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What do you need for a private massage? Massage business from scratch - how to open, where to start, what is needed, etc. So the decision has been made. Where to begin

Description: there are different types of massage (relaxing, wellness, therapeutic, cosmetic, etc.), so you can develop in different directions. But you can’t just take and start working as a massage therapist at home, before that you need to undergo training.
Payment: from 100 to 3000 rubles per session, depending on the type and your experience
Requirements: necessary knowledge and skills, a place for sessions, a couch, developed arm muscles (especially fingers and hands).

How to work as a massage therapist at home

1. First you need to take special courses, get the knowledge necessary for this work and a certificate / diploma.

The duration of the course is on average about 1-2 months, the cost is about 20,000 rubles. But you need to seriously approach the choice of school, because there are many charlatans who will only tell the theory, but you will not have practical skills. Choose Schools Wisely:

  • find out the course program;
  • read reviews;
  • is there a specialist in this field among the teachers;
  • how many people are in the group? (less is better);
  • Is there equipment for practice sessions?
  • how many practice hours?
  • Will they issue a state diploma at the end?

Only with such a “piece of paper” can you officially provide services and conduct business legally.

Read the information about the types of massage to immediately determine the direction of development. It is better not to take on everything at once, master this area gradually.

Attention! Therapeutic massage can only be performed by a medical professional.

2. Decide on the type of work:

Work at home- you need to allocate a separate place or even a room for the sessions. Set the couch, purchase everything necessary materials.

Possible problems:

  • If at home Small child, will cry and interfere with the session;
  • Neighbors won't like strangers in their neighbors and will complain about you;
  • There may be claims from SES and fire services to your "office".

Home visit work- you arrive at the specified address with your massage table and material, have a session and return home.

Possible problems:

  • It is dangerous for women to travel alone to other people's apartments;
  • Irregular schedule - usually the sessions are scheduled for the evening after work, so you will come home late.

Own salona good option, but not all massage therapists earn enough to make it pay off.

Get hired by a company. It should immediately be understood that in prestigious and famous companies you may not be accepted, because they require a medical education, work experience and good knowledge in the profession.

The cost of the profession as a whole: problems with the joints of the hands, due to constant tension, and varicose veins of the legs. Sometimes other health problems arise, so immediately evaluate your strength and do not overdo it in the load. Alternate intense and relaxing treatments.

How to find clients

Try to get it right from the start regular customers- it is on them that your main income will be built.

You can start with a free massage for relatives and friends, ask them to tell their friends about your service. Word of mouth will gradually work and people will be drawn to you. The main thing is to do your job well, and then you can succeed.

Use standard promotion methods:

  • Advertisements in newspapers and the Internet
  • Social media
  • City forums
  • Distribute business cards to friends and clients.

Be attentive to clients and do a quality massage, then they will bring you their friends.

02.10.19 40 218 42

How to grow from an office to a whole network

In 2015, four students dumped 50 thousand rubles each and opened a massage parlor in Moscow.

Victor Sikirin

talked to entrepreneurs

For a year and a half they worked almost seven days a week, but they only had enough money to buy food. Taking a risk, they invested in marketing and advertising. Business fired.

Now entrepreneurs have a network of 5 salons. Business brings up to 500 thousand rubles a month.

“Let's open a massage parlor to earn money for music”

Gordey, Alexander, Akim and Andrey have been friends since childhood. All four are from Moscow. After school, Gordey went to medical school, Sasha went to study marketing, Akim - management, and Andrey - a designer.

As teenagers, they created a rock band and dreamed of becoming famous. The passion did not pass at the university either. Music did not bring money, but they were needed for new instruments and the recording of the album. In order to make money on all this, in the spring of 2015, the guys decided to open some business together.

At that moment, Gordey had been doing massage for a year: he took courses and worked part-time in various salons of the city. He didn’t like it everywhere: the workload was heavy, and they paid 200-600 rubles per session or 2,500 rubles per shift. The young man believed that he deserved more.

Then Gordey invited his friends to open their own massage parlor. He will receive clients, and the rest will be responsible for organization, promotion and accounting.

Cabinet in a beauty salon

First, they made a group on Vkontakte for Gordey - it was supposed to attract the first customers. The price for an hour of massage was set symbolic - 800 rubles. In salons, such a session cost on average from 2500, so clients were found quickly.

Gordey received them at his home. With the $30,000 he saved at work, he bought a massage table, some towels, sheets, and massage oil. In a month it was possible to earn up to 20 thousand rubles.

Friends wanted to open a full-fledged massage parlor. According to their calculations, this required up to 4 million rubles, but recent graduates did not have that kind of money. Therefore, we decided to start small and open just one office in some beauty salon.

The requirements for the premises were simple: inexpensive rent, convenient location and the presence of a shower cabin in which clients could take a shower before or after the massage.

At the end of August 2015, we found 4 suitable options for Avito. We chose a small office in a beauty salon a 20-minute walk from the Preobrazhenskaya metro station. Renting a 15-meter room on the first floor cost 15 thousand rubles.

In the office there was old linoleum and shabby white walls. It was separated from the salon by a plastic partition: a nail service worked behind it, and next to it was a solarium.

I had to work hard: my friends put laminate on the floor themselves, painted the walls, replaced the plastic partition with a plasterboard one, changed the electrical wiring for the lamps and repaired the shower. Starting entrepreneurs were not given rental holidays, so they were in a hurry with repairs - they finished everything in two weeks. The money was spent in 100 thousand rubles.

Gordey brought his massage table from home. We bought towels, face massage creams, anti-cellulite creams and gels, shelves for oils, lockers for clothes, a chair, a clock, a mirror, speakers for music and small decor. They brought a laptop from home. We also purchased a germicidal disinfecting lamp. No money was spent on fire alarms and air conditioning - this was provided by the landlord. It was also not necessary to issue a license - it is not needed for a non-medical massage parlor.

All expenses were divided equally - 50 thousand rubles per person. Akim and Gordey worked part-time and invested their only savings, Alexander borrowed part of the amount from his father, and Andrey had to sell his favorite bass guitar.

The studio opened in October.

The cost of opening a massage parlor in 2015 - 205,000 R

First months after launch

Gordey's clients were the first clients of the massage room. Previously, he worked in the Vykhino district, so not everyone began to travel to the other end of the city to the Preobrazhenskaya metro station. For the first three weeks, new clients were attracted by a free first massage. Some left tips, some came back.

While Gordey was crushing his back, Sasha, Akim and Andrey were engaged in promotion and organizational activities: promoted instagram , group in Vkontakte, handed out leaflets near the subway, recorded clients.

An hour session cost 1000 rubles. Subscriptions for 5 and 10 lessons - 4500 and 9000 rubles. The friends agreed to share the profit equally, and Gordey kept the salary of the massage therapist.

Every day 5-7 clients came, but most of them were for the first time. They received free massages, so the entrepreneurs did not earn anything from them. For a month, one person bought a subscription for 15 thousand. The revenue of the first month - 39 thousand rubles - was enough to pay rent, print flyers and purchase consumables.

39 000 R

first month revenue

In the next 3-4 months, the cabinet brought in 40-60 thousand rubles a month, of which 20-30 thousand went to Gordey's salary. Therefore, the profit ranged from minus two to plus three thousand rubles.

For the first 3 months, Gordey worked seven days a week. A month and a half later, another master was hired, but he turned out to be a lover of mantras and mystical teachings and did not trust the principles of evidence-based medicine. They broke up after 2 weeks.

There was no money for cool masters, then they decided to grow them on their own. Gordey began to train Akim and his girlfriend's brother, and then they signed up for massage courses. We practiced on friends for a few weeks, and after 2-3 months they were good enough to work with clients.

More business stories - in your mail

Launch of the second cabinet

In December 2015, entrepreneurs were offered to rent one or two offices on the top floor of the children's entertainment center near the metro station "Park Kultury". Renting one office for 16 m² cost 20 thousand rubles. Friends decided that this way they would already have a network, and agreed.

Until the end of the year, they made repairs in one office. In April 2016, the workshop at Preobrazhenskaya had to be closed - there were few customers, and the office went into the red every month - by 10-15 thousand. The equipment and furniture were transported to the "Park Kultury" and a second, adjacent office was rented. Another 25 m² for 20 thousand rubles a month.

The premises were in good condition - the entrepreneurs simply painted the walls and made a small decoration. There was no shower, but they decided not to bother with it anymore - for 3 months in the first office not a single client used the shower. It’s still normal not to wash off the oil with water - customers were given napkins.

50,000 rubles were spent on repairs in both offices, and 70,000 rubles on furniture, massage tables and furnishings.

120 000 R

spent on the renovation and arrangement of two new offices

Before the opening of the second office, 4 more people were hired. The cost of a massage was raised to 1200 rubles for an hour session.

In December 2015, we started collaborating with dancers, choreographers and athletes. Those with over 1,000 Instagram followers were invited to a free massage in exchange for a post. This gave a good response, and the dancers and athletes became regular customers.

At the beginning of 2016, we tried to work with couponers - websites selling coupons for discounts. Massage at a discount cost 750-1200 rubles, of which only 100-200 rubles remained for entrepreneurs.

Hundreds of people came from couponers - for 2-3 months every day there were 10-15 people. Coupons almost did not bring profit, but they gave a big client base. By the fall, revenue had grown to 190-250 thousand, profit - up to 30 thousand.

Initially, the profit was divided equally into four parts. Entrepreneurs understood that this was disproportionate to the labor invested. At first, all customers were only on Gordeya, later Akim took some of them. Friends spent the whole day on their feet and tried to give their best so that customers would come again. Alexander and Andrey also invested almost all their time, but often worked from home - it was clearly easier for them. But they didn't fight over money.

In December 2015, Andrei was drafted into the army. Then his share was divided between Gordey and Akim: now they took 37.5% each, and Alexander 25% each.

This proportion has continued to this day. A year later, Andrei returned from the army. He did not want to return to the project as a founder, continued to engage in web design and became an art director and product manager in the company's staff.

The cost of opening two massage parlors in 2016 - 240,000 R

Business is growing, but there is no money

In September 2016, entrepreneurs opened another massage workshop - they rented an office at a dance school, again near the Preobrazhenskaya metro station. The place was recommended by former clients-dancers - they said that they really missed Lyag.Back. Renting 23 m² cost 30,000 rubles a month, and repairs cost 250,000 rubles.

It was not always convenient to work in rented offices: there is no own administrator and children's center children are constantly making noise - in such an environment it is difficult for customers to relax. But entrepreneurs could not rent a separate room with their own entrance due to lack of money.

In October 2017, a client advised entrepreneurs to contact a friend, a Russian entrepreneur from London, who was looking for something to invest in. He agreed to invest 350 thousand rubles in a massage parlor with the following conditions: after 4 months, our heroes either give him a share in the project or return 400 thousand.

350 000 R

invested in a business by an entrepreneur from London

In November 2017, entrepreneurs additionally took out a consumer loan for a million rubles and rented a separate room near the Kurskaya metro station. 800 thousand rubles were spent on the repair and equipment of 3 offices. For the new workshop, 5 more craftsmen and an administrator were hired.

Gordey and Akim continued to work and performed 8 massages a day, but they could already afford 2 days off a week. They constantly improved the technique, studied new techniques and increased their knowledge: they read, attended master classes, consulted with famous massage therapists. Alexander promoted salons, received calls and scheduled sessions.

In February 2018, entrepreneurs closed the office at Preobrazhenskaya - it almost did not make a profit. There are 2 rooms left at the "Park Kultury" and a full-fledged salon with 3 rooms at the "Kurskaya". Monthly revenue from all three places was 500-600, profit - 60-80 thousand rubles.

Throughout 2017, the business grew slowly, but did not bring noticeable money due to high costs.

Almost all profits - 100 thousand rubles a month - were invested back into the project: they bought something in workshops, hired employees, paid for their training. By the end of the year, 1200-1500 people came to two salons every month, so they hired 5 more massage therapists.

Entrepreneurs left themselves only a salary - this money was only enough for food. It helped that they continued to live with their parents. Most of the masseurs in "Lyag. Back" then earned more than our heroes.

Sometimes the budget was not calculated, and you had to borrow from friends or parents. For example, for the May holidays of 2017, they decided to repaint the walls in the salon at Park Kultury. It took 150 thousand rubles. In May, there were few customers, and by the end of the month, entrepreneurs had nothing to pay for rent - they had to borrow. Sometimes there was not enough money even for something inexpensive. For example, a washing machine for 20 thousand rubles for washing towels was taken on credit.

How advertising and content brought business to a stable plus

For the first two years, entrepreneurs were afraid to invest in advertising and marketing. There was almost no profit, and they thought that paid promotion would only increase the minus of the company. Hoped only for word of mouth.

In December 2017, they nevertheless hired a familiar freelance marketer for 30 thousand rubles a month. On the market, his services would cost 2-3 times more, but for his friends he did good discount. The marketer set up “Lyag.Back” contextual and targeted advertising.

At the same time, Andrei, with the help of a freelancer, made a new website for the company for 10 thousand rubles. 50 thousand rubles cost professional photos salons. For new clients, they came up with a promotion - the first massage for 1500 rubles. The cost of a regular hour session was increased to 2100 rubles.

Entrepreneurs did not expect that all these actions will unwind the business. But already in the first month, traffic to the site increased by 2 times, the number of customers - by 70%, and profit - 2 times, up to 200 thousand rubles a month. To meet the demand, 7 more craftsmen were hired. Business took off in the following months.

by 70%

increased the number of customers after the launch of the site

Since August 2018, we have been busy creating our own content: photos and videos on instagram. Mostly they make videos about massage, sometimes about a salon, or just fooling around. Gordey is the author of most of the videos. For full-fledged videos, photographers and cameramen are hired. Small sketches on Instagram are filmed by themselves. to light and sound equipment 100 thousand rubles were spent to record content. We did not buy cameras - they are rented or taken from friends.

Now the main advertising is on Instagram and Facebook. On the first they spend 30 thousand a month, on the second - 150 thousand. Entrepreneurs want go to youtube, but have not yet decided what kind of content is needed there.

Such videos are filmed by entrepreneurs to promote their workshops on Instagram. On the video massage "Black Room" ("Dark Room"). It is carried out in a dark room without light and noise, in which the client puts on headphones with relaxing music

New workshops

In the spring of 2018, the profit grew to 150 thousand rubles a month. Entrepreneurs returned the debt of 350 thousand - the investor refused to pay an additional 50 thousand rubles. In August, for the first time, they were able to pay themselves as founders - 20 thousand rubles each. At the end of the year, that number rose to 100,000.

Gordey and Akim stopped doing massages themselves and began to invest most of their efforts in business development: finding new premises for workshops, educating employees, and promoting them. Previously, entrepreneurs thought that in order for the network to grow, one must strive to do the best massage. It turned out that this was not enough.

Entrepreneurs spent all the money of the company to open new workshops and took 7 loans for 4 million rubles in stages. Gordey had to issue one of them to his grandmother, Sasha - to his father, and Akim - to his mother.

From May 2018 to March 2019, 3 more workshops were opened in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg. The launch of each spent from 1 to 2 million rubles. With the opening of new workshops, more craftsmen were hired: up to 10 in each. In May 2019, the workshop near the Park of Culture was closed - it did not fit into the new format.

Usually, with the word “massage”, the client imagines a white doctor’s office, a spa with aroma oils and relaxing music, or something erotic. Our heroes decided that massage can be stylish and brutal - there are no such offers on the market. An example for inspiration was barbershops - men's hairdressers, who pay a lot of attention to the interior and atmosphere in the institution.

At first, the entrepreneurs expected that all workshops would have gray, black and red colors, twilight. Then we realized that it is more interesting to design each in your own style.

Employees and pricing

Gordey and Akim study massage techniques, train and hire employees, develop and promote the business and are responsible for content. Alexander is engaged operational management, finance, accounting, accounts, contracts and salaries.

60 massage therapists and 8 administrators work in 5 salons. 70% of massage therapists are men. There are also 3 managers in the office in the team. Accountants, lawyers, designers, photo and videographers are outsourced.

If you do not provide medical massage, the massage therapist does not need a license and specialized education. This is all at his and the employer's discretion. But in "Lyag.Spinoy" they hire only masters with a medical education or after passing certified courses. It is also important that the masseur adheres to the principles of evidence-based medicine. If he reads mantras, works with internal energies, opens chakras or promises to cure the client of all diseases at once, they do not work with him.

Applicants go through a rigorous selection - out of 10 candidates, 2-3 people stand it. Gordey personally speaks with everyone - evaluates his fundamental medical knowledge, the theory of massage. Gordey and Akim test the candidate's massage technique on themselves.

The average shift lasts 5-6 hours, the most experienced can work longer. Doing a massage is hard physical labor: on my feet all day, arms and legs get tired. Plus, you need to think about what you are doing, and also communicate with the client. The massage therapist may be tired, be in bad mood, but it is important to be able to work smoothly the whole working day. To cope with stress, it is important for a massage therapist to keep himself in good physical shape: most of them go in for sports.

It is difficult for entrepreneurs to control the work of a massage therapist - how well he does massage. You can’t put cameras in offices, you can’t stand nearby and check the work of each employee either. In the first few weeks, a test group is sent to the new massage therapist incognito: acquaintances and regular customers. If something is wrong, the massage therapist is explained what to fix, or they are fired.

There is almost no staff turnover. For 3 years, Gordey fired only 10 people with whom they differed in their views on massage - they did not adhere to the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Much attention is paid to professional development. Novice masseurs Gordey and Akim train personally. Experienced students are paid for seminars, master classes, individual trainings of masters.

Masseurs keep 40-50% of the cost of the massage. Their average income is 80-150 thousand rubles a month.

Clients and types of massage

3500-4000 clients come to 5 workshops per month. 70% of them are permanent. 60% of clients are girls, 40% are men. These are health-conscious people, some of them are professional athletes or dancers.

Entrepreneurs try to ensure that each client is satisfied with the massage. If a client receives negative feedback, they are offered a free massage or a discount. Most of the bad reviews are subjective - the master was talkative or, conversely, too silent. Such clients simply change masters.

The cost of the first 60-minute massage session is 1500 rubles. Further, the check will increase: 30 minutes will cost 1500 rubles, 60 minutes - 2300, 90 minutes - 3500. When buying a course of 5 or 10 sessions, a 10% and 15% discount, respectively. To feel the benefits of massage, it is not necessary to take a whole course - the effect will be from one session.

1500 R

worth the first hour massage in the salon

The client can be late for free for 15 minutes. This time is included in the session - 75 minutes are allotted for an hour massage session. If the delay is greater, the time is subtracted from the session.

There are several basic types of massage. "Classic" - a comprehensive recovery and increase efficiency. "Sport" - muscle recovery after training. "Anticel" is a corrective massage that improves the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. "Relax" - relaxing kneading. "4 hands" - massage of two masters at the same time. This is the most expensive massage - 60 minutes will cost 5,000 rubles. Black room massage (Dark room) is performed in a dark room without light and noise, in which the client puts on headphones with relaxing music.

On weekday mornings, prices are 30% lower. Entrepreneurs have started a channel in Telegram, in which they post quick windows - sessions that are released or canceled in less than two hours. They are cheaper than usual: half-hour - 845 rubles, hourly - 1365 rubles. You can also order a massage at home: the master will arrive with his own table, light, music, towels and sheets. It costs from 5 thousand rubles.

Separate direction - corporate clients. Lyag.Spinoy cooperates with Nike, Puma, sports clubs and banks. Companies pay for massages of their employees at a big discount, invite them to massage in the office or participate in sports competitions.

96 000 R

cost an on-site session with two masters for a corporate client

Corporate clients bring 10-20% of the revenue. But such orders have a high marginality - entrepreneurs do not need to spend money on rent. For example, 8 hours of massage with two masters for one bank cost 96 thousand rubles. The craftsmen received 16 thousand rubles, the gazelle with loaders cost 5 thousand. Everything else is profit.

Pitfalls of business

Medical license. If a massage parlor does non-medical massage, a license is not needed. The problem is that nowhere in the legislation does it say how medical massage differs from ordinary massage. Therefore, it is difficult to prove to the inspectors that the master is not doing a medical massage, but a sports and health massage. If the official decides that this is a therapeutic massage, it is unlikely that it will be possible to prove the opposite. For work without a license, a fine of up to 800 thousand rubles and suspension of activities for 90 days.

Entrepreneurs understand that in a few years the massage industry will change - the market will grow, the requirements will become stricter. Therefore, they prepare for changes in advance.

To protect themselves from fines and add medical massage to their services, entrepreneurs prepared workshops for obtaining a license. For this, sinks and a bactericidal lamp were installed in each office.

A lot of effort, time and money was spent on the preparation of all documents: the conclusions of the supervisory authorities on the compliance of the premises with the requirements, confirmation medical education from employees and certificates of no tax debts. It took 400-500 thousand rubles to prepare one workshop for obtaining a license, along with repairs.

The license is perpetual and is issued once, it is issued by the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor. The state duty costs 7,500 rubles for one room, the cost of a license is 25,000. After obtaining a license, entrepreneurs are going to open therapeutic and neurological rooms in the workshops.

Lack of respect for massage. Clients and even some doctors perceive massage as some kind of frivolous activity, in which a person is simply stroked and allowed to relax. Meanwhile, a professional massage therapist can relieve pain, help to cope with the disease, and even make a diagnosis on their own. This is a difficult job that requires high qualifications and many years of practice.

Entrepreneurs have to deal with the frivolous attitude to massage: talk in social networks about its importance and complexity, explain it at the session.

Massage is confused with erotic services. Most of the clients are decent people. But some people clearly confuse "Lie Back" with something else. Sometimes clients try to ask the masters on a date or flirt with them. This is true for both female masters and male masters. If a client tried to flirt with a girl, a note is made in the database. The next time a massage session is assigned to him only with a male master.

Massage oil creates many problems. At first they bought inexpensive sesame at 500 rubles per liter. It smelled unpleasant, so after a few months, essential oils were added to it. After a week, this mixture also began to smell unpleasant. Then certified odorless almond oil, without traces on clothes and allergens appeared on the market - entrepreneurs began to buy it. It costs 800 rubles per liter, but there are no problems with it. To save money, consumables are bought in bulk for all workshops. They spend 40-50 thousand rubles a month on this.

800 R

worth a liter of good massage oil

Oil stains everything: massage therapists' clothes, towels, sheets, furniture and walls. In the first three workshops, the entrepreneurs painted the walls with ordinary inexpensive paint - after a few months they became oily and dirty. It cannot be washed off with water, and they had to be repainted. In small offices, this was not so scary, but in the workshop on Belorusskaya, entrepreneurs paid 200 thousand rubles for repainting and did not earn about 100 thousand due to a week of downtime.

After that, the walls began to be rubbed with special wax for plaster - so the walls became washable. In the last two salons, entrepreneurs began to use glossy paint that already contains wax. It costs 5600 rubles for 9 liters - it is more expensive than waxing the walls, but much faster.

Towel costs. Reusable towels are difficult to remove from oil. One salon needs 50-60 pieces. 6 pieces fit into one washing machine, and they are washed for 2.5-3 hours.

Disposable towels are not suitable - they are unpleasant to the touch, small and too thin to warm the client during the massage. The life of a towel is 5-7 months, it costs 300-400 rubles. One-time costs 50 rubles.

By law, linen must be washed in the laundry. The first few months after the opening, in order to save money, entrepreneurs washed everything at home, but then there were not enough home washing machines. Now everything is washed in laundromats. 1 kg of linen - 2 towels - costs 50 rubles. 100 thousand rubles a month for laundry in all salons.

100 000 R

washing towels per month

Now entrepreneurs want to hire a seamstress to produce their own towels and open a mini-laundry that will only wash towels from salons. So it will be more profitable and more convenient. A month, 50-70 thousand rubles are spent on towels, sheets and disposable napkins.

Results and plans

The business went into a stable plus only after a year and a half of work. Now the monthly turnover in 5 salons is 5 million rubles. The total profit is 400-600 thousand rubles for three, this also includes salaries.

In March 2019, the entrepreneurs realized that they now had a real network of massage shops with dozens of employees, and rented an office for 80,000 rubles a month.

Thanks to the unusual style and presentation, the format of the Lyag.Back massage workshops has become popular: sometimes they are copied or asked if they are selling a franchise. But Gordey, Alexander and Akim are going to develop the network on their own. When the existing loans are paid, they plan to open one more workshop in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs want to start their own business from home. A promising and profitable type of business at home is massage services. They are always in demand, and the start does not require large financial investments. If you correctly implement the idea, you can get a high income from this activity.

How to open a home business: legal registration of activities

To start your home business to provide massage services it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur and select the type of activity - providing personal services. You also need to register for tax service. For the activity in question best option taxation - a simplified form or the acquisition of a patent.

You do not need a license to work, but it is desirable to have a certificate of completion of massage courses. With such a document, you can carry out a wellness massage. Therapeutic massage can only be performed by someone who, along with a certificate, has a diploma from a sports or medical school.

How to start a home business?

Home massage is a good start-up home business option that can become profitable over time. It is desirable to start work with a relaxing, wellness massage. First, you can offer your services to friends and set a low cost for services. It's also a good idea to practice working as a massage therapist in a beauty salon or fitness center.

Having gained experience, you can expand your activities, start working independently at home and significantly increase the price for services. To organize the work you will need a special table, towels and oils. If you go to customers' homes, it is advisable to purchase a folding massage table.

Self-confidence and the right motivation are important components of successful entrepreneurship. By joining the Business Youth project, you can learn how to plan a business and take active steps to achieve your goals. The acquired knowledge is the best support for young entrepreneurs.

To date, ideas for creating own business there is a lot. But almost everyone wants to find such a solution for themselves, so that its implementation does not require a large initial capital, and at the same time there is a sufficiently high profitability.

Massage, as an excellent means of healing not only the body, but also the soul, was used long before official medicine. At the present time, when more and more people are interested in their own health and want to improve it, almost everyone has the opportunity to make good money on this without much investment, and without even leaving their own home.

The main thing to remember and understand is that you can achieve success in this business only when you yourself believe in miraculous power massage. Those people who have something hurts can easily feel insincerity, and, most likely, will not come to such a specialist a second time.

If this does not pose any problems for you, then you can think about creating your own home business. But for the right start, you will need to make a business plan for a massage parlor at home, which will include all kinds of expenses and approximate income in order to understand the benefits of engaging in this type of activity.

What needs to be done initially

To begin with, you will need to take special massage courses, which will take about 2-3 months of time for the training period. The cost of such courses depends on the place where they are held, but on average it can be 10,000 rubles. Of course you can read great amount literature on massage, but after completing the courses, you will receive not only the first practice, but also a special certificate that will allow you to engage in such activities with confidence.

If you also have a medical diploma, then together with the certificate you will be allowed to do even therapeutic massages. In the absence of such a diploma, it is best to consider the option of a simple massage and relaxing.

The right way to start a business

It is best not to exercise immediately after the course. own business and work in some massage parlor for a while. You will not only be able to get your first own clients, but also gain experience, as well as look at your own strengths and gain confidence in your actions.

After the customers themselves recommend your services to their friends, relatives and acquaintances, only then will it make sense to open your own business and work at home. Adding to this the placement of advertisements in newspapers and the Internet, you can achieve constant flow customers and make good money on it.

This information on this stage quite enough to understand how you can make money on a massage in your home or even with a home visit. Now you can roughly calculate how much such a business can bring.

If we consider the average cost of such a service, then for 30 minutes of massage they take an average of 600 rubles. If you do a massage for 45 minutes, then it makes sense to take 800-900 rubles for such work, taking into account various difficulties.

Premises and equipment

At first, you can do everything at home, allocating a room for this and putting a massage table. But after a while, it makes sense to rent one-room apartments in residential multi-unit areas in order to collect a large number of customers. Some professionals rent several apartments at once in different apartment districts with cosmetic repairs, and then simply collect orders and move from one point to another, as orders come in. This allows them to open several points at once to provide their services, so that it is convenient for people to get there. Sometimes hired as an assistant massage therapist. But it is already necessary to calculate all the nuances and benefits.

As for equipment, you will need a simple massage bed. Perhaps it makes sense to do a massage using essential oils, then a small amount of money will be needed for the purchase. In any case, this type of business for employment is very good and can always bring good money, making a certain foundation for the further development of your own business.

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Today, one of the most developing activities is the provision of services in the field of rejuvenation and relaxation.

The influence of acupressure (massage) on certain areas of the body can lead to a decrease in the risk of joint disease, and blood flow contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin as a whole.

Massage parlors are an excellent way to get rid of most ailments, and many businessmen, noting the high demand for this type of service, have begun to open these centers.

Indeed, massage as a business brings a solid income, due to the constant "influx" of customers, which contributes to the most quick payback Events.

But what if you are an aspiring entrepreneur and simply do not have an impressive starting capital to implement your idea?

To solve this problem, you can open your own massage parlor at home, which will hit your wallet much less.

At the very beginning of your activity, in order to form your own ready-made cabinet, you need to:

  • two relaxation chairs (approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles per unit of goods);
  • specialized couch (50 thousand rubles);
  • various warming and relaxing creams and oils (cost about 7 thousand rubles);
  • community advertising spend social networks(cost 10 thousand rubles for 1 month);
  • a set of white towels and sheets for massage (cost 8,000 rubles).

Thus, the total cost is 85 thousand rubles, which almost anyone can afford.

It is worth noting that in 1 session you can earn up to two thousand rubles, and this is a solid income at the initial stage. It all depends on your capabilities and ideas.

Expand your customer base by placing advertisements on the World Wide Web.

Business expansion

How long can you wait until you come up with a unique business idea? After all, sometimes it’s enough just to start doing something and develop. In the end, this will bring much more fruit than the empty expectation of a miracle.

Over time, you will accumulate a certain amount of capital and be able to afford to rent a room to open a massage parlor.

Form your own unique design of the finished office for the provision of services. Buy more chairs and couches.

Surround your customers with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Ask them to tell their friends and acquaintances about your center, take recommendations from them.

At this stage, it is worth thinking about replenishing the staff. This will allow you to abstract from the work process and completely go into solving organizational issues.

Indeed, sometimes start-up entrepreneurs cannot pay due attention to the promotion of their activities due to the presence of a permanent job, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the number of customers.

Run promotions, start selling season tickets on certain number procedures, reduce the cost of services rendered at the most unpopular morning time.

This series of activities will significantly increase profits.

The formation of new massage centers will require a considerable amount of Money, however, the total turnover will quickly recoup all organizational activities.

For example, you will need about 900,000 rubles to open and maintain a new point afloat, while the monthly income, taking into account the cost of salaries and equipment maintenance, will be 150-200 thousand.

Positive aspects of massage

The idea of ​​making money on a network of massage centers is undoubtedly an attractive activity for many entrepreneurs.

Let's single out the main positive sides that contribute the most rapid development and promotion:

  1. Due to the absence of strong pressure from competitors, this line of business is the most promising and in demand today.
  2. The absence of complex equipment, which eliminates the constant breakdowns and frequent need for maintenance.
  3. Relatively high income, due to the demand for the type of services provided. This has the best effect on the payback of all activities.
  4. The opportunity to implement the services provided in different areas, ranging from warming and relaxing to anti-cellulite massage. Indeed, today all types of this activity have a high level of demand among various segments of the population.
  5. Low costs for consumables (creams, oils and specialized massage products).
  6. No need for a large staff of employees, which saves more money, which can later be invested in expanding the business.
  7. The possibility of concluding partnership agreements with cosmetic companies through advertising and recommending their products. It is worth noting that some beauty centers "live" only on deductions through the promotion of certain product lines.

Summing up and highlighting the main points

As a result, the result of your activity will depend on the amount of applied forces, and not on a lucky coincidence. As a rule, nothing is given just like that.
