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How to open a clothing sales department. How to open a store selling sausages. Where is the best place to locate a store?

Where to start if you want to open your own store? Which store is better to open and how to choose a product to sell? How much does it cost to open your own small store and how to do it from scratch?

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine This is the entrepreneur and website author Alexander Berezhnov.

When beginning entrepreneurs have a question about what kind of business to start, many choose the simplest and most obvious thing - retail trade, namely opening their own outlet or store, which is essentially the same thing.

The article will be especially interesting for a beginner who has decided to open a store without sufficient experience. After studying it, you will learn about all the secrets and nuances of this business.

The information in the article is universal for opening any type of store.

For example, if you decide to open a clothing store, auto parts store, children's store or grocery store, then you will have to go through the same steps. Here you will also find guidelines for opening the most common types of stores. This will be especially relevant for you if you have not yet decided which store is profitable to open.

Now I will tell you everything in order!

1. What you need to know to open a profitable store

Dear friend, the most important thing is that you must understand that the vast majority of people come up with the idea of ​​opening a store as a seemingly simple commercial project.

For clarity, I propose to consider the objective pros and cons of your store as a business. This will make it easier for you to decide which store to open and what to pay attention to.

Pros (+) of your store as a business

1. Clear for the average person

This is why most budding entrepreneurs consider their own store as their first project. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to seeing markets, stalls and even supermarkets, where today you can buy almost everything.

The truth is that a person is reluctant to take on a task that he does not understand. In the case of a store, it seems to us that we will have the least amount of problems. But this is only partly true.

2. Ease of implementation of the idea

In general, in trade, 99% of all business processes have long been worked out.

It is not for nothing that, having opened one store, its owner often does not stop and, with the right approach to business, retail outlets multiply like mushrooms after rain.

Indeed, all you need is not to reinvent the wheel and follow the beaten path, which should lead to success in your business, unless, of course, you “punch up some mistakes” at the very beginning.

3. Ease of calculations (forecasting income and expenses)

Trade is the most understandable business also from the point of view of calculations. You have the cost of the goods, the trade margin and the expenses that you incur.

4. Stability of the business when it is promoted

A well-established retail outlet is a paradise for its owner. For example, a “brisk” grocery store in a residential area of ​​the city can provide you with a comfortable life, even despite nearby competitors.

5. Opportunity to sell your store as ready business

Having built the entire store management system correctly, you can only occasionally coordinate the main processes; all things will proceed by inertia. This way you will become the owner of a completely autonomous system that generates profit.

Naturally, many people who have capital but do not want to open their own store from scratch will want to become the owner of such a “tidbit.”

Nowadays, selling a ready-made business is as easy as selling a car or an apartment; you just need to notify potential clients that you are selling your profitable store.

Disadvantages (-) of your store as a business

1. High competition

The downside to the simplicity and clarity of opening a store is the high level of competition. After all, there are a lot of people who want to become the owner of their own retail outlet. Every second entrepreneur wants to open his own store in one field or another. This makes it very difficult to start in this business and its further development.

2. Relatively high barrier to entry into business

If you deal with a product and sell it through a regular store, in this case you will need several hundred thousand rubles or an average of $10,000 to start your business.

3. Remnants of unsold goods appear

One more weak side The store as its own business contains leftover goods.

They form especially often in grocery stores and in stores selling seasonal goods. For example, New Year's toys and other holiday supplies.

The cost of remaining goods has to be included in the current cost, which leads to a drop in demand, since the final price of the goods increases, and the buyer does not want to overpay.

4. A large number of periodic routine operations

Suppliers and working with them, tracking product balances, updating the assortment, rent, working with personnel (if any), taxes, inspections, inventory - this is not a complete list of what you will have to face in the process of working on your own store.

5. Seasonality of business depending on the chosen niche

Each trading niche has its own seasonality. It can be expressed more or less clearly. For example, in summer construction and Decoration Materials They sell well, but in winter sales drop significantly.

Other stores make super profits in the winter under New Year, and in the summer they “suck their paws” in anticipation of a new profitable season. Pay attention to this factor when choosing a niche for your future store.

6. If the business fails, the risk of losing 80% of money

If suddenly your business does not take off, then the purchased commercial equipment will have to be sold for next to nothing, and the remaining goods will also be sold in bulk or simply given to friends for the holidays (if the goods are not food products).

Hopefully, you now have a more complete picture about opening your store and know what challenges you will face in the process.

You can reduce the risk of financial losses if you approach opening your store, or rather trading activity, a little differently, for example, by starting trading along the lines of “Business with China.”

This is a very trendy and interesting topic for today. My friends are doing it successfully. By purchasing goods in China, you can sell them with a markup of up to 500% without even opening a physical retail outlet. This type of business can also be done via the Internet.

