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Distance engineer. Railway engineer: description of the profession, where to study. See what “Engineering distances” are in other dictionaries

For about two centuries, there has been one profession in demand in the field of transport - a railway engineer. From this article you will learn who it is and what it does, how to become a specialist.

The topic will be of interest not only to students high school both graduates, but also those who want to learn more about such specialists.

What is a railway engineer?

First, you need to understand the term “communication routes.” This phrase implies transport, paths and roads along which equipment moves. But now, as in past centuries, the phrase belongs to the railway. Even Russian institutes of railway engineers are increasingly training future railway workers, as well as builders of various objects - civil and industrial.

Let's briefly list what faculties/departments there are in railway universities, so that it becomes clear in what areas graduates can work:

  • locomotives;
  • carriages;
  • electricity supply;
  • paths;
  • bridges and tunnels;
  • construction of buildings and structures;
  • signaling, centralization and communication;
  • organization of transportation management on the railway;
  • safety in the technosphere;
  • special transport equipment.

To become a good specialist and love your job, you need to take your choice seriously and familiarize yourself with it in advance future profession. Now let’s briefly look at each of these areas.

Field of activity (industry)

To work with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives and metro trains, as well as multiple unit rolling stock, you should choose a specialty related to locomotives. An engineer can be either a designer/designer of advanced rolling stock, locomotives, or an employee of the depot where the described transport equipment is serviced.

They are slightly different, but practically the same tasks are carried out by engineers who design or maintain freight and passenger cars. As a rule, it is advisable for a specialist to choose a specific area: freight or passenger transportation.

You can sometimes see vacancies for a railway engineer in the field of electrical supply. The specialist must have a good understanding of electrical engineering, complex electrical circuits, and also use instruments for measuring network parameters. In addition, the designer must have a good understanding of how electrified lines need to be built so that they are reliable, durable and safe.

The construction of railway tracks is not complete without engineering calculations, selection of terrain, and landscape study. The same can be said about those who build bridges and tunnels, buildings and structures. Therefore, in their work, railway engineers from all these three industries must have an excellent knowledge of mechanics, strength of materials, and be able to solve complex problems. After all, it depends on them how long bridges, paths or tunnels will last. The health and life of every employee and passenger who use these facilities during their travel depend on them. In addition, the strength of buildings and structures is also the merit of a competent engineer.

Signaling, centralization and communications is an area of ​​the railway that deals with the installation, maintenance and repair of special equipment for dispatch radio communications, traffic lights, track circuits, automatic blocking equipment, and so on. A specialist must understand not only electrics, but also electronics and radio equipment.

Transportation organization and management is mainly dispatch work, which includes, first of all, train schedules. A person must be able to create a rational and economically feasible schedule.

Safety in the technosphere or environmental safety exists in order to control emissions in environment from railway enterprises, stations and stages. In addition, an engineer may work at a depot or factory to train personnel in safety procedures, as well as monitor the condition of workplaces in production.

Special transport equipment - recovery points, utility trains. In this case, a railway engineer must understand what benefits the unit of equipment he is designing will bring and what functions it will perform.

How to become one?

What should I know?

It is not enough just to know physics and mathematics well, you need to be able to understand your work. For example, a railway engineer with a specialty in “Cars” must understand how a carriage is designed, know where which elements are located and what they are intended for.

The manager is obliged to schedule trains in such a way as to ensure uninterrupted operation of the railway network and create economic benefits.

Thus, when entering a university, it is advisable to communicate with specialists and ask what the work involves. And also understand a very important point for yourself - the medical commission, which we will talk about below.

Medical commission

A medical examination is a mandatory event when applying for a job. Not only drivers, railway workers and electrical workers are required to have good health, but also engineers. Therefore, if your heart is healthy, there are no problems with blood pressure, hearing or serious visual impairment, and movement coordination is not limited, then you will be accepted for the position.

A railway engineer regularly visits places that are dangerous to life and health, often communicates with junior staff, evaluates their work, and also makes recommendations for improving the quality of work. That is why medical checkup is an integral part both upon entry to work and as planned (once a year or once every two years).

Who can work?

A railway engineer is a profession in demand, but, unfortunately, there may be more specialists than vacancies.

