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Marketing tricks. The cognitive distortions that marketers use to control us. Goods at eye level

The author does not sell any of the products listed below, is in no way affiliated with the manufacturers or their competitors. He chose goods from a similar class only because they lay closer and more accessible on the shelf, attracted more attention than neighboring ones. important principle. There are plenty of analogues of marketing tricks. All judgments, in particular regarding specific products and brands, are estimates. The author does not like the deception of customers in stores.

container template

Let's start with milk. This is the usual "liter" package of milk:

Check for attentiveness: there are 900 grams. There are several 950 nearby. But the package is perceived as a liter.

Physics knowledge test. Nearby lies a similar kefir. Volume is measured in milliliters, mass in grams. The density of kefir is higher than the density of water. That is, 900 grams of kefir with 3.2% fat content is approximately 874.5 milliliters.

"Now without asbestos"

On the product, unscrupulous marketers can indicate something very obvious that competitors forgot to write. Here is a cholesterol-free oil that exploits the buyer's biological illiteracy:

And no nuclear waste. It is strange that this is not indicated on the label.

Checking for biochemistry: there simply cannot be cholesterol in vegetable oil. But you have to write. You can write "no metal shavings or sand."

Another example is soy-free sausages. Very roughly speaking, if you do not make them from meat, then there are only two options left - soy texturate or fat emulsion. So, on those without texture, it is quite logical to write that they are without soy. The fact is that the buyer may decide that this statement is identical to the statement "from normal meat."

Mimicry or outright deception of the buyer

You can disguise yourself as a well-known class of goods. For example, there is margarine, and there is butter. It is enough to formalize margarine as butter and not write on it either the word "butter" or the word "margarine".

First, evaluate the coloration. Straight poured oil, huh? Secondly, pay attention to the name - you will guess it only on the third attempt (it is on the price tag). The gender of the name is very important. Third, the price tag itself. Relatively recently, standards have changed, and the price tag was forced to indicate the type of product - in this case, it is not oil, but a spread. But the law obliging to keep butter and margarine on different shelves somehow did not work out.

Here's another particular example mimicry: a product of the store's own brand is shuffled into a pile of chocolates (if it were not a private label, it would be put separately):

Confectionery bar without adding cocoa in the shelf with chocolate on the left and right.

Read the ingredients carefully

Let's move on to nimble movements with the components.

Caviar. The word "delicacy" does not oblige you to anything. Well, suddenly someone likes potatoes more than caviar, right? After all, there is still caviar inside. And the capelin on the lid was forgotten by accident, probably.

"No preservatives" - but citric acid in the composition. The fact is that this thing is both a flavoring agent, and an acidity regulator, and a rather strong preservative. If it is included in the composition of the class of acidity regulators, then the preservatives magically disappear from the composition. Miracle!

I have always wondered to the point of madness who these young bulls are at such a price. Well, I found out.

One gets the impression that "on the basis of" is "straight naturally from them." Of course, I'm not an expert, but judging by the components, there are few cones, but there is a well-known Sodium Laureth Sulfate and some elegantly named Aqua.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is a strong cleaning agent, which, according to the wiki, can also be a strong allergen. And the final touch - it seems that vitamin B6 stimulates hair growth, and not the product itself - well, judging by the packaging. There is no need to prove this about vitamins. So what if the rest are not signed?

And here are the good old crab sticks. And although they are not from crab (which everyone seems to already know), the manufacturer still honestly warns on the packaging that they are from fish:

Imitation crab meat. Just an established name.

Read footnotes carefully

What else can be found:

  • Apple juice . Write the composition on the label, but do not write mass fractions. As a result, 5% of natural apple juice is poured, then water, sometimes sugar syrup, sweeteners and aroma, fragrance;
  • Tomato juice. According to technology, it is made from tomato paste. Almost no one writes neither the mass fraction nor the % of dry matter in tomato paste on the label of tomato juice;
  • Fruit juice. The base is 5% apple juice, then the coloring agent, sweetener and desired flavor.
  • Fruit juice with pulp. The same as fruit juice, just a little applesauce, how many% read;
  • Sausages. Some manufacturers honestly indicate the composition, but do not indicate mass fractions. Maybe there is 80% soy protein, and the meat is added in the form of a broth?

