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Formation of interest in reading in preschool children consultation on the topic. Interest in reading among younger schoolchildren. How to develop it Forming an interest in reading

Kolpakova Natalya
Forming an interest in reading fiction in children preschool age.

Kolpakova N.B. teacher of MBDOU DS No. 390, Chelyabinsk

People stop thinking

Denny Diderot

Instill in your child a taste for reading -

the best gift we can give him.

When I was 6 years old, I really wanted to learn to read quickly. My parents always read to my sister and me. Not a day went by without reading. But I still missed him. I dreamed of plunging into a magical world myself. literature, I will find myself next to the heroes of fairy tales and stories and no one will say: "Enough for today".

Unfortunately, nowadays you don’t often see families in which parents instill in their children a love of books. There are fewer and fewer people reading. At best, the mother reads to the baby for a few minutes before bed. Adults are always busy or tired. Parental attention to children is replaced by TV and computer. It is a pity that the meaning of the book, fiction underestimated today.

« Reading - here best teaching . Following the thought of a great man is the most interesting science” - maybe someone will remember at least the first part of this statement by A. S. Pushkin. and here's another one: “Without exaggeration we can say that reading in the years of childhood it is, first of all, the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of the child’s soul. A word that reveals noble ideas forever deposits in a child’s heart grains of humanity, from which conscience is formed.” These are the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Maybe because modern children do not feel the need for reading, because "a grain of humanity" there is less and less in our lives.

Don't underestimate the benefits reading. First of all, reading develops speech and affects the quality and quantity of the child’s vocabulary. A person who reads has better memory and concentration. Reading helps in the development of imaginative thinking and in learning to read and write, makes it possible to learn to analyze, grasp the meaning, and develops oratory abilities. If parents regularly read to their child art books, then the baby’s horizons broaden, intelligence, is being formed cognitive activity and positive moral qualities. For example literary characters, the child learns to respect the world around him and learns the intricacies of human relationships.

The child’s love for books, instilled in childhood, will help form perseverance and will help in studies (development of volitional effort when performing tasks of varying complexity).

The question arises: when should we start instilling a love for books? develop an interest in reading fiction?

Already from the earliest age You can read aloud to your child. A few minutes a day. Let it be nursery rhymes and jokes. This reading promotes emotional development baby, his rapprochement with his mother. Based on my own experience, I can say that in a few days the child will begin to pay attention to the book in the mother’s hands and smile. I started reading to my son, and it’s not easy to tell fairy tales and nursery rhymes out loud, when he was 5-6 months old.

But the most optimal way to adapt to Psychologists consider reading age from three to seven years. The best time for reading The time before bed is considered. This can be a good ritual that helps the child relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day, push all problems into the background, and relax. However, it is worth reading during the day. WITH age children need more and more information, the need for positive emotions is growing. Therefore, it is worth gradually increasing the time reading and increase the difficulty level of books. Children listen with pleasure, and more than once, to the fairy tales on which they are based. cartoons: "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat", "Three from Prostokvashino", "Winnie the Pooh", "Carlson", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Dr. Aibolit" etc. Even if the child has already seen the cartoon, read the fairy tale. Unlike animation, which is perceived as a set of individual frames and the child does not grasp the meaning, books make you think and experience.

In recent years, as a teacher, I have noticed that the number of children with speech therapy problems. And sometimes, even at 3-4 years old, a child does not have the vocabulary recommended by the kindergarten curriculum and cannot express what he wants. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage parents to read to their children as much as possible. Reading will increase the child’s vocabulary, help develop phonemic hearing and the ability to pronounce sounds correctly, and learn to understand different intonations.

I often talk to the parents of my students about the benefits reading. I recommend which books to read and when. I try to find out what the child likes to do in his free time at home. Many parents listen to advice. Today, thanks to the joint efforts of teachers and parents, in our group of 24 pupils, only five, unfortunately, do not show interest in reading.

Here are some tips for parents on how to teach preschooler to reading:

1. Let your child understand that reading– this is a great pleasure, incomparable to anything. In this case, your personal example will be the most effective. Read for yourself. Tell your child what the book is about. Children love to imitate adults.

