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What is logistics in an enterprise in simple words. What is logistics? Business lines company

Section 1. History and definitions of the term logistics.

Section 2. Main types of logistics systems, main tasks logistics.

Section 3. Military logistics, business logistics, distribution logistics, transport logistics, integrated logistics.

The mission of logistics is to achieve the logistics goal.

The goal of logistics is the delivery of products to a given place on a certain day and time, in the required quantity and assortment at an optimal level of costs, and most importantly, while maintaining its quality.

The object of logistics is material and corresponding financial and information flows.

2. Quality - required quality.

3. Quantity - in the required quantity.

4. Time - must be delivered at the right time.

5. Location - in the right place.

6. Costs - with minimal expenses.

7. The purchaser - to the desired purchaser.

Target logistics activities is considered achieved if these seven conditions are met, i.e. the right product of the required quality in the required quantity is delivered to a certain buyer at the right time in the right place with minimal costs.

Problems solved by logistics

choice of type vehicle;

route determination;

Cargo transportation company;

packing goods into containers;

Inventory Management;

responsible storage in warehouse areas;


formation of prefabricated orders;

customs services

Logistics is

Military logistics, business logistics, distribution logistics, transport logistics, integrated logistics

The most striking manifestation of military logistics was during the Second World War. The American military contingent, conducting military operations in Europe, was fully provided with logistical units from another continent. The joint and well-functioning work of the military industry, transport (aviation, sea and land transportation) and logistics services after the end of the war gave impetus to the use of military logistics experience in the peaceful economy.

Nowadays, the concept of “military logistics” is still preserved in some countries, but in Russian the term “logistics” is now associated primarily with business.

Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, various logistics systems are used. Logistics system is a set of actions of participants in the logistics chain (manufacturers, transport, trade organizations, shops, etc.), built in such a way that the main logistics tasks are fulfilled.

Logistics systems are very diverse in terms of the scope of the enterprise’s activities (and in terms of the understanding of modern Russian management). For some, logistics is simply the ability to work with databases; for others, it is supply or warehouse activities. But according to its purpose (and its main purpose is to reduce costs subject to the fulfillment of planned targets, and therefore increase the efficiency of production activities), logistics systems should cover almost all (except accounting, personnel, etc.) areas of activity. Generally accepted logistics systems and management concepts are given below. Just In Time: MRP - Materials requirements planning, DRP (distribution requirements planning), MRPII - Manufacturing resource planning, ERP - Enterprise resource planning; LEAN PRODUCTION: CSRP - consumer Synchronized Resource Planning, ROP, QR, CR, AR; EOQ MODEL; Two level system; Two-hopper scheme; Model with constant order frequency; ABC method; Non-stationary and stochastic models of inventory management and others. Firms can develop their own logistics divisions, or they can attract transport and logistics companies to resolve issues of supply, warehousing and procurement. Depending on the level of involvement of independent companies to solve business problems in logistics, different levels are distinguished: 1PL - from English. “first-party logistics” is an approach in which the company solves logistics issues independently; 3PL from English. “Third-party logistics” is an approach in which a full range of logistics services from delivery and address storage to order management and tracking the movement of goods is transferred to the transport and logistics company. The functions of such a 3PL provider include company and transportation management, accounting and inventory management, preparation of import-export and freight documentation, warehousing, cargo processing, delivery to the final buyer.

The task of logistics management in practice comes down to managing several components that make up the so-called “logistics mix”:

warehouse buildings (separate warehouse buildings, distribution centers, warehouses combined with a store);

inventories (volume of inventories for each item, location of the stock);

transportation (types of transport, terms, types of packaging, availability of drivers, etc.);

picking and packaging (simplicity and ease in terms of logistics services while maintaining an impact on purchasing activity);

communication (the ability to obtain both final and intermediate information in the process of product distribution).

Logistics is divided into types: purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, information logistics and others.

The main goal of purchasing logistics is to satisfy production with materials with maximum economic efficiency, quality and the shortest possible time. Purchasing logistics involves the search and selection of alternative manufacturing suppliers. The main methods of purchasing logistics are traditional and operational methods. Traditional way carried out by supplying the required quantity of goods at a time, and promptly as the goods are needed. An important part Purchasing logistics is supply planning based on inventory management.

Distribution logistics is a functional area of ​​enterprise logistics and has its own object, goals, and specific functions.

Object of study: Material flow at the stage of movement from supplier to buyer.

Subject of research: Rationalization of the process of physical promotion of goods to the buyer.

Purpose of distribution logistics: To deliver the product to the right place and at the right time. To achieve this goal with minimal costs, it is necessary to decide on a distribution channel. A distribution channel (logistics channel) is a partially ordered set of different intermediaries that carry out the transfer of material flow from a specific manufacturer to its consumers.

The distinction between purchasing and distribution logistics was first made in 1992 by M.E. Zalmanova: “Distribution logistics is the area of ​​activity of the supplier, and purchasing logistics is the area of ​​activity of the acquirer.” Subsequently, the content of distribution logistics was clarified and expanded, but there is still no common understanding of its essence and functions. So, D.D. Kostoglodov and L.M. Kharisova consider distribution logistics as “the process of managing commercial, channel and physical distribution finished products and services in order to meet consumer demand and extract arrived" It is believed that the management of commercial sales operations and processes is only partially related to the functions of distribution logistics. Consequently, the above definition interprets distribution logistics too broadly. According to A.M. Gadzhinsky: “distribution logistics is a complex of interrelated functions implemented in the process of distributing material flow between various wholesale buyers, i.e. in the process wholesale goods." He notes that the process of retailing goods is not considered in logistics.

Sales logistics (distribution logistics) is an area scientific research system integration of functions implemented in the process of distributing material and accompanying (information, financial and service) flows between various consumers, that is, in the process of selling goods, the main goal of which is to ensure the delivery of the right goods to the right place, at the right time, at optimal costs. Closely related to the concept of sales logistics is the concept of distribution channel - a set of various organizations that deliver the product to the buyer.

Transport logistics is a system for delivery companies, namely for moving any material objects, substances, etc. from one point to another along the optimal route. One of the fundamental areas of science about managing information and material flows in the process of movement of goods

The optimal route is considered to be one along which it is possible to deliver a logistics facility to as soon as possible(or the stipulated terms) with minimal costs, as well as with minimal harm to the delivery object.

Harm to the delivery facility is considered to be a negative impact on the logistics facility from both external factors(conditions of transportation), as well as from the time factor during the delivery of objects falling under this category.

Transportation - consists of moving products by vehicle using a certain technology in the supply chain and consisting of logistics operations and functions.

Selecting a vehicle type.

Selecting the type of vehicle.

Joint planning of transport processes with warehouse and production operations.

Joint planning of transport processes for various types transport.

Ensuring technological unity of the transport and warehouse process.

Determination of rational delivery routes.

