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Advertising industry. Advertising industry. Retro posters from the history of advertising

Good afternoon dear friends. Julia Marzan is with you and the sales blog "School effective sales". Today we will talk about advertising again - in trading you can’t do anything without it, there’s nothing you can do about it.

The advertising industry is complex and multifaceted. A well-written one solves many problems and serves a variety of advertisers, ranging from people publishing small private ads in the local press to big companies who use television to offer popular merchandise to millions of viewers. This is because so many different advertisers, unlike each other, are trying to reach different audiences at the same time.

  • consumer advertising;
  • professional advertising;
  • financial advertising;
  • trade advertising;
  • retail advertising;
  • political advertising;
  • social advertisement.

To understand the main features of each type of advertising, we will consider them in more detail.

Consumer advertising aims to promote consumer products, that is, products and services that consumers use in their daily lives. Consumer goods and services are advertised through the mass media, addressing them to various social strata of the population. That is, most examples of advertising that are found on radio, in newspapers, on television are consumer advertising.

When considering consumer advertising, one should pay attention to Special attention advertising. It targets the media with the widest audience, including free newspapers, which are a powerful advertising medium for local producers.

Main media for consumer advertising: press, radio, television, outdoor advertising. Additional carriers of consumer advertising: advertising literature, exhibitions, events to promote goods and services to consumers.

Professional advertising is generally invisible to the general public, and unless you're in a particular business, you're unlikely to see it.

Companies that offer raw materials, parts and equipment on the market, production capacity and appliances, office equipment, special services such as insurance, also try to advertise their products. Such goods, with the exception of individual cases, are difficult to sell to the mass consumer. Moreover, most consumers are focused on products of only the brands they need, and do not pay attention to others.

There are very few manufacturers on the market who make goods from start to finish. For example, construction requires metal structures, cement, glass, timber, bricks, roofing materials, and more. So construction organizations they try to find their suppliers and buyers with the help of advertising.

Suppliers of raw materials, parts, equipment usually advertise in specialized media, which the average consumer rarely encounters. These may be trading technical publications, catalogs and special literature, as well as professional exhibitions, mailing lists, seminars.

Technical journals and specialized literature are printed in smaller print runs than the “consumer” press; there are fewer participants and visitors in specialized exhibitions.

Professional communication channels for delivering advertising to the target audience are most typical of industrialized countries.

Professional advertising can also be published in business publications that regularly publish materials about computer and other office equipment. Business advertising is usually concentrated in business publications, trade and professional magazines.

Professional advertising has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account. If consumer advertising affects human emotions, then professional advertising should be more informative and detailed, although also figurative.

Most often, an advertising manager, when promoting this kind of goods, uses the services of a specialized one. At the same time, he must clearly represent the technical objects, as it were, “from the inside”, write advertising texts not only exciting, but also technically competent. Professional advertising usually contains clear, technical text and illustrations.

financial advertising in modern society develops very quickly. It can be addressed to both the general public and a narrow circle of financiers and businessmen. In general, financial advertising caters to banks, savings, insurance, and capital investments.

To present target audience consumers of financial advertising, consider its varieties.

Banks advertise their services, which have not been limited to traditional account management for a long time, but offer deposits, loans, insurance, investment advice and others Financial services. Some banks specialize in financial sector others are in business. Banks can provide loans, provide new share issues, offer credit and debit cards.

Insurance companies offer insurance services for individuals and legal entities against various risks. Some insurance companies not only make payments in the event of an insured event, but also provide income to depositors, pensions elderly citizens. Insurance companies guarantee the insured peace of mind regarding possible damage and loss.

Construction organizations attract funds from bank depositors and issue them as loans to real estate buyers. Most of this advertising is not only aimed at creating funds, but also maintaining them at a level sufficient for lending.

Companies working with credit and payment cards, expand the number of services that can be obtained by paying for purchases using plastic cards. It can be cumulative discounts, bonuses, gifts.

The choice of advertising channel for financial advertising is determined by the target audience. Large national banks advertise in the national press and on television. Investment advertising can be addressed to the middle class and placed in the business press. Banks can place their stands at various exhibitions, as well as issue special printed materials describing their services.

Financial advertising in the press, especially business ones, usually takes up a lot of space and contains detailed information regarding the essence and validity of the project. The emphasis is on profit in the form of interest and dividends. Profit, income, security, confidentiality, reliability, reputation - these are the key points of any financial advertising.

Trade advertising is addressed primarily to sales agents, wholesalers and retail. It informs sellers about price reductions, periods of preferential sales, new packaging from the manufacturer, promotions for consumers or new sales promotion programs. Trade advertising helps to negotiate and close deals.

Retail advertising occupies an intermediate position between trade and consumer advertising. In this regard, the advertising of department stores and supermarkets is most indicative. Retail advertising usually focuses on price, availability of goods and services, location outlet and the time of her work.

Political advertising represents the interests of political parties, movements and aimed at achieving the goals of certain social groups.

Advertising experts believe that any advertisement, even the most commercial, is to some extent connected with politics. The fact is that advertising, promoting goods and services, promotes certain spiritual values, but in general, it imposes a certain way of life.

Today, with the help of commercial advertising in our society, new, ideological and political values ​​are being introduced, which until recently were rejected: enterprise, entrepreneurship, enrichment, wealth, personal responsibility for one's own destiny.

Voters also need political advertising to get clear information about the position of political parties and their leaders entering the election campaign, since a large number of political parties and movements confuse voters, and few people read party programs.

Political advertising is designed to simplify complex political concepts and programs by choosing the brightest of them, to translate boring texts into the language of emotions, slogans, slogans, election slogans, appeals, symbols and memorable visual images.

When we are talking about political advertising, it should be borne in mind that this is a difficult, responsible and specific field of activity. But in any case, it is designed to create an image for the advertised object - political party, organization, movement, government or their representatives.

Social advertising represents public and state interests and is aimed at charitable purposes. It is needed to promote some positive phenomenon, for example, the protection of nature and animals, that is, something that belongs to the sphere of public interest. First of all, social advertising is aimed at protecting environment, children, assistance to the disabled, the elderly, the unemployed, the fight against alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction, as well as the fight against diseases.

In our country, social advertising is underdeveloped, in contrast to foreign countries, where such advertising is taken very seriously. Advertising industry professionals create social advertising free of charge, the media place it on a non-commercial basis, television channels, as a rule, do not charge for the rental of social videos.

Now that the differences between the types of advertising have become clear, it is possible to develop it, focusing it on the needs of the consumer.

What is advertising? Information for consumers about goods and services? To some extent, yes, but not only that. The concept of advertising is much broader, deeper in content and ability to advertise.
Advertising is a bright phenomenon of our time: all-penetrating, ubiquitous, professional.
When the owner big store or a small stall wants to expand its trading business, most likely it will not just wait for an increase in the number of buyers. He will put up bright, attention-grabbing price tags, make a beautiful display of goods, brightly design shop windows, hang eye-catching advertisements with glib, witty information about goods.
In other words, the owner of a commercial enterprise will secure fame for himself, i.e. advertising, without which he will not be able to achieve an increase in trade turnover.
A modern commerce specialist must have a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of advertising. An integrated approach to training a commerce specialist provides the necessary level of knowledge for a specialist in this multifaceted profession.
The word "advertising" itself comes from the Latin "advertisement", which means to shout, shout. So, in the bazaars and squares of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, more than 2000 years ago, various goods were loudly shouted out and praised. This is where the term originated.
Advertising is a type of activity or products produced as a result of it, the purpose of which is the implementation of marketing or other tasks of industrial, service enterprises and public organizations by disseminating information paid for by them, formed in such a way as to have an enhanced impact on the mass or individual consciousness, causing a given reaction of the selected consumer audience.
In the United States and other industrialized countries, the term "advertising" means advertisements in the media (press, radio, television, billboard advertising). This term does not apply to events that promote sales - "sales promotion" (sales promotion), prestigious events aimed at winning a favorable attitude of the public - "public relations" (public relations), as well as to the rapidly developing Lately a specific area of ​​advertising activity, the essence of which is directed relations between the producer and the consumer - "direct marketing" (direct-marketing).
In domestic practice, unlike Western practice, the concept of advertising is broader. It includes exhibition events, commercial seminars, packaging, printed materials, souvenir distribution and other means of stimulating trade activities.
In this context, it is necessary to highlight following directions advertising activities:
- international - modern activities of firms in industrialized countries, focused on foreign markets, taking into account their characteristics;
- foreign economic - activity domestic enterprises and organizations in foreign markets, reflecting modern practice;
- internal - activities of domestic enterprises and organizations serving the domestic market.
Now it seems appropriate to establish the difference between advertising in the media from sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing.
Advertising, as a rule, created and published by an advertising agency, informs about the manufacturer or its product, forms and maintains their image (image) and is paid by the advertiser in accordance with the tariffs for placing advertising messages in the media. The income of an advertising agency, as a rule, is formed as a result of payment for creative work and receipt of a commission from advertising media.
Sales promotion - activities for the implementation of commercial and creative ideas stimulating the sale of the advertiser's products or services, often in short time. In particular, it is used with the help of product packaging, on which various sales promotion tools are located (for example, portraits famous people, cartoon characters, expensive car brands), as well as through specialized events at the point of sale. The long-term goal is to create in the perception of the consumer a greater value of branded goods marked with a certain trademark; short-term - the creation of additional value of the product for the consumer (added value). Activities in the field of sales promotion are paid based on the time spent by experts, fees for creative work and rates for technical work.
Public relations involves the use of the editorial part of the mass media in order to carry out prestigious advertising aimed at winning a favorable attitude towards the product families or the firms releasing them. As a form of communication between advertisers and the public through the media, public relations involves advertising agencies receiving income from advertisers in the form of fees that pay for the time spent on their orders.
Direct marketing is ongoing directed communications with individual consumers or firms with an obvious intention to buy certain products. Direct marketing activities are mainly carried out through direct mailing list(direct mail) or through highly specialized means of advertising distribution. The income of an advertising agency in its work in the field of direct marketing is formed from commissions and depends on the amounts spent by the client.
The differences between these elements are also in their purposes:
- advertising - creating an image of a company, a product, achieving awareness of potential buyers about them;
- sales promotion - encouragement to make purchases, stimulation of the work of commodity-producing
- public relations - achieving a high public reputation of the company;
- direct marketing - the establishment of long-term two-way communications between the manufacturer and the consumer.
Law Russian Federation dated 18.07.95 "On advertising" gives the following definition advertising: "Advertising is information disseminated in any form, by any means, about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings (advertising information), which is intended for a certain circle of people and is designed to form or maintain interest in these individuals, legal entity, goods, ideas and endeavors and promote the realization of goods, ideas and endeavors"".
Renowned marketer Philip Kotler, professor of marketing at US Northwestern University, defines advertising as follows: "Advertising is a non-personal form of communication carried out through paid media, with a clearly identified source of funding."
Working wording: Advertising is the process of informing the public about a product, familiarizing them with it, and persuading them to buy it.
There are several terms similar in meaning to the term "advertising" - these are "trade", "sale", "marketing". These concepts are not always used in their true meaning - sometimes they are opposed, and sometimes they are used interchangeably. But, some of these concepts, namely "marketing" and "advertising", it is useful to distinguish nevertheless.
The term "marketing" has many definitions.
The word "marketing" itself comes from English word market - market.
Marketing in the narrow sense is simply a system that provides a market orientation for managing the activities of enterprises or firms. From this point of view, marketing is a technology for effective marketing.
In a broader sense, marketing is the organization of the production of goods, buying, selling, promoting the sale, financing marketing services, after-sales service, public relations and advertising itself.
Advertising is understood as targeted, paid information about goods or services and their manufacturers, distributed by a known source.
Advertising is a very important and subtle marketing tool. In a developed market, when there is high competition and each seller strives to satisfy the needs of the buyer as much as possible, advertising can be a decisive factor competition.
Despite the fact that advertising in its most primitive forms existed for many centuries, only in the middle of the 19th century. it began to gradually penetrate into the press, i.e. became public knowledge.
It is necessary to distinguish the following branches of advertising activity:
- trade advertising (advertising of goods, services);
- political advertising (campaigning for candidates in elections, demonstrations, rallies);
- scientific advertising (educational advertising, scientific popularization in leaflets, posters);
- religious advertising (religious posters, invitations to ritual actions);
- legal advertising (messages about the missing, the search for criminals, invitations to trials);
- family advertising (marriage announcements, invitations to meet).
The most common branch of advertising activity is trade advertising, the subject of which is goods, trade enterprises, services provided by these enterprises. In its essence, trade advertising is the purposeful dissemination of information about the consumer properties of goods and various types of services accompanying the sale of goods, undertaken to create their popularity, attract the attention of consumers to them in order to create demand for goods and services and increase their sales.
Advertising messages differ from ordinary informational messages in that they perform the function of persuading influence on a person in order to encourage him to purchase certain goods (services). Advertising is part market marketing whose task is to ensure the uninterrupted marketing of manufactured products. Advertising must accurately and truthfully inform the consumer about the quality, properties, assortment, rules of use (operation), consumption and other information about goods and services. It is unacceptable to use in advertising messages exaggerated data about the quality of goods or, moreover, to pass off a counterfeit product as a full-fledged one, to influence a person’s base inclinations and use other negative motivations. Advertising design must meet modern aesthetic requirements, and the cost of its organization should not exceed reasonable (rational) amounts.
Trade advertising should contribute to improving the quality of trade customer service. With the help of advertising, buyers quickly find the goods they need, purchase them with the greatest convenience and the least amount of time. At the same time, the sale of goods is accelerated, the efficiency of the work of sales personnel is increased, and costs are reduced. No less important is information for the population about individual trading enterprises, the services they offer, opening hours, methods of sale, and specific features of their activities.

    State regulation and management of advertising PR activities in Russia. Russian legislation on advertising and PR. The main provisions of the Law "On Advertising". Administrative regulation of advertising and PR activities at the federal, regional and local levels. State control over compliance with advertising legislation. Powers of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

    2.4. Advertising customers are advertisers. Goals and objectives of advertisers. Rating of advertisers and advertised product categories. Composition and structure of advertisers. Types of advertisers. Ratings of companies- advertisers. Sponsors. Leading advertisers of the world. Advertising costs and the value of global brands. Leading advertisers in Russia. Ratings of advertised product categories.

    2.5. Advertising industry. Advertising producers - communication and advertising agencies (RA). Goals, tasks and functions of the RA. Types of advertising and communication agencies. Agency with a full cycle of advertising services. client agencies. Buying agencies. specialized agencies. Rating of the leading advertising and communication agencies. The current state of advertising agencies.

    2.9. Media advertising consumers are media audiences. The main forms of media consumption. Features of consumption of various media and advertising. Time of consumption of various media and advertising. Factors influencing consumer behavior. New trends in the behavior and expectations of consumers of information.

    2.11. Industrial events in the field of advertising and PR. Exhibitions. Festivals. Contests. Awards in the field of advertising and PR. international forums.

    2.13. Professional information resources on advertising and PR. Magazines. Reference books. Portals and sites.

Related questions 2.

Advertising activity is a special type of communication activity of people, which has an economic basis and accompanies humanity throughout the history of its development. Historically, advertising arose and developed in the process of evolution of society associated with the transition from subsistence farming to commodity production, the emergence of a market for goods and services, a market for disseminating information about goods and services offered for sale, as well as a market for consumers of advertised goods and services. As these processes deepened, advertising gradually turned into one of the main ways to conquer sales markets. Historically, for a long time the concept of advertising meant everything related to the dissemination of information about goods and services in society using all the means of communication available at that time. Gradually, the development of advertising has led to the fact that advertising has been transformed into a special social institution, which provides the public need for advertising services. The production basis of this institute is a complex of activities, which is usually defined by the concept of "advertising industry".

Socio-economic development, the spread of media and technological innovations have led to the formation of a new community of people aimed at obtaining commercial benefits, who want to effectively use the profits received, and, therefore, need advertising information about goods and services. During the formation of the market environment, various sectors have developed advertising business that singled out advertising as an independent activity. The combination of the influence of these factors initiated the emergence and development of the advertising industry.

The concept of "advertising industry" began to take shape with the acquisition of mass advertising activities. Researchers consider it as a complex intersectoral system that functions as part of the economic complex and is presented as an area professional activity associated with the production of tangible and intangible products, the performance of work and the provision of services. The systematic conduct of such activities, the systematic interaction of advertising market entities with participants in various sectors of the economy and spheres entrepreneurial activity, the presence of enterprises producing promotional items and providing advertising services, suggests that advertising has acquired the features of the industry.

The modern advertising industry is a well-established subject structure that defines advertising as a product economic activity. The basis of the functioning of the advertising industry is the production of advertising products and advertising services. The organization of production within the advertising industry, as well as in other sectors of the economy, consists in the development of specialization and interaction of enterprises, ensuring the optimal concentration of production based on a combination of large, medium and small enterprises, creating an industry infrastructure, as well as a service system for advertising enterprises, which is carried out creative, research, marketing, consulting and other organizations. The characteristic features of the structural completeness of advertising activity, which allow us to consider advertising as an industrial system, are the development of various types of advertising enterprises that produce a complex advertising product and / or provide only advertising services, the formation of a large professional community, as well as the involvement in the advertising process of various subjects of economic interaction.

As a result, in modern economy a developed integral system has developed - the advertising industry, the basis of which is a set of enterprises, which are characterized by the unity of the economic purpose of manufactured products, the homogeneity of the production and technical base, the specificity of the composition of personnel and working conditions. Relationships built between members of the industrial community, the state and society are based on legislative acts and codes in the field of advertising, adopted both at the national and international levels.

Hello dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov, one of the authors of the business magazine, is with you.

Today we will talk about such a form of communication as advertising. V modern world it surrounds us literally everywhere: on the street, at home on TV, and especially on the Internet.

From the article you will learn:

  • The history of the emergence and development of advertising;
  • Types and objectives of advertising;
  • The modern advertising market, its functions, cost and goals.

This article will help you understand the concept of advertising, consider its features, types and methods of placement, and also reveal the subtleties and features of this phenomenon of the modern market economy.

Separately, I described how to properly organize and plan an advertising campaign and make it commercially effective.

The modern world is hard to imagine without advertising. It accompanies us everywhere: as soon as we turn on the computer, TV or radio, leave the house on the street, go to the supermarket or the Internet, get into transport, and all types of advertising literally fall on our main senses.

For those who work for themselves or are about to do so, as well as for everyone who chooses marketing and advertising sphere your profession, it is useful to know what advertising is, how it works, what is the history of its occurrence.

1. What is advertising - definition, history of occurrence and development

The word itself is of Latin origin and means "shout, shout." That is, in the linguistic sense of the word, its main essence is already hidden - to communicate and disseminate information about something without the consent of the listener.

Advertising is information disseminated different ways using various means, addressed to a wide range of people and in order to draw attention to the object of advertising. Advertising maintains interest in the product and ensures its promotion in the market.

  1. Product;
  2. Product manufacturer;
  3. Salesman;
  4. The result of intellectual work;
  5. Event (concert, festival, sports event, games and bets based on risk);
  6. Commercial enterprise.

Advertising is a method of non-personal presentation and promotion of products, services, ideas on behalf of the manufacturer, distributor, seller, intermediary. This is a method of paid distribution of information with a previously known (or hidden) source of funding, as well as a leading link in marketing communications.

It probably originated with the emergence of trade relations between people even before the appearance of money as an equivalent of a commodity. The existence of the concept of advertising in prehistoric times is confirmed, for example, by an Egyptian papyrus found by archaeologists with an announcement about the sale of a slave.

In even more ancient times, oral advertising probably existed. If there were reliable means of storing information at that time, we would find in advertisements of a verbal nature approximately the same techniques that marketers use today.

Oral advertising was represented by street and market barkers (now they would be called promoters) advertising their product, written advertising was placed on papyrus scrolls, clay and wax tablets, on stones and buildings.

From the course of history, we know that the exchange of goods has been used by mankind for thousands of years: advertising has existed for about the same time.

In the ancient world, the first professional specialists for advertising - they composed the texts of advertisements and placed them on stone structures in the central part of the city. There was also a practice to read out such information publicly in the squares with the maximum concentration of people.

Printing allowed text advertising to go into circulation. The first official print advertisement is considered to be an announcement of a reward to the one who provides information about the whereabouts of 12 stolen horses, published in the first London newspaper. With this small text, the dawn of a new era in advertising began.

It was mass communications that allowed advertising to become a real engine of trade. The ancestor of professional advertising is considered the French doctor and part-time journalist Theophrasto Rondo, who was the first to print private advertising texts in the press.

The Englishman William Taylor did the same: his company Tayler & Newton (founded in 1786) acted as an intermediary between advertisers and printers. The world's first advertising agency opened in 1842 in the United States: Volney Palmer became its founder.

Retro posters from the history of advertising

The next impetus to the development of advertising is the appearance of photography. The real image has become an irrefutable proof of the merits and advantages of the promoted object. But even more grandiose events in this branch of marketing began to occur in the 20th century.

  • the emergence of full-color printing;
  • the emergence and development of television;
  • development of satellite communications;
  • widespread introduction of computers and the emergence of the Internet.

In general, advertising is a living, independent, constantly evolving structure, and it is very exciting to follow its evolution. It's even more exciting to be involved in the direct creation of ads and the realization of the craziest marketing ideas.

2. Functions, tasks, goals of modern advertising

Secondary Tasks:

  • increase in consumer demand;
  • designation of positions of specific goods in the market;
  • promotion of consumer qualities of the product;
  • formation and strengthening of the image and prestige of trademarks;
  • increase in the presence of goods and services in the market;
  • search and creation of new sales channels for products.

The long-term and long-term goal of each advertising campaign– to make a trademark, product, brand recognizable and known to as many people as possible. In everyday life, we are surrounded by many examples of successful marketing campaigns.

However, it is forbidden to use neurolinguistic programming tools or use other methods that affect health and consciousness, depriving a person of freedom of choice. federal law about advertising.

The turnover of this industry is in the billions of dollars; the most relevant technological resources, artistic ideas and scientific achievements are involved here.

There is a category of people who frankly hate advertising, there are those who try not to pay attention to it. Almost everyone considers themselves to be adept, which is not surprising when you consider this type of marketing as a cultural phenomenon.

Let's try to understand the main types and tools of advertising.

Shares of various advertising distribution channelsin the total advertising market in 2015

View 1. Outdoor advertising

This is one of the most common, relevant and effective methods promotion of products and services. In English this channel advertising is called "outdoor" - that is, outside the premises, in the open air.

The advantages of this type of promotion are obvious:

  • the widest possible coverage of the audience;
  • low cost of a single contact with a potential consumer;
  • long-term impact;
  • a large number of options for posting information.

Text and graphic outdoor advertising is placed on permanent or temporary structures installed in open areas, above the carriageway of streets, on the outer surfaces of street structures and buildings. This type of advertising is designed primarily for visual perception.

The "outdoor" has its drawbacks:

  • limited amount of transmitted information;
  • influence of climatic and atmospheric factors;
  • relatively high cost of manufacturing large-scale structures.

It is believed that the most effective is an image or text, the meaning of which is read by the observer in 1 second. This means that the information should be short, compact, contrasting and clear.

Type 2. Advertising in the media

The media are print media, television and radio. We can say that this is the main field of activity for advertisers and marketers. Everyone uses the media - some daily, others periodically. About advertising in printed publications will be discussed below, but here we will focus on TV.

Television is one of the most advanced and effective channels for transmitting advertising information.

The effect of presence brings TV advertising closer to a form of interpersonal communication - the transmission of information on TV creates the illusion of direct two-way contact. This is the reason why TV advertising time is so expensive and often consumes the bulk of a company's marketing budget.

  • visual and sound impact;
  • large audience coverage;
  • powerful psychological impact due to the personal nature of the appeal to the consumer;
  • variety of choice of visual and sound means of influence.

Type 3. Advertising on the Internet

With its rather low cost, online advertising reaches a potentially infinite audience - all users of computers, smartphones, iPhones, tablets.

The main principles and technologies of advertising on the Web are the same as in traditional media. The only difference is that on the Internet, active participation is usually required from the consumer - nothing happens in the Internet environment until the user performs some action.

In this case, such an action is a “click”, a transition to a specific site or another type of activity, for example, downloading an application or registering in a service.

There are many formats for transmitting commercial messages - advertising in Google, Yandex, in browsers, pop-up windows on websites, contextual advertising inside arrays of information, teasers, links directing to online stores, spam.

About that, we wrote earlier.

View 4. Print advertising

Printed products remain an effective way to distribute commercial information. Modern printing houses make it possible to achieve realistic, colorful, full-color images that work to increase sales and increase the prestige of the company.

Business cards and product catalogs are still relevant for most companies. After all, some people of the “old school” find it more convenient to look at paper and feel it, unlike electronic media.

By analogy, a large number of people are still more comfortable reading paper books than e-books.

Type 5. Direct advertising

Oral, graphic or other information transmitted through direct contact.

By direct contact is meant not only a personal presentation of the offer, but also remote provision information - by phone, by mail, through the means of Internet communications.

Many, I think, are familiar with this type commercial activities personally - this includes, for example, advertising on VKontakte, advertising via Skype or messages sent to e-mail with a personal appeal.

A distinctive feature of this type of advertising is the direct appeal of the advertiser to the consumer. This is the most personal version of the sales pitch, and in many cases it works and leads to effective sales.

The advertiser establishes direct two-way contact with feedback and can interact with the potential buyer directly. Despite the frequent negative consumer reaction to direct advertising, this species continues to develop - mainly as an auxiliary means of increasing sales.

View 6. Advertising on souvenirs (branding)

This type of promotion of companies and products is known to everyone who attended presentations and PR campaigns: they give you an inexpensive but nice souvenir (calendar, lighter, mug, cap, T-shirt, bag with the company logo, slogan or other commercial information).

A free present serves as a symbol of the advertiser's location and goodwill towards the consumer. This is a relatively inexpensive and effective way of marketing; souvenirs work especially well when the company's brand is already promoted. In this case, the souvenir is an effective personalized image advertising.

Branding, that is, applying the logo and distinctive attributes of the company on souvenirs, will always be relevant.

View 7. Advertising on transport

Textual, graphic or other visual information placed outside (or inside) vehicles. In this case, the advertiser brands everything vehicle or parts of it.

Transit advertising can be attributed to a variety of outdoor advertising, but it fundamental difference- in mobility. Transport advertising, unlike stationary advertising, moves along with the carrier and potentially covers a much larger audience.

The advantages of transit advertising are a wide audience coverage, a high level of exposure, and a relatively low cost. Information and images are placed on vehicles on the basis of agreements with the owners of the means or their tenants. Commercial messages of this type are able to capture the attention of the audience for a long time - for example, when they are placed inside a bus, subway car, trolleybus. Advertising on transport must meet all the requirements of efficiency - be concise, compact, accessible to the mass consumer.

4. Advertising media

Here we will try to summarize the main characteristics and advantages of the most popular advertising media.

1) Television, radio

Media resources continue to lead the list of the most productive and effective advertising media. The main advantages of TV and Radio:

  • availability;
  • coverage of a huge number of people;
  • a wide range of methods of influence;
  • presence effect.

About 30-40% of all advertising market accounts for television and radio communications. There are many forms of distribution commercial offers through media, but short videos or audio clips remain the main ones. Despite the negative attitude of a significant part of the audience towards television and radio advertising, this industry is developing and will continue to develop as long as the media exist.

Large firms and corporations spend on creating memorable and effective videos great amount financial resources, but in the end, the costs pay off, otherwise we would hardly have watched such an amount of advertising information on TV.

2) Internet

The World Wide Web is the most promising modern direction advertising industry. Agencies and entire marketing institutions are constantly developing new methods of influencing potential consumers and are looking for the most effective channels for placing advertising information on the Internet.

In other words, conversion is the number of potential actions compared to actually completed ones, measured as a percentage. For example, if 100 people saw an advertising banner on the site, and 10 people clicked on it, then the conversion will be equal to 10 (clicked on the banner) / 100 (who saw the banner) * 100 % = 10% conversion.

We have already written about, as an independent way to make a profit. This once again confirms the fact that the direction of Internet advertising is very attractive both for start-up entrepreneurs and for the sharks of the advertising market.

User network world wide web is constantly growing, especially the younger generation is spending more and more time on the Web, so more and more advertisers are moving their advertising budgets online.

The Internet allows you to create advertising not only bright and memorable, for example, through the use of flash / gif animation of banners or posting video content on youtube, but also to hit your target audience very accurately, using, for example, social networks, thematic sites, professional communities, forums and so on.

3) Magazines and newspapers

Printed media have lost a significant part of their consumer audience in recent decades, but they continue to be the engines of trade.

The level of printing allows you to create expensive glossy publications that act as an alternative source of information for people who use the Internet little or rarely.

Often, modern media have both print and electronic resources. For example, Forbes magazine is published as hard copy, and has the same name visited Internet resource

4) External and internal advertising structures

These include:

  • billboards on the streets;
  • video screens;
  • roller displays;
  • electronic scoreboards;
  • decorative signs;
  • volumetric spatial structures;
  • live advertising;
  • POS materials;
  • poster stands;
  • pedestals.

5) Email distribution

Sometimes it is information distributed by subscription, sometimes it is unauthorized messages in the form of spam.

Often in the letter you are offered to click on a link, watch a video or register on the advertiser's website.

6) PR - events

Literally, "public relations" means relations with the public.

It can also be translated into Russian as "public relations". These events are aimed at forming a favorable opinion about the company, product, brand. The effect of a PR campaign is achieved not due to the repeated mention of the product or company itself, but due to the image that is formed around the brand as a result.

The following PR-actions are the most popular:

  • presentations, symposiums, anniversaries, conferences, briefings to which media representatives, potential partners, consumers, and sometimes everyone is invited;
  • sponsorship: the firm sponsors sport's event, broadcast, concert or other event;
  • PR campaigns in the media.

The most important condition of PR-projects: brilliance, plausibility and the ability not only to present the product, but to explain its attractiveness and necessity for the consumer in an accessible way.

This is exactly how those who want to get results from their advertising campaigns should act.

5. How to organize an advertising campaign and place ads with maximum effect

A properly organized campaign brings stable profits to manufacturers and service providers, contributes to the development and expansion of business and opens up new markets.

This may be a demonstration of the product in action, lotteries and coupons attached to the product, various discounts and bonuses. Recently, the original way of selling one product placed inside another has become especially relevant.

A well-known example of this technique is the sale of children's toys placed in kinder surprises.

5 simple steps to organize an advertising campaign

Below are the main steps for organizing an advertising campaign:

  1. Define a target advertising campaign;
  2. Determine your advertising budget;
  3. Approve the concept an advertising campaign and the main advertising message to clients (professionals - advertising agencies can help you in developing a creative, all advertising materials);
  4. Develop a comprehensive plan advertising campaign (indicating the types and volumes of advertising, terms, cost);
  5. Summarize advertising campaign (performance evaluation).

Such agencies are able to offer their client both the production of advertising content and the organization of its placement, as well as various kinds of consulting assistance, for example, in media planning*.

  • business size and advertising budget opportunities;
  • market position (market share) and age of the company;
  • preferences and behavioral characteristics of the target audience;
  • advertising positioning of competitors;

Proper planning involves choosing such a combination of different media in which the advertising message will be seen or heard by the largest part of the target audience.

To achieve this goal, media planning is just what is needed.

  • necessary coverage of the target audience;
  • the required number of contacts ("strength" of the advertising campaign);
  • concentration (providing a sufficient / noticeable number of advertising exits / touches during the period of the advertising campaign);
  • dominance (in the selected communication channel, for example, on a specific radio station and TV channel).

For advertising to work, it must be created in the world of the consumer - that is, take into account the specific needs of the person, his preferences and needs. There are a huge number of marketing techniques used by advertising agencies.

The most effective are those that work not only to increase current sales, but also to form a stable positive image of the company among the audience. Advertising should be recognizable, not too intrusive, relevant and right on target.

An example of a creative Mercedes-Benz ad (with chickens):
