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What kind of notes do doctors make when undergoing a medical examination? List of necessary doctors to undergo a medical examination. Who pays for the preliminary medical examination when applying for a job?

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Who is required by law to undergo a medical examination?

The rule is defined at the legislative level. When applying for a job, a candidate must undergo medical checkup to determine his suitability to perform work in his position based on his physical condition.

Based on article 213 Labor Code Russian Federation When hiring, some candidates must undergo a medical examination. This is necessary to identify a person’s preparation for work, as well as to identify limitations in performing job duties.

The criteria for a person’s physical condition when applying for a job are all completely different. For example, a sales assistant in a store may well have poor eyesight. With such a pathology, he is fit for work. But if the driver’s vision is impaired, then for medical reasons he may not be allowed to work.

Attention! A medical examination upon initial employment is carried out for the following citizens:

  • adult candidates for the position;
  • workers employed in hazardous or unhealthy jobs;
  • workers employed on a rotational basis;
  • drivers;
  • judges;
  • specialists in the food industry, food sales, enterprise services Catering, sales of food products;
  • water supply workers;
  • medical personnel, qualified doctors;
  • workers of preschool, school, secondary and higher education(teachers, educators, educators, technical staff).

Citizens from the above list undergo a primary medical examination. However, at the legislative level, a list of specialists is defined for whom a medical examination must be carried out twice a year or, conversely, once every two years.

List of doctors and tests

The list of doctors that a candidate for a position must undergo is always different. It all depends on the specifics of the job that a person wants to get. At the proposed place of work, the candidate is given a referral for examination, and the therapist determines a list of specialists whom the person must visit.

During employment, the candidate undergoes the following doctors:

  • therapist. This is the main specialist on the list. It is to him that a candidate for a position comes first. The therapist determines which other doctors the citizen must visit to identify hidden diseases. In addition, the therapist will conduct an initial examination, which includes measuring height, weight, and blood pressure. He compiles an analysis of vaccinations, if something is missing, he sends a person to fill them out. And it is the therapist who gives the final conclusion;
  • ophthalmologist identifies vision problems. All candidates for the position take it, regardless of the specifics of the job. However, the optometrist may prohibit the performance of certain job duties;
  • surgeon identifies the general physical health of a candidate for a position. It reveals previously acquired injuries of the bones and brain, which in the future may affect the quality of work performed. If injuries are not stopped, then this can lead to a deterioration in human health. In this case, the surgeon will not allow the candidate to work;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist reveals the general problems of a candidate for a position with a psycho-emotional state, as well as a person’s addiction to alcoholic drinks and narcotic drugs. A psychiatrist-narcologist is one of the main specialists for examination during employment;
  • otorhinolaryngologist(ENT) identifies common hearing problems. It determines whether the candidate has any defects of the nasal cavity and throat;
  • gynecologist Only girls pass. This is not surprising, because a gynecologist is a female doctor. The specialist conducts an initial examination of the woman and also takes an analysis. Absolutely everyone is required to go through a gynecologist, otherwise you can forget about the proposed position, the therapist will not allow the candidate to work if there is no gynecologist in the list of doctors passed.

The therapist has the right to appoint other specialists for the passage, if there is an urgent need for this.

Important! In addition to visiting doctors, a candidate for a position must pass some tests:

If a candidate gets a job related to public catering, food sales, then he additionally passes the following tests:

  • analysis that detects diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • swab from the throat and nose;
  • testing for E. coli, as well as invasions.

A medical examination during employment includes not only an examination by doctors and tests, but also some research.

These include:

  • fluorography is necessary to determine the condition of the lungs, to exclude lung cancer, as well as tuberculosis;
  • An ECG is necessary to study the functioning of the heart;
  • analysis of the vestibular system when studying a candidate whose work will be related to height;
  • all candidates for positions whose work involves difficulty breathing undergo spirography;
  • gastroscopy is provided for employees Far North.

