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Corporate font set. How to choose the right font for your landing page? The meaning of the font in corporate identity

Logo- this is the most basic element of corporate identity. When creating a logo, fonts and colors play a major role; we’ll talk about them later.
The purpose of a logo is to identify, for this it must comply with the basic principles of logo design:

The logo should be simple. A simple logo is easy to recognize, allowing the logo to be versatile and memorable. Effective logos have something unexpected or unique without being overly detailed. How simpler logo, the more memorable it is.

The logo must be memorable. An effective logo must be recognizable, and this is achieved through simplicity and relevance.

The logo must be durable. An effective logo should stand the test of time, be “timeless”, meaning that it should be effective many years later.

The logo must be universal. The logo should look great in different environments and on different surfaces - on a website, business card, employee clothing, etc.

Corporate font

An important part of the corporate identity is the constantly used fonts in the design of text materials. They, like other elements of the corporate identity, must correlate with its core idea, emphasize the features of the brand image, and correspond to the specifics of the company’s activities.

A font can be perceived as “childish”, “masculine” or “feminine”, “light” or “heavy”, “elegant” or “rough”, “robust”, “businesslike”, “modern”, “conservative”, etc. d.

For example, for cosmetics they choose light, round, “feminine” fonts (like the Oriflame logo), which are associated with femininity and grace. Fonts for corporate styles of banks and insurance companies are straight, bold, symbolizing strength and reliability.

In addition, the fonts chosen should be easy to read. Readability depends on the font typeface, its size, and boldness. Factual information (product name, price, address, etc.) should always be typed in the most simple, clear, easily readable font, visible from afar, so such a font must be among the branded ones.

Corporate colors

Many companies can be instantly recognized by their characteristic color combination. Their advertisements stand out from the crowd and remain memorable. Examples of the most memorable corporate colors include yellow and black for the Beeline company, red and yellow for the McDonald's restaurant chain, and yellow and golden for the Kodak company.

The corporate color should evoke specific associations with the company’s activities, its products and image, should carry certain information and reflect the idea of ​​the corporate style. In this regard, when choosing brand colors, it is important to study the emotional impact and associations that a particular color evokes among potential buyers.

In addition to the emotional impact of color, it is important to analyze what type of activity it is associated with. Thus, the activities of the insurance and financial sectors are usually associated with calm and conservative colors: blue, green.

For companies offering mass products and services, bright and energetic colors are more suitable (such as Benetton). Activities related to the sea or water are usually symbolized by blue, with crop production - green, with milk - white, with coffee and chocolate - brown, etc.

In addition, color is perceived differently depending on the shape and area it occupies. It is also necessary to take into account what colors will surround the color you have chosen, i.e. psychological compatibility of colors. Therefore, it is better to entrust the development of a corporate identity professional designers with good recommendations.

IN corporate style Multicolor is undesirable unless it is dictated by the specifics of the business. A good corporate identity usually contains no more than two colors. This is due to the following:

  • color chaos is not perceived harmoniously and can even be annoying;
  • There may be problems with color rendering on different media;
  • In the case of a multi-color brand name, the costs of producing advertising, souvenirs and printed products, packaging, etc. will increase.

When choosing colors as corporate ones, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of their adequate transmission in the printing house and on the computer. It is not always possible to reproduce shades of a particular color different ways print and on the monitor screen (for example, on the company’s website).

To summarize, we can definitely say that it is better to entrust the development of a logo, the selection of colors and fonts to professional designers. Developing a corporate identity is a very important moment and is not limited to the logo, fonts and colors.

In a corporate style, multicolor is undesirable unless it is dictated by the specifics of the business. A good corporate identity usually contains no more than two colors.

The chosen fonts should be easy to read. Readability depends on the font typeface, its size, and boldness.

Good luck with your corporate identity development, best regards, website ;)

There are a million things to consider when creating the perfect landing page: choose images, color scheme, write a catchy headline. But one thing that is often underestimated is font. Don't make the same mistake. Right choice font can have a significant impact on the final appearance your page. After reading this article, you will learn about what to consider when choosing a font for your landing page.

is a set of rules that help the designer create unity of colors, fonts and other website elements. If your brand already has a guidebook, try to follow it in your design. If it doesn’t exist, then you should think about creating it.