Note: To check how much fruit you need for juice, buy fresh fruit and squeeze the juice out of them, weigh the juice. Usually the juice yield is not more than 20-40%, and it is generally impossible to get juice from some fruits, for example, from bananas.

Also think about how much real natural juice can cost and what you buy for a penny.

Shock! Sale!

Beneath this bright poster, there may be another product of the same brand, which is no longer covered by the discount. Discounted goods may not be available at all. “It’s over,” the cashier will say, and you won’t be able to present any claims to him. I didn't look at what I took.


The most popular and inexpensive products - bread, milk, all kinds of cereals, pasta - are located in the farthest corner of the supermarket. So that on the way for a bottle of kefir and half a loaf you have time to go through all the departments and stuff something unnecessary, but terribly seductive, into the cart.

Output Go shopping with a list. It does not matter, from his wife or from himself - the list disciplines. Taking the cart, with a firm step, go to that very far department (unless, of course, there is bread / milk on the list). Stop only if you come across a refrigerator with your favorite ice cream along the way. The danger that the ice cream will turn into milk soup if you get stuck at the shelf with elite nonsense will make you run away from this shelf in a panic.


What are moonlight-cured fern flowers doing in your cart? Congratulations, you fell for a classic marketing trick when laying out products. The average customer looks at the shelves in front of them from top to bottom, at an angle of about 15-30 degrees. “It is at this level that the most expensive goods or those that have an expiration date are placed,”- warns Dmitry Yanin, chairman of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies.

Output Heading deeper into the trading floor, the average buyer out of habit takes to the right - as on the road he drives in the right lane. It is in these right aisles between the shelves that everything is unnecessary, but bright and alluring.


When buying dumplings, you will probably want to take ketchup with them, and a couple of liters of cola with a bottle of rum. Marketers, knowing this, arrange racks around the store with "special offers" of two complementary products. You feel like you're doing good buy, but beware: this ketchup and this cola will most likely be from a significantly higher price point than you usually charge.

Output If there is a choice between a trolley and a basket, take the basket. If a cunning supermarket offers only carts (assuming that this way you won’t pay attention to how much nonsense you have collected) - proudly smiling, take out the canvas bag that you carry for such occasions from your briefcase. By the way, and you will pump up your hands.


Fruits and vegetables can be sold both by weight and by the piece, already in the package. Accordingly, the price is also indicated - either per kilo or per package. Supermarkets deliberately confuse you, trying to prevent you from choosing what is cheaper.

Output If you have free time - check prices. On the labels of piece goods, as a rule, the price per kilogram is indicated - in the corner and in small print. If there is no time, take it by weight, you will definitely not lose. In addition, this way you have the opportunity to take exactly as much as you need for a week, without fear of throwing out the uneaten later.


Monotonous rows of cans of stew and packages of pasta will definitely be painted with bright spots - a curly layout, advertising posters all with the same special offers or some bright jar-box. Here you will stop in front of it.

Output"Never go shopping in a hurry - you will grab the bright boxes of the most popular manufacturers, instead of comparing the price and composition of different products," says US marketing gimmick consultant Brenda Soars. And it never hurts to check the expiration date.


“The same product, for example, coffee, is packaged in different volumes - 250 and 500 g, for example. Out of habit, believing that a large package is more profitable, buyers take it. And the supermarket can make a special markup on such packaging in order to deceive you, ” Yanin says.

Output Do not be lazy to calculate the cost of a gram of product in different packaging. But since this advice is too obvious, here's another general one for you. First of all, buy the most bulky goods - water bottles, packaging kitchen towels. Having filled the basket with them, you are less likely to put various useless trifles on top of the slide.


