Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

7 when the first loom appeared. Antique wooden loom. The emergence of the loom

Soil is a natural pantry with amazing properties, a source of life for plants, animals and humans... Soil has been created on earth for millions of years. there are amazing animals that create a nutrient layer of soil - humus. Children learn about the properties of soil from experiments. They reflect together with the presentation of Professor All-Knowing about its structure, the hidden world of the creators of the soil and other underground inhabitants.



MDOU TsRR d / s No. 6 "Blue Bird" ___________________________________________________________________

Synopsis of the open GCD in the preparatory group

on the topic: “Soil is a living earth. Who creates the soil?

Prepared by: teacher

Danilova Tatyana Yurievna

Maloyaroslavets, 2013

TOPIC OF THE LESSON: Soil is a living earth. Who creates the soil?

TARGET : familiarization of children with the concept of "soil" on the basis of experiments, its composition and value for all inhabitants of the flora and fauna of the Earth;

TASKS: 1) cognitive research: to form the skill of experimental activity;

2) communicative: to teach children to reflect, formulate and summarize the results of experiments, interact with each other

3) speech and game: to teach to communicate in the process of ecological game, to encourage the development of fantasy, to form the ability to express one's thoughts; instill a respect for nature in the process of elementary labor activity;

4) motor: to give the opportunity to actively move through the alternation of activities: conversation, experiments, physical minutes, work with the “soil-relationship with the environment” model, role-playing game, labor activity;

5) perception of folklore: proverbs about the earth

EQUIPMENT: PC and presentation "Soil composition", poster scheme "soil composition"; for experiments: soil samples, glasses of water, magnifiers, leaf samples; proverbs for the game: leaves, cups with earth (according to the number of children) headbands with the image of a tree-2 pcs., and with the image of an earthworm-2 pcs., a hoop-4 pcs., 8 watering cans for watering, a surprise - apples from a magic tree.


IN: Have nature amazing storeroom. You put a handful of grain in it in the spring - and by the autumn you will take a whole bag. A bucket of potatoes in this pantry turns into ten buckets. A handful of seeds becomes a scattering of cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots and beets, bunches of radishes and dill. What do you guys think it is? (answer: earth, soil)

Today we will talk with you about the soil, find out what it consists of, who lives in it, and how we can save it.

What is soil?

What do you think kids? (children's answers).

multimedia presentation. Soil composition.

Of course, you are right, the soil is the earth. We used to call it that by the name of our planet - the Earth. We all walk the earth. In dry weather, we grumble that there is a lot of dust, and in rainy weather, that it is too dirty. But dust and dirt is not just earth. Under our feet, the soil is its correct name. She waters and feeds the plants in the warm season (and please remind us what warm seasons you know, when all nature blooms, and then the flowers turn into fruits (spring, summer), but this warm period is replaced by a cool season that brings we are gifts - autumn, and the moment comes when the trees begin to shed their leaves, preparing for winter, they cover their breadwinner - the earth (or, as it is correctly called - the soil) with a thick blanket of dry leaves of yellow, red, orange ... and we can also see fruits that have fallen to the ground, acorns, nuts, apples, pears, many of them are already covered with brown spots of rot and they have one road, as they say folk proverb“From the earth they came, to the earth they will go”

And what does it mean? (children's answers)

The fact is that soil exists only where plants grow and vice versa, plants themselves are a source of material for the structure of the soil.

The secret is that all these fallen leaves and branches rot, and various underground inhabitants are involved in this, invisible to our eyes. And who remembers what animals are involved in the creation of humus? Worms, slugs and snails, wood lice and centipedes, tiny earth mites, the size of a grain of sand, microscopic fungi and bacteria, and as a result of their activity, humus is formed - a nutrient soil layer.

What do you think soil is made of? (children's answers)

The soil consists of: sand, clay, humus, there is water, air in the soil

Now we will check this experimentally.

EXPERIENCE 1: There is air in the soil. Many animals of the underworld breathe it (presentation)

Take a glass of water and throw a lump of soil into it.

What conclusion can be drawn from the results of the experiment?

Conclusion: M We see bubbles that rise to the top. And this means thatthere is air in the soil.

EXPERIENCE 2. Soil composition

Mix the soil in a glass of water. After a while, we will see that sand settled at the bottom of the glass, the water turned cloudy from above due to clay, and garbage floats on the surface, plant roots - this is humus.

Conclusion: The soil in its composition has: humus, sand, clay.

EXPERIENCE 3. We also said that there is water in the soil, which is why plants grow..

Where does it come from in the soil? (children's answers)

It's all right, kids. Water enters the soil when it rains or during irrigation. It penetrates deep into and remains in free places between soil particles.

Let's take a spirit lamp, heat up a clod of earth, covering the form with glass, and look at the glass.

Conclusion : On the glass we see water droplets that have evaporated as a result of calcining the soil, which means that there is water in the soil ..

We learned that there is water and air in the soil, which means you can live there.

Tell me, please, what soil inhabitants do you know?

Who lives underground? (children's answers)

The soil provides shelter for many plants and animals. And they get along so well together. See how they live and help each other. Plants grow in the soil, take nutrients from it, and the time comes - autumn, when plants: trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers fall, losing their leaves and fruits, and then the amazing work of the invisible world of animals begins, hiding under a layer of leaves and in the ground ( a story about the processing of leaves), this is how humus is created, which gives plants a lot of nutrients.

Today it is cloudy, but a cheerful song about the sun calls us to have a little rest!

PHYSICAL MINUTE: "The sun is radiant."

Well done! Do you think that only plants need soil? (children's answers) Let's go to the poster and see why the soil is important and for whom?

Poster conversation.

It's time to play the game. Now we will see how the leaves turn into soil.


Children are divided into two teams. Each team has its own “worm” and its own “tree”. At one end of the room on the floor on the same line, but at a distance, put two hoops. These will be the "minks" of worms. From each team, a child is allocated, playing the role of an earthworm. He becomes in a circle, here, in a circle on the floor, there are cups with earth. At the opposite end of the room, put two more hoops for children, who will act as "trees". These children also stand in a circle, they have leaves in their hands. On the head of the children are appropriate headbands. The rest of the participants stand next to each other. At the command of the host "Autumn!" tree children give a leaf to their participant, he runs to the worm and exchanges it for a glass of earth. Then he returns with it to the tree and gives it back. Team members repeat their actions until the last member brings the earth to his tree.

Today at the lesson you got acquainted with the concept of "soil", please remind me what it is? What does it consist of, who lives in it? (children's answers)

How can we save the soil for these creatures? What we can do?

(do not pollute the soil, water clean water, do not make fires, do not trample plants, protect the "underground inhabitants" - because the soil needs them.

What did we learn today? (answers)

And you know, guys, we weren’t in the Winter Garden for 2 days, and the soil dried up during these days, because there are some big plants growing here, they drank all the moisture, and I suggest you do a good deed - water the soil, and she waters the plants. What do you think the soil and the plants in the winter garden would tell us if they could speak? Are we taking care of them?

Guys, the Russian people, the wise people came up with many sayings and proverbs about the Earth, and the word land in them means soil:

Without a master, the land is an orphan.

You can't put it in the ground, and you won't take it from the ground.

Where there is no earth, there is no grass.

The earth is the breadwinner.

There is no land more beautiful than our country. And this proverb is not only about our country, but also about our Kaluga land, in our land the soil is generous, here rich forests grow on this soil, and fields, orchards and orchards give a generous harvest. Let's name what the Kaluga land will give birth to: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin beets ...

I suggest that you draw in a group, one of the "underground inhabitants" that you liked the most. You can draw a garden or a field that yields crops. Your imagination has no limits.

Synopsis of the GCD "Introduction to the properties of the soil" for children of preparatory age for school

Bogdan Alina Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU "Golden Fish"
I bring to your attention a summary of the directly educational activity "Introduction to the properties of the soil" for children aged 6-7 years. This material will be useful to preschool teachers when conducting experimental research activities on the topic "Soil".

"Introduction to the properties of soil"

Program content:
Educational tasks:
Learn about the process of soil formation.
Describe soil and its composition.
Show the importance of soil for plants and living organisms.
Development tasks:
Develop the ability to conduct simple experiments, based on them to draw conclusions
Develop thinking abilities: analysis, generalization
Educational tasks:
Encourage partnerships in children when working in pairs.
Cultivate interest in research activities

Preliminary work: work in a corner of nature (loosening, watering); reading and guessing riddles about the soil, underground inhabitants.
Vocabulary work: soil, air, magnifying glass (loupe), laboratory, experience, fertile, humus, mineral salts.

Equipment: Glass cups with water, plastic plates, spoons, magnifiers (for each working pair). Large banks for the educator. Candle, pipette, glass slides, under-nose.

Methods and techniques:
Verbal: mini-conversations with children, story, explanations, questions, explanations, instructions.
Visual: showing how to conduct experiments.
Practical: elementary experiments.
Game: deciphering the word by the first letters of the pictures.

Activity progress:
Organizing time.
Children enter the room, greet the guests.
The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. Holds out his hand to the first child, saying:
Extend your hand to a friend
And shake it a little
Give a smile, a look
Everyone is happy here. The child extends his hand to the next - thus the circle closes.
I hope that this friendly atmosphere will continue throughout our work.
Guys, please take a seat.
- To find out what we will talk about today, you need to decipher the word. (a picture with an encrypted word is hung on an easel; children guess the word by the first letters of the pictures - soil). That's right, the topic of our conversation is the soil.
What do you think soil is? (children's answers)
Soil is the top layer of the earth in which the underground parts (roots) of plants develop.
How did soil form? (children's answers)
Once upon a time there was no soil. On the surface of the earth were only stones and rocks. From the wind, rain, snow, the rocks cracked and collapsed. The cracks grew wider and the rocks cracked. They rubbed against each other, crushed and eventually, after thousands of years, turned into sand and clay.
The wind brought with it the seeds of plants, the most unpretentious of which settled on sand and clay. Then they died off and thus humus began to form. And other plants could already grow on such soil.
- What is humus? (children's answers)
Herbs, trees, shrubs grow everywhere on the ground. By autumn, the leaves fall from the trees, the grass dries and falls to the ground. All this rots. From this, the earth becomes more fertile, and everything grows better on it.
- To find out what plants get from the soil, I suggest you go to a science laboratory and study the composition and properties of the soil.
Main part.
- Guys, I will ask you to break into pairs and take your jobs (children go to the tables with equipment for experiments). Before starting work in our laboratory, let's remember the rules of work.
1. Everyone works at his workplace, without pushing or interfering with the other.
2. You can not take anything without the permission of the teacher.
3. Handle glassware carefully.
4. Consult with each other.
5. Maintain order on the desktop.
Experience number 1.
- What color is the soil? (children's answers)
Pour one spoonful of soil on a plate, examine it through a magnifying glass. What did you see? (remains of half-decayed roots and leaves of plants, body parts of worms, insects and other small animals)
Conclusion: the soil consists of rotten roots of plants, rotted leaves.
Experience No. 2
Gently lower a piece of dry soil into a glass of water. What happened? How to explain the appearance of air bubbles in water?
Conclusion: air is part of the soil.
Experience No. 3
Dip some soil into a glass of water, stir and let stand. What do you notice? A layer of sand settled on the bottom of the glass, on top of it - a layer of dark color - this is humus.
Conclusion: this proves that the soil contains sand and humus
Experiment No. 4 is conducted by the teacher.
Using a pipette, I will take a few drops of water from the glass where we stirred the soil and place it on a glass slide. Now I will heat the glass over the candle flame. What happened? After the evaporation of water, a thin white coating remained on the glass, these are mineral salts.
Conclusion: the soil contains mineral salts that can dissolve in water. Salts are nutrients that plants need to develop and grow. They are formed due to humus under the action of microbes that live in the soil.
Experience No. 5 is conducted by a teacher.
I will put a spoonful of soil on a saucer, cover the soil with a glass beaker. then I heat it over a candle flame. What are you observing? The glass first becomes wet, and then droplets of water appear on it. Where did the water droplets come from?
Conclusion: there is water in the soil. When heated, water evaporates. Water vapor rises up, meets cold glass on its way, cools and turns into tiny droplets of water.
Experience No. 6
Pour dry soil into a plastic cup and pour a little water over it. What happened? Where did the water go? Now water harder. What happened? (water is no longer absorbed). Why do you think the water is no longer absorbed? (there is no more free space left, all the air is displaced by water)
Conclusion: the soil absorbs water, which displaces air.
Experience No. 7
Pour into a clear plastic cup with holes in the bottom of the dry soil. Put it in a bowl of water. What did you notice? (The earth in the glass became wet).
Conclusion: water in the soil can move not only from top to bottom, but also from bottom to top.
Educator: We have done a good job, it's time to relax.
Physical education minute
The wind blows over the fields
And the grass sways
The cloud floats above us
Like a white mountain
The wind carries dust over the field,
The ears are leaning
Right-left, back-forward
And then vice versa.
We're climbing the hill
We'll have some rest there.

Final part.
Educator. Guys, we conducted a series of experiments with you to find out the composition of the soil and its properties.
- What are the results of the experiments and observations? (children's answers) We learned that the composition of the soil includes air, water, mineral salts, humus, sand and clay.
What do plants get from the soil? (children's answers)
First, air, the roots of plants breathe the air that is in the soil. Second, water. Plants get nutrients from water. The remains of dead plants and animals are processed by bacteria and insects that are in the soil. So, the soil is constantly replenished with humus and mineral salts. This is a real storehouse of plant nutrients. In addition, animals living in the soil loosen it, and air and water penetrate the soil better.
Here our work has come to an end. Did you enjoy working in the lab? I have a magic wand. Let's stand in a circle, pass it on and say which experience we enjoyed the most.
The second time the educator asks which experiment caused difficulties.
- I liked how you worked in pairs today, helping each other. Listen to the opinion of a friend.
Thank you all for your work.

ON THE. Ryzhov "Soil - living earth" - Karapuz - Didactics: M .: 2005

This video lesson is intended for self-study of the topic "Soil and its composition." During this lesson, you will be able to get acquainted with the main property of the soil - fertility. The teacher will talk about the composition of the soil, thanks to which plants can obtain from it the elements necessary for their growth.

If you drop a piece of dry soil into a glass of water, how can you explain the appearance of air bubbles in the water? This experience shows that the composition of the soil includes air.

After lowering the soil into a glass of water, you need to stir and let it settle. Using a pipette, a few drops of this water are taken and placed on a glass slide. Now you need to heat the glass over the fire of the candle. After the evaporation of water, a thin white coating remained on the glass, these are mineral salts. This experience showed that the soil contains mineral salts that can dissolve in water.

You can put the soil in the lid, then it should be heated over a candle flame. Glass is held above the soil. The glass first becomes wet, and then droplets of water appear on it. This is the water that is contained in the soil, when heated, it evaporates. Water vapor rises, meets cold glass on its way, cools down and turns into tiny droplets of water (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Experiments on the soil ()

This experience shows that water is present in the soil. If you continue to heat the soil, then smoke and an unpleasant smell will soon appear. This burns part of the soil, which consists of decaying remains of plants and small animals. This component soil - humus. If the soil is calcined for a very long time on fire, then the humus will completely burn out and the soil will turn gray. This proves that humus gives the soil a dark color.

If you dip some soil into a glass of water, mix it and let it settle, you will see how a layer of sand settles to the bottom, a layer of clay on top of it, and a layer of dark color on top is humus. This proves that the soil contains sand and clay (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Experiments on the soil ()

What are the results of the experiments and observations? We learned that the composition of the soil includes air, water, mineral salts, humus, sand and clay.

There is always wildlife in the soil: plant roots, bacteria, earthworms, ants, dung beetles and many others. They gnaw on the roots of plants, grind something, drag it, and collect it.

What do plants get from the soil? First, air, the roots of plants breathe the air that is in the soil. Second, water. Plants absorb nutrients along with water. The remains of dead plants and animals are processed by bacteria and insects that are in the soil. So, the soil is constantly replenished with humus and mineral salts. This is a real storehouse of plant nutrients. In addition, animals living in the soil loosen it, and air and water penetrate the soil better.

When they say that the earth is the breadwinner, they mean the soil. Plants take water and nutrients from the soil. Many animals eat plants. Insects eat plant roots, stems, leaves (Fig. 4), granivorous birds regale on fruits. plant food eat cows, horses, moose.

Herbivorous animals become prey for predators. Consequently, predatory animals depend on soil fertility.

A person on earth grows grain, vegetables, legumes, fruit and berry and ornamental plants. Fertile soil provides people with clothes made of cotton and linen, domestic animals provide food, and they provide people with milk, meat, eggs, honey, wool and many other products. The soil is the most important wealth country, so farmers take care of increasing its fertility and protect it.

How do people take care of the soil? In order for the soil to better pass air and retain water, it is dug up and loosened annually. During autumn digging after harvesting, clods of earth do not break, in winter snow lingers between them, so in spring the soil is better saturated with water. Loosen the soil in the spring, just before sowing (Fig. 5). In loose soil, seeds germinate better, sprouts break through faster, and the root system develops well.

Rice. 5. Loosening the soil ()

There are very few dissolved salts in the soil, so it is necessary to replenish the salt reserves annually. Plants produce fertilizers that contain all the mineral salts necessary for plant growth. But there are also very good natural fertilizers, such as peat and manure. They are applied to the soil in the fall. The richer the soil in humus, the more fertile it is. Due to the dark color, the soil warms up better in the sun.

What is damaging the soil? The damage to the soil is caused by ravines (Fig. 6), strong winds, heavy rains, wheels of passing cars, and household garbage. But people have learned to deal with ravines, for example, their slopes are plowed not along, but across.

The sprouts hold water so it doesn't run down the slope and erode the soil. Also, to stop the growth of ravines, shrubs and trees are planted on the tops and slopes of the ravine. In places where strong winds are frequent, people plant windbreaks and sow grass.

Today in the lesson you learned about the composition of the soil. You also learned the importance of soil for human life.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world 3. - M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around 3. - M .: Publishing house "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around 3. - M .: Education.
  1. ().
  3. Schemo.RF ().


  1. What is the main property of soil?
  2. Soil composition?
  3. How do people take care of the soil?

Nature has rewarded our world with soil, which is the fundamental criterion for the existence of all life on Earth. From the soil the world receives all vital elements. That is why it needs to be protected, fertilized and rid of negative factors.

soil in nature

The soil is one of the main components of the pedosphere - the geophysical shell of the planet.

The main function of the soil, as a separate element in nature, is to provide life in general. After all, it is she who makes it possible for the existence, growth and reproduction of all living things - various microorganisms, ecosystems, plants, animals, humans.

The soil is the basis for the formation of all vital elements - water and mineral nutrition elements in the form of chemical compounds.

Example: 1) a plant in a pot of sand; 2) a plant in a clay pot; 3) a plant in a pot with soil

The soil is not only a necessary condition for life on Earth, but also a consequence of this life.

Soil is essential for energy storage. It is in it that the processes of photosynthetic activity of the plant world take place. An example of such activity is human use huge amount fuel, food and feed, formed in the bowels of the earth cover. Coal, gas, oil, peat - all this is a consequence of photosynthetic processes.

Soil plays an important role in nature. It provides non-stop interaction of geological and small biological metabolism. The circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen is carried out precisely through it. Through the soil, these elements enter the roots of plants, creating the necessary conditions for food chains. Thus, it regulates the composition of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

The soil regulates various processes occurring in nature. One of them is the biospheric process. The role of the soil in this process is to stabilize the density and productivity of all life on Earth.

Land resources in human life

Land resources - land used by man in economic activities.

Land resources are determined by several criteria. The relief of a certain area plays a huge role. It may be convenient, inconvenient or unsuitable for a particular activity. Flat areas are suitable for cultivation of cultivated species or certain processing. Mountainous and hilly terrain is not convenient enough for irrigation or fertilization of plant species. And there are territories where it is impossible to engage in any purposeful activity - dissected ravines, rocky hills, swamps and others.

The fertility of land resources is also important for human activities. A good soil cover will be able to nourish all plants with a sufficient amount of necessary substances and elements.

Soil and land resources play an important role in human life. It is from the soil that we get everything necessary for life - food resources.

Land resources help in the implementation of agricultural activities and forestry. The earth is also the source building materials, thanks to which modern buildings are built.

Soil environmental pollution

Almost every type of human activity causes great damage to the soil cover. Industrial waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, waste chemical industry, organic chemical compounds, products inorganic chemistry- all this affects the quality of soil and land resources.

An enterprise that does not install cleaning filters emits sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust, ash, smoke, sulfates and nitrates into the atmosphere.

Enterprises engaged in simple organic synthesis leave an imprint on the soil. They throw away technological waste that is not recycled in the natural environment.

The production of macromolecular compounds affects the condition of the soil. When carrying out such activities, monomers, catalysts, solvents, stabilizers, plastics, rubber and other pollutants get into nature. environment soil.



140054 Kotelniki, Moscow region, md. Kovrovy d. 34 tel. 559-73-44 _________________________________________________________________

Abstract of an open lesson on familiarization

With those around senior group d/s

On the topic: "Soil-living earth."

Prepared by: Dzhabbarova Galiya Kharrasovna

G. Kotelniki

TOPIC OF THE LESSON : Soil is the living earth.

LESSON OBJECTIVES : 1) to introduce children to the soil, its composition based on experiments; 2) introduce some soil inhabitants; 3) to teach children to reflect, formulate and generalize the results of experiments; 4)show in game " magical transformations» leaves into the soil; 5) to instill a careful attitude towards nature; 6) develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.

EQUIPMENT: diagram-picture "composition of the soil"; for experiments - earth, a glass of water; pictures depicting soil inhabitants (mole, earthworm, ants, field mouse, bear); crossword puzzle using riddles about soil inhabitants; for the game - leaves, cups with earth (according to the number of children), headbands with the image of a tree - 2 pcs., and with the image of an earthworm - 2 pcs., a hoop - 4 pcs.; for drawing - colored pencils or crayons, landscape sheets.


Today in the lesson we will talk with you about the soil, find out what it consists of, who lives in it and how we can save it.

What is soil?

What do you think kids? (children's answers)

Of course, you are right, the soil is the earth. We all walk the earth. In dry weather, we grumble that there is a lot of dust, and in rainy weather, that it is too dirty. But dust and dirt is not just earth. We have soil under our feet. She waters and feeds the plants, and they give her their dry leaves.

You ask why?

The fact is that the soil is only where plants grow and vice versa, the plants themselves create the soil.

How does it happen? Let's remember you.

How many of you have seen the leaves fall from the trees in autumn?

And where do they go then? (children's answers)

The secret is that all these fallen leaves and branches rot first, and then form the soil.

What do you think soil is made of? (children's answers)

The soil consists of: sand, clay, water, air, humus.

Now we will check this experimentally.

We said that there is air in the soil. It is located between lumps and lumps of soil in free places. And to prove it to you, let's do an experiment.

EXPERIENCE 1: Let's take a glass of water and throw a lump of soil into it. If there is air in it, then we will see bubbles that will rise to the top.

What conclusion can be drawn from the results of the experiment? (there is air in the soil)

We also said that there is water in the soil, which is why plants grow.

Where does it come from in the soil? (children's answers)

That's right, children. Water enters the soil when it rains. It penetrates deep and is stored in free places.

There is also sand and clay in the soil.

EXPERIENCE 2 : Stir the soil in a glass of water. After a while, we will see that sand has settled at the bottom of the glass, the water has become cloudy from above due to clay, and debris floats on the surface, plant roots are humus.


This is easy fun - (torso turns left and right)

Turns left and right.

We all know for a long time

There is a wall, and there is a window.

We squat quickly, deftly. (squats)

Here, the trick is already visible.

To develop muscles

Need to visit more often.

And now walking in place(walking in place)

This is also interesting.

We all managed to warm up,

And they sat down again.

We learned that there is water and air in the soil, which means you can live there.

Tell me, please, what soil inhabitants do you know?

Who lives underground? (children's answers)

1. MOLE - a small animal that lives on the edges of the forest, in the fields, and everywhere leads a burrowing lifestyle, so it is difficult to see it. It breaks through underground passages to hunt insects, larvae, and also for recreation, where the mole builds a nest.

2.EARTHWORM - he spends his whole life in the soil. It feeds on the remains of rotted leaves. The whole body is covered with mucus to make it easier to move. On the surface it can be seen during rain.

3. ANTS - live in families in anthill houses, most of which are underground. Each ant does its job: soldier ants protect the anthill, builder ants build an anthill, nurse ants take care of offspring.

4. MEDVEDKA - an insect that looks a bit like a cricket, but very large. The paws are adapted for active digging, outwardly they resemble excavator scoops. More often it settles in garden plots and digs passages there.

5. FIELD MOUSE (Vole)- a small animal that lives in meadows and fields. Spends the day in a hole, and at night comes to the surface. It feeds on plant roots, the remains of rotted leaves and branches, the remains of insects, larvae.

And now let's see if you remember the "underground inhabitants." I propose to solve a crossword puzzle. I will make riddles, and we will enter the riddles into our crossword puzzle.

1) Small stature, long tail,

Brownish fur coat, sharp teeth,

It lurks underground, goes to feed in the field. (vole)

2) Digging machine, no petrol and no tire

The earth loosens every day, builds a long labyrinth

Darkness and crampedness in the dungeon at ... (mole)

3) My tail is indistinguishable from the head

You will always find me in the earth.

And if it suddenly rained

I crawl out onto the tracks. (earthworm)

4) Look at the fellows: cheerful and lively

Drag from all ends, building material.

Here one suddenly stumbled under a heavy burden,

And a friend hurries to help, the people here are good.

Without work, for the life of him, he cannot live ... (ant)

5) An animal jumps, not a mouth, but a trap.

Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. (toad)

It's time to play the game. Now we will see how the leaves turn into soil.


Children are divided into two teams. Each team has its own "worm" and its own "tree." At one end of the room on the floor on the same line, but put two hoops at a distance. These will be the "minks" of worms. A child performing the role of an earthworm. It becomes a circle, here, in a circle on the floor, there are cups with earth. At the opposite end of the room, put two more hoops for children who will play the role of "trees." These children also stand in a circle, in the hands of there are leaves on them. The children have appropriate headbands on their heads. The rest of the participants stand one after another. At the command of the host, “Autumn!” tree children give a leaf to their participant, he runs to the worm and changes it for a glass of earth. Then he returns with it to the tree and gives it back. The team members repeat their actions until the last participant brings the earth to his tree.

After the game, the children are invited to their places. The teacher sums up the lesson.

Today in the lesson you got acquainted with the concept of "soil", remind me, please, what is it? What does it consist of, who lives in it? (children's answers)

How can we save the soil for these creatures? What we can do?

(do not pollute the soil, water with clean water, do not make fires, do not trample plants, protect the "underground inhabitants" - because the soil needs them.

Thank you for listening carefully and answering my questions.

I would like to invite you to draw one of the "underground inhabitants" that you liked the most.