All these tasks are solved interconnectedly, in a complex.

Inventory management policy consists of decisions - what to purchase or produce, when and in what volumes. It also includes decisions about inventory allocation at manufacturing plants and distribution centers.

The second element of inventory management policy concerns strategy. You can manage the inventory of each distribution warehouse separately, or you can centrally (requires more coordination and information support)

Inventory logistics

Enterprise inventory management is an integrated process that supports inventory transactions within and outside the organization throughout the supply chain.

The inventory management policy must necessarily be based on the strategy of the enterprise as a whole. The choice of inventory management model depends on the strategy.

A “reactive” model, in other words, a “pull” model, which allows you to build inventory management depending on demand or a specific order from the manufacturer to the final purchaser. The planned model involves the promotion of goods within the marketing distribution channel according to a specific schedule in accordance with forecast demand for the product and its availability on the market. A mixed management model is especially relevant, combining management methods of previous models and allowing faster and more effective adaptation to changes in the market.

Control for the state of reserves - technical means implementation politicians inventory management. The inventory control procedure includes accounting for inventory availability and regular tracking of receipts/expenses. These operations can be performed especially effectively using automated systems manual control, without the use of information systems. Usage information system ERP-class today is an integral part of the enterprise's production and material inventory management system.

The main task of warehouse logistics is to optimize the business processes of acceptance, processing, storage and shipment of goods in warehouses. Warehouse logistics determines the rules of a warehousing company, procedures for working with a product and the corresponding resource management processes (human, technical, information). In this case, the most common methods are used: FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, FPFO, BBD. For information and technical support of such processes, specialized WMS warehouse management systems are used.

Information logistics is a set of actions for the effective distribution of information flows between digital and traditional media.

Information logistics has an allegorical similarity to transport and warehouse logistics.

Print data

Monochrome digital printing (single-sided or double-sided)

Monochrome printing consists of several stages:

project development and preparation of customer information for printing on high-tech industrial printers;

printing customer information on high-tech industrial black and white printers (on one side or on both sides of the sheet;

Print quality control;

Color digital printing (single-sided or double-sided).

Color printing consists of several stages:

receiving information from the Customer for printing in a digital format (file) convenient for the Customer;

project development and preparation of customer information for printing on high-tech industrial color printers;

coordination with the Customer and ordering specialized paper;

printing customer information on high-tech industrial color printers (on one side or on both sides of the sheet);

Print quality control;

further processing of the printed material.

Logistics is

Personalized Print or Sheet Personalization

Personalization is a way of designing printed products, where each copy becomes individual because it carries individual information. Personal information can be text (last name, first name, address, etc.) or illustrated (photo of the addressee). personalized printing is similar technological process digital printing. If personalized sheets are subsequently subjected to automatic packaging in envelopes, at the information processing stage before printing, special marks for the automatic packer and barcodes will be applied to them. Printing can be done both on paper and on pre-prepared forms.

Distribution of materials

Packing sheets into envelopes

Packing in envelopes, based on the size of the envelope and the number of sheets being packed, can be divided into manual and automatic.

Manual packaging

Manual packaging consists of:

preparing packaged attachments;

identifying, ordering and receiving envelopes;

folding (folding) attachments;

placing attachments in envelopes and sealing envelopes;

If necessary, sort and pack envelopes into boxes or other containers.

Automatic packaging

Automatic packaging consists of:

printouts of personalized attachments with special tags and barcodes according to a pre-developed project;

preparing non-personalized attachments and loading them into the packer (if necessary);

setting folding parameters;

adjusting the packer to the size of the envelopes;

launching the packer and receiving packaged envelopes with the necessary attachments;

Quality control and packaging of envelopes with attachments in boxes;

marking the boxes (if necessary).

Franking of shipments

Franking of items - applying postage marks to envelopes and parcels. Franking is carried out by passing envelopes or pre-prepared stickers through a special franking (marking) machine.

Sending mail

Sending - sorting by indexes, registration necessary documentation, packaging, delivery to specialized post offices and delivery of postal correspondence.

Digitization of materials

Digitization is the transfer of information from paper to digital media. Technological process scanning consists of the following main operations:

receiving from the Customer paper media with printed text and/or graphic information;

preparing paper media for scanning;

scanning information into a graphic file;

transferring files with information to the customer’s digital media.

Material recognition

Translation of scanned information into text format according to specific rules. Recognition consists of:

the operator receives a scanned file;

determining the rules and/or forms by which information should be presented after recognition;

recognition of information in accordance with certain rules;

transfer of files with recognized information to the Customer’s digital media.

Data verification

Verification—checking the recognized document. It consists of comparing data after recognition with data before recognition. If the data after recognition does not coincide with the data before recognition, or the form of presentation of the recognized data does not coincide with the form of presentation of information determined by the Customer, the recognized data is brought into the proper form.

Data storage

A service for storing all customer data in digital form with permanent access.

Environmental logistics ensures the movement of material during any production processes up to its transformation into a marketable product and waste, followed by waste management until disposal or safe storage in environment. Environmental logistics also ensures the collection and sorting of waste generated from the consumption of commercial products, their transportation, disposal or safe storage in the environment. It allows you to radically clean large areas contaminated with unauthorized waste.

Urban logistics (city logistics, municipal logistics) - a set of logistics solutions, actions, processes aimed at optimization management decisions administration, flows of materials, vehicles, people, knowledge, energy, finance, information within the subsystems of the city and its infrastructure.

Logistics in computer games

Hard Truck Tycoon is the first computer game with a logistics theme. Truck Tycoon Mobile (Java) is the first mobile game with a logistics theme. The goal of both games is to create infrastructure between small towns. In order to reduce the distance between terminals, they must be placed in the central area of ​​the map. The minimum distance between terminals gives the maximum. In the game Truck Tycoon Mobile (Java), the most profitable route (ROUTE) is the transportation of fuel (OIL). from such one-way transportation with a trailer - $2000. Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping is another game.

Food Force is a humanitarian aid supply game.

Big Mutha Truckers is a Hard Steel style game. Topic: Truckers.

Axis & Allies and Arsenal Of demos kratos are games on the theme of military supply logistics.

Truck Depot Mobile is a mobile game that demonstrates loading cargo into a trailer.

Cruise Ship Tycoon Mobile is a mobile game for planning passenger transportation on a cruise ship.

Logistics is also a core element of the Transport Tycoon Deluxe series of games.

Logistics is

Significant logistics problems today include:

ensuring mutual correspondence of material and information flows;

controlling the material flow and transferring data about it to a single logistics information center;

definition of strategy and technology physical movement consumer goods and goods;

development of methods for managing goods movement operations;

establishing forms of standardization of semi-finished products and packaging;

determining the volume of production, transportation and storage;

discrepancy between the requirements and capabilities of purchasing and production.