In almost all supermarkets, vegetable and fruit sections are located at the very entrance. “Freshness and brightness meet the visitor at the doorstep, so that it seems to him that everything is just as tasty and natural”,- says Dmitry Yanin, chairman of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies. Behind the vegetables there is a bread section - so that its smell whets the appetite and makes you buy, as before the end of the world.

Output Eat before going to the store. And something with more fiber, slow carbohydrates, so as not to get hungry longer and not be tempted by some rubbish. And don't drink, of course. They say that in the early 90s, drunken Volodya Presnyakov bought a penguin at the Moscow zoo - at night, from the watchman, for hellish money. This is what we mean by impulse buying. But we don't believe this story, of course.

The main task of marketing is to stimulate the level of consumption, modern marketing is ruthless, today there are a huge number of tricks and tricks forcing consumers to buy what they did not plan, emptying their pockets to the last coin.

Consider 7 effective marketing tricks to increase sales.

Price perception

The correct placement of goods depending on the price category allows you to influence the perception of the price by the buyer. If he first sees a $1,000 item that he finds very expensive, and then a $200 item, he will find the price of the last item already affordable compared to the first.

Fear of extremes

Buying the cheapest goods, each person experiences a feeling of awareness of his own "poverty", which is extremely unpleasant for him. However, no less unpleasant is the feeling of disappointment when buying the most expensive product, the quality of which turns out to be average. Therefore, according to the psychology of consumption, the buyer most often purchases goods at an average price between the cheapest product and the most expensive one. Knowing this fact, modern marketers quite successfully run a large number of promotions, offering a product, the price of which is usually above the average, at the promotional "average" price.

Feeling of value

In the category of goods, the value of which is difficult to assess, the product that is priced significantly lower than the competitor product most often wins.

First of all, it concerns electronic equipment and various home appliances. When choosing a bread maker, 80% of consumers will choose a $269 oven and only 20% of consumers will choose a more expensive $439 bread maker.

We choose what attracts our attention

Numerous experiments have repeatedly confirmed the fact that the best-selling products are those that somehow stand out from the rest - are highlighted, marked with a label or a bright label, their names are underlined in the price list, etc.

impulsive shopping

Under the influence of emotions, fatigue and other factors, we make impulsive rash purchases. Making purchases in good mood- a person buys more goods than planned under the influence of emotions, which is why pleasant music always plays in supermarkets, it smells delicious, there is a lot of light and friendly staff.

In a state of fatigue, a person visiting a supermarket after the end of the working day seeks first of all to satisfy needs, for example, to satisfy hunger or thirst, which is why coffee or snack vending machines are so often installed at the entrance to the supermarket, offering goods at a price much higher, than, for example, inside the market itself.

Magic number 9

One of the most famous marketing gimmicks is setting the price at $1.99 instead of the equivalent price of $2. Thus, marketers create the effect of a discount and consumers tend to purchase a thing they absolutely do not need, just because there is a special offer.

Sense of justice

The consumer does not know the price of the goods he purchases. In order to understand what a product is worth, he looks for clues given to him by manufacturers and marketers. In support of this, we can give an example, the experiment of psychology professor Dan Ariely, who decided to hold a poetry evening for two different groups students.

At the same time, one group was told that the evening was paid, the other group, on the contrary, was told that everyone who came to the seminar would be paid. At the beginning of the evening, the first group was told that they could not pay for the evening, and it would be completely free for them. The second group was told that none of them would be paid. The students from the first group gladly stayed at the free poetry evening, while the students from the second group almost all dispersed, considering what happened was not fair. The students of both groups simply did not know the real cost of such an evening. The consumer is also not a mathematician, which is why marketers skillfully tell him.

In addition to the tricks listed above, marketing ploys such as “buy three for the price of one”, “50% discounts”, “buy two and get a third free”, etc. are often used. Thanks to the competent and coordinated work of marketers, today you can sell absolutely any product at the desired price.

