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Why is your department important? Jobs of the day. How to answer the interview question about the shortcomings

Sometimes the interview is like a school exam. But, unlike the math test, there is no single correct answer. Instead, the questioner feels hopeful conjecture mixed with inappropriate posturing. We spoke to hiring experts to find out the most common questions job applicants get asked and the best way to answer them.

tell us about yourself

Mistake: Candidates begin to tell in detail the entire career, mixed with biographical details, or retell their resume.

What you need to answer: try to look at yourself through the eyes of the employer and focus on the experience that will show you as a suitable employee, recommends Natalia Storozheva, business coach of the Russian School of Management for personnel management:

- At the time of communication with you, he is interested in a very narrow range of questions: how suitable are you for performing business tasks; foreseen by this vacancy; Are you worth the money you are asking for? what is your motivation; whether you can fit into the corporate culture of the company and work well with the leader. Therefore, the story about yourself must be built in such a way that, listening to you, the employer receives answers to those questions that he does not voice, but keeps in his head.

Why do you want to work with us

Mistake: Applicants lavish compliments on an international dynamic company. Although, most likely, the honest answer is: “You are the only ones who called me for an interview. And I really need a job."

What to answer: Natalya Storozheva advises to act on the basis of mutual interests. For example: “You need active managers to promote products, and I like to communicate with people, I like to make presentations and negotiations, to see the results of my work. Including financial ones. Or: “I have a family, two small children and a mortgage. Therefore, I am very interested in a job and a stable income. As far as I know, you are now very interested in the development of regional sales? I am ready for business trips, work on weekends and irregular schedules.

Why are you interested in this position

Mistake: it would be wrong to abstractly say: “I want to learn something new,” notes Tatyana Kurantova, COO of Penny Lane Personnel. What exactly is unclear.

What to answer: The answer depends on your motivation, the expert argues. Tell us in more detail what exactly inspires you: further professional development, career growth, the desire to change the industry without changing positions, etc. It is especially great if these goals are aligned with the goals of the company where you want to get into.

Why should we hire you?

Mistake: in answering this question, “the candidate often starts either praising himself, overestimating his professional qualities, or, on the contrary, becomes overly modest and shy,” explains Svetlana Beloded, head of the QBF HR department.

What to answer: the expert advises to look at yourself as a professional and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses objectively.

“In fact, this is a question of the adequacy of the applicant’s claims,” she sums up.

Talk about your strengths

Mistake: general words about leadership, diligence and sociability.

What to answer: Support with examples each quality that you name.

“Depending on the situation, sometimes it is appropriate to talk about work experience, sometimes about the ability to learn, about a successfully implemented project or a successfully resolved complex conflict situation,” the manager suggested. personnel service"Lash Russia" company Natalya Khamova. It is better to think over this answer before the interview.

Tell us about your failures/failures

Mistake: Saying you don't have weaknesses and there were no mistakes or, conversely, long and thoroughly savor their failures, the HR director notes SPSR Express Anastasia Khrisanfova.

What you need to answer: everyone makes mistakes, this is normal - and this is how we gain valuable experience. Tell us about the reasons for the situation and the lesson you have learned, suggests Ekaterina Syrskaya, Talent Acquisition Manager at Coca-Cola HBC Russia.

What are your salary expectations

Error: overestimate the amount.

- Many are sure that the formula “Ask for more - you get less” works here. This is wrong. Usually, a company has already set a specific amount for the salaries of employees of a certain level, so it makes no sense to ask for more, Svetlana Beloded assures.

What you need to answer: find out in advance the salary fork in your position. And at the interview, talk and ask questions: what does the salary consist of, what bonuses and bonuses are paid here for Good work that you are capable of.

– Remuneration for work is always a subject of negotiations. Therefore, do not immediately settle for the first announced figure and do not be modest. Discuss, discuss, - suggests Natalya Storozheva.

What are your plans for the next 5 years?

Mistake: report a desire to move, sit a manager or open your own business in a month or two.

What to answer: By asking this question, the recruiter wants to see your credibility, as well as your commitment to your job and the company.

“It is important to show that he (the applicant) clearly understands his career development: to tell about the goals and plans for improvement in a particular chosen area,” advises the representative of Coca-Cola HBC Russia.

Why did you decide to quit your current job?

Mistake: swearing at a former boss.

What you need to answer: take some of the blame on yourself. The head of the QBF HR department recommends “telling honestly about the reason for the dismissal, describing not only the disadvantages of the current job, but also your mistakes, which you will try to avoid in a new place.” This indicates that you know how to learn and work on shortcomings.

Do you have any questions for me?

Mistake: don't ask questions.

What to answer: Ekaterina Syrskaya suggests asking about the work process, official duties, corporate culture.

“So the applicant will be able to understand the details in more detail and show that he is really interested in this vacancy,” she sums up.

02.08.2016 05:53

Let's be honest: the interview question is "Why do you want to work for our company?" is difficult for those who are just starting their career. Similarly, a job seeker might ask an employer, "Why do you want to hire me?"

INTERVIEWER: So, do you have any questions?

APPLICANT: Yes. Why do you want to hire me?

INTERVIEWER: What? Who said we want to hire you? This is just the first interview. We can't say yet that we want to make you an offer.

APPLICANT: Exactly. That's why I was surprised when you asked me today, "Why do you want to work for our company?" Who says I want to work here? This is our first interview. While I can not say that I want to work for you.

If you look at the situation from a different angle, it becomes obvious that the question "Why do you want to work in our company?" is simply inappropriate. He assumes that the applicant who came to the first interview has already decided that he wants to get this job. But do you really hire such unscrupulous candidates?

People come to the first interview to find out more about the job and the company. The employer invites the candidate for the first interview to find out more about the candidate. An interview is needed to clarify the details. If you expect that all applicants will immediately demonstrate one hundred percent desire to get a job with you, you are mistaken.

HRs may object: “Is the question “Why did you come to the interview?” does not mean "Why do you want this job?". Why not just say what you mean?

How should an unemployed person answer the stupid question “Why do you want to work for us?”

The best way to answer it is to talk about the mission of the company, your intended role in it, or the initiatives you will be involved in if employed. This will show the interviewer that you have studied the information about the company and connect personal goals with its goals.

A few examples:

1. INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to work with us?

APPLICANT: As far as I understand, your company plans to develop in the field of children's literature. This industry is my first love. I started my career in a children's publishing house right after graduation. In addition, I myself write a children's book.

2. INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to work with us?

APPLICANT: I ​​like your corporate culture and the fact that you emphasize teamwork on products. I have never liked the rigidity of traditional development methodology, and I really want to develop.

3. INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to work with us?

JOB APPLICANT: My sister worked for your company when she lived in this region and according to her, it was her best job. She says that she learned a lot here and that if I can get a job with you, I will not regret it. Now you are expanding your team of customer support managers, I would like to take advantage of this opportunity.

What questions can be an alternative to the question “Why do you want to work with us?”

  • What did interest you: the opportunities that are opening up or our company as a whole?
  • What made you take the time to apply for this job?
  • What made you contact us?

Translation: Stepan Dobrodumov

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This article is our reader's answer to the very popular material "". He works in a very large company and is absolutely happy with this fact. He shares these thoughts with you on Lifehacker.

I cannot agree with the categorical statement that it is bad to work in big companies. Here is my experience, and tell me where I'm wrong.

First of all, in short. Working in large companies is super, and that's a fact. That is why the majority of graduates of the most prestigious universities seek to work there - in large international and Russian companies. It is enough to go to a job fair at some well-known university, and you will clearly see which employers are most crowded around. And if a free table is found somewhere at the fair, then a representative of a small business is sitting there.

Large companies simply have more money. And it affects everything. On salaries, the availability and size of the social package, working conditions, training opportunities for employees. When I worked in small companies, my salary was unstable, it was paid semi-officially, I basically didn’t know what a salary on a bank card was, but I won’t say anything about pension contributions at all. There was, for example, a case when I had to help out the owner of the company by urgently lending him a certain amount of money so as not to disrupt manufacturing process(there really was no money, and I was very rooting for the cause).

I'm not talking about those areas of business where a company needs to have its own service department and spare parts warehouse. When it is a small company, it is not easy to keep even one service worker, not to mention sending him for training in Europe or the USA. Moreover, even if you learn with the last money, he will still go to work in a big company after some time. After all, there he will be offered a salary that does not shine here with all the desire, and the work will, frankly, without such “hemorrhoids”.

Or take, for example, the case when I worked for a small publishing firm. The newspaper was typed on the only more or less workable computer, which literally had to pray. As a result, one day, right before the issue was submitted for printing, the program glitched, and we had to re-do not just make up the issue, but recreate the publication template itself! That's what poverty is. After those few years in the industry, I kind of hated the publishing business and didn't want to get back into it for a long time.

Availability of ready-made materials for almost all occasions. Since I worked with clients, I constantly needed to provide them with some materials or documents: commercial offers, contracts, catalogs, equipment descriptions, etc. When I worked in small companies, as a rule, every time I had to do it all in a new way. Request foreign suppliers, translate into Russian, calculate customs clearance, prices, etc. The next day I got new client already with another request and I had to do the same job again. When did I get a job at big firm, my delight knew no bounds: everything I needed for work was already ready for me! And in such quantity and choice that previously one could only dream of. Work - I don't want to!

A separate topic is corporate events . Perhaps someone will say that corporate parties are not important. Like, we are not working for them, and you can not go there at all. Agree. But you know how in a small firm I once met a corporate New Year? The “corporate party” was held in a small wrecked building intended for demolition (and indeed it was later demolished), in which we all even simply had nowhere to sit down. They sat on the couch literally on each other's knees. And they toasted that next year we could live to celebrate the next New Year in a restaurant. Yes, not all small firms are so squalid, but this is a real case from my experience!

Prospects for further employment. If you have worked for some time in big company, it will be much easier for you to continue to get a good job. Do you like small business? Please! They will also gladly take it. A new line on your resume will give you weight in the eyes of almost any employer. And you will not be asked: “What is this company “Pupkin and K” doing in general?” When I settled for new job, that’s exactly what happened: “eycharshchikov” cling to loud names in my resume. And about the less well-known (although quite decent firms) I was not particularly asked.

Prestige, name, brand. When you meet friends or meet someone, people usually ask where you work. And if it turns out that you work in a company whose name everyone knows from childhood, this gives you weight. People perceive you as more successful person, strive to maintain a good relationship with you. After all, you can become a potential client for them (and it is always very prestigious to have a large brand among your clients). Or, for example, they value you as a person who can help them get a job in a well-known company.

Of course, working in large companies has its drawbacks, like everything in this world. For some, a small firm or your own business may be more suitable. But that is another story.

Job seekers consider one of the most uncomfortable and tricky interview questions: Why do you want to work in our company? Many of them think at such a moment: you found my resume, you yourself invited me, is it really not enough that I filled out your application form, came to you for an interview and now I’m sitting in front of you, demonstrating my interest with all my might? Why do you need to think of something else? Let them tell me what good things I personally will get if I agree to work in this company.

Really, just be honest with yourself. And everything will immediately become clear. If you find it difficult to answer this question, then this indicates that you have zero interest in working in this particular company, or even negative. Hiring managers are not asking this question as a mere formality. Thanks to the answer to it, you can get a lot of information about you and make up your personal characteristics. And not only based on the content of the answer, but also on how quickly you answer, in what manner - reluctantly, irritably, at a loss or easily, joyfully and with a burning look. Try to think logically. Put yourself in the place of the person who is interviewing you and see yourself through their eyes. This person needs to know your motivation. Now it is important to clarify three main points:

1) how qualified you are for the position you are applying for; 2) whether you will work well for the good of the company; 3) how much you are aware in advance and loyal to the company in which you are going to work.

The company is looking for a new employee, not just for the sake of staffing (although such options also happen, but they are extremely rare). The company is looking for a specialist to perform necessary work and wants to make a valuable acquisition.

Now answer the questions honestly for yourself: why did you get up at 7 in the morning, drive through half the city and spend your personal time on an interview that already causes negative emotions in you? Was it your conscious choice? The work that in question and the company in which you want to get a job seems really interesting and promising to you? Maybe you are here and now simply because you ran out of money, there is nothing to pay for an apartment and you need at least some work?

Believe me, this is not the best motivation in the eyes of the employer if you apply for at least some interesting position. This may mean that you are just desperately looking for a job out of... desperation. At the same time, you don’t give a damn where and with whom to work, as long as the salary is paid. If you find yourself in this situation, it means that somewhere in your past you made a number of mistakes. How did it happen that you lost your previous job? Well, let it not be your fault (they laid off, the company fell apart, the relationship with the boss did not work out), but why are you now grabbing all the offers in a row, just to catch on somewhere? This may mean that you are short-sighted and irresponsible about your career. Perhaps you are just looking for a "safe haven" for a while, where you can wait out the storm, because now you just desperately need money and the social status of a worker. Therefore, now you want to get any job that guarantees stability, and immediately after that, you will start looking for a better place. It would be naive to assume that your potential employer dreams of hiring such an employee.

You can rightly be indignant that all of the above is not your case. But your difficulty is to answer the question - Why do you want to work in our company? - can be interpreted in this way.

There are only two options:

1) You really admire this company and dream of this position. Then it will not be difficult for you to talk for a long time, with enthusiasm and with a burning look, why you made such a choice. You don't need to do anything special. You know your goals and desires. You can speak about them clearly and clearly.

2) You are not enthusiastic about this company and the position is so-so, but you really want to get paid again. Then it is difficult for you to formulate your thoughts. You are trying to "guess" the correct answer. You fail to show genuine interest.

Should you deceive yourself? Time flies fast, you have one life. If you understand that your option is number 2), turn around and leave. Look for a place where you really want to work, because you find it interesting, wonderful and promising.

If your situation is so serious and hopeless that you urgently need any job, and for this you are ready to make any deals with your own attitude, then ... carefully prepare for the interview. Your confident and positive attitude will help hide your true motives. Read career forums and articles, choose the wording that suits you. An experienced recruiter is hard to beat, but at the very least, you will demonstrate interview readiness, knowledge of interview etiquette, and the ability to give compliments.

Examples of standard answers to the question - Why do you want to work in our company?

I always wanted to work in a large and reputable company in the business world.
I am sure that this is where I will be able to realize my potential. I am satisfied with the working conditions and attractive prospects career development.
I am attracted by stability, the name of a well-known company, compliance with the Labor Code, development prospects.
The proposals of your company coincide with my expectations, which means that our cooperation promises to be mutually beneficial.
Your company is a revolutionary in the market. It is interesting for me to work in this area and contribute to your (hopefully I can say ours soon) company to become a market leader.

We talked about how to competently build your answer to the question: “Why should we take you?” However, employers also like to ask: "Why do you want to work with us?" R Head of Career Services HeadHunter Marina Hadina will tell you how to prepare for this issue .

The response strategy is to first evaluate what distinguishes this proposal from the others (content of tasks, period of development of the company, corporate policy, the complexity of the tasks, etc., including the location).

Here are some examples of answers to such questions:

1. I have a serious mathematical education, I like to implement such research. I had a similar experience at NN. I will gladly return to such work, but at a new level.

2. This work is the perfect continuation of my professional career. There is a good combination of different areas of activity here. (specify which ones) in which I just have experience in different periods of my career (transfer). This unique opportunity make the most of what you have and benefit the company.

3. This is not the only opportunity I am considering, but your company is the only place where my qualifications will be in full demand. In particular, as a personnel manager, I have special knowledge in the field of mass recruitment, and it is in your company that this will be so in demand. In addition, the task implies the need to organize remote recruitment management. This will be a growth area for me. This is the kind of work I look forward to every morning.

4. I am interested in this particular vacancy, because it most closely matches my experience, combining both sales and marketing. As I mentioned, in my last job, I achieved an increase in sales in a new channel for the company by more than 25%. In addition, the team of professionals with which to work made a great impression on me.

5. I have a clear understanding that your company is a company where I can do a lot of useful things right now. We discussed plans to launch new lines of business in the coming year. I want to be part of the team during this period of growth.

6. I will not hide my interest in this position with you (e.g. accountant), because firstly, this work is 99% familiar to me, which will allow me to quickly understand and start working, and secondly, I will be as motivated as possible, because The office of the company is not far from me. It is a great success to get a combination of an interesting job and work close to home.

It is important to know that modern recruiters, along with professional qualities employees appreciate such a thing as loyalty. Other things being equal, your sincere interest in the company can work in your favor and set you apart from the rest of the candidates. Especially for such purposes, HeadHunter has a service: with the help of it, you can always make yourself known to the company of your dreams.

Good luck with your interviews!