3. Even when your child learns to read, do not stop reading aloud to him as much as possible. Expressive reading will help adults connect words with images that arise in his imagination. An adult will help you understand the text by explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions and answering questions. At 7-9 years old, it is difficult for a child to concentrate on one thing for a long time, his eyes get tired quickly, and some phrases and words may be incomprehensible. That's why reading becomes an unpleasant experience and this dislike can last a lifetime.

5. At 5-7 years old, read "to be continued", interrupting interesting reading. This will intrigue the child and make him want to know what will happen next.

6. After reading the book, don’t "forget" about her. Let it become the subject of discussion, argument, and exchange of impressions. Invite your child to complete the story, imagine himself in the place of the heroes, and find his own solution to the situation.

7. Read books with good illustrations. Try to remember the last name with your child. graphic designer. Offer to come up with and draw your own pictures for the work, a portrait of the hero.

8. Go to the library with your child. Consider different publications: art books, reference books, albums.

9. Buy educational books and children's encyclopedias from the most interesting information for children, gift editions with beautiful photographs: space, cats, dinosaurs, countries, dolls, etc.

10. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Tell your child about the rules for handling a book: you cannot draw on the pages, bend the book, cut out pictures, use books instead of cubes, etc.

11. You can "revive" characters from fairy tales and stories, sculpting them from plasticine or gluing them from paper and setting up a home theater.

12. Designate a special place in the room where the child’s books will be located so that he can take them himself whenever he wants.

13. Don’t try to replace a TV or computer with a book. Just clearly regulate the time you watch TV shows and computer games.

14. You can start a family tradition readings – 2-3 times a week, in the evenings, arrange an hour reading. At the same time, the TV and computer are turned off and all family members, without exception, take part in the event.

Many years of experience with proves to preschoolers what work on It is very important to develop children’s interest in reading. Improving speech culture skills is necessary component education, human intelligence. The speech of any person, enriched with apt sayings, figurative expressions, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, becomes bright, lively, and expressive. Therefore, I would like to give some recommendations to young teachers.

1. B kindergarten It is advisable to start reading to children at an early age age, gradually complicating the topic. It is best to select works according to the season. For example, in winter it is advisable to read fairy tales to children « The Snow Queen» , "12 months", fairy tale "Adventures in Dedmorozovka", "Winter in Prostokvashino", poems about the New Year holiday and winter, riddles about the weather and natural phenomena. Then the heroes of the works can become characters in children's drawings, applications, and collective children's works. Heroes are also present in the New Year's party scenarios winter tales performed children and adults.

2. During reading be sure to look at and compare illustrations from different artists to one work. After reading books, I often invite children to draw the characters they like and make illustrations. The boys are happy to take on the role. graphic designer, come up with landscapes and portraits.

3. In addition, be sure to have a discussion of what you read, during which you teach children analyze different situations and actions of the heroes of the work. Give children the opportunity to express their attitude to what they heard and come up with their own ways of solving and acting on problems. situations:

How could one answer;

Why shouldn't it have been done this way?

What can be done to correct the error;

How to make peace, etc.

As a result, children transfer the positive experience of the characters’ relationships into their lives. The names of some characters become household names.

4. When reading literary works please pay attention children not only on the content, but also on their art form. Thanks to this you will learn children distinguish between literary genres(fairy tale, story, poem, nursery rhyme, proverb, saying, riddle, understand the meaning of figurative expressions and phraseological units, develop a poetic ear.

5. While reading, focus on the characteristics and mood of the characters, their dialogues and relationships, descriptions of facial expressions and gestures. You can invite children to portray the character they like and compare him with other characters.

6. Use artistic works not only in the classroom. Read to children whenever it's convenient time: in the morning and evening hours, when the weather is bad outside, before bedtime.

7. Talk to your children about the books their parents read to them.

8. Start a tradition in your group to celebrate a book-related holiday. For example:

Having taught children love books, you will teach them to love and understand their native language, to express their thoughts grammatically correct, logically, expressively, and accurately. After all, by the way a person constructs his statement, to what extent Interesting he knows how to talk, one can judge his mental, emotional and aesthetic development.