KOLORO specialists - marketing and branding professionals - will help you develop a marketing strategy for your company and draw up a "cunning plan" to win over consumers.

Share your unique "marketing recipes" in the comments.

Manufacturers and sellers of goods in the battle for the buyer use not only direct arguments - quality and price. Very often, marketing tricks are used, because of which we behave unreasonably at the counters and shop windows, and only then, already at home, we realize that we have made expensive or simply unnecessary purchases. Let's figure out what charms we are bewitched by the masters of marketing and merchandising.

red price

Marketers have done a good job of making the red color fixed in our minds as a symbol of discounts. Now these bright price tags are pulling people, and even in cases where the prices are not actually reduced. Sometimes the price tag indicates the previous value, however, as a rule, it is impossible to check whether it was exactly that. Very often, before lowering or freezing prices, they are deliberately raised in advance. In most countries, there is no law that would force sellers to answer the question about the old, "pre-discount" price truthfully.

Path in the maze

Have you noticed that in a modern supermarket, daily demand goods are far from the entrance, and even lie so that they are not immediately visible? As a result, in search of bread, milk and eggs, we wander through the labyrinth of racks, from which attractive, but unnecessary things look at us. As a result, we bring many of them to the checkout. But even there we are waiting for an additional portion of little things that we can throw into the basket while we wait for our turn.

Consumer basket

Supplying customers with huge carts was invented back in the 30s of the XX century. Chocolate, a pack of tea or a bar of soap seem so lonely in them. And we unconsciously begin to select a “company” for them so that we don’t feel uncomfortable at the checkout. Sometimes the floor in the store is deliberately uneven so that the empty cart rattles on it, and we want to stop attracting attention by loading it. It makes more sense in such cases to just take a small basket, but cunning sellers usually arrange them so that they are not conspicuous. In addition, baskets trading floor usually much less.

The magic of smell

Marketing tricks in stores are sometimes directed not at sight, but at our sense of smell. Everyone knows that the smell of freshly baked goods can enchant anyone. And if you go to the store hungry, you will take out a whole bunch of expensive goodies from it. In order to more actively awaken the appetite of buyers, supermarkets often create culinary departments where they prepare and reheat dishes for sale.

Effect of sound

Do you think that music plays in stores so that the sellers do not get bored? In fact, the soundtrack sets the pace for your shopping. Melodies, the rhythm of which is slower than our heartbeat, make us stop at the shelves, relax and take a closer look at the goods. And energetic music is turned on at a time when buyers are in a hurry, rush to buy groceries dinner, in the evening. Its rhythm makes you speed up and buy without thinking.

There are more subtle tricks that also operate beyond consciousness. So, for example, the experiment showed that people are more active in buying wine when French music is played in the department.

Euphoria of shopping

Thinking about how we are deceived in stores, you begin to notice small details that, at a cursory glance, do not seem significant. Have you noticed that shopping malls have no windows? That on the walls inside them you will never find such a simple accessory as a clock? All this is done so that you forget about time and fall into the soft, but tenacious paws of the euphoria of shopping. This special state, in which the buyer ceases to control purchases, is called Gruen transfer, or “Gruen transfer”. The title commemorates the Austrian architect who conceived and pioneered the modern indoor concept. shopping center. And now most malls use the same tricks.

At the entrance you find yourself in a spacious free space - it is necessary for you to get used to the change in temperature and lighting and feel comfortable. And nearby, with its smells, a perfumery boutique is already attracting.

Stores are grouped by product type. And next to the more expensive ones are the cheaper ones. Oddly enough, in the shopping center, the profit from such an arrangement is also outlets with goods at higher prices. If they were apart standing store, a buyer who wants to save money would simply not go to them. And when everything is nearby, you can get acquainted with the assortment effortlessly, as if at the same time. Well, since you have already crossed the threshold, there is a high probability that you will impulsively decide to fork out after all. Again, the most popular stores are tucked away in the back of the shopping malls so you can look for other items as you search.