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List of required documents

Upon employment, a candidate for a position undergoes a mandatory medical examination. As a result, he receives a medical opinion in form No. 086/y or No. 001-GS/y. But employees who undergo inspection again do not need to receive this document.

As a result of the study, a citizen’s medical record is filled out, which reflects the following information:

  • date of issue of the book;
  • name of the owner of the book;
  • the name of the organization where the citizen undergoing the inspection works;
  • name of the department where the employee performs work duties;
  • a complete list of factors that influence the danger of work and create harmful conditions labor;
  • the final result of the study based on the specialists completed by the citizen (it is issued by a general practitioner).

Please note! The medical record is certified by a seal and signed by a medical commission. After the examination, a corresponding entry about the completion of the examination is made in the employee’s personal card.

Duration of medical examination

At the legislative level, the validity period of the conclusion on passing a medical examination is determined. The document is valid for six months. For example, if a candidate, after passing the examination, was unable to obtain the desired position, he has the right to use the certificate when applying for another position.

If in order to be hired for another position it is necessary to undergo an extended medical examination, then the candidate only needs to undergo the missing specialists. There is no need to spend personal funds on undergoing medical examinations that have already been completed.

Please note that fluorography is valid for a whole year, and not for six months. Save the document confirming the examination; when you visit doctors again, you can save money on lung examinations.

Where to get a medical examination

You can take an employment survey at any time. medical organization providing similar services. However, the clinic must have the necessary permission to carry out such activities.

Usually, large companies enter into an agreement with medical centers where their employees will subsequently undergo examinations.

However, the main disadvantage of medical centers is that their services are much more expensive than the services of similar public clinics.

As a rule, the employee does not choose where to undergo a medical examination. This is due to the fact that when a referral is issued, the name of the organization is indicated in the document.

Watch the video. How to pass a medical examination at work:

What certificate should be issued?

As a result of the medical examination, the therapist issues a medical report. However, this is not a simple certificate issued by a doctor. This is a document whose form is regulated at the legislative level.

It is allowed to issue two types of conclusions:

  • 086/у;
  • 001ГС/у.

Document 086/у

The conclusion on form 086/у is a document printed on A5 paper and filled out on both sides.

Remember! Such a conclusion must include the following information:

  • name and number of paper;
  • name of the clinic where the candidate was examined;
  • Full name of the candidate for the position, his date of birth, place of registration, residence, contact telephone number;
  • a list of diseases suffered by the candidate for the position;
  • expert opinion with signature and date of the conclusion;
  • information about undergoing instrumental research;
  • test results;
  • the therapist’s conclusion on the candidate’s suitability for the position;
  • date of issue of the document.

The document on form 086/у must be filled out exclusively in black or dark blue ink. The paper is signed by the hospital's chief physician, therapist, and also the head of the medical commission.

The conclusion on passing a medical examination in form 086/у is drawn up in two copies. The first remains in the citizen’s medical record, the second is sent to the employer.

Medical certificate 001ГС/у

The conclusion on form 001ГС/у is practically no different from the previous document. It reflects information that the candidate for the position does not have diseases that prevent the employee from performing his job duties.

However, the difference between this certificate is that to obtain it you only need to see a psychiatrist-narcologist, as well as undergo primary tests.

Sign the conclusion in form 001ГС/у chief physician, therapist, chairman of the medical commission.

Validity period of certificates

The medical examination certificate has a validity period.

Attention! At the legislative level, the following periods are provided, which directly depend on the form of the certificate:

  • 1 year for conclusion in form 001-ГС/у;
  • 6 months for conclusion on form 086/у.

Sometimes the document is canceled ahead of schedule. This happens if the employee has been on sick leave for a long time after undergoing an examination. Then the employer has the right to send the employee for re-examination.

The certificate can be used when applying for employment in another place. However, the employer has the right not to accept such a document, but to send the applicant for re-examination. More often this is due to different specifics of the position.

Passing a medical examination upon employment is a mandatory procedure. It helps to exclude the presence of diseases in the applicant that interfere with the performance of work duties. In this way, employers insure themselves against employee injuries associated with the employee’s poor physical or psychological condition.

Medical examination: cost

The applicant undergoes a medical examination in the organization where the employer sends, so the candidate for the position has no choice. He cannot choose the medical company that takes less money for passing the examination.

However, if the exact name of the clinic is not indicated in the direction from the employer, then you can undergo an examination at any medical center. an organization that provides such services and has the appropriate license.

In public hospitals, the cost of a medical examination varies from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. It all depends on the specifics of the proposed position. For example, when applying for a job at a catering company, you will need to pass additional tests, which increases the cost of the examination.

The applicant pays the commission himself. In rare cases, companies enter into an agreement with honey. organization and transfer funds to it for passing the inspection by employees.

But in any case, after presenting the receipt, the money spent on obtaining a medical opinion is returned to the employee by the employer.

Who should pay

In accordance with current legislation, medical examinations are paid for by the employer. This rule is enshrined in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, during the initial examination, the employee pays for the receipt of the report himself. But after his employment, the employer is obliged to compensate all costs associated with the research.

Important! If undergoing an examination during employment is not mandatory, and the applicant passed it on his own initiative, then the employer has the right not to compensate for the costs.

To reimburse the costs of the commission, the applicant must provide a medical report, as well as a receipt for payment for the examination.

If, at the legislative level, the employer is required to send the employee for examination, but he did not do this during employment, then the company will be held liable in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Can you be fired if you fail?

If an applicant does not pass a medical examination, the employer does not have the right to hire him for the position. In case of failure to pass the periodic commission, the employee may be fired if he does not provide a medical report within four months from the moment the obligation arises.

If during this time the employee is ill and cannot perform work duties, he is transferred to another, easier position.

If an employee is ill for a long time, they may be fired for health reasons. If an employee is transferred for health reasons to another position with a lower salary, then the employee is compensated for his previous earnings.

If a person is fired due to health reasons, he is entitled to all compensation payments provided for by current Russian legislation.

Employee Responsibility

The applicant has no right to refuse to undergo a medical examination. Without a medical certificate, he simply will not be hired.

Please note! If an employee refuses to go periodic inspection, then the employer has the right to dismiss him for health reasons. No other liability is provided for the employee if he refuses to undergo the commission.

Employer's liability

If an employee is hired who has not passed a medical examination, the employer will be held liable. According to Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for individual entrepreneurs a fine of 15,000 – 25,000 rubles is provided. If the company has the status legal entity, then the fine increases to 130,000 rubles.

The employer is also liable if he does not compensate the employee for the examination. In this case, the employee must go to court.

Last modified: January 2020

When a person’s health is directly related to the job duties performed, the employer organizes a primary medical examination upon hiring. Its implementation is strictly regulated by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which determines who is not required to undergo a medical examination, and in which cases a medical certificate of suitability for the profession is required.

There are several categories of citizens, representatives of different ages and specialties, for whom employment without a medical examination is impossible. Doctors of certain specializations must examine the employee before he starts work and give an opinion on the ability to perform a certain range of duties.

Basic provisions on the procedure

A medical examination upon hiring is mandatory only in certain cases established by law. First of all, it is recommended to study articles 69,213,266, 324, 348.3. Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives an enterprise the obligation to refuse employment to citizens if the requirement for a primary medical examination is ignored by employees, or the employees responsible for registering a person allow a person to leave without being examined by doctors.

The main article regulating the obligation to undergo a medical examination is Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, it is impossible to do without a medical examination when applying for a job related to transport management. They will not hire you without a health check and with frequent contact with adults and children.

A medical examination is required when registering in organizations where the specifics of the work require making important decisions on which the lives of other citizens depend, or when working conditions are dangerous and harmful.

Sometimes, during the screening process, a person unexpectedly learns about the presence of serious problems associated with heredity or chronic diseases. When the presence of infectious diseases is detected, the employer will be able to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases by prohibiting access to work to carriers of infections.

What does it include

When applying for a job, it is important to correctly determine the list of doctors that everyone must undergo new employee. In addition to the mandatory list, additional narrow specialists or laboratory tests may be required. When determining which doctors will be needed, the employer first of all indicates the therapist with whom the examination begins and ends.

Most general questions regarding a person’s health status are determined by the therapist independently, however, when applying for a job in a specific specialty, expert opinion from other doctors will likely be required, especially if a minor is employed.

In addition to the therapist, the medical commission includes the following representatives of medicine:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ENT;
  • surgeon.

However, this list is often supplemented:

  1. Representatives of the fair sex will require examination by gynecologists, and after the 40th birthday, by mammologists.
  2. In the food industry, a mandatory examination also includes a psychiatrist, narcologist, dentist, and dermatologist. These doctors also examine citizens involved in the distribution and production of baby milk food.
  3. When working with psychotropic substances, extreme conditions, in the law enforcement department, teaching activities will require an examination by a psychiatrist. Professions related to transport (dispatchers, drivers, etc.) fall into the same category. The examination takes place in the form of answers to the doctor’s questions, and their subsequent assessment of the characteristics of mental work, response, etc.

Laboratory tests may include not only a general analysis of urine, blood and fluorography. Additionally, blood donations for syphilis, glucose, cholesterol, and testing for staphylococcus and enterobiasis are organized for food industry workers.

If the profession requires it, upon hiring, a vaccination certificate is obtained and preventive vaccinations are updated.

The procedure for conducting a medical examination at the enterprise

The procedure for undergoing a medical examination is regulated by federal legislation and orders of the Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Doctor, and other norms of regional legislation.

When applying for a job, the company does not have the right to require a medical examination in a specific clinic. A person can independently decide where to undergo the test, or leave the organization of the medical examination to the enterprise, since both parties are interested in this procedure. If a company enters into an agreement for a medical examination of employees, the examination process will be simple and quick, eliminating tedious queues and obtaining coupons.

The law does not require the choice of a state medical institution, so for medical examinations they often prefer paid clinics that have the appropriate certificates and licenses.

After the employer reports a positive decision to hire a person, the details of subsequent employment are agreed upon. As a rule, every enterprise knows very well who should undergo medical examinations and in which cases they are not necessary.

  1. Receiving a referral from the employer, signed by the manager or person who should carry out the medical examination in the organization. The form must first be registered in a separate journal. The direction indicates what the employee will encounter while performing the job.
  2. Visit a pre-selected medical facility and see a therapist. As a rule, the medical examination begins and ends with it. The therapist is also responsible for issuing referrals for tests.
  3. Laboratory tests are carried out immediately or the next day in the morning.
  4. Over the next few days, the employee visits specialists who will be identified by the therapist during the first visit.
  5. When all the conclusions and signatures of the specialists are written on the form, the therapist checks the results of the tests and enters them into the document. The completed document is handed over to the employee, and the second copy is left at the clinic for storage.
  6. On the eve of going to work, the new employee presents the received document, which is then filed in his personal file.

Is the procedure required?

Often, employees going to work for the first time have doubts whether a medical examination is required or not. And sometimes the doubts are justified. The fact is that for a number of employees the law does not require examinations, and the employer insists on them on its own initiative. When opening a new rate in a new direction, the question of whether it is necessary to undergo an examination also arises for the employer, because cooperation with a medical institution is paid.

One should proceed from the validity of the requirement for a medical examination, based on the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and individual specialized acts.
Thus, the rules for passing a medical examination are approved by employment checks:

  • workers under 18 years of age;
  • persons employed in dangerous, harmful, heavy industries that require special endurance and good health;
  • transport workers (all types);
  • citizens who work in the Far North;
  • workers in the food industry, food trade;
  • employees involved in providing water to the population;
  • health workers and teachers, health care facility employees;
  • in departmental security;
  • citizens with HIV infection;
  • persons involved in emergency rescue operations.

Sometimes a medical examination is not required by law, but the employer requires it, referring to internal regulations. It should be understood that, when applying for a specific company, an employee either accepts the conditions of employment and further work, or not.

Validity and payment

When applying for a job, often employers are required to present a special certificate. It is drawn up on a special form according to form 086/у. If a civil servant is hired, use a different form 001-GS / y. Since the issuance of a certificate often requires additional costs, even at the stage of discussing the conditions of admission, it is worth discussing who pays for the procedure.

If a person paid the full cost on his own, then the employer agrees to reimburse the expenses incurred by the employee in connection with employment.

If employment is only planned, and the person decided to undergo a medical examination in advance, it should be remembered that the validity period does not exceed:

  • for a civil servant – 12 months;
  • for other employees – 6 months.
Even though the deadline has not yet expired, new employer has the right to ask to update the results of the examination, or to supplement the list with new specialists, if the nature of the employment requires the adoption of increased security measures, which the person did not suspect until the moment of employment.

In addition to primary examinations, the enterprise may conduct annual medical examinations. This often happens when work involves a high responsibility for the fate of other people, or working conditions can seriously undermine a person’s health. In such cases, the enterprise, in order not to distract employees from production process, agrees to conduct a medical examination on its own territory, inviting the necessary specialists. Naturally, such an event incurs additional costs, however, if you consider how much time will be spent when workers are separated from production activities, it is more profitable for the organization to undertake the medical examination.

Each profession has its own specific terms of validity. For example, drivers have entered mandatory medical examination on the eve of each return to work. However, a pre-trip inspection does not imply a large-scale check and testing, and is carried out as part of preparation at the beginning of each shift.

The issue of payment is one of the most discussed when, when agreeing on the terms of employment, management informs about the obligation to undergo a medical examination. Of course, the enterprise itself, when hiring a new person, does not want to incur expenses without being sure that the employee will not leave after working 1 day after the funds have been spent on the medical examination in full. For this reason, managers often force people to undergo an inspection at their own expense, promising to reimburse the costs later.

You should know that it can be difficult to receive compensation later, when the money has already been paid and the person has returned to work. Different norms begin to apply when subordinates depend on their leader. In theory, every employee has the right to complain to the Labor Inspectorate, but in practice such cases are very rare, even though the employer violates the basic principles labor legislation. Attempts to bring violators to justice through the prosecutor's office are even less rare.

To avoid problems after employment, it is recommended to negotiate with management “onshore” who pays and where to undergo the inspection. Then the examination procedure will not cause difficulties and will not cause disputes among the parties labor relations.

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The health status of motorists, and especially its compliance with current standards, is the basis for obtaining a driver’s license.

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Every citizen who is going to drive a vehicle should have good vision; if it is impaired, then driving a vehicle can only be done with glasses that correct this defect.

Persons with mental disabilities or drug addiction are not allowed to drive. The presence of any abnormalities in physical or mental health guarantees adequate driving. This is evidenced by a medical certificate.

Therefore, when receiving a driver's document, you must first undergo a medical examination. Most motorists want to know the intricacies of the procedure, the list of specialists that should be passed through for men and women, for drivers of vehicles of different categories. The article is devoted to these issues.

Are there any changes in the composition of doctors in 2020?

The innovation put forward by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation also affected the rules for passing a medical examination for motorists.

In addition, changes apply to the list of specialists who should be visited, as well as to the validity of the medical certificate.

Even at the beginning of the regular year in our country, in order to obtain an examination from a clinic to obtain a motorist’s license, it is mandatory to visit the following specialists:

  • surgeon;
  • dermatologist-venereologist;
  • narcologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for female motorists);
  • blood tests;
  • therapist.

Came into force at the end of 2013, it regulates the procedure according to which all motorists are obliged to visit a psychiatrist and narcologist for diagnosis.

The medical facility should be selected at the place of registration of the driver. You can choose among public clinics and private medical centers, but a mandatory condition for them remains the presence of a special license allowing them to provide such services.

The main changes are the list of doctors who will examine the health status of motorists.

Since the beginning of 2020, the list has noticeably shortened, so drivers only visit the following specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • narcologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for females);
  • therapist.

Now the last person on the list of specialists is given the authority to carry out the conclusions of the surgeon, ENT specialist and dermatovenerologist.

This specialist also provides the final conclusion of the commission. Therefore, the therapist’s examination will be long and thorough.

The following tests are provided: urine for the presence of narcotic substances in the body (an innovation from this year), blood to determine the Rh factor, and an ECG of the heart.

Valid for 10 years for motorists in normal health, 1 year for drivers with any disabilities in physical health, 2 years for professional drivers. Drivers are required to undergo such a medical examination before each long trip.

You should know that for drivers who transport passengers and cargo, the list of specialists for medical examination is the same.

Composition of specialists for obtaining a driver's license

For driving vehicle Drivers in our country should only visit medical institutions that have a special license for this, which allows medical staff to assemble a commission and conduct a comprehensive examination of motorists.

At the same time, only an institution with a license can issue medical certificates for standard form, make a conclusion from specialists about the suitability of a citizen to drive a vehicle.

Which doctors do I need to see for a driver's license in 2020? This question remains the main one for motorists who will have to carry out such an inspection in the near future.

Therefore, you should thoroughly remember this list of specialists:

  • eye doctor;
  • expert in narcology;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for female drivers);
  • therapist.

If the therapist discovers deviations in the functioning of any body systems, then he has every right to issue a referral for additional examination to other doctors.

Also, the newly introduced law regulates that responsibility for carrying out diagnostics of motorists, for making a conclusion about their suitability and permission to drive by car carried by medical workers.

Are there differences for men and women?

It should be remembered that if at least one of the specialists has discovered disturbances in the functioning of the body, then he has the authority to issue a referral to the motorist to undergo procedures to eliminate them, assign a treatment regimen, and temporarily remove him from driving or working.

Thus, a neurologist can issue a referral for treatment to a citizen if he or she is found to have disturbances in the coordination of movements of the lower extremities of the body or motor skills of the upper extremities.

Men present the following documentation during such a medical examination:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • if it already exists;
  • two matte photographs with parameters 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • military ID or certificate, which indicates the driver’s status as registered with the military registration and enlistment office;
  • place of registration for citizens under 45 years of age.

Female drivers are required to provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which contains information about the person and her registration;
  • parameters 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • existing motorist's license;
  • military ID if the woman is in military service.

Regardless of gender, all drivers must go through the full prescribed list of specialists at the clinic, who leave their notes on the driver’s health status.

Separately, you will have to visit a mental health clinic and a drug treatment center at your place of registration. Although clients of private medical centers will not have to visit different institutions. That is, a narcologist and a psychiatrist are mandatory specialists.

The difference for the women's medical commission is that they must also undergo a gynecologist.

If a pregnant woman wants to pass the commission, then her health condition must be satisfactory, without any kind of restrictions that may prevent the pregnant woman from driving.

What are the health requirements for drivers of different categories?

Condition requirements for existing driving categories are different. This is due to the fact that when driving different types of vehicles, their own physical load is provided; driving a vehicle while transporting passengers and dangerous goods should be individuals without disabilities, with good vision and deviations in neuropathology.

The certificate itself contains a conclusion about the right to drive a car. It is an official document, which is issued in form No. 831-on a special form, subject to regular verification and strict reporting.

Therefore, any errors in filling it out are strictly unacceptable.

The document contains the following details:

  1. The stamp in the upper left corner of the form is from the medical center where the examination is performed.
  2. Institution license number.
  3. Series and number of the document form.
  4. Personal data of the motorist being checked.
  5. Date of issue of the medical certificate to count its validity period.
  6. Underlined driver's license category.
  7. There is a photo card in the lower left corner.
  8. Wet printing, some of which also includes photos.
  9. On back side the opinions of all designated specialists are posted.

Currently, re-passing a medical examination for all categories of drivers is required only in cases after its confiscation.

Once every two years, professional drivers who spend all their working hours behind the wheel will have to undergo a commission.

The analyzed law does not provide for any differences in the list of specialists that drivers of different categories must undergo in order to simplify the procedure for motorists who have several categories open.

It is advisable, but not necessary, to know the list of doctors that motorists should see when applying for a driver’s license.

Therefore, this list can always be found at the registration desk. medical institution where you will contact. You can also find out which doctors the therapist can replace.

For women and men, the differences lie in the documentation provided, because men must provide a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or a military ID. But at the same time, female representatives are required to undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Passing a medical examination upon hiring

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The Labor Code states that there are categories of workers for whom a medical examination is required upon hiring. At the same time, only a few examples are indicated in the Code itself; the establishment of all other categories remains the responsibility of individual regulations and federal laws.

Who and why should undergo a preliminary (primary) medical examination when applying for a job?

Employees undergo medical examinations for the following purposes:

  1. Identification of health contraindications for performing a particular type of work.
  2. Reducing the number of cases of occupational diseases and injuries received at work.
  3. Suspension from work of employees who, for health reasons, cannot work in this position.

The main document that regulates the mandatory medical examinations is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes:

  1. A small list of categories that must undergo a medical examination and gives the right to establish expanded lists by separate regulations.
  2. Obliges the parties to the labor relationship (employee and employer) to carry out such inspections without fail as part of the implementation of labor protection requirements in the organization.
  3. Obliges the employer to pay for all medical examinations.

Currently, the main document that regulates who must undergo a medical examination before employment is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions Labor" dated April 12, 2011, No. 302n, it regulates the following aspects:
Determines the factors and work for which a medical examination is required.

  1. Establishes the procedure for undergoing medical examinations.
  2. Establishes what documents must be presented by the employee to undergo an inspection, and what documents must be issued to him based on the results of the inspection.
  3. Determines who can conduct inspections.
  4. Determines the employer’s procedure when sending for medical examinations.

Factors whose influence requires a medical examination are indicated in Appendix 1 to this order, and the types of work in Appendix 2.
When an employer issues a referral, he must indicate the points of the relevant applications; there may be several of them at once.

What does the examination include?

The employer issues a direction to the future employee indicating the grounds for the inspection. With this referral, the employee can go either to any clinic that has a license to conduct paid services, or to the institution indicated to him by the employer.
There they determine the list of doctors that a person will have to go through.

The conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist is obtained in separate institutions.

This should be done at the place of registration. If the registration was changed less than a year ago or the person does not live in the place where he is registered, you can contact the relevant dispensaries at the place of residence and ask to make a request at the place of registration.
After the answer comes, the conclusion can be obtained at your place of residence by undergoing additional examinations.
As a rule, this is an encephalogram and a urine test for the presence of narcotic substances.

What documents are needed to pass a medical examination for work?

In order to undergo a medical examination, a person must have a passport and a referral from the employer, which must necessarily contain a reference to factors and work.

In addition, additional documents may be required. For example, driver's license, if a medical examination is required for admission to driving vehicles.

How long is the certificate valid?

After the inspection, a conclusion must be drawn up and issued to the employee regarding his suitability (or unsuitability) to perform the work specified in the direction.
The form of the conclusion form is not established in Order 302n, so it is issued on the letterhead of a medical institution. Some clinics write the results of examinations directly to the employer’s referral letter. This will not be a violation provided that the conclusion of the chairman of the medical commission (therapist) is indicated there, the date of the conclusion is clearly indicated and all this is certified by the triangular seal of the medical institution.

The validity period of the certificate, that is, the frequency of the medical examination, depends on what factor or what work serves as the basis for the medical examination. As a rule, the certificate is valid for 1–2 years. It is counted from the date of the conclusion about the suitability of the employee.

Read also: Hiring foreigners in 2020: step-by-step instruction, duties and responsibilities of the employer

What is the cost of the procedure

The full cost of a medical examination depends on where it is performed. It will depend on the number of doctors you need to see. For example, the average cost of a medical examination for a driver in Moscow is 1,500–2,000 rubles. Here you need to add a visit to a narcologist and a psychiatrist. Depending on the location, the cost of a certificate from these specialists starts from 300–500 rubles and more.

Who makes the payment

According to Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the cost of paying for a medical examination of employees is borne by the employer. He must pay the employee the entire cost of the procedure upon presentation of the relevant documents on the expenses incurred, or send the person to a medical institution with which he has an agreement and pay the cost himself.

If at your own expense

The employer does not have the right to force an employee to undergo a medical examination upon hiring at his own expense; he must reimburse the money spent, even if the employee is found unfit to perform the job for which he is applying.

Medical examination depending on the employee

In addition to the factors given in Order 302n, there are certain categories of workers who need to be sent for a medical examination.

For minor workers

If an employer employs citizens who are under 18 years of age, he must send them for a medical examination, regardless of what job they are applying for.

Minors should not be hired to work with harmful and dangerous factors, even if they passed a medical examination.

For managers

The law does not indicate that a manager must undergo a medical examination. But this may be provided corporate policy organizations. It must be remembered that an employee cannot be required to undergo a medical examination if it is not provided for by law.
Working as a manager does not exclude the presence of factors for a medical examination. For example, all employees who work at a computer more than half of their working time must undergo a medical examination.
Also, a free medical examination for a manager can be established as a bonus under the voluntary health insurance system for employees.

For the driver

All drivers must undergo a medical examination upon hiring. Moreover, this category includes not only persons who apply for this position, but also employees who will work in another position, but will drive the organization’s car. For example, an electrician traveling character work, who will independently drive a car owned by the employer.

Reading time: 3 min

The main objective of an employee undergoing a medical examination is to check the employee’s ability to perform his duties without any harm to health. In addition, this event can be organized for company specialists for a preventive purpose: to identify the first signs indicating occupational diseases and take appropriate measures to prevent them. That is why every potential employee should know which doctors are included in the pre-employment medical examination.

A referral for a medical examination allows the employer to monitor employees who perform their duties under the influence of negative factors at the enterprise. This procedure makes it possible to exclude the occurrence of any diseases caused by the fault of the company’s management.

In addition to the fact that the employer thereby complies with existing legal requirements, he also attracts more reliable specialists to his organization.

Types of Medical Exams

On this moment There are several types of medical examinations for enterprises, namely:

  • preliminary;
  • periodic;
  • extraordinary.

The first type involves going through this procedure in order to find a new job. If a specialist has been with the company for some time, then he will need to visit the hospital at least once every two years. In accordance with Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees under 21 years of age are required to undergo a medical examination every year.

As for extraordinary examinations by doctors, they can be carried out according to the wishes of the employee himself. The reason for such a request to the management of the organization may be medical recommendations from specialists.

What doctors will you need to see?

The list of doctors required for a pre-employment medical examination may vary. Everything will depend on what position the specialist plans to take. This procedure also differs according to gender.

If we talk about a standard medical examination, you will need to see the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist (to obtain a medical commission’s conclusion).

In addition, you will need to take blood and urine tests, as well as visit rooms for a cardiogram and fluorography. This list is not strictly established, since a mammologist and a gynecologist may also be provided for women. Or, for example, to apply for the position of a cash collector, you will definitely need to have your vision checked by an ophthalmologist, since healthy vision is closely related to the future responsibilities of a specialist.

Admission of a person during adolescence

Adolescents are required to undergo a preliminary medical examination in accordance with the following points:
