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International competition of light installations and video mapping. Art Studio for Children and Youth of the State Regional Art Museum "Liberov Center"


Nomination "VIDEOMAPPING": additional acceptance of applications is open!

Dates: from May 13 to June 30, 2019

Application address: and in copy

Who would be interested in participating:

– professionals and amateurs in the field of 2D and 3D animation and video art;
– students and graduates of Russian and foreign universities and colleges;
– practicing artists, multimedia specialists;
- designers, design studios;
- creative teams.

The age of participants is up to 35 years. If the application is submitted from the creative team, its composition should be dominated by people under the age of 35.
Applications for participation in the Competition can be submitted by authors or groups of authors from Russia and foreign countries.

Competition theme: "Reflections" - "Reflections"

We invite participants of the video mapping contest to explore the phenomenon of "reflection", to find images, associations, metaphors, plots related to reflections, the world through the looking glass, reverse side reality, etc.

Job requirements: video art, 3d animation and 2d animation techniques. The project must correspond to the theme of the competition and fit into the geometry of the Jordanian facade of the Gatchina Palace. Already finished works fulfilling these conditions can participate in the competition.
No more than three projects are accepted from one author or team.

3D model and mask of the Jordanian facade of the Gatchina Palace:

What should be in the application:
- an application form filled out as detailed and correctly as possible ();
– presentation of the work with a text description of the main scenes and sketches (at least 5 slides) or a video in a resolution of no more than 1920x1080px;
– information about which audio fragment you plan to use (variants or audio references).

Application selection criteria:

– compliance with the theme of the Competition;
– content and originality of the creative idea, the artistic level of the application;
- complete and detailed information about the project, visual materials, information about others creative works ah party.


May 13 - June 30 additional acceptance of applications for the competition in the nomination "VIDEOMAPPING"
On July 5, participants who have passed the selection of an expert jury will receive a notification by mail
July 5 - 25, participants send finished works in full resolution and sound tracks to them. August 16 and 17 from 21:00 to 01:30 - screening of selected works at the festival. Audience - more than 10,000 people

All participants of the competition will receive diplomas, and the winner will be awarded a prize and a cash prize of 50,000 rubles.

We are glad to present the list of participants of the creative residence of the competition of light installations and video mapping of the St. Petersburg International Festival of Light Art "Night of Light" in Gatchina!

Based on the results of the selection of the jury and the examination of the organizing committee of the festival, the following people are invited to take part in the summer creative residence in Gatchina in the nomination "light installations":
Angelova Lyubov (St. Petersburg) "Orthomolecule"
Andreev Maxim (St. Petersburg), "Rain to order", "Atlantis"
Andreev Alexander, Andreev Mikhail (St. Petersburg), Merger
Elena Volpi, Julia Gerasimenko, Lauren di Gennaro, Fabiana Porreza (Milan, Italy), "Chords of Light"
Goncharova Vasilisa (Moscow), "Toads want to go to heaven"
Delgyado Anna (St. Petersburg), "One night under the bridge"
Zeina Aslana Shakhabedin (Edinburgh, UK), "H2O"
Kuznetsov Dmitry (St. Petersburg), "IN-fluence effect"
Lomaev Alexander (St. Petersburg), "Havana sunset"
Mikhailova Anastasia, Ustinova Alisa (St. Petersburg), "Mirror of the World", "Are we alone"
Molodovskaya Valeria (St. Petersburg), "Stardust"
Muravieva Ekaterina (St. Petersburg), "Lake"
Punin Andrey (St. Petersburg), "Aqua Mirror"
Rylov Andrey, Mezentsev Maxim (Izhevsk), "Atmospheric reflections"
Sovetnikov Peter (St. Petersburg), "Curtain, lantern, well"
Terskikh Anna (St. Petersburg), "Fishermen"
Tumanyan Artur (Moscow), "Dialogue with Water"

In the art residence on the territory of Gatchina Park, from August 7 to 15, 2019, the contestants will create their own art objects, which will be presented to the audience on August 16 and 17. The winner of the competition will receive a prize and a cash prize in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Composition of the expert jury International Competition light installations and video mapping.
Our jury consists of authoritative experts in the field of lighting design, architects, artists, directors of light festivals and other artists from Russia and abroad.