The entertainment possibilities of a large shopping center make you stay longer. And when you go to eat, you will have to dine at a not very comfortable table in the open space of the food court. “There is nothing to sit around, eat and go shopping!” marketers tell us.

Thoughtful logistics

In large supermarkets, the layout of the entrance, exit and racks forces us to walk, constantly turning to the left. At the end of the turn, our eyes fall on the middle of the right rack, where the most expensive goods or products that are nearing the expiration date are already prepared. Naturally, the things that they want to sell are laid out at the eye level of a person of average height.

Old Price - Less Quantity

This trick is no longer invented by sellers, but by manufacturers. Previously, you bought buckwheat in a kilogram package, but now the same brand of cereal is packaged in 900 grams. At the same time, the design of the pack and the price do not change, and out of habit, without looking, you throw the goods into the basket, buying 100 grams less than you think. The same system works with washing powders and other popular consumer goods.

How to behave in stores so as not to fall for tricks

  1. The main rule: clearly understand what goods you go to the store for. It is best to write a list and strictly follow it.
  2. Take small baskets instead of carts if you don't intend to buy a lot.
  3. Remember that so many companies make more money selling related products. Once you've bought shoes, don't let them impose expensive socks or care products. When buying tea, do not give in to the impulsive desire to respond to the seller's offer and buy expensive sweets in addition.
  4. Read all the information on the price tags. Often the best price is offered only to customers with discount cards, and the one for which you will be sold is printed in smaller print. The bet is on the fact that at the checkout you will not want to refuse the purchase and will pay more, and if you are offered a discount, most likely, you will immediately agree.
  5. Remember that 1.99 rubles is rounded two, not one.

Shopping in recent times turned into a real quest. Every now and then we are brazenly and unashamedly deceived in stores, adding to cash receipt extra goods and exposing expired products on the shelves. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the tricks and tricks of marketers with examples.

Meet, this is the usual "liter" package of milk:

Check for attentiveness: there are 900 grams. Nearby are several of 950. But the package can be perceived as a liter.
Physics knowledge test. Nearby lies a similar kefir. Volume is measured in milliliters, mass in grams. The density of kefir is tragically higher than the density of water. That is, 900 grams of kefir with 3.2% fat content is approximately 874.5 milliliters.

Second patient:

25 years warranty. Cool, right? There is one problem. You have to keep the check. Check, again, for knowledge of physics. Their check is printed on a regular cash register thermal tape (I checked it on the spot). I have a lot of checks in my office. We photocopy them, because after a year or two they completely fade. The oldest check that a colleague saw was kept for 3 years in a folder in the archive. So how many years of warranty?

A warning
I must say right away that I do not sell any of these products, I am in no way associated with him or his competitors. I chose products from a similar class only because they were closer and more accessible on the shelf. Well, or attracted my attention more neighbors. On specific brands and articles, the color did not converge like a wedge - there are a lot of analogues. All judgments, in particular, regarding specific products and brands, are evaluative, I can mow down due to ignorance of the material part. If I'm wrong, please correct me. Below we will talk about my personal feelings and emotions. Everything, let's go.

"Now without asbestos"

Something extremely obvious can be indicated on the product that competitors forgot to write. Here is a cholesterol-free oil that exploits the buyer's biological illiteracy. And no nuclear waste. It is strange that this is not indicated on the label.

Checking for biochemistry: there simply cannot be cholesterol in vegetable oil. But you have to write. Remember the comic, right?

Another example is soy-free sausages. Very roughly speaking, if you do not make them from meat, then there are only two options left - soy texturate or fat emulsion. So, on those without texture, it is quite logical to write that they are without soy. The fact is that the buyer may decide that this statement is identical to the statement "from normal meat."

You can disguise yourself as a well-known class of goods. For example, there is margarine, and there is butter. It is enough to formalize margarine as butter and not write on it either the word "butter" or the word "margarine". Oppa, what is this?
First, evaluate the coloration. Straight poured oil, huh? Secondly, pay attention to the name - you will guess it only on the third attempt (it is on the price tag). The gender of the name is very important. Third, the price tag itself. Relatively recently, standards have changed, and the price tag was forced to indicate the type of product - in this case it is not oil, but a spread. But the law obliging to keep butter and margarine on different shelves somehow did not work out.

Here is another particular example of mimicry: a product of the store's own brand is shuffled into a pile of chocolates (if it were not a private label, it would be put separately).
Confectionery bar without adding cocoa in the shelf with chocolate on the left and right.

Read the ingredients carefully
Let's move on to nimble movements with the components. Caviar. The word "delicacy" does not oblige you to anything. Well, suddenly someone likes potatoes more than caviar, right? After all, there is still caviar inside. And the capelin on the lid was forgotten by accident, probably.

"Without preservatives" - but citric acid in the composition. The fact is that this thing is both a flavoring agent, and an acidity regulator, and a rather strong preservative. If it is included in the composition of the class of acidity regulators, then the preservatives magically disappear from the composition. Miracle!

I have always wondered to the point of madness who these young bulls are at such a price. Well, I found out.

It seems that "on the basis of" is "straight naturally from them." Of course, I'm not an expert, but judging by the components, there are few cones, but there is a well-known Sodium Laureth Sulfate and some elegantly named Aqua. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a strong cleaning agent, which, according to the wiki, can also be a strong allergen. And the final touch - it seems that vitamin B6 stimulates hair growth, and not the product itself - well, judging by the packaging. There is no need to prove this about vitamins. So what if the rest are not signed?

And here are the good old crab sticks. And although they are not from crab (which everyone seems to already know), the manufacturer still honestly warns on the packaging that they are from fish:

Names and terms
Now let's go buy some water. If you get into the classification, it turns out that we are primarily interested in the word “dining room” defined by the standard - this is the kind of water that can be consumed by a healthy person every day without restrictions. Please note that it is different from drinking. You can drink drinking water, and the dining room is a subset of drinking water, such drinking water that you can drink every day, and you will not get anything for it. Well, there is also a “healing-dining room”, which you can drink almost as often, if not a fan.
Dining room. Write from behind.

Another dining room. They also write from behind without unnecessary show-off (well, given the price, it’s quite understandable).

It’s also good, but it’s not worth living on it alone for a year in a row.

And this is a talent. The word "real" is not described in the standard, but it sounds cool.

Baby water? What it is? Is there educational water?

GOSTs and names
No examples were found during this detour. I remember that I came across beer with GOST for water purification on the label, plus sweets, where “Natural Products” was written in large letters on the front side. On the back it turned out that it was Natural Products LLC.
Reading under the stars
The girl drags me into the cosmetics to show something.
The correct reading is: "(Deep nutrition) and (moisturizing)". Humidification is very shallow. So, only the surface of the skin. But among target audience no programmers.

And I didn't even think about that. Let's do it again: they promise me a noticeable result in two weeks. How did they check? They washed their hair with this thing and, attention, focus, with another other thing. And these two things together had a noticeable result. Almost perfect logic.

Reading the footnotes was very interesting. Here is an example from the products:

Exploitation of laziness
Here is a perfect example of the aggressive exploitation of laziness. Packed expensive carrots are on top, but if you drop 5-6 packages, you can see the usual one. I knew what to look for, because I needed a couple of carrots, not just a pack.
As long as they do not poke loose carrots, I am only for packaged ones.

Photo of the offer of the terminal, I added an arrow to draw attention to one of the points. Did you top up your balance? Catch ads.

Three times I bought a product more expensive, because under it there was a price tag from another cheaper. Most a prime example- "confuse" the price tags for a large jar of green peas and a small one. As part of the campaign, an example could not be found.
But here's a better option for you.
Fast feeding point. Look at the picture:

See the trick? There's a pancake, there's a pie... Everything's fine, right? But there is one caveat. Strain your eyes:
