Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Letter for the conclusion of the contract. Sample agreement of intent to conclude a contract. How to write a cover letter for a contract

A letter can be addressed to one person or several at the same time. An invitation letter is sent, usually a few days or even weeks before the event, so that the invited person has the time and opportunity to make a decision and get together for the celebration. It is advisable to send a response letter to the offer, even if the offer is rejected. Refusal must be formulated politely, indicate the reason for the refusal, even if made up. The letter of invitation is issued in accordance with the rules established for business letter. Sample Letter of Invitation (.doc) Letter of request. Sample letter of request A letter of request is a request to obtain the necessary information, goods, services, documents, to provide recommendations, to organize a meeting, etc. When compiling it, you need to justify the need to fulfill the request.

Letter of intent to conclude a contract

A letter on renewing the contract for another company is sent on behalf of the organization to the counterparty when it ceases to exist or for some other reason transfers its rights to cooperate to another legal entity (or individual entrepreneur). FILESDownload a blank form of a letter about renewing an agreement for another company.docDownload a sample letter about renewing an agreement for another company.doc It is customary to draw up documents of this kind in free form. The tone and text will depend on the nature of the interaction between counterparties.

In any case, each individual letter is a separate “phrase” of the dialogue. business communication. There can be no unified form for it, since each interaction is unique. Reasons for renegotiating a contract There can be many grounds for renewing a contract.

Letter of conclusion of the contract sample form

Basic requirements for writing a business letter

  • The presence of a letterhead with the name of the organization, address, logo and seal;
  • The presence of margins is obligatory: on the left - 3 cm, on the right - 1.5 cm;
  • The heading of a business letter must indicate the recipient (name, position);
  • In accordance with the requirements of office work, the date of sending the letter and its registration number are indicated in the upper left corner;
  • The business letter is signed by the sender (name, position);
  • Traditionally, a business letter is written using the font Times New Roman in size 12 and single spacing.

Vivid examples of letters business correspondence are an offer, guarantee or cover letters, which differ in a number of characteristics.

Sample letter of agreement


Even if the relationship is informal, in business correspondence it is better to stick to general rules.

  • Reasons for restart. In the submitted form of the document, a common reason is spelled out - a production need. In each case, the reasons may vary.

The main thing is specifics.
  • The name of the company to which the existing contract is to be reissued.
  • What contract was concluded between counterparties. Its number and date of signing are indicated.
  • If necessary, from what date it is necessary to draw up a new contract between counterparties.
  • The renegotiation of contracts will imply a change in company details. For convenience, it is better to attach the data that needs to be changed in a list.

    The attached form contains columns for specifying payment data for both the old and the new organization.

    contracts by type

    Moreover, it is fundamentally important that the details are indicated to the new organization. That is, the sending company must exist and apply to the counterparty with a specific request. From a company that has gone bankrupt or for other reasons “left the game”, such requests will be perceived illogically.

    Consistently in the paper is the following information:

    • About the addressee. In the upper right corner, it is written to which of the counterparties the letter is sent. Even if the rest of the text of the appeal is carbon-copied, this part must be unique for each letter.
    • Full name of the addressee.
    • Date of creation of the document, if necessary - its number for subsequent registration. This entire cluster of data is located in the upper right corner of the sheet, in front of the main text of the letter.
    • Appeal. TO business partners It is customary to address by name, patronymic and "you".

    Letter to renew the contract for another company

    Sample thank you letter for cooperation (.doc) Sample letter of thanks to an organization (.doc) Sample letter of thanks to an employee (.doc) Sample letters of guarantee: A letter of guarantee is a non-commercial business letter that contains confirmation (guarantee) of the performance of some actions or compliance certain conditions: terms and fact of payment for the products received, work performed or services rendered, quality assurance, etc. In other words, a letter of guarantee is a way to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation by a party to a transaction. A letter of guarantee may be drawn up in response to a letter of claim.

    Request letter. sample letter of request

    Cover letters to contracts are widely used in activities legal entities, are required in some cases when applying individuals To legal organizations. Below you can find information about the features of compiling cover letters, and in case of unresolved issues, apply through the online form and get free recommendations. What is important to consider if you need to write a contract letter Cover letters are not legal documents and do not have a strict form of drafting.

    When compiling a letter, it is important to remember that the main task is to identify the physical and legal parties involved in the contract and to preliminarily stipulate the desire to receive or provide services or goods, the subject of which is the contract attached to the letter, that is, to make an offer.

    Sample letter asking for a contract

    Thus, the counterparty should have already been informed that the contract is being terminated. And the conclusion of a new one is a completely voluntary process. The addressing organization can sign it if it wants to.

    That is, the previous one cannot in any way force the renegotiation of an agreement with another organization. For these reasons, it is especially important to make a request, rather than a demand, in a renegotiation letter for another company. Is it possible to draw up an addendum An additional agreement to the contract is drawn up only when some of the clauses are changed in it.
    If there is a change of one of the parties, then it will be easiest to conclude a new contract. This rule applies to all cases. Even when the old and new organizations have the same owner, the counterparty should still conclude an agreement again.

    Have you ever had such a situation when the end of the reporting period is on the nose, and the potential client does not agree to the deal in any way? You can start to panic and turn into a pushy salesman. But there is better and more effective method. Instead of chasing your potential client with endless phone calls and aggressive letters, try a more subtle approach - write him an effective and motivating letter to close the contract.

    The following are letter templates suitable for any business area: whether you are offering a client or providing other services, buying a certain product from you or becoming a supplier of goods, in any case, they can help you close deals, if you don’t say: “It’s over month. Are you ready to buy?

    An Effective Contract Letter: 5 Templates You Can Use

    1. New pricing policy

    This is the tactic of SalesMBA founder Jeff Hoffman. He says:

    "If the end of the month or quarter is near and the prospect is still not 'closed', wait until there are three days left and submit a new contract."

    Hoffman explains that by now you've likely already offered a discount, so if you show the customer new price without a discount, he will be more motivated to buy before old price will disappear. After you talk to a potential customer, you can determine whether the discount should be extended.

    Sample letter for concluding an agreement: New pricing policy

    We are approaching the end of the month and I want to send you new rates as current rates are no longer valid on [date]. [Date] the conclusion of the transaction will be available taking into account the new cost.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    [Your name]

    2. Remaining budget

    Many departments of the company have certain allocated budgets. At the end of the quarter or reporting year, they lose any allocated budget that they don't use. If you're trying to close a deal by this time, it's helpful to remind your prospect of this.

    As long as they don't lose budget at the end of the month, it's still a great way to continue chatting in peace.

    Sample letter: Leftover budget? We have some ideas for you

    Dear [Prospect Name],
    It's the end of the quarter and many departments like yours are looking for ways to use their allocated budgets. If you have an imposed term of use, then I would be happy to provide you with a solution. I can draw up documents and deliver them to you before the end of the day.
    Let me know if you are interested. I am also ready to answer any of your questions.
    [Your name]

    3. Help guide

    You will need the help of your superiors to close the deal. Contact your leaders. They are usually interested in you closing the deal, so don't be afraid to ask department heads or the CEO to email or call the potential client.

    Respect your leadership's time by offering finished letter or abstracts for telephone conversation. Often this approach shows a potential client how interested your company is in him. It is also a certain kind of personal attention to the client, which will push him to choose your company.

    [Name and title] [your company name]. How can we help your business?

    Hello [Prospect Name]!
    [Your name] told me about your partnership with him and I wanted to contact you personally to answer any questions or concerns you might have about choosing [your company name] as your partner.
    I am very interested in our cooperation being productive, so you can contact me if necessary. I look forward to learning more about how I can help.
    [Name and position]

    4. Negative Sellback

    It's a pretty bold idea, but HubSpot's clerk Mike Rogewitz puts it to good use. This is called "negative sell-back" and it's a way to push the negotiation into a deal or get a clear "no" so you can move on. The formula looks like this:

    Potential customer: "XYZ".

