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What does the chief project engineer do? The GUI is the chief project engineer: a job description. Job Responsibilities of the Chief Project Engineer

Modern realities allow the customer to choose any design organization that is suitable in all respects, in terms of timing, price and quality of services provided. Still plays an important role in the creation of a construction project Chief Engineer. Deciphering the abbreviation GIP - chief engineer of the project. Job responsibilities such a specialist involves not only affixing a certification signature on project documentation compliance with specific regulatory documents in the construction industry, but also a wide range of responsibilities.

In a broad sense, a PI is a specialist with a higher construction education, certain work experience, periodically undergoing advanced training courses, and excellent organizational skills. The quality of the project will depend on the flexibility of mind and existing work experience of such a specialist. The chief engineer must propose new and original ideas that can satisfy all customer needs at minimal cost.

Myths about the position of GIP

Many customers are still completely confident that the GUI is the person who is fully responsible for the quality of all documentation. In fact, previously such a specialist made personal decisions and was responsible for their consequences. However, today such a person is just a project manager. The main functional responsibility of the official is to ensure the dynamic flow of investments and the return on financial investments. Simply put, a person looks at the entire project from an economic point of view, optimizing the processes that will achieve more income at minimum investment. Decisions of a technical nature are made by other project participants, naturally, in agreement with the GIP.

The chief engineer of the project cannot even physically check all the stages of creating the project; he is just one of the members of the project creation team.

Will they go to prison or not?

Don’t think that in the event of an accident, an engineer will definitely be imprisoned. In fact, the pre-trial investigation implies the purpose of identifying the designer who made incorrect coefficients or made incorrect calculations in order to bring charges against the contractor. It turns out which organization provided the expert opinion. Although punishment may also apply to the person checking, in this case the State Inspectorate puts his signature on it, thereby confirming that he has checked the documents.

Highest qualification

A strong but incorrect opinion is that the project manager is the most qualified specialist from the entire design organization. In fact, when selecting a candidate for a position, the employer is guided by other criteria. For some, it is important that the applicant has a second education, economic or specialized, for example, a diploma in the field of creating ventilation systems. The candidate must have excellent communication skills, be organized in order to keep control over the deadlines for all stages of the project, be able to negotiate and other skills.

Which side is the GIP on?

The project manager is a kind of arbiter who must reconcile the parties. If the heating engineer and the electrician cannot agree, it is natural that the chief engineer cannot be more qualified in specific issues than highly specialized designers. Therefore, he must convey to both parties the economic feasibility of resolving the dispute, in essence, protect the interests of the investor without loss of quality and full compliance with safety regulations.

Requirements for job description

There are no special requirements for the form of the GIP job description, but his rights and responsibilities should be clearly stated.

Qualification requirements

It is natural that the best option, when a specialist has the first specialized education, the second can act as an additional advantage when making a decision when choosing an employer between candidates.

As a rule, the chief engineer in construction must have at least 8 years of experience in the declared vacancy. If the object is of a huge and industrial scale, then 10 years. The logical conclusion is that the applicant cannot be under 28 years of age. There are usually no requirements for the top level of applicants for such a position, since even people of retirement age are generally full of energy with vast and invaluable experience in designing and project management.


The GUI is the key person. He has a wide range of responsibilities.

The project manager is required to provide technical supervision over design and survey work. Carry out designer's supervision over the direct construction of the facility and its commissioning.

The State Inspectorate is obliged to take all possible measures to improve the quality of estimate and design documentation. Also prepares all data for concluding contracts with customers.

Responsibilities include creating schedules and assignments for subcontractors. In the future, he must monitor the fulfillment of obligations by the contractor.

Obliged to check the patentability of materials and equipment that are being used for the first time. Must defend the project.

The project manager must justify deviations in the project from current building codes. Prepare conclusions on rationalization inventions and proposals of designers.

Must assess the immediate risks that may arise during the implementation of the project. Responsible for monitoring customer satisfaction with the company's services. Interact with government and non-government organizations in the field of examinations. Must defend the project in the bodies of examination and government.

The chief construction engineer distributes responsibility between the developers of design solutions and managers. Interacts with the contract department, accounting and other employer services.

Develops proposals for possible candidates for developers of specific design solutions.

Must organize work to eliminate inconsistencies in technical documentation and design estimates. Contribute to reducing the cost of project documentation.


Author's supervision today is a voluntary matter and is not regulated by any regulatory act, therefore such a function can only be provided in local acts, that is, in the job description.

The chief engineer in construction can participate in the working commission for the selection of routes and sites for construction, take direct part in the design and survey. It should be remembered that the selection of sites and engineering surveys are not the responsibility of the State Inspectorate, this function is assigned to the customer. The chief engineer can only take part in the commission and express his special professional opinion. Has the right to participate in the examination of projects.

Has the right to negotiate during the conclusion of contracts with contractors, determine prices and participate in auctions and tenders for design and survey work.

Can make proposals to senior management for entering data regarding the introduction of new legal requirements into design and estimate documentation.

What the GUI should know

The chief engineer in his work must be guided by current norms and laws, SNiP, GOSTs, and the Town Planning Code. Understand and apply in practice the provisions and requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 and GOST ISO 9001-2015. The GUI is obliged to permanent basis engage in self-education and improve your skills. Must also have an understanding of the organization and management of production. Must keep abreast of new developments in design and construction. Know the rules and regulations of labor protection, the basics of copyright and patent law.


The chief engineer of the project may bear responsibility, as provided for by current legislation, for architectural solutions and technical and economic indicators at the facility under construction, timeliness of preparation and completeness of design and estimate documentation. Also, the job description may provide for liability for failure to fulfill the signed job description.

Profession - assistant chief engineer

Appeared not too long ago new profession- GUI Assistant. They can even take on such a position young specialist no work experience. Typically, the job involves directly assisting the chief engineer. The main requirements include the following personal and professional qualities:

  • higher or secondary education in construction;
  • ability to read drawings;
  • activity;
  • communication skills;
  • knowledge of computers and special programs.

Naturally, the job responsibilities of such a specialist are a little like secretarial or However, this is a good opportunity for a novice engineer to gain work experience and understand the intricacies of the work, with the further prospect of becoming the chief engineer of the project.

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1. General Provisions
1.1. The chief engineer of the project belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. The chief engineer of the project is appointed to the position on a competitive basis in order to organize the development of design estimates, tender and other documentation necessary for construction and management of design and survey work, throughout the entire period of preliminary feasibility assessments and investment calculations, bidding, conclusion of an agreement with the customer, design, construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities. The decision on appointment to the position of chief engineer of the project and on dismissal from the position is made by the General Director of the Company.
1.3. The chief engineer of the project reports directly to the General Director of the Company.
1.4. During the absence of the chief engineer of the project (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order general director, which acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to it.
1.5. The chief engineer of the project is guided in his activities by: current legislation, regulatory materials for the design, construction and operation of facilities; The company's charter, local regulations legal acts, regulatory and administrative documents issued by the head of the organization; this job description, as well as other local regulations.
1.6. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of chief engineer of the project professional education, five years of project management experience, at least eight years of design experience.
1.7. The chief project engineer must know:
- legislative acts, regulatory legal and administrative documents, international and state standards, specifications and other materials on the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, catalogs of design documentation for mass use, technical regulations, building codes and regulations, regulatory documents of state supervisory authorities, other regulatory materials in relation to the specialization of the position;
- prospects for technical, economic and social development industries;
- economics and organization of construction, labor and management;
- basics of copyright and patent law;
- protection requirements environment and environmental safety;
- basics of labor legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- best practices in design and construction;
- organization, planning, economics of design and engineering surveys;
- design methods;
- modern technical means design and implementation of computational work;
- automation tools design work;
- certification procedure;
- profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure;
- market methods management and enterprise management, its business plan;
- technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the facilities being designed;
- the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts, contracts for the creation (transfer) of scientific and technical products;
- local regulations relating to project activities.
1.8. To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for in this job description, the chief project engineer interacts with:
- with the General Director of the Company or his deputy on issues of receiving instructions, instructions, orders related directly to his activities; as well as providing all necessary information on cash flow at the Company's cash desk;
- with the chief accountant and his deputy(s) on the following issues: obtaining the necessary accounting and tax reporting;
- with the head of the HR department on issues of obtaining personnel documentation;
- with employees included in the project team on issues of managing a specific project and monitoring its implementation;
- with other employees on the issues of obtaining all the necessary, properly executed documents for carrying out operations to conduct their project.

