Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

What to read about business. Business bestsellers of all times and peoples as one of the tools for the success of a novice entrepreneur. David Ogivly and his thoughts on advertising

“Because we're in the business of investing, the choice of books is about investing (surprise?) and entrepreneurship. These books will arouse the greatest interest among aspiring entrepreneurs. Indeed, at the beginning of the journey, motivating, but realistic literature is primarily interesting, which will allow you to give answers on how best to start a business, how to deal with the first difficulties and how to continue working in spite of everything. It is only later at the stage of company development that you will need books like “how to manage a company” and “financial planning”. Many of the books are not entirely new - but they are worth reading."

under the cut - top 10 books for a startup according to Nikolai Lyakhovsky

1. And botanists do business.Maxim Kotin (

And don't let the name fool you. The book is a hymn to entrepreneurship. She tells the story of a young Russian businessman who, by his own example, shows that business is perseverance, willpower and remarkable endurance. Moreover, the book is universal and will go to both online and offline businesses - the systems work the same way: there is a product, and there is a client who needs this product. By the way, the ending is not like in all books of this genre: without a Ferrari and a mansion on some island. Everyone who wants to do business is required to read, and I am a supporter of the fact that any startup is, first of all, a business and nothing else.

2. Raising Venture Capital for the Serious Entrepreneur.Dermot Berkery (

A guide for people who plan to engage in venture capital investments and those who want to attract venture capital. Thanks to the book, you will be able to understand the logic of a venture investor and either attract financial resources to the company, or understand that you do not need them for development yet. The book is only in English - I have not seen the Russian version. The key phrase in the title is “serious entrepreneur”, that is, the literature will be useful for those entrepreneurs who have already passed the stage of starting a company. If you are only creating a prototype, attracting investments from a business angel - this is still a waste of time. But when the company starts to earn and show good dynamics, be sure to read Comrade Berkeri.

3. Durov's code.Real story"VKontakte" and its creator.Nikolai Kononov (

It was impossible to ignore a book about a large and at the same time very controversial Internet project of the CIS. It was interesting to find out what logic the person who was and remains at the head of the social network is guided by. As a result, we can make the main idea of ​​the book: doing social startup- attract as many beautiful girls as possible there (in general, it seems to me that all areas where there are beautiful girls simply doomed to success). Well, and what is also obvious is that Pavel Durov (i.e., a totem) is a complex person, but he has his own point of view, which can be supported, or not.

4. Life is like a startup.Build a career according to the laws of Silicon Valley.Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha (

Beautiful cover, but the book does not contain particularly valuable thoughts. The whole idea of ​​the book can be expressed in one sentence: you need to “turn around”, create opportunities and move from words to deeds as quickly as possible. Oh, yes, and, of course, LinkedIn will help you like no one else.

5. Your own MBA. Self education 100%.Josh Kaufman (

A kind of MBA for dummies. The first few chapters can be intimidating as the author gets too deep into stories about how cool he really is. But the more you read, the better the book becomes. Who does not have the money or time to get an MBA crust is worth reading. It's cheaper than listening to video tutorials by domestic infobusinessmen on how to make a million (we all already understood that for this you need to become an infobusinessman and record the same lesson).

6. Atlas squared his shoulders.Ayn Rand Trilogy (

Although the genre of art is a classic. The story itself, however, is somewhat exaggerated, but at least it can captivate the plot. Therefore, when a crisis occurs in your startup, at work or in your personal life and you need to get distracted - take the trilogy and you will quickly forget about your troubles and problems, and possibly take out something useful. And again a book about entrepreneurship - but I can’t help it, we really want to see more and more smart entrepreneurs in Belarus.

7. How to become a businessman.Oleg Tinkov (

Tinkov is one of the most extravagant, but, nevertheless, one of the most talented entrepreneurs in Russia (he was not seen in the loans-for-shares auctions - although he may now regret this). In the book, he lays out on the shelves the main nuances of any business - from trade to production and banking (fortunately, his experience allows him to do this). How to choose your niche and what you should pay attention to, that is, if you are already an existing entrepreneur, the book is unlikely to be useful. But for those who only think about their own business, the book is worth reading.

8. Steve Jobs. Walter Isaacson (

Probably easier to find those who have not read this book. What I took out personally for myself is that talented people are always very difficult and even though it’s hard to work with them, you can’t get anywhere. After all, it is these people who achieve heights in life - be it politics, business or science. So learn to work with different people and we will be Zen to you.