    Salesperson: “Usually when I hear someone say XYZ, it really means ABC. Is it really true?

    Rogewitz says:

    “This structure has saved me countless times. “Is it fair for me to assume that this is so?” gently nudges the prospect to be more honest about their interest in my product.”

    However, this method is not for the faint of heart. Rogewitz warns:

    “Apply it selectively and diplomatically. Make sure you never use it when there's no chance of a deal."

    Wanted to appreciate your interest in this...

    Hello [Prospect Name]!

    We were faced with [insert the appropriate phrase: "We have not been able to close a deal for several weeks", "Our last few calls have been ignored", "You have not introduced me to your team"]. Usually, when this happens, it means that you are not interested in our offer right now. Is it so?

    If yes, then no need to worry, we can return to this topic a little later, when it is more important for you.


    [Your name]

    You can lose a client by sending them an email like this, so reserve it for deals that really stall. Send it to the person with whom nothing else has worked.

    5. Project Timeline

    Some potential customers are easy to miss. Send the project schedule to interested people who are stalling. This is a gentle reminder from you that you are ready to close the trade and set a date for it to happen. Giving the potential client a specific deadline will also give them the motivation they need to complete the negotiations and sign the contract.

    As a rule, the title indicates the name of the subject of the lease;

    • Actually, the main part, which contains an offer or a counter initiative for it (if this is a letter of response). This includes the conditions on which the author insists, and the possibility and procedure for their revision, and sometimes the finished draft lease agreement, which is proposed for consideration by the other party;
    • The signature of the sender and data about him, as well as data about the organization, if he acts as a legal entity;

    Significance of the letter of offer Despite the fact that writing such a letter is not necessary, and is often omitted, it makes it possible to more accurately formulate the terms of the contract and reach a compromise between the parties at the preliminary stage of the transaction, which will help to avoid contradictions that may arise in the future.

    Letter of conclusion of the contract sample form

    It can be in the form:

    • a detailed draft treaty, in which even not very essential details are spelled out;
    • letters containing the most important conditions on which cooperation is possible;
    • a message that specifies only the essential terms of a future transaction.

    A business letter with a proposal to conclude a deal includes the following components:

    • a header containing the addressee's data;
    • outgoing number and date;
    • details of the letter to which the answer is given (if the offer is sent in response to someone's question about the possibility of cooperation);
    • title;
    • appeal (if the document is addressed personally to the head);
    • body of the offer (this part of the document lists the conditions under which the author of the letter agrees to draw up the contract);
    • sender's signature with full name and position.

    Letter of intent to conclude a contract

    • sent to one or several subjects at once;
    • denotes all material terms of the future agreement (i.e. those without which this species transactions cannot be executed): for example, for a sale agreement, the condition for the sale of an object will be essential, and for a contract agreement, the conditions for the work performed and an indication of the deadline for its completion;
    • an offer received by the addressee cannot be withdrawn during the period of time provided for giving a response to it (however, the offer itself may stipulate the admissibility of its withdrawal).

    If the subject who received the offer is completely satisfied with it, he can accept it (for example, sign the received draft agreement, send a response letter of consent to complete the transaction, actually start the execution of the agreement). Silence does not equate to acceptance of the offer of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    contracts by type

    Our current account ………………………………………………………………………Yur. address, TIN / KPP, BIK, R / s, C / s, OKONKh, OKPORhead ………………………………… Ch. accountant …………………………………(F.


    I. O. and contact phone of the performer) Signature of the head and seal 3. to CEO OOO SPETSMONTAZH-SV N.P. Pavlov We are sending you a list of employees responsible for putting the object under protection: 1.


    Last name First name Middle name in full - home phone; mobile phone.2. ………………………………………………………………3. ……………………………………………………………… Signature of the head and seal For individuals

    Pavlov from gr. Full name, living I, (F.I.

    Sample letter of agreement for lease

    Why is it marked “not a public offer” in advertising? The law says that general rule advertising is not considered an offer. This is quite logical, because the purpose of advertising is to put goods and services in a favorable light, and not to convey to consumers all the conditions for their purchase.