2. Job responsibilities
2.1. Chief Project Engineer:
- Prepares and approves the task for performing engineering survey work, the task for preparing design documentation for a capital construction project;
- Determines the criteria for selecting participants in the work of performing engineering surveys, preparing design documentation and selecting performers of such work, as well as coordinating the activities of performers of such work;
- Approves the results of engineering surveys and design documentation;
- Presents, coordinates and accepts the results of engineering surveys and preparation of design documentation;
- ensures planning of the enterprise’s activities on issues within its competence;
- organizes the preparation of a calendar plan for the development of design and other documentation for construction, calendar plans for the production of scientific and technical products;
- participates in the development and preparation of schedules for the implementation of research, design, engineering and technological work for facilities where new technological processes and equipment with a long development, design and manufacturing cycle will be used;
- monitors the timing of development of design and estimate documentation, timing of design and survey work;
- monitors the compliance of the technical and economic levels of the adopted design decisions with the established requirements, the economical expenditure of funds for design and survey work, timeliness of development of design and estimate documentation;
- coordinates design and survey work for the entire complex of the project;
- controls the timeliness of placing orders for the supply of equipment and materials, organizing their acceptance, and filing, if necessary, claims against manufacturers and suppliers;
- organizes monitoring of the progress of work on the implementation of the project;
- organizes work to check the patent purity of those first used or developed on the project technological processes, equipment, structures, materials and products;
- analyzes and systematizes the experience of design, construction and operation of constructed facilities, prepares, on this basis, proposals to improve the technical level and economic efficiency of design solutions;
- takes the necessary measures to ensure the required dynamics of investments and the receipt of income from the implementation of the project, sufficient to compensate investors for the resources they have invested and the risk they have taken;
- ensures compliance with norms and standards for the design, construction and operation of facilities, other individual customer requirements for the technological level and quality, architectural expressiveness and social significance of facilities;
- ensures the practical application of advanced scientific and technical achievements and the introduction of progressive technologies to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the domestic (world) market;
- exercises control over the activities of subcontractors insofar as they relate to the conduct of its project;
- participates in tenders (auctions) held by the customer when placing an order for the design of objects.
2.2. Prepares data for concluding an agreement with the customer for the performance of design and survey work and the provision of engineering and consulting services, including the stages of development, the composition and volume of documentation for construction, the conditions for insuring risks associated with the development of the project and its implementation, justification negotiated prices, copyright protection and intellectual property, confidentiality terms.
2.3. If necessary, participates in determining the composition of project participants, including subcontracting design and survey organizations, distributing tasks among them, concluding agreements on the scope of work, deadlines for their completion and payment terms.
2.4. Provides a high technical and economic level of designed objects based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology, the most appropriate and economical design solutions.
2.5. Ensures compliance of the developed design and estimate documentation with urban planning and other norms, state standards, rules and instructions.
2.6. Ensures the development of the most appropriate and cost-effective design solutions.
2.7. Ensures projects comply with technical specifications for design and working documentation.
2.8. Participates in the selection and approval of the location of the facility, in the preparation of design assignments and, if necessary, in the organization of engineering surveys.
2.9. Provides technical management of design and survey work during the design of the facility and supervision of its construction, commissioning and development of design capacities.
2.10. Takes measures aimed at improving the quality of design estimates and reducing the consumption of material resources during the construction of facilities, reducing the cost of their operation based on improving the quality of design, urban planning and architectural planning solutions.
2.11. Protects the project in the examination bodies, carries out the necessary approvals with the authorities state power and local governments.
2.12. Participates in the work of commissions for the selection of sites (routes) for construction, in the preparation of design assignments and in the organization of engineering research for the development of design estimates and other technical documentation, and organizes its development.
2.13. Forms assignments for subcontractors to perform the work entrusted to them and provides these organizations with the necessary initial data, resolves issues that arise during the development of documentation.
2.14. Taking into account the actual state of construction or in connection with the introduction of new regulatory documents, it prepares motivated proposals for the customer to make changes to the working documentation.
2.15. Provides timely resolution of issues related to design and arising during the construction process, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities.
2.16. Organizes work to eliminate detected defects in design estimates and other technical documentation, as well as to record the expenditure of approved estimates.
2.17. Conducts the necessary approvals with state supervisory authorities and other organizations of justified deviations from current norms, rules, and instructions.
2.18. Prepares reviews and conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.
2.19. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and preparation of applications for inventions, attends seminars and practical conferences in his specialty.

3. Rights
The chief engineer of the project has the right:
3.1. Receive assistance from the General Director of the Company and his immediate superiors in the performance of his official duties.
3.2. Represent the design organization in institutions, organizations and enterprises on the development, coordination and review of design and other documentation for construction, manufacture and supply of equipment and materials, construction and development of design capacities.
3.3. Make decisions and conduct correspondence over your signature on issues of technical and economic assessments and investment calculations, bidding, concluding an agreement with the customer, design, construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities.
3.4. Conduct negotiations and enter into preliminary agreements with the customer upon receipt of an order for the design and construction of a facility, including the contract price and other conditions for the work.
3.5. Form the composition of participants in the development of the project, including specialists who are not part of the organization’s staff, determine their powers, forms of organization and remuneration, incentives and penalties.
3.6. Check the status of project development, including with the involvement of competent specialists and organizations as experts and consultants, compliance with established design deadlines and the quality of design solutions in the process of developing project documentation.
3.7. Decide on the formation of a reserve of funds and its use.
3.8. Conduct additional inspection or testing of structures, carry out quality checks on any part of the structure.
3.9. Suspend construction and installation works if they are carried out with deviations from the project, if technical conditions and rules for the production of these works are violated, as well as if their quality is unsatisfactory.
3.10. Prohibit the use of any materials and equipment that do not meet the established requirements.
3.11. Suspend the fulfillment of contractual obligations if there is a need for additional approval with the customer for the implementation or acceptance of construction and installation work with deviations from terms of reference to complete the project.

4. Responsibility
The Chief Project Engineer is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description.
4.2. For causing material damage employer - within the limits established labor legislation Russian Federation.
4.3. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the administrative, civil, and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For violation of information confidentiality regimes, failure to ensure systematization and safety of documents to which he receives access in the course of carrying out his job duties, in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.5. For violation of the requirements of the Company's Internal Labor Regulations, fire and safety regulations, Rules for working with documents constituting a trade secret, in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Job description

Chief Project Engineer

1. General Provisions

  1. This job description defines functional responsibilities rights and responsibilities of the chief engineer of the project LLC “……..”

  2. The chief engineer of the project belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

  3. The chief project engineer reports directly to the head of the Company.
1.4. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in the design and construction of residential and industrial facilities of at least 3 years, and in the design of particularly large and complex facilities - at least 10 years, is appointed to the position of chief engineer of the project.

1.5. The chief project engineer must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts, administrative and regulatory materials on the design, construction and operation of facilities;

  • profile, specialization and features of the organization’s structure;

  • technical prospects, economic development organizations;

  • design methods;

  • organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;

  • best practices in design and construction;

  • modern technical means of designing and performing computational work;

  • means of automation of design work;

  • technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the facilities being designed;

  • technical regulations, construction standards and rules;

  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts for creation (transfer) scientific and technical products;

  • standards, technical specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation;

  • economics and organization of construction;

  • Copyright;

  • basics of standardization, certification and patent science;

  • environmental protection requirements;

  • office work standards (classification of documents, procedures for execution, registration, passage, storage, etc.);

  • basics of labor legislation;

  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

  • environmental protection requirements.
1.6. The chief engineer of the project is guided in his activities by:

  • company charter;

  • this job description;

  • regulatory materials for the design, construction and operation of facilities.

2. Functional responsibilities

    1. The chief engineer of the project is required to perform the following labor functions and his job responsibilities for organizing engineering surveys and organizing architectural and construction design include, respectively:

  • preparation and approval of assignments for the performance of engineering survey work, assignments for the preparation of design documentation for a capital construction project;

  • determining criteria for selecting participants in the work of performing engineering surveys, preparing design documentation and selecting performers of such work, as well as coordinating the activities of performers of such work;

  • presentation, approval and acceptance of the results of engineering surveys and preparation of design documentation;

  • approval of the results of engineering surveys and design documentation;

  1. Provides technical management of the design process, organizational
management of all design participants, strives to improve the quality of engineering and design solutions, high technical and economic level of designed objects.

  1. Organizes the development of high-quality and complete design documentation and the delivery of finished design products within the time frame established by the schedule.

  2. Participates in the work of the commission for selecting a site (route) for construction, in preparing design assignments and in organizing inspections of objects subject to reconstruction.

  3. Draws up a comprehensive schedule for the implementation of design and survey work, and, if necessary, scientific research work for objects.

  4. Forms a composition of project developers with the involvement of representatives of subcontractor organizations, distributes tasks between them according to sections and parts of the project and the scope of work.

  5. Organizes timely and high-quality preparation of assignments for subcontracting design and survey organizations to carry out work and provides these organizations with the necessary initial data for design.

  6. Manages the preparation of information and data necessary for the preparation and conclusion of contracts for design and survey work, including estimates and special conditions to the contract, checks and endorses all materials under the contracts.

  7. Organizes the development of the necessary options to identify the most appropriate and economical design solutions, unified space-planning, structural and technological solutions, units, structures and products.

  8. Develops the most complex sections dictated by the purpose or specific conditions of the designed object explanatory note and other technical documents, or participates in their development.

  9. With the methodological assistance of the patent service, organizes work to check the patent purity and patentability of equipment, structures, materials and products first used or developed in the project.

  10. Timely resolves all design-related issues that arose during the construction and commissioning of facilities, resolves conflict situations that arise between design participants, and ensures the interconnection of all sections and parts of the project.

  11. Carries out control and coordination of design and survey work for the entire project complex, ensures the issuance of complete design documentation to the customer within the time limits specified in the schedule for the contract for the performance of these works.

  12. Monitors the compliance of projects with the design assignment and working documentation, the approved project, the correct application of norms, rules, instructions and state standards, signs the design documentation drawings in the prescribed manner.

  13. Checks the status of the development of design documentation, compliance with design deadlines and the quality of design solutions in the process of developing design documentation by all design participants, the correctness of spending funds on design and survey work.

  14. Carries out systematic step-by-step accounting of work performed, manages the preparation of acceptance certificates for design products, and organizes their signing by customers.

  15. Organizes the protection of projects in coordinating organizations, participates in the review and approval of general contracting construction organization design documentation in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

  16. Coordinates design documentation, completed with justified deviations from current norms, rules and instructions, with state supervisory authorities.

  17. Organizes and controls designer's supervision of construction, personally carries out designer's supervision of objects.

  18. Immediately notifies the organization's management of all serious violations in the design process and designer's supervision of construction, and takes measures to eliminate them.

  19. Monitors the processes for which he is responsible, records on monitoring and evaluation of the progress of processes quarterly transfers to the Quality Service.

  20. Convenes a meeting or participates in the work of working groups of the architectural and technical council of the organization, in meetings and conferences with the management of the organization and in other organizations on issues of reviewing the progress of design work, designer's supervision of the construction and commissioning of designed facilities.

  21. Conducts an analysis of the workload of design participants and, if necessary, attracts additional design participants.

  22. Requires brigade and group leaders to draw up operational schedules for the development of design and estimate documentation, according to the sheet-by-sheet composition of the project, indicating the performers of each drawing.

