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Find out who you were in a past life. Secrets of reincarnation: ways to remember who you were in a past life. What gives us the knowledge of reincarnations

It is probably difficult to find a person who would not like to know himself and his character more deeply. There are many ways to "dig" into yourself, but one of them is to find out who you were in past life. Reincarnation experts say that a past life has strong influence on the real, as well as on the habits and phobias of a person. You can pass the “who were you in a past life” test in a relatively short time, and it will reveal for you the secrets of the subconscious that you did not know about.

With the help of such tests, you can also find out your purpose in real life. This is useful if you are currently in the selection phase. future profession. The test will help you determine your main predispositions and hidden talents and direct you in the right direction when choosing a future field of activity. However, if you already know what to do for a long time, testing can also be useful. With it, you can find something to your liking that can brighten up routine days.

The test was compiled by professionals in the field of reincarnation, working out in detail each question and the answers to it. The analysis of various combinations of answers provided them with the opportunity to fully give the most accurate information regarding a probable past life. You can take the "Who were you in a past life and where did you live for free" test without SMS, while getting the exact result instantly.

Take the Test who you were in a past life online for free

The only thing that unites them is the so-called causal body. These are the character traits, predispositions and talents that you do not notice in real life. They can be developed, but for this you first need to learn about them. After passing the test, you will be able to penetrate the secrets of your subconscious and find necessary information. There are many tests available that will tell you who you were in a past life, even by date of birth. Some tests show an animal that characterizes you in a past life. One thing is for sure: the past life test will reveal the psychological secrets of your consciousness and subconscious, and this can play a big role in your life.

Since ancient times, there has been an Indian doctrine of the transmigration of souls - reincarnation. Many people still believe in it today. There are more and more people who want to know who they were in a past life in this world. This can be done in several ways. The simplest is numerological calculation by date of birth. However, he provides little information. More informative and accurate is the calculation based on the Pythagorean table. It will allow you to find out many details of the past incarnation.

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    Numerological calculation by date of birth

    An easy way to determine your past incarnation using numerology. In order to find out who a person was in a past life, it is necessary to make simple mathematical calculations by adding together the date, month and year of birth. For example, the date of birth is May 12, 1974. The numbers are added up in this way: 1+2+5+1+9+7+4=29. The number 29 must be found in the table of values ​​\u200b\u200bpresented below and read the characteristic:

      Number Characteristic
      4 The man was fond of magical art. Engaged in science, was a leader in his field
      5 The profession was connected with chemical science. Possible options: pharmacist, perfumer, poison compiler
      6 Professional activity based in the field of music
      7 Everything related to astronomy and astrology was interesting. The man traveled a lot, was engaged in mapping
      8 Art and creativity was the meaning of life
      9 Occupation related to architecture and construction
      10 In a past life, a person worked with animals. Was a veterinarian or trainer
      11 Committed crimes: stole, cheated, killed
      12 Evil was present in life in large numbers. State criminal or gang leader
      13 Rigid submission. Prisoner or slave in hard work
      14 A hero with a difficult fate, a military man
      15 The fate of the layman, unremarkable
      16 An aristocrat from a noble and wealthy family
      17 Unfortunate fate. There were many problems in life: illness, financial disorder, failures in personal life.
      18 The activity was associated with the service of God or the gods. priest, priest
      19 Traveler who traveled to many countries for scientific purposes
      20 A man who got rich on his own
      21 There have been many in life physical labor. laborer, loader
      22 Adventurer, rogue
      23 Earnings were associated with needlework, sewing
      24 Monk or hermit leading a righteous life
      25 A person with great power. head of state, ruler, military leader
      26 Kind person who loves to help people
      27 Discoverer of new lands
      28 In the past incarnation committed the sin of suicide
      29 Merchant, merchant
      30 Creative personality, painter, poet, sculptor
      31 A lonely person with no relatives. Life ended tragically
      32 Actor, theater personality
      33 A person who wants power. Approximate ruler
      34 A warrior who committed a heroic deed and died
      35 Singer, person associated with musical creativity
      36 Killer with personality disorder, crazy, sadist
      37 A person who has committed many sins in life, but then repented
      38 Occupation was related to the body trade: prostitute, gigolo, pimp
      39 Card cheat or money gambler
      40 Historian or art historian
      41 Activity was related to writing: writer, poet
      42 Chef, culinary specialist, restaurant owner
      43 Executed criminal
      44 The villain who killed a lot of people
      45 Famous doctor who revolutionized medicine
      46 A member of the armed forces, but who has not committed any significant deeds
      47 Sociopath seeking to hide from society
      48 Weapons master

      Knowing about the past reincarnations of the soul can help to cope with the oppression of problems in the present.

      Calculation of karmic debts

      It will help to find out how many times a person tried to fulfill his destiny and how many deaths and incarnations he had.

      The calculation technique is as follows:

  1. 1. On paper, you should write down your date of birth in the following format: 02.02.1972. The last digit of the date is a karmic number.
  2. 2. See how many times the karmic number occurs in the date of birth. In this example - 3 times. This means that the soul tried to fulfill its destiny three times.
  3. 3. Write down all the numbers that are not in the date of birth: 34568. The fewer numbers there are, the more the soul has advanced in its development.

Calculation based on Pythagorean tables

All tables are calculated on the basis of the Indian prediction about the reincarnation of the soul.

First you need to determine the letter corresponding to the year of birth. To do this, you need to use a special table.

Its principle is the same as in the Pythagorean table. That is, in the column on the left, you need to find the initial digits of the date of birth, in the top line - the final digit. At their intersection, the required letter will be located. The age in the table is limited, the countdown starts from 1920.

By this letter, you can determine whether the past incarnation was in the form of a man or a woman. To do this, in the table below, you need to find the number of your month of birth and see in which sector the found letter is located. Blue - male sector, pink - female.

For example, a person was born in February, this is the 2nd month, the letter Z is found, which means that in a past life he was a woman.

According to the tables above, the destination symbol is determined. The principle of the Pythagorean table also applies here. To determine, you need to find your month in the table for men or women and find your birth letter in the line. Then draw lines to the right and up. For this case study(February, letter Z) the symbol will be C3. From it you can find out who a person was in a past life:

Symbol Occupation
A1Everything related to digging the earth: archaeologist, grave digger
A2Explorer, discoverer, scientist
A3Designer, inventor
A4Everything related to the sea: sailor, captain long-distance navigation, shipbuilder
A5Compiler of poisons, perfumes, chemist
A6Watchmaker, jeweler
A7Everything related to medicine: doctor, medicine man, herbalist, chiropractor
IN 1Craftsman, needlewoman
AT 2Astronomer, compiler of horoscopes, road maps
AT 3Builder
AT 4Military
AT 5Everything related to creativity: artist, poet, writer
AT 6Shoemaker, leather tanner
AT 7Magician, mascot seller
C1A person who deals with animals: a shepherd, a horse-buster, a groom
C2Possessor of little power: leader of criminals, centurion, mentor
C3Librarian, bookseller
C4Everything related to music: singer, musician, dancer
C5Small trader, merchant
C6Priest, hermit, person who loves loneliness
C7Actor of farcical theater, public entertainer
D1Teacher, tutor, nanny
D2Everything related to languages: translator, decipherer of ancient inscriptions, linguist
D3Tailor, seamstress, weaver
D4Tramp, beggar
D5Person dealing with money: banker, usurer
D6Science teacher
D7Leader, ruler of the country

The place of your birth in the last incarnation can be found in the following table:

To do this, in the cell with the number of the type symbol (it is determined by the digit of the destination symbol - C3, which means the symbol of the third type) find the date of your birth. On the left are two columns with numbers indicating the place of birth. They are divided into male and female. You need to search in the column indicating the gender of the past incarnation. For example, for a person born on February 2, who has the symbol C3 and was a woman in the past, the number would be 19.

You can determine the country of birth according to the table by finding the corresponding number:

A country
1 Alaska
2 Yukon
3 Canada
4 Ontario
5 Quebec
6 Labrador
7 Newfoundland
8 Greenland
9 US Northwest
10 US Southwest
11 Northern US Center
12 Southern US Center
13 US Northeast
14 Southeastern United States
15 North polar regions
16 Scotland
17 Northern England
18 Southern England
19 Central England
20 Wales
21 Ireland
22 Northern Europe
23 France
24 Spain
25 Portugal
26 Austria
27 Germany
28 East of Russia
29 Italy
30 Türkiye
31 West of Russia
32 Siberia
33 Center of Russia
34 Greece
35 Persia
36 Saudi Arabia
37 Poland
38 Hungary
39 Yugoslavia
40 Romania
41 Bulgaria
42 Palestine
43 Tibet
44 Burma
45 Thailand
46 South China
47 Mongolia
48 Northern China
49 Korea
50 Northern Japan
51 Southern Japan
52 Sumatra
53 Borneo
54 Philippines
55 New Guinea
56 Northern Australia
57 South Australia
58 Western Australia
59 Eastern Australia
60 North New Zealand
61 South New Zealand
62 Oceania
63 North India
64 Center of India
65 South India
66 Egypt
67 North Africa
68 South Africa
69 West Africa
70 East Africa
71 Mexico

To get an answer to the question: "Who was I in a past life?" you have to pass a little test. With its help, you will find out what you did in your previous reincarnation and understand what you are working on now.