    However, if the text of the advertisement includes all the essential terms of the future contract, then the advertisement is considered an offer. And if such an advertising offer is designed for all responding persons, then it is a public offer.
    An offer obliges the person who made it to conclude an agreement on exactly the conditions that were indicated in it. For example, if we are talking about the sale of a refrigerator of a certain model at a price of 15 thousand rubles, then it will no longer be possible to put it up for sale at a different price. Therefore, advertisers, as a rule, are not interested in the fact that the advertising they distribute has signs of an offer.

    Sample letter of agreement

    It is also worth noting that there are no strict criteria for making an offer in writing. In most cases, you should follow the general rules and recommendations for writing business letters. It is also quite common to send a draft of a future treaty along with a letter and further discuss the details in correspondence. The moment when the next stage of the transaction begins - the conclusion of the contract - comes only after the letter - acceptance, which expresses the consent of the second party with the proposed conditions.
    Letter structure

    • "Header", which indicates information about the recipient, such as full name, organization name, position of the addressee, etc.;
    • Serial number of the letter and date of registration (if any);
    • The title reflects the subject of the letter and the appeal.

    What should be a letter to conclude a contract: 5 templates

    For reference, a sample offer is available on this page. Sample letters of offer to conclude contracts for the provision of services and supplies Proposal to conclude a contract for the provision of services (form) Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel (position of the addressee - to whom the offer is intended) (name of organization) "" 20

    No. Concluding a service agreement We offer you to conclude a service agreement on the following terms: 1) ; 2) ; 3). We are waiting for your answer before “ ” 20. Sincerely, (position, signature and full name of the addressee) (Name of organization, seal) Offer for the supply of products (form) (position of the addressee - to whom the offer is intended) (name of organization) “” 20
    No. to No. from "" 20 About the supply of products Thank you for the inquiry from "" 20 and let us know that we can offer you in quantity.

    It should be noted that a public offer can be presented not only in written or oral form, but also in the form of certain actions. Thus, the display of goods in trading floor, on showcases and counters, the placement of product catalogs or descriptions in the store is also considered a public offer to buy these items at retail.

    These actions are an offer even in cases where the seller has not indicated the price of the offered goods. As an example of a public offer to conclude a contract, we can name the information posted on the website of the online store:

    • about the range;
    • product prices;
    • terms and order of payment and delivery;
    • Store warranties and responsibilities.

    Sometimes such information directly reflects that they are an offer.

    Sample letter for concluding a contract for services

    Sample letters for concluding a contract for security (for individuals and legal entities) For legal entities

    Shevchuk (Name of organization) asks you to conclude an agreement for the departure of police crews on “alarm” signals from our premises located at: We guarantee payment. Our current account ………………………………………………………………………Yur.

    TIN / KPP, BIK, R / s, C / s, OKONKH, OKPORhead ………………………………… Ch. accountant …………………………………(F.

    Acting name and contact phone number of the contractor) Signature of the head and seal Pavlovu (Name of organization) asks you to take under protection our premises, located at: We guarantee payment.

    What is it - a public offer - in simple words? This is an offer made to an unlimited and yet indefinite number of recipients. Anyone can accept this offer. The form of the offer coincides with the form of the transaction being made, that is, it is possible both orally and in writing. In commercial practice, an offer is often a draft agreement sent by an interested person to a potential counterparty. Sometimes they say that this is an offer contract. However, it can also be in the form of a business letter - in this case, the draft agreement is developed by the parties after reaching agreement on all points. An example of an offer in everyday life maybe, for example, an appeal from the owner of a summer cottage to a neighbor regarding the sale of surplus vegetables. Or an appeal to a friend with a proposal to lend some item (baby stroller, sled, etc.) for temporary use.
    Quality: . Package: . Price: . Delivery time: . Terms of payment: . This offer is valid until "" 20. Sincerely, (position, signature and full name of the addressee) (Name of organization, seal) In what cases is a public offer used to conclude a contract? A special type of this document is a public offer.
    This term denotes a proposal to conclude a deal, addressed to an indefinite circle of subjects. The law names the following features of a public offer:

    • contains the essential terms of the expected transaction;
    • from its text it is obvious that any person who applies can enter into a contractual relationship.

    If the announcement of the sale of goods, the provision of services expressly states that it concerns only certain categories of citizens, then such a message is not considered a public offer.
    The letter on the conclusion of the lease agreement is often confused directly with the agreement itself, however, this is not the case. The letter of conclusion of the lease is an offer, that is, an optional and preliminary stage of the transaction.

    This is just a proposal for cooperation, in which one of the parties offers its terms of the contract and an acceptable framework for changing them. How to write a letter of offer The initiative can come from any of the parties to the contract, both on their own initiative and in the form of a response to the offer.

    The most typical is the situation in which, in response to a public offer (this is, in fact, an advertisement, that is, an offer that is addressed to an unlimited circle of people), a response letter is sent. Despite the name, the written side (if the participants agree) can be omitted, limited to an oral agreement or even a telephone conversation.

    Civil law does not provide for such a type of contract as an agreement of intent, while this type of transaction is widely used in civil circulation.

    As stated in paragraph 1 of Art. 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement is called an agreement establishing / changing / terminating a civil legal relationship. From this we can conclude that any contract is an agreement, but not every agreement can be called a contract. Accordingly, in order to qualify an agreement of intent as a contract, it must have the above features.

    Determining the legal nature of an agreement of intent to conclude a contract, it can be noted that it is similar to a preliminary contract, but does not meet all the requirements for the latter, enshrined in civil law.

    An agreement of intent to conclude a contract in the future, which does not have the features of a preliminary contract, will not be independent civil law contract, because it does not entail the corresponding legal consequences.

    However, there are 2 opposing positions on this matter:

    • According to the opinion set out in the appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated July 14, 2016 in case No. 33-13559 / 2016, an agreement on the intention to conclude a contract for the sale of an apartment cannot be recognized as a preliminary contract due to its inconsistency with the requirements of Art. 429, 454. At the same time, the court pointed out that the missing obligation is not subject to security by a deposit in the sense of Art. 380 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in view of which the transferred amount, named in the agreement of intent as a deposit, does not give rise to the consequences provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 380 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    • According to the opinion expressed by the 9th AAS in the resolution of July 14, 2015 No. 09AP-24213/2015, the absence of a preliminary agreement concluded between the parties due to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not indicate the absence of obligations assumed by the parties in accordance with the agreement of intent with the condition of making a security deposit.

    Thus, an agreement (contract) of intent, despite its similarity to a preliminary contract, in some cases can be an independent type of civil law contracts.

    Letter of conclusion of the contract: sample

    In some cases, in order to conclude an agreement, it is necessary to send so-called applications for the conclusion of an agreement (such letters are often used when concluding accession agreements).

    An important feature that distinguishes such letters from an agreement of intent to conclude a deal is that they do not entail the onset of any legal obligations, while the agreement is aimed at establishing / changing / terminating a civil legal relationship (Article 153, 420 of the Civil Code RF).

    By their legal nature, these letters can be considered as business correspondence (Article 434.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), since they only record the desire of one of the parties to conclude an agreement. However, it should be borne in mind that the legal meaning of such a letter will depend on its content, since if the subject and essential terms of the transaction are agreed upon in it, such a letter can be qualified as an offer or acceptance of an offer.

    A sample letter of agreement can be downloaded from the link below: Sampleletters of agreement.

    Sample letter of intent to conclude a contract

    A protocol of intent to conclude a contract, like a letter of intent to conclude a contract, does not entail any legal obligations, but only if the protocol does not contain mandatory contractual conditions and is not legally binding, but is only by fixing the agreements reached (for example, the decision of the FAS MO dated April 26, 2013 in case No. A40-85381 / 12-45-576).