You may be tempted to experiment with new fonts when creating your landing page. But you shouldn't do this. Every time a user visits your page or, for example, sees your advertisement, he gets a general idea of ​​your brand. If all this is designed in different styles, using different colors and fonts, then your potential client will have a feeling of inconsistency and fragmentation. That's why it's so important to be consistent when it comes to style, color, and of course, fonts.

Guidelines usually indicate the entire hierarchy of fonts that are used to create a brand’s corporate identity. These rules can be immediately integrated into your design. If another brand is using a font you don't know, you can use the WhatTheFont tool on This will help you identify it.

But if your brand has a designer font, then the designer will have to try to find a similar one in order to then use it when creating a landing page. Fonts can appear less clear in different browsers, so website creators use Google Fonts to stay as close to their company's branding as possible.

By the way, from now on you no longer need to open the Google Fonts service to get third-party fonts for your landing pages, because now the fonts are connected directly from . We have added all the fonts from the Google Fonts collection to a visual gallery, and all you need to do is select the appropriate font, click on the connect button and use it for new or existing texts on the landing page:

Does your brand not yet have a corporate identity and font?

Below you will find two key points to consider when choosing a font for your landing page.

1. Consider your target audience

The font on the landing page should reflect the individual characteristics of your customers. Do you have a traditional business aimed at a more conservative audience, or perhaps, on the contrary, minimalistic and modern, aimed at young people?

Different audiences - different design, including font

Once you answer the audience question, you will have an understanding of style. Based on this information, you can choose the right font for your landing page.

Let's say you are the owner of a vintage clothing store with a pleasant and modern atmosphere. You can choose a traditional font for headings and a classic sans serif font for the body text. For example, you can use a font like Arvo for headings, and Open Sans, known for its readability, for body text. This will give the entire site a balanced appearance. Plus, it will have a timeless look that will go well with your retro themed company:

Or, let's say, you law firm or a luxury cosmetics brand, and you want the appearance of the site to emphasize your professionalism and inspire the trust of potential clients. Then it would be better to use a classic and at the same time elegant font like Frank Ruhl Libre or Playfair Display. In the eyes of potential clients, this will once again emphasize your reliability and first-class level of service.

No matter what font you end up choosing, make sure it's web safe. You can find out which fonts are considered “safe” by reading the information below.

Using a web safe font means that users do not need to install any additional font on their computer for text to display correctly in their browser. 10 years ago there were only 13 font families that designers could use when creating websites. The current gold standard for any designer is Google Fonts. These fonts display correctly in any browser.

However, some brands use designer fonts. In this case, it is necessary to resort to the help of special tools for converting to a web safe font. But sometimes even this is no guarantee that your text will look good on screen. This is why designers often face the challenge of finding similar web safe fonts that are free and display correctly in all browsers.

When you're looking for the perfect web safe font, your best bet is to look at the Google Fonts library. In most cases, you will find a suitable option there. It contains more than 800 free licensed fonts. If you use one of them, you can be absolutely sure that users from any country will see your text correctly in any browser.

When you create a landing page, you most likely want to use more than one font. However, there are some rules for combining them.

First, never use more than three fonts on a single landing page. Secondly, make sure they complement each other. And the third rule to follow: determine the hierarchy of the selected fonts.

Here's what it looks like in practice:

1. Decide on the main font you will use for headings. To do this, you can refer to the corporate identity of your brand.

2. Then you need to select an additional font that will be used for the main text. It should be easy to read even on small screens. This, for example, is the Noto Sans font.

3. Finally, your third font should be eye-catching. It can be used on target action buttons or used to highlight certain parts of the text. A font like Montserrat is perfect for this.

Only a competent combination of fonts can have a significant impact on the appearance of your landing page.

See how in the example above, the designer used a unique font to match the martial arts theme and bring the site visitor closer to Japanese culture. The rest of the text is written in a concise, easy-to-read font. The result: a balanced design that draws the user's attention to the right places.

Above you can see two more examples of clever use of fonts. The first landing page belongs to the cashback service. It uses a crisp but slightly angular Open Sans font. Thanks to this, the site takes on a modern appearance. The second example is a tea and gift shop. Its pages use the rarer Bebas Neue Regular font, also sans serif, but due to its vertical “elongation” it looks more original. In both of these examples, the font fits perfectly with the rest of the design elements and perfectly conveys the brand's values. This is the power of the font's influence.


The font you choose depends entirely on the goal you want to achieve. When you're planning your brand identity and design, think about how you want potential clients to see your company. Fonts are an ideal image tool. Do you want your company to look classic, serious or traditional? Then you should choose an elegant serif font. Do you want to look stylish and minimalistic? Then a sans serif font is for you. Do you need something in between? Then it’s worth combining several fonts. Simply put, the font you choose tells people a lot about your company, so you should be smart about it.

High conversions to you!

Based on materials from:

When developing a corporate identity design, do not miss such an important tool as font. Font is one of the key components of a brand. It helps to attract the attention of the consumer, facilitates visual perception and memorization of the company’s image.
A corporate font can emphasize the uniqueness of a company’s style, form a unified style concept for the brand and emphasize its reputation.

When choosing a font, you should be guided by some rules:

The font must be readable, in any size and color. Only if this condition is met will the consumer be able to understand the essence of your advertising message and the corporate identity design will play into your hands.

The font must be appropriate and associated with the company’s field of activity. A jewelry company would like a luxurious font, lingerie lines that would be feminine and delicate, etc.

If you use several fonts, they must be combined with each other, otherwise the consumer’s perception of information may be disrupted.

Emphasis can be achieved by using several styles of the same font.

Designers distinguish several types of fonts:
1. Font as a logo design element or even a corporate identity design element.
2. Font as a web element (this is a font optimized for various browsers).
3. Advertising fonts (used to create advertising products and POS materials).

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a font, you should stick to some recommendations.

1. According to research, adults read information from the top of letters. That's why Special attention look for serif fonts.

2. The font should be simple, both in shape and color. Keeping the font as simple and unobtrusive as possible will help you place much more easily digestible information in a small space. For this reason, you should beware of handwritten or overly complex designer fonts: the modern rhythm of life dictates the need for lightning-fast perception and any font must be read “on the fly.”

3. Rule for size: capital letters - for basic information; average – for general information; small - for additional information.

4. The fewer fonts, the better. It is ideal to use one or two fonts.

5. Add illustrations to the text, this will simplify the perception of information.

Have you decided to invest in creating a brand?

Choosing a font, evaluate the appearance of the font when used in different sizes and colors. Evaluate the style of letters and their individual elements. Choose the optimal font size that will not affect the perception of information.

1. Be careful with certain decorative elements of the font, such as serifs. They may disappear at a certain scale, and the effectiveness of the font will decrease significantly. Ease of perception is dictated by the contrast between the font and its background.
2. It is best to align the font to the left or in the middle. This is how the font is perceived in the best possible way.
3. Use fewer decorative elements, this distracts attention.
4. The font should be the same for everything. Otherwise, he risks reducing brand awareness.

Fonts and associations.

Fonts have certain associations. Thus, a round font symbolizes infinity, an oval font symbolizes innovation, a triangular font symbolizes vital energy, and a square font symbolizes orderliness and reliability. Decorative fonts will make the brand unique, angular ones will indicate the company’s openness towards the consumer, and handwritten ones will emphasize openness and friendliness.

In addition to the above, special attention should be paid to the color of the fonts, which also affects the consumer’s attitude towards the brand and company.

What is the importance of developing a unique corporate font for creating the overall style of an organization? The answer to this question is extremely simple: the company’s style urgently needs the use of corporate fonts, namely a font that will evoke strong associations with a particular service or product among the organization’s clients.

As good example here you can specify printed publications– this is especially true for the USA and European countries. The printing press here creates its own exclusive fonts, on which the features of the publication depend. It is the font that can draw the attention of buyers to a newspaper or magazine and distinguish it from the general mass of similar publications.

If we look at the CIS countries, it is very difficult to find successful examples of using font as an element of organizational style. Basically, brand fonts are used by banks and corporations that interact in the global market. Among the methods of using a corporate font, you can consider making custom envelopes.

Main features of corporate fonts

As with any element of a company’s corporate identity, the corporate font has special requirements:

  • The corporate font must be legible and convenient for consumers to perceive the company's services and products. A font that is difficult to read is one of the company’s key mistakes. Please note that when choosing fonts for the logo and main headings in products, you must adhere to the same style. This is extremely important for the perception of the text;
  • When creating a corporate font, do not forget to respect copyright. Every font that can be found on the Internet today can be licensed or non-licensed. If you need a corporate font for a small regional organization, you can still use the font without a license. But if you are selecting a font for a large international corporation, abandon such an idea so as not to spoil the company’s reputation;
  • Don't forget about such an important component as marketing compliance. Any successful trademark has its own font, developed by professionals advertising sphere highly qualified. When developing a font for a brand, it is necessary to take into account an analysis of this market segment and the needs of the target client audience.

Read also: How to avoid mistakes when promoting a brand

Features and subtleties of choosing a corporate font

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a brand font? First of all, think about the difficulties of translation. This is especially true if your company operates in a global market. Many companies who know that in the future they will have to face the translation of the logo and company name into foreign languages, choose classic fonts. This phenomenon is associated with the difficulties of adapting modern fonts into foreign languages. If possible, try to anticipate this situation.

The second important point that deserves attention is how exactly to choose a font for a company: take advantage of the variety of options offered on the Internet, or turn to professionals to develop an individual font for a specific company. If you are going to seriously promote your brand and plan to approach your marketing policy thoughtfully, then the best solution would be to choose the second option. An exclusive font is one of the ways to attract potential clients: corporations in Europe and America have long taken this practice into account.

Corporate color scheme. Features of color selection from the point of view of the psychology of color perception. Features of color selection depending on the type of activity of the company and the characteristics of the target audience.

Color is one of the most significant elements of advertising, capable of influencing the purchasing decision no less than the slogan. This is a kind of connecting link in the advertising message, which makes adjustments to the perception of information. The first thing that catches your eye when reading the advertisement is the color scheme. At all general principle The construction of any ad is as follows: the module should stand out and should not be annoying.

Psychological research showed that a store window with lighting of 800 lux aroused the interest of 5 out of 100 passers-by, with illumination of 1200 lux 20 people “lingered”, and illumination of 2000 lux attracted the attention of 25 passers-by. It has been established: the weaker the light source, the thicker the shadow it causes, which results in the visitor’s fatigue in his efforts to examine the light and dark sides of the advertised product.

When preparing a poster, booklet or other printed advertisement, it is very important to think through the design well: position the text correctly, find an effective picture and choose the color scheme against which the product advertisement will be perceived best.

According to the results obtained in the course of numerous psychological experiments, scientists concluded that color in a certain way influences a person’s perception of body weight, room temperature and assessment of the distance of an object.

Thus, red, yellow, orange colors visually bring the object closer, increasing its volume and, as it were, “warming up” it. Light blue, blue, violet, black - visually move the object away, make it smaller and “cool” it. Therefore, when choosing a particular color to advertise a product, you should evaluate it in terms of these parameters.

General rules color usage:

1) Variegated colors of the advertisement are not recommended, and the smaller the module dimensions, the greater the irritation from the color diversity. Excessive loading of blue, green and red can lead to the fact that the gaze on such modules lingers for a short time, and it also interferes with the reading of information. The most acceptable option is three colors (black is taken into account).

2) Color saturation also plays a significant role. Pale (rather than pastel) colors reduce interest levels. Black and white headings are generally not recommended to be placed in a color environment - they are perceived as background. On the other hand, advertising that plays with shades of the same color is perceived quite advantageously. Black font based on grayscale looks good. Against such a background, any, preferably a small colored insert, looks quite advantageous and is memorable.

3) Also, special care should be taken with “aggressive” colors - red, black, dark brown: they are depressing. If they are used excessively, an extremely negative reaction occurs. Aggressive tones simply force one to identify the module as an advertisement for a militant organization. At the same time, you should always remember that light text on a dark background is perceived and read better than dark text on a light background. For example, yellow text on a black background is the optimal combination, but white on blue attracts attention even more, as it is associated with a blue sky. Sometimes, when creating an advertisement, you can use the technique of a blank sheet - a white sheet without inscriptions, with a message indicated in the corner in small print. It is also quite effective.

Color carries certain information and provokes emotions, therefore color is one of the elements of symbolism in various situations (state paraphernalia, religious rites).

From a physical point of view, color is the impression that light rays of different wavelengths have on the organ of vision (the longest are the red spectrum, the shortest are violet). The color of an opaque object depends on the spectral composition of the light incident on it and the reflectivity of the object's surface (material or paint). Color is determined by what wavelengths the surface of an object can reflect. We see black color when the surface absorbs all the rays falling on it. Therefore, the black tone (it is generally accepted that black, white and gray are tones, not colors) is perceived as “eating up” volume, while the white tone “increases everything.”

Attempts to understand the principles of color effects on humans have been made since ancient times. One of the most distinctive ways of approaching color in a meaningful way can be traced to the basis of symbolism - heraldry and vexillology (the study of flags). Coats of arms and flags must be visual, recognizable and carry encoded information.

A similar situation arises when developing corporate identity and trademarks of enterprises. The chosen color scheme should symbolize the priorities of this company or product.

Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. It has been reliably established that each color evokes subconscious associations.

Psychologists have found that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms and improves communication between people. Color significantly affects the psycho-intellectual state of a person.

Corporate font. Features of the selection of fonts depending on the philosophy of the company.

Selection of fonts. Along with the logo, a significant role in the process of recognition and memorability of a company is played by its corporate font. It not only defines the overall style, but also helps to ensure that the company's products and its distinctive attributes stand out from all other products. Therefore, the development and selection of fonts should be approached responsibly, since it is it that determines the individuality of the company and emphasizes its image and reputation in the market. Therefore, we suggest ordering a selection of fonts from our specialists.

Selection of corporate fonts for the company

Depending on the scope of application, a distinction is made between the main font used in the production of printed materials, product packaging, branded souvenirs and stationery, as well as fonts for web pages and a style for logo design. They are variants of the main typeface and are designed in the same style.

When selecting a corporate font, it is necessary to take into account that it must have the following properties:

Emphasizing the uniqueness of the company.

Be easy to read and match the style of the logo well.

Versatility of use both on product packaging and on letterheads, postcards, promotional materials and other elements.

Bright stylistic features and the possibility of using it in different colors and sizes.

Contrast between background and text to improve readability and comprehension.

The character of the letters, slope, size and other parameters must be unique, unlike the text styles of other companies, especially competitors.

What are the advantages of choosing a brand font:

The use of original, memorable and non-standard styles in product design provides significant advantages in the development and promotion of goods and services:

Attracting consumer attention to the company's products.

Increasing the company's memorability and recognition.

Creating a common style for the company and combining all working tools.

Emphasizing the company’s non-standard and creative approach to its activities.

Positive impact on the company's reputation and its image in the market.

The most successful font design options

The vast experience of 24-pro company specialists in the development of corporate styles and fonts allows us to assert that when using various options, it is possible to convey the appropriate message to consumers and evoke certain emotions. For example, the use of simple sans-serif fonts conveys the practicality, stability and reliability of the company, emphasizing its strong position in the market.

The choice of angular and straightforward styles conveys the firm’s decisiveness in its actions and its confidence in decision-making, while non-standard decorative or handwritten fonts create the impression of novelty and bright individuality of the company’s image.

Strict outlines convey thoroughness and a thoughtful development strategy. They are great for attracting investors and help strengthen business relationships, creating trust in the company. Used to design headings, social advertising, attracting attention and conveying the high authority of the company.

The company's desire to establish good relationships with consumers and win their trust is perfectly conveyed by the handwritten fonts used in the design. They help to express that the company cares about its customers and tries to satisfy their requirements and wishes.

When choosing a font, you should pay attention to ensuring that it is easy to read, regardless of the size of the letters. The optimal choice is fonts with sizes from 8 to 18 points. If you plan to use a small typeface, you should not opt ​​for serif fonts, since these elements, when reduced in size, significantly impair readability.

The widespread use of branded headsets gives consumers the opportunity to get used to individual characteristics company and creates strong associations with the products produced. Like the logo, the corporate font should not be changed too often, so as not to disrupt the uniform style and the connection between the company’s products and its symbols. In the future, individual styles and colors may change, but the basic lines and ideas of the company's symbols should remain constant