9. Lean Startup (Business from scratch).Eric Rees (

The book is very good. But again, the main idea can be expressed in a couple of sentences. Startups - don't try to make a perfect product (it won't work anyway). It is better to release it first and raw than perfect, but no one needs it (who would have thought?!). And always test your startup idea on a minimally finished prototype. This will save you and investors (we would really like) money. Despite what I have already said about main idea book, I strongly recommend reading it to those who are doing their own IT startup.

10. How to work 4 hours a week and at the same time not hang around in the office “from call to call”, live anywhere and get rich. Timothy Ferris (

Although the book has many motivational moments so beloved by Western authors: come on, come on and work, work. It also has great tips about how, for example, it is better to plan your work, day and life. Moreover, the book contains concrete examples the author, not general theory on time management. It is suitable for future millionaires / billionaires. The beauty of the book is that it makes it clear that in order to taste all the joys of life, a million is not so necessary. You can also rent a Ferrari or Audi R8 for a ride. So don't do a startup for the money - do it for the soul (not really).

The idea of ​​doing business or building a successful career visits every person who wants to become successful and independent in financial terms. But in most cases, it remains an unfulfilled dream or breaks against the first obstacles encountered on the way.

In such cases, people begin to look for the reason for their failure, try to achieve what they want in a different way, which often leads to the loss of significant amounts of money and precious time.

The secrets of good business management allow you to open business books in which you can draw experience successful people who conquered the heights of entrepreneurship.

The top 10 best publications on this topic should be read by every person who is looking for inspiration, motivation, wants to change their worldview and take action.

The best example for aspiring entrepreneurs and people who have been involved in own business, will be the biography of the legendary manager of the world-famous Apple company.

This book is currently the most popular business literature and is in the lead in the top 10 rating. It tells the story of a successful entrepreneur and tough leader who was able to build a multi-billion dollar enterprise from scratch.

Journalist Walter Isaacson was inspired to write a biography by the suggestion of Steve Jobs, who learned about the terrible diagnosis. The famous entrepreneur wanted his story to be told honestly, without any embellishment or thickening of the clouds.

He spent a lot of time with Isaacson in conversations in which he revealed his secrets to doing business. Jobs wanted a journalist to highlight all of his achievements and the many failures along the way, which would help aspiring entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes they made.

The book turned out to be truthful and impartial, which led to its high rating.

After reading the book Steve Jobs» It becomes clear to each person how much effort and work is required to achieve the desired result in any endeavor. Success doesn't come by itself.

On the way to your goal, you need to sacrifice a lot, not stop at the first failure and stick to the chosen course.

Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

The list of the most popular publications on self-development and business management would be incomplete without the book by Robert Kiyosaki, which became a bestseller and inspired many people to a rapid breakthrough in their careers and entrepreneurship.

It occupies the second position in the list of the most popular and useful business books. It contains answers to the most important questions facing startups:

  • how to learn to manage finances competently;
  • what steps should be taken by a novice entrepreneur;
  • where do ideas for new promotions come from;
  • how to set priorities correctly and not be distracted from the chosen path.

Stephen Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

The third position in the top 10 business publications is occupied by a book by a well-known specialist in self-development and management, Stephen Covey. Even successful entrepreneurs note that it can radically change life position. The bestseller sheds light on the following points:

  • how to form and concretize a life goal;
  • what tools should be used to achieve what you want;
  • what motivates a person to act, contributes to his self-development;
  • how you can realize your maximum potential.

Many business books are difficult to understand after reading or listening to the electronic version. But all the works of Stephen Covey are written in a language that anyone can understand, which makes them extremely popular.

Michael On "It's a customer, you idiot!"

A real find for startups and established entrepreneurs is the work of Michael On, who helps to attract customers by establishing the right relationship with them. It occupies the 4th position in the top 10 best business literature.

The book is quite small, but very useful, thanks to which it has a high rating. After all, every entrepreneur is familiar with the situation when a minor mistake forces customers to turn to other companies, which has a bad effect on the state of affairs.

Donald Trump "Never Give Up!"

The work of the current US President Donald Trump “Never give up!” is very popular. It is ranked #5 in the top 10 best self-improvement publications. It is worth reading for every person who is tired of a series of failures that happen in life.

