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Maltsev Dmitry Ivanovich Bashneft. Yakov Polunkin: “Bashneft’s oil refining will be managed from a single center. Without changing strategy

Former top managers of Bashneft, who worked in Dmitry Mazurov's New Stream for only six months, are leaving the company. The company explains this as an image effect due to their bonuses being challenged in court, managers deny this

Mikhail Stavsky (Photo: Vladimir Smirnov / TASS)

A team of former top managers of Bashneft, led by its first vice-president Mikhail Stavsky, who only came to " New stream"(owns the largest independent refinery in Russia) Dmitry Mazurov to develop business in the field of production, left the company. Three familiar top managers told RBC about this and it was confirmed by a representative of New Stream and Stavsky himself.

Stavsky was forced to leave New Stream “due to the negative image effect of a court decision in the city of Ufa, which declared illegal the payment of additional annual remuneration to Bashneft employees,” a company representative claims. In mid-June, the Leninsky District Court of Ufa satisfied the claim of the prosecutor's office of Bashkortostan and Bashneft for remuneration of the company's top managers, because of this, about 300 employees of the oil company lost remuneration of approximately 2.7 billion rubles.

But Stavsky, who left Bashneft in October 2016, immediately after the company came under the control of Rosneft, and in January 2017 headed the oil company in the New Stream group, denies the official reason for his resignation. “This question (the decision of the Ufa court. - RBC) was not discussed at all, and this “image effect” did not in any way affect the work of the team,” he told RBC. Together with Stavsky, several other former top managers of Bashneft are leaving the group, in particular the head of the oil and gas production department Vladimir Ilyasov, director of capital construction oil and gas production facilities, logistics and logistics Dmitry Ryabchenko, director of oil and gas production Sergei Zdolnik, follows from the message of New Stream.

Plant in Tyumen

The main asset of the New Stream group is the Antipinsky Refinery, the largest independent oil refinery located in the industrial zone of Tyumen (in 2016 it processed about 8 million tons of oil). Its main shareholder is businessman Dmitry Mazurov (80%), another 20% belongs to a classmate of President Vladimir Putin and famous lawyer Nikolai Egorov. Mazurov also has another influential partner - an acquaintance of the mayor of Moscow, Vladimir Kalashnikov. He heads the board of directors of New Stream, responsible for relations with government agencies, and owns an option for 25% of the group, Mazurov told RBC in the spring of 2016. The revenue of the companies included in the New Stream group according to RAS in 2016 is expected to reach $5 billion, the company’s press service reported in January 2017.

Managers from Bashneft had to develop New Stream's production business from scratch, which would allow the group to become vertically integrated - until recently it owned only refining assets (Antipinsky Refinery and Mari Refinery). In 2015, New Stream won licenses for three fields in the Orenburg region: Mogutovskoye, part of Vorontsovskoye and part of Gremyachevskoye, but production has not yet begun at them. The reserves of these three areas were estimated at more than 40 million tons (according to C1), they were supposed to be put into operation in 2018. When reaching the design capacity, production should have amounted to 4 million tons of oil per year, Interfax wrote.

“Everything that the team planned to do this year has been done. Geological uncertainties were removed, wells were tested and the design of infrastructure facilities began,” Stavsky told RBC. He did not give reasons for his resignation, noting that he “left to take care of his family and health.”

According to two acquaintances of Bashneft top managers, they left New Stream because shareholders lacked money to implement the production project. Stavsky’s team estimated capital costs for the development of these three fields at 32.6 billion rubles. for 20 years, and operational costs at 41 billion rubles, says one of the interlocutors. Indeed, investments in the mining business should have amounted to more than 32 billion rubles, confirms another interlocutor. But the company “has an investment problem,” he adds. A representative of New Stream does not comment on this.

Such significant investments could be required due to the fact that all three fields are located in the territory national park“Buzuluksky Bor”, wells in the areas were drilled back in the 1950-1970s, but were mothballed due to oil spills, says another RBC interlocutor familiar with former top managers of Bashneft. These are abandoned wells with cut-off fittings, from which oil is still oozing, he explained.

A representative of New Stream says that Alexander Belov has been appointed as the new president of the company’s production division, who has served as its chief engineer since 2015, and before that managed to work for several large oil companies. He will continue to work on the project, in particular, will focus on completing the re-preservation and liquidation of old Soviet emergency wells in the fields, RBC’s interlocutor said.

Yakov Mikhailovich, what preceded the changes in oil refining management and what problems are they intended to solve?

Before moving on to changes in the management system, Bashneft specialists, together with McKinsey, worked for more than a year to create a master plan for the development of our oil refining. Then we, together with colleagues from McKinsey, began a project to develop an organizational management model. A thorough analysis was carried out existing practices management of similar enterprises both in Russia and abroad. As a result, a model was defined that is being implemented today.

Its main task is to centralize operational management all three production sites - Ufaneftekhim, Ufa Oil Refinery and Novoil. Make management uniform, with common approaches and rules, with common documents. Eliminate all discrepancies, eliminate the possibility of replicating errors from one site to another and at the same time extend positive experience to all sites.

- What does this model look like? How will efficiency be increased?

We will achieve efficiency through a clear distribution of functionality. The management model is based on three verticals - production, technology, repairs and reliability.

WITH production function, I think everything is clear. The main tasks are production safety, implementation production plans, preparing installations for repairs. Production Director Vadim Nikolaychuk will be responsible for these areas.

The technology function is new. Dmitry Maltsev was appointed Director of Technology. Before the creation of the technological block, part of the functionality was distributed between the technical departments of the factories. Today these are larger units. Their employees are focused on performing tasks related to compliance with technological regulations, development of production sites, and monitoring the operation of technological facilities. In addition, the employees of the technological block are now carrying out a large program to eliminate bottlenecks that were identified as a result of the creation of a general oil refining scheme. The results of this project will be taken as the basis for the further implementation of certain projects as part of the modernization of production.

I would like to pay special attention to the reliability and repair functions. Ildus Sarvarov, who has been appointed director of reliability and repairs, will deal with these issues. Until recently, we had three services: chief mechanic, chief metrologist and chief power engineer. Accordingly, we integrated them into this vertical. Today, a very important task for us is to increase mechanical readiness, increase the operational readiness of installations, which should lead to longer overhaul runs.

Only joint and effective work services of these three verticals will lead to success and maximum results for the company.

- What other changes have occurred in the management system at the refinery?

We have centralized management in the field of labor protection, industrial safety and ecology. New divisions related to transport security and control of interaction with contractors have appeared. The need for them arose due to the large number of contractors and the large amount of equipment at production sites.

In addition, economic functions are separated into a separate block. We also passed two more functions into this block from management company. Firstly, production planning, and secondly, monitoring the implementation of investments. The close connection between financiers and production workers will allow them to react quickly in the event of any changes and make the right management decisions.

- In fact, all refining management is concentrated at the Ufaneftekhim base. Why?

To limit ourselves to a minimum number of organizational changes and reshuffles. After analyzing the initial data, we realized that this is the shortest and most effective way.

- What opportunities do employees have in connection with these changes?

Many specialists and managers at various levels received new appointments. If someone worked within one production or plant, today they began to work within three sites. Accordingly, the range of responsibilities, the range of tasks and prospects to be solved has become much wider.

01/09/2014 at 14:12 | INFOLine, IA (based on company materials) | website

Bashneft has made a number of personnel decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of management of the Company's oil refining complex. In accordance with decisions taken, Yakov Polunkin was appointed director of the Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim Branch, who simultaneously holds similar positions in the Bashneft-Novoil and Bashneft-UNPZ branches.
To implement uniform standards and optimize the management of three production sites of Ufa refineries, several functional areas have been formed in the Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim branch: production ( safe operation and execution of the production plan); technology (technological support of production and development); reliability and repairs (improving the quality of maintenance and repairs), as well as the economic block (including the functions of production planning and investment control).
Anatoly Sukhorukov was appointed Director of Production of the Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim Branch, Dmitry Maltsev was appointed Director of Technology, Ildus Sarvarov was appointed Director of Reliability and Repair, and Natalya Petrovskaya was appointed Director of Economics.
Yakov Mikhailovich Polunkin was born in Moscow. In 1997 he graduated from the State Academy of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina with a degree in industrial engineering. Since 1998, he worked in the field of oil refining at the Tyumen Oil Company (TNK) and the TNK-BP group of companies. In 2001–2007 - CEO JSC "Industrial Catalysts" In 2007–2008, he headed the Refining Department of TNK-BP Management OJSC. In 2008–2011 - General Director of the Lisichansky Refinery (Linik CJSC, Ukraine) as part of the TNK-BP group of companies. From January to September 2011 - First Deputy General Director, General Director of OJSC Atomredmetzoloto. Since February 2012 - Director of the Department for Management of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Modernization Programs of JSOC Bashneft. Author of more than 20 scientific articles and inventions.

For reference: Company name: Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim, OJSC Address: ********** Type of activity: ********** Phones: ********** Web: ********** Manager : ********** [To view contact information you need to register or log in]

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Case No. 12-57/2014 R E S H E N I E

Judge of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan Gimaletdinov A.M. (Ufa, Aksakova st., 71),

Having considered in open court the complaint of the director of the branch of OJSC "Aktsionernaya oil company"Bashneft" "Bashneft-Ufaneftikhim" Yakov Mikhailovich Polunkin against the decision of the magistrate of judicial district No. 7 in the Leninsky district of Ufa on an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 19.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated February 5, 2014 in a relationship

Director of the branch of OJSC "Joint-Stock Oil Company "Bashneft" "Bashneft-Ufaneftikhim" Yakov Mikhailovich Polunkin,

U S T A N O V I L:

By the decision of the magistrate of court district No. 7 in the Leninsky district of Ufa dated February 5, 2014. Director of the branch of OJSC "Joint-Stock Oil Company "Bashneft" "Bashneft-Ufaneftikhim" Polunkin Ya.M. found guilty of committing administrative offense, provided for in Part 1 of Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the imposition of a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles.

Disagreeing with this resolution, the director of the branch of OJSC Joint Stock Oil Company Bashneft, Bashneft-Ufaneftikhim, Y.M. Polunkin. filed a complaint in which he indicates that the order was illegal in terms of the established deadlines, and therefore he believes that the decision of the magistrate should be cancelled.

The representative of the complainant is N.N. Gabdrakhmanov. At the court hearing, he supported the arguments of the complaint and asked that they be satisfied in full.

Representative Management Federal service for supervision in the field of environmental management (Rosprirodnadzor) for the Republic of Belarus Ponamareva A.K. considered the complaint to be unfounded and not subject to satisfaction.

Having checked the case materials and assessed the arguments of the complaint, the court comes to the following.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 19.5 of the Code Russian Federation on administrative offenses, an administrative offense is recognized as failure to comply within the prescribed period with a legal order (resolution, presentation, decision) of the body (official) exercising state supervision (control) to eliminate violations of the law.

Based on the results of the inspection, the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Belarus issued an order No. DD.MM.YYYY to the enterprise JSOC Bashneft with a deadline for execution until 12/01/2013.

By the decision of the magistrate of the court district No. 7 in the Leninsky district of Ufa dated 02/05/2014, the director of the branch of OJSC "Joint-Stock Oil Company "Bashneft" "Bashneft-Ufaneftikhim" Polunkin Ya.M. found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the imposition of a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 1.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses for which his guilt has been established.

According to the evidence presented by JSC Joint Stock Oil Company Bashneft, after receiving the order, a tender procedure was organized to select a contractor to conduct an inventory of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and their sources, and develop draft standards for maximum permissible emissions (MPE). Based on the results of the tender procedures, the winner, LLC NVP Tekhnoresurs, was selected. A draft agreement was developed and agreed upon with the counterparty and, in accordance with the procedure for signing contracts, measures were taken to check the counterparty (LLC NVP Tekhnoresurs.) by the security service of the legal entity. The agreement was signed on March 28, 2013. and transferred to work at NVP Tekhnoresurs LLC. 07/16/2013 The developed draft standards were sent for examination to the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Bashkortostan”. 08/19/2013 an expert opinion was received on the compliance of the draft MPE standards with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. On August 23, 2013, the draft MPE standards were sent to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Belarus for the issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. 10/11/2013 The company received a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the draft MPE standards with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. October 21, 2013 An application for approval of the draft MPE standards was sent in the prescribed manner for the approval and establishment of maximum permissible emission standards for emission sources of the branch of JSOC Bashneft, Bashneft-Novoil, to the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The draft MPE standards had not been considered by the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Belarus (the body that drew up the protocol on the administrative offense) by the time the court considered the materials of the case on the administrative offense. In this regard, the Company, at the time of the court’s decision, did not have the opportunity to apply for a permit to release harmful substances, because According to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 No. 650, standards for maximum permissible emissions must be attached to this application in accordance with the agreed draft MPE standards by the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Belarus (which, in turn, at the time the court considered the administrative case was in the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Belarus and was issued to the Company only on February 10, 2014).

Within the meaning of Article 30.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, when courts consider a complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense, verification of the legality and validity of bringing to administrative responsibility must be carried out in full by the courts of each instance.

From this rule of law there follows a direct indication that the order of the administrative body must meet the condition of legality. Consequently, an essential circumstance to be clarified when considering a case challenging a decision on an administrative offense is the establishment of the legality of the order, the failure of which was charged to the company. Thus, the resolution of the issue of the presence or absence of an administrative offense event depends on the establishment of this circumstance.

Enforceability of the order is another important requirement for this type of non-normative legal act, since the order comes from government agency, possessing authority, is mandatory and for its execution a period is established, for violation of which administrative liability arises. The enforceability of the order should be understood as the existence of a real opportunity for the person held accountable to eliminate the identified violation within the specified period.

By virtue of Part 2 of Article 2.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation entity is found guilty of committing an administrative offense if it is established that he had the opportunity to comply with the rules and regulations, for violation of which administrative liability is provided, but this person did not take all measures depending on him to comply with them.

In the case under consideration, JSC Joint Stock Oil Company Bashneft took all measures within its control to comply with the order.

From the literal interpretation of the disposition of Part 1 of Article 19.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, it follows that the objective side of the administrative offense envisaged by it consists in failure to comply within the prescribed period with an exclusively legal order of the body (official) exercising state supervision (control) to eliminate violations of the law .

Thus, the court believes that the appealed decision of the magistrate is subject to cancellation, and the proceedings in the case are terminated due to the absence of an administrative offense.

Guided by Articles 30.6 - 30.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the court

Resolution of the magistrate of court district No. 7 in the Leninsky district of Ufa dated February 5, 2014. in relation to the director of the branch of OJSC "Joint-Stock Oil Company "Bashneft" "Bashneft-Ufaneftikhim" Polunkin Y.M. cancel the proceedings in the case due to the absence of an administrative offense.

The decision comes into force immediately.

Judge: A.M. Gimaletdinov