Achieving a logistics goal is measured by a clear and specific result. In this case, the result of logistics is the availability of the required trade item in the required quantity and a given level of quality, in the right place and at the appointed time, with minimal costs.

If you carefully read all the complex definitions of this mysterious specialty, you can summarize: this is saving. Logistics is designed to save money, products, time, space, equipment, etc. A logistician, as one of the journalists aptly put it, is a professional miser who is almost the only one in the entire chain from manufacturer to purchaser who thinks not about how to earn money, but about how to save money.

Logisticians, therefore, control all processes where these savings can be realized. And these are procurement, supply, transportation, communication with customs and government agencies, packaging, sales. Having built a complex structure of mutual connection of elements, the logistician does not allow the product to lie in the warehouse for a long time, the truck to travel a long road, or the store to wait for the delivery of products.

So, the desired product of the required quality in the required quantity at the appointed time must be delivered to a suitable place with minimal costs for the purchaser.

The need for logical thinking does not exclude intuition and excellent reaction - the ability to quickly find a way out of a difficult situation. Some experts generally believe that “a good logistician, like a real baker, can only be a speculator “from God” - who cannot guess the boss’s desire by his eyes, but is endowed with the talent of moving goods and cargo, like pieces on a chessboard, to a brilliant outcome "

Very useful communication skills, ability to find mutual language With different people(from truck drivers to plant directors and Customs Committee officials) and a high degree of concentration (after all, it is necessary to simultaneously work with a large amount of information in parallel mode).

Plus - mathematical and economic knowledge, and, of course, understanding of the basic laws of business, both in a global and applied sense.

- Logistics is a profession, the subject of which is to organize a rational process of promoting goods and services from suppliers of raw materials to consumers, the functioning of the sphere of circulation of products, goods, services, commodity management ... ... Wikipedia

  • It is important for every company involved in the delivery of goods to be able to systematize and optimize its work at each stage. This meticulous approach will reduce costs and speed up the delivery process, attracting new customers. From this article we will learn what logistics is. in simple words, let’s take a closer look at its definition, principles and direct tasks in business.

    To successfully run a business, it is important to be able to rationally manage all available resources of your production: turnover, human resources, sales and delivery of goods or services, and many other options.

    This is where the concept of logistics comes to the rescue; we’ll try to explain what it is and what it’s all about, in our own words, without abstruse terms.

    This is a tool that allows you to organize and find the shortest and simplest ways in information management, searching for a sales market, transportation, safe cargo escort and solving legal issues, management and storage, increasing inventories and human resources.

    Logistics is the choice of modern business, which allows you to reduce costs, ensure the quality of goods and services for their delivery in optimal times, and the main responsibility of people in this profession is to find the optimal strategy for the company in the business world.

    This tool is especially important for large companies doing business over large territories, having many branches in different cities (countries), collaborating with foreign partners.

    Logistics is aimed at optimizing costs and rationalizing the process of production, sales and related services both within one enterprise and for a group of enterprises.

    Now let’s find out what foreign economic activity is and in what situations in logistics it is used. Foreign economic activity, as the abbreviation stands for, is aimed at cooperation with colleagues abroad and is associated with the import and export of any products.

    Tasks and goals

    The logistics process comes down to managing a set of options; this is, in fact, a set of tasks, the solution of which saves both labor and financial costs in production, and makes the most profitable decisions in terms of optimization and rationalization of all processes.

    The tasks of the logistics department are to search for premises for storing products, points of sale, determine transport for transportation, provide containers and packaging of goods, make decisions on deadlines, search for drivers and optimal routes, orderly formation client base and orders, which is what the logistics manager does at the enterprise, in the company.

    Did you know? The term “logistics” translated from Greek means “to be able to calculate”; this science was very popular and developed in the distant past. In Ancient Rome there were people involved in the distribution of products among the population; other tasks were the timely distribution of weapons and the same food products and military life in the army.

    Main types of business logistics

    Let us consider in detail what a separate type of logistics is, which types are most important in the operation of an enterprise.


    The first stage, during which planning and calculations are carried out for all areas of activity, a clear movement along the chain from the initial process to the final result is called production logistics, to be more precise,

    During initial planning, both labor and financial flows are optimized.


    Here the main task is to search for suppliers of raw materials, materials, parts for production with maximum benefit for the enterprise, calculate minimum costs and conclude profitable supply contracts. Deliveries to production must be carried out in the shortest possible time, with a minimum of costs, raw materials must be of high quality, in the required quantity.


    Let's figure out what the work and ultimate goals of a distribution function logistician are. From receiving raw materials to production, marketing and transportation of finished products, there is a large chain that needs to be streamlined. The essence of distribution logistics and the activities of its managers is to identify all participants in the processes and ensure productive relationships and interactions between them.


    Sales logistics is, in simple words, ensuring the delivery of products to the buyer with minimal financial costs, finding optimal ways to maintain the quality of goods, convenient routes for delivery, and the relationship between all participants in the transportation. This tool should ensure not only the safety of the transported goods, but also the deadlines stated by the recipient, and optimize the financial resources spent by the parties participating in the process.

    In addition to direct transportation, the work of an operational logistician is related to marketing research, let's figure out what it is.
    The manager studies demand trends in the market and looks for ways to adapt to it. own production, studies competitive products, forms a customer base, optimizes the level of service, and establishes work with intermediaries and distributors.


    Transport plays an important role in optimizing transportation; let’s look at logistics from this side, what kind of tool it is.

    Important! When choosing transport, the distance of the delivery site, preservation of the presentation of the transported products and timing are taken into account. Depending on these factors, the type of transport is thought out (railway, air, waterways, refrigerators or tilt trucks, etc.).

    The functions of transport logistics are the choice of transport that will transport products as quickly and without damage as possible, provide legal issues, think over routes, select drivers, calculate the cost of services according to own costs (worker wages, fuel, travel expenses).

    Pros and cons of my work as a logistician from Karolina K watch the video:


    Customs logistics, as the name suggests, is associated with the movement of goods abroad; this is a set of actions that includes not only the transportation itself, but also compliance with legal norms.

    This system provides an information flow affecting all participants in import-export, the relationship between them, documentary support of products, search for ways minimum expenses for all parties.


    Let's figure out what a logistician does when he manages the inventory of an enterprise or company.

      The operator resolves the following issues:
    • Generating purchase lists for materials or parts.
    • Subsequent placement on the production site of both raw materials and finished products.
    • Control of the production of goods.
    • Control over the placement of products outside the company (warehouses, distribution centers).
    • Information Support.
    • Human resources.


    Warehouse Logistics. What kind of stage this is becomes clear from the name itself; this definition implies all the nuances of storage with further shipment of the finished product to the buyer. Information, technical and human resources are important in this option.

    Here it is important to take into account the conditions of the warehouse premises, the optimal use of these areas, the convenient distribution of products by release dates and the order of their shipment, and documentary recording of all stages.

    Warehouse logistics in simple words is reception to a warehouse where goods should be stored without compromising its quality, appropriate packaging, distribution of the shipment queue, as well as selection of personnel who will ensure all these processes.


    Information support in logistics is working with all sources of information, with documents, protocols and so on. Any media and forms of information are used: electronic systems, oral notification, paper work with registers, lists, business letters.

      Objectives of information logistics:
    • Collect and analyze incoming information.
    • Redirect to production departments.
    • Accumulate and save, keep records.
    • Combine adjacent flows and direct them into one channel.


    Integrated logistics includes supply logistics, transport management, information flows, sales and warehouse functions, customs, legal and other issues collected in one system.

    The system provides control over the entire production cycle, plans work from the beginning (purchase of raw materials) to its logical conclusion (transportation of finished goods to the buyer). The tasks and functions of the system are coordinated between all departments, production cycles, material, financial and by human resourses, reducing risks and costs at all stages of the process, planning and subsequent implementation of company tasks.

    Analysis of possible errors, interaction of all structures, maintaining documentation and timely informing business partners and other participants are also included in the work of integrated logistics.

    Did you know? Many works on economics and management suggest the important role of logistics in the victory of the Allied countries over Nazi Germany in World War II. The ability to quickly and efficiently manage the movement of troops, delivering them the necessary uniforms, weapons, medicines and food, ammunition and equipment significantly influenced the favorable outcome of the war.

    Features of logistics in Russia

    In the majority Russian companies there is no clear understanding of who a logistician is and what kind of profession it is. In most cases, knowledge about the system is superficial and until recently there were practically no information projects in this industry; factors of economic instability and poor educational and the legislative framework. The length of the territory of the Russian Federation and the poor quality of roads have a significant impact.

    The low level of training of specialists in this field leads to competition between them, and not to finding and retaining potential customers. Today, most manufacturing companies rarely turn to the services of logistics companies, preferring to carry out transportation themselves.

    However, despite these factors, many companies are successfully developing and using the logistics concept, successfully overcoming with its help the negative impact of political, economic, social and legal influences on business.

    Companies that have reached a high level of development initiate conferences, exhibitions and seminars to promote logistics as the main tool in business.

      Such conferences are planned for 2017 in almost all major cities of Russia:
    • Moscow;
    • St. Petersburg;
    • Ekaterinburg;
    • Chelyabinsk;
    • Nizhny Novgorod;
    • Khabarovsk and others.

    Today, the most active areas of promotion and development of logistics are forest industry and pharmaceutical.

    TOP 5 companies in the Russian logistics services market

    Present to your attention short review the most famous and successful Russian logistics companies.

    The head office of the company is St. Petersburg. The company has existed since 2011 and has a network of branches in more than 100 cities of the Russian Federation.

      Provides the following services:
    • Road transportation, including Eurotrucks.
    • Air transportation.
    • Moving consolidated cargo.
    • Delivery of documentation.
    • Cargo storage in warehouse conditions.
    • Insurance of transported goods and cargo.

    Cargo delivery is carried out throughout Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the company has a network of distribution centers and terminals, provides delivery services for small and large cargo, and is willing to help resolve individual issues.

    The central office is located in Moscow, with more than fifty branches throughout the Russian Federation. Since 2011 it has been one of largest companies carriers, is distinguished by a high level of personnel qualifications and quality of service. Carries out transportation throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, and China.

    Provides goods delivery services to individuals and legal entities, retail chains and Internet companies; In addition to air and road transportation, it provides cargo processing and storage services. Our own address delivery service attracts new clients to the company throughout the country and abroad.


    The company was founded in 2000 and is one of the three leaders in this service sector. Provides only road transportation services up to 20 tons with a carrying capacity. Operates on the territory of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. The company's fleet includes more than a thousand trucks, personnel - more than one and a half thousand specialists, partner companies - about five hundred. Delko is considered one of the most reliable, professional organizations in cargo transportation, they are valued for their qualified personnel, high-quality and timely service.


    The company began its development by providing forwarding services, this moment supplies goods throughout Russia, has more than five thousand cars in its fleet, and in 2014 won the title “Guarantor of Quality and Reliability” at a prestigious national award competition.

    The company guarantees timely and high-quality delivery of goods to any corner of the Russian Federation and CIS countries; numerous branches allow you to replace a vehicle in any region, if such a need arises. The company's clients are: well-known companies, such as BOSCH, Toyota, Sollers, TechnoNIKOL, Ochakovo, Moscow Brewing Company, store chains: Upravdom, Parquet Hall and many others.

    Since 2006, the company has been carrying out cargo transportation throughout Russia and the CIS countries, cargo is delivered in the shortest possible time and by the most convenient door-to-door route. Transportation is carried out by transport with a tonnage of up to 500 kg, transportation by special refrigerators is possible, transportation of groupage cargo with a volume of up to two cubic meters is possible. Large fleet and regional distribution centers ensure safe and timely delivery of goods.

    Important! Reviews of potential carriers, as well as the ability to compare prices and a list of services, can be found on the Internet.

    1. Reliable Logistic company for the client it is, first of all, a guarantor of the safety of the quality of the transported goods, a guarantor of delivery to its destination on time. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to take into account several important points: 2. A professional, narrowly focused company does not price its services expensively, since over the years of operation such a company probably has discounts on the purchase of fuel, has its own auto mechanics, the main condition is that the carrier must have your own car park. 3. A decent company that values ​​its reputation, as a rule, insures its liability for the safety of the transported goods. 4. The company must scrupulously approach the signing of the contract, taking into account all the nuances, including transit time, penalties for late delivery and force majeure. 5. A reputable company is ready to provide non-standard transportation services, has its own lawyers and, if it is focused on transportation abroad, brokerage services at customs.

    The difference between forwarding activities and logistics

    Orderly management of production processes, minimizing costs, searching for more favorable conditions, ownership and management of information flows, personnel selection, study of the procurement and sales market, movement of inventories and finished products, intangible assets - this is what is hidden behind the profession of a logistician. Together with marketing research, logistics is an effective tool in competition with opponents in the same business area.

    At first glance, the difference in the duties of a freight forwarder is small, but in fact, the functions of a freight forwarder are related mainly to paperwork rather than analytical work.

      The forwarder's job is as follows:
    • Support and timely delivery of goods.
    • Development of the route taking into account the specifics of the cargo and the transport involved.
    • Conclusion and documenting transportation contracts.
    • Freight of special transport if necessary.
    • Maintaining proper security for the cargo (seals, markings).
    • Control during loading and unloading operations.
    • Compilation of all accompanying documents(invoices, customs declarations, tax fees and payments).

    Profession logistics

    The logistics profession today is gradually becoming popular and in demand, although many applicants have a vague idea of ​​the “higher” ones. Who is it. Those wishing to master a desired and promising profession need to develop the following qualities and skills:

    Sociability - the ability to communicate smoothly and friendlyly, to hear the interlocutor and adequately respond to possible disagreements in a conversation with a client, the ability to present your company in such a way that the client has no desire to compare or look for something else.

    The ability to analyze and highlight what is important in pieces of disparate information is one of the most important skills in work.
    The ability to quickly make decisions, because what is a logistician, roughly speaking, is a manager. He must be able to subjugate the situation, adapt to the current circumstances, extracting benefits from them for the company.
    And, of course, a good specialist must have an appropriate education: economics, law or mathematics, of course, higher education.

    Logistics - Great Leap Forward. The work of logisticians from the inside on video:

    To summarize: production cannot be done without logistics. This tool will help to establish clear, synchronized work of all chains and links of production, beat competitors and take a leading position in the business world.

    Many foreign companies have been hiring third-party organizations to provide services to perform non-core functions for them for a long period of time. This type of scheme is called “outsourcing”. It means engaging a third party on a paid basis in order to complete the tasks facing the company. Outsourcing helps a business to be more flexible, which allows it to make good profits.

    Logistics services

    Today, there are organizations that offer a wide range of operations related to the storage, acquisition and transportation of goods. Among them:

    • warehouse logistics, processing, storing and distributing goods;
    • transportation logistics designed to meet the needs of companies that lack own park machines, in the transportation of goods;
    • which provides assistance in certification and customs clearance of cargo.

    Today, the services of logistics companies have already outgrown the 2PL level offered by small providers for performing simple operations in the field of transport and warehousing services, namely storage or transportation of goods.

    A modern logistics company is an organization located at the 3PL level. That is, it adheres to a scheme in which it acts as a third party in transactions between buyers and suppliers, providing a full range of services that allow cargo to be processed.

    Field of activity

    Logistics is the science of controlling, managing and planning the movement of resources and goods. The main goals of this direction are:

    • development of commodity circulation infrastructure processes, starting from the manufacturer of raw materials and materials to the manufacturer of goods from these resources, and then - from the company that produced the products to the final consumer;
    • formation and constant maintenance at the proper level of functioning of the general system of circulation of goods;
    • implementation of inventory management;
    • optimization and rationalization of the process of moving goods, as well as the production and marketing of finished products.

    In management it is considered when developing a strategy for managing procurement and transportation, storage and sales, financial and information flows. The main object of this discipline is the direct process of moving cargo, resources and goods. From this follows one of the main tasks of logistics, which is to use effective ways and methods, as well as forms of managing information and flows of goods, formed thanks to a preliminary analysis of cause-and-effect relationships in the trade chain.

    It is worth noting that logistics got its start thanks to the military sphere. It was there that, first of all, the smooth operation of industry and transport was necessary to achieve the set goals. Then the first logistics company appeared in our country. And only after such a management system was borrowed by business, which turned out to be very effective for it.

    Wide range of services

    A logistics company is an organization that offers its partners the following:

    • Optimization
    • Escort of transported goods by company representatives.
    • Monitoring the movement of goods.
    • Certification and customs clearance cargo.
    • Warehouse processing and subsequent storage material assets.
    • Expert and consulting services.

    A logistics company is a reliable business assistant that will allow an enterprise to completely legally reduce the cost of producing goods thanks to optimization. This occurs due to the selection of optimal routes that are most effective in terms of terms and tariffs, as well as due to the reduction of warehouse and customs costs.

    A logistics company is an organization that allows you to save significant amounts on the maintenance of its own division that performs similar functions. In addition, with its help you can flexibly rearrange your supply policy, quickly responding to changing market requirements.

    How does a logistics company work? It creates its own infrastructure and establishes close relationships with the customer’s administrative services and carriers. Thanks to this, clients are provided with a mechanism for optimizing and building all chains of cargo movement. The advantage is very obvious when a logistics company gets involved. How it works? The customer company receives a significant benefit not only in the cost of services, but also in the delivery time of its cargo.

    As you can see, business logistics solves an extensive list of tasks. They relate to almost all areas of the enterprise’s activities, not covering only accounting and personnel issues.

    Benefits of cooperation

    Is it beneficial for an enterprise to engage a company operating in the business sector (logistics is an area that receives increased attention) to resolve its issues? After all, you can create your own departments that will deal with the movement, storage and promotion of goods. It is worth keeping in mind that such divisions of the enterprise will require considerable additional funds for maintenance. Based existing practice, we can make a clear conclusion that such departments are not always able to demonstrate the required level of efficiency of their work.

    The main advantage of a logistics company is that it really allows you to increase the productivity of an enterprise’s turnover and productivity. Many organizations, seeing the pointlessness of the existence of their own departments, attract third-party organizations to cooperate, which:

    • allow you to expand the sales market, bringing the customer’s finished products to the international level;
    • organize the processes of transportation of small and large consignments of goods, specific and dangerous goods, requiring special conditions transportation;
    • allow you to reduce the cost of goods.

    Conclusion of contracts

    How to start working with a logistics company? To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with her, which must indicate:

    • volumes and ranges of services provided;
    • responsibility of both contracting parties;
    • features of registration of documents accompanying the cargo;
    • the amount of remuneration, as well as the methods and procedure for paying for the company’s services;
    • ownership of the goods.

    Choosing a company

    Today, many logistics organizations have opened their own businesses and operate in Russia. How to choose the most suitable one for your enterprise?

    To do this, you should follow the following rules:

    1. The services provided by a transport and logistics company are worth using in most cases. An exception may be situations when the company has its own large fleet of vehicles. In this case, a preliminary assessment of the option of engaging a third party should be made. But even in such a situation, the “economy of scale” will play a significant role. After all, a transport and logistics company will carry out transportation quickly and do it cheaper. It will allow you to save money due to your wholesale purchases of gasoline, as well as low costs for maintenance vehicles, since it has its own workshops or enjoys significant discounts as regular customer in third-party repair organizations.
    2. If the carrier does not have its own fleet of vehicles, it is not worth concluding an agreement for the provision of logistics services with it. This will result in a large amount of financial costs for the company.
    3. When choosing a logistics company, you should pay attention to the guarantees that a potential contractor can provide. In addition, the draft contract must indicate the exact timing of cargo receipt, as well as transit time.
    4. It is advisable that the carrier be ready to insure his liability for the complete safety of the material assets he transports with any third-party insurance company.
    5. When considering candidates for concluding a contract, you should compare the cost of carriers’ services and clarify their willingness to work with “non-standard” deliveries. If necessary, an additional contract can be concluded to guarantee the company the provision of the vehicle it needs in the event of an emergency need for it.
    6. Before concluding a contract, you should read reviews about the prospective partner.
    7. When providing customs brokerage services, you will need to take the choice of a logistics company as seriously as possible. After all, mistakes made during declaration sometimes have a negative delayed effect.

    Which artist should you choose? To do this, it is worth considering the rating of logistics companies in Russia.

    Business lines company

    The motto of this organization is the words “Quality and Reliability”. Organization " Business Line" - one of the logistics companies in Moscow. Its main office is located in the capital. After all transport services very relevant for this metropolis.

    The company carries out its activities taking into account the wishes of its customers. She is ready to deliver quickly and with a high level of quality required item to your destination not only from Moscow, but also from St. Petersburg. The customer can receive his cargo the very next day after it leaves the warehouse. The company offers its services at the most affordable prices and at the most modern level. Their list includes:

    • transportation by rail, air or road;
    • delivery of groupage cargo;
    • transportation of goods by a separate type of transport;
    • delivery of goods to all regions of the country, as well as to Kazakhstan and Belarus;
    • expedited express delivery.

    The company also offers the customer transportation of goods taking into account temperature conditions. To do this, she uses special equipment and organizes a separate flight.

    In the course of its work, the logistics organization constantly maintains contact with the client, notifying him of the location of his material assets.

    PEK company

    This organization provides throughout Russia. It is also on the lists that include Moscow logistics companies. Constantly expanding its work, it opens more and more branches in various regions of the country. At the same time, the organization constantly acquires new clients.

    The PEC company offers only modern services at the highest level of service. After all, its staff consists of qualified specialists who are constantly improving their level of work. The company uses trucks and airplanes to deliver goods.

    The range of services provided by PEK includes the following:

    • collection of goods from the customer and transportation to the destination;
    • constantly informing the client about the location and condition of the cargo;
    • high-quality packaging of goods;
    • work on loading and unloading material assets.

    Bee Logistic Company

    This company provides comprehensive service, offering:

    • performing the entire volume of logistics operations with goods;
    • transportation, storage, loading and delivery of cargo to the buyer;
    • placement of goods in beautiful packaging.

    Bee Logistic is included in the list of the best logistics companies in St. Petersburg, but in addition to the Northern capital, it also operates in Novosibirsk.

    In addition, it offers the client:

    • storage of goods in a warehouse;
    • preparing products for sale (applying stickers, labeling, sealing in film, repackaging);
    • providing any necessary information transmitted online;
    • provision of an office.

    Air transportation

    Pulkovo logistics company is engaged in air cargo transportation, considering it the most reliable and fastest. Indeed, delivering goods by plane is the fastest option, especially in cases where the route goes to remote corners of not only our country, but also the planet.

    Qualified specialists of the company provide logistics support for cargo and select the most suitable ones for them. optimal options transportation.

    To order air transportation, all you need to do is call the company. In this case, you will need to accurately indicate the dimensions of the material assets being delivered, their nature, weight, as well as the number of places. The specialist will immediately calculate the most optimal delivery options. Next, the cargo must arrive at the cargo terminal of Pulkovo Airport. If the client does not have such an opportunity, the logistics company will take care of this itself. If urgent delivery is required, a charter flight can be arranged.

    In this publication we will look at what is logistics, why it is needed, what are its tasks and goals, what are the main types of logistics, as well as many other important points related to the concept of logistics. IN Lately the term “logistics” can be heard very often, and those who are not associated with more or less big business, do not always clearly imagine what it is.

    Nowadays, almost every medium or large enterprise has employees responsible for logistics; these positions can be called differently: logistics manager, logistician, etc. In addition, there are even specialized logistics companies that provide logistics services to those enterprises that do not employ such specialists on their staff. The logistics specialty can be obtained at many universities.

    What is logistics? Concept and essence.

    is the process of creating an optimal infrastructure for the movement of goods and services from suppliers to consumers. In simple words, logistics deals with finding and organizing the most convenient, profitable, least expensive route through which the desired product or service will reach its end consumer.

    Logistics in a certain form has existed since ancient times: even before our era, peoples chose and built the most convenient trade routes for transporting agricultural goods and weapons. Today, the main reason for the development of logistics as a separate science has been a significant increase in production, an increase in commodity flows both on a global scale and within each individual country.

    Logistics structure in any enterprise includes 2 key areas:

    1. Logistics of raw materials, materials, goods, services from suppliers to the enterprise;
    2. Logistics of final products from the enterprise to consumers, both wholesale and final, retail.

    Both of these areas of logistics have equal value and significance, because influence the cost of production and its final cost, which is important for consumers and, in turn, affects.

    All logistics process includes many different points:

    • Selection of suppliers;
    • Concluding agreements with suppliers on certain conditions;
    • Organization of delivery of products and/or raw materials to and from the enterprise;
    • Choice transport companies and concluding agreements with them;
    • Organization of interaction with customs authorities (if foreign economic activity), other regulatory authorities and government agencies;
    • Definition and analysis of the buyer segment;
    • Concluding contracts with buyers under certain conditions;
    • Etc.

    In many areas of its activity, logistics borders and even intersects with, but in general, both of these sciences pursue the same main goal of any business: increasing its efficiency and, as a result, profitability.

    What’s interesting is that logistics costs in large modern industrial companies are often the largest expense item and even exceed the costs of raw materials or wages personnel. This once again confirms how important and necessary logistics is now.

    Now that you know the essence of logistics, let's look at the main types of logistics.

    Types of logistics.

    The entire large-scale logistics process, in order to simplify it, more detailed understanding and elaboration, is divided into different types of logistics. Let's look at the main ones.

    Production logistics– management of the flow of raw materials, money, goods directly in production, within the technological process. the main objective production logistics – optimization production costs. Here are the main points she deals with:

    • Assessing customer demand for the purpose of planning production volumes;
    • Optimization of work schedules and plans for all production departments;
    • Interaction Optimization production department with sales and supply departments;
    • Monitoring the production process and making adjustments if necessary.

    Procurement logistics(or supply logistics) - management of the flow of raw materials, materials, components, services and other components coming from outside to production in order to ensure a continuous workflow. Procurement logistics includes:

    • Searching for suppliers and concluding contracts with them;
    • Organizing the delivery of raw materials to production;
    • Storage of raw materials until direct transfer to production.

    Procurement logistics must be optimized so that there is no stagnation in the production process due to the lack of raw materials. This type of logistics can be called one of the most significant, since it, as a rule, accounts for the majority of the cost of manufactured products.

    Inventory logistics– management of inventories of goods and finished products, as well as inventories of raw materials and materials in the enterprise. Inventory logisticians calculate the optimal volume of all types of inventory in production and optimize their formation. With ideal inventory logistics, the processes of production and sales of products should occur continuously, and raw materials and finished goods should not lie in warehouses.

    Transport logistics- the type of logistics that is most often meant when they hear this concept. Transport logistics deals with determining the optimal routes for the delivery of raw materials and goods to and from production, which is especially important when suppliers and consumers are dispersed across different parts of the country, and even more so throughout the globe.

    Information logistics– management of information flows that accompany material flows. Ability to competently large enterprise no less important than the ability to manage finances wisely. Timely received and correctly used information can have a very significant effect on financial results enterprises, just like neglect of information.

    Information logistics separates and optimizes internal and external flows information, studies channels for obtaining and transmitting information, develops internal regulations relating to this issue.

    Customs logistics– a very serious type of logistics, which consists in managing and optimizing the process of passing goods across the customs border of a country (or several countries). Customs logistics performs the following main functions:

    • Registration of cargo customs declarations;
    • Compliance and optimization of customs clearance procedures;
    • Verification of received customs declarations;
    • Checking the availability of cargo of the required quantity and quality for compliance with what is stated in the documents;
    • Organization of cargo transportation across the border;
    • Product certification (if necessary);
    • Control over compliance with currency and customs legislation;
    • Organization and optimization of payments customs duties and fees.

    Warehouse logistics– management of the processes of receiving, storing and issuing from the warehouse raw materials, materials, finished products and other components necessary or received during the production process. Warehouse logistics deals with the process of choosing a location for warehouses, building and equipping warehouses, organizing the work of warehouses, maintaining warehouse records, etc.

    Now you have a clearer understanding of what logistics is. This is not only the transportation of goods (as practice shows, for some reason many people think so, although transport logistics is only one of the types). Let's summarize.

    Logistics is a complex and large-scale process that combines many different types and directions. Logistics is closely interconnected with marketing, engineering, enterprise finance and, directly, the production process. The main goal of logistics is the competent optimization of all processes in an enterprise in order to increase the efficiency of its work and profit. The correct logistics structure in an enterprise is very important and must be able to quickly adapt to any external and internal changes affecting the company’s activities.

    That's all for today. In further publications, I will continue to consider what logistics is in its individual areas and types. Stay tuned and stay tuned for updates!

    Let's consider the features of the classification of logistics, the functions and main tasks of a representative of the logistics profession and specialized logistics companies in general. Forms of providing logistics services, their features.

    Logistics is the science of supply, delivery, control, and organization of transportation. It is based on the rules of law and the laws of market functioning. The work of a logistician requires competent planning and optimization of transportation activities. So, what is logistics and the profession of “logistician”?

    Complete overview of the concept

    Logistics is an economic discipline, a section of management aimed at studying the features of supply, delivery, transportation, control over all processes related to transportation, and their management. The literal translation of the word from Greek subtly reflects the essence of the concept - "the art of counting" .

    The Russian Academy of Sciences has proposed its own definition, which provides a more complete explanation and understanding of the term and clarifies fundamentally important points.

    Fact! American researchers consider logistics as a process aimed at realizing the interests of the parties, as well as controlling transportation and delivery.

    In addition to the processes that are listed in other existing formulations of this concept, the definition of the Academy of Sciences also includes a listing of the routes of movement of goods or services that are in the sphere of interests and activities of the logistician:

    • Raw materials and manufacturing enterprise.
    • Finished products and consumer.
    • Processing of raw materials at the enterprise and intra-production movement: from entering the enterprise to the final result.

    Tasks, functions and goals

    Logistics, as a service sector, began to take shape at a time when manufacturers realized that irrational transportation costs had an extremely negative impact on the company’s performance, reducing its profitability.

    Logistics services are an extensive set of operations and processes that are aimed at implementing the company’s client’s request, implying:

    • Storage.
    • Transportation.
    • Purchase.
    • Delivery.
    • Planning.
    • Transportation optimization.
    • Treatment.
    • Certification.
    • Documentary support and others.


    Three main functions: optimization, control, efficiency improvement.

    A simple option for obtaining high-quality logistics services is to choose a specialized outsourcing company. A logistics company is a professional performer who will provide rational, efficient provision of a number of services for transportation, storage, transportation optimization, and documentation. This is a specialized company that optimizes the movement of products and information flows from the manufacturer to ultimate goal- customer, client. How to create it? It is required to have not only resources, but experience and knowledge in this field of activity. Only specialized education or availability significant funds does not guarantee successful work enterprises. Most companies grew out of small firms providing forwarding services.

    The scope of services provided by the company includes:

    • Information and documentation of cargo.
    • Shipping.
    • Warehousing.
    • Registration of goods if necessary for transportation across the border.
    • Delivery directly to the consumer of the product.
    • Sorting, packaging.
    • Formation of parties, creation of a sales network.
    • Insurance.

    Services of a specialized company allow you to minimize costs, simplify transportation and documentation, save time.

    Logistician - who is this?

    If you are interested in who logisticians are and what they do, then first of all it is important to understand that there are three main basic processes in the work of these specialists: optimization, planning, control.

    Expert opinion! A specialist needs to plan the transportation of a batch of cabinets from the manufacturing plant. He needs to: ensure the completion of the operation on time, provide transport, take into account and minimize possible factors that could harm the product. We have cabinets made of natural wood. Therefore, in order for the harm from external factors to be minimal, it is necessary to choose transport according to the basic requirements: the goods must be protected from moisture and securely fastened in the body.

    • Choosing suitable transport.
    • Competent planning of the transportation process.
    • Collaboration in planning, taking into account the work of the warehouse and production.
    • Transportation route optimization.
    • Forming unity in planning with other departments.

    Customs logistics

    A type of logistics whose goals are aimed at delivering goods from the manufacturer to the buyer (customer) via optimal routes between countries. The main goal of this type is to optimize foreign economic activity, which requires a high level of professionalism of a logistics specialist.

    Within the framework of customs-type logistics, the following work is performed:

    • The logistics company ensures storage of products in optimal, thoughtful conditions.
    • Organization of transportation.
    • Documentary support.
    • Cargo check.
    • Cargo escort from customs to the direct customer.

    Logistics profession, what is it in the field of customs? This is an activity that requires a wider range of knowledge in the field of international economics and law. In addition, you must be able to classify goods. The goal is to minimize risks and maximize efficiency. Professional services help bring a company to the global market and purchase profitable raw materials or products from a foreign manufacturer.

    Production logistics

    This refers to the process of control, management, systematization and optimization in the production of a certain product. The specialist is involved in managing material flows - from raw materials to the delivery of products to the customer.

    Fact! Purpose of activity: who are logisticians in this area? These are specialists who are aimed at increasing production efficiency at minimal cost.

    Control function production processes allows:

    • Monitor deadlines.
    • Coordination of work schedules.
    • Optimization of procurement processes.
    • Analysis of consumer needs.
    • Quick troubleshooting of production problems.

    At the macro level, production logistics serves as a mechanism for monitoring the operation of the enterprise; at the micro level, it provides control over compliance with standards and deadlines, planning of each stage of work, and cost analysis.

    Inventory logistics

    Required for control and analysis of existing product inventories and resources. The goal is to ensure optimization of production and uninterrupted operation of the company. Logistician who is this? In this case, this is a controller of risks, seasonal specifics, and supplies.

    Purchasing logistics (Supply logistics)

    This is the process of controlling existing flows of financial resources. The goal is to provide the company with the resources necessary for high-quality and efficient work.

    As part of his activities, a logistician must competently solve a number of issues:

    • Who to buy resources from?
    • What do you need to buy?
    • What purchasing conditions will be optimal?
    • How many resources are required to keep the company running?
    • How to link purchasing with product manufacturing and distribution systems?
    • How to connect the resource supplier and the manufacturing enterprise that needs the resource?

    Information logistics

    A type of logistics that is aimed at organizing information flow. This is a connection that forms bridges between supply, sales, and production processes. How to work as a logistician in the information sector?

    The specialist is engaged in the organization and management of transportation, warehousing, delivery, packaging, monitoring communications between departments. Information flows, competently planned by logisticians, make it possible to optimize costs, increase efficiency, and organize high-class service.

    “Three pillars” of information logistics: information flow, information Technology, systems.

    A logistician in the field of information is engaged in:

    • Gathering information.
    • Moving the information flow.
    • Analysis, accumulation of information.
    • Management, control.
    • Separation of information flows.
    • Filtering information based on certain criteria.

    Information flow is data and messages that operate within logistics system and outside, between the system and external objects. Control of information flow helps to optimize all logistics operations.

    Warehouse Logistics

    This set of actions, which are aimed for storage of products. Storage times and product features are important. The concept includes storage, acceptance, issuance of materials, raw materials, products, optimal location storage facilities, accounting of warehouse operations.

    Goals of warehouse logistics:

    1. Cost minimization;
    2. Safe storage conditions for products with various specifics;
    3. Reducing the cost of goods through proper accounting;
    4. Increasing the level of competitiveness of production and business in general.

    What is warehouse logistics: Wikipedia and other sources define this type as directed control over the movement of finances.

    Main directions and concepts of this type:

    • Classification of warehouses.
    • Functionality of warehouses, complexes.
    • Methods for developing a warehouse system.
    • Operations and processes on the territory of warehouse systems.
    • Planning the location and structure of the warehouse.
    • Competent organization of employee work.
    • Storage optimization.
    • Reducing the likelihood of risks.

    Logistics services: what is it within the framework of warehouse operations? This is the work of a specialist aimed at storage optimization, placement of goods, reducing the likelihood of product defects, protecting it from external risks. A professional approach ensures the creation of connections between company departments and increases the level of efficiency of business processes.

    Multimodal transportation

    In practice, the problem of cargo delivery may turn out to be deeper and broader. It is often necessary to move goods from a distant state, sometimes from another continent. To carry out such transportation, the involvement of various types of transport is required.

    How to choose a logistics company - TOP 8 selection criteria

    Logistics services: what is it and how to choose? Choosing a company from a wide range of existing ones is not easy, so let’s discuss in more detail what is worth paying attention to?

    1. Professionals always provide a guarantee of quality. Working with dubious enterprises jeopardizes the integrity of the product, the benefit of the manufacturer, the safety of the cargo during transportation, and the timing of the order. The contract must clearly indicate: delivery time, transportation period.
    2. The carrier must have its own fleet of vehicles. As a last resort, lease a car. If this is just an intermediary between the supplier and the transport company, you should refuse.
    3. It’s not bad if you have the services of a customs broker. This is not necessary - there is not always a need for transportation abroad. It's just a nice extra service.
    4. Assess the cost, analyze expenses.
    5. Compare: for now specialized companies a lot, so it’s worth being a little capricious to get the most effective result, high-class service.
    6. Cargo insurance must be in place– This is a guarantee of the carrier’s liability.
    7. Pay attention to how the company treats strange or non-standard orders or emergency situations.
    8. The Internet provides ample opportunities to search for information. Use this powerful resource to explore user reviews.

    Main problems and features of Russian logistics

    Russian logistics can hardly be called an example to follow - this service sector is in a state of disrepair. Why?

    • Poor quality of road surfaces.
    • Long transportation distances.
    • Use of transport with low technical capabilities.
    • Lack of a wide range of qualified employees.
    • Unfavorable climatic conditions over large areas of the country.

    The above reasons increase costs and risks.

    Features of Russian logistics

    • Relatively high prices for services transport enterprises, expensive transportation.
    • A disregard for fulfilling the terms of the contract.
    • Opacity of spending.
    • Unstable market.
    • Lack of staff.
    • Low level of development of transport infrastructure.

    The crisis situation in the market has brought industry leaders to the forefront - these are large, reliable companies.

    TOP 5 companies in the Russian logistics services market

    There are many large logistics companies and private carriers on the Russian Federation market, providing a full range of services throughout the country and abroad.

    Business Line

    Consistent industry leader, present on the market for over 10 years. Business lines guarantee quality, reliability, meeting deadlines. The company offers transportation by different modes of transport. Branches are represented in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia , cooperation with foreign partners is successfully developing. Minimum possible delivery times for any type of cargo, including groupage cargo.

    Business lines offer transportation of special cargo that requires specific storage and transportation conditions. The location of the cargo can be controlled and tracked.


    Large logistics company with 10 years of experience . The company has opened more 100 branches and representative offices and is constantly expanding its spheres of influence.


    • Extensive private vehicle fleet.
    • Reasonable prices.
    • Delivery is prompt, timely, targeted.
    • The customer has the opportunity to control the transportation process.
    • Handling complex cargo, wide selection of packaging.
    • Perform unloading and loading.
    • Professional staff.

    What is transport logistics from PEC? These are high-quality services and a professional approach.


    This is an old-timer in Russian logistics. The company offers specialized services to the market over 17 years, provides quality guarantees. Main feature - availability of an extensive private vehicle fleet for transportation of goods of almost any volume and weight ( up to 20 tons). Delko's arsenal includes refrigerators, semi-trailers with awnings, and other vehicles.


    A young company providing specialized services in the territory Russia and CIS countries . Our own fleet of vehicles includes more than 5000 models equipment that allows you to transport goods over long distances. For clients reliability guaranteed, efficiency, quick response in case of emergency. According to user reviews, the company has high ratings in the market.


    A specialized company that provides a wide range of logistics services. Works on site Russia and not only.


    • Delivery "to the door".
    • Attractive price.
    • Ability to transport different types of cargo.
    • Extensive vehicle park.
    • Execution of non-standard orders.


    What kind of specialty is logistics? This is a broad concept that includes knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of coordination, control and optimization of the product transportation process. Success in the profession depends on the level of knowledge in the exact sciences, economics, law, the ability to use theory in practice, and use modern technologies.

    Who is a logistician? A professional who is able to use all available resources for the benefit of the company, ensuring increased efficiency and profitability.

    In the Russian market, logistics is at the stage of development. Main areas of work: optimization of transport companies' activities, improving the quality of infrastructure, training professional specialists.