The book motivates to action, makes you leave your usual comfort zone, achieve the desired goal no matter what. She inspires new achievements, thanks to which her rating continues to grow for 6 years.

In the pages of the book, Trump teaches how to deal with emerging problems so that nothing can stand in the way of success.

He also gives advice on how to see failure as an opportunity to achieve what you want, rather than wasting time on regrets or meticulous analysis of the current situation.

Tony Shay Delivering Happiness. From zero to a billion: the story of an outstanding company

He reveals the secrets of how, in just 10 years, he built a thriving e-commerce company valued at $240 million.

Vern Harnish The Rules for Profitable Startups. How to grow and earn money

In it, the author gives advice to people who decide to start a business or improve the state of affairs in an already developing company. The publication describes effective tools that allow you to confidently move towards the implementation of your plans:

  • focusthe main objective, which is achieved over several years, as well as short-term goals;
  • data- communication with customers, employees and partners, allowing you to track the progress of cases;
  • rhythm– ways to establish coordinated work of all company personnel.

Harnish gives detailed instructions on doing business that will allow you to build a prosperous business that brings a stable income. It is a must read for anyone who dreams of moving fast.

Richard Branson "To hell with everything, get on and do it!"

The real manifesto of life is the book of the famous extraordinary entrepreneur from America, Richard Branson, which ranks 8th in the ranking of the most useful literature for self-development and business promotion.

A successful billionaire in his work encourages the reader to act, to persistently move towards the goal.

The author argues that the main criterion for successful business management is aspiration. He also warns that people should only do what they like, otherwise life becomes a routine, which is absolutely not motivating to conquer new heights.

Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements"

The ninth position in the top 10 best books that allow you to understand the intricacies of doing business and achieving success is the creation of the famous US entrepreneur Henry Ford.

In it, the famous billionaire shares his thoughts on doing business, organizing the work of the company. The ideas of Henry Ford have become the mottos of many entrepreneurs who have built a successful business from scratch.

Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

The book became so popular that it had to be published 42 times. There are also her electronic versions in many languages. On the pages, the author gives clear instructions on how to achieve the desired results, gain financial independence.

The book is filled with vital energy, which motivates, makes you wake up and start acting.

I am often asked the question: “What are the best business books?”, “What can you advise me to read?”, “Which book should I start my entrepreneurial journey with?”. The questions are quite logical because high-quality information today is the key to success tomorrow. And no one wants to waste time reading empty books by fake business gurus. Therefore, I would like to tell you what are the best business books to read, what you should pay attention to in the first place.

There are hundreds of worthy books, it makes no sense to list them all in the article. I decided to make the TOP 10 most interesting, popular, and practical business books. How did I choose them? First, a personal opinion about the book. Secondly, entry into the TOPs of business literature on other Internet resources. Third, sales ratings. And further. I decided not to talk about well-known foreign books on business. Stories about Apple, Macdonald's, Facebook are already boring. We want to build a business in Russia. Therefore, the books will be about Russian entrepreneurs with capital letter P. Let's go!

The best books about business in Russia

How to become a businessman

Oleg Tinkov

Now you probably cannot find a person who would not know about Tinkov and his bank. This is one of the most significant figures in the Russian business of the zero and tenth years. At first I read his first book “I am like everyone else” and was simply delighted with it. Each time Oleg succeeds as an entrepreneur in a new direction for himself. And I think the reason for the success is simple. Tinkov is interested in business as such.

In the book "How to become a businessman" you are unlikely to find advice and recommendations. But the book is valuable to others: it is the best motivator in all Russian business literature. It teaches you to find ideas and bring them to life, not to be afraid to take risks and solve the most difficult tasks that stand in the way of a novice entrepreneur. Therefore, I advise you to read his two books to learn about Tinkov both as a person and as an entrepreneur with a capital letter.

Break everyone. How to build a big business in Russia. The real history of Euroset

Sergei Fomenkov

“Stories of the Formation of Real Business” is a format of business books that came to Russia from abroad, and which I personally like very much. Euroset is a phenomenal project in the history of post-Soviet business. The author of this book is the former vice-president of Euroset Sergey Fomenkov, whose name and work are associated in more tremendous growth of the company in the first half of the 2000s.

This book tells not only about the events, as it should be in the genre. The reader can find excellent advice on the management of a large company. A large company is a crossroads with a thousand possibilities, choosing the right one among which is much more difficult than starting a business with a small start-up capital on hand.

The first $1,000,000 is the hardest

Sergey Vatutin

Do you want to earn your first million? But you don't know how! Then I recommend reading this book. Its author is CEO network of travel agencies "1001 tour" Sergey Vatutin. He is also the founder of the travel portal, the consulting project TurDelo and the author of several other bestsellers on business. His work is one of the best cases in Russia, how you can become number 1 in your niche.

In this business book, you can find many fundamental principles of building a business in Russia as a whole - from calculating the first investment and writing a business plan to the “first million dollars” point, which can be achieved if you abandon stereotyped thinking and learn how to bypass all the obstacles that are inevitable in the path of every startup.

Business youth. Start your business

Petr Osipov, Mikhail Dashkiev

Many people think that starting a business is very difficult. What you need to have a large amount start-up capital or "good" connections. Petr Osipov and Mikhail Dashkiev refute these erroneous judgments in their book Business Youth. Start your own business." They are operating entrepreneurs and business coaches who created the largest community in Russia, which includes more than 2,000,000 entrepreneurs. I myself have been following their activities since their inception in 2010.

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In their free master classes and paid programs, the guys provide very valuable information from a practical point of view. They show that business is not difficult at all. The very same book “Business Youth. Start Your Business” is written in a very simple and understandable language. Even if you have never had your own business, the schemes and principles described there will help you in opening it. I highly recommend this book!

Business is like a game. The rake of Russian business and unexpected decisions

Sergei Abdulmanov, Dmitry Kibkalo

Who doesn't love playing board games? I think that's all. And Dmitry Kibkalo and Sergey Abdulmanov love not only to play, but also to earn money on them. They are the founders of the company "Mosigra" - the largest chain of stores in Russia board games. The title of their business book completely defines its essence, and the playful beginning gives it a special charm.

In this book, the authors reveal all stages of company development: creation, promotion, management, work retail store. Separate sections of the book can be read as interesting and unique stories from the life of this business. At first glance, the book may seem like "reading matter" for a Friday night, but reading deeper, you can see a lot of recommendations that do not cover other business practices. Therein lies the value of this book.

Durov code. The real story of Vkontakte and its creator

Nikolai Kononov

This is a story about the VKontakte social network and its founder, 32-year-old Pavel Durov, who literally created and developed the most popular social media platform in the CIS from scratch. This business book is worth reading for those who are interested in stories about running an Internet business in Russia, as well as for those who just want to start their own business.

This is a story not only about the life of VKontakte, but also about the life of its creator, Pavel Durov, a man who rarely communicates with journalists. Durov is a rather ambiguous person. Some call him a genius, others - just a man who managed to catch a wave and stay on it. Some call him an inefficient manager, a twenty-year-old nerd, while others call him an uncommon, gifted person who can change not only himself, but the entire human civilization.

And nerds do business

Maxim Kotin

This book by the writer Maxim Kotin is about Fyodor Ovchinnikov, a botanist who was not afraid to do business in Russia, a country of total corruption, a country ruled by officials, oligarchs, security forces, who are just waiting to devour a daredevil who dared to go against the system. This book bears little resemblance to the many success stories with happy endings about oligarchs who started from scratch, the creators of multinational corporations. The harsh truth of life, instead of an adventure novel.

So interesting that it will give odds to many entertaining books, at the same time, it is useful for entrepreneurs, like a textbook on strength of materials for engineers. This book is about a dream, and the path to it, about personal growth. This is an ode to hard work, hard work, courage and perseverance. About successes and disappointments, obstacles and their overcoming. Teaches, motivates, inspires.

Business in the style of Zh ... Personal experience of an entrepreneur in Russia

Dmitry Agarunov

This book is the founder of the publishing company Gameland. Dmitry Agarunov wrote it on the basis of a very difficult personal experience. He has gone through several crises and bankruptcies, many ups and downs, a divorce from his wife, the transition from video game trading to one of the most significant media empires in Russia. To have such a book about business, where the wisdom “how not to do business” is concentrated, is simply necessary.

The book is divided into sections that are devoted to different aspects of the business - starting a company, communicating with investors, working with employees, finance, sales department, and even self-development and family relationships.