    To give a protocol of intent contractual force, it must have the following features:

    • it must agree on the subject matter, essential or other the necessary conditions for transactions of this type;
    • the literal meaning of the terms of the protocol should express the general will of the parties to conclude an agreement in the future;
    • the protocol must be signed by both parties with the obligatory indication of their details.

    A sample letter of intent to conclude an agreement can be downloaded from the link : Sampleprotocol of intent to conclude an agreement.

    Letter of signing the contract: sample, drafting rules

    A letter (minutes) of signing an agreement, as well as a letter of intent to conclude an agreement, as a rule, is drawn up in cases where one of the parties intends to cooperate with the other.

    • the reason or object of the party's intentions;
    • the purposes pursued by this letter;
    • other conditions;
    • party details.

    A sample letter of signing the contract can be downloaded from the link: Sample letter of agreement signing.

    In conclusion, we note that an agreement of intent only records the desire of one of the parties to conclude an agreement. At the same time, the legal meaning of such an agreement will depend on its content, since if the subject and essential terms of the transaction are agreed upon in it, it can be qualified as a contract.

    A SAMPLE LETTER FOR CONCLUDING AGREEMENTS FOR TECHNICAL SUPERVISION THE LETTER SHOULD BE ISSUED ON THE LETTERHEAD OF THE ENTERPRISE To the Head of the Mosvodosbyt Department E.V. I ask you to conclude an agreement for the provision of services for connection, sanitation and supervision of the construction of the pipeline being laid, the object (name of the object) at the address: (address of the object). We guarantee payment. (BANK DETAILS) Position I.O. Surname Signature Surname I.O. performer and phone.

    Letter of intent to conclude a contract


    For example, such a letter of guarantee has the right to ask for:

    • student for presentation to the university (some educational establishments in certain specialties, especially in the case of training at the places of state order, they issue a diploma only after providing a certificate of future official employment);
    • a foreign employee (he must take such a document to the migration service);
    • released prisoners embarking on a labor path (they will have to report to the administrative supervision authorities).

    Features of preparation and execution As a rule, any letter of guarantee does not exceed a standard sheet of A4 format, is printed on a special letterhead of the sending legal entity, signed governing bodies(director, sometimes chief accountant), sealed with the seal of the organization.

    Letter of conclusion of the contract sample form

    Mandatory details:

    • number and date (in accordance with the registration of outgoing documentation);
    • name of the recipient organization;
    • Full name of the recipient (usually this is the general director of the organization);
    • the subject of the letter (it is not necessary to write the words “letter of guarantee” themselves, since such a document as a type of business correspondence does not legally exist);
    • main content (guarantees of obligations, their volume and terms);
    • sender data;
    • position, personal signature and full name of the person signing the document (director, chief accountant).

    Further details depend on the type letter of guarantee.
    Let's take a closer look at them and specific example drawing up a letter of guarantee designed to perform a particular function.

    Sample letter of agreement

    On this page:

    • Definition and legal rules
    • Letter of guarantee instead of contract
    • Specific types of letters of guarantee
    • Features of compilation and design
    • Specific examples of letters of guarantee

    Office correspondence abounds various types documentation.

    Among these or other business documents, entrepreneurs have to deal with letters of guarantee.

    • What are they used for, in what cases are they necessary, what legal norms are they regulated by?
    • What are the types of letters of guarantee?
    • How to write and issue a letter of guarantee?

    Let's figure it out together.
    Definition and legal norms From the point of view of legislation, a letter of guarantee is an element of the document flow, one of the types of business correspondence - as a rule, between legal entities.

    contracts by type

    LLC "Megapolis", represented by the General Director Samokhvalenko R.G., acting on the basis of the Charter, provides premises for the office with total area 60 sq.m., located at the address: St. Petersburg, Magnitogorskaya st., 15 ..
    office number 4 to commit state registration OOO "Kodeks" Megapolis LLC guarantees the conclusion of a sublease agreement after registration is completed.


    The designated address can be used as a legal address in the constituent documents of Kodeks LLC.