Astakhov Denis(Moscow) - CEO and director of the agency Avocado Toast, as a creative producer is engaged in multidisciplinary projects in the US, Europe, Russia and China.
Bystryantseva Natalia(St. Petersburg) - head of the international master's program "Light Design" and the creative association of lighting designers RULD, one of the leading Russian experts and practitioners in the field of lighting design.
Vinogradova Uliana(St. Petersburg) - lighting designer, head of the lighting design department at IntiLED, invited lecturer in lighting design at MPEI, Moscow Architectural Institute and the Higher School of Lighting Design at ITMO University
Volkonskaya Selena(St. Petersburg) - Head of the New Media Laboratory of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, art manager, curator of educational and exhibition projects in the field of contemporary visual art, co-founder of the Moscow School of New Cinema, Open School MediaArtLab in the Manege.
Ganzburg Eugene(St. Petersburg) - lighting designer, designed more than 150 theatrical performances and show, head of the Creative Workshop "Light for the Theater" in St. Petersburg, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Gololobov Vadim(St. Petersburg) - artist and lighting designer, director and lighting designer of the AKHE Engineering Theater.
Kolovskaya Elena(St. Petersburg) - art historian, curator, director of the St. Petersburg Charitable Foundation for Culture and Art "PRO ARTE".
Koptseva Natalia(Yekaterinburg) - lighting designer, member of the International Association of Designers (IAD), winner of the 2017 IES Illumination Award of Merit (USA), 2017 Platinum A "Desigh Award (Italy), 2016 DARC AWARDS (UK), 2016 Shortlist City.People.Light (CPL) by LUCI (Korea)
Kudryashov Victor(St. Petersburg) - media artist and musician, CEO of Media Materia, which produces multimedia shows
Kurekhina Anastasia(St. Petersburg) - Director of the Center contemporary art named after Sergei Kuryokhin, President Charitable Foundation Sergey Kurekhin, founder of the award Sergey Kurekhin, director of international festivals SKIF, (Sergey Kurekhin International Festival) Electro-mechanics, Ethno-Mechanics, Videoform.
Martynov Vera(Moscow) - artist and director, author and curator of exhibitions and performances. Since 2016 - curator of the New Space of the Theater of Nations.
Moskalenko Timur(St. Petersburg) - stage designer, chief artist of the "Show-consulting" studio, laureate of the All-Russian professional award "The Edge of the Theater of the Masses".
Okoneshnikov Anton(St. Petersburg) - Russian director, theater teacher. Nominee for the Russian national theater award "Golden Mask". Since 2016 - director of the Alexandrinsky Theatre.
Padalko Sergey(St. Petersburg) - architect, creator of installations and art projects, creator of the Vitruvius and Sons architectural workshop.
Pankova Natalya(St. Petersburg) - art marketer, gallery owner, curator, art manager.
Pankratov Vasily(St. Petersburg) - Director of the St. Petersburg GBUK "State Museum-Reserve" Gatchina ".
Pelin Yuri creative director and founder of Illuminarium3000, participant in international festivals and competitions of light projections - from Above and Beyond in Bucharest and Luz y Vangardias in Salamanca to the Moscow Circle of Light.
Prikhodko Anastasia(Moscow) - Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department "Architectural Physics" of the Moscow architectural institute(MARCHI), teacher of the course "Light design" at MARCH, practicing lighting designer, author and teacher educational project"Laboratory of Light".
Savina Liza(St. Petersburg) - curator, art critic, former gallery owner at Savina Gallery. Included in the top 100 main people in Russian art according to The Art Newspaper Russia. In 2013 she founded the curatorial agency Sparta. Curator of the Bank M2M Europe (Riga) collection
Tarasenko Vasily(Yekaterinburg) - lighting engineer, member of the Alliance of International Business Associations (AIBA), winner of the 2017 IES Illumination Award of Merit (USA), 2017 Platinum A "Desigh Award (Italy), 2016 DARC AWARDS (Great Britain), 2016 Shortlist City.People.Light (CPL) by LUCI (Korea)
Filshtinsky Gleb(St. Petersburg) - theatrical figure, theater designer, director of mass holidays, multimedia director, lighting designer. Associate Professor of the Staging Department of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts, head of the master's program "Management of artistic and technological processes in modern theater and entertainment enterprises." Founder and Artistic Director of the stage technology studio "Show Consulting"
Khvoenkova Natalya(St. Petersburg) - art critic, head of the department of art programs in the North-Western branch of the State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO" (North-Western branch of the National Center for Contemporary Art).
Yakubov Ildar(St. Petersburg) - artist, curator and teacher. Curates the exhibition part of the Science Fest festival. Creator of the Interactive School program based on Yota Lab and Planetarium #1, organizer of the multimedia and musical art project Episode.
Sivle Diana Civle Diana (Riga, Latvia) - director, managing director of the StaroRiga festival
Paloniemi Ilkka Paloniemi Ilkka (Helsinki, Finland) - Art Director of the Lux Helsinki Light Art Festival
Karol Purnelle Carole Purnelle (Cascais, Portugal) - Director of the Light Art Festival "LUMINA"
Kaspar Lutsmann Caspar Lootsmann (Tallinn, Estonia) - art director of the light festival "Wandering Lights Kadrioru"


There are two nominations in the competition - light installations And video mapping.
The theme of this year's competition is " Reflections».

Qualifying stage of the competition - acceptance and selection of applications by an expert jury for participation in the creative residency of the Competition.
The main and final stages of the competition - a creative residence in Gatchina Park; creation and exposition of competitive objects within the framework of the Festival.

Applications are accepted from February 11 to April 5, 2019.
Participation in the competition is free of charge. Entries are not reviewed, returned to the authors and are not paid.

Wishes to the participants:

  • Use light as the main means of expression;
  • Remember that your competitive works you will create on your own, you must not only understand the technological process, but also be able to independently do what you came up with. We are always ready to help our members, but this help cannot turn into creating work for you;
  • Remember that your installations will be located in the open air, so take into account unforeseen weather conditions (see recommendations on the website);
  • Your installations must be running continuously during the festival;
  • Your works must correspond to the given theme of the Contest;
  • Your installations should be understandable, interesting and evoke emotions in viewers of all ages;
  • Make a short, easy-to-understand description of your work for the information plates that will be installed near each installation (no more than 500 characters);
  • We welcome not only serious works, we like playful, ironic, paradoxical artistic expressions;
  • We welcome the use of live music, performance elements, and other ways of artistic accompaniment of the installation;
  • We love it when you come up with different technological and artistic ways for the installation to interact with the audience;
  • We welcome the original approach to work, the use of both innovative technologies, and light sources that have come out of everyday use;
  • Keep in mind that during the festival there are a huge number of visitors on the territory. Think about how to organize viewing of your installation without creating a queue and crush;
  • Take care that your installation does not cause damage to viewers and the environment;

Invited to participate in the Competition students of Russian and foreign universities and colleges, practicing artists, designers, multimedia specialists, architects, as well as creative associations, design studios. Works can be provided by both authors and groups of authors from Russia and foreign countries. The age of the participants must not exceed 35 years. If an application is submitted creative team, it should include mainly people under the age of 35.

What works can participate in the competition?

  • light installations- static or dynamic art objects in which light is the main artistic medium. Installations may be supplemented with musical or other audiovisual accompaniment;
  • video mapping- original audiovisual works in 2D, 3D animation formats and other video art techniques.
Entries with sketches of objects that were created earlier are not allowed for the Competition. Creative work must be first created directly within the framework of the Competition.

Until what time can I send applications for participation?
Acceptance of applications - March 29, 2019 until 22.00. Extended until April 5th!

How to apply for participation?
On email address you must send:

  • application(in word and pdf formats) for participation in the Competition, including a description of the artistic idea of ​​the competition object, the technologies and materials used, the calculation of the necessary resources and costs for the creation of the competition object, a description of possible musical and audiovisual accompaniment, other creative and technical features competitive object. Please fill out the application in Russian or English language. IT WILL BE SIMPLY GREAT IF YOU SEND US AN APPLICATION IMMEDIATELY IN RUSSIAN AND IN ENGLISH, SO WE WILL BE ABLE TO SEND YOUR MATERIALS TO THE FOREIGN MEMBERS OF THE JURY ASAP.
  • sketch competitive object in three projections(V PDF format);
  • portfolio participant of the Contest, allowing to assess his professional level (may include both photos and videos finished works, and sketches);
  • CV and photo participant / participants of the Competition

Can I submit multiple jobs?

By what criteria are applications evaluated?

  • compliance of the application for the creation of a competitive object with the subject of the Competition;
  • content and originality of the creative idea, the artistic level of the application;
  • the adequacy of the choice of artistic means and techniques for the purposes of the Competition (the priority of light as the main artistic means);
  • the idea of ​​interactive interaction of the competitive object with the viewer;
  • understanding by the participant of the Contest technological process design and practical implementation of the competitive object;
  • the degree of elaboration of the application, including adequate, complete and detailed completion of the application form for participation in the competition, the availability of visual materials that supplement the application, information about other creative works of the participant.

How to find out if you have passed the first stage of the Contest and whether you will get into the participants of the art residence?

The finalists will be sent notifications by e-mail and information materials necessary to participate in the art residence and create a competitive object. The list of finalists will be posted on the website. website and websites of festival partners.

What should you do if you have passed the second stage of the competition and are invited to an art residency?

In the final of the Competition within the framework of the residence, you will have to on one's own create your contest object on the territory of Gatchina Park!

By April 30, 2019, the finalists of the competition must send an email to contest@site:

  • the final visualization of the object in three projections, containing data on the dimensions of the object;
  • an explanatory note containing a detailed description of the artistic idea of ​​the object, options for the name of the object corresponding to the declared topic of the Competition, the required power connection capacity, a description of the technologies used, a list of necessary resources, as well as a detailed description of the dimensions of the object, its technical characteristics;
  • detailed calculation of costs (cost estimate) for the creation of the competitive object, including the purchase/rent of the necessary materials/equipment, the list and quantity of materials used to create the competitive object;
  • if the participant of the Competition has a sponsor who pays for his travel and visa expenses, living expenses in St. Petersburg (for non-resident and foreign participants), any materials or equipment for creating a competitive object, the participant must agree in writing with the Organizers the possibility of posting information about the sponsor within the framework of the Competition.

Financial conditions of the competition

  • the festival guarantees coverage of production costs for the creation of your object (materials and equipment) in the final of the competition in the amount of not more than 100 thousand rubles;
  • festival covers production costs(or reimburse the costs incurred) strictly in accordance with the provided estimates and documents confirming the costs and subject to the timely readiness of the facility;
  • payment of fees to contestants and involved specialists is not provided;
  • technical specialists of the Organizer and Jury members have the right to conduct expert analysis estimates and invite the finalists of the competition to make adjustments to the estimate;
  • participants of the competition have the right to attract additional sources of funding for the creation of competitive objects, including sponsorships;
  • the festival does not cover the costs associated with the transportation of foreign participants of the competition.
  • finalists of the Competition arrive in Gatchina 08/08/2019 and work in the art residence until 16/08/2019;
  • participants of the Competition provided opportunity to work in workshops on the territory of the Gatchina Palace;
  • the festival provides a connection to a source of electricity;
  • participants of the Competition no reimbursement for shipping costs, special food and separate accommodation in hotels;
  • during the period of creation and exposition of competitive objects (from 08/08/2019

Dear participants, teachers,

coordinators and parents!!!

Let me express my gratitude to you for the excellent preparation of the participants!


If you find inaccuracies in award materials, you want to order diplomas in paper form or want to order certificates of participants or coordinator, or you cannot download diplomas, send an email to This address Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. indicating in the text of the letter the event and either the inaccuracy, or the data of the person for whom you are ordering the award material and indicate the type of diploma, for example: Olympiad in musical literature, IVANOVA ANNA VASILEVNA, teacher MBOU secondary school No. 1, Moscow, paper diploma of a teacher, Moscow, st. Bolshaya, d. 40 sq. 345 I enclose the receipt.

Participants who have become winners (I, II or III place) are entitled to free electronic diplomas.

The diploma of the winner in the "paper" form is paid, the cost is 150 rubles, a scanned receipt of payment must be attached to the letter with the application and indicated in the TEXT OF THE LETTER!!! full mailing address and name of the recipient.

Participants who did not take a prize place are entitled to receive a Participation Certificate (paid, costs 20 rubles, if 10 or more participants from one teacher, then free).

The certificate of participation in the "paper" form is paid, the cost is 150 rubles, a scanned receipt of payment must be attached to the letter with the application and indicated in the TEXT OF THE LETTER!!! full postal address and full name of the recipient.

Teachers of participants who have become winners (I, II or III place) are entitled to free electronic diplomas.

Teachers of participants (less than 5) who did not win prizes are entitled to receive a Certificate of teacher of participants (paid, costs 20 rubles).

The coordinator of the winner(s) is entitled to a free electronic acknowledgment.

Coordinators of participants (less than five) have the right to receive an electronic gratitude of the coordinator (paid, costs 20 rubles).

Dear teachers and coordinators!!!

If you have prepared 5 or more participants for participation, you have the opportunity to order a teacher's document in "paper" form, confirming the participation or victory of your students IN YOUR NAME FOR FREE.

If you have prepared less than 5 winners or participants for participation, then you have the opportunity to order a document in "paper" form, confirming the victory or participation of your students IN YOUR NAME. The document is paid, the cost is 150 rubles.

Coordinators who enrolled 5 or more participants have the opportunity to order a paper document confirming the participation or victory of students IN THEIR NAME FOR FREE.

Coordinators who enrolled less than 5 participants have the opportunity to order a paper document confirming the participation or victory of students. The document is paid, the cost is 150 rubles.

Art Studio for Children and Youth of the State Regional Art Museum "Liberov Center"

1997 - Omsk State Pedagogical University, art and graphic faculty - teacher of fine arts and drawing

2007 - College of Entrepreneurship and Law in Omsk - short-term advanced training program for additional vocational education"Computer graphics and layout"

208 - College of Entrepreneurship and Law of Omsk - short-term advanced training in the program of additional professional education "web design"

2013 - Omsk Regional College of Culture and Arts "Center for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining" - advanced training courses for the program "Actual problems of teaching in the art departments of children's art schools. Decorative painting"

2016 --Private educational institution additional education"Education Center "CARITAS" - advanced training courses on the topic "Fundamentals of ornamental composition. Working with pastels" with the participation of a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Talavira N.A.

2014 - Exhibition-competition "Start-Art" of creative works of teachers of budget educational institutions additional education for children, Children's Art School and Children's Art School of Omsk "Warm and Rhythm" - II degree laureate in the nomination "Style"

2016 - City exhibition of teachers of children's arts and crafts arts and crafts - laureate

International remote competition"Wonderful Country", competition of fine arts "Expansiveness of the Universe", Moscow - laureate of III degree

All-Russian open landscape competition "Splashes of light", Novosibirsk - laureate of II degree

All-Russian open competition of still life "Out of the hustle and bustle of 2016" Novosibirsk - laureate of the II degree

2017 All-Russian open competition of paintings "Rhythms of color 2017", Novosibirsk - laureate of the 1st degree

✘ Invalid membership

Our company, by tradition, joined the jury of the competition and established a prize for the best compositional solution. The winner in this nomination, who will be determined by the creative team of the Photogora company, will receive a modern fashionable backpack for photographic equipment and personal belongings as a gift. In it, your photographic equipment will be protected during the journey from damage, dust, dirt and rain.

The contest is pretty simple. Anything can be the main subject of shooting: deep canyons, high mountains, icebergs, northern lights, falling waves of Moravia or frozen Baikal. Geolocation doesn't matter. The main thing is to catch unusual, dramatic and beautiful lighting in the frame, making the landscape unique, one that immediately begins to beckon and attract.

Great prizes await the winners

  • behind best photo from Stadler Form - ultrasonic humidifier with a very stylish design;
  • for the best photograph taken on Nikon camera, - a special prize from the famous Japanese brand;
  • Audience Award from famous brand Transcend is a 1TB portable drive.

The competition is gaining momentum! The first works were loaded within half an hour after the start. Don't fall behind