An honest book on how to do business in Russia

Dmitry Potapenko

Dmitry Potapenko is a well-known Russian entrepreneur, media personality, and economist who is known not only for his achievements in managing large retail chains, but also as a charismatic and straightforward speaker. This is one of the best books on Russian business without embellishment and remarks will tell how it works and what awaits it in the near future. Specific answers are given to specific questions, and a theory is only one that can be confirmed in practice!

The book will answer the main question of all entrepreneurs: "Where to start?" It also describes business in Russia as it is, without embellishment. The book offers a theoretical substantiation of the business practice obtained by D. Potapenko in the process of working with large companies. A book for those who want to get an expert opinion on long term planning business in times of crisis. And understand the relationship between the economy and the state.

Business on autopilot. How to retire as an owner and not lose business

Andrey Merkulov, Nikolay Mrochkovsky

And I want to complete my review of the best books on business in Russia with a book that will tell you how to get out of successful business. Such thoughts also come to mind! There may be several reasons for this. I want more free time, I'm tired of a niche, I want to make a new one more interesting project. Therefore, this format of the book also has a place to be.

The authors of the book are experienced managers and business coaches, experts in the field of financial and business consulting. The book contains everything that they repeatedly wrote in their articles, spoke at seminars and conferences. The 250 pages of this book contain a lot of advice on how to build an effective system that would work without their constant control. This book has already been named one of the best management publications of 2016.

Now you need to find time to read all these interesting and useful business books!

Read business books smartly

Business books are not fiction. Reading them requires a different approach. Therefore, at the end of this article, I will give you a small checklist with 3 steps on how to read a business book in a smart way:

1. Be able to pick up

There are a lot of business books out there. In addition, there are now many magazines and, of course, the Internet. How to choose the “right” books from all this variety of business literature?

7 sources of such information:
– visiting stores, including searching online stores;
- recommendations from friends and colleagues;
— search for lists of references on blogs and specialized forums;
— participation in various online communities dedicated to business topics;
— an appeal to businessmen with a request to recommend the necessary literature;
- recommended literature in already read books;
— various subscriptions to specialized mailing lists.

Okay, let's say you managed to find interesting books on business. What's next?
Next you need to read these books.

You need to read 1,000 books to find the 10 that will help you build your business. But, perhaps, if you correctly completed point 1 and chose the really “right” books, then you won’t have to read 1,000 books. Already better, right? Therefore, it is not worth chasing quantity here and reading 1 book a day too. The best option- 1 book per week. If creating or running a business takes a lot of time, then at least 1 book per month.

The first time we read for the sake of interest, the second time for the sake of knowledge and practice with a pen and a blank piece of paper, secluded in our room. At this stage, it is necessary to outline all ideas, solutions, techniques in the form of an intellectual MindMap map. How to make it you will read on the Internet. I will not focus on this now and will go straight to point number 3.

3. Be able to translate knowledge into practice

I must say right away that reading a lot of books on business does not mean becoming a businessman. Business is everyday and effective actions day by day. Therefore, the knowledge gained from books must be put into practice. The already created MindMap map will help you with this. Some will work, some won't. At the first stage of creating a business, it is necessary to do a large number of practical actions without thinking about their result. Over time, you will collect your key moneymaking actions that will definitely lead you to a positive result in business.

I noticed that few people fulfill all 3 points, so it’s impossible to build a business. Someone reads not what he needs in this moment time. Some people read and don't take notes. And then some just don't. But I hope that after reading this article you will read business books in a smart way. Let the number of entrepreneurs in our country grow, and the established businesses will only benefit people. Therefore, we read the best books on business and become entrepreneurs!

P.S. Write in the comments 2-3 business books that you have read and can recommend to blog readers!

First of all, you can pay attention to the best editions offered by business literature. They will help you change the way you think about money, business and people, but most importantly they contain a huge motivation that anyone who wants to become independent needs.

Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

This book first saw the world in 1997, but today it is considered the best financial guide in the world for people of all income levels. The book talks about how to shape and manage cash flows, invest and profit from it, and how to change your attitude towards money.

The businessman shares with readers his own secrets on how to get out of the closed loop inherent in the life of an employee, become independent and rich, and also raises the problem of shortage financial education in schools using examples from their own lives.

Nir Eyal "Hooked Buyer"

In 2017, this book was ranked among the best by Forbes. It will be useful to private entrepreneurs, including beginners, designers and marketers. The bestseller tells how to create products that form certain habits in buyers and how this will help build a business without using aggressive marketing in your practice.