The easiest way to find out who you were in a past life is a quick numerological calculation based on your date of birth. You need to know the day, month and year in which a person was born.

  • sum all the digits of the date of birth: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28;
  • add the numbers of the resulting value: 2+8=10;
  • keep adding until you get a prime number: 1+0=1.

After that, look at the value of the resulting number:

  1. Unit. Your activity was connected with creativity and art. In a past life, you could be both an unrecognized artist and a famous writer. But the likelihood that you lived in material prosperity is the highest. However, creative pursuits were more of a hobby, and you made a living with something related to applied work - construction, for example.
  2. Deuce. The number of politicians or influential people with a broad soul. In a past life, you sought to make the lives of a large number of people better, happier and safer. The second interpretation is the activity of an actor or dancer. The stage attracted you, but could only be a hobby.
  3. Troika. Your past life was associated with public speaking or participation in hostilities. These are either the professions of a writer, orator, or military positions. It is possible that you were attracted by everything magical, you sought to know esoteric knowledge.
  4. Four. In a past life, your purpose and meaning of life were the exact sciences. High intelligence, coupled with excellent intuition, guaranteed success in the field of science or invention. It is possible that you were one of the great scientists. But they never learned how to earn money - this is the task of the current incarnation.
  5. Five. Your activities in the previous incarnation were closely connected with the law. You defended the rights and interests of people in court. But they could also be a merchant, quite prosperous.
  6. Six. In a past life, you devoted most of your time to spiritual development and serving people, doing charity work and selflessly helping those in need. It is possible that they were a minister of the church or a doctor. They received good money, most of which was given to donations.
  7. Seven - the number of scientists passionate about science is limitless. You hardly had a family, because you devoted all your time to intellectual development and inventions. At the same time, they loved a luxurious life and strove for it in every possible way.
  8. Eight indicates that in a past life you were obsessed with a career. They were ready to achieve their goals by any, even illegal and immoral means. Therefore, in the current incarnation, you will have to work off a lot of karmic debts.
  9. Nine. Most likely, in a past life you were a woman close to the powers that be. It is possible that they were engaged in art, creativity or were a fashion designer. They loved beauty in all its manifestations, strived to improve and decorate everything around, they could do it for free.

This method of calculation is quite approximate. A more accurate answer can be obtained with the help of special esoteric practices that are carried out by specialists in the relevant field.

How to find out gender and country of residence

This calculation method is more complex. With it, you can determine your gender and place of residence in the previous earthly incarnation. Prepare a piece of paper, a pen and start calculating.

In this table, find your letter: in the left column, the first three digits of the year of birth, in the top line - the last.

Then write out the resulting data and in the following table find your birth number - remember the planet to which it corresponds.

And in the last table, find your value in accordance with those obtained in the previous calculations:

Here you will find your country in which you lived in a past life:

Definition of profession

You don’t need to calculate anything else - use the previous calculations. You will need to find your profession letter and number in the table. For example, if you have a BIV, then in a past life you were a postman, messenger, navigator, caravan guide, driver, or traveling merchant.

It is very interesting to analyze your occupation now and compare it with the profession of the past. You can come to unexpected conclusions and find similarities.

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Esotericists believe that the soul can be reborn, that each person has past incarnations that leave an imprint on the current existence. I believe in this, and therefore I decided to find out who I was in a past life. There are several tests to determine your past incarnations and your current destiny. I want to talk about them in this article.

Numerology Test

This is the simplest, but not too accurate test to determine your past incarnation. It is based on calculations by date of birth. All you need to know is the day, month and year.

For example, you were born on September 25, 1982. Add up all the numbers on this date: 2+5+0+9+1+9+8+2= 36. You get a two-digit number, so keep adding until you get a single-digit number: 3+6=9. Therefore, your birth number is 9. From the list below, find this number and find out what you were in a past life.


You were into art and creativity. Your activity could be related to painting or writing. Perhaps you were even famous person. But creativity is a hobby, but your main activity was applied work. You could be an artisan, an inventor, a builder.


This is the number of influential people, for example, politicians. But you were different because you tried to make this world a better place. Besides, you owned oratory and therefore your activity was very successful. Another option is an actor or dancer. Fame attracted you, but these activities could only be hobbies.


