar of cucumbers." You are all over again Prasolov did you drink? You've got your hands full, and you Konev didn't lie around. Look. all the wood in the stove Gorelovs!"- she screamed and - Bem! grandfather's Baldina yes by Zubovoy, By Baldina yes by Zubovoy."Here you go!" - thought the grandfather. He sat Tikhomirov.
Didn't touch anyone. Over there, other men have women Belyaevs, and mine is like a woman Ruzanova and brains on Bekrenev. Isn't she with me? Nekrasov!
And where can she find something better?” thought the grandfather and went about his business.

Scenario “The Tale of Fedot – the Sagittarius, the Daring Young Man”

(number of amateur performances from the class at the New Year's party)

(Fanfares sound)
Leading: In some kingdom
In some state
Not high, not low, not far, not close
Once upon a time there lived a king, the sovereign of that side.
(The king enters, the princess runs after him, the ambassador walks importantly, the king and ambassador sit down at the table.)

Tsar(to the ambassador): Good afternoon, happy hour
We are glad to see you with us.
Believe me, salaam alaikum,
Bona sir, you are out of das.

Princess(to the ambassador): Where are you from? How old are you?
Are you married or not?

Tsar: Tsk, you fool, shut up! Place the dough near the oven.
Come on, march to your room and teach solfege!

Leading: The king and the ambassador are sitting at the table,
They conduct conversations with any food.

Tsar: Causes antiresis
Your nutritional process:
How is it going abroad?
“Snickers” with or without “Mars”?

Ambassador: Yes.

Tsar: Causes antiresis
And such a cut:
How do you dance the polka:
With or without music?

Ambassador: Yes!

Tsar: So I got it right: “Yes yes yes”
Foreign obscurantist!
How would you surprise him?
Maybe we should invite Fedot?
Call Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow!

(Merry music sounds, Fedot enters)
Fedot: Hello, my dear king!
How are you living? Are you not sick?

Tsar (slowly, thinking):
Get a carpet by morning,
Gold embroidered pattern.
State business -
Hurt yourself, but be kind!

Leading: Fedot went home
Mute from grief.
Food doesn't come to mind:
The king is angry - that’s the problem!

Fedot: Yesterday you asked for a carpet,
Well, I got him!
Everything is according to the agreement -
Both the drawing and the color!

(The Ambassador examines the carpet, winces, shakes his head)
Ambassador :
No! No! Guten so!
Everything is wrong, everything is wrong!

Fedot: Ah-ah! Is the carpet not pleasing to the eye?
Is the pattern in the carpet wrong?
Well, I put it under his arm,
And the conversation is over!
(Makes a motion as if raking a carpet.)

I would like to beat you with whips,
Four or five
So that you don't get rid of yourself
Over serious people!

Ambassador: Yes! Yes!

Princess: People, people! What should we do?
How would you surprise the ambassador?

(The poem “New Year” sounds)
Ambassador: Know, know!

Princess: Why is the poem not good for you?!
Fedot: We are like this, we are like this,
Maybe he's just... a fool?

Leading: And then they remembered in their spare time
About my old friend!

(Music sounds, the Tsar's Nanny appears.)

Nurse:(to the king): You chavoy are not yourself,
Not rosy, not alive.
Is Ali a Swede near St. Petersburg?
Is he a Turk near Moscow?

Tsar: That's enough, nanny. I'm not sick!
You see - the English ambassador.
I do not know what to do,
What would surprise him?

Nurse: You chavoy are out of your mind,
There's a pimple on my lip!
Oh, you'll waste your health
In the political struggle!
Everything stings and hurts,
And my chest burns with fire,
I have long suspected
You have encephalitis.

Tsar: You're fooling me
We couldn't even think!
You have all five convolutions
Get to work!

Nurse:. Seven eight, twice two,
Earn your head
Please advise what we can do
Surprise an overseas fruit
So that he is wildly delighted
He would shout: “Believe gud!”

Tsar: Speak up, don’t be tormented!

Nurse:.ABOUT! I found your answer!
I speak as a local historian!

(Whispers something in the king's ear)

Tsar: It is snowing?

Fedot: It is snowing!

Tsar: So, the holiday is New Year!
What a nanny! No doubt!
Finally, I found the answer!

Princess: Well, you, friends, get up,
Round dances begin,
Hide your ears, hide your nose,
Santa Claus himself is coming to us!
(The song “Russian Santa Claus” plays)

Father Frost: Happy New Year,

Happy New Year

Congratulations to all children

Congratulations to all guests!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see everyone again

Snow Maiden(runs up to grandfather):
I was in a hurry to see you guys,
But I got a little lost.
I didn't come alone
And I brought you guests.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy
A hundred years of bright life
And a hundred pounds of health!
Grandfather, come up with a game
Amuse the kids!

Ambassador: Bill I am in the king's retinue.
Now where did you go?
(approaches the Christmas tree) What's this? Some kind of Christmas tree
Decorated to the nines...
Children, what about the buffet?

Snow Maiden: Children, let's say in unison: "No!"

Ambassador: Well, then explain to me,
What are you doing here?
Why a Christmas tree, karavot?

Snow Maiden: We are celebrating New Year!

Ambassador: Oh friends. Honestly!
I'm so happy
I can climb up a Christmas tree!

Father Frost: According to custom, gifts
I'm supposed to give it.
I won't let anyone
Break this custom!

Father Frost: Come, honest people,
Receive gifts!
It's time for me to head back
It's getting hot!

(The chimes sound. All participants in the performance come out to the audience.).

Schools organize holidays and concerts on a variety of occasions: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, March 8, graduation, Last call and others. Traditionally, animators are not invited to such events; there is plenty of talent among schoolchildren.

We offer a scenario concert program for any holiday “One day in the life of Petka Rogov”, which consists of the most popular children's amateur performances: skits and songs - adaptations on a school theme. The entire concert or individual skits will fit into any one, you just need to add appropriate congratulatory moments to the conference and slightly change the presenters’ lines to suit the specific occasion.


Student Petka Rogov

His classmates are boys and girls participating in different scenes


Extras - singing, dancing children. They're changing the scenery

The introductory part of the school concert program.

1st girl: Adults often see us only from one side, but thousands of “I” live in each of us.

1st boy: In everyone you can find a student, a researcher, a slob, and a tidy person.

2nd girl: Every child is sometimes lazy, sometimes hard-working, sometimes a tomboy, sometimes quiet.

2nd boy: Every day a child is cheerful and thoughtful, an imp and a future genius.

3rd girl: It’s not always possible to see all these images at once - three or four in one - but you can try.

3rd boy: Today, in honor of the holiday, we are ready to show such a surge of our incarnations.

1st girl: Meet big...

1st boy: festive,

2nd girl: cheerful,

2nd boy: musical,

3rd girl: educational

Guys (in unison): ABRACADABRA!

3rd boy: Or “One day in the life of Petka Rogov.”

(One girl remains on stage, the rest go to change clothes)

1st girl: Who among us didn't want to meet a superhero as a child? And maybe you will become like this! And if you think carefully, why are these supermen, catwomen and spider-men so attractive?

They find some non-existent villains, and then fight them, in short, they look for adventures for themselves. But I would like to see how they would cope with the school load? What if there are still five clubs and two dogs that need to be walked three times a day?

There won't be enough cobwebs here. And in our weather you can’t fly much!

Did you know that superheroes really exist? True, they don’t write books about them or make movies, but they are nearby, you just have to look closely. There is one of these students at our school. You look at him and you will never guess that this is a real hero. Even a Superhero!

Judge for yourself: dad is writing a dissertation, mom is looking after him so that he is not distracted by everyday life. Grandfather and grandmother are busy with their health, and the entire household is on the shoulders of Petka Rogov, that’s the name of our hero...

However, what am I saying anyway? See for yourself!

Musical skit "Petka Rogov - superhero"


Petka Rogov,

Dad, mom, grandpa, grandma

(All characters sing, accompanying the words of the song with actions)

Lyrics of the song scene

Choir(everyone except Petka sings):

The incorruptible alarm clock rang,

It's exactly 5:25 on the clock,

And turning on the lamp at the head,

Petka Rogov decided to get up.

Petka(sings alone, “Atas!” everyone sings together):

Atas! Turn on the gas in the kitchen quickly!

Atas! remove the bedding,

Cook the sausages!

Atas, my right eye closed again,

Life is not theater, right here.

Choir(everyone except Petka sings):

Dad took science seriously

He still wants to get a degree,

Only mother's strong hands

They can feed dad now.

Grandma and grandpa run away for half a day

Around the yard from a heart attack in shorts,

After the cross-country, the pills are swallowed,

The entire economy rests on these shoulders.

Climb! And we will kill those who are sleeping!

Climb! Get up boys

Get up, girls!

Climb! Now we'll pour everyone some tea.

And where are you going barefoot? Climb!

Petka(addressing grandfather):

Don't forget to pick up the cabinet at the store

And put it in the hallway in the corner.

But there is no sign of a postcard.


No, I will probably die with you.

Wait, perhaps, six months for postcards!

I left them money that time.

What kind of grandmothers? Isn't it ours, from the factory?


Money means it's gone, it's not up to you!

(grabs his jacket and briefcase and “runs away” from the house. Maybe this can be indicated by the fact that the others fall asleep again)

(one person sings, “Atas!” - everyone sings together):

Atas! Just don't be late for class.

Atas! Pick up more underwear, order printed heels...

Atas! There's still a whole hour left.

I'll have time to learn about the eye.

(Takes a textbook out of his briefcase, sits down and reads)

(Already falling asleep, alone) Atas...

Rogov is sleeping.

Rings 2. School bell .

(Extras walk across the stage with a “Biology” sign)

Comic school skit "Deserved grade"

Rogov wakes up, listens to what is happening in the classroom, after the words “In the pet store!” enters the class.

Rings 2. School bell .

Comic skit "How to learn English"

The guys collect their briefcases and leave.

Rogov: What will happen now? My head doesn't work at all!

Fedya: English.

Rogov: Well, here I am blowing. And you?

Fedya: What are you talking about?

Rogov: Are you blowing speak English?

Fedya: If only I had enough lungs, I would finally blow him away! I don’t sleep at night, studying, but to no avail. Today, again, in honor of the holiday, the Englishwoman will be making noise.

Rogov: And you try it like me.

Fedya: Not. I don't have the nerve. You're so cool!

Rogov: Ha! Toy company.

Fedya: What other toy?

Rogov: If you translate two words into English and combine them, you get: Crew-toy

Fedya: You're the COOL one! And I'm a fool!

Rogov: The ball is a van and it turns out ball-van

And here’s another: Cow-sell or Cow-sell

Fedya: You yourself are a “Kosel”! Played out! Would you rather tell me what to do?

Rogov: And you sing her a song, some kind of soulful one...

(Humming): “Is there anybody going to listen to my story...”

Fedya: (offended): Yah you! I can handle it myself!

Rogov: No offense!

(Rogov tries to pat Fedya on the shoulder)

Rings 2. School bell .

(Extras walk across the stage with a sign saying “English”)

Fedya throws off his friend's hand and sulks. Rogov shrugs and leaves. Fedya sings.

School adaptation of "Almost an English song"

To the tune of V. Obodzinsky “Oriental Song”

Sounds 3. Backing track. Obodzinsky. Eastern song


Is the warm rain pouring down?

Is the snow falling?

I'm English, detached

I teach every day.

I'm waiting for you to understand,

Or maybe no

All I have to do is understand a word,

ABOUT! How happy I am!

And at night in silence

English and myself,

In the lesson there is only a bad grade,

Even though I puffed all night,

I forget within a word what I wanted to say,

That is to say, I wanted to, but I couldn’t.

I only know

What to come that moment,

And in English of course

I will song and sing.

I will understand,

I will to say.

I believe he will come one day

This wonderful day

Wonderful day.

I will receive the desired five,

And it will be a very very high!

For convenience, we attach below original performance and the text of the words of the “Eastern Song”

Rings 2. School bell

(Rogov comes out)

Rogov: What, brother, let's talk about Pushkin, let's relax?

Fedya: Let's relax, okay! Today is a repeat. They will race all Russian classics.

Rogov: Don't drift! The guys and I agreed. We'll give the teacher a surprise.

Rings 2. School bell

(Extras walk across the stage with a “Literature” sign)

School skit "Literary jokes"

(The point is that the guys read out literary jokes)

Organizers: Select 5-6 jokes from the application. Have students read selected jokes. It is better to read "from sight". The most important thing in this recitation is absolute SERIOUSNESS. See the last joke below; for greater interest, you can add details of a specific school to its text.

The application “Anecdotes from the life of Pushkin” can be downloaded by clicking on the document

Anecdote "Pushkin, where are you?"

Girl: In conclusion, we would like to bring to your attention a new (unknown) chapter of the book from the legacy of Daniil Kharms (Is reading).

Joke text

“Leo Tolstoy loved children very much. One day he invited writers to... school (school number), to the 7th grade. His immortal work “Philippok” was just performed there. Turgenev, of course, immediately left for Baden-Baden.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, may he rest in heaven, thinks: “There’s no point in going there. I’m a nervous person; well, as soon as they start screaming, the next moment your skull will crack again. Come on!” And he didn’t go.

Lermontov to school Elizaveta Petrovna (name of the head teacher or director) didn't let me in. “What are you talking about,” he says, “Mikhail Yuryevich! Is it really possible to go to school with dogs. It’s a pity! Either the first-graders will squeeze them in, or the high school students will kill them.” And she didn’t let me in. Never!

Herzen had to go alone with Tolstoy. And with the crutch, it's over.

Tolstoy, as soon as he arrived in class, immediately began patting everyone on the head.

Herzen, of course, got Rogov and......., of course, and not Tikhonya... (insert last names)

Pushkin, without waiting for the beer, went outside (name of the street or area where the school is located).

And at this time Gogol dressed up as Pushkin and also drove up to the school.

Rogov and Elka completely silenced Herzen, and pushed the author of “The Thieving Magpie” under his desk. He wanted to shout, like Turgenev: “Mom!”, but in time he remembered about the crutch. And so the future writer of “The Bell” fell silent.

And Tolstoy had already stroked all the children and went around the second circle.

Then a disguised Gogol and a dressed Pushkin fly into the classroom. What happened here!

The essay “Philippok, as a mirror of Russian enlightenment” remained unwritten.

Rings 2. School bell

(Extras walk across the stage with a “Russian language” sign)

School adaptation "Song about the Russian language"

To the tune of V. Berkovsky’s song “About the Dog Tyaba”.

An adaptation of a bard's song is best performed with a guitar


1. On days of defeats and victories,

On the days of our holidays and troubles

The ringing of the bell was heard everywhere.

I gathered everyone in alarm,

He raised the people to revolt,

The rebellion was suppressed, he himself was left without a language.

The kings at that time were very strict,

Why should they, really, because they are like Gods,

The bells and the people were all silent,

The rebels had their tongues torn out.

2. There is such silence all around,

Although the war is not over,

We are behind enemy lines

And my nerves are on edge.

We desperately need language

He and I must return to the forest,

This is what our commander ordered,

Comrade First.

We've been here in the rear for two days now,

Eh, how to take a drag from a rolled-up cigarette,

Attention, duck down! We are approaching the highway.

Two lines... there is a language. Let's leave!

3. An old doctor once told me:

"Oh, come on, stick out your tongue"

I got sick, everything was as usual.

Here's a naughty boy

Sticked his tongue out at the neighbor

So this, brothers, is simply indecent!

The dog will show his tongue in the heat,

No one will say anything to this,

But if you are a neat child,

Hurry up and put it back in your mouth.

4. And there is one more language,

We need it from childhood,

And without him we can’t sing even a verse.

He walks through life with us,

If you want, it will bring you to Kyiv,

And an evil tongue is sometimes worse than a gun.

It comes in newspaper and cloth,

There is business and conversational

Sometimes he is handsome, witty,

Sublime, lyrical, subtle, smart.

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and lyrics of the song “About the Dog Tyaba”

Rings 2. School bell

Funny school scene "Proof"

Based on the story by Ilya Butman

Rogov: Well, finally, the last lesson! Now let’s multiply and add what we need and go home!

Fedya: No, for me it’s better to take it away and divide it!

Rogov(With looks at his friend in surprise): And that's true! Listen, what do we have now, algebra or geometry?

Fedya: Geometry.

Rogov: Ugh, you! Twenty-five again! I don't love her. It's algebra! Much easier.

Fedya: Don't lie, algebra is harder!

Rogov: No, geometry is harder!

Fedya: Algebra! And a lot!

Rogov: Me too, I found a heavy object!

Fedya: Do you want me to prove it?

Rogov: Try!

Fedya hits Rogov on the head with an algebra textbook

Rogov: Did you fall out of an oak tree?

Fedya: I conducted a scientific experiment. For proof. Now compare!

Fedya hits Rogov on the head with a geometry textbook.

What do you say now? What's heavier?

Rogov (stroking his head): You got it: algebra!

Fedya: What did I say?

The teacher comes up.

Teacher: What kind of fights without rules is this?

Rogov: Everything is according to the rules, Tatyana Petrovna! We found out that algebra is the hardest subject ( Sighs)

Teacher: Which one is easier?

Fedya (happily reports): Geometry!

Teacher: Okay, "Archimedes", let's go to class. Let's check it in practice.

Rings 2. School bell

(All concert participants are on stage).

The final song is a reworking of "Twice Two"

To the tune of the song “Twice two is four”

The backing track of A. Pakhmutova’s song “Twice Two” sounds


Twice two, twice two

Two by two is four,

Do you remember, friend, how you and I

Is this what everyone taught?

Like under a desk on the sly

We played mobile games?

And the multiplication table

So we supposedly knew.

Five five is twenty five,

This is certainly

Above the Earth at night

The Milky Way sparkles,

After winter comes spring,

And after summer there is autumn,

Still live on Earth

Very interesting.

Ten times ten times

It will be a hundred.

What a beautiful day it is today,

It's a holiday today!

You live a hundred years

We wish together

And to be angry and sick

Never necessary!

(The song is performed only to the melody of the chorus)

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and lyrics of the song “Twice two is four”

Yesterday, February 21, the qualifying (regional) stage of the regional festival-show “Your talents, Zaporozhye region!” took place at the Center for Children and Youth Creativity! within the framework of the All-Ukrainian open festival of children's amateur art activities “One Motherland”.

The event was attended by students from secondary schools in the city, who presented 33 numbers, pupils of the Children's Youth and Youth Theater, who performed 35 numbers, and the Zvezdny Children's Youth Theater - 3 numbers. In total, the jury watched 71 performances. Also, two exhibitions of decorative and applied art “Know and Love Your Land” were presented to the jury’s attention.

The work of young Berdyansk residents was assessed by a competent jury consisting of representatives of Zaporozhye regional center artistic and aesthetic creativity, Zaporozhye Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.

One of the jury members, member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine Leonid Tomilin shared his impressions of viewing the exhibition of children's works:

The works presented at the exhibitions are very diverse both in concept and technique. But it’s very nice that all the work is above average. For example, work from straw, onion and garlic peels is not a new technique, but thanks to the experience of the leader and the imagination of the child, the work was done at a high level, with a claim to individuality. You want to come back to them again and again.

We were impressed by the models of yachts and ships - a marine theme is natural for Berdyansk. Very powerful and beautiful work made with great skill. It’s immediately obvious that the manager knows his business; it seems that if we increase the work a little, then we can safely launch it. We wanted to take all the models to an exhibition in Zaporozhye, but this is physically impossible, so we chose only one yacht.

The works made of cold porcelain especially attract attention at the exhibition. There is a desire to touch these flowers, because you can’t believe that they are not real. This is a filigree technique.

Methodologist of the city education department Svetlana Vasilyeva: “We must present the best teams of the city schools and the Central Children’s Youth School to the jury”

Methodologist of the city education department Svetlana Vasilyeva told how the numbers for the review were selected:

Selection for the festival took place over two days – February 7 and 8. We have reviewed great amount children's performances, really enjoyed the concert. But, unfortunately, it was necessary to choose a very limited number of rooms. For two days we conferred late into the night and decided which rooms would be included in competitive program. It was a great pity to have to give up some performances. After all, only two hours are allotted for representatives of all schools at the review. Children showed their talents in vocal, instrumental, choreographic, theatrical, and literary genres.

Director of the Center for Children and Youth Creativity Natalia Lysenko spoke about the achievements of some teams:

Today we have already received high praise from our exemplary artistic team of the Fantasia art studio; we are recommended to submit documents to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine to confirm the title “Exemplary”. Also, the title “Exemplary” is today confirmed by our folk instrument orchestra. The children and the director of the choreographic ensemble “Solnyshko”, who today confirm the title “People’s”, are even more worried. We are looking forward to the performance of our guys. We are sure that everything will be fine for them. Because all jobs have a high level of professionalism and a desire to win.

The song “Swans” is performed by Reidina E., secondary school No. 13

The "Young Craftsmen" club of the Central Children's and Youth Center presented the collective work "Roses" at the exhibition

Scenario of the show “Talent! Music! Children!"

Fanfare sounds. The text sounds behind the scenes.

Peace and joy to you who live!

To all the people whose labor the earth lives on,
Life goes on, the earth blooms,
Existence exists in the world.

At this time, slides with the title of the show are shown, and the curtain opens.
Presenters on stage
Albina. Hello, dear residents of our village!
Rustam. Good afternoon, dear guests!
Aidar. Each of us has our own plans for life, but we are all united by our village, where our grandparents lived, where our parents live, where we were born and are growing up.

Alina We were born to live joyfully,
To play together, to be strong friends.

Wiener. To give each other smiles and flowers,
May all our dreams come true in life.

Alina Guryeva. We are starting an amateur arts program

"School mosaic!" Our concert opens with the Fashion Theater “Yaz Gole”

Number 1 Fashion Theater "Yaz Gole"

Presenter Alina G. What a blessing it is that you can
Look at people dear to you
To the land whose saintly features are similar
With the features of your old mother.

Lead Wiener . Happy anniversary, village! Song "Sandugach". on background of the presentation about the village.
Number 2 Song “Sandugach”

Presenter Alina G. . Our program is continued by debutants. Albina Gainulina speaks before you. Poem "My Puppy"
Number 3. Poem "My Puppy" Albina Gainulina.

Presenter Alina G.. We thank you, dear viewers, for your support of little artists. Those who can make mistakes and forget words - everything is forgiven for them!

Hosted by Wiener. The celebration continues with the group "Bells". Song "Merry Men".

Number 4. Song "Merry Men". Performed by the group "Bells"

Presenter Alina R. At school we supported both Olympians and Paralympians with a flash mob.

Number 5. Dance. "Get up..."

Number 6. " Little night serenade"

Against the background of musicA little night serenade
Alina R. Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you - Music comes into our home Aidar Ved This music is in a hurry And he leads us along.

Alina R. I listen to this music and imagine ancient Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart. Before my eyes there is a small old house in which the Mozart family lived, and Maestrino himself - a cheerful boy in a silver wig. Aidar : Mozart was a child prodigy: at the age of four the boy wrote his first concerto for the clavier. Alina R. : Throughout his childhood, Mozart entertained audiences in different parts of Europe, playing the clavier with his eyes closed. At one of the concerts, a cat suddenly appeared on the stage... Mozart stopped playing and ran towards her as fast as he could. Forgetting about the audience, the young genius began to play with the animal, and to his father’s angry cry he answered: - Well, daddy, just a little more, because the harpsichord won’t go anywhere, but the cat will leave... Aidar : At the age of seven, Wolfgang wrote his first symphony, at the age of twelve - his first opera, Bastien und Bastien. Alina R. : At the Bologna Academy there was a rule not to accept anyone under the age of twenty-six as members of the academy. But an exception was made for the child prodigy Mozart. He became an academician of the Bologna Academy at the age of fourteen

Aidar: One day, a certain high-ranking dignitary decided to talk with young Mozart, who by that time had already gained worldwide fame. How to contact a boy? - To say “you” to Mozart is inconvenient, his fame is too great, and to say “you” is too much of an honor for a boy... Alina R.: After much thought, this gentleman finally found what seemed to him a convenient form of addressing the young celebrity. - We were in France and England? Were we a big success? - asked the dignitary. - I've been there, sir. But I must admit, I have never met you anywhere except Salzburg! – The simple-minded Wolfgang answered him.

Aidar : Genuine immortal works of art remain accessible and bring pleasure to all times and peoples. Alina : How multifaceted music is! How young She, sounding through layers of time, Touches strings in people's hearts Love, sadness, memory, dreams.

Aidar. Romance performed by Mukhametova L.

Number 7. Song. Mukhametova L.
Alina R.:

A lot has been said about the waltz,He is sung in songs and poems,And no matter how many dances happen,And there really isn’t anything better than tango!

Number 8. "Tango"


I recently watched an old war film
And I don’t know who to ask:
– Why do our people and our country
Did you have to endure so much grief?

Number 9. Against the background of music "Scarlet sunsets." Children come on stage with scarves.

Alina is reading behind the scenes

The stars are getting brighter, the sky is doves,

But for some reason my heart suddenly squeezes,

When we remember all the children,

Whom that war deprived of childhood.

Aiman-apa reads

We came into this world

Just before the war,

Black swastika shadow

Swept over the country.

The fathers stood up with their chests,

Defending your home

The war was raging

In this big world.

We don't remember our fathers

We don't remember their faces

They are there... far away...

They died at the borders...

We are children of war,

We didn’t know the happiness of childhood,

We are not given it

Our happiness was stolen.

There is no need to feel sorry for us

We are made of stone and steel

Our pride lives on

And the soul is not tired.

People, let me breathe

Don't ruin old age for us,

We have troubles from childhood,

Two lives left.

Alina is reading behind the scenes

Children learned their childhood in the ruins of houses,

This memory will never be killed,

Quinoa is their food, and dugout is their shelter.

And the dream is to live to see Victory.

Aiman-apa reads

Children of war and the cold blows,
Children of war and the smell of hunger,
Children of war and hair on end:
There are gray hairs on children's bangs
The earth is washed with children's tears,
Soviet and non-Soviet children.
Their blood turns red on the parade ground like poppies
The grass drooped where the children cried
Children of war, the pain is desperate
And how many minutes of silence do they need!


I realized this recently
but may God grant that everyone understands:
two words in the world the most important -
family and home, father and mother!
Rustam The children give the Tatar dance to their relatives.

Number 10. Tatar dance.

Albina: The song “Spring” performed by Arina Giniyatullina and Rozalia Saifullina.

Number 11. Song by A. Giniyatullina and R. Saifullina

Alina G.

let us rarely talk to each other,
what we love, miss, wait for.
there is no better and sweeter friend,
than the long-awaited father's house!

Wiener. A poem performed by Ilyas Kashapov, a winner of the regional competition “Djalilov Readings”.
Number 12. Verse by Kashapov.

Wiener. A gypsy group arrived for our holiday. Dance "Darling"

Number 13. Gypsy Dance


Russia, you are the only one with us,
And we are all responsible for you.

On the map we are united, we are a country,
In our hearts and thoughts we are children of Russia!

Number14. Choir “We are children of the sun”
