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A sign of what to find a duckling on the street. Signs about birds - good and bad

Signs about birds are so popular and there are so many of them that entire volumes are devoted to these superstitions. It's hard to put them all together, but we'll try to give you at least a basic idea of ​​the most common ones.

There are people who analyze certain phenomena and specialize in all kinds of predictions. This is a very exciting activity, almost as popular as jokes or stories from the lives of show business stars. Let's see how great the world accepts and believes about birds:

  • some interpreters believe that if a bird knocks on the glass of your window, then this is a bad omen, but if a dove flies into the room, this can mean both death and soon-found happiness;
  • you saw a dove on the windowsill- this, first of all, means the approach of very important news, the same goes for a swallow or a tit, perhaps the main purpose of this event is to warn you about something that will happen soon so that you are prepared;
  • a feathered stranger "inherits" on your clothes– don’t be upset, because this can be a harbinger of great luck;
  • if a big black crow sat on your head- this is definitely a sign of imminent great wealth; in general, any bird that lands on a person’s head, without fear of him, symbolizes profit in money;
  • the appearance of a stork in your field of vision- this is for the birth of a baby;
  • A nest of pigeons has appeared on your balcony- there will be happiness in your life, and if they also laid two eggs in the nest, there will be no end to happiness.

Interpreters of signs disagree on how to generally evaluate examples related to the appearance of birds. On the one hand, our smaller flying brothers are a symbol of something airy and good. On the other hand, it is clear that there are birds that even in folk tales characterized negatively. There is only one way out - it is better to know folk signs.

Follow the direction of flight - details are important in a sign

Most often, it happens that interpreters of omens tend to interpret the same phenomenon in different ways. You shouldn’t be surprised, because it would seem that in a standard situation the same events occur. But in fact, depending on various small details, the interpretation of the same sign can change in the diametrically opposite direction:

  • if the bird made a tour of the room, flying in and out of it- this is for the message;
  • just a feathered guest flew in- wait for news;
  • a heavenly messenger ended up in your apartment, and you see some kind of blade of grass in her beak- a very good event will happen soon, by the way, in this case it will not be superfluous if you appease the bearer of good news by feeding her crumbs;
  • a feathered bird is visible above the roof or constantly flies around- a sign of illness in someone at home;
  • if the winged messenger constantly hovers over the home– you need to be extremely careful in your relationships with friends, you can be betrayed, this is all the more true if a bird of prey hovers over the house;
  • you see birds flying past your house, but suddenly they change direction, and even very sharply - in this case, you also need to be careful, this is a sign of approaching danger;
  • feathered chirps are in flight from left to right- you will have good luck in business;
  • Birds fly from right to left- the plans will fail;
  • if heavenly messengers are heading straight towards you, you will be lucky soon;
  • flying birds- a bad omen, there will be no success in business;
  • a flock of birds rushes far from the ground- the day will be absolutely good, everything will come true, but if it’s the other way around, you can stay at home, all your efforts will be useless.

That's how important details are, like birds flying. And one more thing: you got ready for work, left the house and saw a flock of birds in flight - you can safely storm any heights!

White birds foretell your future, be careful

The color, or, as ornithologists say, the color of a feathered creature, the sounds it makes can also serve as a good or bad omen:

  • White bird, seen by you, will bring happiness, and dead bird seen the bird promises misfortune;
  • sitting on the windowsill of your apartment an uninvited guest is a harbinger of minor financial costs;
  • the morning of the wedding came, and the bride and groom saw that the bird had died in the cage– the marriage will be unsuccessful, resulting in divorce;
  • a feathered guest hovering over the roof, and then suddenly flies into the chimney - to the death of someone at home;
  • the one who initially dooms the whole house to misfortune who keeps in a cage a feathered baby caught in the wild;
  • a successful day will be for the one who heard how, flying past, songbird screams;
  • croaking crow and squawking hawk will make your day unlucky;
  • there are cases when, it happens, a scream is heard in broad daylight night bird – such behavior of a feathered individual entails misfortune;
  • Sisar sitting on the windowsill with his presence he keeps the whole house under complete protection, any trouble in this case will bypass him.

Quite often, birds serve as amulets for people. It is no coincidence that our ancestors embroidered dresses with designs depicting birds. This served as protection for their owners.

How to make the news good and attract happiness to your head

There are many superstitions that allow you to attract happiness to yourself. One of them is to feed the birds, but there are others:

  • blue-winged the guest cannot enter the house, the windows are closed, he beats his wings in them - do not waste time, open the doors, let the bird in, feed it - then good news will definitely find your home;
  • circles around the house white-winged dove - someone’s death is near;
  • any other white bird– a sign of an imminent wedding or the birth of a baby;
  • don't chase away the birds, let them find the way to your house in the spring, bringing with them good luck, for example, a stork that has built a nest on the roof brings wealth to the owner and happy life no troubles;
  • if the owner of a large beak, on the contrary, removes the nest- wait for the fire;
  • A stork hurriedly leaves its home - there will be a misfortune soon, but if the stork is just flying - a pleasant person is in a hurry to visit you.

Love birds, study signs with them - and be happy!

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The duck coexisted next to humans for many centuries. Its domesticated varieties supplied people not only with meat and eggs, but even with feathers and down. Hunting for mallards to this day remains not only a way of obtaining food, but also a favorite pastime of the stronger sex.

However, the attitude towards the duck among the most different nations since ancient times it was not only utilitarian. Her image is present in many legends of Ancient Greece, Roman mythology and Hindu culture. In pre-Christian Slavic legends, it was ducks, along with swans and geese, who dragged the chariot of the Sun God, Dazhdbog, across the sky. Since then, amulets, talismans and amulets in the shape of a duck have spread everywhere in Rus', and numerous signs associated with wild and domestic birds continue to remain relevant today.

Weather-duck superstitions

Particularly reliable can be considered those observations of our ancestors of wild and domestic ducks, which make it possible to predict rain or sun, sudden cold or extreme heat. Scientists have long proven that the behavior of feathered weather forecasters is directly related to changes in atmospheric pressure and other meteorological parameters.

  • The unusually quiet behavior of poultry will always warn a knowledgeable person about the approaching thunderstorm, but ducks screaming throughout the yard are highly likely to predict heavy and prolonged rain without thunder and lightning.
  • If the owner noticed during the cold season that her pets stubbornly hid their heads under their wings, she always heated the stove harder. After all, this is how ducks save heat in anticipation of a significant drop in temperature.
  • By watching the mallards flying in from warm regions, one could find out what kind of spring was coming. Well-fed ducks warn that warmth will not come soon, and there is no point in expecting a bountiful harvest.
  • Wild ducks will also tell you the amount of precipitation that can be expected in the warm season. If migratory birds They build nests very close to the edge of the reservoir, which means there will be severe drought and low water. Duck houses located far from the shore warn of the onset of an excessively rainy season.
  • If wild waterfowl suddenly begin to behave too restlessly on a river or lake: diving, screaming and flapping their wings in unison, a witness to such behavior should urgently look for a roof over their head. After all, feathered weather forecasters warn of the approach of heavy rain. But the ducks, firmly hidden in the reed thickets, promise a real storm.
  • Amazing creatures wildlife They can even predict the weather for the winter. If they are in no hurry to leave their favorite body of water, then there is no need to worry about an unnecessarily harsh season. Surely the weather will not frighten you with sudden changes in temperature, pressure and humidity.

Household signs from ducks

If you carefully observe the behavior of wild ducks or their domestic relatives, you can not only do without a weather forecast, but also learn in advance about upcoming life changes.

  • An unexpected loud quacking that suddenly frightens you in the yard of your house or near a body of water should not cause irritation or dissatisfaction. After all, the insightful bird at that moment predicted incredible financial success and real wealth for you.
  • It is very useful to notice a duck running across the road towards you. This sight will tell a knowledgeable person that in the coming days he should postpone resolving money issues: investing in a business, depositing savings in a bank or taking out loans. Indeed, in this area it is now very likely that there are “pitfalls” that will soon turn into major financial problems.
  • But a duck and ducklings encountered on the road will not only cause tenderness, but will also become a harbinger of happy changes. A whole brood of ducks at once promises good news or an unexpected increase in any area of ​​life: a salary increase, new position, pregnancy or a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate.
  • Particular importance was attached to the color of domestic duck eggs. If they suddenly changed color to gray or brown, then the family was expecting a big disaster to come. There was only one way to avoid misfortune - to kill the “wrong” bird and hang it upside down so that all the evil would “flow out” through its beak.
  • White ducks were considered unusually happy. Their mere presence in the courtyard was a sign of the favor of higher powers. With the beak of such a bird, placed in the patient’s mouth, our ancestors even healed various ailments. They believed that the kind spirit of the feathered healer would safely expel harmful juices from the body of the sufferer, and he would recover very quickly.
  • There is a separate sign even regarding duck eggs. If the housewife wanted to get a litter of chicks or wanted to preserve a valuable product longer, she never brought it into the house after sunset. It was believed that if this rule was violated, the eggs would very soon deteriorate irreparably and were absolutely unsuitable for use for any purpose.

Some Americans deliberately make their attic windows angled. This tradition is associated with the belief that a witch will not enter the house, since she will not be able to fly through such a window.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Signs about ducks

In Rus', ducks were respected. In every sense - both as a worthy food and for a special “divine” status. According to Slavic mythology, these birds pull the heavenly cart in which the Sun travels around the world. It is not surprising that the outlines of birds often appeared on amulets - folk sign ducks were declared a symbol of good luck, protection and prosperity.

Seeing a duck is a sign of good luck!

In an unusual place

They used to say: meeting a duck in an unexpected place is a sign of imminent arrival and fulfillment of desires. The bird suddenly screamed - it promised wealth and success in planned financial transactions. The ideal option is if the “fortuneteller” turns out to be white. It was precisely these feathered messengers that were considered by our ancestors as messengers of the good gods.

Crossed the road

The duck crossed the road - it warned that one should be more careful in spending. This is not bad at all if you need to make a difficult decision that can change a lot in life.

With ducklings

But it’s best if a duck with ducklings catches your eye. This is a sign sent by fate - soon it will simply shower you with its gifts! Moreover, the larger the brood, the more bonuses fortune will present.

A little negative

Unfortunately, not all signs about ducks were as positive. Sometimes the birds were “possessed by evil spirits.” We found out about this quite simply: Domestic bird after molting, it changed color to a darker one or began to lay dark brown eggs. In these cases, the “culprit” was killed, but the meat was not used for food—it was sacrificed to the gods as “compensation” for the return of patronage. They did the same if there was a need to appease a naughty brownie.

Duck in the yard - household and weather signs

Bird watching could tell our ancestors a lot.

  • If ducks happily splash in the nearest pond and at the same time scream loudly, it’s raining;
  • If they become quiet and ruffled, expect a thunderstorm with lightning and thunder;
  • They wrapped their heads under their wings and huddled in flocks - the cold weather would soon arrive.

Useful tips

There are a lot of signs around us. Anyone who knows how to notice them sees life through and through. People have known since ancient times that there are birds that portend serious problems or even death.

They tried to avoid such birds; everyone was afraid of them. However, it was clear that at some point a bird would definitely fly into your yard, indicating the imminent departure of one of the household members to another world.


Owls are birds of the owl family, predominantly living in open areas, but periodically leaving the steppes and meadows to visit villagers or residents small town. These birds are active at night, so the vast majority of people do not get the chance to encounter them.

Moreover, according to signs, it is very good for a person that their schedules do not coincide, which is why since ancient times the owl has been considered a harbinger of problems. A person who encounters this bird must keep his ears open, because he is in danger of serious troubles, and if an owl screeches three times near a house, it means that someone in that house will soon die.

An interesting nuance is that a person who should die due to this sign does not hear the cry of an owl. Other representatives of the owl family - eagle owls - are also not held in high esteem. long-eared owls, tawny owls and others have a bad reputation as harbingers of death.

Birds and superstitions


Modern people do not like magpies, superstitions are so firmly entrenched in our subconscious. In ancient times, the magpie was accused of not wanting to make contact with Noah and board his ark. They say that a drop of the devil's blood is stored under the tongue of this bird, which does not make it attractive in the eyes of a believer.

The most terrible message is considered to be a lonely magpie. If it suddenly flies directly over a person’s head, then he should expect imminent death. The bird also likes to give less obvious clues by perching on the roof of a house. In this case, one of the family members in this house will go to the next world, but before last moment it is unclear who exactly it will be.

However, there is no need to be afraid of a flock of magpies, because when there are more than two of these birds, then they stop causing trouble. Two + birds are harbingers of good luck, three speak of a wedding or a pleasant trip, four speak of good news, and five speak of a noisy feast.


People have firmly connected these inconspicuous little birds with the not-so-light inhabitants of our world. The ancients believed that the sparrow was the devil incarnate, which the witch hatched from an egg.

Sparrow was considered a villain. For example, they say that the sparrows greatly tormented the crucified Jesus, they mocked and mocked him. The birds were punished for this, so they move by jumping, but cannot walk.

Having such a reputation, it is not at all strange that the sparrow became known as a harbinger of death. If he sat down on your window sill from the street side and knocked on the window, then trouble in the house cannot be avoided; something will happen to one of the family members.

It is also a bad sign if a bird flies into your room. Often people who have gone through the death of a loved one say that on the eve of death a sparrow appeared in the house out of nowhere. Everything is too obvious, because the sparrow copes with its purpose even with closed doors and windows.

There is another belief that says that the sparrow is a messenger, and it does not necessarily bring bad news. In this case, the sparrow’s task is to inform you about interesting events that are about to happen. The bird not only carries news of death, it also has other, more expected and pleasant news in store.

Man, sign


Crow was very unlucky with appearance, because its gloominess automatically leads to thoughts of negativity. Moreover, it was these birds that always feasted on the battlefields, and also pecked out the eyes of those who died far from home. They say that the raven has the gift of foresight and is friends with the devil.

These birds are quite willing to show people their knowledge and skills. If crows begin to circle over someone’s house, then its inhabitants should be wary, since death is on the heels of some of them.

It is also considered a bad sign when a lone raven, perched on a branch, begins to scream. This is considered a warning that danger awaits you. Those who are caring for a sick person should be especially attentive to this bird. If a crow often sits on the roof of your house and croaks, this means that a sick person will die soon.

However, even despite their ominous appearance, in Christianity the crow is a bird that gives hope. For Christians, this is a bird that tells about everything that is happening in the world, and which warns a person about possible troubles, gives a chance to close a debt and pacify the soul.


This bird has always been the personification of love, purity and goodness. They say that angels often descend to earth in the form of these very birds. If you crumble bread onto a fresh grave, the pigeons will eat it, taking the soul of the deceased to heaven. Of course, this only works in the case of clean and respectable people. Crows fly for dead people who were bad.

Although pigeons are considered harbingers of good news in many cultures, these birds can also predict a person's death. As a rule, they simply hit the window; this is a sure indicator that death will soon come to this house. But since pigeons take only very pure people, there is no need to worry, because after saying goodbye to earthly life, such a person will find eternal bliss.


Anyone knows about the tradition when you ask the cuckoo to count how long you have left to live. This belief appeared for a reason, because the cuckoo is a guide to another world. The obviousness of death is when the bird will remain silent in response to a request.

It is also a bad sign when a bird responds while being behind a person’s back. This will indicate that the years of his life are already behind him, and only his departure to another world lies ahead. Do not rejoice at the clucking of a bird if you hear it from the north side, or if it comes from the mouth of a bird sitting on a rotten branch. These are also signs of approaching death.

It also happens that a cuckoo flies to a house from which a dead person is being taken out. The bird's cuckooing in this case should not be taken at the expense of the deceased; it actually gives a voice to the one in this house who will next go to the next world.

The cuckoo doesn't bring anything good. Even just flying over a town or small village, it warns people about a fire, and if it lands on the roof of a barn, then this is a sign that livestock will die.

Birds: signs and superstitions


The swallow is a rather controversial representative of the bird family. On the one hand, people really sympathize with her, believing that she builds a nest only in a good place, and the house she chooses will always be in abundance. On the other hand, there are also bad omens associated with this bird.

They talk about it as a harbinger of death. For example, if it flies directly over a person’s shoulder, it means that death awaits him. If a swallow knocks on the window, then this is considered a good omen, however, there are also those who believe that this is a very bad sign, foreshadowing the death of one of the inhabitants of the home.


The tit always lives side by side with a person, and almost never evokes negative emotions in him. There are very few signs associated with this bird, and all of them are good. As a rule, a tit carries news of a positive outcome of an event, prosperity, love and joy.

However, even this light bird has its dark side. They say that if a tit flies into someone's house or simply knocks on a window, then death will soon come. The origin of this sign is due to the fact that the bird is considered a guide to the afterlife, and it comes for the soul of a person.
