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How to start your creative business. Real estate on the Moon and other planets. Creative Ideas for Small Businesses

Weaving baubles, sewing plush toys, knitting mittens or soap making - any hobby can become a source of income with the right distribution of efforts and the right business strategy. We tried to find out how to succeed and make money on your talent by talking to successful masters.

What is handmade?

You will not find the definition of this term in any dictionary. Handmade could be translated into Russian as "needlework" or "creativity", but most "handmade" would not agree with such a simplification, because for them it is a special way of self-expression and even a lifestyle.

Traditionally, handmade includes knitted or sewn toys, wicker jewelry, various accessories made of ceramoplastics, beads and felt, some interior items, such as pillows, napkins, bedspreads and even handmade paintings.

Clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, postcards, bouquets, bookmarks, notebooks, watches, bags, belts, even food - these are just the main items that you will find at any handmade market. The main distinguishing feature of all these things is their uniqueness and singularity. Each product is handmade, and therefore cannot be copied in any way.

In a market economy, the winner is the one who can offer the buyer something the most interesting, beautiful, convenient - in general, something of the very best. Namely, this is the very thing that handmade items make up. These things are in great demand, and therefore, sooner or later, from making things for yourself and your friends, creativity turns into the production of unique things for sale.

Where to begin?

As a rule, all masters start selling things by chance, most often to acquaintances. I made a thing for myself, a friend saw it and asked for the same one, then her friends became interested, and such a word of mouth led to you a completely unfamiliar customer.

But you can start promoting your business through social networks. Creating a VKontakte group or an Instagram profile is the most obvious way. What exactly is required for this?

  • Come up with a sonorous and bright name for your production. It should attract attention and at the same time reflect the essence of the manufactured gizmos - this way people will find you faster through the search. When creating a VKontakte group, try to put in its name not only the brand name, but also the name of the product itself, the mark handmade or “handmade”.
  • In the description, formulate your concept briefly but succinctly: it is unlikely that users will keep their attention on these lines for a long time. The fact is that a modern Internet user spends an average of 2 seconds viewing a page. And you should have time to interest him during this time.
  • When working with your profile, try to actively use tags: they will orient people and help them find you more easily through a regular search.
  • For better absorption of information, come up with a short text, accompanied by illustrations, graphics and videos.
  • Try to come up with interesting lighting or design for the "photo shoot" of your products, the product should first of all look attractive! But do not overdo it: photos should give users the right idea about the color and size of things!
  • It's always interesting to see how some amazing things are made. We do not suggest you reveal all the secrets, but you can show how you give the soap the desired shape or how you assemble the perfect bouquet piece by piece with the help of a video!
  • And if you can draw well or you have designer friends, then don't be too lazy to create your own corporate logo: it can be printed on packaging, business cards, as well as placed on the profile picture of the group and all promotional products!

The more original the better!

All counters are bursting with owls, hares, cats and dogs. But you will not find camels or raccoons during the day with fire. We are engaged in the manufacture of jewelry - do something non-standard, for example, leather rings or unusual hair ties. Try to find in any niche what your competitors do not yet have.

Development resources

Even skilled and experienced craftsmen are constantly looking for something new. Find a non-standard approach, learn how to use new materials and techniques, find the missing accent or understand manufacturing process from and to help specialized sites and forums for all lovers of handmade.

One of the largest Russian-language resources on handmade topics is the ProHandmade daily online magazine (, in which experts and ordinary users talk about all the most unusual and interesting things in the world of handmade.

How much will you have to spend...

For the production of toys, you will need fabrics, fluff, Decoration Materials(buttons, ribbons, braid, fur, sequins, patches, felt-tip pens for fabric, etc.), for the manufacture of cosmetics - a cosmetic base, aroma oils, bottles or jars for sale, packaging, for the manufacture of jewelry - beads, threads, wire , beads, fasteners / fasteners, glue, paints, finishing materials ...

In addition, special tools: some serve for a long time and reliably - scissors, hoops, machines, and some constantly have to be bought and updated - brushes, needles, etc.

A lot of great deals can be found in online stores, as well as in discount stores (for example, the FixPrice chain, where all things can be purchased for 38 rubles). And the easiest and most profitable way to find finishing materials is to collect all the little things they don’t need from friends.

… and how much to earn?

