Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Contribution to the development of computer science presentation. Presentation “scientists who have contributed to the development of computer science” () – project, report. Presentation on the topic: Outstanding scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development and establishment of computer science

“Textbooks in computer science” - Goryachev A.V. Interior design. Textbook Publisher: Binom, 2006. Handbook-workshop. – M.: “Balass”, 2006. For primary school teachers, computer science teachers and methodologists. Matveeva N.V. and others. Publisher: Binom. Goryachev A.V. Computer Science and ICT. Goryachev A.V., Ostrovskaya E.M. Graphic editor "TuxPaint" for schoolchildren.

“Tournament in Informatics” - Space (PotaP ROBEL). Yeralash. Savvy ones. Ivan Sergeevich bought himself a bicycle and rode it to work. Sharp (bicycle AND ROAD) - #. In the presence of the boss, Potap was as shy as a child. Believe it or not. Believe it or not. ALGOL. Input (IN WATER) - . Well done! Jargon is a slang word or expression.

“Materials on computer science” - GRAPHIC EDITOR 1 GRAPHIC EDITOR 2 (lessons-presentations). Logical games 2. Laboratory work. PROJECT School riddles. Practical work. PROJECT Construction from autofigures. TEST TASKS on the topic: “GRAPHIC EDITOR”. Algorithm. Go to the sections of the manual. Properties of algorithms. Go to next page.

“Informatics and Programs” - Programming – creating a program that implements a specific algorithm. Programmers, programming and programming languages. Author's page. Folders and volumes (disks). Organizing information on a computer. The term “programmer” often refers to a variety of professions. A software package is a set of programs that perform some common task.

“Informatics lessons” - This lesson involves the creativity of the teacher. An electronic manual on the topic "Algebra logic", "Number system" has also been created. Profile differentiation, both by level and content of training. Students are actively involved in the creation of such learning environments. Integrated lessons. Multimedia lesson.

“Informatics Test” - 5) How many types of information exist in a computer? Back to the first question. 5) How many types of encoding of text information are there? 2) What is the plotter intended for? Let's move on to the next question??? 1) How many types of printers based on their operating principle are there? this moment? 3) What is 1 byte equal to?

Leonardo da Vinci For more than 300 years, it was believed that the author of the first calculating machine was Blaise Pascal. However, in 1967, two volumes of unpublished manuscripts by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the titans of the Renaissance, Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist and engineer, were found in the National Library of Madrid. Among the drawings they found a sketch of a thirteen-bit adding device with ten-tooth wheels. It was collected by the company for advertising purposes. However, in 1967 in National Library In Madrid, two volumes of unpublished manuscripts of 1BM were found and it turned out to be quite workable.

Wilhelm Schickard Ten years earlier, in 1957, a previously unknown photocopy of a sketch of a calculating device was discovered in the Stuttgart city library, from which it followed that another design for a calculating machine appeared at least 20 years earlier than the “Pascal wheel”. It was possible to establish that this sketch is nothing more than a missing appendix to a previously published letter to I. Kepler from the University of Tübingen professor Wilhelm Schickard (from), where Schickard, referring to the drawing, described the calculating machine he had invented. The machine contained adding and multiplying devices, as well as a mechanism for recording intermediate results. In another letter (from) Schickard wrote that Kepler would be pleasantly surprised if he saw how the machine itself accumulates and transfers to the left a ten or a hundred and how it takes away what it holds in its “mind” when subtracting. Wilhelm Schickard () appeared in Tübingen in 1617 and soon became professor of oriental languages ​​at the local university. At the same time, he corresponded with Kepler and a number of German, French, Italian and Dutch scientists on issues related to astronomy. Drawing attention to the young scientist’s extraordinary mathematical abilities, Kepler recommended that he take up mathematics. Schickard heeded this advice and achieved significant success in his new field. In 1631 he became professor of mathematics and astronomy. And five years later, Schickard and members of his family died of cholera. The scientist’s works were forgotten...

Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal () is one of the most famous people in human history. Pascal died when he was 39 years old, but despite such a short life, he went down in history as an outstanding mathematician, physicist, philosopher, writer, who also believed in miracles. Some of Pascal's practical achievements have received the highest distinction today. knows the name of their author. For example, now very few people will say that the most ordinary wheelbarrow is the invention of Blaise Pascal. He also came up with the idea of ​​omnibuses of multi-seat horse-drawn carriages with fixed routes, the first type of regular public urban transport. When he was very young (1643), Pascal created a mechanical device - a summing machine, which made it possible to add numbers in the decimal number system. In this machine, numbers were set by corresponding turns of disks (wheels) with digital divisions, and the result of the operation could be read in windows, one for each digit. The disks were mechanically connected; when adding, the transfer of a unit to the next digit was taken into account. The units disk was connected to the tens disk, the tens disk to the hundreds disk, etc. The main disadvantage of Pascal's summing machine was the inconvenience of performing all operations except addition with its help.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz () entered the history of mathematics primarily as the creator of differential and integral calculus, combinatorics, and the theory of determinants. But his name also stands among the outstanding inventors of calculating devices. Leibniz was born in Leipzig and belonged to a family known for its scientists and politicians. In 1661, Leibniz became a student. He studies philosophy, law and mathematics at the universities of Leipzig, Vienna and Altdorf. In 1666, he defended two dissertations for the title of associate professor in law and mathematics. In 1672, Leibniz met the Dutch mathematician and astronomer Christian Huygens. Seeing how many calculations an astronomer had to do, Leibniz decided to invent a mechanical device for calculations, which he completed in 1694. Developing Pascal's ideas, Leibniz used the shift operation for bitwise multiplication of numbers. One copy of Leibniz's machine came to Peter the Great, who presented it to the Chinese emperor, wanting to amaze him with European technical achievements. Leibniz also came close to creating mathematical logic: he proposed using mathematical symbolism in logic and was the first to express the idea of ​​​​using the binary number system in it, which later found application in automatic computers.