The author considers the principles of using various social networks, and also answers the question why some products cause consumer attachment, while others do not. It also provides a practical guide to interacting with clients and influencing their psychology.

Donald Trump "The Art of the Deal"

Wonderful book from 1987 reveals to readers the secrets of imprisonment biggest deals New York developers. Despite the autobiographical content and scale of the described business, many situations in negotiation are comparable to typical problems for medium and small enterprises.

Useful material is presented with humor and actively motivates the reader to search for new ideas for their business. The bestseller will be of interest not only to entrepreneurs, who will find in it many living examples of successful transactions, but also to people who are interested in outstanding personalities of our time.

D. Knapp, B. Kovitz, D. Zeratsky "Sprint: how to develop and test a new product in just five days"

D. Knapp, B. Kovitz, D. Zeratsky

This unique book was released in 2017 and became a bestseller almost immediately. It focuses on the progressive method that Google developers use to quickly create and test products. It provides practical advice on how to make a project of high quality and at the same time spend no more than a week on the whole process.

The material will be of interest to both large companies and beginners. The methodology proposed by the authors has been used by many young companies, helping them to survive and get back on their feet in real business conditions.

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich!

If you are looking for the very best business books, this is one of the oldest and greatest in this category of literature. It was released for the first time in 1937. The content of the book has absorbed the results of twenty years of research and analysis of the lives and careers of many successful businessmen and simply outstanding personalities. It reveals important secrets business development, attracting and increasing capital.

The author of the famous book is a well-known American journalist, writer and psychologist. In his comments, he explains that the proposed methodology for achieving success can be applied not only in business, but also in any other type of activity.

Carl Sewell "Customers for Life"

Released in 1990, this bestseller is considered one of the best customer relationship guides. According to the author, who built his own business and achieved success, the main condition for stability is the creation client base and keeping it, thanks to the revision of the attitude towards employees and after-sales service generally.

The book will be of interest to aspiring entrepreneurs and developing small businesses. It contains practical advice Marketing, Human Resources and Merchandising.

Mike Mikalowitz "Startup without a budget"

This book was published in 2011. It is dedicated to how to start your own business without financial support and your own start-up capital. The author shares his experience on how to find ways out of seemingly insoluble situations and develop your business in any circumstances.

The Startup Without a Budget, as well as another book by Mike Mikalowitz, The Pumpkin Method, are the best business books for beginners. On the other hand, they will be of interest not only to those who are just thinking about creating it, but also to businesses that have outgrown a startup, but who want to retain the energy and inspiration inherent in the first stages of development. The content of the book is filled with inspiring motivation and many phrases that will easily become your motto in entrepreneurial activity.

Douglas McGregor "The Human Side of the Enterprise"

First published in 1960, this book revolutionized the understanding of principles in personnel management. The author of an outstanding bestseller is a social psychologist and management guru who based his theory on the fact that the participation of subordinates in decision making is one of the main motivators to perform their duties better. In his book, he shares with the reader the secrets of how to encourage staff to be the best in their field.

The ideas and guidelines provided by McGregor are still being successfully applied in practice both in large companies as well as in small businesses. This book is a must read for all leaders, as well as those who plan to build a career in management and management.

Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements"

The autobiographical book of a cult personality in the automotive industry is at the same time one of the best manuals for organizing work and motivating staff. The system of organization of production proposed by Ford, by using the assembly line, was named after him (Fordism) and is today used by most industrial enterprises peace.

In his book, the author tells what difficulties he had to overcome on the way to becoming, about his negative attitude towards the influence of capital and the banking system, and about the desire to do quality work, in spite of getting higher profits, which in turn brings him world fame and a huge fortune.

Published in 2017, this book raises one of the main issues modern business- the right selection of staff. The authors suggest that entrepreneurs and managers reconsider their attitude towards applicants and pay attention not to the track record, but to real qualities, which will allow companies not to waste time and money.

Unlike most business books, Who? has many practical advice and techniques that you can apply in your practice. All of them are based on the analysis of information received as a result of interviews with the most successful businessmen, executives and top managers.

A selection of books for personal growth

If you are interested in psychology and personal growth, the selection below will be the best books to help you on your path to self-improvement. It will teach you how to change yourself and your attitude to the world, reveal the secrets of the behavior and thinking of others and allow you to discover your own potential.

Brian Tracy "Get out of your comfort zone"

The first publication of this book took place in 2014. It brought lightning fame to the author and was translated into several dozen languages. It tells how a person can change his life, leaving his comfort zone. Today it is recognized as the number one book on personal growth and self-development.

The author gives 21 methods on how to increase one's own efficiency in any kind of activity. This book will be of interest not only to entrepreneurs, but also to people who have a desire to achieve more in life.

David Allen "Getting Things Done"

This book was first published in 2001, but today in bookstores you can find a revised and expanded edition that fits the modern realities of life. The author tells about a unique method of self-organization according to the GTD system or “bringing things to completion”.

This book will primarily be useful to those who suffer from constant lack of time and continuous stress. It teaches planning and a positive outlook on life in general.

Eric Byrne Games people play. People who play games"

This is one of the most famous books on personal growth. The author of this sensational bestseller is a well-known psychologist whose work is devoted to human relationships. The material presented in the book will allow you to independently identify your own mistakes in communicating with other people, as well as get rid of stereotypes in behavior.

Despite the fact that the book is devoted to psychoanalysis, it is written lightly and with humor. You will also find many clear examples situations that you have encountered many times in your life. This book can be read at any age.

Jacob Teitelbaum - Always Tired

If you are interested in real practical advice from a doctor on how to overcome chronic fatigue, you should read this book. It is based on 37 years of research and recommendations for increasing vitality, verified by the author on his own experience.

"Forever Tired" is one of a series of books by the author dedicated to health and getting rid of negative habits in life. It will be useful to people different ages and type of activity.

Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People

The cult book, published in 1936, simply and concisely tells how to communicate with others and make a positive impression on the interlocutor in any situation. It will help you not only comprehend the elementary rules of politeness and mutual respect, but also master the art of oratory.

The principles cited by the author can be applied both in business area, as well as in everyday family life Therefore, this book is recommended for study by everyone without exception. It is full of practical advice and effective recommendations, and most importantly, they are all relevant even today.

Brett Blumenthal "One Habit a Week"

A practical guide to changing yourself and your own habits in just one year. The author of the book suggests using the program he developed for “small changes” that can have a significant impact on your life and worldview in general. The material is very easy to read and filled with positive motivation.

The main goal of the book is to teach the reader to better cope with life's difficulties, to establish relationships with others, and to reveal their own intellectual and creative potential. It will be most useful to those who are taking their first steps in self-improvement.

Peter Kamp "Speed ​​Reading"

This is one of the newest books on speed reading, first published in 2015. It represents a new approach to learning and allows you to work at your own pace, comfortable for the reader. The book contains theories that are taught in the most progressive lectures and speed reading courses.

The material will be useful to those who want to learn how to quickly perceive and memorize large amounts of textual information. Suitable for daily and non-systematic exercises.

Greg McKeon "Essentialism"

This book is about the problems of setting priorities in our lives. The author tells the reader how to refuse unnecessary obligations and burdens in order to do only things that are important to you, while getting a better result. The book teaches you to take care of your own time and fills you with self-confidence.

The proposed methodology is based on essentialism, which the author presents as a fundamentally new approach. It can be used in any area of ​​your life. By putting these recommendations into practice, you will be able to put things in order and concentrate on your main goals.

Daniel Kahneman "Think slow, decide fast"

This bestseller was written by a Nobel Prize winner and is devoted to the problem of the relationship between human actions and thoughts. In his work, the author distinguishes two types of thinking - slow and fast, which a person subconsciously uses when solving various types of problems.

The material will be of interest to both managers and people interested in psychology. Having studied it, you will not learn how to make decisions, but you will be able to understand how the thinking process occurs when making them, as well as how you can influence them from the outside, which will allow you to draw very interesting conclusions and conclusions for yourself.

Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Another popular psychology bestseller, one of the top 10 books on personal development. After reading it, you will understand how to define and formulate a life goal for yourself, and most importantly, how to achieve the desired result. The author does not offer a magical method of transformation in a short period, on the contrary, he emphasizes that it is not enough just to want to achieve the goal, you need to work hard on yourself. This book will be of interest to both management professionals and people who seek to maximize the potential inherent in nature.

Unfortunately, good literature from the category of business and personal growth rarely appears on store shelves. Most of the material is a repetition of common truths, and sometimes just empty demagogy that is not worth your attention. And therefore, choosing the best books on business and self-development for yourself, you can also pay attention to other works of the authors listed in the TOP, whose reputation has been tested by time and their own success.

Best Business Books, what are they? IN modern world business and finance various business Books pop up like mushrooms after rain. Many coaches, mentors, teachers appear out of nowhere, and each of them wants to give people a new, revolutionary, unprecedented system for achieving success and earning huge capital. But is it? As a rule, most of these business coaches themselves cannot earn normal money, and their books are just a retelling of cult business publications that have influenced the fate of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

We often hear the question: What are the best business books?”, “What can you advise us to read?”, “Which book to start your path to success?”. The questions are quite logical, and every novice entrepreneur understands that high-quality information today is the key to success tomorrow. And no one wants to waste time reading empty books by fake business gurus. Therefore, I want to understand what are the best business books, and what you should pay attention to.

To be honest, then worthy books hundreds, and it is not possible to list them all in this article. Therefore, we decided to make the TOP 10 most interesting, popular, and practical business books. How did we choose them? For maximum objectivity, a survey was conducted among three various groups of people:

  • Subscribers of our VKontakte public (at the time of writing, this is more than 250,000 people)
  • Entrepreneurs and owners own business who were helped by business books to achieve success (67 people aged 23 to 47 were interviewed)
  • Freelancers and young startups who are just starting their journey to success.

We believe that such a selection is optimal, and will help to determine the best business books as accurately as possible. The survey was conducted for almost 2 months, and it was very difficult and several hundred options to choose the 10 most worthy and useful business books. So, please remember or write down the names, and replenish your collection of books with those that are presented in our rating.

Best Business Books: Top 10 Most Popular Books

We want to say right away that we decided not to distribute in places, and not to single out the most the best book etc. We will just present 10 books that deserve special attention, and each of them is good in its own way. Any rating is a subjective opinion, and there are those who will not be satisfied with it. In order to avoid maximum dissatisfaction, we decided not to hand out places, and all numbering is just numbers, without reference to the popularity or importance of the book.


Rework is a book for those who want to start their own startup, want to change their lives, but for some reason do not dare to take such a serious step. The authors tell how you can start your own business, while still remaining in a permanent job. Also on the pages of "Rework" you will find advice on the optimal size of the company, and get answers to many related questions. Why do companies need to grow? Why do you need to develop if everything suits you? What and how to plan, and is it necessary to plan? What mistakes can be made, and how to learn from them a useful lesson? Dozens and dozens of questions that you had before will find answers after reading "Rework".

The book is worthy of attention, and scored a lot of flattering reviews. The theme of a startup, developing your business from scratch, raising a large company on aspiration and enthusiasm, is close to many. Perhaps it is because of this that Rework got a lot of votes and entered our list.

More detailed description you can read books in our article ""

4. Atlas Shrugged

I would like to note that this book is not only included in our list best business books, but also noted by major global financial publications. Occasionally big business magazines publish all sorts of ratings, among which there are ratings of the most influential books that have made a great contribution to the development of man. "Atlas Shrugged" almost always takes its rightful place in such ratings.

And it is not strange that this book also has a place on our list. This book will help you understand the essence of entrepreneurship, take a different look at world economy and your role in its development. In a 1991 public opinion poll conducted by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club in America, Atlas Shrugged was the second book after the Bible to change the lives of American readers.

5. From good to great

Why will you never be great? Because you are satisfied with the “good” and do not set yourself big tasks.

Jim Collins has written an outstanding book. Time magazine named it one of the 25 greatest business books of all time. And these are not empty words. Jim is doing the deepest research, trying to understand why some companies succeed, while others remain small, regional, unknown desks.

In this book, Trump shows the whole essence of his business. He does not pretend, but cuts from the shoulder, dispelling all illusions about entrepreneurship and making money. Not every person can become rich and famous, as other business books say. And Donald Trump details why so many live in a world of illusion, making plans and pretending to be rich, but never getting what they want. Only the strongest and most stubborn get success and wealth, and dreams and illusions are the lot of lazy and weaklings. This is exactly the position Trump stands for.

Life is a tough game, and if you want to emerge victorious from it, forget the word “no” once and for all. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to work with your fists, repulse competitors and non-well-wishers, survive difficulties, but ultimately achieve your goal.