  23. Resolves conflict situations on design issues between design participants.
In case of official necessity, the chief engineer of the project may be involved in performing his duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights
The chief project engineer has the right to:

  1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the head of the company.

  2. Manage the financial resources and property entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts and the organization’s charter.

  3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

  4. Initiate and conduct meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues.

  5. Request and receive from structural divisions necessary information and documents.
3.6. Conduct quality and timeliness checks on assignments.

  1. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements), compliance established norms, rules, instructions, give instructions on correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

  2. Submit for consideration by the head of the company proposals on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished employees and on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor discipline.

  3. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed by him.

  4. Require the head of the company to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

  1. The chief engineer of the project bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

  1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

  2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

  3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

  4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

  5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

  6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

  1. The assessment of the work of the chief engineer of the project is carried out:

  1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

  1. The main criterion for assessing the work of the chief project engineer is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this job description.

5. Working conditions

  1. The work schedule of the chief project engineer is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

  2. Due to production needs, the chief engineer of the project is required to travel to business trips(including local significance).

  3. To resolve operational issues related to ensuring production activities, the chief engineer of the project may be allocated company vehicles.

6. Signature right
6.1. To ensure its activities, the chief engineer of the project is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence

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In the layman's understanding, the chief engineer of a project is a specialist with higher education in the field of construction and relevant work experience. In addition, this position implies excellent managerial and organizational skills. Moreover, the chief executive officer must regularly confirm his professional skills in advanced training courses. It should be understood that it depends on the level of education, creativity and the experience of this specialist directly affects the quality of the entire project. After all, the customer’s needs are implemented into a specific construction project exclusively in accordance with his unique and modern ideas.

It is interesting that there is still an opinion that the GIP is fully responsible for all technical documentation. But the state of affairs in the industry has long since changed. Currently, this position is comparable to the traditional concept of “project manager”. In a succinct form, the responsibilities of the ISU are reduced to timely investment and achieving maximum financial efficiency. That is, the economic aspect associated with the optimization of production processes is at the forefront. And all technical issues, although with the consent of the chief engineer of the project, are still developed and implemented locally by more specialized specialists. It should be borne in mind that the project manager is only one of the participants in the global construction process for the implementation of the project, and he does not even have the physical ability to control all its stages.

General concepts about the position of chief project engineer

Many people believe that in the event of an accident, all legal responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the chief engineer of the project. In practice, the investigation to bring charges will identify the direct culprit in erroneous construction calculations. Of course, the project manager, who put his signature on the project documentation, in this case bears consolidated responsibility with the organization that provided the expert opinion. However, it is important to understand that today the employer is hiring for this position not the most qualified specialist in a construction project, but an experienced organizer who preferably also has a second economic or specialized education and communication skills.

In reality, the GUI regularly performs main task an arbiter who reconciles multiple contradictions that arise between various project participants. He always protects the investor’s side and strictly monitors compliance with safety conditions, and in controversial situations between narrow specialists (for example, between an electrician and a heating engineer) is guided solely by economic feasibility for their regulation.

There are no special requirements for applicants for the position of Chief Executive Officer. In this case, it is only necessary to clearly fulfill your responsibilities and effectively use your rights. An important advantage, all other things being equal, when selecting a direct candidate for the position of project manager is the presence of a second diploma (along with the specialized one).

In addition, it is believed that an applicant can be entrusted with the position of Chief Inspector only if he has at least eight years of experience in this vacancy. And for large industrial facilities such a qualification must be at least ten years. Thus, the age of the applicant, based on the specified parameters, must be at least thirty years old. It is interesting that there are simply no upper restrictions on the position of project manager, since the invaluable experience of people of the middle and older generations is difficult to overestimate.

