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Commission for work, what kind of doctors and tests. Body check. When is a medical examination required?

Citizens applying for a job in a specific company, as well as those working there, undergo a medical examination. The importance of this procedure is explained by the fact that the employer must be aware of the health status of its staff.

Referral for medical examination

The algorithm for undergoing a medical examination when applying for a job is regulated in detail in Articles 212, 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, the law describes the frequency with which workers must undergo medical examinations, and also lists the responsibilities of hired personnel in the field of labor protection. The time spent undergoing a medical examination is paid by the employer.

Obligations of hired personnel in the field of labor protection:

  • compliance with labor protection requirements;
  • correct use of PPE;
  • knowledge of first aid techniques medical care;
  • immediate notification of the immediate superior about facts that pose a threat to the life and health of people.

According to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer may not allow employees to work if they have not passed the statutory medical checkup. Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the mandatory nature of this procedure for employees who, during their work, are associated with hazardous production, working conditions recognized as harmful, and traffic. The referral for inspection is issued on the employer's letterhead. Issued to the citizen. Refusal to undergo medical examination means the job applicant’s failure to comply with the employer’s requirements. If the boss's requirements are not met by current employees, this means ignoring labor safety responsibilities.

The examination by doctors is considered completed if the person has passed all necessary specialists. And also if he has undergone all the necessary diagnostic procedures. Based on the results of the inspection, the employee is given a conclusion. The second copy of the report remains in the clinic where the citizen underwent a medical examination, the first copy is given to the employer.

The referral form for a medical examination, both preliminary and periodic, does not have a strict, unified form. But there is a list of details that must be included in this form by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 2011 number 302N.


  • name of the organization, enterprise, individual entrepreneur;
  • form of ownership, activity code according to OKVED;
  • Name medical institution, his details;
  • type of medical examination;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the employee;
  • employee's date of birth;
  • position, type of work;
  • factors harmful to his health.

According to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer may not allow an employee to work if he has not passed a medical examination. Referring to the provisions of Articles 121 and 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that if a person did not visit doctors due to circumstances personal plan, downtime at work will not be paid by his boss. But if a person was unable to visit the clinic due to circumstances beyond his control, the downtime will also be paid.

The law specifies mandatory medical examination of minors. In addition, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development number 302, hazardous production factors are identified. If people work in such industries, they are subject to preliminary, periodic examinations by doctors. The procedure for conducting these surveys is also determined. Persons under the age of majority are subject to mandatory medical examination before drawing up an employment contract. According to the laws, it begins at the age of 18.

According to the decree of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation No. 118 of 2003, when hiring foreign citizens, they are required to provide the employer with a certificate confirming that they do not have HIV infection.

Passing a medical examination

A referral form for a medical examination is issued to a future employee before signing an employment contract with him. But the referral form itself cannot serve as proof that a person will definitely be hired, just like passing a medical examination. If, based on the results of the research, it is determined that the candidate is not suitable for his position due to health reasons, he will be denied further employment under Article 84, clause 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

There are several types of inspections, which are discussed in Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • preliminary: until signing labor agreement, before employment itself;
  • periodic: mandatory, after a certain period of time;
  • extraordinary: they are established for a certain category of the population.

According to Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, citizens who come to take a job characterized by harmful, dangerous working conditions must undergo a medical examination before concluding an employment agreement. It's called preliminary. The same applies to people employed in the food industry.

Organizing a medical examination is the responsibility of the head of an enterprise or organization. He pays for the medical event. The employer's action algorithm is as follows:

  1. Compiling a list of employees who need to be sent for a medical examination. Within 10 days, this list is sent to the Rospotrebnadzor department of the administrative district at the employer’s location.
  2. Concluding an agreement with a medical institution for examination of employees of an enterprise, institution, or organization. Agreement on the timing of the research.
  3. Drawing up and signing an order on the frequency of medical examinations, the order of all procedures. Employees become familiar with the order at least 10 days before the start of the medical examination.
  4. Issuing referrals for medical examination. These directions do not have a strict, unified form. Filled out on the employer's form. But any direction must have mandatory details.
  5. Collection of reports for each employee with the results of a medical examination. Two copies of the conclusion are issued. One remains with the subject, the second - with the employer.
  6. Drawing up the final act. This requires a certain amount of time, at least up to 30 days. The act, signed and certified by the medical institution or organization, is sent to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor in the administrative district of the employer.