Reading time: 12 minutes.

The overwhelming majority of parents of preschool children strive for their child to learn to read in kindergarten and to have an interest in reading, considering this skill to be one of the most important indicators of his readiness for school.

At the same time, the general level of interest in books and reading in society is rapidly declining.

  • What is the reason for this paradox?
  • What do we really mean by teaching preschoolers to read?
  • How to develop a love for books in a child from childhood?

The generation that reads

Preschool childhood is exactly the time when it is worth introducing a child to books. It's about not so much about teaching preschool children to read, but, first of all, about developing interest in this process, the ability and desire to work with books, and nurturing a reading culture.

Unfortunately, today it is becoming increasingly difficult to realize this task. Largely due to the irrepressible craving of modern children for multimedia entertainment, which dominates all possible sources of knowledge and development, including reading.

In our opinion, the low interest of the modern generation in books is a great tragedy and there are at least two components to it - neurophysiological and cultural. Thus, Oxford scientists and the French neurophysiologist S. Degene proved that during reading those areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in other types of activity begin to function.

This is due to the so-called effect of “immersion” in a book, when a person mentally imagines himself in the place of the hero, builds in his imagination images of other characters, an artistic world. This effect does not occur when watching TV or playing a computer game.

The modern generation's interest in books

Lack of reading directly affects the formation of the structure and functioning of a child’s brain.

If we talk about the cultural aspect, then books are the most direct channel for the “inclusion” of ancestral memory, that is, the transmission of cultural heritage from generation to generation.

Therefore, such aversion of the current generation to books negatively affects the current, and possibly the future state of the culture of society. Often, adults themselves, without meaning to, discourage a child’s interest in reading and books.

Some parents take the reading process so “seriously” that they often encourage their children to mechanically memorize the alphabet at an early age (that is, at 1.5-3 years!).

Therefore, as psychologist L. Shibaeva notes, interest in reading and reading technique can be formed, but reading as a full-fledged activity that has the status of cultural value does not develop.

Meanwhile, in many countries of the world, testing the development of reading skills is based on the criterion of reading literacy - a person’s ability to comprehend written texts and reflect on them, to use their content to achieve their own goals and self-development.

How can you ensure that your child reads consciously and with pleasure?

Before learning to read

Interest in reading is cultivated, first of all, through the development of the child’s cognitive activity. The baby must develop a need to learn the world and yourself, look for answers to your “why” on your own And with the help of an adult, communicate with people, nature, art.

The task of an adult is to help the child realize that a book is one of the means of learning new things, and the literary word is high art.

In addition, according to many scientists, before a child begins to read, he must master speech well and have an interest in reading.

The baby must master the sound culture of speech: have a developed articulatory apparatus, speech breathing and hearing; be able to clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds of your native language and understand. how sounds are formed into words in speech; “recognize” phonemes (basic sounds), identify sounds in environment(animal voices, traffic noise, music, etc.).

The child must have a rich vocabulary; grammatically correct speech (the ability to coordinate words in gender, number, case, construct various types of sentences); coherent speech is developed (the ability to ask and answer a question, retell a text, compose a story, etc.) according to age capabilities.

First, you should teach your child to listen, speak, perceive, understand the speech of others, and only then read and write.

The role of an adult in developing interest in reading

The best way to raise an active reader is by example. Adults should read books themselves and show how to handle them: look at the cover, read the title and author. carefully leaf through the pages, carefully examine the illustrations and the like.

A child’s interest in reading and awareness of the content of the work read (listened to) is largely influenced by the reading skill of adults.

Expressive reading by an adult stimulates the imagination of children: they clearly imagine the characters of the work, the setting of the action, pictures of nature, and the like. Based on emotional perception, an attitude towards the characters’ actions and an adequate assessment of them are formed.

Reading a work becomes a verbal action, the purpose of which is to sharpen children’s feelings, give impetus to their thoughts, and evoke an emotional response.