Job description of the chief engineer of the project

The project manager is a key person with a wide range of responsibilities, which include the following:

Provide technical supervision of all survey and design work;

Take comprehensive measures to improve the quality of design and estimate documentation;

Generate tasks for subcontractors (monitor their execution) and calendar plans works;

Prepare information reports for concluding contracts with customers;

Monitor the patent purity and patentability of equipment and materials that are used for the first time;

Protect the project, including justification for all deviations from current building rules and regulations;

Carry out a full assessment of the risks associated with the implementation of the project;

Prepare a comprehensive conclusion regarding all rationalization proposals and inventions of project participants;

Conduct a regular review of the degree of customer satisfaction with the quality of services provided by the construction organization;

Protect the project in all authorities and examination bodies;

Maintain constant interaction with government and non-government structures in the field of expert assessments;

Distribute responsibility between managers and developers of design solutions;

Ensure optimal interaction between all involved services of the employer (accounting, contract department, etc.);

Organize a set of measures to establish optimal compliance between technical documentation and design and estimate data;

Implement a set of measures to reduce costs for creating project documentation.

GUI rights

Since designer supervision is currently not provided for by the relevant regulations, these functions, as a rule, are provided only in local documentation. Thus, according to the job description, the GIP has the right to participate in the following project activities:

Working commission for the selection of sites and routes for construction;

Survey and design of engineering communications;

Tenders and auctions for design and survey work;

Negotiations for concluding contracts with contractors;

The process of making proposals for changing design and estimate documentation in accordance with new legislative requirements.

Responsibility of the ISU

The chief engineer of the project, within the framework of his duties, must strictly be guided by the legal norms in force in our country, including SNiP, the Urban Planning Code and GOST.

The GUI is directly responsible for the practical application of the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 and GOST ISO 9001-2015. He must regularly engage in self-education in order to improve the level of his qualifications, and periodically undergo training at relevant departmental courses. A competent project manager must have a complete understanding of the management system and organization production processes at the enterprise. His area of ​​competence includes all promising construction developments, as well as labor protection rules and protective standards of patent and copyright law.

The project manager, within the framework provided by Russian legislation, is responsible for the technical and economic indicators and architectural solutions at the construction site. He is obliged to prepare estimate and design documentation in a timely manner and in full, and also strictly adhere to the job description.

IN Lately The position of assistant superintendent has been introduced, which provides for the training of young personnel for this responsible and complex work.

I. General part.

1.1. The chief project engineer (CPI) is appointed by order of the general director of the enterprise from among managers or specialists.

1.2. The chief project engineer must have:

Higher vocational (technical) education,

Work experience in gas industry at least 3 years;

Certificate confirming completion of training in the design of gas supply systems.

1.3. In his work, the chief engineer of the project is guided by current Rules, SNiPs, GOSTs, methodological and regulatory materials for the design of gas supply systems, guidelines for the development and execution of design and estimate documentation, the Regulations on the internal production quality control system for design work, as well as this Job Description.

2. Responsibilities

The chief engineer of the project is obliged to:

2.1. Provide technical management of project work.

2.2. Review and approve design and estimate documentation.

2.3. Based on the use of the most appropriate and economical design solutions, ensure a high technical and economic level of the designed objects and the quality of design estimates.

2.4. Participate in the coordination of design decisions and in discussion of the project in higher organizations and examination bodies.

2.5. Analyze and summarize the experience of design, construction and operation of constructed facilities, prepare on this basis proposals for improving the design and implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of design solutions.

2.6. Monitor mandatory compliance with the requirements of current SNiPs, GOSTs, rules, instructions and design guidelines and other methodological and regulatory documents when implementing gasification projects.

2.7. Monitor the validity period, timely renewal and introduction of necessary changes to the license to carry out design work.

3. Rights

The chief project engineer has the right to:

3.1. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by the General Director.

3.2. Refuse approval and return for revision design and estimate documentation made in violation of the requirements of current regulatory and guidance materials, as well as deviations from technical conditions.

3.3. Suspend project team personnel from work if gross violations of current regulatory requirements are identified in the project documentation.

4. Responsibility

The chief project engineer is responsible for:

Organizing the activities of the project team;

High-quality and timely execution of design estimates;

Compliance with the requirements of this Job Description.

HR Manager: _____________________