Therefore, you have to choose related positions. For example, a future master or boss needs to know his job. Therefore, you should agree to go to work as a mechanic to gain experience. The specialist will have an understanding of the work so that he can competently manage in the future. Man with higher education applying for positions:

  • engineer;
  • Chief Engineer;
  • master/senior master;
  • boss.

Therefore, a specialist always has the opportunity to get any position in his profile.

What salary?

The salary of a railway engineer depends on the category, length of service, region, and organization.

For example, in Moscow, a specialist of the first category can receive a salary of about 55 thousand rubles, while at the same time a similar specialist in a provincial city 500 kilometers from the capital - only 20 thousand rubles.

Are there any hazards at work?

Many graduates think about the possibility of danger at work. It really is:

  • electromagnetic fields;
  • emissions of harmful substances from transport equipment;
  • potential danger both in the workshop and on the street;
  • staying on the street while performing official duties;
  • variable work schedule.

Therefore, you should undergo a medical examination. In addition, the specialist is responsible for safety at the site.

You found out who a railway engineer is. We hope that the article will help you understand how interesting and promising this profession is.

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The main task of track distances (hereinafter referred to as IF) is the current maintenance of the track, roadbed, artificial and other structures and track facilities in working order to ensure safe and uninterrupted train movement

In the system of JSC Russian Railways, the structural unit that is superior to the track distance is the railway department, and the subordinate structural unit is the section of the track distance. Thus, as part of the Moscow branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, there are 7 track distances - Opytnaya Moskovskaya, Vyshnevolotskaya, Bologovskaya, Rzhevskaya, Torzhokskaya, Tverskaya, Sonkovskaya. The official responsible for organizing the maintenance of the track at the distance is the head of the track distance.

The track distance includes several subdivisions (usually about 10-12 pieces), which contain road foreman (RD), subordinate to the road foreman are several brigades (departments) led by a road foreman (RDB). Senior road foreman(PDS) commands 2-4 road workers. The head of the track has several deputies: deputy. for current content (PCZ), deputy. for capital works (PCHZkap) - in some distances there is no such position, chief engineer (PCG), deputy. on artificial structures (PCSI). PCHZI supervises the bridge foreman(s) (PDM), tunnel foreman (PDT), if there is one, and the subgrade foreman, if there is one. At some distances the deputy. according to ISSO there is no and his duties are performed by the chief engineer. There are also mechanical workshops headed by a chief mechanic (PCGmech).

The distance control apparatus includes: technical department, HR department, accounting department, economist, labor standardization engineer and occupational safety engineer. On railways In Ukraine, the management apparatus also includes the chairman of the trade union organization of railway workers.

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See what “path distance” is in other dictionaries:

    - (PCH 3 of the Oktyabrskaya Railway) structural unit of the Oktyabrskaya Infrastructure Directorate structural unit Infrastructure Directorate of the branch of JSC Russian Railways. The distance was founded in 1850 as the 7th ... Wikipedia

    - (Latin distantia, from the parts dis, and stare to stand). 1) in general distance, interval; 2) in military affairs: the distance between two parts of troops, measured from the head of one part to the head of the other; 3) engineers have a certain extent of land or... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Distance (on a railway), an economic unit included in a department of the road, which is subordinate to the corresponding service of the road (track, signaling and communications, freight, etc.). On the railway d. transport available D.: tracks, signaling and communications,... ...

    - (from Latin distantia distance) 1) distance, interval between something (keep a distance, running short distances). 2) On the railway, an administrative unit various industries railway industry. Distances are distinguished: paths,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Linear administrative unit of track service, part of the total length of the road, divided into separate sections (distances) in relation to the maintenance and repair of the roadbed, artificial structures, superstructure and turnouts... ... Technical railway dictionary