For example, a beaded bracelet will cost about 50 rubles (counting the thread - 5 rubles / spool, beads - 630 rubles / 0.5 kg, clasp - 20 rubles / piece [hereinafter, the estimated required amount of material for the manufacture of one thing is taken into account ]), the production of a knitted soft toy will cost about 350 rubles (a pair of knitting needles - 20 rubles, threads - 150 rubles / skein (450 m), wooden buttons - 50 rubles / piece, felt - 110 rubles / piece), we will appreciate sewing one butterfly about 60 rubles (cotton fabric - 550 rubles / meter, plastic fastener - 30 rubles), a notebook in a fabric cover will cost 250 rubles (notebook - 80 rubles / piece, fabric - 550 rubles / meter, glue for fabric - 45 rubles / 19 ml, finishing materials - 30 rubles).

The formation of the final price for consumers depends primarily on how highly you value your work. Making some things takes 15 minutes, others - more than a day (felting, knitting, complex weaving and painting). In addition, you will add to the price the cost of placing the goods and their delivery (in other words, the cost of participation in the market, mailing, etc.).

On average, the markup for such products is 300-500%, but sometimes it can be higher. So, you can buy a handmade beaded bracelet on average for 180 rubles, an extra charge of 260%; knitted Stuffed Toys handmade cost from 600 rubles, an extra charge of 170%; butterflies are sold for 700–900 rubles, markup from 1000%; notebooks go for 500 rubles or more, the markup is 200%.

Obstacles and difficulties

Alena Krasnova, administrator of the group selling jewelry from polymer clay:

“For young entrepreneurs, the main difficulty can be the lack of customers, which can sometimes even give up! But all this is fixable if you discover new expanses of the Internet and do not rely on one thing. You should also not bet money first of all, because this is only an insignificant value, which is not worth running after - only when a person really understands this, they begin to go to you on their own.

Ivan Bazaliev, director of the Ivanov tie store of butterflies and ties:

“Surprisingly, I didn’t have any special difficulties. True, in this moment fabric stores in Moscow have almost the same assortment. Accordingly, in order to do something different from competitors, you have to order fabric via the Internet. And, accordingly, wait about a month for her arrival. But it's not that hard."

Ekaterina Kladova, owner of the Zephyr handmade cosmetics store:

“There are many difficulties, but the main thing is not to be afraid and always go forward. At the very beginning, everything changes very quickly and rapidly. We pay great attention to the quality of products, we check everything on ourselves. Competent investments are needed: at first we monitored a lot, tried it, and only then more or less began to understand which types of promotion work and which do not.

Olga Kazakova is a professional artisan, for 4 years now she has been making designer jewelry, which she sells both through group Princessa Avenue (

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  • Increasingly popular in recent times buy handmade goods. Many housewives have already managed to create a real creative business in this field. Let's see where to start, how to organize and move forward in this matter.

    if you have favorite hobby- sewing, knitting, felting, scrapbooking, making dolls, flowers and bouquets from foamiran, polymer clay figurines or ceramic floristry, then you have every chance to start your own business in this field.

    Why are handmade goods becoming more and more popular?

    The general frustration that brands and average companies offer the same thing leads to a tendency to get more original things. It is for this reason that exclusive items created to order are so popular.

    The emergence and development of various types of creativity is associated with the development of the entire industry as a whole. New products, tools, materials, styles and trends in creativity appear, which leads to great amount people to engage in new types of hobbies, which, for some masters, grow into a real business.

    How to find an idea for a creative business?

    The creators of hand made goods are mostly girls and women. And the target audience that buys handicrafts is mostly female. Most often, a business starts with an ordinary hobby, and then when a large number of orders come in and prices for products increase, the hobby develops into a business. Where to start, what you need, what are the mechanics of a creative business?

    Since the main audience of the creative business is women, it is important to understand that working only for the sake of money may not bring the good result that you expect, and this will affect the whole process. Because self-realization is important for women. If you start learning how to create handicrafts without having a personal interest, but just for the sake of making money, then it may turn out that you will not earn money at all.

    1. To find an idea for a creative business, you first need to determine the direction in which you will develop: soap making, kinusaiga, decopatch, beading, floristry, embroidery, quilling, felting, candle making, carving, patchwork, macrame, scrapbooking, ceramic floristry, foamiran bouquets.

    Choosing a direction for yourself, it is important to focus on your own preferences and experience. What do you do best? What do you know more about?

    2. In the next step, it is important to decide what exactly will you be selling?- finished products, materials for making products or your training in this type of creativity and share your secrets and practical experience?

    Determine for yourself what you will focus more time on, and what type of income will suit you the most?

    Ways to monetize a creative hobby

    Sale of handicrafts. It seems to many that it is enough just to learn how to make beautiful and original things and people will immediately start buying them. This is not entirely true. In the creative business, as in any other business, it is important to be able to promote yourself. Today, craftswomen use special sites like Etsy, create online stores, exhibit their work on the Masters Fair site, or simply maintain and promote Instagram accounts and Vkonakte pages.

    Today, Instagram is the most accessible tool to express yourself. By posting photos of your crafts, you can quickly capture the attention of the audience. Well, if you do it right, then the first orders can be received after a month. We have written a PDF book for those who are ready to start gathering the target audience around them and make money on it.

    Try your hand at the 10-day business game "Your Start", in which you will start earning on your business, using your talents and strengths!

    Making handmade products requires a lot of time and effort of the master, which means that creating a full-fledged business is quite difficult, because this is just self-employment, and not a full-fledged business. You can, of course, go the other way and hire craftswomen who will make things, and you will need to promote your store and look for a market.

    Conducting live workshops. If you have enough experience, and you create such products that are willing to buy, then for sure, novice craftswomen will want to learn from your experience and learn directly from you. You can negotiate with shops selling creative goods, organize a joint master class. For the store, the advantage is that goods will be sold, and for the master, this is an opportunity to earn money.

    On average, such a master class can cost from 1000 to 4500 rudders, depending on the fame of the master and the complexity of the work. Famous masters travel all over the country and hold master classes in different cities and regions. What is most interesting, places for such events are sorted out in a matter of days.

    Sale of online master classes. The infobusiness is developing not only in marketing, but also in hobby areas. So, recently online master classes of famous masters in their direction began to appear. Masters record master classes on a video camera, explaining in detail what and how they do, pack the product and sell it in their store or on the website.

    Also, experienced craftsmen organize various online events and conferences, to which famous masters are invited. Masters demonstrate their skills, conduct master classes, and also sell their courses. An example of such an event is the Scrap Academy Online conference or the Secrets of the Masters.

    Sale of goods for creativity. Often a hobby turns into a real business, when the master no longer just makes things to order, but also wants to open a full-fledged store where he sells his products, as well as goods for creativity. Today, there are many Russian and foreign manufacturers from whom you can purchase goods at competitive prices.

    Here it is important to understand how much the store will be in demand in a certain locality and how popular it is here. different kinds creativity. Because if the market is not formed, then the task of the entrepreneur is to form this market. If the market is formed, then there are competitors and the task of the entrepreneur is to stand out from the competition, and for this you need to create your own unique selling proposition and think about how you differ from others.

    You can hold master classes in the store, inviting experienced craftswomen and buyers who will stay with you for a long time to participate.

    You can also organize an online store. Many masters prefer to buy imported materials and tools for creativity. Therefore, you can buy goods on American sites and sell them through an online store.

    Participation in the design team another way to earn money, albeit a small one. If you are an experienced craftsman and you have your own audience, then any manufacturer of goods for creativity will be glad to see you in their design team. The question is, what does the manufacturer offer? Often these are just sending new collections of materials in exchange for recordings of master classes and PR campaigns. However, it is possible to get a PR from a major manufacturer that will get you some attention one way or another.

    As you can see, there are many ways to monetize a creative business. This is not to say that with the help of a hobby you can create big business rather, creativity can help create additional income.

    But experienced masters manage to create several sources of income - they speak at conferences, conduct master classes, maintain their blogs and accounts in social networks, develop channels on Youtube, participate in the design team of well-known manufacturers, someone opens an online store, and someone is engaged in the creation of handicrafts to order. Everyone finds their own ways to earn income from their hobby.

    Nothing to do with real life. Like, all these inventions and unusual steps cannot bring good profit and are just toys. Let's try to prove the opposite and talk about ten ideas that also seemed interesting to many only on paper. And in the end, people brought it all to life and earn money.

    Of course, some of the presented ideas, in principle, cannot bring a lot of money, but at least they will serve people well, amuse them somewhere, make life a little more interesting somewhere.

    Here are the ideas.

    1. Damn heels

    "Damn heel!" - how often we hear these words from girls who, in the heat of anger, express their emotions and curse their shoes. In heels, you know, it’s not very comfortable to walk, and running in them is just real torture. But what not to do in order to look beautiful.

    Toronto entrepreneur Hayley Coleman realized that most girls wear heels just for the initial effect. Then they get rid of them by any means. Haley launched shoes without a “damn” heel on the market and hit his own pretty good target audience. The savvy businessman was able to light up on one of the Canadian TV shows and promote his product, thanks to which he raised an investment of 30 thousand dollars.

    The shoes are foldable, fit easily into pockets, and fit chic with a pink or black handbag. These shoes are especially relevant for mademoiselles who return home after a night out in the club. A successful business idea, a successful development of events for a businessman.

    When premature babies are born in remote villages in developing countries, they often die before they can get a qualified medical care. This is what drew attention commercial organization Embrace Global from San Francisco.

    In early 2012, the organization introduced a small "baby warmer" that costs just $25. The heater is like a small sleeping bag which is like a mini incubator that doesn't need electricity. Inside there is a heating element that can be removed and re-charged in boiling water.

    This product caught my attention non-profit organizations around the world and Embrace Global expects to raise $1.5 million in sales and distribution of this invention.

    If you think that your city has too many hills and your poor legs can't handle the load during long walks? Karbon Kinetics can solve this little problem of yours. The guys from this company released an electric bike - GoCycle. The company is only 18 months old, but they have already received several awards for their invention. The bike can travel more than 20 km without charging, and it takes only 3 hours to charge the battery.

    The only pity is that the price is quite biting and is $2000. For this price, you can buy a simple motorcycle that will run on regular gasoline.

    4. Kembrel

    The conversation is about the Kembrel store, which was opened by three enterprising students. And they did it not in some nook and cranny, which even the sun visits once a month. They made their store right on Facebook. At first they sold all sorts of cool gadgets and things there for a small price, and now the whole world knows about their resourcefulness. Already during the beta tests, the store attracted 20,000 people and continues to grow by 5,000 people every week. It was a real find, which brought a good profit to its creators. Of course, now you can’t surprise anyone with such stores, but the guys were the first and hit their jackpot and got into history.

    Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

    In honor of April 1, we wrote a humorous material, we recommend reading to cheer up


    nPowerPEG is an innovative device that uses human kinetic energy to charge a battery. You can walk, run, jump or just move all day long, while nPowerPEG will collect all the energy in itself. This device can then be used to charge your cell phones, tablets and other small electronic devices. This is especially true for people who love to travel. The cost of this device ranges from $150 to $200. You can buy on the official website of the manufacturer.

    Are you tired of your usual system unit made of plastic and metal? Do you think it is harmful to your health? Then you can order on Amazon a special system unit made from recycled cardboard. This thing looks quite funny and will appeal to computer geeks who love such perversions. The regular version of Recompute costs $200, but you have to assemble it yourself. For $1000 they will send you a luxury ready-made version.

    7. Samsung Hydrogen Generator

    This is green technology from Samsung, which is a generator that releases energy by splitting water. The Korean giant has been working on this kind of battery since 2007 and soon promises to present the new product to the public. It remains only to understand how mobile devices will be protected from a short circuit, which can happen when in contact with water.

    The idea is that a third party (in this case Storage by theBox) provides you with storage services for your boxes. What are these boxes? You ask. And everything is very simple. Let's say you have a small apartment in which a lot of unnecessary, but very "necessary" things have accumulated that you do not dare to throw away. You call the guys from the company that provides you with special boxes for storing your things. You pack all the rubbish in boxes, glue stickers and send it all by courier to the warehouse for storage. A similar service is provided by car services that can store your car tires for a small fee. You free up space and you can take your things back at any time.

    For music lovers with sensitive eyes, TriSpecs has developed special goggles with a built-in player. This product debuted in 2009 and became popular because it includes sunglasses, headphones and a bluetooth headset. Can be used as a player and as a headset to the phone. The main thing is not to forget these glasses somewhere in a restaurant, because they are not cheap at all.

    Xeros has invented a washing machine that uses 90% less water than conventional washing machines. A special technology using nylon polymer granules allows you to wash even slightly damp clothes. The machine received the "Best Technological Breakthrough of the Year" award, because such an invention is very relevant, especially in places where there are problems with clean water.

    As you know, it is almost impossible to find an “unbroken” niche in business today. Only a person who is looking for non-standard ways and creative ideas for business can become a pioneer in a particular area.

    A lot has been said and written about how they find the very idea that will allow an entrepreneur to become the owner of an unconventional business. Small business creative ideas are an accidental exit from the plane, an unexpected departure from traditional views on life, it is the ability to look at one's feet and understand that even sand can be made money. Any crazy, at first glance, idea can get a material design and enrich its owner.

    It would seem that all unusual types of business are already open, and it is very difficult to come up with something new. However, in 2011, the number of millionaires who took on completely wild and unpromising, at first glance, concepts, arrived. Let's see what unusual business ideas were born last year.

    First, let's talk about profitable types of business, the opening of which required special skills and education from entrepreneurs.

    Examples of using creative business ideas

    1. For example, such as a trainer of wild animals. Teaching elephants to stand on their hind legs and blow their trunks is difficult, but you won’t surprise anyone with such a trick. An animal trainer from the US Wildlife Safari went further and taught elephants how to wash cars. For only $20, three hefty elephants polish the car with sponges and pour water from their trunks. It is difficult to say how well the cars are washed, but it is known that visitors to the reserve line up to subject their swallows to an exotic procedure. In just 1 year, the trainer managed to make a millionth fortune.
    2. The ability to make coffins - this skill was required by craftsmen from Africa, who now also count the zeros on their bank account with pleasure. An unusual business project is to supply the US and Europe with real coffins from Africa. The highlight of the project was the fact that, at the request of the customer (or his relatives), the coffin can have the most unusual shape and copy any image - from iPhone to Ferrari.
    3. And another wild animal trainer got richer and probably happier last year. The creative idea for the business of a Japanese entrepreneur was to open a restaurant in his homeland. It would seem nothing out of the ordinary. The hallmark of the establishment was two monkeys who work there as waiters. True, they still cannot fully serve the table: one brings visitors only alcohol, and the other only warm hand towels.

    Concerning unusual ideas for businesses that do not require special skills to bring the concept to life, one has only to wonder at the unbridled flight of people's imagination. Would you be able to?

    Inspired by the examples of overseas businessmen, try to create your own business concept. After all, you remember that there are 7 billion inhabitants on the planet today, and each of them sleeps and sees how to give you their money.

    How to make money on photos?

    Earnings on photos is very profitable business, so the idea of ​​​​creating your own business thanks to a photo can interest many. In this article, we will talk about how it is most profitable to engage in this type of activity in order to get a stable income.

    How to make money on the exchange rate?

    You can earn on the difference in exchange rates in various ways.

    Small Business Ideas

    In the age of the Internet and high information technologies there was an opportunity to earn on foreign currency without leaving home.

    The most profitable business

    Many are interested in the question of which is by far the most profitable and profitable business. We will consider this issue in detail in this article.

    Creative Ideas for Small Businesses

    Every business starts with an idea. To get a solid income, they must be unusual. Entrepreneurs around the world, trying to force the consumer to purchase a variety of goods and services, are trying to find creative business ideas. In this case, there is one indisputable advantage, which consists in the absence of competitors. This means that if there are buyers, the business will bring high income.

    Initially, non-standard ideas are perceived as absurd. They are ridiculed by society, and only when the entrepreneur makes a profit that is incomparable with the average salary, glory comes to him. So, what are the most unique business ideas known today. Here is a short list:

    • a firm that goes to a crime scene to clean up;
    • boarding house created for nudists;
    • organization of trips to famous places where famous TV series were filmed;
    • the opening of stores that offer to purchase samples.

    Funky Ideas

    To brighten up gray everyday life, become famous as an original, and also make a decent profit, many businessmen turn to the funky style.

    Small Business Ideas

    What does this mean? It is the ability to combine different products. This style is a "chip" modern world, it gives rise to unusual business ideas:

    • a small library hotel where guests can spend time in solitude reading books;
    • cafe-bookstore (another option is a coffee shop-game store) - to open such a business, investments are required, although there have been cases when magazines or books were offered in an existing cafe;
    • a slide near a reservoir - such a service will be relevant not only in summer, but also in winter.

    When you think about it, creative business ideas are nothing special. The main thing is to show imagination and think about what may be of interest to society.

    Unique ideas from scratch

    Creative people who don't have the start-up capital to start and grow a business can consider ideas from scratch. These include making dolls, writing advertisements, articles, and more.

    Recently, business ideas for the restoration of old things: photographs, books, paintings and others are gaining momentum in popularity.

    It should be noted that in this case, it is not necessary to invest finance. Tools, as well as materials that will be required for work, can be purchased by the customer.

    Unusual furniture

    Original business ideas are the creation of furniture from a material that is filled with polystyrene foam balls inside. In this case, you can connect your imagination, make sofas and ottomans of various shapes. In addition, it is possible to choose upholstery fabric of various shades and textures. Such work can bring pleasure to many. And given the fact that it allows you to earn income, the business seems interesting and profitable.

    Coin business

    Attractions with coins are held everywhere, including in the Russian Federation. Minting souvenir coins is a business idea that belongs to the “non-standard” category. It is worth noting that it is not widely popular, however, it can provide a good income. Moreover, the equipment used for minting coins pays off quickly enough. Such a business can be created and developed in any city.

    You will have to spend money on equipment, the cost of which is approximately 30,000 rubles. It includes a machine tool, a cliche, as well as blanks made of metal: copper, aluminum, brass. They need quite a lot, about three hundred copies.

    In addition to sending coins to auctions, you can engage in minting to order. There is no doubt that they will be in demand after anniversaries, weddings and other events. After all, coins can be converted into bright souvenir items by creating an image on blanks that the customer needs.

    business on glowing flowers

    Category " original ideas for business" can also include the creation and sale of luminous flowers. This direction covers the sphere of holidays and anniversaries. Ordinary flowers are already quite bored, and non-standard ideas will certainly be appreciated. As a rule, it is quite difficult to quickly decide on a gift for a loved one or friend. Flowers that glow in the dark will be a wonderful gift for a woman for various events.

    Such unusual gifts will be in demand, and making them is quite simple. It is enough to treat the flower with special substances that are environmentally friendly and do not harm environment and living organisms. Bio-gel covers the entire petal or its base. There is an opportunity to draw various patterns, which will only add originality.

    During the day, in natural light, the flower will look normal, but at night it will give the impression that a light bulb is turned on inside it. In addition to the fact that the processed substance is environmentally friendly, it also retains the evaporation of moisture from the flower, so that it will live longer.

    This business is low cost. So, 210 ml of gel costs about 40 euros. For coloring one flower, 1 ml of the substance is enough.

    Unusual ideas for creative people

    Do not think that designers are only glamorous stars. It can be any person who has a fantasy.

    So, there are many business ideas for creative individuals. Here are some of them:

    • Christmas decorations for bottles - the Swiss company Taet-Tat took advantage of this idea;
    • Fashion crutches are a somewhat intimidating option, owned by LemonAid Crutches;
    • Haute couture home shoes - indoor slippers were first presented as a replica of the exposition of Malevich's paintings;
    • Turning old clothes into designer ones - ONE NOFFS store collaborates with designers who, over a certain period of time, turn second-hand clothes into fashionable wardrobe items;
    • Soap made on the basis of breast milk - originality is provided by nature itself;
    • Slates with a removable top - the idea was born in the head of an ordinary schoolgirl;
    • Hearing aid jewelry, an unattractive device that many people hide under their hair, can now, on the contrary, be shown to everyone with pride;
    • Jewelry on the wires - similar to a hearing aid, the wires no longer need to be hidden, they fit well into the overall interior, thanks to the jewelry.

    These are not all creative ideas that are suitable for a successful business.

    People with creativity, having realized their plans, have already become rich.

    Recently, the creativity of business is often heard. However, it is difficult to say that the most unique ideas exist. In fact, they are common. Much more important is a non-standard approach to them. Only in this way can an idea become truly profitable. People who were not afraid to face the difficulties and ridicule of others have long been leaders and have earned respect for themselves. From all this we can conclude that you always need to try and achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will never be able to get ahead.


    Such concepts as creative entrepreneurship or creative business are not yet very popular in Russia. However, the creative business in Europe and America is developing very rapidly. A creative entrepreneur is a person who brings together creative people and money in one place. He makes capital dance to the tune of talent (as two Swedish musicians Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstrale, authors of the book Funky Business) aptly put it. Creative entrepreneurs are not just looking to increase their income. Like true artists, they love independence. Their main values ​​are freedom and time. The possession of freedom and time is sometimes more important than the possession of money. Freelance creative entrepreneurs have a huge competitive advantage, because they are ready to open at any time new business and move in a new direction.

    I have noticed that many creative people have no experience and no knowledge of how to promote their creativity. There are a lot of stereotypes, especially in Russia. One of them is that a real artist must be poor. Creative professionals often don't realize that success depends on promotion skills. Many creative people aspire to create their own business. Yes, this is a natural desire. At the same time, creative people never have doubts about what to do. They are full of ideas.

    Top 10 most creative business ideas of recent times

    But their dreams are often shattered by the real laws of the market. Therefore, before embarking on a free swim, you need to study the laws by which the creative business works.

    In order to delve deeper into the topic of creative business and understand its laws, I intend to study the experience of successful creative people and leaders of creative companies. Aspiring creative entrepreneurs often feel like they have insurmountable walls in front of them. But this happens only until we see real examples of people who are creative, enjoy freedom and do not have problems with money. These examples inspire the search effective solutions in your business. There are still no resources in RuNet where the topic of creative entrepreneurship would be discussed. Despite the fact that every year there are more and more companies working in the creative field - advertising agencies, design studios, web studios and various startups in creative fields. We all face similar problems that can and should be discussed.

    About what exactly I'm going to do, I wrote here.

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    about the author

    My name is Ruslan Krasnov. I am the head of the RED studio, an investor and an entrepreneur. My blog is about creative business. You will be interested in…

    Due to the growing interest in handmade products, you can organize very creative and interesting business at home.

    And this idea is handmade textile dolls.

    attractiveness this business emergency - small investments, with a stable level of demand.

    Many works of art today have already grown out of their classical understanding. Today, handwork is highly valued everywhere - and textile dolls are no exception. This product, made at the highest level of quality, is suitable for collecting and can be valued at very, very large amounts, not even rubles, but dollars.

    We invite you to evaluate this opportunity to earn money without leaving your home. You will not only provide for yourself, but you will also constantly have positive emotions.

    Opportunities for this business.

    Since ancient times, dolls have been always next to a person. Curiously, dolls were not always made for children. They served as a powerful aid in magical rituals, and then became an excellent element of the interior.

    The ancients believed that a soul lives in a doll, remember at least Anatoly Moskvin (which is not funny!). And they used these cult objects as amulets. Now a handmade doll made of the simplest fabrics has gained particular popularity. Not a single heart of a lover of fine arts will remain indifferent. And all you need is basic sewing skills.

    To assess the demand for this type of craft, to get an idea of ​​the target audience and potential customers, we suggest you use the services of search engines outside the Russian segment. Statistics show that the number of requests per month in the US alone exceeds 450,000.

    Thus, we see that if there is interest, good results can be achieved. The main rule is serious and high-quality work.

    7 new small business ideas

    Not everyone can make a doll beautiful the first time, but it is definitely worth a try. Over time, you will discover a profitable way of earning money and simply satisfy your creative ambitions.

    Target audience research

    These are not only lovers of collectible dolls, but also just parents who are ready to give such a charm to their child, especially if it is sewn from environmentally friendly materials. Besides, it is a good gift for young girls and some guys.

    Incredible profitability

    We will need fabric (coarse calico, 0.25 m per doll), wool for hair and paints. We take into account that the approximate cost of the doll is $ 30. In total, we see that the net profit will be 300%. A great incentive to develop your needlework skills.

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    Lecture Search


    On holding the student competition "Academy of Family Sciences" within the framework of the regional festival "Kuzbass - For Life"

    General provisions

    1.1. This Regulation governs the status and procedure for holding the competition "Academy of Family Sciences" ( farther Competition) to present creative student projects on the approval of family values, which will be held as part of the Festival in support and strengthening of family values "Kuzbass - For life - 2017".

    1.2. The organizer of the Competition is the regional branch of the all-Russian volunteer movement "For Life", the youth department of the Kemerovo diocese, the department of youth policy of the department of culture, sports and youth policy of the Kemerovo city administration.

    1.3. These Regulations establish the procedure for holding the Contest, the requirements for participants, the criteria for selecting winners and are valid until the end of the competitive events.

    Goals and objectives of the Competition

    2.1. Purpose of the Competition:

    — Understanding the value of a spiritually healthy family in an era of terrible family challenges;

    — disclosure of spiritual and moral meanings of traditional family values;

    — formation moral foundation to create a strong family.

    2.2.Objectives of the Competition:

    prepare a creative pro-family project based on traditional family values, historical and national context;

    — to present a pro-family project by the creative team of a college or university at the Festival.

    - to argue the importance of the “family science” chosen for presentation (see Appendix No. 1 below) for creating a strong family.

    Basic concepts

    pro-family - related to family topics, affirming family values; raising family issues to the level of moral reflection.

    creative project- presentation of a certain family value ("science") in a creative form using various stage means: montage, poems, miniatures, skits, songs and other forms, united by a common idea, theme, assembled into a single composition.

    Terms of the Competition

    Festival-competition is held September 29, 2017 at 17 o'clock. in the Palace of Youth in Kemerovo, address st. Rukavishnikova, 15

    5. Terms of participation in the Competition

    5.1. Student teams of secondary schools and higher education institutions of Kemerovo have the right to take part in the Competition. The number of team members is not limited.

    5.2. In order to participate in the Contest, it is necessary to September 15th 2017 submit an application to the Organizing Committee (see Appendix No. 2) for email address [email protected] with theme "Academy of Family Sciences".

    5.3 Choosing a topic (family “science”) for a creative project (see Appendix No. 1), in order to avoid repetitions, it is necessary to declare in an open group until June 15, 2017 Here it is also possible to get advice from the curator of the Festival and discuss questions.

    5.4. Team performance time is no more than 10 minutes.

    The procedure for organizing and holding the Competition

    6.1. To conduct the Competition, a Jury is formed for the purpose of expert evaluation of competitive works, determining the winners of the Competition, which will include specialists in the field of theatrical art, representatives of the “For Life” movement, pro-family public organizations, priests.

    6.2. The competition is held within the framework of the regional Festival "Kuzbass - For Life -2017" and is included in the unified program of the Festival, so it is important to have a support group for each team before 30 people from educational institution. At the end of the Competition "Academy of Family Sciences" a flash mob will be organized on the theme of the Festival.

    6.3. Creative performances of the team are carried out using their own stage props, costumes, musical accompaniment. The Palace of Youth provides technical equipment for performances (presentations and musical accompaniment).

    The procedure for determining the winners of the Competition and their awarding

    7.1. Each competitive work will receive a thank you note.

    7.2. All submitted creative projects are evaluated by the Jury according to the following criteria:

    ¾ compliance of the work with the declared topic (family "science"), the goals and objectives of the competition;

    ¾ reasoning, depth, content of the disclosure of the topic (chosen family "science");

    ¾ imagery, integrity and creativity of the presented pro-family project.

    100 best business ideas!

    Teams of secondary schools and universities will be evaluated by the Jury separately, in each group 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Grand Prix among all teams will be determined. All participating teams that did not take the appropriate place will receive participation certificates.

    Contact Information

    9.1. Responsible for the competition: Youth Department of the Kemerovo Diocese, Priest Mikhail Pyshinsky.

    9.2. Contest curator: Burr Marina Ilyinichna, 8-950-272-56-85, [email protected], VK-

    APPENDIX No. 1

    Sample Topics creative projects

    · family arithmetic (rational and competent management of the family economy, distribution of powers among spouses, contention and misunderstandings related to the family budget)

    • family geography (where to live for young people? the role of travel in strengthening the family)
    • family history (genus tree, family traditions, dynasty)
    • family philology (the role of the WORD in the relationship of spouses, how, how much, when to talk to each other, children, friends, is it necessary to always tell each other the TRUTH? Foul language in the family)
    • family ethics - loyalty (hymn of loyalty - swan fidelity; how to avoid divorce? Is loyalty required? Trial marriage - is this correct from a position of fidelity?)
    • family ethics - patience (how is patience manifested in family relationships? how much should be endured? Is patience needed at all in a family; where, with whom and for how much?)
    • family ethics - childbearing (the value of a large family; how many children are good? And are children needed at all? the problem of abortion)
    • family ethics - respect (Who should respect whom in marital relations? What is the role of mother-in-law or mother-in-law, their advice in a young family? Respect for children and children for parents)
    • family ethics - reverence (Why is it necessary to honor parents? And to what extent? Honoring the wife of her husband, why is it?)
    • family ethics - love (what is true love? Examples from history. Signs of manifestation of love, without which love in the family is impossible?)
    • family hierarchy (Who is the head of the family? The husband is the head, the wife is behind the husband! Why do we need a family hierarchy, an excursion into history - a family according to Domostroy; Modern "shifters" of the family hierarchy - are they acceptable?)

    You can choose topics yourself, the main thing is that they reveal basic family values!

    Each speech can begin with something like this: “We believe that it is impossible to build a strong, friendly, complete, joyful family without our science ... And we will prove it to you now!”

    Application No. 2

    Application No. (assigned by the Organizing Committee)


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