Interest in reading - emotional support for children's desire to read

Emotional support for a child’s desire to read or become familiar with a book is no less important. When looking through an interesting book with an adult, already at an early age the child pays attention not only to the image, but also to the texts, and the words and letters in them. He has a desire to “read”, imitating an adult.

The child can independently take a book (even upside down) and, moving his finger over the text, “read” his favorite fairy tale or poem, reproducing them from memory. At this time, it is important that an adult is nearby and praises the child. stimulated with comments like: “Oh, how interesting! What happened next? How did this fairy tale end?” etc.

It is worth creating an environment that will stimulate the child’s cognitive and creative activity. It is appropriate to set aside a separate place for the child’s books - open, well-lit; nearby, set up a table with materials for reading. visual arts.

In order not to discourage your child from reading (listening, looking), you should not force it on him. If your child's interest in reading and books wanes, move on to another activity and leave the book in sight. The child will definitely return to her after some time.

Leading methods for teaching children to read

In modern world pedagogy, there are two main, essentially opposite ones: the “whole words” method and the phonological one.

According to the “whole words” method (in Ukraine it is better known as the Glen Doman method), children are taught to recognize words as whole units, without breaking them down into components. That is, babies are not taught the names of letters or sounds.

The phonological method, on the contrary, involves, first of all, children mastering sounds and their graphic symbols - letters, followed by combining them into words during reading.

The “whole words” method gave good results and gave impetus to discussions about it. or in general it is necessary to teach phonics to preschool children. At the beginning of the 20th century, foreign scientists conducted a number of studies aimed at finding out which method was more effective. In particular, the following experiment was carried out.

One subgroup of children was taught to read using the whole word method, the other - using the phonological method. When the children began to read, they were tested. At the first stage, children from the first group read aloud and silently better, but unfamiliar words caused them significant difficulties.

Attempts to assign a single meaning to each word led to the fact that during the entire year of study, these children were never able to learn to read new words without the help of an adult.

“Phonological” children coped with unfamiliar words more easily and by the end of the 2nd grade they surpassed their peers in terms of level of perception and richness of vocabulary. Therefore, in world practice, preference is given to the phonological method of teaching reading.

Recent research has confirmed that people spell words, but because this process occurs instantly, it seems that we immediately perceive the word as a whole. Moreover, when reading silently, the same part of the brain is involved as when reading aloud, that is, reading is speaking the text internally.

Scientists have found that ability and interest in reading are directly related to knowledge of letters and sounds, and the ability to identify phonemes in oral speech. These skills turn out to be even more important in the beginning than general intelligence.

Thus, in order for an interest in reading to appear and a child to begin to read fluently, it is necessary to easily and quickly recognize letters and relate them to sounds.

It is important that the child gradually comes to understand that the word that is spoken consists of different sounds. To do this, children three to four years old should be offered a variety of games with sounds and words.

For example, in the game “Catch the Sound,” an adult invites children to “catch” (clap their hands when they hear) the corresponding sound: “I will name different sounds, and you will only catch the sound [z] - the mosquito song.”

In the game “Replace the sound”, the adult suggests to the child: “Instead of the sound [d] in the word “oak” there is a sound [s]. What word did you get? (To tooth). What word can be formed if you replace the last sound in this word?” (Shower).

Game “Stick, knock!” suggests that children lightly tap the stick each time they hear a certain sound (at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word). You can also practice recognizing the full composition. As a rule, preschoolers cope better with tasks on syllables and worse on sounds.

This means that children of this age are not yet sensitive enough to the individual sounds (phonemes) that make up words. Therefore, in order for them to successfully master reading, it is necessary to carry out thorough work on the development of their phonemic hearing, articulatory dexterity, and the formation of sound culture.

To make reading conscious

Reading will be useful for a child only if she understands the content of the text. In order to prepare a preschooler for conscious reading, we recommend using the following tips.

Look at and discuss the illustrations. Talk about the pages you read and take turns describing what is shown in the pictures. It would be appropriate to accept a deliberate mistake, which encourages the child to be attentive and correct the adult’s mistakes.