    distance- I. DISTANCE I and, g. distance f., Distanz, floor. dystancyja, lat. distantia. 1. Distance. Sl. 18. And that place is 40 miles or more away from our quarter. PBP 5 537. And which islands took the distance, with this up to V.S. register. 1723.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    SOCIAL DISTANCE- – the degree of understanding and intimacy that characterize personal and general social relations. People experience D. s. not only in relation to the individuals with whom they come into contact, but also in relation to classes and races. Feeling D. s.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    AND; and. [lat. distantia] 1. Distance, interval between something. Increase the distance between cars. Get to close quarters. Shoot from long distance. Keep, keep a distance (military; when moving, be constantly at a certain ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    This is the name in the department of railways for a certain section of the track, entrusted technically or administratively to one person, the chief D. On railways, the line is divided into several D. in relation to the maintenance of the track,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    I Distance (from Latin distantia distance) (military), the distance in depth between military personnel, guns, vehicles, units or units (ships) in formation, on a march (campaign) or in order of battle, as well as between aircraft when... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Fernand Léger, L. Zhadova. Fernand Leger is an outstanding representative of French art of the twentieth century. His name is on a par with the names of Picasso, Matisse, Corbusier. Léger's legacy is extremely multifaceted: it covers...
  • Train on the third track, D. Aminado. Don Aminado (Aminadav Petrovich Shpolyansky (1888 1957) Russian satirist poet, memoirist, lawyer. His poems and prose in an impressionistic manner convey situations typical of his time.…

Since the reduced length of the path distance is known, taking into account the fact that the total reduced length of the track should be about 30-35 km, we determine the number of tracks

Reduced length of about

This length is the approximate length of the round.

Since the length of districts No. 6,7,8 and 14 do not correspond to the approximate length of the district, a decision is made to change the administrative division schedule. Roundabouts No. 7 and 8 are joined by another 13 km of track and the separate point Britsalovichi, which previously belonged to roundabout No. 5. The remaining 13 km of track, the separate point Yelizovo and roundabout No. 6 are combined into one roundabout. We will attach the area No. 14 to the area No. 3. This will allow the given length to be more evenly distributed among the linear subdivisions. And accordingly, rearrangement of the administrative division schedule will make it possible to more correctly manage the overall travel distance. The scheme for changing the administrative division schedule is presented in Figure 2.3.

2 . 3 Composition of the track staff

The number of workers along a track is established depending on the volume of work and the ability to ensure the quality of the track, track devices, and structures in a specific area by a team or group of workers.

Depending on the volume of work and the degree of complexity of site maintenance, standards for the number of middle managers are established - site managers, road and bridge foremen, machine and mechanism operation foremen, as well as other workers.

Depending on the distance group, the staffing level of management, engineering and technical workers and employees is also established.

The management and engineering staff is shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Management staff and engineers

Job title

Course Guide

Head of the route

Chief Engineer distances

Deputy Head of the Course


Production and technical staff for planning and


Senior Engineer

Labor safety engineer


Supply Technician

The staff of the HR department is 3 people. The staff of workers for the repair and maintenance of machines, mechanisms and equipment: chief mechanic, mechanical engineer, head of remote workshops - one person per distance. The machine maintenance staff is in accordance with the standards for each track machine. Labor and wage standardization workers: labor organization and standardization engineer – one at a distance. Section heads and current maintenance supervisors are appointed depending on the number of units.

Standards for the number of travel distances:

– head of the section – 3;

– road foreman for current track maintenance – 14;

– bridge foreman – 1;

– foreman for operation and repair of machines and mechanisms – 1;

– work performer – 1;

– building repair and maintenance foreman – 1;

– master of major, medium, lifting repairs – 1;

– materials acquisition foreman – 1.

2.4 Drawing up a diagram organizational structure

travel distances

The organizational structure diagram shows the relationships in the management of a manufacturing enterprise from top to bottom. It also indicates the clear purpose of all departments and services and the distribution of responsibilities for their management.

This organizational structure diagram allows you to quickly and conveniently set organizational tasks, as well as monitor the implementation of these orders.

The organizational structure of the path distance is shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 Path distance organizational structure diagram

2.5 Classification of paths according to new system track management

The main goal of classifying railway tracks is to achieve the greatest efficiency in the use of expensive materials of the upper structure of the track, laying new ones only on tracks of higher classes, and old ones on tracks of lower classes.

This ensures the reliable condition of the most important and critical sections of railway lines, increases the safety of train traffic, more effectively uses the material potential of the upper structure of the track and increases the service life of its elements.

Railway tracks are classified in accordance with Table 2.3 depending on the combination of freight load and permissible speeds of passenger and freight trains.

Table 2.3 – Path classes

Path Group

Freight intensity,

million tkm butto/km per year

Permissible train speeds, km/h

(numerator – passenger, denominator – cargo)

40 or less main receiving and departure routes

Station, access and other routes

Main Path Classes

According to the load load, all tracks are divided into 5 groups, designated in capital letters from B to E, and according to permissible speeds - into 6 categories, designated by numbers from 1 to 6. Classes, which are a combination of groups and categories of tracks, are designated by numbers from 1 to 5. Higher classes include 1st and 2nd, including more high speeds and cargo load.

The workplace should provide the engineer with the opportunity to conveniently perform work, both with a computer and with documents, in a sitting position and not create overloads of the musculoskeletal system.

The main elements of a shift engineer's workplace, like any user of a personal computer (PC), are: a desktop, a work chair (chair), a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse.

Desktop Requirements

The design of the desktop should provide the necessary set of equipment and documents on the working surface, taking into account the nature of the work being performed. According to their design, work tables are divided into adjustable and non-adjustable working surface heights.

The adjustable height of the working surface should vary from 680 to 800 mm. The adjustment mechanism must be easily accessible in a sitting position, easy to operate and securely locked. The height of the working surface of the non-adjustable table is 725 mm.

Dimensions of the working surface of the table: depth not less than 600 mm (preferably 800 mm) width not less than 1200 mm (preferably 1600 mm). The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a width of at least 500 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm, and at the level of outstretched legs at least 650 mm.

The working surface of the table should not have sharp corners or edges. The surface of the table must be made of diffusion-repellent material with a repulsion coefficient of 0.450.50.

Requirements for a work chair (chair)

The work chair must provide support for the physiologically rational working posture of the engineer during the process. labor activity. Create conditions for changing posture in order to reduce tension in the muscles of the cervico-brachial region and back, as well as to avoid deterioration of blood circulation in the lower extremities.

The work chair must be swivel and equipped with devices for adjusting the height, angle of the seat and back, as well as the distance from the back to the front edge of the seat.

In order to reduce overstrain of the arm muscles, it is recommended to use stationary or removable armrests, adjustable in height above the seat level and in the distance between the armrests.

The adjustment of each position should be independent, easy to use, and securely locked.

The seat surface must have a width and depth of at least 400 mm. It must be possible to change the angle of inclination of the seat surface from 150 forward to 50 backward. The height of the seat surface should be adjustable from 400 to 550 mm above floor level.

The height of the surface of the back of the chair must have a height of (30020) mm, a width of at least 380 mm and a radius of curvature of the horizontal plane of 400 mm. The angle of the backrest in the vertical plane should be adjusted within 030° from the vertical position. The distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat should be adjustable between 260 and 400 mm.

The armrests must have a length of at least 250 mm, a width of 5070 mm, and be able to be adjusted in height above the seat within (23030) mm. The distance between them should be adjusted within the range from 350 to 500 mm.

Monitor requirements

The monitor acts as the main element of displaying the information collected by the AWS-SHChD for the distance engineer. Throughout his entire working time, the engineer must monitor the information on the screen. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the ARM-SHChD monitor:

in terms of radiation levels, the monitor must meet the requirements set out in paragraph 7.2.6;

The diagonal of the monitor must be at least 19” (21” is recommended);

The vertical scan frequency must be at least 65 Hz (75 Hz is recommended);

the monitor should be positioned so that the image in any part of it is visible without the need to raise or lower the head;

The viewing angle of the screen relative to the horizontal line of sight should not exceed 60°.

Keyboard and mouse requirements

The keyboard and mouse act as means of controlling the display elements (windows) of the AWS-SHChD and for the engineer to enter information into the AWS. At the same time, taking into account the use of a multi-window interface, the main means of controlling elements of the graphical interface is the mouse. The keyboard is used to enter text and numeric information.

The keyboard at the engineer's workplace must be able to move freely. The keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100 to 300 mm from the front edge facing the operator, or on a special, height-adjustable work surface separated from the main table top.

The mouse is located to the right of the keyboard on the table surface or on an additional work surface. There should be enough free space on the work surface to work with the mouse. For ease of use, it is recommended to use a special mouse pad, which is made of antistatic material and provides good adhesion of the surface to the moving element of the mouse. If there is not enough space to operate the mouse, then you must use a trackball.
