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What is the job of a business analyst? Profession financial analyst. What a financial professional should know

Systems Analyst is a specialist in the field of analysis subject area and formulating requirements for the developed information systems and application software. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

The main product of a system analyst is organizational and technical solutions, formalized as technical task to software. The basis of all his work is the methodology of system analysis, and the result should be the stable functioning of the equipment and the satisfaction of its technical properties to the needs of the customer.

The system analyst must balance on the verge between the business of the enterprise and the capabilities of the IT department, he must imagine the entire project as a whole, therefore, his responsibilities include creating a structure for the interaction of two companies.

The key role of a systems analyst in a company's automation project is to develop a consistent and complete model of business requirements for the software being implemented. First, a system analyst collects requirements for a new software product, after which he develops a technical task for creating software, designs documenting system and software architecture of an IT system, sets tasks for development and testing. At the end of the project, he explains the rules of work to users and solves problems of functioning at all stages. life cycle created system.

Features of the profession

Typical functional responsibilities system analyst:

  • the study of a particular area for the implementation and development of applied information systems;
  • participation in interviewing business experts and users of information systems to study the current principles of organizing business processes;
  • study and systematization of project documentation in terms of identifying processes to be automated;
  • preparation of documentation for the description of entities, relationships and processes of the subject area using special notations;
  • participation in the setting of tasks and the development of technical specifications;
  • collection, analysis and documentation of functional requirements for software.
  • participation in the preparation of functional testing schemes to identify deviations from the formulated business requirements and functional requirements;
  • participation in testing the prototype of the developed system;
  • participation in the training of users of the system;
  • analysis of risks and causes of errors in the development of systems;
  • participation in the choice of platform for the project implementation.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high demand in the labor market;
  • a sufficiently high level of wages;
  • flexible working hours, including the possibility of remote work;
  • the undeniable importance of a system analyst in the eyes of employees and customers, satisfaction from the completed project,
  • the opportunity to travel around the country and abroad;
  • the opportunity to realize their creative abilities;
  • the result of the work and tangible benefits are visible immediately, as soon as the work process in the company is brought to a new level;
  • through communication skills during projects in different organizations there is an expansion of the circle of useful acquaintances.


  • disagreements, disputes with the client as a result of his lack of understanding of the difference between one system and another and, in addition, the low efficiency of setting the task;
  • often users have a negative attitude towards the introduction of a new information system in a company, then the analyst has to patiently and persistently explain its benefits and benefits, which takes time and nerves;
  • due to the high level of adjacency with other specializations (developer, application architect, consultant), there is a risk of switching a system analyst to related tasks, which may not always meet the goals and aspirations of a specialist;
  • irregular working hours, frequent business trips (although such trips have their advantages: foreign companies they like to conduct internships for employees of representative offices - a great chance at their expense to live in a luxury hotel, see other countries. Civilized companies organize not only training, but also recreation, the program of which includes classes, visits to exhibitions, excursions).

Place of work

big banks, consulting companies, specializing in the development of IT solutions for external customers.

Important qualities

A systems analyst should be characterized by such qualities as systems thinking, an analytical mindset, communication skills, perseverance, the ability to formulate consistent requirements, separate the general and the particular, pay more attention to essential details and ignore the insignificant. Intuition, a perspective vision of the development of processes and systems, the ability to "read between the lines" are extremely important.

The key skills for a systems analyst are:

  • the ability to quickly understand and prioritize requirements, and communicate technical solutions and their impact on the business in a language understandable to the client;
  • the ability to follow the accepted methodology, notations and forms of documents in various projects;
  • skills to work with relevant software;
  • the ability to work collaboratively with other analysts if a team is working on a project;
  • the ability, while maintaining a creative style of work, to maintain discipline in relation to the maintenance of documents, versions, protocols and the willingness to work in a team with architects, developers, testers;
  • the ability to convincingly demonstrate the competence of the company in a certain area, based on the results short conversation get an idea about the client and his requirements for the solution.

The system analyst should know:

  • basics of programming (including object-oriented), design, development, documentation of software;
  • fundamentals of the theory of algorithms, database theory, systems theory and system analysis, fundamentals of information security;
  • fundamentals of designing human-machine interfaces;
  • possess general knowledge in the field of management, fundamentals of economics, accounting and management accounting.

Where to study to be a systems analyst

It should be added that more often than others in the vacancies of system analysts there are requirements for knowledge of the following software: MS Visio, All Fusion, ARIS, Rational Suite, IDEF standards, DFD, UML and the SQL language.


Salary as of 08/14/2019

Russia 25000—90000 ₽

Moscow 50000—180000 ₽

The amount of income of a system analyst with work experience, first of all, depends on the direction of the company and the level of projects and tasks. In development companies, as a rule, material compensation depends on the amount of work and services performed (salary + percentage of the cost of services). In the customer's companies - a fixed salary plus bonuses in accordance with the accepted system of motivation. Bonuses are usually awarded based on the results of participation and completion of projects.

Career steps and prospects

If a systems analyst got a job in a representative office of a major Western or even domestic company, then consider that his career has already taken place. Among the prospects are advancement in the department, as well as within the company itself. Having experience as a systems analyst and experience in participating in projects, a specialist can continue his Professional Development and apply for positions: application architect, information systems implementation consultant, implementation project manager.

What is the difference between a systems analyst and a business analyst?

From a theoretical point of view, a system is a more comprehensive concept than a business. That is, a system analyst analyzes everything, and a business analyst - only what is related to business issues. On the other hand, the former is traditionally related to the sphere information technologies(IT), that is, its improvements relate only to the introduction of new IT developments, and the second one improves by any methods, including IT methods. From this point of view, the concept of “activity of a business analyst” is broader than “competence of a system analyst”. But in practice, any analysis as a result comes down to the fact that the work needs to be improved, which is possible, as a rule, by automating processes. This is how the duties of these two specialists merge into one whole. Note that specialized IT companies require a system analyst, and non-core IT companies require a business analyst.

There are situations when, for example, in some company A there is a business analyst, his activity leads to the fact that company A applies for a software product to company B. In the latter, if it develops and implements software, there is a system analyst. In this case, the business analyst of company A works hand in hand with the systems analyst of company B.


An analyst is a profession whose main goal is to analyze various kinds of data and draw certain conclusions and conclusions. Analysts are required in research and scientific institutions, in banks, in insurance business, in medicine, economy, state structures. The activity of an analyst is the collection of various data, their analysis and interpretation. Methods of analysis are selected depending on the goal pursued by the analyst.

The history of the emergence of the profession Analyst How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

The emergence of the profession of an analyst is associated with the need to collect and analyze large amounts of information and subsequently process the results. Financial analysts are the most in demand today. These specialists must know the market well valuable papers and finance, to be able to analyze it, highlight the main financial indicators, make forecasts for the future behavior of the market.

Significance for society The importance, meaning and social status of the profession

Analysts are necessary for large manufacturing enterprises in order to monitor the market, determine the company's competitiveness, optimal prices, and market trends. Analysts are also required by financial institutions to predict the cost of precious metals, real estate, and securities. On stock exchanges, analysts analyze the situation on the markets and make recommendations for traders.

Features of the profession Analyst The uniqueness and prospects of the profession

To become a good analyst, one must not only be well versed in economic processes and the principles of their functioning, but also have a good command of a computer, including special programs for statistical data processing. The main requirements for an analyst are excellent knowledge of mathematics and the ability to draw conclusions.

Pitfalls of the Analyst Profession All for and against the profession. Difficulties and features.

Workplace analytics - in the office at the computer. Working hours are usually standard. There are no special health requirements, but it should be borne in mind that working on a computer requires regular breaks to rest the eyes, back and arms.

Where and how to become an Analyst Where are the professions taught?

The profession of an analyst is obtained at economic faculties in universities. The main subjects for this specialty are higher mathematics and economics. The main quality of a good analyst is the ability to draw conclusions, think creatively, be able to analyze any data quickly, find a way out of non-standard situations.

An analyst is a specialist who processes data and draws up certain forecasts, analytical tables, graphs, plans based on them. In fact, this is the person who selects the main points from the entire array of available information, analyzes and structures them, providing data in a form that is easy to understand and ready for further use.

Responsibilities of an Analyst

The workflow of an analyst comes down to a chain of sequential actions. First of all, he receives data and is engaged in their detailed study, after which he makes certain assumptions and theses, with the help of which subsequent work can be carried out. Further, this whole matter is carefully checked, supported by clear justifications, projects and methodological works. Ultimately, the analyst draws a conclusion, drawing it up on paper in the appropriate format and submitting it to management for consideration. In all this, the specialist is assisted by special software and other modern methods data processing.

At first glance, it may seem that the profession of an analyst is very boring and monotonous, but this is a deep delusion. The fact is that the tasks assigned to a specialist are never repeated with complete accuracy.

Firstly, this is due to the constantly changing array of data. Secondly, these data often belong to completely different areas, because absolutely all areas are subject to analytics. human life. That is why analysts are so in demand in modern society, which seeks to analyze any event and any information as quickly as possible.

An analyst can get a job in a variety of institutions. These are financial and investment companies, brokerage houses, consulting firms, banks, large international corporations. At the same time, only a specialist makes the final choice: to be on the staff of a particular enterprise, or to work directly with clients.

Analyst Requirements

The profession of an analyst is very important, but at the same time quite difficult, so employers have serious requirements for the specialists they hire. Firstly, this profession necessarily requires the presence of higher education in the fields of economics, statistics, finance, or information technology. In addition, a specialist must have good analytical skills, the ability to think logically, and work with large data flows. If we are talking about work in international company knowledge of a foreign language is also required.

Personal qualities that should be inherent in an analyst are attentiveness, observation, patience, a good memory, the ability to think structurally and analytically.

The salary of a grass-roots employee starts from 400-500 dollars. With the growth of responsibilities, the income also grows, in 2-3 years you can claim 1000-1200 dollars. Further, much depends on personnel policy companies.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of being an analyst


  • measured work;
  • decent wages;
  • a wide range of application of professional skills;
  • opportunity career development and a quick pay rise.


  • For some, working at a computer may seem boring;
  • with tight deadlines - irregular working hours;
  • problems with employment without work experience.

As such, there are no career barriers. You can take almost any leadership position in the company, knowing all its business processes from the inside. The ascent of a specialist largely depends on ambitions, desires and professional qualities.

Today no one will refute the fact that life modern society is inextricably linked with a huge flow of information, the entire volume of which cannot be fully perceived by any person. And we would have drowned in this sea of ​​information long ago if it weren’t for the representatives of the analyst profession who took on the task of processing all the available data.

Today, no one will refute the fact that the life of modern society is inextricably linked with a huge flow of information, the entire volume of which cannot be fully perceived by any person. And we would have drowned in this sea of ​​information long ago, if not for the representatives analyst professions who took the trouble to process all the available data.

In other words, the analyst is exactly the person to whom all information flows and who knows how to work with it. Well, since information is a product that has value only while it is fresh, analysts have been and will be in demand wherever the relevance of information is of paramount importance. We note right away that analytics belongs to rather specific areas of activity, therefore only those people who have a certain set of personal qualities, skills and knowledge can work in this area. But about what an analyst should be able to do, and what are the features of his work, we will tell in this article.

What is an analyst?

A highly qualified specialist who conducts analytical research, summarizes the information received in a certain field of activity, is fluent in various methods of analysis, and is also able to predict processes and develop development programs.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek άναλυτικά (the art of analysis), which fully reflects the main essence of the work of an analyst. Despite the fact that the profession of an analyst is considered to be relatively "young", the first writings on analytics appeared as early as the 4th century BC (Aristotle's First and Second Analytics). However, the first analysts dealt mainly with history and universal human issues.

Modern analysts process information relating to all spheres of society, and deal mainly with numbers. That is why today there are several narrow specializations this profession, depending on the direction of activity: financial analyst, business analyst, investment analyst, system analyst, web analyst, marketing analyst, etc.

Responsibilities of an Analyst represent a chain of successive actions:

  • collection and primary processing of data;
  • drawing up certain assumptions and theses;
  • analysis and verification of information;
  • project development and methodical works supported by clear justifications;
  • drawing conclusions and analytical report about the work done.

In other words, professional duties of any analyst, regardless of the field of activity, are aimed at collecting, evaluating and analyzing information, followed by the development of practical recommendations for improving the work of an enterprise or organization, taking into account the current situation on the market.

What personal qualities should an analyst have?

Since the work of an analyst is directly related to the study of a large amount of information, it is impossible to imagine this specialist without such personal qualities as attentiveness, pedantry and meticulousness. In addition, such personal qualities help analysts to perform their work qualitatively, such as:

  • Analytical mind;
  • persistence;
  • good memory;
  • developed intuition;
  • sociability;
  • accuracy;
  • ability to work with large volumes of information;
  • observation;
  • patience;
  • perseverance;
  • a responsibility;
  • creativity.

The list of professional knowledge and skills necessary for an analyst to work necessarily includes: knowledge of various methods of analysis and the basics of statistics, skills in working with specialized software and electronic databases, as well as absolute knowledge of mathematics and the ability to draw correct conclusions.

Benefits of being an analyst

Analysts are considered to be "nerds" who spend the whole day poring over papers, and constantly studying, analyzing, researching and systematizing something. That is, in the view of the inhabitants, the work of analysts is boring and monotonous. But even the seeming ugliness of such work cannot "cross out" Benefits of being an analyst, which, by the way, are quite numerous. Of course, we cannot list everything, so we will focus only on the main ones.

  • First, analysts are in demand on modern market labor like no other profession. Moreover, employers are ready to pay quite decent money for their services (the average salary of an analyst in Russia today is about 60-70 thousand rubles).
  • Secondly, the work of an analyst is actually very diverse. After all, new information appears almost every minute, and for a person who is passionate about his work, finding the necessary data can be an exciting and interesting activity.
  • Thirdly, a flexible work schedule and the ability to carry out professional activities both in the office and remotely (that is, without leaving home). At the same time, the specialist himself decides whether he will work in the company's staff or whether the option of working as a "free" employee providing services on a contractual basis is preferable for him.

And most importantly, in the course of work, the analyst communicates with a large number of the most different people, mainly from management team companies and organizations. Therefore, over time, he acquires "useful" acquaintances that can be used both in professional activity as well as to solve personal problems.

Disadvantages of being an analyst

If we talk about disadvantages of the profession of analyst, then first of all it is necessary to note the fact that quite often the management of companies is not very positive about the innovations that the analyst proposes to introduce. Therefore, the specialist has not only to do his job, but also to prove the correctness of his conclusions and the effectiveness of the proposed methods for the development of the enterprise.

The disadvantages also include an irregular work schedule and the need to spend most of the working time at the computer. The latter, by the way, can adversely affect the vision of a specialist.

It is impossible not to say that analysts without work experience experience some problems with employment. Indeed, the development of the company largely depends on the professionalism of the analyst, so the management prefers to entrust the analysis of the current situation on the market to already experienced specialists who have managed to establish themselves only on the positive side.

Where can you get a job as an analyst?

For those who dream get a job as an analyst, first of all, it is necessary to determine the direction of activity, since the choice depends on this educational institution. A future financial analyst will be able to get the amount of knowledge necessary for work at a financial institution or university, and an IT analyst at a technical university.

Unfortunately, there are no specialized universities specializing in the training of "universal" analysts in Russia today, so young specialists will first have to study the characteristics of the market that interests them most, and then gain knowledge in the field of analytics by self-study. Another feature of becoming an analyst is the need to obtain practical experience before starting independent work. Therefore, after graduation, a university graduate will have to work as an intern for an already experienced specialist for some time.


Profession Analyst

The job of an analyst is to analyze a variety of data, usually digital, on the basis of which certain conclusions can be drawn. Analysts find application for their profession in scientific and research institutions, government agencies, banks, medicine, insurance business, as well as in economic sphere activities. The analyst must collect various digital data, analyze and subsequently be able to correctly interpret them. For data analysis, one has to use various ways which depend on its purpose.

The profession of an analyst appeared when it became necessary to collect and analyze large amounts of data for the purpose of their subsequent processing. Most common in Lately earned a job as a financial analyst. A specialist in this profession should be able to navigate the financial and securities market well, be able to analyze the market and predict its future behavior, as well as highlight significant financial indicators.…

Today, analysts are attracted by large manufacturing enterprises to monitor the market, determine prices and the competitiveness of the company. They collect data and determine the trend of the market. Very often, analysts are in demand in financial institutions where there is a constant need to predict the value of securities, real estate, precious metals, etc. Analysts at stock exchanges assess the situation on the markets and make recommendations and guidelines for traders.

A good analyst must have a perfect knowledge of the principles of the functioning of economic processes, have the skills to use a computer and specialized programs for processing statistical data. It is also necessary to know mathematics perfectly, to be able to draw the right conclusions.

Analysts usually spend their working day in a comfortable office, at a computer. The work schedule is standard, without any overtime hours. There are no specific health requirements, however, if you are constantly at the computer, you need to take frequent breaks to rest your eyes, hands and back.

Analyst professions can be studied at universities in economic specialties. Main subjects, as a rule, are economics and higher mathematics. A good analyst should be able to think creatively and quickly analyze any data and non-standard situations.