Actively communicate with your child about the content of what you read, stimulate her to verbal creativity

Give preference to dialogical reading. Just reading to your child is not enough. It is worth encouraging her to come up with alternative endings, to connect this. what is depicted and written on the pages of books, with her own experience, talk about the letters and sounds found there. This type of reading is called dialogical.

Play different types of games based on the content of what you read: didactic with words; dramatization games, performances, creative games and others.

Teach your child to work with a book. Focus the child's attention on the fact that the work is created by the author (one, two or many people - people). Each work has a title, which is written in the contents and on the page (cover).

It is important to consolidate the child’s knowledge of the main literary genres and types: poem, fairy tale, story, fable. This will help her in the future study literature at school, navigate through collections of works, and in the future - determine her literary preferences, be an active, conscious reader, and a cultured person.

Real reading is an interest in reading, the translation of printed text into oral speech and awareness of the meaning of what is read.

Real reading is the translation of printed text into spoken language and awareness of the meaning of what is read. Therefore, it is important to teach a child already at preschool age not to confuse sounds and letters; merge sounds and letters into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences; practically operate with the concepts of “sound”, “word”, “sentence”, “text”; actively work with the book. This is what most existing preschool education programs assume.

Teaching preschoolers to read

Your child is of preschool age, and you have already purchased a colorful primer or books for reading for preschoolers, but there are no results? In this case, you need to maintain consistency in training.

The child begins to analyze objects, try to influence them, and consciously use them for their intended purpose at the age of 4-5 years. At the same time, he masters ordinal counting well, and he can prepare for writing with the help of special capital notebooks. But at this age it is better to start learning only letters, with the help of games and colorful pictures.

Reading should be done when the child has learned all the letters and begins to distinguish them with ease. The period (age 6-7 years) is just right, which, according to psychologists and speech therapists, is the most favorable for starting learning to read syllables for preschoolers using cubes or colored typed letters. Moreover, at this age there is an active desire to learn and an interest in reading.

Methods of teaching reading to preschoolers

Forming reading skills in a child is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Classes on teaching reading to preschoolers must be divided into several stages.

Stage 1 - learning and memorizing letters. At this stage, the child is taught to distinguish letters and understand their correct pronunciation and reading (“EM” - “M”; “ES” - “S”).

Stage 2 - reading syllables with varying degrees of difficulty. Here the child learns the connection between syllables and their pronunciation. At this stage more difficulties appear. Here is the most effective method You can highlight learning to merge syllables by imitation or drawing prompts.

Stage 3 - we begin to understand the meaning of the word we read. This stage of developing the ability to comprehend a read text must begin when reading becomes like pronouncing a whole word, rather than individual syllables.

For this stage, it is necessary to perform reading exercises for preschoolers: read words slowly, at an increasing pace, and with varying degrees of increasing pitch in the voice. Then find out which words the baby did not understand their meaning and explain.

Next, the adult names an adjective or verb, and the child selects words for it from those that he read, for example, “shoes” - the answer is “boots” and the like. It is also good to read the captions to the illustrations at this stage.

At stage 4, the child learns to understand the meaning of a read sentence or short texts for preschoolers to read.

IN Currently, the problem of developing schoolchildren’s interest in reading is becoming a generational problem: the book in any form is moving away faster and faster, and interest in reading is falling. Television and the Internet are gradually displacing the book from the pedestal it occupied until recently. Now, in order to know and keep abreast of the latest achievements of scientific thought, it is not at all necessary to read. It is enough to get information from the TV screen or display. Children master the computer before they learn to read; they navigate the keyboard better than the table of contents of a book. Their literary experience is limited to attempts to master the works of the school curriculum in an abbreviated version. It’s bitter, painful, offensive, because we were once the most reading country in the world. In front of the literature teacher, in my opinion, stands one of main tasks modernity - to revive the student’s interest in reading, which had been pushed into the background.