George Boole George Boole (). After Leibniz, research in the field of mathematical logic and the binary number system was carried out by many outstanding scientists, but real success came here to the self-taught English mathematician George Boole, whose determination knew no bounds. The financial situation of George's parents allowed him to graduate only primary school for the poor. After some time, Buhl, having changed several professions, opened a small school where he taught. He devoted a lot of time to self-education and soon became interested in the ideas of symbolic logic. In 1854, his main work, “A Study of the Laws of Thought on which Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probability are Based,” appeared. After some time, it became clear that the Boole system is well suited for describing electrical switching circuits: current in the circuit can either flow or be absent, like how a statement can be either true or false. Already in the 20th century, together with the binary number system, the mathematical apparatus created by Boole formed the basis for the development of a digital electronic computer.

Hermann Hollerith A significant contribution to the automation of information processing was made by an American, the son of German emigrants, Hermann Hollerith (). He is the founder of counting and punching technology. While dealing with the processing of statistical information from the census conducted in the United States in 1890, Hollerith built a hand-held punch that was used to apply digital data to punched cards (holes were punched on the card), and introduced mechanical sorting for the layout of these punched cards depending on the location of the punches. He built a summing machine called a tabulator, which “probed” holes on punched cards, perceived them as corresponding numbers, and counted these numbers. The tabulator card was the size of a dollar bill. It had 12 rows, in each of which 20 holes could be punched, corresponding to data such as age, gender, place of birth, number of children, marital status, etc. Agents participating in the census recorded respondents' responses in special forms. The completed forms were sent to Washington, where the information they contained was transferred to cards using a punch. The punched cards were then loaded into special devices connected to a tabulator, where they were threaded onto thin needles. The needle, entering the hole, passed through it, closing a contact in the corresponding electrical circuit of the machine. This, in turn, caused the counter, consisting of rotating cylinders, to move forward one position.

John Vincent Atanasov In 1973, the court established that the patent rights to the basic ideas of digital electronic machines belong to John Atanasov. A Bulgarian by birth, John Vincent Atanasov () became a second-generation American. Atanasov began his search for ways to automate calculations in 1933, when he supervised graduate students studying the theory of elasticity, quantum physics, and crystal physics. Most of the problems they encountered involved partial differential equations. To solve them, it was necessary to use approximate methods, which, in turn, required solving large systems of algebraic equations. Therefore, the scientist began to make attempts to use technical means to speed up calculations: Atanasov decided to design a computer based on new principles, using vacuum tubes as an elemental base. In the fall of 1939, John Atanasov and his assistant Clifford Berry began building a specialized computer designed to solve a system of algebraic equations with 30 unknowns. It was decided to call it ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer). The source data, presented in the decimal number system, had to be entered into the machine using standard punched cards. Then, in the machine itself, the decimal code was converted into binary, which was then used in it. The main arithmetic operations were addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division were performed with their help. There were two storage devices in the car. By the spring of 1942, work on the vehicle was largely completed; However, at this time the United States was already at war with Nazi Germany, and wartime problems pushed work on the first computer into the background. Soon the car was dismantled.

Konrad Zuse The creator of the first working computer with program control is considered to be the German engineer Konrad Zuse (), who loved to invent since childhood and, while still at school, designed a model of a machine for changing money. He began to dream about a machine capable of performing tedious calculations instead of a person , while still a student. Unaware of the work of Charles Babbage, Zuse soon began to create a device much like the English mathematician's Analytical Engine. In 1936, in order to devote more time to building a computer, Zuse quit the company where he worked. He set up a “workshop” on a small table in his parents’ house. After about two years, the computer, which already occupied an area of ​​about 4 m2 and was an intricacy of relays and wires, was ready. The machine, which he named 21 (from 7, from the name Zuse, written in German), had a keyboard for data entry. In 1942, Zuse and the Austrian electrical engineer Helmut Schreyer proposed creating a device of a fundamentally new type, based on vacuum vacuum tubes. The new machine was supposed to operate hundreds of times faster than any of the machines available at that time in warring Germany. However, this proposal was rejected: Hitler imposed a ban on all "long-term" scientific developments, because he was confident of a quick victory. In the difficult post-war years, Zuse, working alone, created a programming system called Plankalkul (Plankal-kül, "plan calculus"). This language is called the first high-level language.

Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev () was born in Nizhny Novgorod, In 1921 he entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (now the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 1928, Lebedev, having received a diploma in electrical engineering, became at the same time a university teacher, from which he graduated, and a junior researcher at the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute (VEI). In 1936, he was already a professor and author (together with PS Zhdanov) of the book "Stability of parallel operation of electrical systems", widely known among specialists in the field of electrical engineering. In the late 1940s, under the leadership of Lebedev, the first domestic electronic digital computer MESM (small electronic calculating machine) was created, which is one of the first in the world and the first in Europe computer with a program stored in memory. In 1950, Lebedev moved to the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology (ITM and VT of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) in Moscow and became the chief designer of BESM, and then the director of the institute. At that time BESM-1 was the fastest computer in Europe and was not inferior the best computers USA. Soon the machine was slightly modernized and in 1956 it began to be mass-produced under the name BESM-2. BESM-2 was used to perform calculations during the launch of artificial Earth satellites and the first spaceships with a person on board. In 1967, the company created under the leadership of S.A. began mass production. Lebedev and V.A. Melnikova, the original BESM-6 architecture with a speed of about 1 million operations per second: BESM-6 was among the most productive computers in the world and had many "features" of the next, third generation machines. She was the first large domestic machine, which began to be supplied to users along with a developed software.

John von Neumann American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann () was from Budapest, the second largest and most important cultural center of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire after Vienna. With his extraordinary abilities, this man began to stand out very early: at the age of six he spoke the ancient Greek language, and at eight he mastered the basics of higher mathematics. He worked in Germany, but in the early 1930s he decided to settle in the USA. John von Neumann made a significant contribution to the creation and development of a number of areas of mathematics and physics, had a significant impact on the development computer equipment. He completed basic research related to mathematical logic, group theory, operator algebra, quantum mechanics, statistical physics; is one of the creators of the Monte Carlo method, a numerical method for solving mathematical problems based on the modeling of random variables. “According to von Neumann,” the main place among the functions performed by a computer is occupied by arithmetic and logical operations. An arithmetic-logical device is provided for them. Its operation and the entire machine in general are controlled using a control device. The role of information storage is performed by RAM. Information is stored here for both the arithmetic logic unit (data) and the control unit (instructions).

Claude Elwood Shannon Already in adolescence Claude Elwood Shannon () began to design. He made model airplanes and radios, created a radio-controlled boat, and connected his home and a friend's home with a telegraph line. Claude's childhood hero was the famous inventor Thomas Alva Edison, who was also his distant relative (however, they never met). In 1937, Shannon presented his thesis "Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits", while working on which he came to the conclusion that Boolean algebra can be successfully used for the analysis and synthesis of switches and relays in electrical circuits. We can say that this work paved the way for the development of digital computers. Most famous work Claude Ellwood Shannon's A Mathematical Theory of Communications, published in 1948, presents ideas related to his creation. new science information theory. One of the tasks of information theory is to find the most economical coding methods that allow you to convey the necessary information using a minimum number of symbols. Shannon defined the basic unit of information quantity (later called a bit) as a message representing one of two options: heads, tails, yes, no, etc. A bit can be represented as a 1 or 0, or as the presence or absence of current in a circuit.

Bill (William) Gates Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William Gates II, is a lawyer. Bill Gates' mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, board member of the University of Washington, and chairman of United Way International. Gates and his high school friend Paul Allen entered the world of entrepreneurship at age fifteen. They wrote a program to regulate traffic and formed a company to distribute it; earned dollars on this project and never went back to high school. In 1973, Gates entered the first year of Harvard University. During his time at Harvard, Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote the first operating system, developing the BASIC programming language for the first MITS Altair minicomputer. In his third year, Bill Gates left Harvard to devote himself full-time to Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975 with Allen. Under a contract with IBM, Gates creates the MS-DOS operating system, which in 1993 was used by 90% of the world's computers and which made him fabulously rich. So Bill Gates went down in history not only as the chief software architect of the Microsoft corporation, but also as the youngest self-made billionaire. Today, Bill Gates is one of the most popular figures in the computer world. There are jokes about him, praises are sung to him. People magazine, for example, believes that "Gates is to programming what Edison is to the light bulb: part innovator, part entrepreneur, part tradesman, but always a genius."

Presentation on the topic: Outstanding scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development and establishment of computer science

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Presentation on the topic: Outstanding scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development and establishment of computer science

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Computer science is the science of the general properties and patterns of information, as well as methods of searching, transmitting, storing, processing and using it in various fields human activity. Computer science is the science of the general properties and patterns of information, as well as methods of searching, transmitting, storing, processing and using it in various fields of human activity.

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The first computing device developed by Babbage was called the “difference engine” because it relied on a well-developed finite difference method for its calculations. The first computing device developed by Babbage was called the “difference engine” because it relied on a well-developed finite difference method for its calculations.

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Unfortunately, Charles Babbage did not get to see most of his revolutionary ideas come to fruition. The work of the scientist has always been accompanied by several very serious problems. Until the early 1990s, the generally accepted view was that Charles Babbage's ideas were too far ahead of the technical capabilities of his time, and therefore the designed computers were, in principle, impossible to build in that era. Unfortunately, Charles Babbage did not get to see most of his revolutionary ideas come to fruition. The work of the scientist has always been accompanied by several very serious problems. Until the early 1990s, the generally accepted view was that Charles Babbage's ideas were too far ahead of the technical capabilities of his time, and therefore the designed computers were, in principle, impossible to build in that era.

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Herman's parents were immigrants from Germany, in 1848 they left their homeland. The boy was born on February 29, 1860. Nothing is known about Herman’s early years (it’s a family matter). He went to school with obvious reluctance and had a reputation among teachers as a gifted child, but ill-mannered and lazy. Herman's parents were immigrants from Germany; they left their homeland in 1848. The boy was born on February 29, 1860. Nothing is known about Herman’s early years (it’s a family matter). He went to school with obvious reluctance and had a reputation among teachers as a gifted child, but ill-mannered and lazy. When Herman was 14 years old, he left the walls of the municipal secondary school forever educational institution. The young man graduated from college with honors and entered the service at Columbia University, in the mathematics department of the famous Professor Trowbridge.

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In 1880, the idea was born of mechanizing the work of census takers using a machine similar to a jacquard loom. In fact, this very idea was first expressed by Hollerith's colleague, Doctor of Natural Sciences John Shaw. In 1880, the idea of ​​mechanizing the work of census workers using a machine similar to a jacquard loom was born. In fact, this very idea was first expressed by Hollerith's colleague, Doctor of Natural Sciences John Shaw.

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In 1882, Hollerith became a teacher of applied mechanics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Soon, a clumsy monster, assembled mainly from scrap metal found in university trash heaps, took up residence in the laboratory. In 1882, Hollerith became a teacher of applied mechanics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Soon, a clumsy monster, assembled mainly from scrap metal found in university trash heaps, took up residence in the laboratory. But Hollerith soon became disillusioned with the tape, as it quickly wore out and broke. Therefore, in the end, Hollerith chose punched cards as information carriers. A hundred years later, computer scientists again found the idea of ​​reading information from tape more promising.

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The authorities recommended Hollerith's invention for a competition among systems considered as basic for the mechanization of the work of census takers during the upcoming census in 1890. Hollerith's machine had no equal, and therefore the creation of an industrial prototype of a punched card tabulator was hastily organized at the Pratt and Whitney design bureau. The authorities recommended Hollerith's invention for a competition among systems considered as basic for the mechanization of the work of census takers during the upcoming census in 1890. Hollerith's machine had no equal, and therefore the creation of an industrial prototype of a punched card tabulator was hastily organized at the Pratt and Whitney design bureau. The stellar period in the life of Herman

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Slide description: http://www.thg .ru/technews/20090630_112001.html Encyclopedia for children Avanta+, volume 22 Informatics, Moscow, Avanta+, 2003 D.M. Zlatopolsky “Informatics in Persons”, Moscow, Chistye Prudy, 2005. Newspaper “Informatics” No. 12 2006.

Wilhelm Schickard

(1592 - 1635)

Computer history begins in 1623, when Wilhelm Schickard built humanity's first automatic calculator.
The Schickard gaming machine can perform basic arithmetic operations on integer inputs. His letters to Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, explain the use of his “calculation of clocks” for the calculation of astronomical tables.
The non-programmable Schickard machine was based on the traditional decimal number system. Leibniz subsequently discovered a more convenient binary system (1679), important element first in the world work program- computer controlled, due to Zuse (1941).

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz


Leibniz, sometimes called the last universal genius, invented at least two things that are important to modern world: Bit-based calculus and binary arithmetic.

Modern physics, mathematics, engineering would be unthinkable without the former: a fundamental method of working with infinitesimal numbers. Leibniz was the first to publish it. He developed it around 1673. In 1679, he perfected the notation for integration and differentiation that is still used today.

Binary arithmetic based on the dual system was invented around 1679, and published in 1701. This became the basis of almost all modern computers.

Charles Babbage

British mathematician and inventor, author of works on the theory of functions, mechanization of calculations in economics; foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1832). In 1833developed a project for a universal digital computer - the prototype of a computer. Babbage envisioned the ability to enter instructions into the machine using punched cards. However, this machine was not finished, since the low level of technology at that time became the main obstacle to its creation. Charles Babbage is often called the "father of the computer" for his invention of the Analytical Engine, although its prototype was created many years after his death.

Lovelace Augusta Ada

A.Lovelace developed the first programs for the Bubbage Analytical Engine, thereby laying down theoretical basis programming. She first introduced the concept of the operation cycle. In one of the notes she stated main idea that the analytical engine can solve problems that, due to the difficulty of calculations, are almost impossible to solve manually. Thus, for the first time, a machine was considered not only as a mechanism that replaces a person, but also as a device capable of performing work beyond human capabilities. Although the Bubbage Analytical Engine was not built and Lovelace's programs were never debugged and did not work, a number of her statements general provisions have retained their fundamental importance for modern programming. Nowadays, A. Lovelace is rightfully called the first programmer in the world.

(1912-1954) Alan Mathieson Turing reformulated Kurt Goedel's unprovability results in terms of Turing machines (TMS). Closely related to earlier work was done by Turing's advisor Alonso Church. TMs subsequently became the most widely used abstract computing models. Universal TMs can emulate any other TM, or any other known computer.
During World War II, Turing helped (with Welchman) break the Nazi code. Some sources say that this work was decisive for the victory over the Third Reich.
Turing later proposed his famous test for assessing whether a computer is intelligent (more on History artificial intelligence). Computer science's most sought-after award bears his name: the Turing Award.

Kurt Gödel


In 1931, just a few years after Julius Lilienfeld patented the transistor, Kurt Gödel (or "Goedel" rather than "Godel") laid outfundamentals of theoretical computer sciencewith his work on universal formal languages ​​and limits on proof and computation. It constructs formal systems that allow self-referential statements that speak about themselves, in particular about whether they can be obtained from an enumerable given set of axioms using a computational theorem-proving procedure. Gödel went further to construct accounts that claim their own unprovability to demonstrate that traditional mathematics is either flawed in a certain algorithmic sense or contains unprovable but true statements.

Gödel's incompleteness result is widely regarded as the most remarkable achievement of 20th century mathematics, although some mathematicians say it is logic rather than mathematics, and others call it a fundamental result of theoretical computer science (reformulated by Church & Post & Turing around 1936), a discipline that did not yet officially exist back then, but was actually created through Gödel's work. He had enormous influence not only in computer science, but also in philosophy and other fields.

John von Neumann
(12/28/1903, Budapest, - 2/8/1957, Washington)

American mathematician, member of the US National Academy of Sciences (1937). In 1926 he graduated from the University of Budapest. From 1927 he taught at the University of Berlin, from 1930-33 - at Princeton University (USA), from 1933 professor at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. Since 1940, he has been a consultant to various army and naval institutions (N. took part, in particular, in the work on creating the first atomic bomb). Since 1954 member of the Atomic Energy Commission.
The main scientific works are devoted to functional analysis and its applications to issues of classical and quantum mechanics. N. also carried out research on mathematical logic and the theory of topological groups. In the last years of his life he was mainly involved in developing issues related to game theory, automata theory; made a great contribution to the creation of the first computers and the development of methods for their application. He is best known as the person whose name is associated with the architecture of most modern computers (the so-called von Neumann architecture)

Konrad Zuse
(June 22, 1910, Berlin - December 18, 1995, Hünfeld)

German engineer, computer pioneer. Best known as creator of the first truly working programmable computer(1941) and first high-level programming language (1945).
Engaged in the creation of a programmable calculating machine.

1935-1938 : Konrad Zuse builds the Z1, the world's first software-controlled computer. Despite a number of mechanical engineering problems, it had all the basic components of modern machine tools, using the binary number system and today the standard separation of storage and control. Zuse's 1936 patent application (Z23139/GMD Nr. 005/021) also evidenced the von Neumann architecture (reinvented in 1945) with programs and data modified during storage.

1941 : Zuse completes the Z3, the world's first fully functional programmable from a computer.

1945 : Zuse describes Plankalkuel, the world's first high-level programming language that contains many of the standard features of modern programming languages. FORTRAN came almost ten years later. Zuse also used Plankalkuel to design the world's first chess program.

1946 : Zuse founds the world's first computer startup company: Zuse-Ingenieurbüro Hopferau. Venture capital raised through ETH Zürich and IBM-option on Zuse patents.

In addition to general-purpose computers, Zuse built several specialized computers. Thus, calculators S1 and S2 were used to determine the exact dimensions of parts in aviation technology. The S2 machine, in addition to the computer, also included measuring devices for performing aircraft measurements. The L1 computer, which remained in experimental form, was intended by Zuse to solve logical problems.

1967 : Zuse KG supplied 251 computers, worth approximately DM 100 million.

Kemeny John (Janos)

Mathematician, professor at Dartmouth College (USA). With Thomas Kurtz developed the BASIC programming language and a network system for using several computers simultaneously (“time sharing”). He emigrated to the United States from Hungary in 1940 with his parents. He graduated from Princeton University, where he studied mathematics and philosophy. In 1949 he defended his dissertation, and in 1953 he was invited to Dartmouth. Being the dean of the Mathematics Department at Dartmouth College from 1955 to 1967 and even while serving as president of the college (1970-1981), he did not give up teaching. He was one of the pioneers of teaching the basics of programming: he believed that this subject should be available to all students, regardless of their specialization.

Dijkstra Edsger Vibe
(May 11, 1930 - August 6, 2002)

An outstanding specialist in the field of theoretical programming, author of a number of books, including the classic monograph “The Discipline of Programming.” All of his scientific activity was devoted to the development of methods for creating “correct” programs, the correctness of which can be proven by formal methods. Being one of the authors structured programming concepts, Dijkstra preached against using the GOTO statement. In 1972, his scientific achievements were awarded the Turing Award. When presenting the prize, one of the speakers described Dijkstra's work as follows: "He is an example of a scientist who programs without touching a computer, and does everything possible to ensure that his students do the same and present computer science as a branch of mathematics."

Ershov Andrey Petrovich
(April 19, 1931 – December 8, 1988)

Outstanding programmer and mathematician, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, author the world's first monograph on programming automation. Under the leadership of Ershov, some of the first domestic programming programs were developed (“integrated developments” of a programming language and system). Formulated a series general principles programming as a new and unique type of scientific activity, touched upon an aspect that would later be called user friendliness, and was one of the first in the country to set the task of creating programming technology. He became one of the creators of the so-called “school informatics” and a recognized leader of domestic school informatics, and became one of the world's leading experts in this field.

American inventor Douglas Engelbart from the Stanford Research Institute presented world's first computer mouse in 1968 on December 9.
Douglas Engelbart's invention was a wooden cube on wheels with one button. The computer mouse owes its name to the wire - it reminded the inventor of the tail of a real mouse.
Later, Xerox became interested in Engelbart's idea. Its researchers changed the design of the mouse, and it became similar to the modern one. In the early 1970s, Xerox first introduced the mouse as part of the personal computer. It had three buttons, a ball and rollers instead of disks, and cost $400!
Today there are two types of computer mice: mechanical and optical. The latter are devoid of mechanical elements, and optical sensors are used to track the movement of the manipulator relative to the surface. The latest innovation in technology is wireless mice.

Niklaus Wirth
(February 15, 1934) Swiss engineer and researcher in the world of programming. Author and one of the developers Pascal programming language. N. Wirth was one of the first to introduce into practice the principle of step-by-step refinement as key to the systematic creation of programs. In addition to Pascal, he created other algorithmic languages ​​(including Modula-2 and Oberon). They are not well known to "production" programmers, but are widely used for theoretical research in the field of programming. Wirth is one of the world's most respected computer scientists; his book Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs is considered one of the classic textbooks on structured programming.

Bill Gates

(28 October 1955)
American entrepreneur and developer in the field of electronic computer technology, founder of the world's leading software company Microsoft.
In 1980, Microsoft developed the MS-DOS operating system, which by the mid-1980s became the dominant operating system in the American microcomputer market. Gates then began developing applications such as Excel spreadsheets and text editor Word, and by the late 1980s Microsoft had become a leader in this area as well.
In 1986, by issuing shares of the company for free sale, Gates at the age of 31 became a billionaire. In 1990, the company introduced the Windows 3.0 shell, which replaced verbal commands with mouse-selectable icons, making the computer much easier to use. By the end of the 1990s, about 90% of all personal computers in the world were equipped with Microsoft software. In 1997, Gates topped the list of the richest people in the world.

Paul Allen

American entrepreneur, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, which he founded with his school friend Bill Gates in 1975.

In 1975, Allen and Gates used the name "Micro-Soft" for the first time. In the source code of the BASIC language interpreter, created by them at the request of MITS.

In the joint business, Paul Allen was involved in technical ideas and promising developments; Gates was closer to negotiations, contracts, etc. business conversation. And yet, the friends resolved the main issues together - sometimes, as Gates later admitted, the arguments continued for 6-8 hours in a row. For the joint brainchild of Allen and Gates, the finest hour came in 1980. That's when IBM turned to the not-so-big and not-so-yet famous company Microsoft with a proposal to adapt several programming languages ​​for use on the IBM PC personal computer, which was supposed to hit the market in 1981. During the negotiations, it turned out that IBM representatives would not mind finding a contractor who would contract to develop an operating system for the new computer. The partners took on this work. However, Allen and Gates did not develop a new operating system. They knew that Tim Paterson, who worked at Seattle Compute Products, had already developed Q-DOS (Quick Disk Operating System) for 16-bit Intel processors. The trick was that during negotiations for the acquisition of Q-DOS, it was under no circumstances to make it clear to the sellers that Allen and Gates already had a buyer for this system. Gates, as the main negotiator, had to work hard on this, but the combination worked brilliantly. True, the system had to be redesigned, because it had to work on 8-bit processors. In an effort to meet the deadline, they worked almost around the clock and, according to Allen himself, there was a day when he and Bill, without stopping, sat at the computer for 36 hours straight. For PC-DOS, the acquisition of which cost several tens of thousands of dollars, IBM immediately paid 6 thousand dollars, and, according to the terms of the agreement signed by the parties, IBM undertook to sell computers only with PC-DOS, while paying interest to Microsoft from each unit of equipment sold.

Kaspersky Evgeny Valentinovich
(October 4, 1965)

Until 1991 he worked at the multidisciplinary research institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He began studying the phenomenon of computer viruses in October 1989, when the Cascade virus was discovered on his computer. From 1991 to 1997 he worked at the Scientific and Technical Center "KAMI", where, together with a group of like-minded people, he developed anti-virus project "AVP" (now - "Kaspersky Anti-Virus""). In 1997, Evgeny Kaspersky became one of the founders Kaspersky Lab.
Today, Evgeny Kaspersky is one of the world's leading experts in the field of virus protection. He is the author of a large number of articles and reviews on the problem of computer virology, regularly speaks at specialized seminars and conferences in Russia and abroad. Evgeny Valentinovich Kaspersky is a member of the Computer Virus Research Organization (CARO), which brings together experts in this field.
Among the most significant and interesting achievements of Evgeniy Valentinovich and the “Laboratory” he heads in 2001 is the opening of the annual Virus Bulletin conference - the central event in the antivirus industry, as well as the successful counteraction to all global viral epidemics that occurred in 2001.

Evgeniy Roshal
(March 10, 1972, Chelyabinsk)

Russian programmer, author of the famous file manager FAR Manager, the RAR compression format, RAR and WinRAR archivers, especially popular in Russia and the countries of the former USSR.

Evgeniy Roshal graduated from the Instrument Engineering Faculty of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Computers, Complexes, Systems and Networks.

In the fall of 1993, he released the first public version of the RAR 1.3 archiver, and in the fall of 1996, FAR Manager. Later, with the growing popularity of Microsoft Windows, it released an archiver for Windows, WinRAR. The name RAR stands for Roshal ARchiver.

Sergey Brin

Sergei Mikhailovich Brin was born in Moscow into a Jewish family of mathematicians who moved to the United States permanently in 1979, when he was 6 years old.
In 1993, he entered Stanford University in California, where he received a master's degree and began working on his dissertation. Already during his studies, he became interested in Internet technologies and search engines, became the author of several studies on the topic of extracting information from large arrays of text and scientific data, and wrote a program for processing scientific texts.
In 1995, at Stanford University, Sergei Brin met another mathematics graduate student, Larry Page, with whom they founded Google in 1998. Initially, they argued fiercely when discussing any scientific topic, but then they became friends and teamed up to create search engine for your campus. Together they wrote scientific work“The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” which is believed to contain the prototype of their future super-successful idea.
Brin and Page proved the validity of their idea on the university search engine, developing its mechanism in accordance with new principles. On September 14, 1997, the domain was registered. Attempts followed to develop the idea and turn it into a business. Over time, the project left the university and managed to collect investments for further development.
The joint business grew, made profits, and even demonstrated enviable stability during the dot-com crash, when hundreds of other companies went bankrupt. In 2004, the founders were named in Forbes magazine's list of billionaires.

Andrew Tanenbaum

(March 16, 1944)
Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, where he heads a group of computer systems developers; received his doctorate in physics from the University of California at Berkeley. He is known as the author of Minix (a free Unix-like operating system for student laboratories), books on computer science, and an RFID virus. He is also the main developer of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit. He considers his teaching activity to be the most important.
Andrew Tanenbaum was born in New York City and raised in White Plains, New York. He received a bachelor's degree in physics from MIT in 1965 and a doctorate in physics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1971.
Later he moved with his family to the Netherlands, while maintaining his US citizenship. Andrew Tanenbaum teaches courses on computer organization and operating systems and also received a Ph. D. In 2009, received a grant of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council for the development of MINIX.

Linus Torvalds
(December 28, 1969)
Creator of a world-famous operating system. In early 1991, he began writing his own platform, aimed at the average consumer, which could be distributed free of charge via the Internet. New system acquired the name Linux, derived from a combination of the name of its creator with the name UNIX. Over the course of ten years, Linux has become a real competitor to products produced by Microsoft, capable of supplanting the monopoly of this company in the system and server software market.
Thousands of "interested programmers", hackers, software specialists computer networks They happily took up Linus's idea and began to write, complete, and debug what Torvalds proposed to them. In almost ten years, Linux has gone from being a toy for several hundred fans and enthusiasts, executing a couple of dozen commands in a primitive console, to a professional multi-user and multitasking 32-bit operating system with a windowed graphical interface, which is many times superior to Microsoft Windows in terms of its range of capabilities, stability and power. 95, 98 and NT and can run on almost any modern IBM-compatible computer.
Today, Linux is a powerful UNIX-like platform that includes almost all functions and a whole range of its own properties not found anywhere else. Thanks to its high performance and reliability, it has become one of the most popular platforms for organizing http servers.

Bjarne Stroustrup, Bjarne Stroustrup

(June 11, 1950 (according to other sources, December 30), Aarhus, Denmark)
Author of the C++ programming language.
He graduated from Aarhus University (Denmark, 1975) in mathematics and computer science, and defended his Ph. D. thesis in computer science at Cambridge (1979).
Until 2002, he headed the research department in the field of large-scale programming at AT&T (Computer Science Research Center of Bell Telephone Laboratories). Now a professor at Texas A&M University.
Björn was born and raised in Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark. He entered State University in the Department of Computer Science. After graduating, he received a master's degree.
Björn Stroustrup received his PhD while working on distributed system design at the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge (England).

If you don't go beyond the boundaries of "object-oriented" methods,
to stay within the bounds of "good programming"
and design”, then the end result is sure to be something that
is basically meaningless.
Stroustrup Björn

Martin Fowler

Author of a number of books and articles on software architecture, object-oriented analysis and development, UML, refactoring, extreme programming.
Born in England, lived in London before moving to America in 1994. Currently lives in Boston, Massachusetts.
One of the books, Refactoring: Improving Existing Code: Martin Fowler and his co-authors shed light on the process of refactoring, describing the principles and best practices for doing it, and indicating where and when to start digging deep into code to improve it.
The core of the book is a detailed list of more than 70 refactoring techniques, each of which describes the motivation and technique for field-tested code transformation with examples in Java.
The methods discussed in the book allow you to modify the code step by step, making small changes each time, thereby reducing the risk associated with the development of the project.

Any fool can write a program that he can understand
compiler. Good programmers write programs
that other programmers can understand.

Fowler Martin

Sid Meyer

(February 24, 1954, Detroit)
American developer computer games. Graduate of Michigan State University. In 2002, his name was inscribed in the Computer Museum of America's Hall of Fame.
In 1991, MicroProse began selling a game encyclopedia of historically recognizable Civilization images. In 1993, a large vertically integrated company, Spectrum HoloByte, Inc. is making efforts to take over MicroProse.
After the legal proceedings were completed by 1994, Meyer and the company's new CEO, Louis Gilman Louie, had some differences regarding where, how and why to develop their joint gaming business.

"The game is a sequence
interesting elections"

Donald Erwin Knuth
(January 10, 1938)
American scientist, professor emeritus at Stanford University and several other universities in different countries, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, teacher and ideologist of programming, author of 19 monographs (including a number of classic books on programming) and more than 160 articles, developer of several well-known software technologies.
The author of a world-famous series of books devoted to basic algorithms and methods of computational mathematics, as well as the creator of desktop publishing systems TEX and METAFONT, designed for typing and layout of books on technical topics (primarily physics and mathematics).
The work of Andrei Petrovich Ershov, later his friend, had a greater influence on young Donald Knuth.
Professor Knuth has received numerous prizes and awards in the field of programming and computational mathematics, including the Turing Award (1974), the US National Medal of Science (1979) and the AMS Steele Prize for a series of popular science articles, the Harvey Prize (1995), the Kyoto Prize ( 1996) for achievements in the field of advanced technology, the Grace Murray Hopper Award (1971).
At the end of February 2009, Knuth was ranked 20th on the list of most cited authors in the CiteSeer project.

The best way to fully understand something is Japanese free software developer and programming language creator Ruby
Online In Japan Inc., he said that he taught himself to program even before leaving school. HeGraduated from the University of Tsukuba, where he researched programming languages ​​and compilers.
Since 2006, he has headed the research and development department of Network Applied Communication Laboratory, a Japanese system integrator of free software.
Born in 1965 in Osaka Prefecture, but at the age of four he moved to Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture, so he is often introduced as a native of Yonago. Currently lives in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture.
Yukihiro is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days and is engaged in missionary work. He is married and has four children.
I want the computer to be my servant
and not the master, so I must be able to
quickly and efficiently explain to him what to do.

Matsumoto Yukihiro

Steve Jobs

(February 24, 1955, San Francisco, California - October 5, 2011, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California)

American entrepreneur, widely recognized as a pioneer of the IT era. One of the founders, chairman of the board of directors and Apple CEO . One of the founders and CEO of the Pixar film studio.
In the late 1970s, Steve and his friend Steve Wozniak developed one of the first personal computers, which had great commercial potential. Computer Apple II became the first mass product of Apple, created on the initiative of Steve Jobs. Jobs later saw the commercial potential of a mouse-driven graphical interface, leading to the Apple Lisa computers and, a year later, Macintosh (Mac).
After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT - a company that developed a computer platform for universities and businesses. In 1986, he acquired Lucasfilm's computer graphics division, turning it into Pixar Studios. He remained Pixar's CEO and major shareholder until the studio was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2006, making Jobs the largest individual shareholder and member of Disney's board of directors.
Difficulties developing a new operating system for the Mac led to the purchase of NeXT by Apple in 1996, to use the NeXTSTEP OS as the basis for Mac OS X. As part of the deal, Jobs was given the position of advisor to Apple. The deal was planned by Jobs. By 1997, Jobs regained control of Apple, leading the corporation. Under his leadership, the company was saved from bankruptcy and a year later began to make a profit. Over the next decade, Jobs led the developmentiMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad, as well as the developmentApple Store, iTunes Store, App Store and iBookstore. The success of these products and services, providing several years of stable financial profit, allowed Apple to become the most valuable public company in the world in 2011. Many commentators call Apple's resurgence one of the greatest accomplishments in business history. At the same time, Jobs was criticized for his authoritarian management style, aggressive actions towards competitors, and the desire for total control over products even after they were sold to the buyer.

Jobs has received public recognition and a number of awards for his impact on the technology and music industries. He is often called a "visionary" and even the "father of the digital revolution." Jobs was a brilliant speaker and took innovative product presentations to the next level, turning them into exciting shows. His easily recognizable figure in a black turtleneck, faded jeans and sneakers is surrounded by a kind of cult.

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The presentation on the topic “Scientists who have contributed to the development of computer science” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Computer science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Lesson topic:

Scientists who contributed to the development of computer science

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Lesson objectives:

introduce students to scientists who contributed to the development of computer science; with the inventors of devices that help process information.

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Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal is one of the most famous people in human history. Pascal died when he was 39 years old, but despite such a short life, he went down in history as an outstanding mathematician, physicist, philosopher and writer. The unit of pressure (pascal) and a very popular programming language today are named after him.

Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont-Ferrand on June 19, 1623. Blaise was the third child in the family of a well-educated lawyer who was interested in mathematics.

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Blaise Pascal created a mechanical computing device - a summing machine, which made it possible to add numbers in the decimal number system. The son of a tax collector, Pascal conceived the idea of ​​building a computing device after observing his father's endless tedious calculations. In 1642, when Pascal was 19 years old, he began working on a adding machine.

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Charles Babbage 1822

The English mathematician Charles Babbage put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a program-controlled calculating machine - the Difference Engine.

Difference machine: had an arithmetic device, had a control device, had an input device, had a printing device, worked on a steam engine.

A difference engine constructed from Babbage's notes a hundred years after his death.

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Vilgodt Teofilovich Odner, a Swede by nationality, lived in St. Petersburg, invented a mechanical adding machine, a mechanical method for numbering banknotes.

Mechanical adding machines "lived" for more than 100 years. Only at the end of the 1960s did the production of Felixes cease (the last one to make them was the Kursk plant "Schetmash"), but for another decade and a half they were used in many Soviet offices.

Adding machine

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American engineer Herman Hollerith took out a patent “for a machine for the census.” The invention included a punched card and a sorting machine. Hollerith's punched card was so successful that without the slightest change has existed to this day

The tabulator accepted cards the size of dollar bills. There were 240 positions on the cards (12 rows of 20 positions). When reading information from punched cards, 240 needles pierced these cards. Where the needle entered the hole, it closed an electrical contact, as a result of which the value in the corresponding counter increased by one.

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German diplomat, philosopher, mathematician, physicist, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a man of genius, creative imagination which seemed inexhaustible, was created by a “step calculator”

The “step computer” consisted of: a combination of cylinders, a moving carriage, and a handle with which the cylinders were rotated.

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Wilhelm Schickard - orientalist and mathematician, professor at Tyubin University - in letters to his friend Johannes Kepler described the device of a “counting clock”.

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Atanasoff John Vincent

Atanasov, an American of Bulgarian origin, was born on October 4, 1903 in Hamilton (USA, New York). He is the author of the first project of an electronic digital computer. In 1937, Atanasov formulated and in 1939 published the final version of his concept of a modern machine

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
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