Evgeniy Guryev, a specialist in the “Chinese topic,” teaches this business very well. Our team knows Zhenya personally and recommends him as a professional in this area.

Watch the video in which student Evgeniy shares his impressions of the training and financial results:

We continue the theme of opening our own store.

2. Opening a store from scratch - sweet myth or bitter truth

If by “zero” we mean a lack of knowledge and experience, then of course such a zero will not be an obstacle to the implementation of the project.

But if someone thinks that you can open your own store without having anything, then you must be disappointed - this is truly a myth!

Let's look at those mandatory elements without which it is simply impossible to open a store in principle.

I will list this minimum, and then you yourself can calculate in numbers how much, according to conservative estimates, it will cost to open and maintain a store.

For example, one of my friends, having opened a store women's clothing premium, invested in it more than 1,200,000 rubles . This amount included the rental of premises, renovations, purchase of goods, purchase commercial equipment, hiring staff, company registration.

How much does it cost to open your own store?

1. Premises (retail area)

Own or rented.

Naturally, having your own premises (not rented) gives you enormous advantages, but unfortunately, a minority of people have such a bonus at the start.

Get ready for the fact that rent will “eat up” most of the profit, and during seasonal downturns you can work “to zero”, without earning a penny, or even go into the red, shelling out money from your pocket.

2. Trade equipment

In rare cases, you will not need counters or other equipment: stands, refrigerators (if you are opening a grocery store). Depending on the specifics and size of your retail outlet, the cost of commercial equipment will vary.

3. Product

You can take some of the goods from suppliers for sale on deferred payment terms. That is, you will pay money for it after the sale. But the other half of the goods will most likely have to be purchased.

It is especially difficult for beginners in this market. So, if you are a newbie, then not every supplier will agree to give you the goods for sale due to a lack of trust.

4. Seller

At first, you yourself can act as a seller, and this will even be useful, because it is the owner who is primarily interested in the success of his business.

This way you will learn the most hot goods, you’ll work with customer objections and be able to pass on your work to future hired employees.

5. Legal and accounting nuances

In any case, you will need to officially register your commercial activities, and also periodically submit reports to tax office and the Pension Fund.

In addition, you will deal with delivery notes, invoices and contracts. You have to deal with all these points sequentially.

Building a sales department from scratch is a rather complex process that requires certain knowledge and skills. How to effectively build and organize a sales department so that it produces maximum results from scratch - read in this material.

How to organize sales? Is it possible to build a sales department on your own?

First, let's look at the ideal sales team as it should be:

Ways to create a sales department:

1. Hire good sales people and sales will come on their own, because people know how to sell, and they themselves will create the conditions for sales development.

2. Turn to professionals to build a full-fledged turnkey sales department. For example, come to us :)
We have built more than a dozen sales departments, we know all the pitfalls, and we can launch the department into full-fledged combat operation in 2-3 months. But it would be untrue to say that creating a sales department on your own is impossible.

3. Start building a sales department yourself. There are people who can handle it themselves. It is for those who decided to build a sales department on their own that this text was written. If difficulties arise or you want to do everything the first time and efficiently, our proposal to create a turnkey department is valid.
The main thing is to know that there are two main approaches to such a process as organizing the work of a sales department. Here you can find out what their differences, disadvantages and advantages are. Now we will focus on the actions that need to be taken to create a full-fledged sales department.

Algorithm for building a sales department:

Step #1: Identify Resources

First we must determine the resources we have. First of all, this is finance. For example, the costs of creating a sales department in Moscow from scratch will be:

One-time costs:

  • Organization of a manager’s workplace (RUB 15,000 - 40,000)
  • CRM system per employee (3,000 - 30,000 rubles)
  • Virtual PBX and telephone equipment, with the ability to record and record conversations per employee (2,000 - 5,000)

It is necessary to have a supply of resources for at least 3 months. This is the period during which the salesperson reaches payback. Therefore, you need to have a reserve to feed him without taking into account his income.

Monthly costs:

  • Rent based on 5 m2 per employee (RUB 4,500 – 45,000)
  • Salary (35,000 – 60,000 rub.)
  • Phone (1500 – 6000 rub.)

So, creating a sales department with one specialist, according to rough estimates, in Moscow costs 143,000 - 380,000 rubles. These are only the direct costs associated with the manager’s work, and for a new business the costs are much higher. You can, of course, expect that managers will sell a lot of things in the first month, but based on experience, I would not do this. Let it be a pleasant surprise if they sell out of everything they can ;). Therefore, when planning your financial resources, you need to clearly understand the cost of organizing one sales specialist.

Temporary resources. Building a sales department from scratch takes at least 4 working hours a day in the first or second month. At least 2 hours a day in the third month. If the owner/commercial director plans to create a sales department, then he must clearly allocate this time to debugging the system. If this time is difficult to allocate, then you need to hire a person who will be involved in building and organizing this mechanism - the head of the sales department.

Human resources. It is necessary to understand how many managers the company can afford from a financial point of view. And how many of them can the company itself digest when fulfilling sales plans? So that it doesn’t turn out that managers are selling, but the company cannot produce goods or provide services.

Step No. 2. Regulate sales processes

Usually this step is omitted. No, sales processes, of course, are formed in any case, but chaotically. The first specialist sells in one way, the second in another, one communicates with the purchasing department directly, the other through the first, the third generally believes that he knows about the capabilities of the purchasing department better than the purchasing itself. The areas of responsibility are not clear; it is impossible to summarize this zoo into single statistics. It is because of this that the idea appears that it is impossible to regulate the sales department. After some time, the processes themselves settle down, less successful sellers spy on working schemes from more successful ones, and, in the end, a more or less unified algorithm is developed. But for this to happen, significant time must pass, and the processes will remain more or less unified; when building a turnkey department, we do not allow this to happen.

Therefore, in order to manage unified system, and not isolated individuals, and it is necessary to first think through the basic documents of the sales department.

OSnewregulations required for most sales departments:

  • Rules for attracting new clients;
  • rules for preparing commercial proposals;
  • rules for interaction with the purchasing department, technical unit, accounting and logistics;
  • customer support rule.

The sales department regulations are not a document written just once and strictly fixed; they are live description real work. It must constantly change, because it is impossible to write it correctly once and for all. Until people start to act on it, it is generally difficult to imagine the effectiveness of its work, so it can only be a guideline. The regulations should not be more than 1 A4 page, ideally it should be a simple flowchart on half an A4 page. If it goes to the second page, then it won't work.

There is one simple way to check the functionality of the regulations. Give it to three or four participants in the process to read, and then remove it, and give these participants the opportunity to speak it out. If everyone has an understanding of teamwork and the boundaries of responsibility, then it is working; if misunderstandings arise, it needs to be supplemented. The regulations should not contain large ramifications and hundreds of exceptions, it should work in 80% of cases, for the rest it should be possible for members of the sales department to negotiate.

Step No. 3. Determine personnel policy

First of all, you need to create a portrait of a sales manager. There are many ways to do this, but, first of all, you need to solve the most important question: will the bet be placed on young guys with sparkling eyes, or on professionals who have worked in the industry and knowledgeable about the market who just need to be given the tools and don't need to be trained.

Most owners and managers, when building a department, are inclined to the second option. Which is understandable, because this does not require training, spending effort on developing a strategy and constantly wiping snot at the first stage. In addition, not everyone can teach, and a third-party guest trainer is not always results-oriented. He comes in and does a cool, fun, driving training, and then he leaves. And the manager is left to independently carry out the main work - organizing and translating knowledge about sales theory into skill. Of course, we are the exception 🙂 We select employees who must show results, train them and provide further support until the sellers show a stable skill effective sales. The second option can still be dangerous because any sales manager has certain period suitability, and if you take an experienced professional, then it is quite possible to run into a burned-out, moreover, highly paid one.

Now let's move on to the number of sales department. There is an approach that says that a sales team of less than 6 people is not a sales team. The approach is clear. We take 6 people, perhaps 1-2 of them will show real results and pay for the rest. I believe that you can start a sales department with 3 people. And this is just the beginning; then there may be only two left. One should be in reserve, so to speak, reinsurance against the human factor. It is better to have at least two, so that there is a guideline, competition and there is no dependence on one person. Although with a limited budget it can be 1 person, the risks are simply higher.

As for creating a sales department with 10 or more employees at once, I think this is completely ineffective. I'll explain why. If there is no department, then there is still no understanding of where to go, where the clients are, how to convince them. This understanding will slowly emerge. Of course, 10 people will be able to cover more roads, but all this time the budget will be spent on their maintenance and organization. Therefore, I am a supporter of creating a sales department of 3-5 people, and then, after hitting all the initial bumps, replicating successful practices.

Step #4: Identify Management Tools

The key to a successful sales department is a control system. Control is necessary even for the most successful managers, but it should not be intrusive and self-justifying. I am categorically against any reports filled out in order to show my work to the manager. Any reports should be generated automatically and contain only the information that the sales specialist will still enter for his own convenience. CRM systems handle this function wonderfully. The salesperson works with the client and does not generate reports for management. And management can create any report online in any aspect. You can learn more about automation of the sales department.

The motivation system is the heart of the management and organization of the sales department. It should motivate salespeople to achieve accomplishments, but in no case should you think that by hanging a big carrot, you have done enough for the manager to strive for it. It is then that the system by which the sales department is built is successful, when a specialist needs to create conditions under which he will be able to reach it, performing the actions for which he is trained.

Field support for managers is what determines the level of sales (key) skills of specialists. Not how many trainings they have completed, not how many books they have read, not how many objection handling methods they know, and not even the product knowledge test they successfully passed. This is exactly how sellers know how to use all this information in real sales. Therefore, if a decision is made to invite the coolest sales trainer, but the head of the department does not know how to organize field support, the training will in no way affect the level of sales.

Step No. 5. Go through everything yourself)

How to open a point in a shopping center - we will analyze the most important sections of a business plan + 6 bonus tips from experienced entrepreneurs.

Capital investment per point: from 8,000,000 rubles per year.
Payback of business in a shopping center: from 1 year.

Opening a point in a shopping center scares newcomers with the amount of capital investment.

However, they forget to take into account how many bonuses such placement gives.

The higher the rent, the more popular the location.

And this is synonymous with a large flow of people who can become clients.

It will be easier to attract them than if the store was located in a separate room.

These and many other advantages of locating in shopping centers are understood by many hardened businessmen who open sales points there.

Business plan for a point in a shopping center- the first document that will be required in organizing a business.

In it, information about the store will be analyzed, systematized and calculated.

Why do you need to open a location in a shopping center?

If other people's experiences do not convince you, evaluate the pros and cons of locating in a shopping center yourself.

While you are renovating and decorating the premises, you can take a “vacation”. That is, for 1-2 months you pay only utility costs. Significant savings!As a rule, you will have to coordinate almost every step: from the style of the sign to the order in which the goods are displayed.
Along with the retail space, you will receive a video surveillance service in the shopping center, parking spaces for clients, and the opportunity to use local cleaning services.Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Typically, mall maintenance is also included in your monthly bill along with utilities.
The advertising carried out by the center also works for you.Renting a place in a shopping center, especially a popular one, is always expensive.
Location near major outlets will ensure a stable flow of customers.Often, when you move in, you have to pay a security deposit for 3(!) months of rent.
You will have a goods receiving area equipped in accordance with all the rules. Separate accommodation rarely allows for such luxury.If for some reason the popularity of a shopping center declines, it will immediately affect you.

There are indeed many strengths, but there are also a lot of disadvantages.

It is important to analyze them thoughtfully so that in the end it does not turn out that a considerable amount of rent was wasted.

What documents are needed to open an outlet in a shopping center?

It is impossible to open an outlet in a shopping center without the appropriate documentation.

Prepare for what you will need:

  • or LLC (depending on products, number of founders and other details).
  • Indicate the OKVED code corresponding to the activity.
  • Choose a tax system.
  • Obtain permission to trade at the point.
  • SES and Rospozharnadzor must issue permission to operate (this is the responsibility of the shopping center administration).
  • The management of the shopping center will need projects, estimates and diagrams.
    The list of papers in this case is individual, and it must be clarified when signing the contract.
  • Among other things, you need to obtain quality certificates for goods from suppliers or manufacturers.

Planning for opening a retail outlet in a business plan

Opening an outlet in a shopping center is difficult not because of the sophisticated organizational algorithm.

And because of potential serious risks that could lead to financial losses and even closure of the store.

They can be avoided through detailed activity planning.

Planning refers to a system of activities aimed at obtaining a complete picture of how a business can develop.

This includes analyzing the target audience, visitors to the shopping center, calculating the size of the future average bill, establishing the supply process, and choosing a marketing strategy.

  • realistic – based on dry facts and reflections;
  • optimistic – ideal development scenario;
  • pessimistic – what the business will look like if problems arise.

They will help the entrepreneur prepare for any outcome of the case.

Analysis of the shopping center before opening the outlet

The profitability of renting space in a shopping center is not always noticeable.

If you choose the wrong landlord, you can only get negative results from cooperation.

Choose shopping mall Just.

It is enough to devote two days for personal observations and analysis.

Draw conclusions based on the following indicators:

    Purchasing power.

    You won't be able to look into people's wallets or shopping bags.

    But even an hour of observing visitors will allow you to note how often they make purchases.

    Perhaps most come for fun and relaxation.

    This will be good for organizing fast food, but not for selling fur products.


    It is important that there are no direct competitors nearby.

    But large anchor points on similar topics will be beneficial.

    For example, many supermarkets carry pet products.

    But they offer a meager assortment there.

    What a personnel table for a small store might look like:

    This number of people will ensure the daily operation of the point from 10:00 to 22:00 (standard working hours for most shopping centers).

    It is better to hire people yourself.

    You need to personally evaluate the person you trust to be the face of the store.

    Hiring a salesperson with experience is much preferable.

    But keep in mind that young and energetic guys more easily accept new rules and trends, and often bring “fresh breath” into business.

    To motivate employees to work better, introduce a payment of a fixed percentage of sales or bonuses for achieving set results.

    Marketing section of a business plan for a point in a shopping center

    Build without proper promotion successful business difficult, even when placing a point in a shopping center.

    Consider these options:

    • Preparation.

      While you are preparing the outlet for opening, it can become a means of external advertising.

      Close the repair work with a banner on which you will announce the start of work, indicate the name and opening date.

      Mutual benefit.

      When an agreement with a shopping center is concluded on the basis of a percentage of turnover, and not a fixed fee, you can ask for the possibility of free promotion for the first time.

      Management can accommodate you halfway, because their income will depend on your success.

      Inside, the service costs much more, and its effect is lower.

      Bring your own.

      Create special discounts for center employees.

      This will draw their attention to the point.

      And if they like you, your fame will quickly spread among your friends.

      Convert to “permanents”.

      Also motivate your customers.

      Enter a loyalty program or a system of cumulative discounts.

    Financial section in the business plan of a point in a shopping center

    Without a financial section in a business plan, an entrepreneur will not be able to calculate how much money it will take to open a store.

    It should be noted that until the payback period, the store will need to be “sponsored” from your personal financial cushion.

    How much money does it take to open a store in a shopping center?

    Expense itemAmount (rub.)
    Total:RUB 7,625,000
    Paperwork15 000
    Payment for renting a point (per year)500 000
    Purchase and installation of commercial equipment250 000
    Design of a point and production of a sign75 000
    Employee salaries (per year)250 000
    Store opening advertisement5 000
    Advertising campaign in the future20 000
    Creation and replenishment of inventory6 000 000
    Office expenses10 000

    After watching the following video, you will be able to choose the right place in the shopping center to open your outlet:

    “If you require someone to give their time and energy to a cause, then take care that he does not experience financial difficulties.”
    Henry Ford

    1. At the point, the shelves should look full of goods, but at the same time leave customers the opportunity to move calmly and safely.
    2. You need to take care of your inventory immediately.

      Until you understand exactly which items are the most popular, it is important to have at least a few units of production.

      Try to position yourself near the so-called anchor points.

      These are the stores that attract the majority of mall visitors.

      A striking example is the Auchan, Obi, and Perekrestok supermarkets.

      Just as an adult cannot be completely “remade,” the audience of a shopping center cannot be changed.

      The portrait of the average buyer that you draw up during the analysis of the shopping center will remain the same after the opening of your point.

      You should not console yourself with false hopes about this.

    3. If you need to save on renting space, pay attention to island accommodation.
    4. Remember to look at the point not only as a manager, but also as a buyer.

      This will allow you to notice the disadvantages of the service.

    How to open a point in a shopping center you now know.

    With due perseverance, creating a profitable business is within the power of every person.

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Business plan for the sale of mobile accessories on the "island"

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a micro-enterprise in Krasnodar. The area of ​​activity is the sale of accessories for mobile phones on an “island” in a large shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

The demand for the project’s products is due to the general situation in the mobile retail market: a decrease in the solvency of the population, which has led to a decrease in demand for new mobile phones and smartphones. This, in turn, is driving demand for mobile device repair services, as well as accessories that can personalize a device or protect it from physical wear and tear.

Investment costs are aimed at making a rental deposit for three months, production of a trade stand, purchase of goods, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


One of the most striking indicators of consumer sentiment in Russia today is the market for mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. In a stable economic situation, many Russians preferred to change their smartphone on average once every one and a half to two years. In the last two years, the situation has changed dramatically.

Based on the indicators of the RSBI Opora Index, compiled by Opora Russia jointly with Promsvyazbank, entrepreneurial sentiment in Russia stopped falling and showed a slight growth trend.

Figure 1. RSBI indicators, 2014-2016

However, mobile retail (b2c market for mobile devices) indicates a more serious decline in consumer sentiment. For example, in 2015 the main market trends were:

    a decrease in the share of the premium segment in total sales against the backdrop of the growing popularity of new (largely Chinese) brands; at the same time, consumers preferred to maintain the performance of the devices, but not overpay for the brand; the share of traditional smartphone manufacturers has fallen to less than 50% of total sales

    growth in the average retail price of devices - according to experts, it increased by 9% compared to 2014; at the same time, growth turned out to be significantly lower than in other segments of the household appliances and electronics market

    growth in the functionality of smartphones - the share of devices supporting LTE, NFC, two SIM cards, etc. has increased.

    smartphones replacing regular mobile phones, which account for 33% of total sales as of 2005

It was in 2015 that the mobile device market in Russia showed negative dynamics for the first time since 2009: compared to 2014, sales decreased by 3% in in kind. Sales of smartphones increased due to a decrease in sales of conventional mobile phones - smartphones, according to the analytical agency TrendForce, were sold 22% more than in 2014 (in monetary terms).

Earn up to
200 000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

At the beginning of 2016, several of the largest players in the mobile retail market reported a serious drop in sales in physical terms - by 8.4% in 2015 compared to 2014. Revenue, however, continued to grow due to the growth in the cost of devices. The average cost rose from 8.9 thousand rubles per device in 2014 to 10.1 thousand rubles. in 2015. Smartphones with LTE support accounted for about 57% of sales in volume terms.

At the beginning of September 2016, the analytical company IDC published preliminary results Russian market mobile devices for the first half of 2016. Experts note the stabilization of indicators and a return to pre-crisis levels. However, according to IDC forecasts, in dollar terms the market will not regain its former positions. In the medium term, the market will remain highly competitive and price sensitive.

The main market trends in 2016 include:

    continued growth of interest in the functionality of devices (performance, LTE support, quality of photo and video shooting, etc.)

    consumers began to change mobile phones less frequently (the share of devices purchased more than 12 months ago has increased significantly)

    growth in sales of mono-brand chains, decrease in sales of multi-brand chains; The range of operators is also growing mobile networks(in the first half of 2015, 21% of buyers purchased mobile devices from operators, in 2016 – 24%)

    growth in sales of devices under the own brands of mobile operators; As a rule, these are budget devices made in China

Figure 2. How long ago did you buy the mobile phone / smartphone you use today (according to AC&M)

Figure 3. Mobile device sales structure (according to AC&M)

To summarize, the market is most likely to stagnate over the next few years. The share of multi-brand retail will continue to decline, but it will not disappear completely. The importance of cellular operators' own distribution channels will grow.

These data indicate a decrease in demand for new mobile electronics, which leads to an increase in demand for spare parts and accessories. Thanks to accessories, you can “revive” the appearance of even a significantly shabby smartphone, as well as extend its life.

The enterprise is organized from scratch and registered with the relevant government agencies. The location of the retail outlet is an “island” in the largest shopping center in Krasnodar. An island is a retail outlet with an area of ​​2.5 m2 in the gallery of a shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

Ready ideas for your business

Krasnodar is a city in the south of Russia, the administrative center Krasnodar region, one of the largest cities in the Southern Federal District. A large economic, commercial, industrial and cultural center. The population of the city is 853 thousand people.

The largest shopping center in the city was chosen for placement, total area center – 180,400 m2, retail area – 142,000 m2; parking for 3,500 cars. On the territory of the shopping center there are: the largest grocery hypermarket in the Southern Federal District, a hypermarket building materials, furniture store, goods for sports and recreation, Appliances and electronics, clothing and shoes for children and adults, bowling.

Ready ideas for your business

The retail outlet is located in a place with highest traffic, in one of the central galleries of the shopping center, in close proximity to the food court.


The project sells accessories for mobile phones and smartphones in the budget and mid-price segments, mainly Chinese and Russian production. These include both decorative elements (back covers), functional (chargers, portable speakers) and protective (protective films, cases). A complete list of products (by category) is given in Table. 2. To simplify calculations, the average cost of goods in each category is used.

Table 2. Assortment, variable costs and selling price





External batteries

Back covers

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers

Project workers also provide services for applying protective film, installing back covers, setting up speakers, and so on. All services are provided free of charge.

The goods are purchased from the wholesale warehouse of a large online wholesale supplier of mobile accessories. The warehouse is located in Krasnodar, which greatly facilitates logistics and reduces the cost of delivering goods.


The target audience of the project is men and women aged 14 to 45 years, with a mobile phone or smartphone, with an income level of up to 50,000 rubles. All sales are carried out directly through the retail outlet in the shopping center. To attract customers, a specially organized display of goods is used, demonstrating the most striking and original accessories. In addition, there are periodic product demonstrations - for example, the operation of portable speakers.

Additional promotion is carried out through social networks and Internet services aimed at the youth audience, which is the most active segment of the target audience. Social networks, and Instagram service are used. Public pages are created filled with various content:

    useful - tips and tricks on the use of mobile phones and accessories, how to care for them (40% of the volume)

    entertaining – funny stories and pictures related to the theme of the pages (25% of the volume)

    involving – competitions, surveys (15% of volume)

Publication frequency – 3-4 posts per day.

The competitiveness of the project is based on its favorable location. On the territory of the shopping center there are digital equipment stores that also offer accessories for mobile phones and smartphones, however, since this area is not their specialty, their assortment, as a rule, is not so deep. Typically, the stock of mobile retail stores consists of accessories for the latest models of devices that are directly on sale. Given the fact that the stock of mobile devices in the country is rapidly aging, accessories for older models are becoming in demand. The project takes this fact into account and pays attention to the purchase of such accessories, which has a positive effect on the profitability of the project, since obsolete models are purchased from stock balances of wholesale suppliers at a discount.

Reaching the planned sales volumes - presumably from the fourth month of the project implementation. Reaching the break-even point by the third month of project implementation. Demand for the project's products does not have a pronounced seasonality, with the exception of bursts of consumer activity in the pre-holiday periods - before February 23, March 8 and the New Year.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






External batteries

Back covers

Chargers / AC adapters

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers


266 530

171 220


The sale of goods is carried out through a trade stand located in the gallery of the shopping center. Stand area – 2.5 m2. The operational stock of goods is stored inside the stand, in locked boxes. The premises of the shopping center are guarded centrally, so overnight storage of goods at the stand is safe. The main commodity stock is at the initiator of the project, for which a special room is equipped in his house.

The trade stand is made by the furniture enterprise in Krasnodar to order according to individually developed drawings. The design provides the most convenient open display that can attract the attention of visitors to the shopping center. The term of manufacture and installation of the stand (by the manufacturer) is 7 calendar days.

The purchase of goods is carried out at the warehouse of a large wholesale supplier of mobile accessories. Depending on the volume of a one-time purchase, the size of the wholesale discount usually varies, however, the project initiator managed to reach an agreement with the regional management on fixing maximum discount subject to a gross monthly purchase volume of at least 150,000 rubles. Planned volume of purchases (according to Table 3 – 171,200 rubles).

Ready ideas for your business

The warehouse turnover is planned at the level of 2-2.5 times a month, thus, 2-3 purchases of goods for a different amount are made monthly. This allows you to more accurately form a warehouse stock, avoid the appearance of illiquid goods, and also increase the turnover of working capital.

The product is supplied in original packaging. The warranty period depends on the product category.


All management and management functions carried out by the project initiator. He has organizational experience retail and promotion on the Internet. Accounting has been outsourced. The opening hours of the outlet are 10.00 – 22.00. Provided shift work work - 2/2, accordingly, a second seller is required. The selection of a seller is carried out during the preparatory stage of the project. The duration of the preparatory stage is 1 week. During this period, the production and installation of a trading stand is also carried out, the purchase of the first batch of goods is carried out. After this, the period of operating activity of the enterprise begins.

The project has a limited implementation period - five years, after which it is planned to be liquidated with the sale of assets and profit taking. The basis for this decision is the unpredictability of the development of mobile technologies and the economic situation in the country.

Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. Form of taxation – Unified tax on imputed income, section 8 “Retail trade carried out through objects of a stationary retail chain that does not have trading floors, as well as through non-stationary retail chain facilities, the area of ​​the retail space in which does not exceed 5 sq.m.”

Table 4. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.




Replacement seller


RUB 22,500.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 6,750.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 29,250.00


The financial plan is drawn up for the entire duration of the project and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue refers to revenue from operating activities; The project does not provide for other types of income. Annual revenue after the project reaches planned sales volumes is 3.3 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) – 299 thousand rubles.

Investment costs are 309,000 rubles, of which the project initiator’s own funds are 100,000 rubles (Table 5). Flaw Money it is expected to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out in annuity payments, credit holidays are three months.

Table 5. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

3 months deposit


Trade stand

Intangible assets

Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials


309,000 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 100,000.00

Required borrowings:

209,000 ₽



Duration, months:

Variable costs include the cost of purchasing goods (including the cost of transportation to the project warehouse) and are shown in Table. 2. Fixed costs include expenses for space rental, advertising and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is calculated using the linear method based on the period beneficial use fixed assets in five years. Upon completion of the project, fixed assets are subject to write-off.

Table 6. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 1.


Assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of analysis financial plan, cash flows, as well as simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. Discount rate – 3%.

Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 16 months. Net present value (NPV) – RUB 450,964. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 7.1%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.46. These figures are quite high at a low discount rate. If we take the discount rate as the desired rate of return of the project initiator, the project can be considered effective and attractive to the investor.


To assess the risks associated with the implementation of the project, internal and external influencing factors are assessed. TO internal factors could be attributed to an incorrectly selected assortment. To neutralize this risk, the following measures must be taken:

    monitoring of warehouse balances for turnover and liquidity

    monitoring feedback and survey results on pages in in social networks

    monitoring competitors' assortment

    obtaining data on the most popular products from the project supplier

TO external factors The following can be included:

    rent increase

    decrease in effective demand

If any of the listed negative scenarios are realized, it is necessary to fix the profit and liquidate the project due to the inability to compensate for the increase in costs due to the profitability of the project.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Trade in children's things- a profitable business with a constant turnover. Children grow quickly and regularly need to replenish their wardrobe. Most parents try to dress up their little one in new clothes, so it is extremely profitable to provide the buyer with a product of this type. The main feature of the children's manufactured goods industry is the price level.

The correct choice of cost guide allows you to gain a foothold in a certain niche in the market, have constant flow buyers and successfully fight competitors. So, the first thing you need to do when you decide to sell children's clothing is to determine what target audience you will provide the goods. There are 3 options:

  1. Cheap clothes.
  2. Clothes for the middle class.
  3. Luxury goods.

Each of these categories has its own buyers and can generate profit, since the incomes and interests of the population are different. Some people try to save money by choosing cheap clothes, others are financially secure and prefer to buy expensive things for their baby, without thinking that in six months or a year the child will outgrow them. Experts suggest that beginners take a closer look at the middle class. With this category of products there is the least risk of “burning out”. People with average incomes quite consistently buy new things for their children. good quality at an average price. In addition, according to statistics, they make such purchases more often than others.

You should familiarize yourself with children's fashion, make a list of the most popular products, study the size table. In clothing, not only height is important, but also fullness, since children are different. The store needs to provide variety not only in models, but also in sizes. This will allow you to have things for kids with different physical data, that is, to cover a larger number of interested buyers. Information about current products can be found in magazines, websites, retail outlets with similar products.

The assortment should be varied, including not only clothes, but also underwear.

Subsequently, you can add shoes, accessories, children's gadgets, and toys. When parents come to the store to buy a dress or shirt for their child, looking at the other products, they will definitely remember tights, panties or socks that need to be bribed. Seasonality also needs to be taken into account and part of the proceeds must be reserved for the purchase of new batches of goods, in accordance with seasonal demand.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Your store should be located near a bus stop public transport and convenient parking for cars. The location near children's institutions will give an additional advantage in the fight for attendance, but these should not be entertainment institutions (circus, children's theater, Entertainment Center). People go to these places to have fun, and in most cases they pay for it. The money already spent there will stop parents from thinking about buying more clothes. They will think that they have already spent enough on their child today.

In case of separate buildings rented for a store, it is advisable to lay out flower beds, install benches, place a large figurine of a cartoon character at the entrance, that is, create comfortable conditions and aesthetic appeal. Don't forget about a ramp or concrete driveway at the entrance, as many parents will be arriving with strollers.

If you decide to rent a boutique in a shopping center, try to choose a shopping center that is already familiar to the buyer, otherwise there is a risk that this object of trade will not be promoted, and the buyer will not come. A shopping center is ideal, where they sell mainly clothes for adults and children. People will go there specifically to buy clothes. For a children's clothing store, the right location has great value, since these products, although very popular, do not belong to the category of essential goods.

It is very important to properly design the store façade. The sign and color scheme of the design should be bright enough and correspond to the theme of childhood. They are designed to form associations in adults associated with children, causing tenderness, responsibility, care, love - the feelings that they experience for their babies. At the same time, the interior design should be in soothing colors so as not to distract buyers’ attention from the goods.


When opening a children's clothing store, you can act as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. We are talking about a store selling retail, that is, interacting with individuals. In this case, the design individual entrepreneurship more profitable, since you can switch to a simplified option for paying taxes. This will help reduce tax collection and reduce the amount of required documents. Having registered an individual entrepreneur, you need to think about the type of tax regime under which your company will operate. There are 3 types suitable for retail trade in children's clothing:

  • UTII - single tax perfect for small areas up to 30 sq. meters, where no more than 2 sellers work. A cash register is not necessary; you can limit yourself to issuing sales receipts.
  • PSN - purchasing a patent will be appropriate for a store up to 50 square meters. meters. A cash register is not required now, just a cash register is enough, but by 2018, an online cash register may be required.
  • simplified tax system (6% of profit) - used for retail space large area with a large staff.

Acquiring will give an additional advantage in the eyes of buyers, that is, acceptance of payment bank cards. However, in this case it will be necessary cash machine, which prints the product range with the price, discount, and cost of each product separately. Product certification is required. However, if you are not a manufacturer of goods, certificates must be required from suppliers. Availability of medical books from sellers is also necessary.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

The markup on children's assortment is much higher than on adults: 100-200%. The demand for clothing for children is determined by the fact that children grow up quickly, and their wardrobe has to be updated. This contributes to a profitability of 15% of the store's turnover. This profit corresponds to the average level of profitability, so a business based on the sale of children's clothing can be called profitable and stable.