    The above premises are owned by Megapolis LLC on a leasehold basis (Lease Agreement No. 567/18 dated December 10, 2013) with the right to enter into sublease agreements. Application:
    • a copy of the certificate of state registration of Megapolis LLC;
    • a copy of the Lease Agreement No. 567/18 dated 12/10/2013

    Director General of Megapolis LLC (signature) R.G. Samokhvalenko M.P.

    Offer. sample letter of offer

    An offer (offer agreement) is a proposal to conclude a cooperation agreement indicating the main details of the transaction: name, quantity, quality, price of goods, terms and conditions of delivery, payment, delivery method.
    It is a preliminary stage of the conclusion of the contract.


    The person making the offer is called the offeror, and the person accepting the offer is called the acceptor.

    An offer made to an indefinite circle of people is called a public offer. An offer letter is written either in response to a letter of inquiry or at the initiative of the sender.

    An offer is drawn up in writing or orally: by phone, during negotiations between the parties to the transaction.

    An offer can be made in the form of a draft contract, which one party to the transaction sends to the other. In the response letter, the second party either agrees (which is called acceptance), or makes its own changes or additions, or refuses to accept the proposed conditions.

    How to write a letter of guarantee. samples of popular letters of guarantee

    It is also permissible, when making an offer, to make an oral statement similar to the contents of a cover letter - in a personal meeting or by telephone.

    In this case, two copies of the agreement in writing, in any case, must be provided for study if the receiving party is interested.

    Below is a standard form and a sample letter of conclusion of an agreement, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

    Letter for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services

    A letter of guarantee instead of a contract In fact, drawing up a letter of guarantee is an alternative to concluding a contract, when such an action is inappropriate for some reason.

    Unlike a contract, which includes an offer (offer) and obligations in accordance with this offer (acceptance), a letter of guarantee acts as one of these components.

    A letter of guarantee as an offer An offer always expresses a proposal sent to one or more addressees to enter into a certain relationship, and clearly declares the intentions of the addresser.

    Sample letter for concluding a service agreement

    Pros and cons of a letter of guarantee as a substitute for a contract

    • you can not draw up a document signed by both parties;
    • if the requirements for the offer and acceptance are met, such legal relations are absolutely legal;
    • the court recognizes letters of guarantee on a par with the concluded contract.

    Disadvantages of exchanging letters of guarantee:

    • volume limits detailed description conditions;
    • it is impossible to define all rights and obligations;
    • procedural points are not specified;
    • the responsibility of the parties is not always clearly defined.

    Thus, contractual relations through letters of guarantee are legally valid, however, controversial points that may lead to litigation are not ruled out.

    Letter on the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services

    Then the direction of the letter of guarantee will actually be a response to the offer made, albeit in an implicit form, of a contractual relationship. The requirements for the answer are not as strict as for the proposal: in such a letter it is enough to formulate an unambiguous and detailed answer - consent to accept the proposed conditions. FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If the sender decides to revoke his letter of acceptance, then this must be done immediately, preferably before it reaches the addressee or immediately after that - before any procedural actions are taken on it.
    With this document, Home Teacher LLC confirms its intention to hire and the obligation to conclude employment contract with Alenikova Polina Stanislavovna, taking her on the staff as a teacher in English from 09/01/2016 LLC "Home Teacher" undertakes to provide Alenikova P.S. official wages in the amount of 65,000 rubles. per month plus monthly performance bonus. We guarantee official registration in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation and a full social package. General DirectorOOO "Home Teacher" (signature) V.K.

    Sample letter of conclusion of a contract for the provision of services

    SAMPLE LETTER FOR CONCLUDING THE AGREEMENT The letter can be sent by fax +7 (4 Ex. No. "" 20-Center" The General Director, Mr., asks to conclude an Agreement for the provision of services for (name of the customer enterprise) service support, maintenance and repair of the following Komatsu road construction equipment: Model No. Equipment serial No. Year of manufacture Location (operation) of the equipment We inform you of our details: - TIN of the checkpoint - OKPO OGRN - servicing bank BIC r / account corr. account - legal address: - postal address: - Contact person: position Full name