Employees must appear for a medical examination at the center with which the employer has a corresponding agreement. Turnout must take place strictly defined by agreement term. If an employee does not come for an inspection, the employer may remove him from work and not pay for downtime. But this can only happen if the employee does not show up for inspection without a good reason. If the reason is recognized as valid, then the downtime is paid. Downtime is paid at 2/3 of the average wages person. During periodic inspection employees visit several specialists and undergo tests. The list of doctors and diagnostic tests depends on the type of work and the presence of harmful factors at work. The commission must include an occupational pathologist and other specialists.

Who pays and reimburses the cost of a medical examination and medical certificate?

If undergoing a medical examination is required by law, payment for the employee’s participation in such events falls on the employer. It doesn’t matter what type of inspection it is: preliminary, regular. There are several options for such payment, for example, entering into an agreement with a medical center or the employee paying for medical services on his own and then providing the employer with a check.

During the examination, a medical record is issued for each citizen. This mandatory document, where the results of the examination and the conclusions of specialists are recorded. Forms of personal medical records belong to papers that are protected against counterfeiting by Level B. These forms are not available for sale and cannot be freely purchased. The books are issued by the territorial division of the SES based on applications received from enterprises.

If an employee is required to undergo medical examination, then issuing a medical record is the responsibility of the employer. Like a work record, a medical record book must be kept at the enterprise where the person works. It is issued to a citizen only for the period of inspection. To control the safety of this document, a special journal is created.

Which organizations require a medical examination?

The obligation to undergo medical examinations of certain categories of certain employees is established by article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, 213. Mandatory medical examinations, including periodic ones, must be carried out by employees who are associated with harmful, dangerous conditions labor activity. As well as workers who work in the field of transport, food industry workers, public transport, trade, water supply facilities, medical institutions, children's institutions.

According to Article 213, Part 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, harmful, dangerous production factors and work during which medical examinations are carried out (preliminary, periodic), the algorithm for conducting examinations is determined by the authorized representative of the highest executive body authorities.

Which doctors do you see during a medical examination?

The list of specialists depends on the category of the employee, as well as other conditions of his work. This includes the person’s position and gender.

The algorithm for conducting periodic medical examinations was approved by Order of the Ministry of Social Health Development No. 302 of 2011. According to Article 5 of the first section of this regulatory act, medical research must be carried out by members of a medical commission permanently operating in a medical institution. It includes:

  • occupational pathologist;
  • specialists, doctors who have completed advanced training courses and have a certificate in a certain specialty.

The list of specialists included in the commission is approved by order of the chief physician of the medical center or other medical institution. An order is drawn up if the medical institution has concluded an agreement with the employer or enterprise whose employees undergo a medical examination.

Validity period for medical examination and medical record

A medical record as a document does not have an expiration date. The validity period of this document refers, rather, to professional examination. It confirms that the employee is healthy, without negative consequences can perform his duties. If a person does not pass the examination on time, he cannot perform his duties. For example, he may be contagious to his colleagues and pose a danger to them. Based on this, the examination should be carried out on an irregular basis, its results are recorded in the medical record.

There are two types of inspection intervals. One of them is when applying for a job. A person undergoes an examination as an applicant for a vacancy. Then the company's employees undergo inspection every year. The employer issues a medical certificate for them. In the process of obtaining a medical record, employees of an enterprise, institution, or organization are required to take courses, they are called the sanitary minimum. These are hygiene training courses. There is also a frequency for them: once a year for employees who are associated with food and the educational system. For other employees - once every 24 months. The law defines the frequency of inspections for other categories of citizens.

A medical examination upon employment is a mandatory requirement for representatives of some professions. Passing a medical examination when applying for a job falls into the category paid services, therefore, to obtain the coveted certificate you will have to pay from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the region of residence. From the employer’s point of view, a medical examination allows you to determine the employee’s suitability for work. job responsibilities. However, for an applicant who is just getting a job, the cost of a medical examination may be unaffordable.

Current legislation provides for this nuance, obliging the employer to reimburse the future employee for these expenses.

Who pays

To answer this question, you need to refer to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which sets out the employer’s responsibilities for labor protection and creating safe working conditions for its employees.

The legal act clearly indicates that the employer is obliged to organize preliminary, scheduled and extraordinary medical examinations for staff, paying for the services of doctors. In addition, during the inspection, the employee retains his position and average daily earnings.

Violation of these conditions threatens with a fine (Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • organizations - up to 130,000 rubles;
  • individual entrepreneurs - up to 25,000 rubles;
  • official - up to 25,000 rubles.

For a repeated similar violation, the fine will be greater (Part 5 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • organizations - up to 200,000 rubles;
  • individual entrepreneurs - up to 40,000 rubles;
  • official - up to 40,000 rubles.
Important! The employer retains the right not to allow an employee to perform official duties if the medical examination is not passed or contraindications are identified by doctors. Download for viewing and printing:

Who needs to undergo a medical examination when applying for employment?

There are certain categories of employees for whom undergoing a medical examination is predetermined by current legislation, for example, for the following:

  • Drivers must undergo a drug addiction treatment and a psychologist;
  • personnel involved (part 1 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - the hazard factor is determined special assessment. At the same time, the lists of harmful and dangerous work are indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n;
  • office workers forced to spend more than half of their working time at the computer - annually;
  • employees of catering establishments - registration of a medical book (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees of food enterprises - registration of a medical book (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • personnel working in direct contact with children - teaching staff of preschool and school institutions, including temporary stay groups (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees of the spheres consumer services- bath and laundry complexes, hairdressing salons, beauty salons, etc. (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • medical staff - clinics, laboratories, hospitals (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, minor employees and personnel seconded to Far North and areas with similar conditions.

Important! Territorial self-government bodies may establish additional conditions passing a medical examination for certain categories of employees.

If an applicant refuses to undergo a medical examination, the employer has the right to refuse employment, because The medical examination is preliminary and is carried out upon concluding an employment contract (Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To refer an applicant for a preliminary medical examination, the organization issues an individual referral in a form approved by the organization itself. The referral contains the following data: full name of the person, place of work, place in the list of places and professions for which a medical examination is required, if necessary, harmful and hazardous production factors are indicated.

Compensation for medical examination

According to the provisions of the articles and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to compensate the employee for the costs of conducting a medical examination in full. This practice is used in cases where the applicant has passed a medical examination on his own or has received a referral for a medical examination through the human resources department.

Reimbursement is made on the basis of an employee’s application, which is certified by the head of the enterprise or another authorized person.

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What to do if payment for a medical examination is not provided

The list of professions for which passing a medical commission is mandatory is determined by labor legislation. However, this legal act provides that self-government bodies may introduce additional conditions for undergoing a medical examination.

If the position for which the applicant is applying requires passing a medical commission, this will have to be done in any case. It does not matter that this requirement is not specified in labor legislation, but is provided for by the internal charter of the enterprise.

In any case, if the employer insists on undergoing a medical examination, he is obliged to reimburse the expenses incurred. Let us note that if the profession is not included in the list, is not specified in the company’s internal documents for passing a medical examination, and the employer does not insist on an examination, he is released from the obligation to compensate for expenses. This happens if a future employee undergoes a medical examination on his own.

Payment Methods

The law does not regulate how expenses are reimbursed, so compensation for a pre-employment medical examination is usually made as follows:

  1. In fact. The employee passes the commission independently, after which he submits to the accounting department of the enterprise an application certified by the employer for reimbursement of the specified amount;
  2. Preliminary agreement. The employer sends the applicant to undergo a medical examination, drawing up a statement of subsequent reimbursement of expenses;
  3. Agreement. Here, an agreement is concluded between the company and the medical institution, on the basis of which referred employees undergo medical examinations free of charge (Clause 2.3 of the Methodological Basis for Preliminary and Periodic Medical Examinations of Persons Working in Harmful and (or) Dangerous Working Conditions, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia on December 14, 2005) .. This option is preferred for job seekers and employers. The former do not incur financial costs during employment, the latter receive a discount.

Important! The law does not provide for reimbursement periods, so it is a mistake to assume that the employer will reimburse the costs immediately after hiring a new employee. Typically, accounting includes this amount in the first payment due to the employee: advance or salary.

Procedure for receiving compensation

It is noteworthy that employers do not reimburse expenses incurred by an employee to undergo a medical examination by default. To do this, you need an application from the employee and a package of documents confirming the fact of passing a medical examination and the amount spent.

Collecting documents

To reimburse expenses incurred you will need:

  • application - drawn up in the name of the head of the company, containing a request for reimbursement of the specified amount;
  • referral for a medical examination - issued by the HR department, contains a list of specialists who need to be examined in order to be hired;
  • receipt - original fiscal document confirming payment for services;
  • conclusion - the conclusions of the medical commission about the suitability of the employee for the position held.
Important! The employer pays for the services of only those doctors who are indicated in the referral for a medical commission.

Who accepts documents

All financial questions are managed by the company's accounting department. However, to receive compensation, the signature of the head of the company or the person replacing him in this position will be required.

Therefore, first a statement is written, which must be endorsed by the manager. Then, the application with the package of documents listed above is transferred to the accounting department.

What to do if your job application is refused

There are situations when a person paid for a medical examination out of his own pocket, but doctors declared him unsuitable for employment in this specialty. At first glance, the employer should not reimburse expenses: the applicant is not an employee of the company. This is a common misconception.

The law does not indicate that in case of refusal to hire an employer, the employer is exempt from paying monetary compensation for passing a medical examination. Therefore, if the doctors find the applicant unsuitable, an application for reimbursement of expenses is also written and the package of documents discussed above is provided.

If the manager refuses to compensate financial costs, the applicant can contact the labor inspectorate or the courts. Legal practice shows that in similar situations the law is on the plaintiff's side. In such cases, after a positive decision is made, the funds are forcibly recovered from the employer.

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The health status of motorists, and especially its compliance with current standards, is the basis for obtaining a driver’s license.

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Every citizen who is going to drive a vehicle should have good vision; if it is impaired, then driving a vehicle can only be done with glasses that correct this defect.

Persons with mental disabilities or drug addiction are not allowed to drive. The presence of any abnormalities in physical or mental health guarantees adequate driving. This is confirmed by a medical certificate.

Therefore, when receiving a driver's document, you must first undergo a medical examination. Most motorists want to know the intricacies of the procedure, the list of specialists that should be passed through for men and women, for drivers of vehicles of different categories. The article is devoted to these issues.

Are there any changes in the composition of doctors in 2020?

The innovation put forward by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation also affected the rules for passing a medical examination for motorists.

In addition, changes apply to the list of specialists who should be visited, as well as to the validity of the medical certificate.

Even at the beginning of the regular year in our country, in order to obtain an examination from a clinic to obtain a motorist’s license, it is mandatory to visit the following specialists:

  • surgeon;
  • dermatologist-venereologist;
  • narcologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for female motorists);
  • blood tests;
  • therapist.

Came into force at the end of 2013, it regulates the procedure according to which all motorists are obliged to visit a psychiatrist and narcologist for diagnosis.

The medical facility should be selected at the place of registration of the driver. You can choose among public clinics and private medical centers, but a mandatory condition for them remains the presence of a special license allowing them to provide such services.

The main changes are the list of doctors who will examine the health status of motorists.

Since the beginning of 2020, the list has noticeably shortened, so drivers only visit the following specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • narcologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for females);
  • therapist.

Now the last person on the list of specialists is given the authority to carry out the conclusions of the surgeon, ENT specialist and dermatovenerologist.

This specialist also provides the final conclusion of the commission. Therefore, the therapist’s examination will be long and thorough.

The following tests are provided: urine for the presence of narcotic substances in the body (an innovation from this year), blood to determine the Rh factor, and an ECG of the heart.

Valid for 10 years for motorists in normal health, 1 year for drivers with any disabilities in physical health, 2 years for professional drivers. Drivers are required to undergo such a medical examination before each long trip.

You should know that for drivers who transport passengers and cargo, the list of specialists for medical examination is the same.

Composition of specialists for obtaining a driver's license

For driving vehicle Drivers in our country should only visit medical institutions that have a special license for this, which allows medical staff to assemble a commission and conduct a comprehensive examination of motorists.

At the same time, only an institution with a license can issue medical certificates for standard form, make a conclusion from specialists about the suitability of a citizen to drive a vehicle.

Which doctors do I need to see for a driver's license in 2020? This question remains the main one for motorists who will have to carry out such an inspection in the near future.

Therefore, you should thoroughly remember this list of specialists:

  • eye doctor;
  • expert in narcology;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for female drivers);
  • therapist.

If the therapist discovers deviations in the functioning of any body systems, then he has every right to issue a referral for additional examination to other doctors.

Also, the newly introduced law regulates that responsibility for carrying out diagnostics of motorists, for making a conclusion about their suitability and permission to drive by car carried by medical workers.

Are there differences for men and women?

It should be remembered that if at least one of the specialists has discovered disturbances in the functioning of the body, then he has the authority to issue a referral to the motorist to undergo procedures to eliminate them, assign a treatment regimen, and temporarily remove him from driving or working.

Thus, a neurologist can issue a referral for treatment to a citizen if he or she is found to have disturbances in the coordination of movements of the lower extremities of the body or motor skills of the upper extremities.

Men present the following documentation during such a medical examination:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • , if it already exists;
  • two matte photographs with parameters 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • military ID or certificate, which indicates the driver’s status as registered with the military registration and enlistment office;
  • place of registration for citizens under 45 years of age.

Female drivers are required to provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which contains information about the person and her registration;
  • parameters 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • existing motorist's license;
  • military ID if the woman is in military service.

Regardless of gender, all drivers must go through the full prescribed list of specialists at the clinic, who leave their notes on the driver’s health status.

Separately, you will have to visit a mental health clinic and a drug treatment center at your place of registration. Although clients of private medical centers will not have to visit different institutions. That is, a narcologist and a psychiatrist are mandatory specialists.

The difference for the women's medical commission is that they must also undergo a gynecologist.

If a pregnant woman wants to pass the commission, then her health condition must be satisfactory, without any kind of restrictions that may prevent the pregnant woman from driving.

What are the health requirements for drivers of different categories?

Condition requirements for existing driving categories- different. This is due to the fact that when driving different types of vehicles, their own physical load is provided; driving a vehicle while transporting passengers and dangerous goods should be individuals without disabilities, with good vision and deviations in neuropathology.

The certificate itself contains a conclusion about the right to drive a car. It is an official document, which is issued in form No. 831-on a special form, subject to regular verification and strict reporting.

Therefore, any errors in filling it out are strictly unacceptable.

The document contains the following details:

  1. The stamp in the upper left corner of the form is from the medical center where the examination is performed.
  2. Institution license number.
  3. Series and number of the document form.
  4. Personal data of the motorist being checked.
  5. Date of issue of the medical certificate to count its validity period.
  6. Underlined driver's license category.
  7. There is a photo card in the lower left corner.
  8. Wet printing, some of which also includes photos.
  9. On back side the opinions of all designated specialists are posted.

Currently, re-passing a medical examination for all categories of drivers is required only in cases after its confiscation.

Once every two years, professional drivers who spend all their time behind the wheel will have to undergo a commission. work time.

The analyzed law does not provide for any differences in the list of specialists that drivers of different categories must undergo in order to simplify the procedure for motorists who have several categories open.

It is advisable, but not necessary, to know the list of doctors that motorists should see when applying for a driver’s license.

Therefore, this list can always be found at the reception of the medical institution where you will apply. You can also find out which doctors the therapist can replace.

For women and men, the differences lie in the documentation provided, because men must provide a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or a military ID. But at the same time, female representatives are required to undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Concluding with the employer employment contract, in some cases employees must be examined medical specialists. Without a doctors’ verdict, in certain situations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to enter into labor relations. The employer must make sure that work in his organization will not cause harm to human health, aggravate any existing problems, and will not have to create special working conditions for the employee. And you can’t ignore the economic aspect: when hiring a specialist, the employer expects to pay for his work, and not for frequent sick leave.

From the article you will learn:

  • for which categories of workers a primary medical examination before starting labor relations required,
  • who will reimburse the time and money spent on this event,
  • how to correctly formalize this procedure in accounting and personnel records.

We will talk specifically about the initial medical examination, organized before hiring.

Legislative framework for primary medical examinations

Labor Code The Russian Federation addresses the issue of medical examination before employment in several articles:

  • Art. 69 regulates the mandatory examination of doctors for minor workers;
  • Art. 185 guarantees the employee compensation for money spent on a work medical examination;
  • Art. 212 and art. 213 list categories of employees for whom permission to work without undergoing a medical examination is a direct violation of the law;
  • in Art. 213 explains the procedure for conducting a regular medical examination in the organization;
  • Art. 214 insists on a medical examination as one of the ways for an employee to comply with labor safety rules;
  • Art. 324 speaks of the mandatory medical examinations for those employed in the Far North.

In addition to the Labor Code, medical examination potential employees covered in Annex 3 to the Ministry Order social development RF No. 302n dated April 12, 2011.

And finally, the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia dated 06/03/2003 obliges those workers whose work takes place at the computer for half the working time or longer to undergo medical examinations.

Who will not be hired without a medical examination?

  • employees who have not yet turned 18 (regardless of their field of activity);
  • employees in transportation and water supply companies;
  • persons whose labor functions associated with the food industry, catering, trade;
  • medical workers;
  • working in the teaching field;
  • judges and customs officials;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations workers;
  • getting a job with harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • athletes;
  • beauty industry workers (hairdressers, massage therapists, cosmetologists, manicurists, etc.).

NOTE! This list is not complete and closed. Regional authorities, bodies local government may expand the indications for mandatory medical examination before employment.

How to organize a primary medical examination

Only specialized institutions - clinics, hospitals, medical centers - have the right to conduct official medical examinations. The employee cannot go to the doctors of his choice: the employer gives him a referral to a certain medical institution with which he has an agreement for medical care for employees.

Upon employment (or immediately after it), the employee receives a referral from the employer, which will indicate a list of medical specialists from whom a “fit” certificate is required.

At the medical institution, having presented a passport and a referral, the employed citizen issues an outpatient card and, in some cases, a personal medical record. After this, a methodical round of doctors begins and the necessary tests are taken.

What doctors will you have to go through?

The number of specialists who render their verdict regarding the health of a future employee varies depending on the position for which he is applying. The standard option, which is recommended for all those “doomed” to undergo a mandatory medical examination, includes the following conclusions:

  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon;
  • gynecologist (for women);
  • therapist.

To form a conclusion, you will also need data from basic clinical tests:

  • UAC, OAM;
  • cardiograms;
  • fluorography or x-ray of the lungs;
  • blood sugar test;
  • liver tests

Other nuances relating to examinations of people applying for specific professions are regulated by special regulations. For many professions, examinations by additional specialists are provided, for example, a narcologist, a psychiatrist, etc.

Passed a medical examination - what was the result?

What documents should the applicant receive after passing the medical examination? These papers will serve as confirmation of suitability for the chosen occupation and a “ticket” to work: they will need to be provided to the employer. Depending on the position and field of activity of the person being examined, after the medical examination he will be given one of the following documents:

  1. Certificate of completion of a medical examination (form 086).
  2. An extended medical report containing recommendations and contraindications. It is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the outpatient card filed in the clinic.
  3. Completed personal medical record. If it is not possible to issue it in one day, the doctors will issue a certificate for the employer confirming the completion of the medical examination and an obligation to issue a medical book by the designated date.

Who bears the cost of a medical examination?

It is not always possible to do the necessary examination for free. In today’s realities, in this matter the legislation protects the interests of the employed employee: financial side must be provided by the employer if the employee is from the category of those for whom a medical examination is mandatory. Compulsory health insurance does not cover the costs of preliminary medical examination applicants (FFOMS letter dated August 30, 2010 No. 3979/30-4/).

If potential personnel are not included in the legally designated categories, and the employer wants to make sure of their health, the following options are possible:

  1. At the request of the employee, he can undergo a medical examination at his own expense and provide the employer with a corresponding conclusion. At the same time, refusal to hire in the absence of such a desire will be unlawful.
  2. The employer provides the required medical examination according to the generally accepted scheme.

ATTENTION! If an employee goes for an agreed-upon medical examination during his working hours, already working for a given employer, this time must be paid as working time. If an employee did not come to the doctors at the specified time due to his own fault, and was not at work, then he will not be paid for his downtime. If the failure to appear was the employer’s fault, then, despite the failure to undergo a medical examination, you will still have to pay for this time, just as you will have to go to the doctors at other times.

Money for the medical examination will be reimbursed upon written request from the employee. Supporting documents must be attached to the document: payment receipts medical services and a referral previously received from the employer.

Accounting and tax accounting of expenses for medical examinations

The Tax Code provides for the following features of accounting for these costs in an organization:

  • expenses for medical examination are included in tax base for income tax as “other expenses” if a medical examination is required by law;
  • these funds are not subject to personal income tax;
  • There is no need to pay insurance premiums from this money.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! If an employee passes a medical examination, but is not hired, the funds are still reimbursed to him, and they are written off as “other expenses” along with the rest.

Accounting for medical examination funds

PBU 10/99 in clauses 5, 7 prescribes that these costs should be included in “expenses for common species activities." These costs can be written off in different ways, depending on where exactly the funds were paid:

  • if the medical examination was carried out in the organization’s own medical center, the expenses will be considered “expenses for maintaining the medical center”: debit 26 (44), credit 02 (10, 70, 68, 69, etc.);
  • to pay for the services of a third-party medical institution, the following entries will be needed: debit 26 (44), credit 76 - reflection of expenses for mandatory medical examination, debit 26 (44), credit 76 - accrual of compensation for costs of mandatory medical examination.

Passing a medical examination upon hiring

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The Labor Code states that there are categories of workers for whom a medical examination is required upon hiring. At the same time, only a few examples are indicated in the Code itself; the establishment of all other categories remains the responsibility of individual regulations and federal laws.

Who and why should undergo a preliminary (primary) medical examination when applying for a job?

Employees undergo medical examinations for the following purposes:

  1. Identification of health contraindications for performing a particular type of work.
  2. Reducing the number of cases of occupational diseases and injuries received at work.
  3. Suspension from work of employees who, for health reasons, cannot work in this position.

The main document that regulates the mandatory medical examinations is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes:

  1. A small list of categories that must undergo a medical examination and gives the right to establish expanded lists by separate regulations.
  2. Obliges the parties to the labor relationship (employee and employer) to carry out such inspections without fail as part of the implementation of labor protection requirements in the organization.
  3. Obliges the employer to pay for all medical examinations.

Currently, the main document that regulates who must undergo a medical examination before employment is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" dated 12.04 .2011 for No. 302n it regulates the following aspects:
Determines the factors and work for which a medical examination is required.

  1. Establishes the procedure for undergoing medical examinations.
  2. Establishes what documents must be presented by the employee to undergo an inspection, and what documents must be issued to him based on the results of the inspection.
  3. Determines who can conduct inspections.
  4. Determines the employer’s procedure when sending for medical examinations.

Factors whose influence requires a medical examination are indicated in Appendix 1 to this order, and the types of work in Appendix 2.
When an employer issues a referral, he must indicate the points of the relevant applications; there may be several of them at once.

What does the examination include?

The employer issues a direction to the future employee indicating the grounds for the inspection. With this referral, the employee can go either to any clinic that has a license to provide paid services, or to an institution indicated to him by the employer.
There they determine the list of doctors that a person will have to go through.

The conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist is obtained in separate institutions.

This should be done at the place of registration. If the registration was changed less than a year ago or the person does not live in the place where he is registered, you can contact the relevant dispensaries at the place of residence and ask to make a request at the place of registration.
After the answer comes, the conclusion can be obtained at your place of residence by undergoing additional examinations.
As a rule, this is an encephalogram and a urine test for the presence of narcotic substances.

What documents are needed to pass a medical examination for work?

In order to undergo a medical examination, a person must have a passport and a referral from the employer, which must necessarily contain a reference to factors and work.

In addition, additional documents may be required. For example, a driver’s license, if a medical examination is required for permission to drive vehicles.

How long is the certificate valid?

After the inspection, a conclusion must be drawn up and issued to the employee regarding his suitability (or unsuitability) to perform the work specified in the direction.
The form of the conclusion form is not established in Order 302n, so it is issued on the letterhead of a medical institution. Some clinics write the results of examinations directly to the employer’s referral letter. This will not be a violation provided that the conclusion of the chairman of the medical commission (therapist) is indicated there, the date of the conclusion is clearly indicated and all this is certified by the triangular seal of the medical institution.

The validity period of the certificate, that is, the frequency of the medical examination, depends on what factor or what work serves as the basis for the medical examination. As a rule, the certificate is valid for 1–2 years. It is counted from the date of the conclusion about the suitability of the employee.

Read also: Hiring foreigners in 2020: step-by-step instruction, duties and responsibilities of the employer

What is the cost of the procedure

The full cost of a medical examination depends on where it is performed. It will depend on the number of doctors you need to see. For example, the average cost of a medical examination for a driver in Moscow is 1,500–2,000 rubles. Here you need to add a visit to a narcologist and a psychiatrist. Depending on the location, the cost of a certificate from these specialists starts from 300–500 rubles and more.

Who makes the payment

According to Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the cost of paying for a medical examination of employees is borne by the employer. He must pay the employee the entire cost of the procedure upon presentation of the relevant documents on the expenses incurred, or send the person to a medical institution with which he has an agreement and pay the cost himself.

If at your own expense

The employer does not have the right to force an employee to undergo a medical examination upon hiring at his own expense; he must reimburse the money spent, even if the employee is found unfit to perform the job for which he is applying.

Medical examination depending on the employee

In addition to the factors given in Order 302n, there are certain categories of workers who need to be sent for a medical examination.

For minor workers

If an employer employs citizens who are under 18 years of age, he must send them for a medical examination, regardless of what job they are applying for.

Minors should not be hired to work with harmful and dangerous factors, even if they passed a medical examination.

For managers

The law does not indicate that a manager must undergo a medical examination. But this may be provided corporate policy organizations. It must be remembered that an employee cannot be required to undergo a medical examination if it is not provided for by law.
Working as a manager does not exclude the presence of factors for a medical examination. For example, all employees who work at a computer more than half of their working time must undergo a medical examination.
Also, a free medical examination for a manager can be established as a bonus under the voluntary health insurance system for employees.

For the driver

All drivers must undergo a medical examination upon hiring. Moreover, this category includes not only persons who apply for this position, but also employees who will work in another position, but will drive the organization’s car. For example, an electrician traveling character work, who will independently drive a car owned by the employer.
