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Presentation "analytical report for the inter-certification period". Presentation of the analytical report of the teacher of the history of the Olympiad and competitions

Analytical report behind inter-certification period 2010 - 2015

teachers primary school

Stepanova Nina Gennadievna

Experience of pedagogical work in the specialty: 22 years

Work experience in MBOU "Secondary School No. 9" - 17 years

  • introspection and self-assessment professional activity for the inter-certification period;
  • definition of a range of problems for further work

home target my teaching activities:

creation of conditions for the formation of universal learning activities

in the course of mastering different subject disciplines

and in extracurricular activities by students elementary school

  • to study and summarize the experience of the effective use of pedagogical technologies in their pedagogical activities;
  • to form key competencies in students;
  • master the techniques for developing creative renewal and reorganization of the educational process using ICT;
  • create comfortable conditions for students, based on their interests and abilities, through the use of methods that are safe for the psychological health of younger students.

  • ICT technology
  • problem-dialogical technology
  • gaming technology
  • organization technology project activities
  • health-saving technologies

Expected Result:

  • Formation of universal educational actions among schoolchildren (personal, cognitive,

regulatory and communicative), allowing students to independently organize their own activities to solve problems and problems, readiness for self-improvement and self-development

  • Increasing the level of teacher professionalism
  • Improving the quality of teaching subjects

  • How to organize the educational process in order to achieve good results in the formation of UUD among students?
  • How to increase motivation for learning?
  • How to involve students in the educational process?
  • How to teach to learn?
  • What technology to apply?

Get students active

Statement of the educational problem


Organization feedback at every stage of the lesson

Application various forms oral work

Results of monitoring conducted in 2012

Table 1.

FI student



Aleksanov Zh.

morals. represented


III level

Biryukov N.


II level

Bubenchikova W.


Goncharova D.

III level

II level

Elantsev S.

Zubareva N.

III level

Ivanov P.

IV level

Kosyakova D.

I level

II level

Kuzminykh I.

Minigaleev D.

III level

Paramonova O.

IV level

Rechkov D.

III level

Strelkova L.

III level

Uporov T.

III level

Kholikov A.

II level

III level

Khorkov K.

Chegodaev M.

III level

Chernova A.

I level

Sharapov A.

IV level

III level

II level

I level

% average for the class

Level I – 14.2%

II ur. – 23.8%

Level III -47.6%

IV ur. - 14.3%

Results of monitoring conducted in 2015

Table 2.

FI student



Aleksanov Zh.


morals. represented

III level

Biryukov N.


Bubenchikova W.

III level



IV level

Goncharova D.


Elantsev S.

II level

IV level

Zubareva N.

Ivanov P.

IV level

II level

Kosyakova D.

Kuzminykh I.

III level

Minigaleev D.

IV level

IV level

Paramonova O.

IV level

Rechkov D.

Strelkova L.

IV level

III level

Uporov T.

Kholikov A.

IV level

III level

Khorkov K.

Chegodaev M.

III level

Chernova A.

II level

IV level

Sharapov A.

IV level

II level

II level

% average for the class

II ur. – 23.8%

Level III – 28.5%

IV ur. - 47.6%

Dynamics of UUD development

Personal UUD:

Moral conceptions


Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD Communicative UUD

Dynamics of educational achievements (quality of knowledge)

Dynamics of results reading technique test

Participation in the Olympiads

Name of the Olympiad

2011-2012 academic year


Russian language



school olympiad

the world

Golovkin D.- 2nd place

school olympiad

Golovkin D.- 1 place

school olympiad


2014 – 2015 academic year


Bazhenin A.- 1 place

All-Russian Olympiad

Golovkin D.- 2nd place


Ponomarev D.- 85 points(above regional figures)

school olympiad

Russian language

Zubareva A.- 2nd place

Golovkin D.- 85 points(above regional figures)

Russian language

school olympiad

Turovets E. - 68 points

Kuzminykh I. - 2nd place


Bazhenin A. - 63 points

Zubareva A.- 3rd place

Olympiad "Russian Bear"

Zubareva A. -71 points ( 3rd place by school among grades 3-4)

Lamanov V. - 62 points

Chernova A.- 3rd place

Kuzminykh I. - 70 points ( 4th place by school among grades 3-4)

Kholikov A.- 3rd place

Rechkov D. - 70 points ( 4th place by school among grades 3-4)

Chernova A. - 67 points ( 5th place by school among grades 3-4)

Results of participation in extracurricular activities

2010-2011 academic year

1 place


2nd place

3rd place

2012-2013 academic year

academic year

in just a year

2013-2014 academic year

2014-2015 academic year

Exchange of experience in pedagogical activity

Publications of the author's material of the student Sharapov A. in the open creative competition"A little rhyme is the first step to glory", organized by the city methodological center of the Department of Education of Moscow GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory"

Generalization and dissemination own pedagogical experience




"Innovations in the education system of the Sverdlovsk region: formation modern model education".

"Gifted Children"

Pedagogical Council

"Health-saving technologies in education"

Pedagogical Council

Pedagogical Council

"Creating a situation of success in the classroom"

"Methods of collective analysis of educational work"

Pedagogical Council

"Etiquette in the relationship of boys and girls." "Gender Education"

Pedagogical Council

"Methods of forming UUD in grade 1"

"System of work with gifted children" (from work experience)

International scientific and practical conference "Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the conditions of new standards",

Yekaterinburg city

"Education of the personality of a younger student through extracurricular activities."

Participation in expert committees

Department of Education AGO

member of the expert group at the Department of Education for the verification of regional tests

MBOU secondary school No. 9

attendant and observer

MBOU secondary school No. 9

on the exam, GIA.

member of the expert committee of the Festival of Computer Creativity

Training during the inter-certification period




URCOR FGAOU HPE "UrFU named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin"

"Correctional work in mass school"

"Informatics and programming: application software packages in educational activities",



"Innovative educational and methodological kit (IMK) "Planet of Knowledge" as a means of ensuring the quality of education of younger students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO"

Ural State Pedagogical University

"Organization and content of inclusive education for children with disabilities in educational institution in the context of the implementation of GEF"

Participation in professional competitions



municipal exhibition



"Innovations in the education system of the Sverdlovsk region: the formation of a modern model of education"


"Teacher of the Year"

1 place

"Teacher of the Year"




"Teacher of the Year"

Nomination "The coolest cool"

1 place

1 place

Nomination "The coolest cool"



Tasks for the next qualifying period:

  • to improve the system of monitoring the educational achievements of students at the level of formation of UUD;
  • to continue work on the study and use of educational technologies of the activity type;
  • intensify work on the generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience

Regulatory documents:

  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"
  • Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Child
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010.

The goal for the inter-certification period 2007 - 2012 :

increasing their own professional competence to ensure the quality of education and development of younger students through the individualization of the educational process.


  • Create the methodological base necessary for optimal academic work with students;
  • Determine the most effective forms and methods learning motivation schoolchildren, techniques and methods for implementing personality-oriented technologies.
  • Use effective forms of work with students;
  • Create conditions for the development of creative and cognitive competence of students.

I planned to get the following result:

  • improving the quality of education of students (up to 60%)
  • master pedagogical methods and techniques that contribute to the development of cognitive interest, as well as the individualization of the educational process;
  • successful socialization of students in the next grades.

Performance indicators pedagogical activity:

  • The level of development of cognitive processes of students.
  • The level of individual development of students.
  • The level and quality of student learning
  • The level of development of OUUN, subject ZUN.
  • The results of extracurricular work.
  • Successful socialization of students when teaching in the following classes.

Key competencies:

  • determination of adequate methods for solving a learning problem based on given algorithms;
  • combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not involve the standard use of one of them;
  • the use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and databases;
  • mastery of skills joint activities(coordination and coordination of activities with other participants);
  • objective assessment of one's contribution to solving the common tasks of the team; taking into account the features of different role behavior.

Working with educational text

Working with simple models

Making simple measurements

Correlation of the obtained results

Oral description of the world around

Teacher's abilities:

  • manage the learning, development and education of students;
  • develop interest in the subject;
  • the ability to influence a person;
  • theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activities;
  • follow up scientific research; study the experience of pedagogical practice.


  • work programs in mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, the world around, technology, fine arts.
  • work program of the elective "Visual geometry"
  • work program of the elective course "Young researchers"

Course preparation:

  • IRRO on the educational program "Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of young children school age» 120 hours (2008);
  • NOUDPO "Institute "IT" under the program "Application of the package of free software» 72 hours (2009);
  • GOU VPO "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University" under the program "Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary School Based on the Information and Educational Environment" 72 hours (2011).

  • personality-oriented, group;
  • game;
  • problem-search;
  • research;

2007- a lesson for educators of the preschool educational institution "Letter of a lowercase letter" p ";

2008- a lesson on literature by K. Paustovsky "Badger nose" for teachers of city schools within the framework of the city seminar "Interactive forms of education".

2009- an open lesson of the Russian language on the topic "Verb" within the framework of the regional seminar "Individualization in educational process as a condition for the success of students”;


between the need to form personal universal learning activities (UUD) and the imperfection of the forms, methods and techniques used for this .


  • search for ways to improve the professional competence of a teacher through the study and implementation of the second generation standard;
  • search for ways to develop personal universal learning activities of students.

Objective of the project:

creation of conditions for the formation and development of universal educational activities of students through the introduction of the second generation standard.


  • Explore theoretical basis and to ensure the introduction of the federal educational standard of the second generation;
  • Ensure the formation and development of personal universal educational activities through the organization of extracurricular activities;
  • To improve professional competence through the study of normative documents of the federal, regional level.

Planned result:

  • The required level of pedagogical competence has been achieved for the implementation of the federal educational standard of the second generation;
  • Defined effective methods and methods of work on the development and formation of universal educational activities.

slide 1

PROTECTION OF THE ANALYTICAL REPORT Yudina Irina Nikolaevna teacher of the GPA I quarter. categories

slide 2

GOAL-SETTING OF THE ANALYTICAL REPORT Purpose: self-analysis and self-assessment of professional activity for the inter-certification period from 2004-2009.

slide 3

Tasks: Implementation of recommendations based on the results of the previous certification. To systematize and summarize the work carried out as part of the educational and correctional process. Analyze the conditions that provide positive results. Determine the goal-setting of the upcoming inter-certification period. GOAL-SETTING OF THE ANALYTICAL REPORT

slide 4

slide 5

FROM THE CONCEPT OF MODERNIZATION OF RUSSIAN EDUCATION FOR THE PERIOD UNTIL 2010 "Education and only education is the goal of the school" Pestalozzi School in the broadest sense of the word - should become the most important factor in the humanization of social - economic relations, the formation of new life attitudes of the individual. A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make decisions in situations of choice, predicting their possible consequences, capable of cooperation, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, who have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

slide 6

ANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL CONDITIONS Contradictions Between the need for social adaptation of children with disabilities and the absence of a scientifically based program to assist them in this. Between the experience accumulated in pedagogical science and practice in the communicative teaching of normally developing children and insufficient experience in improving the communicative behavior of children with disabilities. Problems: the difficulty of adaptation of pupils in a new team of teachers and children; insufficient possession of the necessary arsenal of communicative knowledge, skills; instability of contacts and their insufficient depth; impulsiveness in conflict situations.

Slide 7

PRACTICAL GOAL FOR 2004 - 2009 Purpose: creation of conditions for the complex development of a personality free to self-realization and self-determination on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills, ready to take responsibility for their decisions and actions in all spheres of activity.

Slide 8

slide 9

PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Outcome: In the inter-certification period, there is a positive dynamics in the indicators of the result of upbringing among pupils of the GPA by 1.27 points, which is 42.3% of the quality of upbringing. Level of upbringing dynamics of indicators of the result of upbringing in 2004 - 2009

slide 10

PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Outcome: In the inter-certification period, there is a positive trend in enrollment rates for pupils of the GPA additional education, which is 37.1%. The level of cognitive interests dynamics of indicators of coverage of pupils with additional education in 2004 - 2009

slide 11

PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Outcome: In the inter-certification period, there is a positive trend in the participation of pupils in events at various levels: school, city, regional. The level of social creativity of pupils dynamics of indicators of the results of pupils' participation in events in 2004-2009

slide 12

PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES The level of social adaptation is sufficient: 100% of pupils of the GPA were certified within a year and successfully passed the final certification. 91.7% study in professional institutions of the city and region, 8.3% are employed. Those who were on school or city records - no.

slide 13

ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS REGULATORY AND LEGAL SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS The Constitution of the Russian Federation The Convention on the Rights of the Child The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" The Law "On Education" of the Sverdlovsk Region NRK SES Charter of the School Development Program - 5 Educational programs of the school

slide 14

ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY The principle of focusing on the positive in the behavior and character of pupils The principle of social adequacy The principle of individualization The principle of social hardening The principle of the integrated use of methods and techniques of correctional and pedagogical activity

slide 15

ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES Cooperation pedagogy (Makarenko, Sukhomlinsky) Technology of collective creative activities (Ivanov) Game technologies (Shmakov) Health-saving technologies Technology for the formation of graduates' readiness for professional self-determination Information and communication technologies.

slide 16

slide 17


slide 19


slide 20


Generalization of pedagogical experience for the inter-certification period.

Good afternoon, dear experts, colleagues, invitees!

SLIDE 1 . Let me bring to your attention a presentation of pedagogical activity for the inter-certification period from 2011 to 2016 academic years of a primary school teacher of the Municipal State educational institution"Slobodo-Turinskaya secondary school No. 1"Zadorozhnykh Lilia Vitalievna.

SLIDE 2. I provide the following information about myself: education - secondary specialized, in 1986 I graduated from the Kamyshlov Pedagogical School with a degree in teaching in primary grades, a qualification of a primary school teacher was awarded;

Experience of pedagogical work in the specialty "primary school teacher" 31 years, in this position 31 years; in this institution for 20 years.

I'm going through the test for the fourth time.

SLIDE 3 (2). Relevance. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2020 defines the goal of general education for present stage: provision High Quality of Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and promising development tasks Russian society and economy.

The National Education Initiative "Our New School" said that the school is critically important element in this process. The main tasks of the modern school are the disclosure of the abilities of each student, the education of a decent and patriotic person, personality. School education should be structured in such a way that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations.

At present, when educational standards are constantly rising, it is obvious that the required results cannot be achieved with the application of traditional methods learning. That's whythe problem of developing the individual cognitive abilities of students is currently the most relevant, since the requirements for their mental activity are constantly growing, and their ability to assimilate and use the acquired knowledge remains at a rather low level; the productivity of mental and, especially, creative activity of schoolchildren remains far behind their potential and does not fully meet the challenges of modern education.

SLIDE 4. In the inter-certification period, she designatedproblem field development of individual cognitive abilities of students at the first stage of education through the study and implementation of personality-oriented technologies.

SLIDE 5: The purpose of the activity in the inter-certification period: introspection and self-assessment of professional activities to createconditionstraining, withwhichstudents couldto uncovertheir capabilities, prepare for life in a high-tech competitive world.

You see the objectives of the study on the slide.

SLIDE 6. The implementation of the tasks was carried out throughmain directions their pedagogical activity during the inter-certification period:

    extracurricular activities - preparation and holding of events at the school and district level;

    methodological work - development of software and methodological support, participation in the work of the ShMO and RMO, in pedagogical councils and seminars.

SLIDE 7 . Realizing educational programs by subjects (you can see them at the exhibition), directed its activities to achieve:

personal results - the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition,curiosity and interest in new content and ways of solving problems, acquiring new knowledge and skills, motivation to achieve success.

metasubject results - the ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

subject results - system of knowledge on subjects.

To achieve positive results, the following conditions were created.

SLIDE 8. Passed courses advanced training, since courses are one of the ways to grow professional skills and pedagogical culture:

You can see the teacher's portfolio in the folder.

SLIDE 9. I implement the educational process according to the EMC "School of Russia"

The leading target setting of the EMC "School of Russia" and the Federal State Educational Standard - upbringing of a humane, creative, socially active and competent person - a citizen and patriot of Russia, respectfully and carefully treating his environment, his family, the natural and cultural heritage of his small Motherland, his multinational country and all mankind.

ABOUT fundamental principles of EMC "School of Russia":

the principle of educating a citizen of Russia;
the principle of value orientations;
the principle of learning in activity;
principle of work for the result;
the principle of synthesis of traditions and innovations in education..

SLIDE 10. I work in a licensed office . During the inter-certification period, the material and technical base was replenished: an interactive whiteboard, a teacher's laptop, children's netbooks, a document camera were installed, there areknowledge control and monitoring system, modular system of experiments based on digital technologies.

Training cabinet constantly updated with visual aids, training discs in subjects. Created a media library of presentations, personal and presentations taken from the Internet. I replenish the cabinet with methodological literature. For each subject there are folders for the accumulation of various visual and didactic material..

SLIDE 11. Significant changes taking place today in school education require the teacher to use new educational technologies. To create a learning and development environment, I usedtechnologies:

Demonstrated Which you see on the slide

1. Information and communication technology.

2.Game technology.

3.Technology of project activities

4. Technology "Portfolio".


In hispedagogical practice I usevarious forms organization of the educational process.To solve complex problems of learning new things, consolidating material, developing creativity, the formation of general educational skills and abilities is usedlesson - study . In order to master the methods of independent activity:lesson - competition . For the development of cognitive, creative and thinking abilities:lesson - travel .

In my work I usedifferentiated and individual approaches to training and education.Textbooks and notebooks of the EMC "School of Russia" contain tasks of different levels. When performing such tasks, students become the subject of cognitive activity, having the opportunity to choose for themselves a feasible level of complexity.

SLIDE 13. The result of my work was stable indicators of the quality of education:

In the class, 100% progress, the quality of knowledge ranges from 48 to 67%.

You can see them in the analytical report on page 11

It can be concluded that the standard at the basic level was learned by all students. When moving from level primary education in the main level, students confirmed and improved their knowledge from 13% to 21%

To track the dynamics of students' achievements, I develop control and measuring materials in accordance with the Main Educational Program.

You can see them at the exhibition.

SLIDE 13 Project activity monitoring

Tracking the universal learning activities of project activities for 4 years according to the following criteria:

1 .Ability to draw up a plan for the number of details. .

2. Placement of parts on the product.

3. Formation of the ability to presentwork result.

4. The ability to analyze your knowledge for subsequent decision making.

5. The ability to carry out their activities in a group, to distribute actions among group members.

6. Ability to draw up the assembly order of the product.

received the following results, as you can see on the slide, the skills increased from 15% in the first grade to 60% in the 4th grade.


As we can see, all this contributes to the achievement of the goal.- the development of project skills of younger students is the development of an independent personality (the formation of UUD) who owns the tools of self-development and self-improvement, who is able to find effective ways problem solving, search necessary information, set a goal to achieve a result, define tasks to achieve the goal, present the progress and result of the work done, conduct a reflection of one's own activities.

SLIDE 16. Fully open and develop the individuality of the child is impossible only within the framework of the lesson, so I continue to solve this problem in extracurricular activities.

For this I try to create a number of conditions for the child to manifest and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions. To do this, I conduct and organize extracurricular activities I myself (you can see the developments at the exhibition), actively participate with the children in various events of school and regional significance.

SLIDE 17. I carry out extracurricular activities throughsocial partnership:

At the school level: School Council, school library.

At the village and district level: TsVR "Eldorado", children's and youth sport school, district house of culture.

SLIDE 18. The results of extracurricular activities are the systematic effective participation of students in subject Olympiads and competitions at various levels:regional (literary games),All-Russian (Island of natural history, Erudite of Russia, Olympiads Info-lesson),International (EMU project, Erudites of the planet, Olympus Olympiad, Wunderkind,).

SLIDE 19. In extracurricular work with students, I give a lot of attention to events within the framework of the festival "Young Intellectuals of the Middle Urals": school subject Olympiads, intellectual game"Sobrazhalki", participation in exhibitions of arts and crafts and fine arts.

Students become winners and prize-winners.

The results can be viewed on pages 13 - 14 of the analytical report, at the exhibition in the class portfolio.

SLIDE 20. For taking part in various events, competitions, my students have many collective and individual diplomas (you can see them on the slide),

SLIDE 21 I also have personal certificates and thanks .

They can be viewed in Annex 2 of the analytical report, as well as in the Teacher's Portfolio folder at the exhibition.

SLIDE 22 I have certificates of publication of my own materials.

They can be viewed in Appendix 1 of the analytical report and in the teacher's portfolio folder.

SLIDE 23 In my teaching activities I strive to constantly improve my professional competence. This is facilitated by personal participation in a variety of methodological work.

SLIDE 24. I disseminate my own experience: through open lessons at school and regional methodological associations and within the framework of the Open Day, through open extra-curricular activities, through speaking at pedagogical councils.

I distribute my own experience through pedagogical online communities. I maintain my page on the site, where you can see my own materials, I am a member of such pedagogical communities , , I use in my practical activities experience of teachers, as well as share my developments.

After analyzing the results of my work, I came to the conclusion that there are many positive aspects in my professional activity: professional growth has increased, that the conditions that I create for students help to increase cognitive abilities and develop the creative potential of students.

And also the analysis showed that in professional activity there are issues that require deeper study and refinement.

SLIDE 25. Based on this, I have identifiedproblem : search for ways to implement a system-activityapproach as a means of forming universal educational activities in the classroom and in extracurricular activities in the light of the implementation of the GEF IEO.

Puttarget : the formation of universal educational actions through a systematic - activity approach in the classroom and in extracurricular activities

Designated tasks : ( you can see them on the slide)

to study and analyze pedagogical, psychological, methodological literary sources on the problem;

identify the most productive technologies to achieve the goal;

choose the optimal combination of forms and teaching methods for the formation of universal learning activities;

to diagnose the level of formation of universal educational activities;

analyze the results

I hope that the next inter-certification period will be no less successful for me, since only a successful teacher can have successful students.

SLIDE 26. Thank you for your attention!