This number is also the figure of the lover of fame and fame. You could equally be a writer or an actor, as well as a military man or a politician. And your hobbies were magic, esotericism and everything unknown and supernatural.


In the last incarnation, your whole life was devoted to the exact sciences. A developed and tenacious mind, together with good intuition, allowed you to make discoveries and invent new devices. However, you failed to achieve financial well-being. To become rich is your current destiny.


In a past life, your activities were aimed at observing the laws. You could be a judge or a lawyer. However, it is possible that you were engaged in trade.


This is the number of spiritually developed people. You dedicated your entire past life to selflessly helping people. Perhaps they were a priest or a doctor. They could become rich, as they received good fees, but most of them were spent on charity.


This is the birth number of insane (in a good sense of the word) scientists who have devoted their entire existence to science, self-development and inventions. But at the same time, you needed luxury, and therefore you have been striving for it all your life.


The number of births of careerists. Having set a goal for yourself, you went literally “over the heads”. Your motto is "to achieve the goal, all means are good." Violations of the laws of state, divine and human - it was natural for you. Therefore, in the current incarnation, you will have to work off a lot of karmic debts.


In a past life, you were most likely a secular lady close to those in power. You loved beauty in all its manifestations and sought to bring it into the lives of those around you. Art and creativity are your past hobbies. At the same time, you had no craving for wealth and power.

This test is rather vague, but General characteristics your past incarnation indicates. There is also a more accurate test, after passing which you will not only find out your past activities, but also be able to determine the place of birth and your current destination.

An accurate test for past incarnations

For this test, you also need to know only the date of birth of a person. It is best to prepare a piece of paper and a pencil, as you will have to write a lot. Based on the table below, determine the letter of your birth.

In the following table, find your letter by finding your birth number. Please note that there are two tables - one for men, the other for women. Thus, you will recognize the type symbol, number and sign of the type of profession. Be sure to remember this information.

In the table below, use the type symbol to find the number of the place of birth and the planet. You will need the latter in order to find out your current purpose.

The profession can be found from the following tables by comparing its number and the sign of the species. For example, if you have AI, then you were a digger, miner, miner or farmer. In any case, your profession was related to excavations.

Your current destiny is closely related to the activities in past incarnations. If you misbehaved, then accumulated karmic debts that need to be given away. If you were a military man and killed people, then in your current incarnation you should only bring peace and goodness.

In the tables below, find the third of the month in which you were born and the planet. For example, you were born on the 25th, respectively, you need to look for the third decade of the month.

Be sure to analyze the knowledge gained and choose an occupation that would allow you to repay karmic debts and live happy life. Past incarnations leave an imprint on the current existence, and if something doesn’t work out for you, then you again chose the wrong path.


In conclusion, we can say:

  • you need to know who you were in a past life in order to live correctly in your current incarnation;
  • each person has past incarnations;
  • Hobbies that you had in a past life can remain in the present.

An interesting and not at all difficult test that can tell about your past life, if, of course, you generally believe in the reincarnation of the soul of every person. Believe in the results of this test or not - it's up to you, but I advise you to still read the continuation of the post.

First, let's determine the LETTER of the YEAR of your birth
In the vertical column of Table 1, find the first 3 digits of the year of your birth, in the horizontal column, the last. At the intersection of lines - the letter of the year!
Table 1
For example:
You were born in 1990.
We find 199 in the left column and 0 in the top.
Letter of the year: Z

Your gender in a past life
Opposite the month of your birth, find the LETTER OF THE YEAR.
If the letter is at the top - you were a man
If at the bottom - a woman

table 2
For example:
You were born in April and your YEAR LETTER is Z
This letter is opposite April at the bottom of the table.
In a past life you were a woman.

According to the same Table 2, we determine the SYMBOL, SIGN and NUMBER of the profession
Look for the Symbol and the Number above the LETTER OF THE YEAR
Sign on the left, next to the month of birth
For example:
You are a woman born in April and your number of the year is Z
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Your NUMBER - 2
Your SIGN - IN

Place of your birth
In the right column of Table 3 we find our symbol, and in the columns in the center (under the arrows) our date of birth
In one line with the date of birth, on the left, in the two extreme columns, the NUMBER OF YOUR PLACE OF BIRTH is indicated.
Consider your gender in a past life.
(See Table 4 for decryption)
For example:
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Birth number - 17
You are a woman
So your birthplace number is 64
In a past life you were born in central India

Table 3

Table 4

Your occupation in a past life

In order to find out what you were doing, use your NUMBER and SIGN obtained in table 2
For example:
Your number is 2, your sign is B
We find B2 in table 5
You were a cartographer, an astrologer. astronomer..

Table 5