It is impossible to raise a creative personality without a book: reading develops cognitive processes, personal culture, and forms sensitivity. The process of learning to read should be continuous, starting with primary school, and ideally should teach the child to see a work of art in a book. Traditionally, acquaintance with literature in secondary education begins with the study of folklore. A characteristic feature of this course is the student’s first acquaintance with the concept expressive means literary language. In this regard, folklore is a rich source of literary devices such as allegory, comparison, metaphor, epithets, personification and others. From the point of view of developing “reading skills,” the following types of tasks are interesting for me, as a literature teacher:

1) consider typical fairy-tale animals and determine what human character traits they identify;

2) trace which folk human names are traditional for animals and people in Russian fairy tales, and which in foreign ones, and how this is connected with the character of the hero;

3) draw the student’s attention to the similarities of many folk tales;

4) analyze the epithets used to describe negative and positive characters (using the example of 2-3 fairy tales), what comparisons are used;

5) invite students to determine the character and appearance of the hero using the written epithets;

6) based on the illustrations to the fairy tale, characterize the hero using appropriate literary devices (for of this assignment The use of reproductions of popular prints and Palekh paintings in the lesson is especially effective), you can invite 5th grade students to draw an illustration for the work themselves;

7) create a presentation of your favorite fairy tale or favorite character.

According to my observations, such tasks awaken students’ interest in the text as an object of study. And game and competition elements make it easier for students to familiarize themselves with the basics of literary criticism and develop analysis skills literary works.

In order to increase reader interest and general aesthetic development, it is advisable to make more widespread use of interdisciplinary connections, primarily between the subjects of fine art and music. In this regard, I carry out the following tasks:

I invite the children to make verbal portraits of the characters after listening to musical excerpts;

I propose to compare episodes from musical and literary works and analyze the means of expression;

I’m organizing a quiz “Guess who’s coming?” (identify the hero from the musical fragment, find a correspondence in the text of the work);

I propose to prepare illustrations of the most memorable moments of the work.

In the process of studying poetic works, it is necessary to ensure that students understand that a poem is a poetic image, and not just rhyme and rhythm. The most effective way to develop reading skills is the widespread use of expressive reading in lessons. From the point of view of V.I. Chernyshev, “reading is easy to listen to and understand, clear, distinct, although not loud,” the main thing when reading is “to express the feeling of what is being read, and not one’s own,” which is possible only if one deeply penetrates the content of the text. The ability to think deeply about what is read and convey what is understood by voice movement and intonation has a beneficial effect on the formation of communication skills.

By developing mature reading skills in students, I, as a teacher, prepare them to perform various types reproduction of what has been read, primarily to retellings - brief and detailed. Based on reading and analysis of texts, students master the skills of expressing their own thoughts: they follow the path from observing thoughts to independently reproducing thoughts.

Due to the large volume of text of a literary work studied in high school, the problem arises of a lack of educational time for a more detailed consideration of all points of interest in the work, therefore, extracurricular thematic events provide great assistance in increasing the interest of schoolchildren in the work. In my opinion, the following activities have the greatest interest and practical effect:

1) literary evenings, where students are invited to stage an episode of various literary works (moreover, both works and episodes can be chosen independently by schoolchildren within the framework of the theme of the literary evening);

2) literary “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?”, “Happy Occasion”, “The Smartest”, “Smart Men and Women”, where participating teams are offered excerpts from the work in order to determine the author and title; You can prepare questions about the work or creativity of any writer determined by the theme of the game (in this case, the students themselves can prepare the questions).

These events make it possible to assess the horizons, areas of interest, the degree of receptivity of the literary text by students, as well as to trace the dynamics of the child’s intellectual development.

I strongly recommend that high school students keep a reading diary, the purpose of which is to help prepare for the lesson and, most importantly, to help prepare for the Unified State Exam. In the reader's diary I highlight the following sections:

2. Title of the work

3. The main characters (their characteristics)


6.Commentary on problems (brief)

7. Note (what the work teaches, what you liked, the general impression, maybe some aphorisms, etc.)

A reading diary is one of the ways to support reading in schools, instill a culture of reading, and monitor the student’s activities as a reader.

One of effective ways I consider holding extracurricular reading lessons to increase the reading interest of high school students. These are not standard classes, but lessons based on the material of modern youth literature, which are conducted jointly with children's library No. 8.

Modern literature arouses a certain interest among teenagers. How to make extracurricular reading lessons on this topic interesting and necessary for modern boys and girls? Together with the children's library, we conduct extracurricular reading lessons on works of modern literature. The guys propose a work of modern literature, which we go to the library to discuss. The responsible group prepares an abstract, additional questions and video material. The teacher and librarian think over the form of the lesson and develop questions for debate.

Joint work with the children's library creates conditions for conducting interesting lessons on modern literature, which arouses keen interest among teenagers and a desire to read works of domestic literature.

Without a teacher’s personal example, I believe it is impossible to arouse interest in reading, so I enjoy going to the library with children, observing their reading interest, choosing books together, trying to find answers to questions that interest us. To teach a child to think, reason, awaken his feelings and desire to create - this, in my opinion, is the most cherished desire of any teacher.

We live in difficult times and only the ability to dialogue will allow us all to preserve human dignity and always remember “how our word will respond” in the hearts and minds of our students...

V. Sukhomlinsky



Reading is a window through which

children see and learn about the world and themselves.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Parents of many schoolchildren complain that their children do not read books. Nowadays, the place of books in the lives of schoolchildren is taken by computers, tablets and other gadgets. It's interesting, exciting. Why is reading books not of interest to the younger generation?

An interest in reading begins to develop in preschool age. And the example of an adult is very important. The child should see parents who read, and read with interest. Reading in preschool age is a very important stage in the development and formation of a child’s personality. A children's book is a source of information about the world around us, the formation of its intellectual, emotional, and moral culture.

“Without exaggeration, we can say that reading during childhood is, first of all, the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of a child’s soul. A word that reveals noble ideas forever deposits in a child’s heart grains of humanity, from which conscience is formed. “These are the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Maybe this is why modern children do not feel the need to read, because there are fewer and fewer “grains of humanity” in our lives.

The benefits of reading cannot be underestimated. First of all, reading develops speech and affects the quality and quantity of a child’s vocabulary. A person who reads has better memory and concentration. Reading helps in the development of imaginative thinking and in learning to read and write, makes it possible to learn to analyze, grasp the meaning, and develops oratory abilities. If parents systematically read fiction books to their child, then the child’s horizons broaden, intelligence increases, cognitive activity and positive moral qualities are formed. Using the example of literary characters, a child learns to respect the world around him and learns the intricacies of human relationships.

The child’s love for books, instilled in childhood, will help develop perseverance and help in studies (development of volitional effort when completing tasks of varying complexity).

The question arises: when should we start instilling a love for books and developing an interest in reading fiction?

You can read aloud to your child from a very early age. A few minutes a day. Let it be nursery rhymes and jokes. Such reading contributes to the emotional development of the baby and his rapprochement with his mother. Based on my own experience, I can say that in a few days the child will begin to pay attention to the book in the mother’s hands and smile. I started reading to my son, and it’s not easy to tell fairy tales and nursery rhymes out loud, when he was 5-6 months old.

But psychologists consider the most optimal age for adaptation to reading to be from three to seven years. The best time to read is before bed. This can be a good ritual that helps the child relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day, push all problems into the background, and relax. However, it is worth reading during the day. With age, children require more and more information, and the need for positive emotions also increases. Therefore, it is worth gradually increasing the reading time and increasing the difficulty level of books. Children listen with pleasure, and more than once, to fairy tales on which cartoons are based: “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Carlson”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Doctor Aibolit”, etc. d. Even if the child has already seen the cartoon, read the fairy tale. Unlike animation, which is perceived as a set of individual frames and the child does not grasp the meaning, books make you think and experience.

Parents should be encouraged to read to their children as much as possible. Reading will increase your child’s vocabulary, help develop phonemic awareness and the ability to pronounce sounds correctly, and learn to understand different intonations.

Here are some tips for parents on how to teach their preschoolers to read:

1. Let your child understand that reading is a great pleasure, incomparable to anything else. In this case, your personal example will be the most effective. Read for yourself. Tell your child what the book is about. Children love to imitate adults.

3. Even when your child learns to read, do not stop reading aloud to him as much as possible. Expressive reading by adults will help connect words with images that arise in his imagination. An adult will help you understand the text by explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions and answering questions. At 7-9 years old, it is difficult for a child to concentrate on one thing for a long time, his eyes get tired quickly, and some phrases and words may be incomprehensible. Therefore, reading becomes an unpleasant activity and this dislike can last a lifetime.

5. At the age of 5-7, read continuously, interrupting reading at an interesting point. This will intrigue the child and make him want to know what will happen next.

6. After reading a book, do not “forget” about it. Let it become the subject of discussion, argument, and exchange of impressions. Invite your child to complete the story, imagine himself in the place of the heroes, and find his own solution to the situation.

7. Read books with good illustrations. Try to remember the name of the graphic designer together with your child. Offer to come up with and draw your own pictures for the work, a portrait of the hero.

8. Go to the library with your child. Consider different publications: art books, reference books, albums.

9. Buy educational books and children's encyclopedias with the most interesting information for your child, gift editions with beautiful photos: space, cats, dinosaurs, countries, dolls, etc.

10. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Tell your child about the rules for handling a book: you cannot draw on the pages, bend the book, cut out pictures, use books instead of cubes, etc.

11. You can “revive” the characters of fairy tales and stories by sculpting them from plasticine or gluing them from paper and setting up a home theater.

12. Designate a special place in the room where the child’s books will be located so that he can take them himself whenever he wants.

13. Don’t try to replace a TV or computer with a book. Just clearly regulate the time you watch TV shows and computer games.

14. You can start a tradition of family reading - 2-3 times a week, in the evenings, arrange a reading hour. At the same time, the TV and computer are turned off and all family members, without exception, take part in the event.

Many years of experience working with preschoolers proves that working to develop children's interest in reading is very important. Improving speech culture skills is a necessary component of a person’s education and intelligence. The speech of any person, enriched with apt sayings, figurative expressions, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, becomes bright, lively, and expressive. Therefore, I would like to give some recommendations to young teachers.

1. In kindergarten, it is advisable to start reading to children from an early age, gradually complicating the topics. It is best to select works according to the season. For example, in winter it is advisable to read to children the fairy tales “The Snow Queen”, “12 Months”, the fairy tale “Adventures in Dedmorozovka”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, poems about the New Year holiday and winter, riddles about the weather and natural phenomena. Then the heroes of the works can become characters in children's drawings, applications, and collective children's works. The scenarios for New Year's matinees also include heroes of winter fairy tales performed by children and adults.

2. While reading, be sure to examine and compare illustrations by different artists for one work. After reading a book, I often invite children to draw the characters they like and make illustrations. The children happily take on the role of graphic designer and come up with landscapes and portraits.

3. In addition, be sure to conduct a discussion of what you read, during which you teach children to analyze different situations and actions of the characters in the work. Give children the opportunity to express their attitude to what they heard and come up with their own ways of solving and acting in problem situations:

How could one answer;

Why shouldn't it have been done this way?

What can be done to correct the error;

How to make peace, etc.

As a result, children transfer the positive experience of the characters’ relationships into their lives. The names of some characters become household names.

4. When reading literary works, draw children’s attention not only to the content, but also to their artistic form. Thanks to this, you will teach children to distinguish literary genres (fairy tale, short story, poem, nursery rhyme, proverb, saying, riddle), understand the meaning of figurative expressions and phraseological units, and develop a poetic ear.

5. While reading, focus on the characteristics and mood of the characters, their dialogues and relationships, descriptions of facial expressions and gestures. You can invite children to portray the character they like and compare him with other characters.

6. Use artwork beyond the classroom. Read to children at any convenient time: in the morning and evening, when the weather is bad outside, before bed.

7. Talk to your children about the books their parents read to them.

8. Start a tradition in your group to celebrate a book-related holiday. For example:
